Newspaper Page Text
FIKAIOUL A.Vd COMBlBltCIA I. » t w WlLMlMCTOV. DoL. l Latest Stock quot;.Mo,.* fkm nok, Johnson & Go .K Cor ket street. Wilmingtoo. DeU at X P. M. to Coupom.. day: ■881, 118k 112W 5-20*62 5-20*64 115 0 ïîô? .Mm 5-20 *68 *• 5-20 5-2U m 10 40. Currency 6', New (• of 81 Hold.... 114' ; it A .dSK STOCK QUOTATIONS] Lake Shore. North Western Rook Inland H.. Ohio A Miss...... Pacifies Mall.... Wejtern Union St. Paul. " Pref..,. T. A Wabash...'. Union Pacific.., Ü.O.AI.C . Penna . Reading... Lehigh Valley Lehigh.Navigation. Creek... Central Transportation. LOCAL STOCKS Wilmington Coal Gas Company National Rank of Delaware. Union National Bank. First National Farmers' Dank.... I National Bonk Wilm and Brandywine Delaware Stuto Bonds.. Wilmington City Loan.. 4 . Newcastle County. Delaware Railroad, Gold 31 78K In W! i 101 78 H6M 54 8694 42 61 Oil 45 H' 47? 16 Bank. 60 ÏU0 10U 100 .... 97 , first Mortgage Delaware Railroad, extension. Wilm. and Heading, first Mortgage*. Wilmington. Del., Sept, 1. 1874. quotations at the Brandywine Mills for Fluar amlGrain—Corrected Daily. Family Floor.. : Extra FI Suporfino Flour Wn PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET. Monday. August 31, 5 P. M. Tue market for beef Cattle was very dull this week, and with liberal receipts, chiefly of the low and medium grades, prices favored buyers. Receipts. 4190 head. We quote tair a choice at balyir,, aud common at cents. Sheep of good quality were in lair dSmund. but other kinds were neglected. Sale« of tbo former at 4a6c.. and the latter at 82 25 a 3 50 per heud. Goed Lambs are worth 6a8c. Receipts 19 000 head. Hogs were fairly active at |10el2per 100 lbs., net, for corn fed. Receipts, 5000 head. 98 6M» 0.25 •H 7. 8.U) our .... U.«« < 9 6.25 ... 1 25® 1 30 • ; SZO. SPECIAL NOTICES. Food Tor Ibe Ruble*. Children.fed on RIDUE'S FOOD will thrive be itrong andheallhy. and become little mod els of youthful strength and ohildieh beaut*. aprSddm Concentrated Favoring Kxtrftita of Vsnills, Lemon, Orange, Rose, Bitter Al iuond, Ginger. Mace, Celery, ole., etc., rnude id acid wholesale and retail by E. BRI MG HURST A 00„ Corner bixth and Market streets. Brodle*« Miraculous Cure for Corna An Kngliah remedy of great Duimlfirtt y. lor removing corns without E. BRIN G HURST do Cl)., Apothecaries. ; Corner Sixth and Market atreeiM. Finest Salad Oil I For sale by K. BRINGUURST .4 CO.. JaW Comer Sixth and Marke* ■ü£«l£. Fine Nall Scissors. «ankiTi&iSsft K. bKINGHURM Cornor Bixth ud Market stret,. oe, Hand eet., lor A CO.. Curved and Brushes Nall sole by Prime Vanilla Beane l ,oli Wholes. « 0 ^ B tftJ Q b fiüRBT A 00„ Corner Sixth aud Market Streets, For the Ba> 'i. Bath Brushes, Bath To*r«l*. Bath Sponges aud Bath Soaps in extensive variety. Also. Flesh Gloves, Straps, Hru hen. etc., of horso hair. Dry Fnction Gloves, and many other articles of the same clas3 at E. BRINGHUR8T k CO . Corner Sixth ana Market streets. ALFRED WALTON. Druggist. No. 235 Market street respectfully informs nis triends and the publio in general, that he keepa on band all descriptions of medicines, and that a competent person U at all times ready to prescribe for such rick an call at that store, and »hat no oharge is made exoopt the regu lar price of the medicines, the same price *4 they would pay anywhere else; but tnat uo ono is visited at the. r residences. arctic ICE COMPANY, Office. - Nu», a Gut Second oui* 403 Poplar Street«, This Company will supyly the oUictns of Wilmington during the balance of the season of 1674. at a great reduction on present prices, u» follows; ft pounds daily. 8 46 cents per week. 12 95 M •• . 60 pounds daily, 40 cents.each delivery ; 100 pounds daily, 70 cents each delivery ; 500 lus. and upwards, at 812 per ton. Being solicited by a number of the most prominent citizens of Wilmington, we have concluded to permanently establish in this community the above company, and will be thankf ul lor the patronage of all who wish to buy the best article from 30 to 40 per pent, be low the present prices. ■__ . „ uugöl dim J. B, CONROW k SON. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF ICE On anJ at 1er Mond'»y, AuvuBtliLt, tho price »f Too will be reduood to tho following rates. 4ft cents per week 6ft do aft do 95 do 1 111 do < do ft pounds dally,. 8 do do . 12 do do . 16 do do . •20 .do do . 50 lbs. each delivery too. do l is 40 TO oo cents per 1UP lbs " and upwards Uur Ice is of the best quality, and will be the lowest. sold as low WALTON t JAMKJ, HprStf loth und Ki ng und No. 2 W. rtd ptfl UHH'N Ii STEAM FREIQHT LINE Leave. 2d wharf above ChutnuI «treat. Phila delphia, doily at 5 p. 10 ., and French «treat wharf. Wilmington, at tt p. m, Freight trend ed curefall r and forwarded w ,', 111 yy 1 *£")a I« t foi Siitl Of in WANTED onmortga •JpOoäV/vJ :t or 5 years, on property worth three times this amount, A good bonus given; Address this office. aug27*2tdltw FIRST EDITION! THE THE CLOSING MEETING fact men I lie ing nity at fifty that of of THE RING AT WORK. A 8EN8AT10N LA8T NICHT. The Cllj/ Council. Special Meeting last Evening—Ci.os ing up the Business. The City Council met at o'clock, lef t evening, in epeeial »i'sbion, i'reaident Marls, In the chair. This see*luii was field 1er the purpose of eloeing up, ae 1 er as possible, the business remaining on the hand? of Council, and making the Held clou, for the new Council, which organizes Wcduesduy night The Street Committee male a favorable report ou the petition ot Morris Tasker & Co., for penpittuou to erect telegrapb poles through this city -the lirm desiring to nect by telegraph tlieir New Castle Works withtbeir works at Philadelphia. Adopted. On the petition of Enoch Moore, Jr., for the lefsadiutf oUJ:;0 paid by him for im ftfuvlug the Christiana at the foot of Fourth street, tha Public Buildinga Committee re ported in favor of renting the wharf to the petitioner for two vean, at 850 per yoar. Adopted. The same committee reported adversely on the petitiou of Patrick Welsh, lor per mission to erect a frame building on Hearlcs street, between Second and Third. Adopt the we can Sumo committed Luther repotted that a shed had been erected in tho cow pound. Adopted. The Opening Streets Committee reported favorably on the petition of P. T. Tyre und others, lor the t-Htublishment of the grade between Rodney and DuPont streets. The report also recommended that the Chiel En gineer of the Surveying Department be strueted to prepare grades mid submil tb>'m to ihe inspection 01 Council as soon as pos niblc. Adopted. The same commit 1 to in ported that the return of tho recent fommitsMion on north Walnut street wuh not legal, because the titlo of the property condemned contains the name of one of the t-iguers of tho cum in issiou. Adopted. Same committee reported m favor eepting from Sam i Billes, a bed pi Fine street,betwee enlb. 'Adopted. The Navigation Committee on the peti tion, of Jama* Piowoir,asking to be appoint ed Detective of the Port ot Wilmington, reported that uo such office was within the gift of Council. Adopted. The Law Committee reported that tho Ordinance requiring the election of a Super intendent of the City Hospital the City Council, wn Adopted. Same committee repotted in ti stitutinp an Ordinance, prepared by tho City Solicitor, for the Ordinance uinsiuling tM pity roll syntem, already read twice be töre Council. Adopted. This Ordinance, which places the of the employee*) of rhe Surveying J tepart attn wards l ead a 1 :ic Iced for the •n Tenth and Kiev ket. of the in eh year,by ana legal. of 8ub had the allies ment ou ii pay roll, v> third ftitrm 3rtdpassed. The l'Cài}. nation of I. J. .lenk ms,Inspector of the fcixih Ward, accepted. Wm. VV. Hiininous fill the vacancy, ruceiviug twelve votes lo three blanks. Geo. II. Latch. AshLUut luspector of the Second Ward, hflvlxg resigned, .lohn K. Babcock was eiactad to lire vacancy, receiv ing seventeen votes. O 11 motion ot Wm. M. C was instructed to dvr the different members uï C amounts due them roseuled read uud elected to ing to the as of by, tho < Hark ordeN in favot of *>l for ! lie salary. Orders were also directed in bu dis favor of James E. P.»c-, ffii 816, and «James Maharty, for $216 00. Ou motion, Council adjourned. STRAY WAIFS. Delaware Loan Association meet« this evening. Let every Democrat vote nef ore the polls close. Ldok out for colonized negroes and eaters. 'he Democrats ought to $ IV •y at leant »even out of the ten wards this after noon. yndmlurhed by the election excite ment, Frank, at 511 Market street, sells goods os low as ever. P. Monaghan, at 305 Madison street, has a very : fine lot of shoes, purohased at Sheriff's sale, which he is selling at tremely low rates—25 per cent, less than wholesale prices. tf TEACHES. Monday's hiiii-mknth. To Jersey City, 21 cars or 10.500 basket. To Thiliululphi*. 1 " " 2,tXW Total, Previous ship. Total, 93ti " Aii 8,000 25 " 12,500 911 " 455,500 ' Police Cases. Benj.&ope, for threatening*, bodily barm •v Jamei Smith, was fined f2 end costs, and held to ball In the earn of |200 to keep the peace. For committing an assault and battery on Epbinaow Price, James Smith was fined $3 the sum of $200 bail to to to and coats,aud held keep the pence. Substitute for Marino Basket*.— a hanging gardon of sponge is one of tho latest novelties in gardening. Take a white sponge of large size and row it full of nee, oats or wheat; then place it for a shallow disli, in week or ten days ma Which n little water is constantly kept, and us tho sponge will absorb tho moi.i __seeds will begin to sprout before many days. When this has fairly taken place the sponge may be suspended by means of cords from a hook in the window where a little sun will enter. It will thus become mass of green» and can be kept wet by merely iniuiert»iiig| in n bowl of water. _____ __ Body ^ound-O n Sunday afternoon, the body of an unknown man waa found floating in tho Delaware, near Delaware City. The remains were in*an advanced state of decomposition and unrecogniza ble. An inquest was held by the deputy Coroner, yesterday, after which the body was interred: be Holt»« Stolen.—T, n»t night,» dork hrowu man* was stolon iront the fctuble of Will lam Kotlfiousc, near Sharplej's School House*, t ;oncord Pike. In a notice elsewhere Mr. Uoithpuae fully describes tho animal,and offers n reward of $25 for her recovery, or the arrest and conviction of the thief. Game op Bask Ball. -The butchers of Second Street Market, will play a game of bas« ball with the butchers of Eighth street market, to-morrow afternoon, at the Hcheut _ Park. This wlll'be »a interesting game and will no doubt be witnessed by a large number of our «citizens. foi zeu TO-DAY'S CONTEST. THE PREPARATIONS FOR THE FIGHT— THE NEGROES GETTING THEIR INSTRUCTIONS— GENERAI. IN DICATIONS. lint oi: the most sificant points con nected witli the election to-day, is the fact that of the one hundred and forty men who were employed on the new reservoir yesterday only about sixty went to work this morning, and hut ONE NEOROE WAS ON THE GROUND. The reason was obvious. The rest of I lie workmen were all in the city, work ing in the interest of the "City King." It was a sight this morning, after nine o'clock, to cast the eye in the vici nity of the \Vater Department office, at Tenth and Market streets. Some fifty or sixty negroes loung corners awaiting the ora masters, whom they obeyed with an alacrity and servility far surpassing that displayed by the meanest Held liana of flic South in slavery'spulmydays. They waited about the office door, leaned against the tree boxes and spread themselves along the churchyard wall. They seemed to imve no detinned plan of action and waited only until their mnsters shamelessly sent them forth to degrade the very ballot which they ac quired through flic shedding of the na tion's^best blood, In lnokingat the va cant countenances of these miserable, mindless wretches, it seemed as if their expressionless faces, as they gazed at eneli other, bore tlie inscription. "I'M CAPTAIN OAI.UAOIIEIl'.S COON; who's coon are you Ï" y are spread over Democrats should ed about the era of their By this lime the the city, and the keep a sharp look out for them, and seize them the instant they attempt to cast, an illegal vote. The election is now progressing, and thus far has been conducted very quietly. The liquor saloons have been closed all day, and uo unusual drunk enness is manifest. Both parties are working hard, and it is with pleasure we state that the indications point to Democratic success. This evening, as soon as the returns can be obtained, extra editions of the Gazette will be issued from this ottice, which will contain the full result. The State Normal University.— This institution, under the charge of Professor Harkness, will re-open for its 25th form, September 7th, in the second story of Saville's building, Gth and Mar ket. streets. It is well known that this institution gives thorough instructions and prepares students for college, for business or for teaching. It has teachers of established success and well-known to the public, and has become one of the most popular and successful institutions in til«' State.— Commercial. Startlino Explosions.—A bout C o' olock, last ï 'veiling, s»*veral startling ex plosions broke upon t in* air, and caused many people to think that an accident had happened at the powder mills. It was ascertained t hat the explosions came from the new reservoir grounds, where the workmen were blasting rocks. They had made a number of drills during the after noon, and blunted them just before leav *ning, causing t he explosions quiek aueees ing in thee to follow im?* onrd i d her i Up.ekn Torn Fritters.-—B oil six cura iho cob while warm. To two cops of corn add three eggs; beat the yelk»; mix with the corn. Three t(*!i9poourtfuII,of flour, with a little salt ; beat the whites lo a stiff froth, aud add Ids*. Bake as griddle cakes. •rape tho c of cui ii fr HE A TUER REPORT. Washington, Sept. 1,1 A. M. Probabilities. —Over the South Atlantic and Gulf States, higher barometer, slight changes in temperature, winds mostly from northeast to southeast, and clear part ly cloudy weather will prevail. $ 1.50 FOU -A LOAD OAK AND PINE KINDDING WOOD, Either separate or mi d. No small wagon, ii good big one hesped up. ABBOTT & McKINNEY, f»19 Orange street. sopl-li PIC - INTO AT TUB SCHUEIZEN PARK, Thni-HUny. September 3d. 187«, ling. Afternoon and Ei ADMISSION : Gentleman and Ladies For single Ladies. l'or b Cta 85 •• JOHN MANZ. Steward. ÄA^Shonld the weather provo unfavorable the Pic- Nie will be postponed until further notico. sepl ffitt. D T.HMON & GO, INio. 117 Market Street, (below Second.) olf-jra MOCCO. OLD GOV. JAVA. MARICAHO. LAOIJYRA. aud RIO a a in COFBMSIUS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, o mill in tho city sr. our customer« will getting their Coffee Having tho only coftt driven by steam powc not bo detained in ground. Wo also keep on baud of sugars, teas, spaces, Canned Fruits* ProBervet), Jellies, Pickels, Hauoes, Sardines, find every ether article usually kept in ft first-class Grocery Storo. As wo are the laTgrst manufacturers>nthis city of CancMos, Cakes and Crackers. or of of The rublic may bo assured they will gave luouoy Ly buying ucthis eatablishmout. 117 Market Street, Below Second. IlS Oat ALTER CUMMINS. ATTORNKY-AT-LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Wilmington, Del, Otfnca—512 King S\, uait doo* ta Post deo2GLy. EDITON! SECOND THE BUILDING RECORD THREATS OF LIBE^. ACCIDENT ON THE RAILROAD. Bulldinff Statistics. OPERATIONS OURINO AUOUST. During the month of August just closed, 4 building lines have been surveyed by iho officers of the Surveying Department, for the following persons : Geo. T. Barnhill, on house in the Ni^ith Ward on 23d street. Jno. Walker, one house on the N. W. corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Lin coln street. Wm. Ellis, two houses on Seventh street l>etween Scott and Dupont. Wm. H. Alexander, one house on the west side of Christiana avenue, near Third street bridge. David Mooney, one house on the corner of Heald and Fourteenth streets. Henry Hannam, one house on Mary land avenue, east side, beyond Soeond street. Perry Boyer, one house on Third Stroet, near Dupont. Wm. G. Simpson, one house on the west side of Justison Btreet,between Front and Second. Jas. F. Traynor, one house on the soi|ith side of Sixth street, between French and Walnut. C. Messick, one house adjoining the above. Pusey, Jones & Co., an office on the «fast side of Poplar street, below the Railroad. Bishop Becker, the Catholic Orphans* Asylum at the S. E. corner of Fourth (md Van Buren streets. Alex, McLeod, one house on the NI E. corner of Fifth and West. Geo. Headley, two houses east side of Williams street, between Lobdell South Side. Geo. H. Rohnetto. one house Eleventh street between West and Washington. Joseph M. Long, one house on the Si E. corner of A and Queen streets, South Wilmington. Huxley Harvey, one house on© the south side of Eighth street between Kjing and French. Total, 19; total for the month of Au gust, last year, 49 ; decrease, 40. a in a a A. ai Threats of Libel. EVERY EVENING TO BE PROSECUTED UNLESS A RETRACTION 18 MADE WITHIN A WEEK. John G. Baker, Esq., member of City Council from the Fourth Ward, has publicly declared his intention of prosecuting for libel the Every Even ing newspaper, of this city, unless ijaid paper retracts the offending assertions within a week. The article which Mr. Bilker takes exception to appeared in last night'» Every Evening, and the particularly offensive paragraph reads as follows : "In the Fourtli Ward, James P. Hayes, the present efficient Democrftic Councilman, ought to be elected by a ood majority over McMullen, the ~ing candidate, and will be, if Baker's attempted fruuils are prevented." This inferential charge of attempted fraud Mr. Baker decidedly objects to, and on it he will base ids grounds for a libel suit. Ho claims that the charge affects Ids character as a private citi zen, and in nowise refers to him in his public capacity, in which case be would pay no attention whatever trt it. But now ho declares unless the ' is publicly retracted within a week, the publishers of Every Evening jvill have to answer at New Castle for tho same. What nonsense, there being no ljbel in tho matter. Hmasii up.—Yesterday morning at Elkton M(l.,asan engine was taking somo coal cars over the coal bins, the trestle gavo way causing the engine and ono coal car to fall into the b)ns. Tlie engino was badly damaged, and one coal car was smashed, but fortu nately no person sustained any injury. A number of laborers were at once put to work repairiug tho damage. HI o A MEDICINE CHEST IN MINIATURE. Miahler's Herb Bitters is not a beverage; but a strictly medicinal preparation, more thoroughly adapted to the wants of the gene ral publio than any other in the market. Un like all other so-called is prepared under the direct personal supervision of an eminent Physician. S. B. llartman, M. D.. the senior proprietor, is a regular graduate of the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia and a practicing physician pf large experi ence and extensive practice. In such hands the publie may rest assured that Misffier's Bitters is compounded in strict aoc once with correct Pharmaceutical nrlnoii and that none but the choices ting redlenta eater into its composition Its immense sale alone is conclusive that it possesses merit of a high order, chants, bankers, clergymen, lawyers. o.v.„o and others engaged in sedentary occupations, experience its wonderful effects in religring depression eaused by severe mental la bor: while the mechanio, farmer and laborer, find their bodily vigor restored like magie by its use. At this season of the year, when rbh(Ka.Cramps,Colics and kiudred disorders, oaused by eating unripe fruits, imprudent in dulgence in eokd drinks, etc., are prevalent, a certain, speedy and efftotaal remedy be found in Mlshlera Herb Bitters. The depressing feeling or Languor or Debili ty, incident to tne 'heated term,'* is at <|mce removed, tho energies restored, and new life and vigor imparted to the prostrated system, by its use, InDtbpbpsia, Livrr Complaint and Ar FSCTioNS of TUB KioMRvs it invariably W0rks like a charm. It is not a drastio pur«« nor heady stimulant, violent in its operations» bat it is simply a natural remedy, thoroughly adapted to assist nature- It supplies tone to the stomach, reinvigorates the digestive or gans, stimulates the secretions and promgting a regular action of the bowels, enables organ of the body to perform its allotted regularly and without interruption It is the unerring certainty of desired re sts use, coupled with] the fact that it is prepared by a physician of Emi nence in his profession, that has rendered Misher's Herb Bitters so popular, and as fami liar ns a household word.— Thousands of Mothebs all over the land have found it to be the safest and best remedy for nse in t families; they net only give it with po safety to even the youngest child, but when used with caution find it the safest meaajs of ensuring their own health and lreedom the weary aches and pains incident to 1 sex. Perfectly harmless, it is just the ret needed by them to ennble Nature to per her fonctions naturally■ regularly and v>i inconvenience . No Lady should be without it if she would possess the olear, blooming com plexion and cheerful spirits inseparable Yom sound health. It is sold by all Druggist^ and General Dealers; is neatly put up insq Glass Bottles, enclosed in a yellow wrapper. It is not sold on Draught, being strictly <j dicinal preparation, and as such Is ende by many of the most ominent physicians o country, . . angf>-eod4m.2d&3dp. rd les. roof er ks the IA !{i suits attendant on ft eir toit inn rsed ft ho W ANTED.—Wilmington Coal Gas Sloct Address *'B." Gazette letter b<|)x. eprSStf THIRD EDITION ASSAULT BY A SWEDE. THE SEDUCER TRIED RIVINB THE COONS A HOLIDAY Criminalities. HEINOUS PRIME COMMITTED IN MEDIA BT A HWE1JK. In Media, Delaware county, Pa., resides a wealthy and respectable family by the name of Tyler. The husband is engaged in business in this city, and is seldom at his home over night. On the evening of the 10th of August last, in the absence of all of the family excepting Mrs. Tyler, who is well advanced in yeurs, probably sixty years, the residence was broken in to and robbed of somo small articles, by a brute in human form, who, not content with the plunder secuied, forced himself into the old lady's apartment, and there brutally and grossly assaulted her. When the case was placed in the hands of the Pennsylvania Detective Bureau (Taggart Lukens, and Carlin) the named officers had not the slightest eine upon which to work. However, they ascertained in the ly part of June several of the hands employed by Mr. Tyler's son had been discharged, and one of them Charles Laun a Swede, had -been in Media the night be fore the robbery. This was a clue eager ly clutched at and worked out to a suc cessful issue. Laun was traced to this city, where he was found employed in one of our hotels under the assumed name of Charles Taylor. Hewaaon Saturday tak en into custody by Detectives Taggart and Lukens, and among his effects oil of the property stolen from Mr. Tiler's res idence was recovered. Likewise some silver ware and linen, supposed to have been stolen from some other residence. Laun is about 35 years of age. and rather good-looking ; and although he has been in this country but a short time, he is able to speak the English language quite fluently. The prisoner will have a hear ing before Alderman Delaney to-day. and will then be handed over to the authori ties of Media.— Press Aup31. Democratic Conyreesional Con vention in Dorchesiei* Co., Md. Cambridge, Md., August 81.—The county democratic convention met here to-day to select four delegates to represent Dorchester county in the con vention to assemble here September 9, to nominate a democratic candidate for Congress in the first congressional dis trict. The delegates elected are: Dr. W. R. Hay ward,B. Smith, W. D. Noble and H. T. elates are in favor of the nomination ot Clement Sullivane, Esq., editor of The Cambridge Democrat and News. The contest in the district primary mcetiugson Saturday was very enthus astic. ear t Winterbottom. The del The Iteverend Seducer. In Jersey City New Jersey;yesterday tlie Itev. John 8. Glendenning appeal ed before Judge Aldridge for examina tion on the charge of bastardy preferr by the poormaster. The court room was crowded. A squad of go Hetman were present to prevent violence lo Glendenning. Ex-Mayor Sawyer sei for the people, usked to have the dyiug statement of Mary E. Pomeroy udmilted as evidence,aiid offered to pro duce other evidence. The counsel for the defendant would admit nothing, and the case was then withdrawn, to be brought before higher courts on the charges of seduction and breach of pro ed , couii mise. Only One Church Burned. Columbus, Ga„ August 31.—The Lee county, Alabama, light has been very much wus killed and only exaggeraled. No one church burued. Ailla quiet there. It la believed that uo oue waa much hurt. Unfair.—A s is stated elsewhere, the negro laborers on the new reservoir were not at work on the grounds this morning, but w r ere allowed to work in the city for the Ring-masters. But the white laborers were made to work all morning, and will only have a half holiday, while the negroes get paid for the whole day and don't go near the reservoir lot. Pic-Nic.— Ou Thursday oltcrnoon next, a grand pic nic will be held at tbo Schuetzen Park, and many unusu al attractions will be offered. The tickets are DO und 25 cents each, aud no doubt tho pic nic will he largely at tended. " Honors ark Easy." — Henry Ward Beecher is nowflalflod for the Presidency by the Plymouth political ring;. ''What nex!i , " as the tadpole remarked when his tail drop ed off. _ » The Louisville Courier-Jourmil les rus that a number Of men, who recently went from Stamford of .Lancaster, in Kentucky, to "suppress" the recent riota there, have been indicted by the Grand Jury of Garjard county, aud will have a hearing to-day. General to General Black Hilts expedition to Fort Lincoln. He says his command marched 1000 miles, and, with replenished supplies, "is in good condition to take the field to-morrow. The internal revenue foceipta lor July and August, the first two months of the present fiscal year, were $17, 819,610, an excess of $577,449 over the receipts of the corresponding months of 1873. Custer reported yesterday Sheridan the return of the to NnMM ft light LMki WIiMft S inning and SlmplaBfWing Machine, would o well to call at N 0 V 7 I 8 Market Street, WÜ mington. Del., and see one ôf the nicest F ami ly hewing Machine* in the world. It .has no equal ; it sows from the thickest to the Ihinett material if desired without change of needles. Our hobby is simplicity, durability, light running, and no thremdmg-up required ; sell threading shuttle ajjd sell-setting needle. Bold on easy monthly instalment, or a liberal discount off for cash. Ladies don'tbuy a heavy and complicated machine, but got tho light running Sew Amer jean. w7d.J,V ^;p^« B n :A D g*iiL WANTS. W ANTED.—A Student for Delawaro Col logo. Tuition free. Apply to augO JOSHUA. MARLS. ANTED—Ajgiri to do chamberwork and y3tf "PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE IT CON BTUTION of THE STATE of DKL A19 ACT proposing an Amendment to the Con stitution for the purpose of empowering the Legislature to enact a General Incorporation Law. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Uouso of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met. (two thirds of each boose deeming it ueoeftsary and concurring therein, and by and with the ap probation of the Governor.) That the following amendment be and the same is hereby pro posed to the seventeenth section to the sec ond article of the Constitution of this State, to wit, by adding to the said section the following words, subject to the provisions aforesaid : The Legislature shall have power to enact a general incorporation act, to pro vide inoorporatlon for religious, charitable, literary and manufacturing purposes, for the preservation of animal and vegetable food, building and loan associations, and for drain ing low lands ; and no attempt shall be made in such act or'otherwise to limit or qualify the power of revocation reserved to the Legis lature in this Notion.** SECTION 2. And he it further the Secretary of State be and directed, after the Governor shall ' proved of the above proposed amendment and this act. duly to publish the above pro posed amendment and this act in two or more newspapers in this State, for the sidération of the people of this State, three and not more than six month the next general election for Senators and Representatives in this State* Passed, at Dover, April 3,1873. A. V. LESLEY. Speaker of the Senate. JOSEPil BURCUENAL. Speaker of the House of Representatives. St ATI of Dklawark, I Executive Department. J* June 2d. 1874.J This Act was passed by and with the appro bation of the Governor. And I, James Ponder, Governor of the State of Delaware, do hereby express my ap proval of said amendment as proposed in said enacted. That he is hereby ap at least s before is to act. Witness my hand and the Great Seal ot said State, the day and year aforesaid. SEAL By the Governor. JAMES PONDER JOHN H. PAYNTER. Secretary of State. Stats of Dflaware. I Executive Department.) I, John H. Patntnr. Secretary of State of tke State of Delaware, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a truo copy of the act entitled "An act proposing an amendment to the Constitution for the purpose of empow ering the Legislature to eaaet a genual Incor poration Law,** Mssed at Dover April 3d, 1873, together with the Governor's approval of the said proposed amendment the same having been compared by me with the original roll now on file,m this Department. In witness whereof I have here flR ai. to set my band and affixed m v ^ rv M>fficial seal at Dover this sixteent 0 ^'day ot Jane, in the y ear of our Lord thousand eight^hundr^and^eventy^lour, Secretary of State. one >e23te The Delaware Normal Sc hoo Stronger Than Ever Before, Oioinizid NovenbBu 19. 1800. FACULTY : JOHN 0. HARK NESS. Mästet of Arts at*d graduate of Bowdoin College. LAURA OSGOOD HARKNBSS. tte Success ful and Popular Wilmington Teacner. C. HARLAN, M. D„ Graduate of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, Lectubkr. FERDINAND FULLMER, the Thorough and Popular Piano Forte Teacher of Wil mington. GEORGE HARDCASTLE. Educated in Eng land, pur Successful and Popular Teacher ot Mechanical Drawing und Mechanical Mttth emittiert. HENRY SC1I0ENI1ERR. the accomplished Teacher of German. PANCOAST ALLEN, the thorough and sue - cessful Vocal Musio Teacher, ot Wilmington. MISS L. AMANDA GILBERT, the thorough and excellent Primary Teacher. JACOB CRAIG, Jr. Graduate, and Bachelor of the Art of Teaching, ot the Delà* State Normal University HENRY COLLINS. Graduate, and Bachelor of Arts, of Hamilton College, The rates of tuition are from $6 to Il8 per term of three months, and book root from 2 > cents to 81. Students will be fitted for any college br profesBional school in the United States. Ar rangements can he 1 /tads V vay no tuition uni<1 after they have been adnSittêd to'their chosen t allege, and WITHOUT "CONDITIONS." Students will be fitted for teaching common and highor schools and academics. Situati om aro guaranteed to those who havo talent ana character and acquire scholarship in our in stitution. Students will bo fitted for business. This institution has had for threo year* the largest attendance of students of all -private higher institutions in the Stute of Delaware And wo will give ono hundred dollars (810U) to any person who will disprove that state monk and one hundred dollars (3100) to the Children's Home as pood as it is disproved, a public acknowledgment. Very respectfully. JOHN C. HARK NESS. Principal. Wilmington. Del. August, 1874. 28 -ltwit It RUGBY ACADEMY, A COLLEGIATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS, MASONIC TKMPIiK, WILMINGTON, DEL.. UK SAMII KL W.UVHPHY, A. M„ Principal. Aa.iateii by able anil experienced Toechers Thia institution is divided into three de partments, PRIMARY, JUNIOR end SENIOR. The instruction in every Department is sys tematic and thorough. The Sohool offer» full preparation lpr n COLLEGE COURSE ; or, if preferred,- for BUSINESS Lend in the latter case COM MERCIAL ËRANCHES reoeive careful at tention. at " in FALL TERM QCPEBS MONDAY, S KPT EM BEK 7th, The Principal can be found at the Academy •vary Joy tbia weak tr.ia.8 to 12 o'clock. Parents wishing to secure seats for tneir eini dren are inviUd to call. aug32d0t WASHINGTON HOUSE. HO. 305 MAR MKT STREET, WILMINGT N. DÉL.. I« now optn for the recep tion of guests- Having bean fitted up with new furniture throug bout, hy strict atlention^^^^^^^^ to business . the proi-rietor^iPflfl^iSSJ sar «aa.i.1» of th. 3 . a .ou H Uood P ublm ? » s( Uok 'maj22v4m* tfow to get Rtmirilna.-^TrijnTramfcaand Btronrnnrvous systems are not the lot of all. But the fee bio need not despair. 'By adopt ing the means they may live as loiuf und eu joy life os inuoh as their more robust neigh bor!. Physical iuvigoratioli ie* however, necessary to this end ana while Tlio spiritu tonias and nervines usually administered, eventually depress both body and mum, UR. J. WaLKBR'» CaLIFOBHIA \ 1NKÜAH Biitrbs invariably supply new vUor ta the frame, while they regulate every disordered func tion. ftUS-J-IW. no a tho uu-i JAMES A. PLUNKETT NOrAkY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER, x. K. Cor. Third «ltd marktt sit,, lüe-tond Btory.l WILMINGTON. DEL. and