Newspaper Page Text
DAILY GAZETTE. o. p. Joiixaoa, Editor a«» Proi-biïto*. Ts» Daily Oahttb it Published «very af ternoon, (Sunday excepted) at «0 Markat hit., and served by carriers ta subscribers in an mSSSUSSFr* THI OILY MMOCRATIO DAILY IRTHK STATS, Tsn Dklawab« G a infs. establish oil 17M. U the largeat and moat flouriahinc waokly In /»• State, and hM a larger "" any other on the Peninsula: Published every Friday morning, at «2 a year, in advance. WILMIROTOH, BBL.» ■«»*• *. 1W4, Democratic Nominations. ■ State Ticket, sot OOV1HO«. JOHN P, COCHRAN, of Middletown. RKYBKSKMTATIVI 1» OOSOBÏSg, JAMES WILLIAMS, of Kenton. ! County Ticket. lor Sheriff— WM. H. LAliflSON For Coroner—RICHARD OROVES. City Ticket. xsanasone. Northern Diitriot-Tnonii J. Bow*». Southern Dietriot—E dwaud Faumah. Eim Wnri-gwcU-^^MnCjlb^ Am «taut—Hugh Sweeney. Seoond Ward-Conneil-H. B. Uvtnüte. D Inspector— Jos. Bradford. Assistant—Daniel Callahan, Third Ward— Council—August Bickta. lÙUfl Inspector-James Clarlc Assistant—Daniel Mullut fourth Ward Ftfth Ward-|nn£-^»^^phe,. Council—James P. Haye?. Inspector—^m. J. Morrow Assistant— Ed w. Molntire. fiiwth Ward—^Counoil—Wm. McMeuamin. toiatn warn In8çeolor -Jâ œe s^aJis. Assistant—Thos. Mortne. SevaathWetd-^ouaciUno^iaatluaJ. Assistant—Walter Cummins. Eighth *d£%!7 Assistant—Geo, C. Ward. Ninth Ward—^Council—Martin Fimlj. Inspector—-Samuel Smith. Assistant—George Clark. Tanth Ward-^neil-^^H 0 ^.,. Assistant-Bernard naughty. Democratic County Convention. object tory tion the the the from ings be of ry low, of ~ The Delegate, elect ôf the different Hundreds of New Castle county are hereby notified to attend a Convention to be y hddat the COURT HOUSE, tit tho TOWN OP NEW CASTLE, on SAT URDAY, the 5th day of SEPTEMBER NEXT, 1874, at 1 o'clock, V. M., for the purpoee of nominating Representatives to the Legislature and Levy Court, and take such other action in relation to as «hall be to canvass JOHN P. COCHRAN, Chairman August 26th, 1874. the approac deemed advi e. COUNTY MEETING. It should be remembered that a Coun Meeting will be held at the Court , House, in NKW CASTLE, SATURDAY next, 5th of September, when the nomi nations make at Dover, on the 27th inst., will be ratified and such other business t.aonsacted as may bo proporly brought before it. We have not been authorized as yet to state what gentlemen will be present to address the meeting; but will endeavor te do so in an early issue of tlio Gazette. Expose their Fraud*. It ia the duty of every good citizen to expose attempts to pollute the ballot box and thus destroy the will of the people. We hope all such attempts to day will be made public, and those guilty be brought to punishment. ty Do not Relieve them. The Ring i« buny cimilaling lies. Do not believe them. The people ere tire.i of Ring rule ; Htni it ia aure to be lieateu ; it ia better to put it down this year than next year, as at leaat a hundred thousand dollars will ha saved by acting now. Let every honest Republican teniem ber this. Let None of them Vote. Wo have been told by gentlemen whose connection with the Republican party dates from its origin, that a large num ber of negroes who came here to attend "Big Quarterly" were detained to vote in the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Sixth and Fourth Wards. None of these men should be allowed to vote and every one who does vote should be put in New Cas tle jail. Our elections have been car ried too long already by the votes of Philadelphia, Chester and Delaware ne groes who had no residence here. Election To-day. POLLSCLOSI AT 7 P. U. Let every Democrat and every Refor mer go to the election to-day and vote tiie Democratic ticket against tbe Ring candidates. Vote as early as possible and assist others to vote. You can make money by it—those owning a one thousand dollar house will save several dollars in taxes by the defeat of the Ring. Not only for one year, but it may be for ten yea-i to come; and those owning a ten thousand dollars house will save from fifteen to twenty dollars in taxes per year; which in five or ten years will amount to a ntce little sum as a reward for so small a pa triotic duty. The ballot is of no use if men will not use it to effect their own good and destroy cliques that are robbing and bul^pg tbe people. 'Tim SreetiA l(/iw(, T/I« seveutn liar » We hope no Democrat ot the Seventh Wariwill neglect to vote to-day. It U one of the meet important elections that has been held, and every man's vote will count in a way that will tell. If a Dem ocrat neglects to vote he fayofrs the B«tik and cannot have bis party's success at hekrt. IF he désires the triumph of right he must use hiB ballot to defeat the operations of the men who have held him in the minority for years, and hope to keep him under by the use of the ig norant negro. In the Seventh Ward to-day the white will vote together ; if we succeed it men will be by one of those sympathetic unions of intelligence against ignorance—an el - fort on tho part of the whites to escape the powor of the King to subject the ma jority by appeals for sympathy for the negro as amount in reality to preju dice against the whites; it is naturo re volting against wrong ; and reason right ing herself, and liberty assuming the sway party domination. Heretofore men have not had real liberty in the Seventh Ward, they were under the thraldom of the Bing. Break it. The Independents for Councils Every Democrat in the Sovemth Ward should vote for the anti-Ring candidates for Council, Messrs. A. H. Geimshaw and Wm. M. Canuu. They are sure to win, if the whit« ^Çople voté as they should. It is said that over two hundred ne have been colonited in the ward groefl by th« Ring. The Deiniocratic Assessors. Every vote should be secured for the Democratic Assessors, En warp Parvar in the Southern District ; and Trouas J. Bowen in tho Northern Dis trict. Mr. Parmar is sure of his elec tion, and with a reasonable effort Mr. Bowen may ho elected. Certainly he should be over such a competitor. The Ring ought to hedefeated everywhere Democratic Meeting at Town send. In accordanco with u previously pub lished notice, a meeting of the Demo crats of North Appoquinimink Hundred was held at the hotel of James C. Town send, in the village of Townsend, on Saturday, the 20th inst., at 2 e'oTk, j>. in. James C. Wilson, Esq., was appointed chairman and Wm. H. Hollis, secretary. Samuel Townsend, Esq., stated tne object of the meeting, and gave ft his tory of the wrongs imposed on this elec tion district at Dover last Thursday by the King caucus from this county, and the packed Commitee on Credentials, i the Convention, and then moved that Central Committee of five Ixi appointed from this election district to call meet ings and transact such business ns muy be brought before them in the interests of the party in North Appoquinimink Hundred. The following gentlemen were then chosen : Cyrus Tatman, David C. Rose, J. Hen ry Hanson, Wm. Dudley and bamuel E. Townsend. On motion of Cyrus Tatman, a « an vo8sing committee of three from each school district were appointed, vi ' ; No. 65—Pumel T. Jones, John W Nan dian, Wm. Z. Crouch. No. 76—John W. McCoy, Wm. Yunde grift, Taylor Atherly. No. 81—David Wells, Gideon E. Bar- tiie low, S. E. Townsend. No. 89—Andrew J. Collins, Jos. Whit tock, Wm. H. Tush. No. 72—J. Henry Hanson, William R. Rothwell, Wm. West. No. 80—John R. Price, Ewen Roberts, John H. Green. No. 71—Wm. J. Lea, Milos T. Jones, Samuel Townsend then presented the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, After the Republican Party . enfranchised tho negroes it was the (j. opinion of the white Democrats tf Appo quinimink hundred that the voto of said liundriKl would l>e about nine hundred votes, and fearing that said number of votes could not be taken at one place in the hours prescribed by the election law as of this State, and more especially if Re ublican interference at the polls was to D. e followed up as was at the last election, people of said hundred, but more especially the white Democrats, petitioned to the Legislature of thij state to make two election districts of said hundred with one voting place in each district. The Legislature complied with the request of the petitioners, and made two districts. North Appoquini mink, the voting place at tho village of Townsend, and South Appoquinimink, voting place at Black Bird, in the year 1872. Before the election, and before any vote hod been taken in the said aep arate districts, the Democratic white men of Appoquinimink met in the lower district at Black Bird and appointed delegates to the State and County Con ventions with the understanding that it would be the last time, as that fall the voting would be dono in the separate districts prescribed by the law. This present year, 1874, the Chairman of the County Executive Committee notified the different hundreds of this county to select or elect, on the 8th day of August, ten delegates from eaoh hundred, five to the State Convention and five to the County Convention, except Wilmington hundred, and that she appoint ten dele S ites to the State and ten to the County onventions. Brandywine appointed in ~ two places, North and South Brandy wine; Christiana in two places, North and South Christiana; Appoquinimink met in North Appoquinimink and South Appoquinimink ana appointed the num ber requested by said Chairman of the County Executive Committee, mington appointed in ten separate tricte. After it was arranged in A quinimink, at a meeting at Black the first day of August, to apportion 1 select said delegates in tne two above named districts, certain discon tented persona in tho hundred mot at Black Bird on the 8th day of August agaumed the right to appoint delegates for not only South Appoquinimink but also for North Appoauinimink hundred; ^nri those bogus delegates to the State Convention went to Dover and after a hearing before the Convention was turn out of Northern Appoquinimink and her regularly elected aolegates by ballot admitted; out South Appoquinimink hundred's delegates were superceded by the three bogus delegates, one from the North and two from tne South. And Whebeab. In the opinion of the Democratic white men of North and South Appoquinimink, there has been outside interference with the rights of the white Democrats of said districts, notice, if inter A ty, Daniel of loo, h ihn , 22d. nnd the roll I9A ; tho white num vote Sixth men one Cas car of ne Refor vote Ring can a save of but and dollars twenty five ntce pa will and and \VU die on aad and tid fcrencailkouU bo attouipted at tlic County Convention, to bo Mil at New (' ll3t i c J*, 0 ,t Saturday, the 6th of bcp tomber-, to debar or reject tlm delegaton from Jorth c "^,,, James O. Wilson, or the delegates from Appoiiuinimiidc hundred, John >\ • Uniats add Jerry Trior we will Vail meetings in said districts and rot abate to the utmost extent, of our ability, let the consequences be.wlmt they may; b a down-trodden people whose rightsu trampled upon and themselves insulted, are justified under the laws of retalia tion in dealing the heaviest poseiDle .lows to our oppressors, and therefore, Remind, That we are in favor ot nom inating the county ticket by ballot in the different election districts ill this county, nnd that we make this last ap peal to the good sense of the County ßxecutive Committee to call on these liogiis interfere™in'AppoqiiftiiJunk hun dred with the rights of the Democratic white men there to organise in their separate district« and nominate their equitable share of dolomites or hundred pincers os apportioned harmoniously by the two said districts. Besoin«', That the State Convention, in admitting the North Appnduimmink delegates to the State Convention under stood only those elected in the North District by ballot settled her rights to send delegates to the State Conventions, for the words uciod was, the ■delegatus Elected from North Appopuiniuiink hyn dred. Therefore, if North Anpoqiiini mink hundred lias the right. South Ap poqninimiuk lmudred linn the same rigid, if properly investigated; unu d the State failed to do her justice after admitting there was a North Appoquin. mink hundred, we make this appeal to the good sense of the County Executive Committee to rooominend the admission of the onlv true delegates of Appoqtxim mink hundred elected and selected ill North and South Appoquinimink hun dred« on the 8th dny of August, the day recommended by the Chairman ot the said < 'onnty Executive Committee, V. d lism Herbert. ■ Resolved. That the Demoend .10 white mull of this district hold nn élection at this place on Thursday, the 101 h of Sep tember, between the hours of 'J. aud a, p. in to nominate a candidate for Inspec tor, a candidate for Bead Commissioner, and a candidate tor Assess.»; also, that j request the Democrat ic white men of South Appoquinimink hundred to hold nn election on the same day at [Had Hint and nominate their candidates tor Inspector and Koad Commissioner, ate dosnch other acts as will satisfaetorilj strengthen both districts. On motion of Cyrus Tat mail, Resolved, That the Democratic voters of the Northsrn election District of Ap poquinimink hundred am opposed to any man from another district or hundred interfering with the political rights of this voting district. 'JTint the abovo resolutions lie publish ed in the Dait.t Uaxkttk and Middbtnv n Traineelyt. To the been ' aud lôth and July and gust and N South lor re I fit» L 5th. A for d. H « Wfl i liman. J, ('. Wu,so::, r Wm. B. Hollis. Secretary. August *. 1874. Maryland Items. tiie . (j. Ilawitt, for $S50; 50 acres i öhlplcy, for $550; 47?« «créa, to Thv Buckingham, for *430; and 27 c/ Thomas L. W. Condon, for $232 oO. portion ol the real estate of William Biti denburg, in the same district was also »old as follow?; 133}* acr^e to Jotltu i Branden, burg, at $11 per acres; 37'^ acres to \\ imam to D. Selby, for $19 30; lb7} 4 acres to Elias Brandenburg, at $10 per acre; 7K acres to Joshua Brandenburg, at $15 75 per acre; 23}<£ acres to William Vooley, at $18 25 per acre; 14j£ acres to Thomas Glenn, at $12 50 of per acre; acres to (ioorgo \V. Uooue, in for $320; 273 10 acres to tJcorgc W. Good win at $15 per acre; 183 acres to Hannah Dougherty, at $16 50 per acre; 88} , »créa to Dr. A. H iramond, at $10 per uerr; 148}«, of acres to Joseph Brandenburg, at $18 per acre; 145>;; to Robert C. McKinney,at $15 25 per acre: 97}^ acres to Joseph Bran denburg, at $18 per acre. Total amount uf sales; $10,957 7S. it the the to to the dele in num the two at but State a turn and ballot by the the and been of inter A b mpeianea alliance, iu Soweuet cairn ty, waa organized on the 20lh inst. Dr. Daniel W. Jones, 1'iuidant; ltöv. A. C. Heaton, Vice President, aud Joa. H. öiiutu, ^TheNortUeiu Convocation cf the Hloce«e of Easton, will meet iu Trinity Church, loo, on Tuesday, the 8th of September. Hit-Hop Lay will preside,and tho aeMion will eo'ititfue tureo days. The :«ew CastleIVeshytery, will meet i_ •w Presbyterian Church iu Elk ton, on Tuesduy, Keptember :23nd, and will be in M!*»loD two days. Thu church will he didi the afternoon of the O tion by lor $ Concert tion Sepi of ....... and aut; ihn cated, it is thought, 22d. ol A. The home farm of the late S; Payne, iu the Eighth District, W uicesisr county, containing 18S acres, was «old bat week to M'\ George Jones, for $1,200, nnd *8, to Dr. Geo. White Hall farm, 250 W.BiBhop, for $1,385. Mr. Martin S. Grove, a highly respectable nnd well-known citizen, of Middletown, Frederick county, died on Tuesday la«t, in the 75th year of his age. Mr. Grove was partially parai 5 zed tome years ago,and since bat time has gradually failed iu haalth. Tho following real estate, batangiug to Davis A. Dorsey, in Froedom District, Car roll comity, was Bold la*t week: A fa»m con taining 122 y À âcres, to Basil Dorsoy, for I9A r.d nni- imrfi: 80 acres to Mr*. Elizabeth Fourth _1_N hand N w J jtl C ti bit A Ï ' der I C. It. 214 New Republican Paper.— It * i> stated that the Iour talked-oi Republi can paper iu New York will be issued about the middle of »September. It is to be called The Republic, and will be about the size and shape of tho New York Herald. Its friends claim that it has capital enough to run it at least two years without any profit from the Ipaper itself. The practice-ship Constellation, which arrived at New London on the 28th ull., struck fill Little Uull and Gardner Island*, but sus tained no damage. The rock is not laid down in the charts. Official return« of tha election in Ken tucky from all but two counties show that for Clerk of Appeals, Jones, Democrat, r« - eeived 114,848 votes, and Cochran, Republi can, 63,604. Majority for Jones, 60,814. The State election in Vermont take* plaCu to-day. - on a hidden rock between \VU die Help Nature to Ralljr* After an attack of fever or other acut« dis ease has passed oh, and nature is ende&vor ingto rally the debilitated systcDi, help the effort with the standard vegetable tonic of the age. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Nothing known to the physician list expedites convalescence like this vital ising invlgorant. Persons who have been prostrated by long-continued sickness recover their lest flesh, strength and choerfulness in less thon half the time that would be quired to recuperate without it.. It is most genial as well as the most harmlef medicated stimul (as well as a preventive of; dyspepsia, bilious attacks, constipation, nervous disease«, ifco.. has no equal in the world. Wh tonics have failed, this effects a cure aug27to3 and thu phurmacuiio : I the sa ot v for , and us a rem all other OARDING.—Pleasant rooms and boar d ing in a private family at yWtf No.714 KING STREET B t NO TIC ns. n REGISTRY BUREAU. will bo OTICE.-Thc licgistry Bureau opened on MONDAY. July Utb. nut. To avoid confusion and the better to the work of this Department, the city has been divided into Suctions, and tue time uppointed in which tho cititeiii (Droperty holder?) in each Section aro respecttuliyre quested to present their deeds with n correct description of their property at this otiice: ' Section l«t extends from Market t » Union, aud from Front to Seventh Streotr; Iroin July lôth to 27 th. , ... Section 2, ««tends from Jmirket lo t m and from Seventh to Thirteenth streets; li July 27 to August 10th. ,. . Section 3. cx tends from Market t*> i mon, and Iroin Thirteenth to Brandywine; trom Au gust 10th to 24tb. ,, , A _ r . Section 4, extends Maikctto l mon. and from Front Street South to City Line; August 24 th to September 7th. West of Market and North of Iroin September 7th to 21st, d North ol N fit» Section L randy beolUm 0. East of Market . Ninth street?; from September 2lst to October 5th. Section 7. East of Market street and from Third to Ninth street*; from Oct.5th to 1 'to* Section s. East of Market street, and South from Thirl to A streets; from Oct, lt'th to Nov Section0, linst of Market, and South iroin A St. to City Line; from Nov. 2d to loth All Deed*. Conveyance? or Transfert! ot Real Estate made alter July 11th. 1874, must bo en tered in this office before they are sent to New Castle to berceoidel. , ,, , . A copy of tho Registry Law aud blank forms for the description of property will boluims-h edon nppUcuti ; d. althifi office. M. 0. CON WELL. Chief Engineer «ml Surveyor. 1 King Streets. Tenth io r i-3 T en dollars heward.-stuayed awny irom the subscriber?» a small iron gray*Ml : LE. with dark stripe across in shoulders. Tho above reward will be Paul »tables at Delaware City. for hi? return to e Del. Bep2-2t> li. F. BRADY d CO. ?Aw4t REWARD.—.Stolen from my stable, in Brandywine Hundred, a dark brown MARK. n iA almost black; rubbed on her hindi •* tail, with a white right hind foot. The an reward will be paid tor tho return ot tlio •i h ml ennvintion ot the \VM. ROTTHOUSE. Concord Bike §25 mare and tb thiol'. Near Sharpies*'.School II sepl- 2 tdltu t JROPOSALS I on 1IF.ATKRS.-The ItulM ing Committee ..1 ..I .No, llarn.on Proposals lor ui Der 7th. at ill und Third street", H cut it g (Aid school, until « uVIrek, P. M. l»te LEWI*- ZKbl.hY, Chui I King bn*. I'iiiirteenth i JOHN PALMER. L. P. LN N C11• i LECTION. E rtCK OF TH F. W II.UINUTOM C< Cumpant, No. 2U0 Shipley St. . August 31 st, 18*4. 5 An election for nine Directors of the Wit* mincton Coal (Lis Conipitny, will be held at the office,No. 300 Shipley street, on MON DAT . the 7th day of Septemlier. next, between the of 4 and 5 o'clock, P. M. , nid-té T. J. LAWSON, See y. I j. Of ho WiLMiNCTOXi Del.. Auk. 19, 1374. mill-: i>artnoisihi|> exitUisK l»* , twetn the X. undersigned under tho lirm name of ru Eey Scott d Co., is this day dissolved by tho withdrawal of William \ . >'inner. The remaining partners \ sd under tho iinn m re also authorized ness of tho late tirai. ill continue the .heretofore, .tile up the buai bu?i ; JAMES SCOTT, JOHN M. SCOTT. J. WINFIELD SCOTT, to 50 to per uf WM. V, WARNER. aug20*^w V^OUUl JKK8EY INSTITUTE, N. P. O First-class School lor both sexe». Loca tion delightful and healthy ; climate mild. Building brick: heated by steam; lighted by gitH ; hot and coldwater. Railroads and telegraphs. Commences September 2. Send lor catalogue. H. K. TRASK, Principal. $ 250 , 000 ' tl'Ü: 'Vi^iÄ Concert iu aid of tho Masonic Reliot Associa tion of Norfolk, Virginia, will take plaee on Sepi ember 3d, 1874. Also Kentucky State Lottory for the benefit of the University of Paduach and Royal Ila ....... <»t Cuba tickets for sale, prizes cashed and circulars of information sent free. JOSEPH BATES <b CO., Po-> Office Box 4264. 190 Broadway, N- Y. aut; OTICE. - MECHANICS' LOAN ASSO CIATION have just Issued 300 shares Fourth Series Stock for sale. Apply to W. J. MORROW. Seo'y, nmy20codtf No, 417 French street. ■VTOlTCF..—JAM ES H.BKGG8 has removed _1_N his office to No. <> West Eighth street, Allmond's Building. Bricks of all kinds hand N jy!4tf »west market rates. EXCURSIONS. XDX:C3TT3Ct.lSIXOKr TO WASHINGTON. D. C. A Ï Î1IILST GRAND EXCURSION to Wash ' ington. D. C., from \\ ilmiugton.Del., un der management of T. F. Plummer, will leave Wilmington, 1\, W. A B. R. R. Depot, ori THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, IS74, ui/i A, M. Returning, leave Wn # hin«ton, l>. C., at 7 iu Washing - . «5.00 o'clock, P. M„ giving I FARE for the r d trip... Tickets for sale at No. M2 Market .street C. F. Rudolph's. No. 231 Market street. E. 8 It. Butler's, 420 Market street. W . li Billany' 214 Market street. auglTte pniME Timothy, Clover and Orchard Grass Seed, i> is be the ull., sus FINE MIXED LAWN. WHITE DUTCH CLO VER. GREES («RA8S, DWARF GERMAN WAX DWARF WHITE WAX BEANS. VETE. DARK RfcTT"EGYPTIAN, BAS TIAN 8 S l M 0N 8 A u rn E R Bh K I' 8BEDS. EXTRA EARLY CARTER'S FIRST CROP :LaXTI!H ALPHA. LITTLE GSM, FRENCH WRINKLED AND OTHER PEAS. TROPHY TOMATO. IIANSOM LETTUCE« With a fresh supply »if reliable Flower and SMITH A BREEN, Fourth and Shipley. Garden Keodn, may2>itf "3RKMPT0RY BALK OF About 60 Firat-claas V CA R H I A ( i E8, WED.NESDAY, ÜËPTKMBEK 2d. 1674, atlOJO o'clock. A. M. My stock consists of Exten sion top uml Doctor Phwtons. UermnntownH, Kocknways.Mari kot Dearborns, top and no-top Buggies. Jenny Lind«?, Mcllingc-r Patent Jump Seat, ic,A>. No postponement on account of weather, as 1 have ample room under shelter. TERMS.—Sums under $100, cash ; a throo-months bankable note w endorser, or 3 per cent off for cash. HOWARD PU, SKY, Fouth Christiana Bridge. Wilinington, Del. L. W. Btidhum « Sc Bon. Auet'rs. in $100. ith ui-pruved àhlh cwAen/. ot mm d WIL.NIJN01' S» WAGON WdRKS, UonaLullyon and osdetoorder Express, Market, Truck. Farm, Germantown ,A«B Sneatb's Patent Tilting Wagons. | C.rtl, Push-Carte and Barrows : alto. Agricultural Implements, which arebcln« »old atoost.includio« PLOWS. HARROWS and CULTIVATORS All Nos. of the Moor«, Wiley. Paacook and Hoc»eod„rn PIowa, with or without centra draft. Repairing Nsstly «id Promptly Ext outsd. BLACKSMITHINC . n »11 its bra nobs*. Particular attention •aid to ; HORSE-SHOEING. All diseases of th, foot, and ma of lame no», mnidootal to ahoeinx or fut driving treat - ed undar tha Dunbar System SUCCESSFULLY. Interfering Invariably cured In onpe ohoelug Knuokling nod knao-«pmnx bona. imrne (1 iately benefited and left in a condition by the nid of whioh naturo soon effects » permanent cure. # , . Lameness from oorns instantly removed. Immediate relief given in casts ot acute founder. . . . Diseases of the above nature and various others ertaining to the foot and leg, heretofore considered incurable by "Old School* Veteri* narians. are by aJudicious application of tbe DUNBAR SYSTEM relieved and cured. Anatomical specimen^ exhibited at the office showing cause and effect. Having been at great expense to acquire a thorough knowledge of tbesuhicot, and being the only smith in the ßtate to whom Mr. Dunbar has imparted his valuable method of treatment, I am prepared to treat the worst case the publio can bring forward. I employ only competent men and per sonally supervise all operations, US Orangeltreel. ISA VIO WOOlaMAJf. ment plaoe Office HI a FALL, 1874, Has CARPET STORE, 820 Market Street, DRY GOODS STORE, of 822 Market Street. With the opening of this season, the as. fcorlinent ol good« lu each of tha Depart busineat, will ba found un usually complete. Buyer«, (at heretofore) will by re&aou of our large «took, at way» Und bargaiu» and reliabls good« at aud un der market rate«. ment« ot N. MOTTO: CHEAP. PROMPT St RELIABLE. «h GRANVILLE WORRELL Market street, akere Elfhth, Masonic Tempi*. WILMtNQTOW. ML. as *25 Sii.p-Tb««adi»o bhuttl*. *a,t voOriUTi THE! USTEJW AMERICAN Sewing Machine, 7 - teed 718 MARKET STREET, J. H. PRIMROSE, Agent. ]e9Ja» A WILMINGTON. DEL. DELiWiKU STATE BONDS his in at WANTED. P ERSONS holding" Bonds! ot the State, due January Ut. 1876. ean have Par and Accrued Interest and for the same, on presentation to meat Mil ford or to tho Farmers' Bank, at Dover. E. H. DA VIS, State Treasurer. July Hut, 1874.-lm FOU SALE AND BENT: I jlOR RENT—New House, No. 1421 1 Harrison street, eleven rooms, all modern do>Ys, throe once if dosired. Inquire at 1411 street. I improvements, bay stcries. Possessio win on at a feb$6-tt F OR SALE.—Tne Hope Bnildlng and Loan Association, is now offering shares, in tbe 4th sortofl. Apply to J No. F. MILLER Rect'y. apr4-eod N. E. Cor. of 8rd«and Market .1. O. FORD, lit* MARUKT HTHH'.HIT'. WILMINGTON, DHL. Manufacturer aad Dealer in Stoves. Ranges» Heaters» Plain and Fanoy Tin Ware, $100. Metal Roofing and Spouting. Repairing and Jobbing done promptly and satisfactorily. JyxOtt JF YOU WANT THE FINKST — SALT OYSTERS (ffok Goto A. L. AIN8COW, ^ J ^ 711 Shipley street. If you want tbe finest DEVILED CRABS, an i fresh CLAMS in every style, go to A; L. AIN6COW. 711 Shipley street. je20J3m vnr goods. "O-PEISTUSTG BTHING 1FD SUMMER DrcNW Goods, li ou specialty.) English Walking Jacquets KUGNCMI KO U LARD KINO WEAR; FO FRENCH tfc IRISH POPLIN, SHAWLS, < 'ASSIMERE, WATER-PROOPS, TRIM.MINUS OF ALL KINDS, M. L . LICHTENSTEIN, 2-0 Market street. WILMINGTON. w m& % v-r \ 50(5. 506. LAY ASIDE EVERYTHING! OA LI. AT ONCE ! and be convinced SOOIiSNUVHR SO CHEAP LfOht Badueing Stock at BELOW CO T PRICES DEYGOÜD8. BOOTS AND SHOES, Crockery and Glassware The greatest variety and the largest assort ment of goods in the £tate. Ht number thi plaoe and number If M\ : ADAMS A BRO. Wtt. Market .Street. MMt, WILMINGTON, DEL. Jam' If WM. 13. SHARP, Cor- 4th & Market Sts.; , Has opened a full assortment ot NEW AND BBA80NABLM Mamdeome Dress Fabrtee.spleadld qualities ct Blsck Silks, Japanese Silks.&o. Alwar, an hand, a full Block of MOURNING 00008 . of tha latMt it,laa uni molt raltbla uukH Alia, »full line or D01ÆŒ8TIC OOOXDfcJ, At tha lowest rotas, WM. B SHARP, as. un un No. 319, 4th Market fid , WILMINGTON, DEL, Delaware Carpet House, 809 Market Street, above Tliird, WILMINGTON. DEL. Thoeheapeet piaee In the State to buy y oar 0ABPETB.0IL 0L0TH8.MATTINÖ8. »ml WTKDO W SHADES. AT HENEY GREBE'S, 3UU Market ■treat. N. B.—Rag Carpet woven to order at the .or^Mt^notiee. and lowest market rates. «h .m 5> S BOOTS AND SHOES SKLLIlSra OFF Spring and Bummer Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices. LADIES' SLIPPERS ARB OFFERED AT COST. IJohn S. Moreland, | N. W. Cor. Fourth & Poplar 81s. * A large and well selected stock of Ladies'. 1 Children's and Misses' Boot« and Gaiter*. which be is selling cheap for oaah. Custom work reeeivea special at tention. The beet material guaran teed to all Repairing 1 li ► promptly attended to. jefi-dlv <* A HEAVY STOCK SUMMER OF SPRING AND CHEAP BOOTS & 8H0ES, fieeond Ht., 1 « do«ri West of Market. The anderefgnad respeotfully lnf< his firiend« aad the publio that be baa SHOES and GAITERS, suitable lor Laditt , d Children, which are manufactured from the best material and tuna* in the best manner, and will be sold as low t 1 the same article ean be obtained in this any other city. Ladies und gentlemen buyinf at my store will have the advantage of a lar«« and varied assortment from which to select * fashionable and neat fitting hoot or shoe TU publio are oordially invited to call and ex amine tar «took and learn my low prices. JOHN K. may 21-li Gentlemen. Misses et ceedingh BABCOCK THOS. R. LALLY •8til MARKETHTBEKT, in BUSINESS. PROPERTY BOUGHT. BOLD CHANGED Houses Rented, Rents Collected, Loans Negotiated! LEtiAl, PAPKRS PREPARF.ll aprildtf AN1) i.\| in CHAS. CAMBLQS & CO. BANKERS and UBORER » No 388 Third Bt .PhllBdelphl ÜKALKRH IN OOVERNMUNT TIES, U01.U. SILVER, , SBOUhl Btooks and Ronds commission. investments. bought and sold 'articular attention aiv««n deolVi-ly and I* •\ i©500 REWARB ^ The above reward will be paid fur INFORM ATION that «inland to lb. AH RÜST AND CO* VI01 ION of lb. paraoDor pereons guilts * SETTING t IRK to oof DWELLING. ST*' BLE, SHOES or olbu bnlldlni. Marjb $.U'4-tf,; J. L, SIMMS. Mayor. 4