Newspaper Page Text
4 » y»' Y Ä: r TH J J -,, - - —-— ------ ——- — ••■-"■' - VQh. LXXX1Y.-NO. 432. PfllCE 1 CENT. WILMINGTON, DEL., FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1874. CLOCKS, H'ATCHKS, AC. îc. I. BXTHl-r HAS REMOVED HAS KKMOVKl) HAS REMOVED [AS KKMOVKl) A3 REMOVED AS REMOVED TO THK * ! Honil)-««it I'orner of «eveiilli : auiI Murk«» llrwu, lin'd A 1.AKOK STOCK OF Watches» Jewelry, & Silver-wrttM, hand. Constantly Repairing promptly attended to. Mpr2')-ly HOUSTON &PIUZER, DEALERS IN TEAS' COFFEES SUGAR A3STX3 SPICES, Jupuuese aud Chinese Curioalliee, No. 11 East Fourth Stroet WILMINGTON, DEL SPECIALTY : NUTMEGS, Ü1NGEK, MUSTARD, CLOVES A MON, MACK. SWEET & PLAIN CHOCOLATE. ALLSPICE. PEPPER, Cl j until ,'itu WILLIAM LALLY. WHOLES 4LK DEALER IN Brandies, Whiskies, WliNlüH, &e„ 211 AJASTBONT F8TBBÄT. Between French and Walnut Streets. WILMINGTON. DEL. LEWIS EAÏMOWD 615 &HIPLEY STREET, ÖFLKN1D Wines and liquor». Pare from tho Custom House.imported direct. Also FINK OLD RYE Jt BOURBON WIIISKTBS Sold and delivered at the lowest possible in a y ot prices. Children's Clothing, No, »1» Market Street. MRS, M L. McDANIBL, Bas a uew and fine aeyuîlipent oi Chi» drenV Clothin». Ca?*imcres. Hamburg E«iK inKs HoBiery. Tritnmiugs, Pattern«. *fc which «he i s dispotûox ol at luw prices. AIh j CHILD B EN'.3 CLOTHING CUT uni M 4IJ Î0 OBI ER. 4 5 MARKET STREET. r mdy 1 JAMES BRADFORD. PA IA1S. OILS, V Alt BUSHES. WINDOW GLA*:». Cornant and Calcine« Plastar Paints, white lend, red le» J, white r> paint lubricating «d«, indeed oil. sperin oil, lard oil. n«ata foot oil. coal oil. I «Iden t & Nephew's varnUhes. EuB'ish varnnro«. alco hol. turpentine, paint mills, paints re.»uy mixed, artists' materials, wax flower mate,,. I uis,decalcomania picturea.all kinds of toreiyn and domestic «lass, stained, oruaiuontal hid gravid ; c painters material, rtonc i colors, ladders of different lenrtbs, alated 8a»;h. gold leal, hrouzes. veruiillion*-. looking glass plates. Nos.6 and S E«* Third St. WTLMINUTON. DEL. N B."Particular attention lMiiir . Hbd Mill* I'slutltti, hlga WrltliiLic, dy id to houie LMINOÏON » V WAGON WORKS, Constantly on hand and made to order Express, Market, Truck. Farm, Germantown anu Sneath's Patent Tilting Wagons. ÜM t e ,F4sl)-C»rtf and Bun-own : also. Agricultural Implements, which are Loin, «old tttoo»t.includinK PI04V5 UARR0W5 and CULTIVATORS' All Nu», of .he Moore. Wiley, Fence,ck aud Hectendorn Flow», with or wilbuut eculre Repairing Nanlly »"« Promptly Exe cuted. BLACKSMITH INC all it» Lrenshw. paid to Particular attention là horse-shoeing. AH Jls«a»e»Qft)(0 foot, and cases <.r lumo A „t,.SWal tualit.elug or treat «4 under Pnnbar System SUCCESSFULLY. InUrferlog Invariably cured in oneo ehoeiu* Knuokling and knee-sprun« horse» jintuo dlately benefited aud left tn a condition by the old '! which nature »oun ellect» a permanent ° U Lamene»s from corn» inalantly removed. Immediate relief «Ivon In case, of acute Of fbe above nature and various .«"SShta to the font and leg, heretofore SJÄred inourible by "Old Soboo.l" Veter. Cü uîî r Ara by » judicious application of the IVilNFulît 8YSTKM relieved aud cured. 'AnatomicalVpecim.n.exhibited at the oSc. I employ only oompetxnt men and ier BooAliy sapervise all operations. «»(Vice 111 an * 11® Orange Street, omee m » DAVID wool niv. tte A ri) /; A IS III A G G GODS. Now be Careful About how you buy y< REFRIGERATOR, examine the Don't buy any until j( "RELIABLE/ claim for it is Brat, its perfect cold air and better circula it ii lean ice t han any other in use. It is d. und no zinc lining to What dryness: 2d. A lin'd corrode. Cull aud see it in operation at 4U!1 MU1FLEY HT11KKT R. MORRISON. itti nurd may« TH t>; OKI .KHHATF.n the ilillT i li.U i \n PERFECT FITTING, COMFORT, F.A8K, K.'LKQA NCR, on Made to Order & warranted a Trne Fit. IS BY Sernl for Self-Measurement Circular J. P. DOUOHTEN, ,\o. 410 Market Hireet, Wilmington, Del. mayUiy WYATT Sl GARRETT'S patent Yoke-Shirt, No. <»03 Market Mreet, Wilmln*ri«»n, l»vl Bower's Hoof Linimout. Alter 30 years practivil experience with Muxiii»:. teaming, &c..i have learn sos have be«u »Tippled by dbeasea en!*» I h in i ho toot than ail ot h .Jicr many * •I the true romedy top»r.VKxr thodi»*08So it after n«*xli»roii«o, to >ii Id be—d«<* artnt inatiuntinr ot the hoot, «* r t ended i ... b/e animal■ If the hoot ,• in itial is compara ?. This Liniment will purely t, ot all diseasoqUontraction, ter Crack », Contraction ot the Buch Siunv (tencrally calloti Km' Sie and restore thOfO that have b pled oy tho want <»f euch a remedy. (&r j ry it,, and it will never f.iil lfproperiy applieJ. viz : , Bathe tho horses loot once a wowk. or oltencr il n**ccHHry,at tho heel and irox.and iirooid the hoof close to the hair. M. C. ROVER. stown. Pa. Mb, M. C. Boy bq-/A ar ,Vi> This is t« certify ihai I have used your bin '.nient m my ,-t.ible !•• r til hut natura th iiM'd, the a ni flamed aii.i d bl tivu y w ri prevent this rn-, Q Sprunir i,' No tlH P»*L •i a ■4 it ihd bcet i»re rnr usefl on hur*e6. It is rcoommeii i it. bv expions, C. 0 D. HARRY HAMILTON. I 2 Wusi 3Nt «treec. Now Yotk Ulf I ha. f*end me far betur th Avec .ms ut N LEWIS LAIIOMUS &Co, Diamond Doalorn and Jowalerp, and Silver & I i Watches. Jewolrv Ware. Watches and Jewelry Repaired fp isou Clieiüluii« M., Philadelphia. (Sum. Block a, L'ontln.uLl IIulol 4 VA TCHES. E I)IAMONDS. I)g iLv 15 R WARB at ovooeduiRly low prices ,/nH lK-s h very larae. euibiac aud kinds. Ennagemcut and of soli<l I« karat gold u\ WARRANTED prent variety li imr «I» muI«h W cddin» K• WATCIl!•>' REPAIRED I vicinity h oi Wiiuiiug'o ctfullv ini itotl to call. 4Sp «05 A. PICABW, s< , l*lillM.Selplila NO«l SO.% Alii« ufacturer oi . M port .1 Deuleri FINE GOLD AND SILVER vv ATOM KH, _ ' gold CHAINS. GOLD .SPEC PAO LES aud EYE GLASSES. large assortment ot U Also, d Silver îî«f-l i .ightc«*»> Karet Wotlding Rings. Wholesale and Retail. I > articles d Bridal H, approp N.B. -Tho abo ate .fat holiday an nov^i-wly aud if tho Faciflc Const Tho grout discovery THE CELEBRATED H.H.H. Sale Mark. Trade and iiokm: miîüicii«:, X». I). T. IMS, This medicine is without didputo ono the greatest external pt épurations wo lia for man or beast. It is .gaining a or renuiati«... in a ehorter tim«» than other remedy over has. by. perlormlng sue cures us has nover been performed before » Blood aud Bone .Spavin, and all external Dir ,"li. llo.M, and I» « cari». n car« for lie Rheumatism. Dipiheria and Wore inroat of all descriptions in persons. No family should be without it as ft household midieine to apply to and all horsemen should have it in their barns or stables, as one of^the of the gri-at K the acute the oSc. ier Chu 1 if in es now .... or pamphlet for lull pa by druggists generally. . Manulacture.J by FRANCIS Jfc KLDRIDÜR. 2«) North Front street. Philadelphia best horse le ticulars. For lar No. i jariH-wl v rilAX PAYERS, TAKE NOTICE! CITY AND SCHOOL TAXE4 FOR 1874 Ihe undersigned Ron »vers of Ta; Pitv of Wilmington, will be at ihe Citv Hall oi aid alter tho first day ot July, 1874. tween ihe hou*s of 8 and i2 in the morning, and frein 2 to 0 in tho r tbo pur pose of receiyir.« Taxe». A deduction of five percent, is made on all Taxes i.aid in July all paid in August and up to the closing • the polls of the city election, the lace of the bill must be paid; and alter that date five per cent, will be added to the bill, per cent. *'" LBXANDKR CHANDLER. WILLIAM RTILLEY, Receivers of laies for the be of 2i A E II A l> VKR TISKMKN TS, POSTPONEMENT I FIFTH AND LAST CONCERT IS AID THK uri.ii; mm onkv. DAY FIXED. A FITfl.l* DKAWINU 4SM IU D lust chance rot AN EASY FORTUNE. A postponement <1 the t ifth Concert o! *ho Public Library o' Kentucky his been orally anticipated, and If *<» manifestly for the interest tf all concerned, that it theet the approval ol all. The day i: Abrolittely fl*«d aud there will be no varia tion froid tho brograidmo now mim Unc-îd., A -uftioient nnrober of tickets hud been so d to Uled u- to have bad a large drawing the .fist July, Lut h *hort poslp »»•erneut considéré I prolerable to a partial draw ing. hot it be borne in mind that ust. have on I'he Filth mil l oiirerl IS THE I.AST WHICH WILL EVER BE GIVEN UNDER THU CHARTER AND BY THE PRESENT MANAGEMENT. Tbit it will pffiinvol.v and un» quivtcilly tiko place as announced On Monday,IIOlli November, that the music Will bo tho bo-t the count y afford-* and that 90.000 a AMI GIFTS* <VCdK*aAT!fc0 ££2,500,000! will no by lit wnonir the ticket bolclo'P L j B . p OJ. QIPT-St ONE gRANDOASUGIET. ONE GUANDCAStl GIFT. ONE GRAND CASH GIFT. ONE ORAN DC ASII GIFT. ONE grand cash gift ... 5 CASH GIFTS »20.000 «acli.... 1UU.W 10 CASH GIFTS 14.000each. Uo.on 15 CASH GIFTS lo.OfJG each. 150.000 2rt CASH G l FTS 5.0>0 e»ch. 100,000 25 CASH GIFTS 4.000 each. 100 000 30 CASH gifts 3,1)00 ea»h. Oo.ooi) 50 CASH GIFTS 3.000 each. !M!Ü wo CASH GIFTS 1,000 each. 100.000 210 CAS I GIFTS 504 each . 120,000 (00 C 4511 G i F I S loo ent-h. . 0(1 000 10,000 0 4 511 GIFTS âO paitll . OoO.OOO Graiol Total 20 000 Gilt». all .u»li... . 1, 00.000 OP' riCKivTo WIIO'E TICKETS. 11A 1 . V12 -*. TENTHS, or eaeli Cuupun, 11 WHOLE TICKETS tor 22 H TICK E TS lor. i'trinnn wi.ihi promptly, oitaer ot tee ho cal A iren'a. Liberal 0 isfrclory eaents. Circulate coutatnlDg full partlcul.ire 1 ui.hed 1200.0'0 pm. i m 50,000 .000 I f o <H) to f. 00 500 (in 1,000 no order or t« , **hou d , (lice or isdons will he allowed to Hat te IllVO npiilic&tiun. THOS. Fi. Brt AMUETTE, Agent and Manager* - • ' • villa. Kv-. or Publio Library Buitnnar. Thon, II. IInjr<>ii •» Co »«lern Agent«, Volk. d way, Si 000 B PEACHES! T. N- SNOW & CO is I ai Commission Merchants and Dealt fs i kinds of me COUNTRY PRODUCE to the c aIo o 0 Co (*y*Pa»ticul ttentio PEACHKS. «nd Quick Rkturnm. i rclul Mrect, llonlon, B ORDENTOWN <N. J ) FEMALE COL LEGE. '1 horruifh instruction. Health lut and beautiful location Ono of the oarufully-condocted ar«| best sustained insti tutions in the State. For term«, etc , addroas Rev. «lüliN ii. BRAKELEY. Ph. 1*. Ht per day at homo. Terms lrec. Ad dress Gko. îtiüson Sc Co., Portland iS! Main« llVF.Il I I «HUH s-nl L 1 c'M to (IkO. P. Ro'VRI.l »i Co , 4l Park Row. N.A .. lor Mi pltu puffe Pamphlet, sbowiny cost of adr?rtisinv. Amxll -Ütawlm t A MEDICINE CHEST IN MINIATURE. Mishlcr'fl Herb Bitters is not a beverage; strictly mcdicinial preparation, thoroughly adapted to tho wants of tho go ral public than any other in tho markot. liko all other so-called is prepared nder tho direct personal superv eminent Physipiah. t\. fl. !|urttpan, M. U-. the senior proprietor is a regular graduate ot tho Jefferson Medical College ol pniladelphU and a practicing physician of large experr and extensive practice. l»i such lia mi« tho public may rest assured tliat Mishlers Herb Bitter« ia compounded in strict accord ance whh correct Pharmaceutical principles, and that none but the ohoi ;est ingredients enti r into its composition. Its immense sale alone is conclusive that it possesses merit of a high order. Mer chants. bankers, clergymen, lawyers, clerks and others ongaged in sedentary occupations, experience its wonderful effects in relieving tho depression caused by severe mental la bor: wbilo the mechanic, farmer and laborer, find thoir bodily vigor restored like iungi«j by its use. At this season of tin; year when Du kRinJ.'A.UHAMHS.Uoi.n.'S and kindred disorders, oauVtfd by ciit'ing unfipg fruits, imprudent in dulgence in culd drinks, etc., are prevalent, a curtain, speedy and cffootual remedy will be foun«l in Mishler's Herb Bitters. The depressing feeling of Languor ty, incident, to the "heated term," i removed, tho energies restored, and new and vigor imparted to the prostrated system, by its uso. In Dyspbpsia, Ltvru Complaint THK Kionkyb it invariably works but I : Dobili 8 at if« «1 Ak KXCTION9 liko a charm, it is not a drastic p heady stimulant, violent in its operuti ns: but it is Pimply a uaturul, tlmioughly adapted to anni»t naturo it supplies tone to tho stomach, reinvigorates tlm digfHtive guns, stimulates the secretionslund promoting a regular action of the bowels, enables every organ of the body to perform its allotted w regularly and without interruption it is tho unerring certainty of desired suits attenduut on its uso. coupled with the fact that it is prepared by a physician of imncu in his profession, that has rendered Misher's Herb Bitters gopopubir.and as faufi d.—T holsxmds tho laud have found it to R liar as » hi usuhoM Motiikks all be the safest and host remedy for u? families: they not only givo it with perfect safety t<> even the youngest child, but when usedwith caution find it tho safest means of ...siuing their own health and treedom from the weary aches and pains incident to their . Perfectly harmless, it is just the remedy needed by them to euuble Nature to i>erf»nn her functions naturally■ regularly ana without ■onvenience. No Lady should it ifsbu would possoss theetear.blooming com plexion aud cheerful spirits inseparable Iron» sound health. It is sold by all Druggists and General Dealers; is neatly put up in square Glass Bottles, enclosed in a yellow It is not Bold on Draught being ttrietly a me dicinal prtparaiiou . and as such Is endorsed by man/ of the most eminent physicians ot the country. augG-codfm.'Jd&ddp. in their ppei • A MOpfiST WA 1 1 : 1 :. ». UMAiir. I» Muse, where nit thou? And sigh. 1 fain would kno Thou'rt I climb the pathway to thy sphere And knock thy chamber door. But sad precursors hid Thou I » v ' lift I sigh. or t hee? he row rli y kind te h>r ileft 1 1. thy Aiigbty -\i: A 'Tieonse" fall of pith u To till each modest lay A pi Uu baseless thoughts and thing Wilt tho My Fagaaus his wings? only on Within id grure Power to pit e?t. I havo mind for mighty dreams, 1 ne'er can be sublime ; swim etherDl at 1 ne'er Nur sound Apollo's chime, llut gi « lliitgs thoughts and give For fancy's leisure play, And while the high-toned minstrel sings i'll breathe my modert lav. 1 wooed thee oflee wheti gay ol hcait. And thou wort prune to smile ; And by the power thou didst imp: hours 1 did beguile. But since thÿ flightjife ne'er is bright. righteous glee. Atid tis my sigh at day and night. . O. M N back t ! A H estern Parariise—There is no 1*1 nee Like Home . We have been leading General ('lis ter s otfical dispatches detailing the inci den:8 or the march and the active oper ations of ids grand expedition to the Black Hills in Dakota Territory. He has carried his cavalry through fair fields and pastures new, whete hitherto the foot of the white man had not trial, nor • lie white man's horse struck a spark from the flinty rock with his iron hoof. If but the half he tells us of this fairy land be true, it excels all others in beau ty aud grandeur, as well as in fertility and material wealth. The picture he draws is an enchanting ai d enticing one, ami will cot fail to have a powerful in fluence in stirring on rad venturous.voung countrymen to seek their lortunes in this new El Dorado—this Land or Flow ers. After stating that oil the 20th of July they had crossed the Belle Fourche river aud moved through a very super ior country, covered with fine timber, and excellent grazing, lie tells us that the following day they entered a valley, which he thus describes : We here found grass, water and wood of the best quality, and m great ahun dance. Un the following day we res ♦ d out march up this valley, which t had explored several miles ihe preceding evening, and which ied us by an easy as cent almost southeast, After marching ueurly twelve miles we encamped at catl y hour in the same valley. This val ley in one respect presented the most wonderful as well as b autiful aspect Its equal l have never seen, anil such, too, was Hie testimony of oil who be heb! i . 1 i no public or private park have 1 ever r-een such a profus»; display of llowers. Every step of our march that day was annd flowers of the most exqui site colors and perfume. So luxuriant in growth were they that men plucked tDeni without dismounting from the saddle. Some belonged to new or unclassified species. It was a strange, sight tu glance back at the advancing cqlunpis of caval ry, und behold the ipen with beuutiful bouquets in tfieir hands, while Mie Ik ad gear of their horses was decorated with wreaths of flowers fit to crown a queen of May Deeming it a most filling ap pellation, I named this Fuirai Valley. General Forsyth, at one of our halting places, chosen at random, plucked seven teen beautiful flowers belonging to dif ferent species, and within a space of twenty feet square. Phe same evening, while sitting at the luess table, one of the officers called attention to the carpet of flowers strewn under our feet, and it was suggested that it be determined how mauy different flowers could be plucked without leaving our seat at the dinner table. Seven beautiful varieties were thus gathered. Professor Donaldson,the botanist of the expedition, estimated the number of flowers in bloom in Floral Valley at fifty, while an equal number of varieties had bloomed or were y^t to bloom. The number of trees, shrubs and grasses wc«c tweuty five, making the total flora of the » alley umbrae 1 JÖ hptcies. Through this bciiiililul valley riicsmb y btreatn ot diry icc uudoairuhlc even ut oder day peralure ot iwo of the many «priu l: d to be 41 und 44»^ deg. icspec The uext eiichanl'nga I •'lh*y «•ty. mug, ulihoush loll lily, ii t:d to t. idi •II). •' ..St .» il lb,« perceptibly he cichl ol ib i »dg« Hi« lii>»< U llilb-; »m. t stead on, rocky |.»uk iiiigtil I d, Ü PJO... found ourjfdv wen.ling tmr through a lilll« |»:»rk wIiohj natural beauty may well l»« i»i' comp poiLious had b«'c dway to the :ly lets lortimuto \u ifiu valley seemed to UP* to with tlmluVeliei-t F.IVU irk. having Floral Valley li»r est ol Black I Idls, W which slop«*. inte The lippliug tire counteipait ol that v before, flowed al o Ihe wuy betöre ue, while uloiig its l>: »* bad ii led atnltd I lie «I ly d poiuleil out grew beautilu 1 flowers, surj i m beauty and protuaiuii by their bo day lu f jim. «I I I utt« had gieetod vuuciug down tine valley about mil«», our course being almost wc enciunped in the itibiol « I gra/.ii»/, whose tUgieat lu vuiiuneo. t all. As tlm expedition W«*st AU ml t lima: «inly fault, if any, But thin is in. proceeded th«; wo e still pleased vision. our day« subsequent to that Iron» which wo have quoted, ai»*t wiitlen in s noy's Peak, the golden -hau <•<! tells ns : Kverythiug indicates abundance of mois ture within the space uicksed by tlm Black Hills. Ibe »«»il i» and compftae.t ot »dark line grau». Wo have h many places covered with both black nu»l red varieties. Yesterday iiiuJ to-day 1 hav«« (casteil m the 1 tiler, it is no uuuauui si flit to eeu huudrnds ol sol diers gathering w iid b^i the Btales have l lasted CIN ol Ibis gi.blf e pi-idilicly uiiluidcd to ih»»ir lua SdCt.n l d^paU li, «I ite.t ;l»t «»I Hur wvahy ».il.t ole XU •llllg n.l the >un try er - 1 C itilo could [ 1 1 ti « <1 (build gro Ilium I: lies of equal flavor t<> lb wild here, uor have 1 «ver «•*«< great prolmwiou. as Wild b< hundreds ol strawberries, wild eu two •res ol tin • I leticbol pine buiries and . c also fourni i groat prolUNU rie» ol exceeding lii «piale v inter i lhes«» valloy» without Lhor food ui tru t shelter lh: I Int I lie (.lit: uinniug at large. (>f the richness of the i neral deposits , we have not the testimony of i.l of the expedition, hut of that, [•respondent of the Ne iefi the column. riting to hin pajxT, beside toe n .f 1 1 WarUI, wl aceompi I'he hitler, fully corroborating < 1 •omit of t he natural I and great. mt ; fertility oft he country ay 'I'he Hgricnlt tirai val nd res of the arable portion of the Black Hills •ide 11 hi ; einhr: is bey 1 nil I timate. it bout exaggerat ion, •f t ! it* United States present nt nnii I i No port i.. more inviting prospect, so taras uatur al rosoure and stock raiser through the region of country just traversed by this expedition. 1 would go more into detail did I not be lieve that the official despatch of the of ficer commanding theerpedition,of which I send you a copy, contains all that iaitn portant . That t here is gold here, and perhaps through the Black Hills, cannot be longer doubted. I have seen it ions small quant it ies an obtained in def ferent. localities and under anything but eiivumstt examination. I have seen ;d, to the farmer e ei nicer orahle to a satisfactory . s i after reach - camp go to 1 Ik* kI ream and return i in hours with several small particles, ulmost nuggets, of gold mingled with the sand still remaining at the bottom of the basin, with which the washing was done, that what I have seen was pure gold as obtains i tained strong Black Hills, there is no manner of doubt To what extent gold will be found in this region, yet remains to be determined.— One thing is certain, and that this ques tion of the richness of the probable yield throughout this region cannot be deter mined by an expedition which was limi ted in it -> abseence from Fort Lincoln to sixty days, allowing less than h.att'that time to explorations withint,he limita of the Black Hills. a to ggets, and that it was ob r line of march in the [F»h»/h the Baltimore Sunday Telegram .] The Lore of Cornwall!*, BY WINDER LEWIS. Several years ago I visited tlio shores of the York river, and immediately pro ceeded to that ancient township so mem orable in the history of the wars_of this country, known as Yorktown. ith no relic of the an I found all villatfu it a _ cient day save an old brick building, once ut if til residence of the mansion and I Thomas Nel ■as olio of the Vir ait er the giiiia Gov tO« til«- revolution. i til.* kgroiuid, and buy* ; a succession of rows of ldings that are occupied s in this in the ha. village prop« small frame b by tile colored part of the Statu conspicuously in the Fr* of the past years They we work from day to day, a vu to one and a half doll; e fed by i or uid who figured Iman's Bureau g fi-' nd yet : at the i •ompetunt oln of "tho United States Govern many of t ho poor white peo actutvUy in want of the common jcessifios of life. So much tor touts. My reflections were auything but plausi ble to the adminisiratiens of the past, so L felt, disposed to leave the scenes that loin led with the glaring mantles ot war, and, nearing the sandy beach, expense ment, while pic we UC i sti-oiu-a a •, and îiinu 1 the mouth ot .1 h t I».'for»; reaching the ill. below th the bold Glut seemed to inlet l c.iine auddellly o n the bleak hill as tiie beach, with a door that siderably enlarge«! by exit ration 1 os ci iiditig tre had b< and cut nine« jected for n man sitting roil ub to which it had W An old colored • that I any years. e of bord viewing tile hiding pi wallis, who was taken 11 an open field <>n the 19th of October, 1781, an«! compelled to surrender his sword to the invincible General Lincoln, who hail houii «Uhjuetüd to tho nauio Jia com fit u re eeveral years previous in the State of BouthCarolina. It di»l of a ca< mi hence to Con ot ha\ e v 4- proper, but of s , the product * o the appear; i iv at wed for s which hail l se?. •mg purpo ould not be auatain This the I mit it to be a 11*1 •lev feared built no doubt by tories cave coni ui'iptiqn diuing tl revolution, I a.lli : and liis in truth t»> unk im l.lo that 1 It. G vor y i •v retiiiu« 1 . bjiVt . and lurli let, In a iw ill«* uav urioaily IV attributed to of th«; riirtti«; cr i*y of nt of » liliers «»f 1 lo eutal . and hill dark •»• I •f. d I In n < on«i nus: le by t il. and hemiiied in «• S ■ . nat I' 1 that 1 • door, ami l. i- utt uie. ! i »nth. ith •diately Ig the : ter III.* old eiti/e ed I ilivw spot lively that it f al n para I devoid of » t.V all : a t he c: tola y«*» •I all »,.*? M » gran-u of tlu* all; "Who t*.l . Hat's Gt it an t: III « ave .ni: t a; : -nt, «d th.* United State; led I qn. polities, U" ; "What's yoi hat I say. pretty careful ln>w and l folks don't ear.* much 1 i. lh 'fe mill -It lired l of the grave old "Why ? man. " V;i policy. • «.f tlu* Lined la ;«» r Led; de >1 aid th.* l eg 'b l «le Bette.' Inf,.' 'harltw .Sumner, If you d peoph; th; w«*nt sl an« l cultivation. ui; if de> ordo it; 30 dl l' the « «>1 and they K foi-. i; it «m '«* it 'em anyth by tin Ll IveS til it them whih* they ; u gare«. I r«* show s of trieu«l-.lap■ 1 am a-doniihed t«> hear tho •h •U !• subject. "lui tie proper one t-> treat } ; Iff; ttiuLs •run«* \mer 1 Ul deutle, tl isluibh 1*» oilldn' I»«* patriot rnstt is to-da) pluin-3 of T« ,i Mil Man; 1 l/li.-vey "Y lit 1 ,, 1 right." ta,t»«xn it. My boy liai got Lincoln yondi*r in «I** village, >ok it speaks of Lii *n. I gather fr uuent of the man. j 1. He said laud could d very desirable in ,colored peo - 1 pj 00 f the Hor«ler Status could rind a hap-1 py homo ; there dey would remain forev- ! [ 0 *. 1V main tho faithful worshippers of spoke of coin of Abraham and ill dat Ik *.»ln and tin* border < ' dut, boss, de ti nt His head wa i le be purcliasod cheap I South America; flier . their d«*üv«*rers from the fetters of bond - ug«*. Why didn't dey «end'em derer' i'll t ell you why, lioas: HeouusH the politician of the Nort h would sacrifice thee happi >f thin country forateuip'ral office." "G(»od! good!" cried 1. "Boss, I've eat the bread of the Freed man's Bure n and know what kind of ty ranny is ground along wid dat wheat. We were told by the distributors to ever re mem her the hand dat fed us, and vote for the Union party. Dey thought dey were dealing wid a man who couldn't reason when dey tole me dat, hut thank heaven my old master—lie's dead and gone now warned mo against that charge long 'fore he passed away. The hand dat fed us was the Treasury of the United States and every property holder within the bor ders of this vast country assisated the cause. I generally took the most of my rations to my old mistress and master, and when dey thanked me, I told'em to thank the citizens of the United States. neglected the poor white peo ple, who < Jod knows found it pretty hard to get along when the war was just over. Yes, boas, I'm in favor of colonization. It is impossible to unite the symthies of the white and colored people, and why should the colored man wish to live where he is not respect - d, but made the dupe of pro fessed friends, who are profiting by his ignorance and sneering at his pretensions of knowledge ? Boss, why does the col ored race wish to live under the guidance of delusion that hides itself occasionally behind a dark cloud, harrassing the life pporters? Dore ia future for the black man in this country It would be better for him to clutch the stall of the Star Spangled Banner and march far away from what fer him the respect due the sons of the Creator of mankind. Boss, if you ever have a chance assist the cause of coloni zation./ "It is too late now." "it i Dat Bur out of their wise never of never to late to do good." Saving that, tlio old man tottered to his feet and informed me he was going to the darkness of Cornvallis's Cave to pray for the departed souls of misguided statesmen. I left him with a hearty shake by tho hand, aud returned to the steamboat wharf from which I soon de parted on thoState of Virginia, and sped far away over the blue waters towards My Maryland. lion ? General Grant Perform* his Unties . [From the Washington Capital.] We questioned a gentleman who is on familiar terms with General Grant as to how this intellectual personage managed to put in his time. Our friend replied very slowly, as if trying to remember between sentencess "Well, he rises about nine and smokes. Then lie breakfast i and smokes. After this, the Secretary opens his mail, and the President smokes." "Does he ever read the papers?" "Oh, no, his secretary reads them all, and when he sees a paragraph or passage likely to interest the President he marks it. 'the tiles thus marked the President sometimes looks into, but he seldom guts beyond one, and tnis he does not keep long unbss it happens to be a sporting journal. After this intellectual effort ho 1ms visitors." "And the President silently listens and smokes/' "He smokes, certainly ; but there i3 a popular delusion uuent that silence. Among his intimate friends and his fam ily he talks incessantly—that is, if tho subject is not political. When politics are touched he suddenly grows reserved and sinks into silence." "And after r" 1 an early dinner "Well, then, yking. After dinner there is a f two and sometim«*s three hours, and smoke. After tea more cigars. Sometimes dr lv Then let .1 lioiv company ; h».* indulge.; in a walk, and then he is ac companied by a friend and a cigar, ter, a night-cap and bed." "Why does he give uo time to the af ;nt ?" "My dear friend, he gi /as in Washington, to government atters. This is done by talking. Our through talk, Af fairs of the gov er all his time here. e nment i social, pi ometime i Every man. wit way. office the w.» it her for himself or friend. to I .t a That is government business, and he or l.i talks it at tin; President. Or t here I Tliii: i ■ g pipstion :i contract crnmcnt. bu.-dnuss ot uo a hundred thousand d indirectly, to However, that I of a way to put his habits?" K'uupation. They third term. Thu way hi. "And s dollars a year, diiv.My ; an talk politic: hav ry inoffensiv«; Ik in the time. "Not so g» talk about , , . Kvrvllcticy i ; «Irinking and smoking it i not likely that he will live out the If he does he possesses a far stronger than that of the I as 1 1 aid term. st it lit i» * United Stak«. ii iug that j xml ill-br "Is it not fvïrfeH'tly ; a mass t»f st.did ignora .. should be tolerate«! by a people i »sod to be «'ivilized?" "It would not be, perhai . prompt to uxj f subordinat»*: e.l ip ng 1« if the jour ahort-c as Senators tl mil: .slid t»> comment upon and criticise those of th«* President." "That is l rno," we said. "No man ever held office in this tfonntry who lias been so tviideily treated as this man. with his od of brutal relatives. We have a y high opinion of the people; but it they knew what tho citizens of Wash ington generally know. Grant would be hooted out of the Whit«* House." mg; tarie i Polit lea! \ tries* l •uts of tho Southern jo.ii :»IV» that sect ml «fleet «I B : Ml the I« irniimoiisly te*iHy t*» the inll question of "Mkppl. montaiy civil rights Willi (»ne accor I lh. y U P K hieb tti I Urn rc-uli. hud up«» «»lauld Dj in North Carolina, K ;i to th«*ooiub utic tirihutb the Tc «•ty of good un.i M Sl|>| «II , hi mly uv.schiei. and •ins «>! pr »yoking ■ h p. which 1 •ord. •il New Yoi k World s Democrats •c ambiguity, Tl I-R« I » stand to tb e "coinprohens ,, 1 m more fool-traps ; munistakat 1 ; pledges n •out not - Free trade, bai«t iiiouev, honin •thing ambiguous about col«>i> j that. Senator Stewart, the ' honest miner,"has in smashed all Hie slates in Nevada hycondo ding to ho a candid »tu for re-election, and the consequeuco ib a teinpost and a tuitn..i. ! up among lh«; Sierras such as the mountain of tops have seldom seeu. platforms, it says : .1 vital ques « eacniiiils. Thera b rule.