Newspaper Page Text
t.lHISS OF 1'lUVMi v»"'üm&YtSMW ouic APRIL 2Urtt, 18TI. Trains leavb Wilmington os follows, fur * Philadelphia ahd intermedia'e stati ;ns, 6 . 50 ,8.10,9 Ü0, 10."0, a. »ti ; it, 4.4i, 7 IS Philadelphia and Now \ ilk, 1.11 10.21 l. Ill ; 12.17, 5,42, p. in. Baltimore and intermediate stations, 1 ami iv^hirurlon, 12 S3. Baltim« Divlei Trains for Delaw: l.j 1.25, 0.30, New Castle,* 12.55, 10.10, a 8 f>l). p. in. , Seaf'ord and intermediate stations. 1 l 10.10« a. m.; 0.35, p. m. , Delator and intoruaedi*lo stations, 1: 10,10, a. * SUNDAY TRAINS : 1 intermediate station G Philadelphia 4.45. 0.3(1, p. m. Philadelphia and New York, 1 ',1 l Washington. 12. .1)3, a. 1,1 For further information passengers are re ferred to tho time tables posted at the depot 11. F. KENNEY, (superintendent. Baltimore 1LMINGT0N and READING RAIL On and after Tuesday, May 26th. 1874,traius he Ki adinu Branch as fol Uwing Southward W will run over lows:— Going Northward STATIONS. No.2. No.4. No.6. u. in. p. in. p. m. 9.10 3.12 7.32 No.5.No.3. No.l. p. u. p. in. a. m. h.15 1,45 6.03 2.38 6.30 Wllmingt 7.24 Chadd's Ford8.25 2.19 6.49 a»:- 1 » K.23 Coateeville. 7 «.01 4.16 9.11 Springfield, 6.2« I2.ÜÜ 6.07 ».34 4.66 y.4l Blrdsboro, 5.64 11.34 4 32 90/ 5.30 IO.K» Reading, 5.20 ll.tU 4.C0 CONN EDITONS t At Wilmington with trains Wilmington A Baltimore.»ndDelaware Kail* roads: at Chadd's Ford with trains on Phila delphia Ac Baltimore Central Railroad: at Coatesville with trains on Pennsylvania R. R., and at Reading with trains on Philadel phia A Reiuling.Lobanun Valley,East Penua. and Reading Ac Columbia and th a Berks County Railroads. SUNDAY TRAINS.- A Irai Reading at 7.10 a. in., WilmiBffton at 11,17 a ton at 340 p. in., LIT ; Coatesville 1.0» 5 67 Philadelphi trill Ic .vo arriving at »Sunday. . Leaving Wilmina at Chadd's Ford at d : Reading, at 7,37 E.C0LL1NG»S, General buperintendent. iug 1 • ANCHOR LINfc STEAMERS. jp* S ail kvkuy Satuuday hooked to and trum any Railway Station or Seaport in Groat Britain, Ire land. Norway. »Sweden. Denmark, Germany. France, Holland, Belgium, anu me L niteu B Ce"i fare trou, NEW YORK to LONDON. LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW aud DERltY by Wednesday's Steamers By Saturday's teamers and EXCURSION TICKETS, *120. INTERMEDIATE. #35, STEERAGE. *30. Payable in Currency. Parties sending tor their friends i purchase tickets the Old lowest rates. Country For further particular»; apply to the Agents, HENDERSON BRU1HER8. No 7 Bowling Green, N.Y., SAMUEL F. BETTS, WilmingtoD; Del. MARTIN JOHNSTON, BOOK-BINDER. AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER. Mnratines. Music and Publications of all kind tiouuJ at the lowest rates Back Numbers of periodicals supplied. Special attention given to making Ac count Books of every vaiietv ot Ruling Binding. , _ , Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders by mail wil 1 receive prompt attention, 1 MAttTlX JOHNSTON, 420 SUIFLKY STREET, WlLMlWOrhVf No. sep6-'73-tf WM- S. WATT NO. 1009 illKiktl Mrnt. PLUMBER,GAS&STtAM FITTER Wishos his friends an.l patre be h eet and would den herciolore pared to do ail kind* o submit « limâtes «.I < finish all contracts tho muBt SUBSTANTIAL AND "WORKMANLIKE MANNER. that the above bran their custom r . i! liberally bestowed. Ho i *rk in Lis line, and , guaranteeing to d complete all joba in Satisfaction to all small possible profit cbtrged Give nit a call. ill be my aim, and tLe lip22-d I vl J as. E. McCartney, Late of Macon A.Son. Daniel Ken Late of Phitatt'a, ! Wilmington Upholstery. |lUi MARKET STUCKT, McCartney & kennet . 5 General Upholsters. : ; The undersigned beg leave to inform ?heir friends and the public generally, that th-ey have he li |dnd* mce< all its branches at IIMarket street. ith best Furniture I phol.-U! terial and workmanship. Carpets, Matting laid. Slip Covers for F Window hliadeft ard it Fi 1 I Oil CK th* lade id ,1 Husk Mutt re:, ■'■Tiling, Uni IM . li —Plans of Wall and rooms free of charge wh goods. Orders by _nt of take up the ia'd solicit id. »-> 1 m:\iovAh. I y old : tan d 4* I have _ hhipley itreet, id from N.W. Cor. 3d & Shipley, »ased fuciiitiei ■ ply the w . rhnll be tf my Where, wit better prei nred to t customers with STOV ES. 11 EATERS. RANGES, (AND House Furr/ishing (iooils Bein , thankful for past favors I hope by I erp'juul attentio R MORRISON N. W. C, r. !bl & ïhil ley Ktrcoli. n to basinesa to 1 your patronage. le nul DELAWARE FIRE Insurance Company, No. dOS Market Street, WILMINGTON. DLL. Charter 1« ri etuuJ Incorporated 1826. Insurance lo Perpetual Icsurances at Greatly Reduced Rates. of years. a t*i Losses promptly adjusted and paid. Insurance against loss or duinago by fire any other company. DIRECTORS • . Can by, Wm. M-Canby, W. (1. Gibbons. , Geo. W-Bush, Geo. W. Stone. WILLIAM CADDY. rjgjSfc Geo. W. Sparks, Francis Barry, Swift, John K. 'latum F. L. Gilpin, secretary p.l ^fif.St.lvn MJk'HUtt*' THE ARTIMNS SAV»i\OS BARK 502 Market Street. Incorporated February 23, 1WJ1. Open to receive deposits daily from 9 A. M. Until 4 P. M.. and on Tuesday and Saturday evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock A SEMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND, of six per cent, has been regularly .paid deposits, since the organization ot th«« Lank, and it is the expectation ofthe Managers,that this rate of dividends will be continued. When dividends arc not withdrawn, they are uncounted as deposits. Thus p deposits coiupouud their interest twice in each year. I MANAGERS: Gcoaui W. Bush. Gicorok S. Capki.i.r. W II.LI Alf S. IltLLBS. Clement B. Sm . . , t'UAS. W. llowi.AHi', IM. L. Lichtenstein. 'lB.Br Henry F- Dürk. K. M. Stotsknihri. , I Edward Dakli II. Jackson. Wm. H Swift, Anthony Hiooins. N J WM-S. UILLES. Prouder t. Guo. W. Bush, Vic« Preaidont. E. T. Taylor. Tro usure teb21—ty iHIiHT NATIONS HANK OF WILMINGTON. Depository of tbo Publie Moneys, AND Financial Ageut of the United Ntatea» h EDWARD BETTS, President, GEO D. ARMSTRONG, Cashier. •.YUU,I)UU Paid up Capital, York Exchange fur Philadelphia and N nidhel to regular Depository withdut charge. id Thursdayd, at Discount days. Mondays 8130 A. Al. DIRECTORS I Georgo W. Bush, Eli Garrett, I J oshua T. UualJ, I \\ iiliam Tatnail. mar28 Clement B. Sm>lb, Israel Pu-cy, iienry »S. McCoub, DftLiul James, Edwaru Betts. 'J111S MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK. \o. 4 W. Third Street. Six per cent, interest. Open Tuesday and Saturday evenings and every day» **• Uriawhwir, Tr««.., J. P.», »I. !>.. »•«* t. John F. Miller,Clark. yi-n meet object and HATS ASH ( l/'.s. DUBELL The that HIE H A TV SC U the same ofthe ed tbing East Third Street. WILMINGTON, DEL. cures -It Lu H. QUAY'S CHEAP HAT :hm1 CA 1 j EMPORIUM. 402 KING STREET 402 they for HARD 11 A RE. D. H. KBNT & CO. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS FOR vl IlIOJS STLKL. Hardware, ! COACH MATERIAL, . 5 : ; .1. .1. the largest Stock of goods in tbo State iu Un ir line, and best assorted Stock iu the United States, Nos, 205 & 207 Shipley &210 & 212 Orange Btrcrts, WILMINGTON. D1SL. id of the Wm. GREEN & Go., A Co.. Euccesaors to Hedrick. Gi id Dei 4* i iportlTB IRON AND STEEL, be my 1 1TUMINDUS ICOAL, GALVANIZED IRON. COACH-BUILDERS' HARD WARE S. K CORNER OF THIRD and MIIPLEY STS., always hand a full a^ort t of IKON tf STEEL t! i & liest brands ol American Hum . mered and Railed .N^Rurs, English Re '-e.lTiara of all I to & I, Band, lloop aud Slit I Norway Nail rod: » V 3 ^» nn.l Aurcr Shapes, Galvanized and Black sheet Iron, Cast, Shear. Blistur tlertnun. Swede.Spring. Tire Machinery.andTap Steel. Smith, Coach,and other Hardware—ilorse Snoes. Ilorse Shoe Nails, Borax, Bolts. Clips Nuts. Washers, Malleable Castings, W Boxes, Springs, Axles, Spokes. Felloes, Shafts; Bows, Ac.,CarriageCanvasu, Oil Carpets Rat tinett, Enameled Top and Dash Leather,and Coach Hardware of all kinds; Iron WireGal vanizod Nails, Babbit Metal, Lead, Spelter, Banca Tin. Sheet Zinc, Ac., Grindstones, Cranks and Rollers. Back Chains, Ac , Ae. Smiths' and other tools. Anvils, ViceB. Bel lows, Sledges, Hammers. Shoeing Knives. Files, Rasps, Smiths' Drills, Tire Benders, Irons, Stocks and Dies. All of which will be sold at very low prices, wholesale and retail, for cash d credit. march 2. 1868. etuuJ fire T M I oner Jftirrori, A fulF assortment of all sires, including double magnifying, Ac. E. BKINGHURST & CO.. . • Ççrfttr of Sixth acU Maxkçt itrccts. '/V Itlnh t V*T iOlM mul cm.llietiiii! nceouula June of tbe original catfish which Ipd disturbacceA between the been gi' to the recent . whiles amt black« in Mississippi- . A late number of the Vielwburg Herald silex tbe full particular. «I On- alUir It xeemx -i-ks ii|*u Itr.tîiiy H. Smith, , whom iii vu I I'M I that st ot Austin, lire: a citiz • veil iu :t difficulty with u he endeavored to shoo r . It M asserted that l)r. »Smith negro uian.wuom the negro was adruneing (bo lutter tired.and that llie Hbculing The bullet Hclf defence. man and killed n little colored girl wlio happened to he near. A mob of negroes at once asst mbled,seized 1 )r. Smith, and were about to hang him, but the teats of his wife and the tnlrealies of Mayor He wus then »:■» dune iu issctl ti saved his life. Woods»... arnsted by the civil autlioiiliea.und, after an imjuest by a coroner's jury and u pre liminary examination before ft magistrate, committed to jliI. Afterward he was taken before the District ('onit on a writ of ha bens corpus, when, «lier ft lull hearing oi the facts brought out before the coroner's jury, he was admitted to bail, and giving satisfactory bonds for his appearance for trial, permitted him to return to his home. A week or more after his release from pritjom the house of Dr, Hmith was sur* rounded in the night by another negro mob, he v as torn from his bed, Lis wife ding, ing to him, and threatened with summary execution. Mrs. .Smith's teats sud eulrea lies. however, saved him, though he and bis wife were both locked up in jail,which for several nights was surrounded with a negro guard, and there the Doctor remai ned until a party ul white citixeus came to , and escorted him to a place of uty, his second itu h is cue safety iu Ue ^oto c p, isoniueut lieinc- illegal, n. lie Hail been admitted to bail by the court baying jurisdiction of bis oli'eace. It this which led to tbe subsequent distur bances,including tbe capture of Austin by tho blacks. Fino And Feather. 'ihe New York Association for the pro tection of iUh and game, at their conven tion Rt Oawego, in June, approved a pre vious call fur a National Association to meet at Niagara Falls, September 0. The object is "to secure intelligent and t Aident législation for the protection of gime birds and tisb/'and Siale and loc il assoceations, re are none auch, gentlemen desired lo «end delegates - Hi and,where the sportsmen 1 The assertion i* that wantou slaughter has extermiuatei aoine and reduced all varieties of animal.«, bird« and li«h that swarmed when the tirst »ettler« arrived, go that legislation ban intervened to protect It is called upon to extend the of the latter. same ollice to the former, and the object ofthe organization is to secure concent rat ed effort. The object »« worthy, and Ihe method can hardly fail to achieve nome tbing toward an end that ig philanthropy cs to sport—if that iaphilan thropy (liât consider« the animal kingdom. Reartjnshle protection will certainly heap proved by dear to well as t»pi and will stay Hie annihila lion some case«— tbreatenei in * «port cn cures achieved i more HEADY MADE CLOTHING. I SUBSTANTIAL ! DURABLE ! 1 WARM I ! Great inducements for the year 1874. Our object is to give the peuple just what they w.iiit i Substantial Itrady-maric Cloibiug er.«, for Merchnnls, for Mechanic« Id bo dressed 111 Re bio Clot Iti up. for Everybody that iiabl .1 Fusil i iUrpiTH eal the fact Low Pi 1 . One call will JOSEPH ROW. 31«; ,»f All Ki I.T NT REET« ». A large llac and doc* all this supply of MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS ladincfs to meet tho demands of * >)d at a slight adva Always ii thee **-l: he House Ij s ember Beat Chit hing for the least cash. thi JOSEPH ROW. 310 Market Street. 4th, Wilmington. Du ,:e door belo r hunt 'Bi M wit J. W. UH.r U, i . Wei., 11 .1. A T, .1. C. Ca in TODD. WELCH &. CO., Commission Merchants, Far I be FiGo , f I'KOllM C, (bl.\THV .STAND No 1, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, I'hlril nml ItliiK nsignuientrt respectfully solicited. « pro >ui|>tly filled 1 ,Del, iKt< Re c< r goods ,y2(wly »! I y made. All orders fo ti warded. P at IN IdYV »ODH, it of Ju.'t Ol td a elegant assorti Standard Trimmings, Hamburg Edgings, Ruflings, Laces, Ribbons, Ac. ! and full lines of »JAUSE MERINO I'NDDERWEAR. Uüfil« ERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS. f.t»\ S. II. STAATS, No. 4 I . ftlMiket Street, Wilmington. Del. Also. aprlT-wtf iffipmedFamily Sewing Machine. VICTOR.'I Made by tbe Fini: Mitnuf'u Co., d % Lu<n Lock-Stitch Shuttle Sowiug Machino. Uses a self-setting Needle, which cannot D oes the entire range of Family Sewing. Runs very uuiiT, kaby and easy I ng. Sold b Wantki». thly instalments. Agi J. L. FERGUSON, Manager, Jersey and Delaware. 1227 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Penn?ylv U.N an9vw R.GBOVES&CO., Commission Merchants. 305 ICI3STC3- STREET» WtLMINOTuN. DkI.„ Fish, Fruit and all kinds of Country Produce. Consignments solicited PropPt returo»- e23w3m Dealers i PHV «ÖOMÄ opening nPRINÖ AND SUMME« Goods, J < I iress BI.AOK SXXuEL (our specialty.) Knglisli W alking Jacquets FOU SPHINU WEAK I K HE NOII FOUI.AR1» FRKNCII & IRISH POFMN, SHAWLS, OAS8IMBRK, WATER-PROOFS, TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS, M. L. LICHTENSTEIN, 220 Market street. WILMINGTON. 0Ot5. 500. LAY ASIDB KVKRYTHXNfl I CAX.Ij AT ONÛE! ami be convtueeil OOOU^ KKVKR SO CIIEAf BEFOKK. Reduoinil at BELOW COST FRICKS. LEY GOODS. BOOTS AN JL> SHOES. Crockery and Glassware. The greatest variety and the largest assort ment of goods in the Stale. Koxueuiber the place and number ADAMS & BRO. 50U. Market Street. 500. WILMING TON. DEL. jan.'Mf WM. 13. SHAKP Cor- 4th & Market Sts.; Hi opened a fall uisortment ot NEW AND : 8 KA 30 NADLK Handsume Dress Fabrics,splendid qualitlej of Black Silks, Japanese Silks,&c. Always on hand, a full Block of MOURNING COOD8' of the latojt styles Also, a full line of DOMESTIC 0 - 00 JOS. At the lowest rates. and most relible makes. For WM. B SHARP, No. 31«, 4th Market At«.. WILMINGTON, DEL. Delaware Carpet House, 309 Market Street, above Third, WILMINGTON. DEL. Ihe cheapest place in the State to buy your OAEPETS.OIL OLOTHSJIATTIHÖP, ■»ndWINDOW SHADES. AT i-iBisrinr orebb's, 300 Market Street. N. B —Rag Carpet woven to order at the nburieut notice, aud lowest market rate*. wl5-ly ICE DEALERS . WALTON & JAMBS. have rented the office No. 2 West Third Street. Formerly occupied by the Franklin Tele graph Co„ where .they will keep constantly baud a good supply of their fine KENNEBEC RIVER ICE, And will receive orders for the coming sum mer. Persons who want a good clear solid ICE during the hot summer months would do call and leave their orders with theia well early, and they will be guaranteed a supply through the entire season. apr22tf SPXjIDNDID EASTERN ICE FOR. I 18T4. We have secured a very largo Block of the tho Keuebec River the past beit ICE c winter and will soli during tho summer at the following prices: 5 pounds duily. H do do ... 12 do 10 do 20 do 25 do 4<J lbs. and . recent, per woek wi do do 1 lo do dir 1 30 do do do .1. do d .... 1 50 do do do »0 «lo ir. at the rate of 11 OD per 100 lb§ Although the above prices ar« good Eastern Ice can be sold in this market at a profit, we do not intend to b< undersold upou any consideration. Theso prices to take effect on and alter Monday. Avril 13. piJSEY A .HICK. Ok nies —40G Bbipley. 4tb and Pojdar. 1318 Walnut Sts. *br7tt low as a 1874 ELSTERN ICE, 1874 Having secured a largo quantity of GOOD 80LID ICE. the Kenebec River and runninr from will sell it Cut 1»J to 20 inches in thickuess, during tho coming summer ut thelfoll vwing prices : 50 celts por \ teek. 5 pounds daily. 8 do do ... 12 do do ... 16 do do ... - 20 do do . 150 do *io 1 MO do <lo 40 lbs. and over, at the rate of $1.00 per 10)lbe. The above prices to take effect on Moi iday April 13th. 1874. Our Ice is as good as any ice that offered in the market, and will be sold us low the lowest. do do . 80 -do do 1 10 rtio 1 30 d 24 do do lie WALTON & JAME8, n King and No. 2 W.3d Su. aprBtf 15th and T HIS llouao has lately been fitted up. an<T I receive, .trict attention of the PropH- I etor. and is ckassed among the best hotels I of the Peninsula. je6-lyw | Ponder House* MIIiTOUST, DEL; J. P. HAUT, Proprietor.' (•04 A 4A4)Jj'00D> ^HARLES WARNER & CO. ^ Market BtreoftWharf, wn.utMTOK, Dsi; Wbolesnle and Rotnil 1 -IN Anlliraclle nuü Bllumluoue roel. 'the only lirw in this city rereivin, i-oal J u :i, sit ruil.lrmu I'uuibolla'ul region. "'b. on" tnn ••Hin* K xc y K t. v l.ob'ntl uml Wilke burro Cuill t-olu|' < ' < Kveryoue>buuliluHO ibe SLawuen family. uioaui or manufacturing I'Urpo We guarantee it to make lens a-hes, pro * economical and give bolter saiistatth - - coal offered in this market. ASK roKSHAWNKK ^ Tell your friends what you thiak ot SHAWNEE COAL. CIIAKLKK WAKNKK A < '» • M ulket blrect \\ h irf. Oüiil fol more than any Hi* JeVMy. PILE & MURPHEY to Win. U. Allmnn l St Bro .) Dealers iu (Successors GOAL AND WOOD, Oor 20th and Market Stroota , (Vlh W»rit) WILMINGTON, DEL left with Jahh P- Allmnnd, K',l.ll. •Ha Market «troeu, ur ut oHr >w>. W' 11 tWAft«."» «-• ?■*« hand. imui.n-i» OUR PATIÎüT w D eliver the best coal into i ll laks »'""vrrarÄ 1 " """janlOtf Frenoh Btreot Whart. JOSEl'H POUT ENTERPRISE, uarlkiuu anu fcllAWNEB COAL AT BCUUYLKILL PRICED. Oak and Pin. WOOD by the cor J aud sawed. W« try to «xcol all our neiihbor« In thw Dreparatiun of our Coal, how lar W' we will leave,to our. say for ua. BELLS u have , our customers tu JOSEPH FU UT. Orange and Vf ater streets. PIANOS AND ORGANS. P1A.NOS For $200.00 and upward* ORGANS For $45.00 sod upwards. For cash or on instalments, at EOBBLEN&BBO'S Warorooma. (UP STAIRS.) MUSIC HAS CHARMS! feed A PRICE REDUCED the best inTthe world The hl» ... in tho any ut Will Last a Life-Time ! ol 35,000 OF THE CELEBRATED Shoninger Organs, an ; - pi I. IN JJAIOY UKK. The best musical talent ot tbe country recommend those Organs. The nicest and best. More for your money,and gives better satistactiou, than any other now made. They comprise the Illustrated Catalogues sent by mail, post-paid to any address, up on application to B. 8 HONINQKK & CO., nitw lluvtiu, « <>»». nov 11 the a it ovHit ms. HERMANN AH KENS, GENERAL PR0VI8IDN DEALER No. 233 Tatnail Street, WILMINGTON DLL. Would respectfully an nounoe bis friends aud rt tho public that he still ries on the AI eat busin ut tbe old stand, and will £&»keep constantly ■T' tbe best quality ol bund BUG AR CURED HAMS ILITCH. SHOULDER». LAkD. PORK. BAUHAGE. DRIED BEEF. CHEESE. TONGUES. Ac.. Ac. All »>f which will be sold wholesale aud retail at the lowest city prices. He returns his thanks to his many custo mers for past favors and respectfully .solicits a oontlnuanoe of the same, JOHN P. ALLMUND, Cor. 8th and Market streets. DEALERS IN GROCERIES, TEAS > HP 1 C K H , Ac., Aj c. PLEASE RECOLLECT That you will find BLANK BOOKS. WRITING PAPERS. FANCY PAPERS. ENVELOPES INITIAL PAPERS SLATE PENCILS, LEAD PENCILS. STEEL PENS. SCHOOL SLATES, MU Cl LEGE, INK. PENUOI.DKI 3, Pocket Knives, Wallets, Traveling Lugs and Satchels, Fancy articles in great vunety I and all other kinds of Stationery at I JR g R. BUTLER'S, I «„t.« «.ri.« | jy9 U4rsU. P ft VOS, MJSPt CInSS, <C& K W^ti .A, /iS >/ S/ UHEKÜ iej Si iuhr ilini«' Unter« acecftk» ell, pro »yed by mineral , and vital organa waited !\<i I» and r«-ni:dn long e not. d Ml. I ft. r other ppuir. .. von. I tin? point n t>) M|)f|»»iu or iNdlgraiion, Hentlaehe, Pain in the shoulders, Coughs, Tightneas of the ('licit, Dizziness, Sour KriiciaUons or tho stomach, Had Taste iu the Mouth, lUllous Attacks, Palnitatfqn ot r!i,» Heart. Iiitlaminanon of the Lungs, Palu tilth« rayloti nf tho kidneys, and a hundred otherpa#iful • 11 ; 1 1 « >i 11 N, tire tho otrsprlngs or Dyapepaln. tm , ,Vi '.. witi prov.' h I'idler gnurtmUie of iu lugrtia iiipMil.M •-lvetllsiunenf, t * |.*< ithiic 4 Id Vouug or I »hl, ,,,,i ,,*• - m •!.• a* Ho' tinWii *>r womanhiinl, nr ' »til Tonic bitters display M du émeut Is *io'dl hvi ut tIII(I|' it'd ,jl j •Inioi r timt I hHlnlt fcltt. IirtMItthtlt nthl Intel mm of tin* blbotl, Mver, I«*». Bitte »id*» 1 » I, •rx. Disc; v h ul Itluddf ,-h l»i.->'.r-('S ni lit I **llt I V liavo no e-(tiul. aimed tiv Vitiate«! Blood. „ ill«' l a ur«mivr (esRiug tho merit of acting a» I nitimi th well n K* I* » 1 in ri'll«*vlng Congestion l.ncr i.nd \ i-eeral Orguus, unj la P •N, Eruption«. Tetter, Salt »Io«. Pustules, Polls, Furl,uncle», lung worms Heal,I lirait, Bore Ejea, I t vHiPchi«. Itch. Scurfs, Dlscoh»ratlotis of the hkln. II tit nor s ami Dlseaws ofthe Skin «»f whatever name or Hat uro. arc literally »lug up uml «arried out ofthe 'a short time bv the use «if the.««» Bitters. I, Ini Thoii*im«ls proclaim Vinkoah Bit VK 1 M tlie most wonderful Invigorant that ever Iua Valued the sinking system. It. II. lflrDONAIiD A CO. Druggists and (leu A>is.. San Kranclaco. rat, à •O.. of Washington di»«l Charlton Wi., N. i. BOLD BY ALL DKUCGISTö A DEALERS. K»îm> I «1 Hiti, Bioti he.i. spots, I syste ti MOOTS AND celling off Spring and Bunimôr Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices. LADIES-SUFFERS ARE OFFERED AT COST. John S. Moreland, IV. W. ( or. Foiirlh A Popisr Sts. A^i. an-1 well «tocll ol l.adio! 1 , hildren's ar.d Missos' Bouts and Gaiters, hich he is selling cheap for cash. Custom work receives special at matcrial guarau* til tontion. The l feed to all- , , . „ Repairing promptly attended to. jeo dlv A HEAVY STOCK OB SPRING AND SUMMER CHEAP BOOTS A SHOES, Nrrniul HI., 2 doors* of Market« The undersigned respectfully informa hl» Inends and tho pubiio that he has hand a large andwell «elected stock ... SPRING AND SUM MKK BOOTS, r SHOES and GAITERS, suitable lor Ladiei, Gentlemen, Missoa and Children, which are* manufactured from tho best material and made in tho best inannor, and will bo sold as low ae tho same article can ho obtained in this any other city. Ladies and gentlemen buying ut my «tore will have the atlvuntaue ol a large J varied assortment from which to selectfa hionablo and neat fitting hoot or shoe. Th« cordially invited to call and ex y ecccedingly Kill N K BftBUUCK. u Hi ol an ; - iblic nine my dock w price". 21 -ti pi I. THO 8 . R. LALLY, h:h mahkkthtbkkt, BUSINESS. PKOFKHTY BOUGHT, SOLU AND KX CHANUED. Houses Routed, Routs Collected, Loans Negotiated, l.KUAl. I'Al' EUS l' il EPA RED aprlSdtf ,1 { ) I 1 IM 14 < > I ) I > V - K K CREA MM, by up CONFECTIONS. T0YS> CHILDREN'S c:o a c 11 iu « . FT KK- WORKS WOODEN WAKE, I gpjiortiueut nf Staple and JOHN RODDY, No 411 MARKET »STREET. On pot ite tbe Oatette Uflo;e. Wilmington. Del. ,^-V n baskets And w gen Ka - y N.liions. an ItH aud will C. S. MORGAN, bund and l'opulur Styles ot Dealer ii N« Mil'S FURNISHING GOODS, Ac. retail custo G21 MARKET STREET, WILMINUTON. DHL. OUR EKCELSÏOR SHIRTS ARE MADE TO ORDER, Cut by Measuro and a Portent K»t euaraa moy'22-3uul Fashionable Furniture. > J. & 3. N. HARMAN. No. 410 King Street, WILMINGTON. DEL.. the citl Wc rospecttuily inf ot Wilmington and the ding countix that utaeture and keep on hand ut large and long established warerooms. Furniture of every variety and eisting of Mahogany.Rosewood I Furniture suitable for parlor,dining-room und ohamber uses. Uur assortment ot Furniture is largeerand ied than can be found in Delaware, and all artioles sold atour establishment warranted as represented. Vuniti&n Blinds of the most fashionabio de to order and kept constantly continue to yi«*. «on d Walnut 3, Lugs vunety re de«iig on band. We also manufacture and constant ly keep a largeasortment ot Spring, Hair, Moss und Husk Mattresses. J. A J. N. HARMAN, X!pi Sum*.