Newspaper Page Text
LINES OF TRAVEL. APRIL 20th, 1874. Trains leave Wilmington as follows', for : Philadelphia and Intermediate stations, 9 30.10.30, a. m.; 2, 4.45, 715. . 10.24 Baltimore and intermediate station*, 12-52. 02.a.m.; 5.20 Baltimore a. a.; 1.23, p. m Trains for Delaware Division, leave for : New Castle, 12.65. 10.10, a. m.; 1.25, 0.30, de'aford and intermediate stations. 12.55. 10.10. a. m.; 6.35, p. m. Deiner and intermediate stations, 12.55 10.10. a. m. and Naw York, 1.31 a. m.; lu Vk "hiugton. 12.52, 2.03,10.02 SUNDAY TRAINS : Philadelphia and intermediate etntiuns, *,46,0.30, p.m. Philadelphia and New York, l.Sl. a. m. Baltimore and Washiogton, 12.62. 2.uS, a. m. Hot farther information pereengers are rc ferred to the time table, posted at th* depot. H. F. KKNNKYTSuperintendent. akp READING RAIL W I koA I D aTON On and after Tuesday, May 26th.l874,trains will run over the Kradinu Brasch as fol lows:— Going Northward Geing Southward STATIONS ' No.2. No.4. No.6. P.m. p.m, a. m. a. m. p.m. p- m. 6.16 1.46 6.30 Wilmington 9.10 3.12 7.32 6.03 2.38 7.24 Ohadd's Ford 8.25 2.19 6 49 7.06 8.2-t Couteevillo, 7.25 1.0» 6 57 8.01 4.i6 9.11 Springfield, 6.28 12.00 6.07 8.84 4 36 9.41 Birdsborft', 5 A4 11.34 4-32 9.0/ 6.30 10.J6 Reading. 5.20 11,00 4.00 CONNECTIONS : At Wilmington with trains on Philadelphia Wilmington Sc Baltimore.andDelaware Rail* roads; at Chadd's Ford with trains on Phila delphia A Baltimore Central Railroad; at Coatesville with trains on Pennsylvania R. R., and at Reading with trains on Philadel phia A Reading,Lebanon Valloy.EastPenna. and Reading & Columbia and the Berks County Railroads. SUNDAY No.6.No.3. No.l. TRaINS.-A train will .leave Read! dr at 7.10 a. m.. on Bunday, arriving at Wilminxton atll.17 a. m. Leaving Wilming ton at 3-HO p. in., arriving at Chadd's Ford at 4.17; Ooateiviile, 5.25; and Reading, at 7,37 p. ■>. E. COLLINGS. General Superintendent. ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS. Sail *v*uy Öatüibay. ^Faaaengers booked to and from any Railway Station or Seaport in Great Britain, Ire land, Norway, Sweden. Denmark, Germany. France, Holland, Belgium, and the United States, Cabin fare from NEW YORK to LONDON, LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW and DERRY by Wednesday's Steamers 66D By Saturday's team era §66 and §75. EXCURSION TICKETS, $120. INTERMEDIATE. 635, STEERAGE, 630. Payable in Currency. Parties sending for thoir friends In the Old fie un try oan purchase tickets at lowest rates. Green, N. Y., or to SAMUEL F. BETTS. Wilmington, Del. MARTIN JOHNSTON, BOOK-BINDER, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER. Magasines, Music and Publieationa of all kind bound at the lowest rates. Bock Numbers of periodicals supplied, special attention given to making Ac count Books of every variety of Ruling and action guaranteed. Orders by mail Wu 1 receive prompt attention, HAHIIN JOHNSTON, Mo. 420 aUlPLKY STREET, eeu6-*73-tf WTT. KINGTON. REMOVAI Jim I have removed fro fehipley itreet, to tuy old stand 4(3 N.W. Cor. 3d & Shipley, Where, witn increased facilities, I shall he better prepared to supply the wants ci my o ustomera with STG V ES. H EATERS, IR^HSTG-IES, AND _ House Furnishing hoods generally. Being thankful for past favor» I pope by personal attention to buxineiM to bnlinne to receive uth&roofyour patronage. R MORRISON. fe3md N- W. Cor. Shiplov Street*. The New Vastlelouniy MUTUAL insurance Company, No. 602 Market Street, INSURES AGAINST FIRE, Huuses and all other kinds of Buildings with their con tents, For period» of time varying from 3 month'! to a term of years Manioekb: William Tatnall, William Canby, Jamks Bradford, Gbo Richabpson.; John Guvbr, Sam'l Canby. Chai. W. Howland. Clemxnt B. Smith. Low'd Bbinohurbt, Jamkb Kiddlb, Kdward T. Bellah, a. P. Shannon. Ahbton Richabdsox, Geo. H. Bates. M. M. Clkavkb. c siuiL TATNALL.Pree't. *. BAM'L SMITH Sec'y. leblO DELAWARE FIRE Insurance Company, No. 608 Market Street, WIIMINGT0N, DEL. Iicornorato. 1826. Insnranoe for n term of yenra, or Perpetual Insurances at Greatly Reduced Rates. Losses prompt], adjusted and paid. Insurance against loss or damage by fire as ow as any other oompany. DIRECTORS: Charter Perpetual Geo. W. Sparks f rancis Barry, Wm.H. Swift, Job R. Tatum, wm. Canby. W no, M. Canby,* W. O. Gibbons. _ Geo. W. Bush, Geo. W, Stone. » WILLIAM CANBY. P sident, h . L. Gi lvi x, Secretar y pr29-'7t) • î t Lu JOHNB 0X31 J Y , ,;iCfi CREAMS, CONFECTIONS, TOYS» ICHILDEEN'S JfflZ COACHES, FIRK-WORK8 BASKETS, WOODEN WARE, „And a (,n«Ml us«wrtm,nt ofBUnla and •urj Nctiona. JOHN RODDY No 411 MARKET STREET, (topedto the Guette Offii«, WUmlngton, y»l. U8 in to to to a as BANKSIAND BANKERS. THE ARTIZAN8 SAViKttS BANK 003 Market Street, Incorporated February 23.1861. Open to reoeive deposit*' daily from 9 A.M 1 until 4 P.M., and on Tuesday and Saturday evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock. A SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of six per cent, bas been regularly paid on deposits, state the organisation of the Hank, and it is the expectation of the Managers,that this rate of dividends will be continued. When dividends are not withdrawn, they are aooounted as deposit*. Thus permanent deposits oompound their interest tWloo in each year. MANAGERS : William a. IIillib, Climmt B. Bmttr, Chas. W. 90ÏLASL, g ATHAN'L 1MET F. Dum«. K. M. STOTi.SBD.a, Gkobqx W. Bess, GkOKQR S. CapRLLE. M. L. Liohtexstrix. KNEOE, EdwaBO B A ELI KOTOS JobH. Jaoesok, Wm. U. Swift, Aktuoxt Higoihb, WM ■ S. HILLBB, Frulden t. Geo. W. Bui, Vie. Prddant. f«b21-lj E. T. Tat LOB. Treisurer. JURHT NATIONL BANK OF WILMINGTON. Depository of the Public Moneys, AMO Financial Agent of tbe United States. EDWARD BETTS, President, GEO. D. ARMSTRONG, Cashier. Paid ap Capital, ^ Philadelphia and New York Exchange fur nished to regular Depositors without charge. Disoount days, Moufryi and Thursdays, at 8^0 A. M. •MI DIRECTORS Clement B. Smyth, Israel Pu»ey, Henry 8. McComb, Daa iel James, George W. Bush, Eli Garrett, Joshua T. Henld, Willlam Tatnall. mar 28 Edward Betts. » THB MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK. No. 4 W. Third Street. Six per eent, interest. Open Tneeday und Saturday evenings and every day, A ii. G rims haw, Treas.. J. P. Wales, M. D-. Prea't, John F. Miller,Clerk. yl-tf HATH AND OAFS. DUBELL THE HATTER. 2 (Cast Third Street, WILMINGTON. DEL. -ly L. H. QUAY'S . CHEAP HAT and CAD EMPORIUM. 402 KING STREET 402 HARDWARE. D. H. KENT &iCO. UUF0RTKHH AND MANUFACÏURER.S' AU ENTS FOR iROisra 8T1ÆL Hardware, AND COACH MATERIAL, 1 Have the largest Stock of goods in tho State iu their line, and best assorted Stock in the United States. Nos, 205 & 207 Shipley &210 &Ï212 Orange itrerti, _ ^__WILMINGTON. DEL. Wm. GREEN <& GoT, Successors to Pedrick. Green A Co., Importera And Deaers in IRON AND STEEL. ,: isrooMÄ® D! éâRNEB'OP THIRD and SHIPLEY STS., and Auger Shapes, Galvanised and Blaok sheet Iron, Cast, Shear. Blistar German. Tlr. MMhlnwTMdT.p st,,l. Smith. Conob, and oth.r Hardware-Hon. Bnoe,, Bon, Sho, Nail., Borax, Bolts, Clin., Nuts, 'Washers. Malleable Castings. Wagon Boxes,ffpnngs,Axles, Bpokes.Felloes, Shaft,: S anea Tin. Sheet Zlne, Ac., Grindstones, ranks and Hollers. Book Chains, Ao.. A., ' Smiths* and other tools. Anvils, Vioea, Bel lows, Sledges, Hammers, Shoeing Knives. Files, Rasps, Smiths Drills, Tire Benders, Twere Irons. Stocks and Dies. All of which W 8. E . , , »Ul. b, «old at very low prloot. wholeialo and rotall, for oaih orap proTBd CTldP. march 5. 1868. 1011,1 mirror,, A fall; uêortmwt of all liiw. Including douhlo magnifying, Ac. E. BKINGHDR8T A CO.; Sixth »ad Market itrccta. llowwe Lived Before fhcRevo tnttm. Tho costunu ä of tUc Juy wire rich ami showy. The jmlftes wore in Mas sachusetts scarlet robes with i'acin^s ami culls of black velvet, and powdered wi«» adorned with black silk bags. Their robes in summer were of black silk. In 1774 the sheriff of York, now in -Muiuc, came out to meet the court, coming on a Circuit with six of his de puties, all with gold laced gentlemen monopolize brave apparel. The over seers of Harvard College in 1754 had to forbid the students to wear gold and silver lace or brocade. Laced and em broidered garments of velvet and ttowered silk were commonly found in gentlemen's wardrobes, and there was one solid man of Boston, a thrifty mer chant who went about his business in green or purple gold. Wigs gave place to queues when it was seen that the officers of Bruddock's army did not wear the former. Artisans wore leath ern aprons, and .serving maids were known tty short gowns of domestic stuff would they have thought of the satin and silk which Bridget deems her prerogative? The ladles, according to Copley, preferred red satin and pearls to any other toilet. Ucd.indced,seems to have been a favorite color with them, for the authorities of Philadelphia, in order to drive red cloaks out of use (for ,e don't know), took the novel but effective method of dressing a woman in one to go to the gallows. The authorities of the Quaker City Becm, indeed, to imve'thought it quite their duly to correct the fashions, for another occasion they sought to make the "tower" head-dress ridiculous by setting it on a very tall man's head and marching him through the street to the sound of a drum. Here is a hint for the dress reformer. Low necked dresses were an abomination is Boston as long ago as 1091. the public has at last got used to them. Pood w as cheap. In 1740 meat in Boston retailed at two pence a pound, and a twelve pound cod be bought for the same. Malmon weighing two pounds sold Lr a i-hilling. Choclate was more uscdtlinn coffee. Teetotalism had not been invented. Cider was three shillings a barrel und universally drank at meals in Massachusetts. PI ip and toddy were sinful drinks also much in vogue with our abandoned nin es tors. Madeira was the favorite wine all over the country, and rum punch found favor without distinction of party. The students of Harvard were allowed "in a sober manner to enter tain one another and strangers with it," the corporation having decided rum punch "ns it now commonly made, no intoxicating liquor." Now adays Massachusetts courts decide lager beer to be intoxicating. Can it be that our heads are so much weaker than our fathom'? There are plenty ofehances to wet one's whistle in those day. One house in every ten in Philadelphia sold drink, in 1774 Bo the grand jury found— <4 ai axv what reason •MI It is no wonder A reunite Ttinoist- W/inl liefet n Niee 1 on tin Mini. Ah the j Meu.son at Old OifLurd •Ii, Ale., tlruwej to a « lose, the lead tii ruction out door« is the presence lair daughter of Lowell, who by her ^wonderful performance with the our, has won tho reputation of the chumpion rowist. Miss Chase is the ifuly und she is a guest of the Ät. (Rond. She daily takes a long row, launching lier boat, an ordinary (lorry,among the breaker* with coolness ana judgment. This is a feat not attempted even by men, unless accustomed to the place. Every afternoon the sojourners at the hotels throng the beach to witness the during attempts of the fair rowist. Tuesday she rowed to the Pool and back, twelve miles,pulling every stroke herself. lb bhc is fond of playing prac tical jokes, and,last oven,invited one of those "awfully nice" young gents from the South End, Boston, 1o go out with her. He gladly accepted the kind in vitation, feeling quite flattered. A large crowd was upon the beach naher hont was pushed off, the young gen I sitting in the stern. She successfully encountered the first breaker, and her passenger was delighted with bin sail, and highly rompit ment cd her for her skillful management of the boat; but when the third line of breakers was reached the boat was 1 urned upside down and the occupants precipitated intoten feet of water. That "awful young man swam ashore and made for the hotel in a solemn frame of mind, while the lady rowist swain ashore, bowed gracefully to the crowd, aud after attending to lier bout retired to her room for a change of clothing. n ico" NEW GOODW, Just opened Standard Trimmings, Hamburg Edgings, Ruflings, Laces, Ribbons, Ac. and full line, ol GADSE MEHIN0 UNDDKKWKAH. HOSI ERY, GLOVES. NOTIONS, me. 8. II. STAATS, No, 417 Market Street, ^ wmmm |B ^^WilminjtoluJ)el. SE WlN G MA CHINES. elegant assortment of Also, arr!7-wtf GROVER & BAKER'S InTEW Lock Stitch SEWING MACHINE, 507 KING BTBKEE, it _(Clayt on House.) may**? WEED Sewing Machine, THE BE8T IN THE MAKE ET. To bs had at tho Cor. Sovonth and French Btreets, WILMINGTON. DEL. nar28-3m COAL AND WOOD. HARLES WARNER A CO. Markot StreetfjWUarf, Wilmington, Del. O id !£< > tiiil Lienlcr* Wbolesnlc* —IN— Auttiraclle «ntl Ulti iluous Coal. Tho only firm in thi* city receiving coal daily all rail, iroai Cumberland region. 'ilie only firm Helling Exclusively the Lehigh ami Wilke«luirre Coal Company « Coal. ,, _ Every one should use the Shawnee Coal for family, steam or manufacturing purposes. Wo guarantee it, to make Itss a«hes, prove more economical and give hotter satisfaction than any oonlofiered in this market. ASK FOR SHAWN f : U CO \ L, PU K N Ell A Ml jSKE COAL. Tell your friends what you think of the SHAWNEE COAL. llIARLFB WARNER A CO.. Muiket Street hirf. All at a je!2-ly. PILE & MURPHBY, (Successors to Wm. 11. Alltnond & Bro.,) Dealers in COAL AND WOOD, Cor 20th and Market Street»., (<ith Ward) WILMINGTON, DEL. Order* ielt with John P. Alltnond, Eighth office, will be and Market streets, or promptly attended to. Rest Lehigh und Schuylkill Coal always hand. may».74-ly at UHK IMTIiilT WÄWOÜ8 LLIVKR THE BEST COAL INTO CEL uumping on the pave G. W, BUS 11 *t SON. Frenoh Struct Wharf. D La US without mont. Jan I Off JOSE1MI F-OTJT SELLS ENTERPRUK. 11ARLKIGU AND MI AW NEK COAL AT SCHUYLKILL PRICES. Oak and Pino WOOD by ihecord and neighbors in the have customer* to led. We try to excel all preparation of cur succeeded wo will leav Coal, how far to 0 Joseph fuut, Orango ami Water streets. say for us. jell ty to 1 I'lANOS ASJ> ASS. PIANOS --a&îY For $200.00 unü upward*. OILMANS For $417.00 mid upward*. For cash or on instalments, at ROBF.J.F.W & BRO'S Warorooros, (UP STATUS.) MUSIC HAS CHARMS I J'KKJK REDUCED. THE BEST IN~THE WORLD Will Last a Life-Time ! 35,000 OK THE CELEBRATED Shoninger Organs, ' IN 1MTLY USE, The best musical talent of tbe' country recommend these Organs. The nicest and best. More for your money and gives better satisfaction, than any other now made. They comprise tho Illustrated Catalogues sent by mail, post-paid to any address, up on application to B. BHONINGER & CO., New IIav4;u, toon. novll WM. S. WATT. Mi. Kill!) Miect, PLUMBER. (JAS-fii FITTER uhes hifi friends and patron« to b bo has re* urned business i aud would deui that tbe uljovu bran to renow tboir custom heretofore so liberally bestowed, llo is pre pared to do ull kinds of work in bis line, and submit t.-itimates of cost, guurunteeiuir to finish all contract* and ooiujdete all idhs in tbe most SUBSTANTIAL AXI) 2W0RKMANLIKE MANNEK. KSatirif&otion to all will be small poniblo profit charged Give in• a nail. y aim, and tbe _up 2 2-1 rjlAX PAYERS, TAKE NOTICE! CITY AND SCHOOL TAXES FOR 1874. Ihe un«ler«ignod Receiver« of Taxe» for the City of Wilmington, will bo at tbe City llall, on und after tho first day of July, 1874, be tween ihe hour.« of 8 and 12 in the morning, and from 2 to 6 in tbe afternoon,fo r the pur pose of receiving Taxe«. A deduction of five per cent, is made on all Taxen paid in July; all paid in August and up to the closing of the poll» of the city election, the face of the bill must be paid; and alter that date five per ceut. will be added to the bill. ALEXANDER CHANDLER, WILLIAM STILLKY. iiin Receivers of Taxes. iy' I!W CHOP TIIHNIP AND HITT A BEGASEED. At W. N. CHANDLER'S, fill Market Htreet. N 1,7 Children's Clothing, No. HIO MarlretlStreet, Mrs. m. l. mcdaniel, Has a now and fine assortment of Chil dren'» Olothinjr. Cassimores, Hamburg Edg ings Hosiery, Trimming«, Patterns,<*c..which she is disposing of at low prices. Also CHILDREN'S CLOTHING CUT and MADE TO ORDER. 819 MARKET STREET. mdy-1 GROCERIES. HERMANN A_UL; >. GENERAL FROVIIir; DEALER. No. 233 Tatnall street, WILMINGTON DEL. Would respectfully nounoe to bis friends and 1 the publie that be still ear - ries on the Meat business at the old stand, and will keep constantly on hand the beat quality ol an aSgrgj. - J BÜC1 AR-CU ft KD 11 AMP. FLITCH, SHOULD KK8. LARD. PORK. SAUSAGE. DRIED BEEF. CHEESE. TONGUES. Ac.. Ac. All of which will be sold wholesale and retail at the lowest city prices. He returns his thanks to his many custo mers lor past favors aod respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. JOHN V ALIaUONLI, Cor. 8th and Market streets. DEALERS IK rho GROCERIES, TEAS, HP1CEH Sec., Arc t n 511 king St. & 2d and King. W R BOWMAN. Grocer &. Tea Dealer, Private Families. Hotels. Reetauranu and other consumers supplied with THE BEST GROCERIES or AT FAIR PRICES, AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. fccond and Kins and 611 King lia. maySO-Sn THE NEW STORE 1 MY MOTTO : '•A QUICK DIME IS BETTER THAN A SLOW DOLLAR I" seconnt of tbe great scarci ty of money, to sell at the lowest figure, I nave bought exclusively for oash, and intend to sell at email profits and make quick sales. 1 keep on hand at all times As l desire, The Choicest Variety of GROCERIES, At tho most reasonable figurai. Should yon doubt it, you have but to call and examine my goods and prices, and you will be vinced. Don't forget the number. Ill West Second Street, W. ». MELVIN. lohiJJin ICE DEALERS. WALTON & JAMES. have rented the office No. 2 West Third Street. Former I, oronpiej by th. Franklin Tele graph Co„ where they will keep constantly on hand a good supply of their fine KENNEBEC RIVER ICE, And will receive orders for the coming hqih RSt .Fewons who want a good clear »olid ith during the hot aummer month» would do well to call and leave their orders with them early, and they will be guaranteed a supply through tho entire season. apr22tf 8PLBN DID EASTERN ICE FOU 11874. ». Wth&ve secured a very large »took of the^ beit ICR cut on the Keaeheo River the past winter and will aell during the summer at the tollowing prices: 6 pound» daily.. M coats par weak. 8 du do . 8Ü do do 12 du do .110 do do W do do .1 JO do do ill do do ..160 do do 25 do do .ISO do do 40 lbs. and ov«r, ol th, rate ol tl 0U pw 10(1 lbs Altbou.h th, above prima u. u low u good Ernstem Ice oan be Mid in this market at u profit, we do sot intend to bn undersold upon uny considération. Those price» to take effect on and after Monday, April 13. ^ . PÜ8EY d RICK, Ocmns-^Ob Bhiplcy, 4th end Poplar, ISIS Walnut 8ta. apr7tf S. B. WEST 8AYB I will continue to OL BAN AND iWarraitBd WATCHES, OR I TUK Usual Time t CLOCKS for| 003 market street, WILMINGTON, DJJL. Aug. Oth, 1874. je20-d 3 m William lally. WH0LEBALK DEALER IN Brandies, Whiskies, WINKS, «no., ail BABTBONT FBTRBBT, Between French and Wnlnnt Streets. WILMINGTON. DEL LEWIS RAYMOND. 615 SHIPLEY ÖTHEET, 3&1S1 - SPLENAD WINRfl AND LIQUORB. Pure from the Custom House,imported direct. Also FINE OLD RYE ft BOURBON WHISKIES bold and delivered et the lowest possible prices. may GEORGE VICKEH8, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ChHlwUn, Kent Co., Md. *. W. VICKCIM, ATTOHNKY ATILAW; do i*n w>i* DRUGS, MEDICInES, AC. [e I 4 * -x- /. rd m % iS a A. Y iU« El ( warn aii .«u I'd imam t un inkr Ihrwc Killer* accofu tl remain long unwell, pro .*« are not destroyed by mineral rusted hied tl; oison o , aud Vital org; joint of repair. IK)'*pi-pnin or lMdige»liAii, Headache, Tain Coughs, 'l ightness of the Chest. ldzziiieM. Hour Knn-iailons of tho Stomach, Bad Taste in tlio Mouth, Itilioim Attacks, Palpitation ol rho licuri, lnnummation uf the Lungs, Paiu lu the region of tlie kidneys, ami a hundred other paiulul are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. Olio better guarantee of Its merits d i , the .Mi . m lump; « bolt le will p than u lPiiaftliv advevilspineul. l'er I i miile t'ornplnints, in young or old. he dawn of womanhood, or the turn of in»*, the*? Tonic Hitters display t ided an Influence tiiat Improvement is soon per ceptlble. Far Inflnramniory nml ('liroNlc Ithr,. mnllim rtud Lout, bilious. Remittent and Intel mutent Fevers, Dihensesof the Blood. Liver, KM •leva nml Bladder, these Bitters have no «»luai. r-.irli Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. They nre n gentle Fiirgnii n Tonic, possessing tho merit of acting powerful agent In relieving Congestion inutlon of the Liver and Visceral Org. married or cingle. I" well «* iu flam and ill Billon* Diseases. Far Nkin Dimm«, Kruptlous. Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs. Discolorations of the Sklu. IIamors und Diseuses or 1 he Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally »big up und rnrrle»l out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitter». Ornlefnl TlioiiminflM proclaim Vineuah Hu ihrs the most wonderful lnvlgorant that ever tallied the sinking system. k. h. McDonald Druggists and Geu. Agts., Sau Francisco. Cal., A ?or. of Washington und Charlton Rts., N. Y. büLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS A DEALERS. & CO. EDUCATIONAL. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, 602 FRENCH STREET, WILMINGTOS, . DELAWARE. FALL SESSION WILL BEGIN SEPTEMBER lOth, 187 4. REV. JOHN WILSON. A. M. Principal. aught- im Delaware College, fjlhe next Coilegiato year begins WEDNESDAY, September 2. Each member of the Legiilature ha* pointments to two free Scholarships. information apply to ap For Catalogues the President. WM. H. PURNELL, L. L. D,. Newark, Delawaro jy27-2m JJUQBY ACADEMY. A Ö ELECT ENGLISH. CLAS8iCAL COMMERCIAL INSTITUTION. Masonic Temple- Wilmington, Del., SAM'I. W. MURPHY. A.M..M.D..Psi»oipài„ AND Assisted by experienced instructors in the several departmeats of the school. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 7th. 1874. For Catalogues, apply 'o ___ . Bo ugh m an. Thomas A Co's. W. A. REYNOLDS', CLASSICAL Si MATHEMATICAL inistituth;. A Day And Eoardlng School, _ WI LMINGTON. DU D. The Taylor Academy, .(Formerly Taylor A Jackson'» Academy,) WILMINCTON, DEL., A BOARDING AND DAY SCUOOL FOR BOTH 8EXFP. WILL BEOPEN Hiulb Month (September) 7ili t 1871, For Circulars and further Information, Aildre*» J. K. TAYLOR. Principal, Wilmington, Del je24daw«in Fashionable Fnmitnre. J..V J.K. HARMAN. No. 410 King Btreet, WILMINGTON. DEL., . ®*«l*nlly Inform the old ter.» ot Wilmington and tho aur rounding country that we tvintipup to manutacture and keep on hand ha S ur large and long established wareroomu, urnlture ot every variety and style, con sisting ef Mahogany,Koiewoodand Wain Furniture »uitable lor parlor,dining-room and chamber uses. Our assortment of Furniture is largcerand more varied than oan he found in Delaware, and all artioles sold atour establishment warranted as represented. Vanitian Bliuda ol the most fashionable designs made to order and kept constantly on hand. We also manufacture and constant ly keep a largeasortment of Spring.Hair. Moss and Husk Mauren* eg. J. A J.N. HARMAN. _ _ 410 K*ng Street. We res ut Bower's Hoof lânimeut. After 30 year« practical experience with hordes, in staging, teaming, Ac.,I have leaili ed that more horse« have be«u « rippled by Inattention to the feet than all other dilates combined. After many experiment« I have lound the true remedy to rauvKNT the di«ease of th# hoof, or restore it after negligence what nature intended it «hould be—iA# art at support oj the nobis animat. If the hoof is in~ tlaiued and diseancd, tbe animal i« pompai a - lively worthier«. This Liuimeut will surely prevent tin« worst ol all diseases.Contractie n Corns, Quarter Cracks, Contraction ol the Back Sinew.generally called Knee Spiung so., and restore those that have been cud pled by the want of such a remedy.. »■Try it. and it will never fail ifproperiy »piled, via : Bathe the I - horses foot once a wesk. or offener if necessary, at tho heel and frog and around the hoof close to the hair. M. C. BOYEK. _ Norristown, Pa: Mn.M. 0. Boyer —Dear Mr; This is te certify ihatl have used your Liniment in «table lor three mouth« pat.1, oh more tl one hundred norsen. and find it the best i re D aration I have ever used on horses. It is far better than you recommend it, fcend me five cages at once, by express, C. o. D. *r ,06 -nr HahRY HAMILTON. N«|UÎ WMl 3i«l itteoii S,} t Xni City, ini