H.VASTCÏAL Axn r OMWERriAl, Ut.,t sSit" 1 "«! 01 !. I>*1 ■ Aug. 21.1874, l t05® i 30 c 820. SPutTAL NOTICES. Tnpe Worm. Tape Worm. Tape Worm removed in from 2 to 3 hours w tlh barmless vogetablo uicdiciue. The worm »asnng f> tin the tysteui alive. No lee asked until the entire worm,with head passe«. M edl • lue Ii armies«,,yxn reler those ulllicted to the residents of this eity whom 1 have cured, my office At bo s hundreds of specimens, 40 to 100 feet in length. Fil of dyspepsia and disorga re cauned by stomach and ... existing in the elementary ca nal. \V arms, a disease of the most dangerous • bar act or, are so little understood by the éditai men of the present day. Call and t be original and only worm destroyor.or send circular which will give a full descrip* and treatment ol all kinds of worms, enclose 8 coot Stamp for return of the same. Or. K. O. Kunkel lient whether or worin« jeuturing fro per cent of c utions of Li - 1 tor tell by «eeing tue pa t. theyarc troubled with und.by writing und telling thesymp , tho Doctor will answer by mail. DK. E. F. KUNK EL, No. 250 N. Ninth St,, r by r (.adklfuia. Pa. «.Advice mail free). 8e.it, Pi also removed. office «I Stomach Worm« lob 1 te I ne Nall bclMort. and Htraitfbt, Nail Brushes, Hand Nad Kilos, Nail Polishere, ect., lor K. BRI NOI1IIRST Si CO.. Corner Sixth and Markot street«. i. vod Brush«*: sale by Priait Vanilla Beau« I fold wholesale arid r«»tail by L bRINoHUHST Jk CO., Corner Sixth aud Market Streets. For the Had». Bath Bruahc-j, Bath Towels, Bath Sponge* au>l Bath Soaps iu extensive variety. Alai. Flesh Gloves, Strap«, Bru-hes, etc., of horse hair. Dry Friction Gloves, and many other articles of tho same class at E. BIUNGRURST & CO , Corner Sixth >ms Market «treats. ALFRED WALTON, Druggist. No. 237 Market street respectfully informj ni« friends •«fid the public in genera), that ho koepr on hand all descriptions of medicine«, and that •undent person i icr.be all times ready to r such lick a« call at thut store, charge is made except tho rogu t tiio medicines, the same pri *o '.d pay an> whero else; but that sited at tbo r rcsidonce«. i •*nd h.t A3 they 0 0 Truss & Brace Department H AVING a stock of Tru««««, Drucei Nii|)|M»rl«*rM,biia|M>iiN«irIcMand o h crmechanical appliances,uiHuriianaed in tent un i variety by that of any other simi lar c«tublLhinent in the country, and with upward« ot Twenty Years' Kxpurionuo in applying them, we fuel confident ol our ability to give entire «atisfaotiou to all those requiring our sorvioej in thia direction. OUR INSTRUMENT* Are oonatrucioJ i beti materiah, case« from the a luit. tVo have A PRIVATE ROOM the Lest manner, uf th«* to suit all I uf v arious si ailed iulant tu the I a nr cd Fcr their adjustment, while our prices . moderate arid so varied, by our extensi.. Hft-.rtUiCiit. as to «uit the pocket» all clasBee. Vi 1 iiuudrud» of persons, after trying the larger pressed k the committee on Law, which was carried. Mr. Mclntire raised the point that as th«* ordinance was in the hands of Coun «•il it must not, under the rules, be refer red to the Committee on Law. The chair stated that the ordinance be ing in the hands of the Council, it could make whatever disposition it saw proper. The City Auditor reported a balance of Ü8.485.78 in bank,to the credit of the city. Street Commissioner reported 50 men and 13 horses aud carta employed, and the Chief Engineer of the Water Works reported 83 men employed. The Chair appointed Messrs. Pickels, Baker and Lynch, u committee to confer with the Sailors and Soldiers Monument Association in reference to a transfer of the monument, to the city under a resolu tion passed at tin* last meeting of Coun eil. On uiutioii «»f Mr. Pickels, \ lot« at. Sec ond and Adamu 8ti**ets were awesned to Joseph le. Carpenter at $2,2000. The following pet itions w«*re read and referred : From Isaac Murray for the privilege of connecting with Monroe street sewer, (referred with pcwoi to act); for a lump at Fourth and Franklin streets ; u lamp on Sixth, between Pine and lombard: and for one on Sixth between Poplar and Lombard. Morris,Tasker & Co., petitioned for tin* privilege of erecting Telegraph poles wit h 111 the limits of the city to extend to their works at New Castle. Referred to the Street Commissioner with power to act. Mr. Pickels offered the following. Resolved, That the resolution requiring all ordinances offered in Council to lie r«i ferred to t he Law Committee, so as to give them an opportunity of consulting the City Solicitor with regard to the fact, ns to whether they conflict with the charter of the city, on constitution or laws of the State, lx* and the same is hereby rescind far as it applies to the ordinance now in the hands of Council, exempt ing the building of the banks of the new ba sin from th*î operations of the contract ordinance. The resolution p&HSfdi "Mr. Febiger c.ftflefl U P T° r a third r«*ad g the prdipance exempt mg the building the banks of the basin from the pro visions of the contract ordinance. Whil«* Mr. Febiger was speaking, Mr. Hayes stated that a committee ruproseu ting a meeting just held in the (Hty Hall was present and wished to present reso lutions bearing upon the subject under discussions. On motion an opportunity was given to the committeeU make a statement. Mr. George Day chairman ot the com mittee came forward and read the resolu tion possed by the the meeting, and leave being granted t proceeded to explain the action of the meeting. He said it had been stated in that tho person who it wo» understood, was to have charge of buil ding the new basin, (Capt. Gallagher,) had declared himself opposed to employ ing any one to work except those belong ing to our political party. The resolut - ed, Hi ,,t ion» Wôl'ô ihflïôfôïô to oofitoïact. this in fluence and to express the opinion that the work should be tfiven out irrespective of party affiliations, Mr. Pickels said that so far as he was personally concerned, the resolution of workingmen met his approval. Mr. Alclutiro instanced the action of Street Commissioner Coyle, who stated to him personally that he should employ no men to work upju the streets, who did not vole the same ticket that he did, and vote open ticket. In Ihe Third Ward Mr Mclntue declared Mr. Coyle had discharged u man by the name of Dougherty and other by the uutno of O'Dounall, because they refused to vole. In another instance a man by the name of John MeCulliu who owes the city 170 in taxes, and being uu able to pny it, applied to tue chairman of the Water Coo in ui it tee, end proposed to settle the bill by workiug upon Ibo new basin, but he was told that being a Demo crat be could not get auy wotk. Mr. Febiger interrupting Mr. Mclutire, said it was a lie. No man of that kiud ever called for work. Mr. Mciatire : Do you say 1 iiu '* V ou had better not. Mr. Febiger : 1 su y the report is a lie. Mr. Mclutire: 1 bin telling it as told to mo, and if it is a lie, it is none of my iual: liip. ilie Fiesideut called to order. He was iu favor of going ou with the basin, even it it cost $2'»,OOJ more by the day than by contract, so lar th u iug population could hive work. Mr. Hayes did uot oppose the the b.iildiu^ of a basin. He ouly wanted it kept out of a clnpic who would use their power for polit ical purposed. The chair called the Council order. Mr. Hayes, returning, «aid that looked if ihe whole uiauagemeol of the building of the uew ba-do wasJto 4 he left in the hands of the Chief Engineer of the Waller De partment and the foies of haodsemployed would be made to vote upon the 500 tax receipts locked up in Ihe safe of that de partment. Tlig work (tan be doue as well by contract as by the day. It is no trilling matter to add $200,000 more to our already accumulated debt of $800,000. We are the friends of the poor man, but we went the work to bo g-veu out by con tract, to g yj work to all p>or men pro miscuously. Mr.Canhy »»AWed an additional amend, muni requiring the work to be placed un til® supervision of a non-partisan com mittee of citizens under the direction of the Water Committee, and to lx* approved by 1 wo thirds of theOity Council, and the hands to be employed without regard to political sentiment. Mr. FVbiger, considered the amendment a direct thrust at t he Water Committtee and if it. passed he and ot her members of t he Committee would immediately resign. Wm. M. (Janby said the work on the uew basin ought to proceed. He bad rcceutly inquired into the experience of other cities iu building basing, and similar works, and bad found ibat their preference was to con struct the embankment by the d.iy. gard to the removal ot the top soil, and the lurtber excavation, this he thought, should be done contract. He then ottered an amend ment to the ordinance lii accordance with this view. By u motion ott.-red by Mr. Febiger, Mr. Can by'a amendment wan deleated. Mr. Adams warmly contended lor the cou incl system, and luslanccd iLs success ns ap plied Lo the building of railroads, steamships, public and eveu privulo buildings. The yeas and nays being called upon, the amendment were as follows Yeas, Messrs. Burke, Canby, Hayes, Lynch, Mclutire, Taylor—-0. 'Nays, Messrs. Adams, Buker, Febiger, Foulk, Green, Johnson, Murray, ' Phillip Richardson, Underwood, M At this stage, Mr. Mclutire and his four Democratic colleagues entered a written protest against the action ot Council upon the ordinance without its reference to the City Solicitor, aud the manner of taking the report from the Committee on Law. The ordinance was then passed by the following vote : Yeas, Messrs. Adams. Baker, Canby, Febiger, File, Foulk, Green, Johnson, Murray, Philips, Pick els, Richardson. Underwood, Maris—14. Nays, Messrs. Burke. Hayes, lynch, Mclntire aud Taylor—5. Mr, Febiger presented a communica tion from C. II. Gallagher, calling atten tion to an editorial and a communication in the Eoery Evening reflecting upon the character of a business firm, one of whom is a member of Council, and also upon the official conduct of the officers ot the Water Department, upon which Mr. Gallaulier requested a committee of disinterested citizens to make a full in vestigation and report to tlw Ci»y Coun t «»nr I lb'll In re Pickels, arl8- 12 . Oil On luotiou of Mr. Febiger to appoint ouch a committee, the President appoint ed tiie following gentlemen : Charles Warner, Francis Barry, J. Taylor Gause, W. G Gibbons aud William Bush. Upon tho motion of Mr. Pickels to pay James Woolley $200 on account, Mr. llayes called the yeas and nays, aud the motion was adopted, yeas 13, nays G. The Couucil proceeded, on motion, to elect an inspector for the 7th ward in p'ace of L C. btotsenberg, deceased, when James ('. Pickels and Albert Thatcher were nominated. Mr. Pickels received 13 votes and Thatcher 6 The following orders were drawn : Board of Education, $d,800 ; James Woolley, $100 ; Patrick Daily, $142; James Murray, $5.70 ; U. Ü. Ogle, $20 ; Joseph Flanigan.$300 • Hobt. McIntyre $325. ns to - VERANDAH ;ï Awning Stripes ! TUU COMKOkT IN WARM WKATI1KR WHICH THESE ADD TO DWELLINGS OF KICES OR LUU.LINOS OF ANY KIND HAVE RENDERED THEM DmVEDLY POPULAR. By the Yard, OR Put up to Order. SLIP FURNITURE COVERS MADETO ORDER. GRANVILLÊW0RRELL 820 and 822 MARKET STREET. iy2 SECOND EDITON! A FINE EXCURSION. A NEW R.R STATION >1* AN INDtPENDENT CANDIDATE TO NEW YORK AND BACK. OMITH'ü new YORK AND HUDSON RIVER EX CURSION—A LARGE CROWD AND A PLEASANT TIME. The At C o'clock, sharp, yesterday morning P. T. E. Smith's New York and Hudson River excursion left the P. W, & B. R, R. depot on a special train of sixteen cars.— Twelvo of these were filled then, and the other four were also filled after the train reached Chester. At West Philadelphia the long train was divided into two sections, each of which wa9 drawn by a powerful engine. By this means good speed was made and the the last section arrived in JerseyCity at 10:50 o'clock the entire trip from Wil mington being made in very good time. At Jersey City a great number of the excursionists boarded the large steamer Wm. Cook, and had a delightful ride up t he Hudson river, to a point above West Poiut . Others wont across the ferry and spent the day in looking at the manifold at tractions of the great metropolis. All spent a glorious day, und enjoyed them selves to the greatest possible extent. Owing to the late arrival of the boat, the trains did not. leave Jersey City, in the evening, until 9:30 o'clock. No de tentions occurred and the excursionists sleepy and tired though greatly pleased, arrived home about 3 o'clock this morn ing. To «veral miles This excursion was i ot the largest, and possibly the best ever given by Mr. Smith. Everything passed off pleasantly and thanks to the liberal arrangements mad«* by Mr. Smith, no one found any serious grounds for complaint «luring the entire trip. STRAY WAIFS. The Boa d of Health meet« thi evening. Ladies lasting, and kid foxed gaiters 1.50 at Donohue's 813 Market street. K(!mcmber the Democratic mooting at the Amencus Club rooms this evening. At Frauk's, 511 Mirket struct, t!iiuizs are selling surprisingly cheap, notwithstanding the hot weather. Ladies white kid and gentlemen's mo quet slippers, moderato prices, Donohue's 813 Market street. A large supply of children's and Misses su minor and school shoos cheap at Dono hue's 813 Mark«^t street. P. Monaghan, at 305 Madison street, has a very tine lot of shoes, purchased at Sheriff's sale, .which he is selling at ex tremoly low rates—25 per cent, less than wholesale prices, tf. New Station Building. -TheW est Chea ter & Philadelphia Railroad Company have purchased one acre of lund from the Swart hmore College farm, on which they purpose erecting a large and commodious building. Our informant states stati that the work of excavating for the new structure will bo speedily commenced and prosecuted to the end with energy. Lumber Reducud- Goino to Quit Bus iness -Martin L ine, at hi« yard, south side ol Christiana Bridge, h way down, as it short lime. Auy person put Ins lumber ust bj disposed of in a riahiug lumber : to take early advantage of this jj3Ilf M opportunity. To the Editor of the Gazettee.— The undersigned hereby withdraws from the Republican nomination for a member of Council for the 7th Ward, and will be an independent candidate for tho 2 years term. Wm. M. Canby. MUchluf In Ihe Air. Wc cannot nnaly za the mrial poisons that produce epidemic and endemic disease.-: but the vuluib'.o dUcoverio« hich have been made in vegetable pharmacy enable counteract their malific influence. Tbo most powerful known antidoto to every species tf to malaria i« Hoätetter'* Stomach Bitters.a pure botanical modicinu in which the finest tiseptics, tonics, alteratives and stimulants skillfully and Sc of tho vegetable kingdom effectively combined. At seasons of the y when the atmosphere is miasma, and whenever the spucitu* virus of auy infectious diseaseis supposed to be prtscut in tho uir. this famous corrective should be taken regularly as a protective. All who choose to obsorve this precaution may bidde iiunce to intermittent and remittent fevers, and in fact to all disorders generated by loul exhalations diarged with augldto27 impure water FOR SATE AND RENT: F or SALE—Three story Brick House, Northwest corner of Sixth aud Shipley streets, with modern provemeuts, aud containing thirteen room« besides garret. Lot twenty Shipley »trout, by eigbty tbreo ieet on Sixth street. Terms easy Apply to SAMUEL W McCAULLEY 70Ö Market street. H II feet he.« auffiTtt I TUJll SA LE.- Tue Uopo Building and l. 7 Association, i» now ottering «n the 4tb series. Apply to J NO. F. MILLER Sect'y. apr4 eod N. E. Cor. of 3rd.und Market $t«. '■710R RENT.—A three-story Dwelling, No, XJ 525 West Front street, lient low Apply lo D. CHANDLER, No. 904 King $t. UUgl2 f>t* . iu F OR RENT—New House, No. 1421 Harrison street, eleven room«, IfH all modern improvements, bay win* down, threo «toiles. Possession at once if desired, inquire at 1111 Darrisou street. 11 feb26-tf WANTS. *•*Situation« «ini Help Wauled,uu der thla olaaaificatlou head, are pub llahed at ouly ihre« Ceuta per Hue for each laser lion. W ANTED—An active, intelligent Protes tant womuu tor general housework, at uugl9-2t 602FRENCH STREET. W ANTED.—A Student for Delaware Col lege. Tuition free. Apply to JOSHUA MARIS. W ANTED—A girl to do ehamberwork and attend to children. Apply at MARKET STREET. W ANTED.—Wilmington Coal Gas Stock. Address *'B." Gazette letter box apr28tf auifi jj3tf 1105 ßUHll'S STEAM FftUQHT LINE Leaves 2d wharf above Chestnut street* Phila delphia, daily at 5 p. m., and French atreet wharr, Wilmington, at 6 p. in, Freight hand led carefully and forwarded witn disuntoh. O v bllftH Toiiei mirrors, A full, assortment of all sizes, inolu ling double magnifying, \c. s E. BRINGUURST A CO., Corner of Sixth and Market streets. _ ^ -v IpZ; i 'or wr < 2 S 'X. m I* >1* & MFTCNTERPRISE To To The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the count! y $ 50 , 000.00 IN VALU VBLE OIFTö TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN L. D. SINE'S UHHh KEG I t.AH MONTHLY GIFT ENTERPRISE! To be il I ii M«*mlity,Se|*l.l4tli,l874. ONE GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE OF a $5,000 IX «»OLD! Two Prize8$l,000s ! Two Prizes $5005: GREENBACKS! len Prizes $I002 1 One Family Carriage and Matched Horse.-» wilh Silver-mounted Hnrueis, worth 81,500 1 One llorse un 1 Bug?y, with Hiver mounted Harness, worth $600. One fine-tuned Rosewood Piano, worth $5501 Five Family Sewing Machinos.worth $100 each 750 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches (in aflj worth from $20 to $300 each / Gold Chains. Silver-ware, Jewelry. &c., See. Number of Gift?, 6,000! Tickets limited to 50,000. Agent*« wanted to Hell Ticket«, to whom liberal will ho paid Single Tickets $1 ; Six Tickets *5; Twelve Ticket! $lU; Twenty-five Tickets $2u. Circulars description of the other information in reference to the Distri bution.will bo sent to any one ordering them. All letters must be addressed to Main okpicr, 101 W. Fifth St. aug3-5w gaining a lui! list of prizes,n of draring, and 1.. D. »INF« box HO, CINCINNATI. 0. BOOTS AND SHOES OFF Spring and Summer Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices. LADIES'SLIPPERS ARE OFFERED AT COST. ^John S. Moreland, N. W. Cor. Fourlb & S'opiar «Is. A largo and well selected stock ot La bes' Child ion's and Misse«' Bools und '.Jailers which bu is «oiling cheap for Custom work receive« souciai at tention. Tho I cs material guaran teed to all Repairing promptly attended to. je6 dlv h HKAVV STOCK OK SPRING AND SUMMER A CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES, He»** ol Market Seceml NL, 'A «fou L'Lo undersigned respectlully informs his triends and thu public that ho bas •1 well «elected stock ot SPRING AND SUM MER BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS, suitable lor Ladies Gentlemen, Misse» anti Children, which manufactured from tho best material and made I will be sold articlo can be obtained in this °r Ladies and gentlemen buying will have the advmiti riod assortment from which to select a shoe The «I hand a largo 1« in the best manner, the » any other city at ,ny ?t« and vu taohionablu and neat fitting boot public auiin« mv stock lo» prices. uioy2l-ti of a large rTially invited lo call .1 Iu my e v c edingly I.MIN K. BADCOCK. SYRUPS! SYRUPS I SYRUPS I O.ving to tho great facilities that D. Lemon Sc Co. hi for BAILING SUGARS BY STEAM. lurnish They are prepare! Lemon, Strawbsrry. Pine Ap ple, Raspbsiry. Ginger OR ANY OTHER FLAVOUR, IN PINT BOTTLES, 13 V TH.E jDOZEBT AT I II It I f . DOI.I.AKS; OR SINGLE BOTTLES FOR 35 CENTS. We will also make it by the gallon for ip Mitling», Kin riliiiii Pic-Nies, Call aitii Parties, CHEAPER THAN IT li A$ EVER BEEN OFFERED IN THIS CITY. D liEMOM & OO, No. IT JMufU^t Street, t Between Front and 2nd.) and 116 SHIPLEY STREETS, Wilmington. De i vS örn THOS. R. LALLY, B31 MARK 1C T HTR K KT, ! r di BUSINESS. PROPERTY' BOUGHT, SOLD AND EX CHANGED. Houses Rented, Rents Collected, Loans Negotiated, LEGAL PAPKKS i'REPARED. _aprlSdtf_ LEWIS RAYMOND 615 SHIPLEY STREET, BE-OPEÏTED. SPLEN1D WINES AND LIQUORS. Pure from the Custom llouso,imported direct. FINE OLD RYE BOURBON WHISKIES Sold and delivered at the lowest possible price*. may a mi THIRD EDITION PEACHES YESTERDAY. BASE BALL NOTES. THE SHERIFF AFTER TAYLOR. PEACHES. Thursday's shipments. To Jersey City, 17 cars or 8,500 bask*?ts To Philadelphia, Total, Previous ship. Total, 1 " 1,500 " 10,000 " 365,500 731 751 " 375,500 POLICE CASES. His Honor, Mayor Simm«, beiug iu Phil adelphia, Enquire George O'Neill presided over the Police Court, this morning. The following cases were disposed of, Barney McVey and Jarnos Shakespeare, for disorderly conduct, by officer Bernhardt, were dismissed lor want of sufficient evi dence. Assaulted —About three o'clock, this morning, as J. H. Rowlandson, city tor of the Republican, was returning from the New York excursion, he was assaulted on East Sixth street, by two men, who cprang upon him from behind a fence. Mr. R. placed his hand in his coat pocket, as if to draw a pistol,which caused his assailants to draw back a few sieps. This gave him an opportunity to run, and he used his legs so well as to reach his home in advance of bis pursu ers, who followed him closely. edi Black Bass. —On Wednesday a party of gentlemen from this city went on a fishing excursion up the Christiana, near White Clay Creek. They caught two block bass, which, it fa supposed, were propagated by several fish of thin species which two members of the party placed in the Christiana two years ago. This experiment should be repeated, as there is no reason why the Christiana should not be stocked with this fine fish. Base Balt,.—T he Atkins Lawrence Base Ball Club will play a match game of ball with the Quicksteps, for champions, to-mor row afternoon. The Lawreuce club have strengthened their nine with a new pitcher and catcher. Game to be played at the Schuetxeu Park. At New Castle, yesterday afternoon, the White Stockings, ol this city, bent the Les-' lie club, of New Castle, by a score of 30 to 27. After the Murderer. —This morning, Sheriff Armstrong provided tion IV iiiod by Mr. J. Ueinmill, left for Bucyrus. Crawford county, Ohio, for tiie purpose of bringing Taylor, the murderer of Robert A. the New Castle jail. He will ith his prisoner Sunday ith a requisi Governor Fonder, aud accompa Mackey, probably retun night. Sudden Death.—T he wife of John McClure, living on Claymont street, 9th Ward, died suddenly yesterday morning. Decease«l was apparently in her usual health the day before she died. CenlMur l.liilineiitii. There is no pain which tho Liniment« will not Cent idling they will lameness relievo, not subdue, and which they will notcure. This is strong language, but it is true. They hnvo produced cures of rheumatism neuralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains swellings, caked - breasts, scalds, burns, salt*rti ache, Ac., upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls. &c., upon animals in year than have all other pretended reme dies since the world began. They nro a coun ter-irritant.all healing pain relievers. Crip plesthrow nway their crutches,thelamo walk, poisonous bites wounded reoipo is published around each bottle. They articlo cverbeforo sold, and they sell because they do just what it pretends to do. Those who pain or swelling, deserve to suffer if they will Centaur Liniment, whito wrupper. a KtrfiVprc rendered harmless, and the The healed without scar. I sell as ffer from rheumatism. : MorcthanlOOOccrtificntesof remarkable cures including frozen limbs, chronic rheumatism, gout, running tumors,&c., have b Wc will sond a circular containingcertificatcs any one requesting Centaur hundred dollars for received the recipe, Jtc., gratis, it. One bottle of the yellow wrapp Liniment is worth for spnvined orsweonied horses and mules, screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners—these worth y attention. No family liniments should be without tliarn, "White wrapper for Yellow wrapper for animals. family Sold by all Druggist?. 50eents per bottle ; large bottles $1.00. J, B. Rose A Co.. -I Broad wuy. New York. than a substitute lor Castor Oil. It is tho only » afe articlo in cxist which is certain to assimilate the loud regulate the bowels, euro wind-colic and pro duce natural sleep. It contains neither mine ral», morphine or alchohol, and is pleasant take. Children need not cry and mother» mu y octl7-wly Casloiiu n 1 WILLIAM LALLY. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Brandies, Whiskies, VVIiN 1C«, &c„ 21i EASTRONT FSTREET, Between French and Walnut Streots. WILMINGTON. DEL. WM. S. WATT. \t> luotl flaikt i Mret t, PLUMBER*GAS&STEAM FITTER Wishes hi» friend« and patrons to k re«umed business in the above bran eus and would desire 10 renew tneir custom heretofore so liberally bestowed. Ho is pre pared to do all kinds of work in his line, and submit (».iinates of cost, guaranteeing to finfah All uontraet« and complote all jobs in tbc most SUBSTANTIAL AND Ï WORK MANLIKE MANNER. that he tatislaction to all will be mv aim, and the small. poEsiblo profit charged a nail. np'22-d Give 1 HE MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK. Ho. 4 W. Tli ft id Nlreef. Six per cent, interest. Opon Tuesday and Saturday evenings ami every day. Griinshaw, Treas.. J. P. Wales, M. D.. Pres't. John F. Miller, Clerk. yl-tf A H. B oarding.—P leasant iog iu a private famil ySkt room» and board No.714KING STREET.