Newspaper Page Text
\ . -. Daily Gazette «n&j* ■ J 11/ « i ■. ; /:/iFl/ r *■ ( i V. * 'ï i ~r~rr: VOt.LXJtXIT.~Na 441 . WILMINGTON. PEL., TUESDAY. SEPT. 1. 1874, $** CLOCKS, WATCHES, «ff S-J~Sl- . - -. -W C. I. BUSH 1 DAS ltKMOVKU HAH HKMOVKI) BAS HEMOVED HAS HRMOVEIi 8 All UK MOVED AS REMOVED TO THK ! Aionil»-W««é «'orner of Neveulli j I nml Market Stmta, A 1.AKOH STOCK OF W atohesi J ewelry, «& Öilver-ware » Constantly on hand. 49'RepAirinir promptly attended to. apr20-ly £» 407 Market 8t 407 BENJ. S. CLARK, ▲ tull aanortment of superior Clocks. Watches. Jewelrv and Spectacles. Oonstantly on hand and for sale at the low est: market rated. Particular and personal attention given te Repairing any article in tbe above line. A flna af fort want of Spectacle! conatant* ly on hand, and note agent for the Celebra ted Diamond Spectacle*. marlt rilfic VUUlïu»« FLOURS and JEFTELRls At Re-16 Bast Fourth Street WILMINGTON. DEL The nndersigued would re* spectfully «all the attention of ladiea and gentlemen to _ _ his fine assortment of Wa|ch es. Clocks, Jewelry, Bilyar an^ Ptated Ware, all of whioh is entirely new end mb brace« tbe latest and most approved styles. He asks special attention to his Amerioon Lever Watch, which is a superior article* both in finish and for correctness of time. À good as sortment of docks, jewelry and jU vor Repairing of all kinds promptly and neatly m« on reasonably terme. Public patronage respeotfnlly sol . J. CLAYTON MASsBY. ootSfitf No. 16 B. Fourth street. uiui !o icited. PRESTOS AVARS, Practical Watch Maker; And dealer !» VINE AMERICAN AND BWI8S WATCH Ed CLOCKS, JEWÊLftY. SPECTACLES, gkBGi GLASSES. SILVERWARE,Ac... 404 King St-, WII Del. Particular attention paid to repairing in all its branohaa ; also, chan«ing specta os. Has a good assortment of gh stantly on hand. The publio is cordially invited tr> and learn my prices. ole glas* asses ci rail examina my stock __ 22 «aptl y GEORGE JACK 30 « Mnrket St. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AC*. RUBBER FRAMES. We olsim Irem exrerleni'« to suit starr paoulUrity of is>*»ir«4vIsio*. soil In every csso guarantee satistac . Our faollities are suck that we _exchange glasses In any shaneil frame to suit tho customer in a lew hours. N. B —Kirst store above Third street, Repairing In all its bran oh es sspzz-iT JAMES BRADFORD^ fAlATS, OHS, VAKGSH^, WINDOW GLASS. / ■ Cement and Calcined PlSk^ r liou VainU.vbU* lend, red lead, »bits )|inc. iron bol, turpentin«. point mill», paints ready mixed. artl»U' material», wax flower matarl als, decalcomania picturee.all kind» of toreign domentio glas», stained. •ngroved { oiacb P a lp2. eM oolors, ladder« of différant length», glased Bath, gold leaf, bron»ea, verm looking glaaa plate». Nob .6 and 8 E»*t Third St. WILMINGTON. DEL. N. B.—P»rtleul»r attSB and »hip Painting, • hes. alco eotal and orn Ÿr« p ^. . to Hone« ruin JI*Ac ar O. S. MORGAN, D*»lsr in N«w »nd Popular Btyls. ot MEI'S FIOTIIG GOODS, 621 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DEL. • -. OUR EXCELSIOR SHIRTS à* » ARE MADE to order. Cut by Msusoro and a Perlest Pit »usran may22-3md a*teed. %' HOUSTON & PRIZER, : DEALERS IN TEAS. COFFEES* SUGAR. m A.3STI3 BPICB8. K Japuneso and Chinese Carloallies, l jfo. 11 Eaat Fourth Street, WILMINGTON. DBL 1 SPK0I4LTÏ : , NUTMEGS. UIN.1ER, MUSTARD KILOVES. ALLSPICE. PEPPER 1 AM0N. MACK. SWEET * PLAIN juac6 dm ; V M OCOLATB. «T. JOHN'S HOTEL, ' P NO «Off St ARKICT BTREKT, WILMINGTON, DEI-. JAMBS MoLANAN, Proprist«. m ■ar,tt-u tntitXrsiiixa goods. THL OELEBRATKT) P \R.VG 'N Sill 1 )f 1 PERFECT FITTING, COMPOST, EASß.WLKG A NCR, Made to Order & warranted a Ti'ne Fi 8eml for Self-Measaremont Circular J. P. DOUGHTBK, IVo. 410 Market »tract. Wilmington« Del WATT A aAHRITT'S PATENT Yoke-Shirt, IVo. «03 Market »freer, _WI lining «-in, I.--I. Now be Careful About how you buy yi REFRIGERATOR, Don't buy any Gil you exumine the 'RELIABLE . 1 m Wh«t we v dryntss:2d, mi claim 1er it is first, its perfect cold air and better circulu than any other i tiou. with less i lined with nurd 40« STIIIT.IO' . Iti inc linintr t <d. and it i operation nt STttKKT R. MORRISON. may<] HOTELS. hoiini:, NE IV CASTI.E, PEL, JOHN W-GBAY, Proprietor Tliia Isruo ami beauliftiUv situated bouse has been put the vory best repair for 'Mention of visitors, ■^will find at it bll the nccom of a F1RBT*0 La 8S H0TEI«. It commaud^ a fine view of the Delaware Ray, ■of;? ,••*»* of the most pleasant, and de lightful places in tbe ,'State for efcursh.ns at pi o n les Iho house is kept ia the bent style, the bar tilled with the choioest wines, liquors and malt drink?, and table supplied with the and luxuries of the market. Excursionists cun arrive by boat or rail. Partie« who wish to go fishing or boat riding on the noble Delaware, can tie aocom dated with suitable b( ats. ihe patro&ege of the public i t respectiuliy solicued, . J. W. GRAY tbe iianati WESTERN HOTEL, N. W. Cor^th St Orange Streets 0. J. KŸLK. Phoi'HIktob,' The above i\ouae bga bee pompiete ruPatr i'ar the reception of guests, where they will receive all tbe • oooommodationj of a first-clars hotel. Sri£a«44! rl èfA. oioOMt .P r * ,ie8 ' b^uofs,cigars, the tabla aupnlied with tbo beat tho arket affords. Transient and put i i ü - permanent ceemmodated at moderate rates •lljUt and utleutive battlers- \ r It _ a .public patronage it respect* pRlMB-NKW HUNGAIUAN UruHN Seed J Al W. It. CHANDLER'S. __ . 61 1 Marke t Street UNITE0 STATES HOTEL •re i f I mayll JV.'W.C'op.K'pench 4L Water S1 h. T. B. MERRITT. Proi »rietoj. ! The above house has been put in comi X ir lor Us Ion of »nests, where they receive all the laerouiui dations of u nm-plass hotel. Bar tilled with thoclmici-si rf"®»". and tbe table Supplied ■W» Bm imtthi. igsrket »fords, l.-dl: . ■ lybtlly »lote fi 0TICE. U XXMHE hotki ET STREET. Wilmington, Del. ,or ,h * JOHN A1EALEY. in 108 Un21-tl Truss & Brace Department VINQ a »took of Truaaea, Brace«. and o h laohinleal applfanoes,unsurpassed in ox .andvanaty by that of any other simi* eatablishment in the country, nnd with aras of er torn 1er upw Twenty Years' Experience Inspplylng them, we reel confident of our ublhty to give entire satisfaction to all those requiring our servioas in this direction. OITR instruments tod in the best manner,ofih* adult. We have A PRIVATE ROOM Bov their adlnstmeat. while our prloea moderate and so variud, by our ext.usi.. assortment, as to salt the pockets all classée , Hundreds of persons »iter trying the larger cities, .nave expressed their «ratifioation of the facility and economy and und Are eo best ■ißt wQWKw with whioh they have been»uUedatour cstab listiuiont. IRINaHURBT k GO.. Apothecaries, N. W eortiar Sixth and Market Rtrcetp, Wiimui«top. Del. ms I K YOU WANT A FINE IMPORTED German Singing Canary Bird, go ^ W. N.CHANDLER'S, fell Market Æ, ■treat, and bay one. Just in, direot^C^ from Europe, a large Invoice of Sioily#jV Canary, Hemp and Rape Seed. whi{b we are salllug very low P (oil at bo 'w, CHANDLER. bll Market street. A'/iir ADVEUTISEMENTS. POSTPONEMENT I FIFTH AND LA8T CONCERT IS AID or THE PlIBLII) LIBRARY OF KY. DAY FIXED. AND A A FULL DRAWING ASSURED I/Ä.ST CHANCE FOR AN EASY FORTUNE: A postponement rf the Fifth Concert of Iks Publie Library ot Kentucky hu beeutto gen erally anticipated, aud i* so maulfeetly for the. interest-of all concerned, that it must meet the approval absolutely tixed an lion from the nroRrMinme now announced. A Hufficiont nunabor of tickets had been sold to havo oDuhted us to have had a large drawing on the .Hist July, but AKhort post portement was considered preferable to a partial draw* ing. Let it be borne in mind that all. The day if now there will be no varia Tliv !<'ifil> risitt Concert IS THE LAST W1IIMI WILD EVER BE GIVEN UNDER Tills CHARTER AND BY THE PRESENT MANAGEMENT. That it will positively and unequivocally take place as announced On Monday,SOfli November, that tho music will bo tho best the country ttUorih und that 90,000 CASH OIFTS. AUC 1 RR 0 ATINC $ 3 , 500 , 000 ! will tie distributed by lot among the tickat holders. LIST OF GIFTS: ON K ii HAND CASH 01 FT. ON 1$.OKAN l) CASH GIFT. ONK GRAND CASH GIFT. ON KOI HAND CASH U1F ONE GRAND CASH GIFT-. ft CASH GIFTS *20,000 each lo CASH GIFTS 14.000 each 15 CASH GIFTS 10.000 eaoh 20 CASH (41KTS ß.üoü eaoh Vit CASH GIFTS 4.000 eaoh 30CASH GIFTS 3.000 ft0 CASH GIFTS 2,000 each 100 CASH GIFTS 1,000 each 210 CASH GIFTS U)0 CASH GIFTS 19,000 CASH GIFTS Grend Total 20 000 Gifts, all rash. PRICE OF TICKFTö whole TICKETS.$ 10 00 HALVES. 2500 TENTHS, or each Coupon... ft tO 11 W HOLET 1CK ETÖ for. 500 00 22 M TICKETS for.1.000 oO Persons wishing lo invest should order promptly, either of tbo home officd or our lo* cal Agouts. Lihoral commissions will be allowed tosat isfictory agents. Circulars containing full particulars lur nisbed on application. THOS. 1*5. B RAMliETTE, A Kent unil Manager« Public Library UuiMina. Luuiaville. Ky.. or Flint« II. Iln) vi Al ailern Agenti| 000 Urouclwuy* New York. 1250,000 100,000 50.000 25.000 loo.oon 140.000 150.000 100.000 1ÖO.000 90,000 100.000 120.000 50.000 950.000 500.000 .000 I li 5ö I each i100 each âO each PEACHES! I. N. SNOW & CO., Commission Merchants and Dealers in all kind« of COUNTRY PRODUCE. AirPorticular attention to tho nale of PEACHES, and Quick Rktt'uvh. JU Com mercial surret« Uuaton, Mum, B ORDENTOWN in. J ) FEMALE OOL LEGE. Thorough instruction. Health ful and beautiful location. One of the meet carofully-oonducteU and best sustained insti is ia tbo State. For terms, etc , address JGH« II. RRAKF.LEY. Pb. P. ti lU:v. per day at li< . tTH . Terms f i'»?* ,t Co., Portland . Ad sG i i laine. „ 12'. els tousu. P. Ko»; km. & C.I.4I I'lirk Kiiw, N.V. lur I heir teio/ifi/ jMi/ti /'itin/ililet, show ,ng cost uf advertising. A w gU*2tawlm Jas. E. MuCahtnkv, Late of Macun A.Sou. Danikl Kknnkv. Late of PhllAd'i) Wilmington Iphoisfery, 41« 1« IRRET STREET. McCartney & kennet, General Upholsters. The undersigned beg leave to inform their friends and tho publio generally, that they have commenced tbe Upholstering business in all its branches at 410 Market street. lino furniture Upholstered with beat ma terial and workmanship. Carpets, Mattings an1 Oil Cleths made and laid. Slip Covers for Furniture. Window Shades and De«M>rations. spring. Hair nnd Husk AlatireaJf s. N. H.—Flanj of Hall and uieasurment ot rooms l'reo of charge when wo make up the goods. Orders by in ot er led lug by tail solicited. may 23-3m PLEASE RECOLLECT That jouiwill find BLANK BOOKS. WRITING PAPERS. FANCY PAPERS. envelopes INITIA^ VAPERS, SLATE pencils* LEAD PENCILS, STEEL PKltfS, SCHOOL SLATES. MUCILKGK. INK, _ , „ PENHOLDJBrd. ?^r k ®L R*»iy««v Wallets, Traveling Bag» and batcbela, bancy artiolee in great variety und all other kinds of Stationery at of such 1 old mon air iuch ed Bait. E. S. R. BUTLER'S ÏYÎ 490 Market Street. DANIEL FARRA, Surveyor- Conveyancer. AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Ofllc« No. Qj| King Ntreet, Alston® and Brick Work, Grading. <to,, ms uursd ._J.ll'ism P rivy wells cleaned by the DDORLESSless Excuvatinq Co. Orders (oil with tho Secretary uf the Board of Health the City Hull (until further potioa). wil promptly attended to Cecil 87th ( n obl3-tfl the I » . Algernon and NHHe. HOW THAT BI.ARKTID BMOT.lfiliHAN OOT THE I'KBHIDKNt's OAVOHTXK. «»mad Bat, WIa.. Utter ta tha Chicago Ttl bane.] There ia ah Englishman here who the friend and agent of Barton#, senior. Through this friend. Mr. Sartoris, father of the subject of our preeent sketch, bought some wild lands in Green Bay and in Sheboygan, Wis.. simply as a fair in vestment for surplus funds. Finding his second son, Algernon, likely to sow too many wild oats, he sent him to America and (Jraen Bay to look after wild lands, hoping the change of occupation would prove beneficial. Coming out the first time, he met Nellie on the Hçotia, and fell desperately in love nt, 1 indifferent English man. who scarcely cared at first to profit by the kindness of the gods. When he reached Green Bay, her frequent letters aroused a sentiment unlike any Francis Algernon had ever before exper ienced. Here was tha innocent, coufid ing heart of a young girl laid open before him, with ail its tender sentiment, its untried music. He was a man of fine literary culture, well versed in classic lore, speaking six different languages,educated at the University of Heidelberg, and con stantly meeting, in English society, ele gant and accomplished young ladies.— The little girl of Galena won him. At first he threw her letters about his room indifferently, and took but little interest in them. But time hung heavily on his hands; he hod plenty of money and no work; even hunting and fishing lost their zest when indulged in daily; and so he went to Chicago, ipet the President and liis daughter on their Western tour, pro posed to Papa Grant, and was politely snubbed. Sartoris grew desperate, went back to England, kept up a furious cor respondence with Nellie, and the follow ing summer returned to Green Bay. Here the telegram came which announced the death of his elder brother. Sartoris had just gone to Washington to plead his un successful case with the President—Mrs. Grant and Nellie being both on his side. He was walking with the young lady in the garden of the White House wiien the telegram was placed in his hands an nouncing his brothers death by a fall from his horse, and his own changed for tunes in consequence—he being now pros pective heir to an immense estate. The young people were at once engaged.-— Charles Francis Algernon went to New i ork and bought a superb diamond ring, a solitaire, with which to bind the engage ment. The rest is a thrice told tale. Wo cau easily imagine, slier getting a de. sorlption of Sartoria, why Nellie Grant should have elected him her choice. Us was the antipodes of American young A stout, good-sized, broad-ehouldered men, with innscles like whip-cord, oovered with clean flesh, jut aived from fat ; fair, round, Saxon face, white by nature, red by éduca tion ; innocent bluo eyes, with baby-like wonder in their serene depths ; flaxon hair parted exactly in tho middle and brushed flat, the ends bobbed Into Utile duck-tail curls; solid, elephantine limbs, and tre meudous bauds and feet, the Bret of which wets forever fa the wsy, while the nether appendages spread out over all creation. And then Ins clothes ! Never had such a vision dawned upon the belledom ot Green Bay ! Wide, baggy trousers of white duck or brown velveteen, or lemon colored cor duroy ; coals with swallow-tails, and coats with no tails at all, making him look like an overgrown school boy; coe'.umcs of purs white, with flaming neckties. Apropos of his trousers, they tell this story of him : He made a call ou u young lady, one of tbs F. F.'s of Green Bay, but had scarcely nested himself when the fire ball rang. He seised his hat end made u rush for the door, the young lady following. She closed the door after him and hid been same momenta re scaled In the parlor when she heard the characteristic ring, and opened the door her sall- "Aw, thwank ytw, Miss Idle ; I had to come nil tbs way back, my trousers wsro caught in the dooah I Euousc me ! aw !" and bo made his final bow. He had s great ball-dog that tallowed him every where. Ono rainy alteration the pur retired lor a nap ln ih|« same hotel where I am writing—tbs Beaumont Sartoris had made Ipeiaalf couilortable with diverse bran dy punches, and retired, with hia dog si his heels, for sn afternoon siesta, f n about an hour he rushed wildly into the ufilee, his Hsxon hair oq end, hia ohluk hiue oye* start, ing from his he^. his pels lips faintly ejaculating. -'Tbç devil!" while Ihe dog crouched nc his tuet in a ponlo of terror. There cou)d be hut one eolutiou of this, thought all present; the man hod gone cru?y and frightened the dog , but the real cause of his terror, It turned oui, wus the apparition of an Immensu colored washer woman, who had entered his room without knowing it was occupied, and appeared at his bedside in a long waterproof, the block hood ot which was drawn Overher bead and around her ebony face. Sartoria had been reveling m claret-nolornd dreams, and the uwakeuiog was too much far him. Nellie, i have no donbt will win him over from horses, dogs and wine, and will Jog along very comfortably with her English man Vale, Sartoris ' * a ter the Iter or an tho atid is with tho i Iks for A to Charles now BE 00 tO 00 oO or men. Ruuswhers in Bnrka- though whore, at Uii mo.nsnt WS are at a less lo say—is the idea, ot conrs* eloquently sxprsseed,that the und towen. ot the MUedni. aud Churches of London avert the Ughtnuir ot tha wrsvh ot Mod, which, but lor Uem/Uw in Unity oi that grast oily would bs pure te attract. This may be oo in £njrland'a met ropoilt, hut it certainly Is notln that of Brooklyn, wl.loh boasts, too, to be the -Cl.? ot Churches." It mnst be admitted, howerr er If wo are rightly informed, Hal tbe Plymouth Convantici. hu no spire, we ore led into this train ot thought,sod Into break, lug the silence we hare imposed on oirraalvea by a private letter from s flutiuituis public man, from which we era tempted to make an extract : hed "What on unutterably filthy craw are Beecher-Tllton tribal I never found W au? of them anything to aympatblxe with or admire; but 1 never imagined they lived in such a lozar house. The tone of tome 0 t the newspapers on the subject is ahamefsL «»H 1 ihiuk that portion c4' o»r benighted coun trymen who cannot read are to be comrratu* Ute^ 0» thU occasion. Ob! for that fsUhful old gold pen of Thackeray, just to pn mon of sound sweet morality into EnglisLl It would be like a breath of lx air alter coming out of a foul nit." ! The "gold pen" could write of JRtaha^ Tubher la "Esmond," and the boae*mcliiJL SSÏÏMf ^ r *? D "VirginUms,"and & m Du humbug, Charles Uoneymah; bnt iuch an imaghilug aa Beecher never enter ed the pure, gentle mind of Thackeray — Bait. Gazette. the in flow, lelt, tom. lave los» the more will about "the Id Mr. Robart Karr, ol the Seveuth Dletrlct. Cecil coon to, died on the 2«th laet., Iu the 87th year of hu age. He wa, „ widfcr m the war of 1812. •999 Prom, the Baltimore Son. Fallen ami Broken Idols. Notwithstanding that the renort rif Mr. Sloulton to have been confessed toi him by the accused, and also of any | unchasto remark or solicitation vet I there ran hardly he a doubt tin/ us I men's ininda were made up heforc, bo 1 Will they generally remain of the same I opinion still, whether it slialHiave been SÄäÄferÄ-Ä of a society not only esteemed resnec I table, hut adalmingYi be, nml having its claim recognized by others nmone I tho elite of the cultivated religious anîî I literary circles of theCountry Beecher was himself according to hisftoe own CBtimnte, "tho centre, first, of the 1 great church, second, of the newspaper • third, of the book." What Mr. Tilton was in hia own Conceit it wou jd be hard to nay. Mr. Beecher has endeavored! to sketch the several stages of his intel-1 and pupil of him, Mr. Beeclier; second I as aspiring to bo the intellectual peer I and rival of hlsformcrguldeand teach-1? er; third, aa occupying inhisownopin-|i? ion the position of "fitst man of the age," from which he blandly and na- 1 tronlzingly lookéddown upon all man-1 kind. Hut it fs not simply what these) people thought of themselves; the lan-1 guago of fiattery and adulation iii| which they were lmbltually ailresscd & I spokenofbyothersisancaStinthesamoI^^ mould of hyperbole and extravagance I Even withinUie j^fewÆ^j^ wbIMfwSStia Ncw 7 rtlrnnc, winch might lie supposed to khow bet-1 ^e tt, Ö^ÄÄtwÄ e scTon thatT'Mr W Heeeh^T° n M b* C,Sayin S!r 2vSîtl f rtfîl twî Bhould be proved | guiltyjthen the greatest preacher since Ip oamt Paul, and "the most famous pul-1 pit since Mar's Hill" would be silenced I &c. One Would suppose that 8t. Chry-1 sostein and St. Bernard never existed, I L 5 obod > r bad ever heard of I the Monk Savoncrola, or of Bossuet, orf^P Luther, or Calvin, or of WhitflcM, or! Chalmers, or Channing, or even of|i/ Pere Hyacinthe, or Spurgeon, iu our 1 Jt own days. Tho comparison with St, 1 Paul is evidently n funlllar one with Mr. Beecher; he tsaccustomedtoitand! rather likes it. He runs the parallel be-1 tween himself and the great apostle to| the Gentileâ on more than ono occasion in his statement. He is also neenstomed priment as calculated to "enstasba-1 dow'' upon liim. And thatsontc of the actors mayfall below the dignity which belongs to such exalted associations, they are all described as persous of *x trnordinary endowments, intollectimll and moral, possessed of singularly white souls," which contrast eveu more slngulary with the smutty black tatter, throned in one of tho proudest editorial chairs iu the world, though what there was to make tho chair proud beyond the fact that it had been previ-1 ouHly occupied by Mr. Beecher does not appear. Probably liiere is not one person in Europe, or more than one in a hundred in this country, who before tho present investigation knewanythlng «bout Mr. niton, or had ever heard of I tho newspaper he edited- I Now, wc trust there will Iw- au end ( for a time of all of this "tell talk" ubout these people. It must be rcnieni- l bered that Mr. Beecher has never been | anything if not sensational, lie up™ 3 the" lop" wave "o/sorne popu!a[ iU , 1,0lit , U ' 9 - reI X ioa ' ,»" d tlu. same IS charuederistic of the whole I Beecher lamriy. Mr. Beecher himsclt, I distributing bliarpc's rifles from Ply-1 mouth pulpit, or "opening tho cam-1 puign for Grant," differs in no essential I particular to temperament and chnrac-1 ter from his sister, Mrs. Hooker, taking the lead in woman suffrago and free" | love movements, and consorting with I i « W llbellin ß . tl . 10 1 whole South and Southern people in I Iter book, Uncle Toms Cabin, anil I Uelping to sow the seed of civil war, I or with pruient and ghoul-like un cleanness and earnestness, defiling grave and memory of Byron. The patent right of this family to lead in an movements having fqr tholr object tho elevation and improvement of hu-, manity is badly damaged by the recent I dovelonni.nt. «nri evrir.auA in HivwiV- i uevtiopmtnts and exposures m Breok- » A number of other would-be I guides, patterns and apostles of hu* I *ÄÄU«ty, pioneers of progress, have I similarly come to grief in this great I wreck of names and Teput«tion9. The I Whole set of lYOman suffragelsts, male I atid female, who were tùû Chosen I friends, assooiste» »nd cronies of these | com the «.oSdèuce* and retailed oxer tSTqir ..a* tableB too vile gossip now twcotno I public property, have fallen intoltao the pit With them. Otoérnseful results J in ono way or another are likely flow, and to bo more or less widely j » lelt, from this clearing up of thq ele- j mouts-this purgiug of Uie Lad blood I whlclt nervadod the 8VR-1 tom. Peonflo hereafter to a litflJ whUe ÄTjSSkt prefer^ 1 lave their politics and their nligio los» mixed, and the separation between the pulpit and the hustings a Wttlo more distinctly marked. Perhaps They will he more solicitous about their pastor's private life and morals than about his reputation for eloquence and j humor, and his claims to rank among I "the first preachers in the world."! Among minor trutos, not toe less on 1 D I that account worth noting, the "great I scandal'' may he the means of illustrât - J ing how people may affect a reputat ion I. WM» ffofl refinement, cultivate pic tIS : aaarja js L • V .- 1, ,ead I e 7 | Stmb\(?of«1| d t5?ne and be I * . m ? nn fr of uuclcanne«», I ' ;0 1 wi } rdl< ' e 4 nnd deceit. In short, the 1 1 n 'lrnnreBQ ol,"^ ,! U9 ' r ! c l sö «calculated I nnew , tl 1 10 olJ a,ul yet ever dutrest tasnh-" ^ '"' d // SÄäÄferÄ-Ä I !I r> morid ten 4ency of the 11.-°/ tbls ® rookl y n scandal, this I of , ! , 1 moru * pmst perforce suggest I ÎÎ!2 "V 10 !® e ® , "< sJ o of so many lallen 'mai'' ^ the °% t3 f " hisftoe North * superstition m 1 THE REPORT OF* THE COMMITTEE. [.From the New Tovt Times 1 I an advocate for the defense, and as -. I whole it can only be compared to a har ff» which might be delivered to a rjr . b y a judge strongly convinced of P" 8 in £°<'Çncc of the accused. There 1 are IS'T, 0 ' 11 defects in the tone and torn «érattoîl 0 report whlc, ' avo to be much ,, , __ . '■"om the New Ivrl Sun. j n jW r0 P?rt who!ly exonerates Mr. I " eP,! . Bn a itwfll bo received as strong X^ -T h ° art i ot , thal , I 01 n , H , t th , osu who Loicl D eTer ^ ftUo to r ^ ain 1>>8 formel* Iweat P 0 , 3 * 110 "? That question must, we fear, be answered in the negative As^rteVer^ffttmT eight at . aU '. and WÜ1 carry eonvlction to nonu'a wind. If we had not known Ip advance what it would be, it might had Home effect, butas it is, that » utterly destroyed— falb feeble flat. * L From the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.) No man who is not utterly swallowed " the vortex of man-worship tliat J®® th ®d® nd roared around the Plymouth lu 5 , h last night can Ik> convinced of Jt t9? cher . 8 such a feeble of 8p 5p*f 1 Pleading as is made ohoaen Monter» to theb- final , „ .. , -, . . I 1 *™" t! 'f Medimjlon Capital., c ,,^!' Dunk Moulton b« patient and amde. He will havs the satisfac Sï" TïïZit' Y ïî^ Chl ? r f h dro P io "usli.aÿ/oii Star.] • Not Proved" is about u iHf aie " t " ,IU hoped for fre it Ives Coming Home. Hie lit'ookff/n Scandal • uo favorable u that I ~ — ■ f nardian, I caUln k.'d t ® nt 'on t-o the tact that t he sum to see about this thing. One gentleman who was having an unusally good time, and. whose Wife hail gone away to stay middle of September, was won , , u r^ astonished on going home at t ? - î m morning yesterday, to find !^®? ri îf,'^ ttlu * "1 Wttlt ingfor lnm. She K Uke the ÄoseTf^umm/ 'I' !» wide world may wag as it will, but it douljtfnl if he ever smiles again. The wives are cowing home unexpectedly ev t r \ day, and husbands had better look ttlem older that they r.iay :;sve aoulu trouble. lalerson Guantian. -— • • - has(N*f«>f Cars linn Like a Watch. , The v J. at . cat and " ost plausible plan yet in°eities without ïh^'aid of fcesTa device, in which the motivo pow er is used as an avrangemontof powerful springs, incased m cylinders like watch springs, of course on a ray large scale, and the application of which to tho ear. n , ow employed iasaid tobe extremely sim IP* 6 and ea3 ,?- Those springs are wound auu ! n statiormryytoam engines ai *"'* termmus ot the line, and when so existing Uno of tliis k ind vxtenda. Tlu• action i* revexsablo, the application of the brako power in every respect eatisfue tory, and tho working of the Whole tiring 1is pronounced a success, „ _ . ? r ?f weat n ? e°stiy things. A tkonsand dollam serrod ns a Vial , living qf hither, mother and thr6e chi J 1(lreu But ? h e molhc .,' wu t he creator of a home; her relations with her children were tho most beautiful I have ever seen; even the dull and communplace man was lilted up aud enabled to do good work for souls by the atmosphere which this woman created; ëvery iumate of her house »nvolunlsrlly looked In her face for the key elovT/feab which m A Perfect Home. The moat perfect hoiijc I ever aaw was a little house into the sweet iocenee of wkosu « to toe s«iy .he Bud ou Hund to b» read in uvoulog, there was no latormUsion ol her Influence. She hu.1 always been and tofalwaya will bainy Ideal of »mother, wife, surt boiue maker. It to her quU k brsiu, lov heurt and exquiaitejlucu bad th * a ppllanco otwq.lCb, and theenlurgc me t °* h4r wl<l,r culture, her« woulil have U,e hwnB - A » » «». il w '>> ,he bc,t 1 h " Ta e '" — Weal and Merer said nothin' to 'Lizubath T .5 been added Theodore, and Sùftan. Louidviilo Courier-Journal. PLYMOUTH LOGIC. Susan B. Anthony, she •at down,on Theodore'» knee Thus yon H. W. B. I -airfJ,