Newspaper Page Text
Daily Gazette H PRICE 1 CENT. WILMINGTON, DEL., FRIDAY, SEPT. 4, 1874. VOL. LXXXIV.-NO. 444. CLOCKS , WATi'HRH, cTT. BTJBH 3 HAM REMOVED HAS REMOVED HAS K KMOVK.D I HAS REMOVED I HAS REMOVED I HAS KKMOVED TO THE 1(1» : Nom ll-west Corner of Mev nuil llarlud Miroct*. TOOK OK I A I.AIIOl. "W atolies» ,T ewelry, & Siivei-waro, hutul. Constantly -{ *#*Kcpairing promptly attended bn^^y .4 407 Market St 407 BENJ. S. CLARK, . ; Mh JF A lull assortment of superior Clocks- Watches, Jewelrv and Spectacles, Constantly oh hand and for «ale at the low est; market rates. Particular and ponamul attention given to Repairing uny article in the above line. „ , . . A tine assortment of Spectacle* constant iy on hand, and sole agent for the Celehrn ted Diamond Spectacles. inarw FIlVK WA'ï'tJilSSS. HJ 1.0«! KH ami JüWBtÆ't', At No.15 Eest Fourt!; Iftreot, WILMINGTON. DEI,.. Tbe undersigned would re Bpectfutly cull tbeauofltion of ladies and gentlemen to bis tino ansortment «1 »' atcu •a Clock», Jewelrv. Silver iin»l Ptuted < 11 re. 11 of wbich is entirely new un i»t and most approved styl* •»«•cial nttenlion to b! W itcb, whicb is a sup fimish and for correctnc. ! - *»t iortuient of docks, Jewelry and *iI«d plated ware always on band, at t«.»s liKurct. Kverything Ruaranteed as a reprenant««». Repairing of all kind» promptly und don-on reasonably term». Publio patronage respectfully folicued. J. CLAYTON MASSEY. No. 15 E. Fourth street. hi: ' t . ï-K* li< it« b \ia h i iele. 1 !. A g! 1 as • :.'l Jly ost29tf PRESTON AY ARB Praclical Watch Maker; And doaler in FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES CLOCKS,JEWELRY. SPECTACLES. BY E GLASSES, SILVERNN AKk.Ac., 404 KlngSt., Wil . Dob Particular attention paid to repainnK in it* branches ; al»*>. changing «peetjGe gl Ha* a Kood a»eortment of gla»?fs con fll î,'ho > pubHo 1» cordially iuvited to c examine my »tnek and learn my prices. 22*ept,W • . ! all an. GEORGE JACK. 305 Mnrliei H« . WATCHES JtWELRY, &.C at SPELT or.ns kt YEGLAS J ;f);,|.t, SILVER AND SKS EBBBER FRAMES. We cIhIio irmn exptrle»»« every peculiarity ot »mp» und in every ease. «u nmntee • tion. Our facïïuie» are *6<.b d»at oan oxebango RlwMfl; iu any (f to puit tbe cu»Vim«r m a N B — First »tore above 1 mr-t Repairing in all it* branches; tit fS, d v If tit .1 1 t JAMES BRADFORD. PAINTS, MbS, VAKMSHliS, WINDOW OLARS. Cement and Calcinoe Pla&tor. 4'siuts.wh}«»*.•***. r fÆ 1 *«1». _ i slat. 1 ubriostinir ydr, ns , .. .r:|,i vn 1 .r*l. artists ,nt J«.^ r , 1 * p * , n ot lortiun l h'.l«>"' ' lc . 1 " S or ",.moo. il aud jA> d 40(W«li« « "»• ' . iiinlt'ri-'l. rlhnod ferâffiF—ThirdSt. JM 08.» """„nqxoN. DEL. C. S. MORCfAN) Now and Popular Style, of Doate« »o MID'S WISHING GOODS, market street. WILMINGTON. DEL. EXCELSIOR SHIRTS aki: made to ordek. Cat by Measure and a Ja HOUSTON & PRE/E 1?, DEALERS IN TEAS. COFFEES, SUGAR. A3STX5 SrXCES. Japanese No. U East Fourth Street, WILMINGTON. DEL SPECIALTY : NUTMEGS. GINGER, MUSTARD. CLOVES. ALLSPICE. PBPPER AM0N. MACE. SWEE1 & CHOCOLATE. i .neb-rim 621 OUR d ami Chinese Cnrioaitic«, 012 4^T. JOHN'S HOTriL, NO ,05 MARKKT STKEl! » , WILMINGTON. DEL , JAMES MoLANA.N. Proprietor. V m»r30-tf J i p. FUJIS ISIfJ SO GOODS. THK OEIiF.BRATED PARAGON sill 1ST PERFECT FITTING, u COX&FOlVi', EASE,ELEGANCE, Mails to Order & warranted a Trne Fit. Semi fur Helf-Moasuremeot Circular. J. P. OOUGHTiEN, jNo. -I I O Market Hlreet, Wilmington, Del, lay 171v VÎYAÏT & GARRETT'S patent Yoke-Shirt, <;o:t m<ï. I. !*<*! • WlldllillKi' Now be Careful you buy yoi About hot REFRIGERATOR line the I) >n*t buy any until you c: ''EBIIABLK / 1 to it *h first, its perfect r und bettor circula* I e fWi V. i Id lry I . iti y otheri .1 no tint- lining to !t* til 111 If ' liuid . d HTU k f;t K. MORRISON. *4k 1 1 FLlfiY • •ton :.'l mayti UOTKLS. j ïwrtàHÏÏow uouüi:, (AST I.H. UHL. JOHN W.GRAY, Proprietor. This large and bonutifully led bouse has been put bo v«iry best repair lor reception of visitor»,wno will tind at it ».ll th« iineom i FIKöT-CLaSS HOTEL. It of tho Dolawar« Bnv, at. pleasant nod uo tho Stute lor excursion» in kept in the oe* V/.'B -H tho t>i .1 1 tho and liglitful place» or me nie 3 Iho U'j'H. at vie, me bar tilled with the choicest wines. und mult drinki. and table supplied with the Bub.-t-1 minis utid luxuries of market. ExcurstoiiDt» can arrive by boat rail. Partiel who wish t*J ko finbtnic ndinv on the noble De aware, uiodatod with suitable boats, t he patrunaK« ut the public is re»pectluiiy aohcited. liq tue boat bo accoin ! WESTERN HOTEL, N. W, Cor. 4tli fit Orange Streets. ,J. J, KYLE, I'ROPRtKTOB. Tho above Koune b»» been put in ruiuiileto repair Tor tho reception «>1 ffckqji kucb' 8, where they will reçoive all th« tlBIll v . .'„.miMlationc »1 a tiret- clats hot e.l lilted with choiaesr. wine», lbjuora.cigar», t Vc and tho table Ktpffiied with tho be»i the afford». Trui»*ient and leimancnt rders uccoininodme«! at moa^ralo rate». Good ttuhling und uitentiv® b«»tl«!i»- A liberal Shura of oublie patronage is rem-et fully »olio auK'J'd-ll . \ K IA N At W. N, CllANDUiK'd. «11 M iLTbt't Strest piiiMK :;i;w uimc ( » i-ass UNITED STATES HOTEL cli.V Wuler Sis. I. Ti. MKllRITT, Pr. i-rlct..r. : N (.% .Cur.Frt: be •e b T . .w.«Ui»n ol Bucsl.'*. »yliero they f TbO »UOLÜlllUl «iatiuU.S Of U Btr tilleil with the choicest i'«-, ,v«.. and tho tablo Hupplica mrket afford». will tint* ot wincF. liqu .i* with tho Host ill : jyîhlly " "'OTIC 13. rs j >i aN M3 AND il N IIOT'F.L, KING ll MARKET STREET. Wilmington, Dol. , Me.iliy bm nut In twa new Carom d Tables at tho above address. Jhe <i|.eu utiill time* lor thu uctîoiu* JOHN MEALEY. Job Bill iu mom of tho public. 1-tf Truss & Brace Department H AVING nïlork of iro***». nrncoi., NnppurlerMtfliispcnNorUHi *d«o n er mechanical applianoes.unsurpassed in ex and varioty by that of any other huui eetablishinent in tho country, and witn upward» ol Tvronty Veara 1 Bxpenoneo tent lar In RMdylns them, we teei confident of anility toKivecntire . itiaUcuc.n to all th requirin', oar nervine« in Ihn airectinn. Ol t: ÜS8TIWMESTS «.»,'led in tho best manner,ufthe iäÄÄÄÄS adult. Wohavo A PIUVATK hoom For their a»Ua*tment. white our price^ Saortment. n aa to »ult the pocket» all clawes lluadrcda of person* -x after trying tho larger citlo). have oxpreasod X their gratification ot tae \ fnclHty and e c o n o m y ) with which they have been suited nt our estnb Hshment. . e - ns«*®,»! 1 iS®SL™ «3® 1 ÿ you WANT A ÏH4SJ"«»«!!? Osnnry, Heim» and Rai-e Seed. » -»©Hins very low. U W- N. CHANDLER. 6U Market »tree«. T./SFS OF TU A VFL. J 111 I Ï. A DELPHI A. WILMINGTON * i 1IALT1M0RE ftAILR.OAD. AVRIL IWth, 1374. 1 ruins leave Wilmington a. followfli 1er ■ Philadelphia and intermedia'« stations. 0.W.8.1U, 9:10,10AU. a. m.; 2. 4,45. 715. KI.2I p. in. I'hilailoluhia and Ntw York, LM a. in. Baltimore and intermediate stations, I - ' J, p. m d Wübhington, 1: 1002,u. in.; 5.ÎM, Baltimore Trains for Delawnro Division, leave lor : New Cattle, 1 u SeaVôrd and intermediate stations. 12-55, 10.10. a. m.; 0.35, p. m. Delmar und intermediate .dations, u.-m 10.10, a. »,2 01,10.02 .20,7.10, p.m. 10.10, a. m.; 1.25, 0.30, ' SUNDAY TRAIN'S : Philadelphia aui intermediate stations,, d. m. Philadelphia and Now Yolk. 1.81, a. m. 't Washington. 12.54, r.u2, a. Baltimore For further information passengers are re jet red to the time table!* posted at tho depot 11. F. KENNEY. Superintendent. W i l J OAD QTON ANl> READINQ RAIL On and attor Tuesday, May 26th.1874,trains the Kkadivu Branch as loi will lows:— doing Northward over Geing Southward No.2. No.4. «TATIONS. 0*30 Wilmington *010 7.'.'4 Chadd's Ford 8.25 H.2-1 Coatesville, 7.v5 ... t 0.11 Brringfiold, H.2H 12,0b 0.41 Birdsboro*. 5 ;io 10. •» Reading, 5.' CONNECTIONS: At Wilmington with trains on Philadelphia Wilmington J£ Baltiinore.und Delaware Kail* rouds: »t Ohadd's Ford with trains on Phila delphia .V Baltimore Central Ra.Iroad; at Coatesville with trains on Pennsylvania it. R., and at Reading with trains D ,,hla ü Roading,Lebanon V alley,hastPenna. und Reading A Columbia and th«3 Berks County Railroads. , SUNDAY TRAINS.--A train wi.l lewelby Sunday, urriving at . Leaving VVilming N0.5.N0.3.N0.L . in. i>. m. 3.12 7.3 i P p.iu.j.. 1.45 I 2.1» ti 49 it 67 8.U1 4. 8.:^4 l 34 11.34 4 34 0 11,CO 4.00 Philadel Reudicg nt 7.1U n. in. W iimine on at 1U < 1 ton at 3- 0 1 ( • ; 5 Vi nà at Ctiadd'8 Ko rd at I r . 2ô- and Rendinv, ut 7.37 1 ' K. COLL1NUS, I General Superintendent. | ■ ■ ,-Æ^ s *"' * VK " Y 3 * TU " 0lT - nSSSorTbooked to and from any Railway Station or Seaport, iu Great Britain, Ire- I I .H, Norway, Sweden. Denmark. Germany. I franco, Holland, Belgium, und tue ni e | NEW Yultk 10 loNDUN. I Ll v r.HPOUli GLASGOW nu l DERRY by lav'd 'Steamers I*«»»» Bv Saturday a I teiunoru »nd è'75. I EXCURSION TICKETS, 81««- I INTERMED!ATE, 835« STEERAGE. 1 Paya bio iu Currency. I Partie» .sending tor tholr triunde tn the uid I SÄiS»"! Ktv • No 7 howling I ..... .. paptIIRKR AND BLANK HOC L M A - ' I Mnga2ine4. Music anvl Publinaitun? oJ all j kind bound at the lowest rates I HackNumberj of periijdlealïBttppl • j Wa Mw »"Ä «d vu*. 4.17; t p. ftNCHOK LINE STEAMERS. It .1! ir Wml C •»try <:■ For lui cher partmuUr*' Il END KR '»v MNftll-i Or ecu. NY. 1 t»i » V. RET IS. \\ i mington, Del - MARTIN JOHNSTON, BOOK-BIN DER. Binding. Stttirftaution »uarantfeBd wil I receive prompt attentiuu. Older« bv mail haiitin jownntoä. 420 SHIPLEY STREET', in «>1 th« Nu 11 ud 4t»31 k ü 1(3»** > > AI.. old Lt ,«J »»>' l N.W. Cor. 3 d & Shiplev, •rexHcd fuciniie», l shall be It* t» th« wml» « t my I I s i « » V P's 11 P', A T K RS S I « / \ IiC,ill 4 /v U4lVk., l TS>, A TSTO-IES, A X-O-A-J-N 1 bun to busine»d to I •«•• I I Shl. lov Street,;— j es _ _ _ Insurance Company, wt cno AAarknt Street i No. 60- MarKet »treat, I 1NSUIIKS AGATNST F IKK, I __ j n ti,ar klndallnafew Huuses and all 0« 6r Klnaa of BuildingB with their con-1 tanta I I * 1 "»Tu., Canby, Wh I Ja'm ss'b rad re Hio ' Gro RiCBi«osus"|wheni John Guyub, f! A ™Si N H y ^«,tr I Cham. w. Howland. TH * I K o w i s d Î* * h k L a i h . i.P.BHi"!o*: Ahuton Richardson, Gko. U. Batks, | w m' m 'a S L t A atn ALL Pres't. I MILIUM iAiNALl ' 1 1 A e {, 10 t I NY here, etl tu rUP b a. itti 1 AND lioiiM* fr'itrnisliiiiK Woods U I ni lui rustluvors I litii.K tin ueLtrally. .il all \ v a tlii.icolycui putro b"| H. MOKPI80N i.l N W Tiie i\«:w Viistleteuniy mutual • nth For period» of time varying from : f yea:» to a ter SAMT- SMITH. See y. DELAWARE FIRE Insurance Company, So. 60S Market Street, WILMINGTON. DEL. Charter Peridual „ Perpotual Insurances at Greatly win. Oanby. Win. M-Canby.' W . G. Gibbon». „ w B ' Geo. W, btone. ... WILLIAM CANBY. P «Went. _ jj t- -- T-rTt . gTdv .: P RIVY WELLS CLEANED BY THE ODORLESSless Excavating Oo. § rd f é r * lea with tho Secretary of tbe Board of Heal ta Bi ' h r Sm% y y atuniÄ y Incoriiorateil 1826. IiiHUranco for a term of v«ar>. Hoduced Rates. l.osses eromptly aiijust.J nnd i>aiJ. Inaurnnco agnin«t lo»» or linaia»» by lira as as any other company. DIRECTORS: Goo. W. Epark». Krancia Barry, Swift. Job R. Tatum F. L.GtLPtK, Secretary ut THF UFA FF It. pY wm. h. bvrlkioh• Ft* jsdesdy the woayer. Time Sits at his mtstic loom. . Keeps his arrowy shuttle flyin«- Kvery thread anears our dying ; And with melanoholy ehituo Very low and sad withal. Sings bis solemn madrigal As he weaves our thread of doom. "Mortal !" thus he weaving singt», "Bright or dark the web shull be As ye will it : all the tissue?, lllending in harmonious issues. Ur discordant colorings. Time the shuttle drives, but y» Give to every thread its hue. And elect your destiny. tied bestows the shining warp : Fill it with us bright a wool. And the whole shall glow divinely. As if wrought, by angels finely To the music of the hurt« : And the blended colors he Like perfect harmony. Keeping evil things aloof. Envy, Malico. Prido and Hute, Foulest progeny of Sin. bet not these tho web entangle With their blind and furious wrungle. Marring your diviner fate ; But with love and deeds ot good. Be the web throughout embued And the Perlect shall ye win.'' Thus he siogeth very low. Sitting at his mystic loom. And his shuttle still is dying — Thread by thread anears shroud with every th And the buoa of Hell To each thread by us As he weaves our web of doom. dying. draws Heaven given. . K W. F. A. E. S. .1 Man Tied to the Teach. A FIENDISH MURDER. >n One of the most atrocious crimes ever committed was perpetrated at u point near Henryville, Indiana, ul>out twenty milefl from Jeffersonville, on Saturday night. The following details are given a correspondent of the Louisville 'ier-Journal : ( ' Aa a freight train coming south on the 1 J., M. and I. railroad, duo at ten o clock I on Sunday morning, had reached a point | about ono mile this side of Henryville, the train was hailed and stopped. A number of men, probably a dozen, were (fathered around the body of a man, and ■ the conductor was told that a man had lMH.n run over by a previous train, and was dying. The injured man was taken I on board the train, in company wit li Dr. I Ferguson, of Henryville, who had been | culled to render medical services. The I injured man had his left leg torn off by the train, and was weak from the loss of I blood, and for some time after he was I aboard was unable to talk. He, howev I er, revived for a time, and told the fol 1 lowing horrible story: I He said his name was Auguste Gard I u j er Frenchman, twenty-three years o has been in the United States I but a short time. II«.* was going from Louisville, Ky., to Seymour, Ind.. in tin* search of employment. He adds "I had but» little money, so 1 thought I would walk. It could not. have been muoh past, ton o'clock last night when three men came up to me while 1 was walking along the track. One of these demanded my money. 1 told them that |l wa3 P oor » having only a few dollars. I ThiB did not do any good, for they seized j mp> two holding me ami the other one I searching my pockets and taking my j ket-böök UQ(l PVPry thing else I had. riK-y threw me dowi .... the m thought, they weregoiug to kill me,ami I begged them to spare my life. They 3tljd nothing , but one of them produced a long piece of rope from his pocket , and they commenced to tic me to the I truck over a cattle guard. I wusbmlly frightened,and begged them hard not to do that I told them that I never knew them, and had never done them any harm, and il they would let me go ! rould say nothing of what had oc cur, red. While I was.talking and pleading with them they' still kept on tying me the track over tho cattle-guard. the rail. ! I . I I ■k. w It* I They tied mo length ways 1 I Tiie ropes was tightly fastened around '*>y ,io "y> le ji s . uml un,is wucn u><'\ l ^ though I could not move my arms ami legs. While I was begging 1 lhom n " lto i cavo there limy went off. I knew Umt the cars would lie along soon,and tried my ntmostto tree myself and loosen t lie ropes that bound At first I did not, think I would to I |, t . a ble to move at all but after repea ted efforts I succeeded in working my I arms and body off of tbe track, in I swinging down, 1 tried to gel my left j lt , K Jft' |, ut ! ,, oul( i I10 t. I yelled with all my miglit, hoping lliat somebody would cornu and save me, but no one It was raining hard at llie time ,and very dark. I hud been lying there Jnlioutlmir an hour, when I heard the i ears whistle. I cannot tell you my Icel I ings. [A perceptnble shudder here pass I ,sl over tile frame of the dying man | klndallnafew seconds tlio ears were nearly Lp to whcro I was ly ing. I gave a wild H | ir i e k and closed my eyes. The cars I passed over me, the wheels cutting off I my leg,and cutting the ropes loose that * 1 bound me. 1 suffered Intense pain,and crawled and dragged myself a few feet I from tho track, 1 fainted away and came to was very thirsty. It I wtw at ill raining, and 1 (lug; a hole in I the ground l»y my face with my lingers so that it would All with water. Hy | doing this I managed to get a little I water. 1 was so weak that I could not. I move, and 1 hallooed frequently during the night for help, but no one came,un til morning, when I was found. Gard ner died shortly after arriving at Jef fersonville. I me. eamu. Fotato AsHOVtint) Machine. I A machine recently inventer! for I sorting potatoes, consista of long rollers, a hopper, assorting hoard and grading . chutes, so combined and arranged that. | tho potatoes being shoveled into tlio hopper at one end and caused to run along the ussurtinv board and the roll ers, tlio smaller potatoes will escape be tween the roller and assorting board, while the larger ones will bo discharged | at the end. The distance between the ! roller or rollers and tho assorting ltoard I jnnresnifi from the head towards the tail and tho potato,« escape through tlio I opace, varying in size in tho same meas I J rCt 80 that they can be Beunrated into .: I u W o or more gi'attes bv suitable partitions J j n the roceptaolea below. The assorting f é r * I board is adjustable from and toward the ta I oller go as to change tho grade ut will. 1 Wnkl y Pr«, as roijiTic.n.. The ( V >itn ti/ Con ven1ion• MKETINO AT NEW CASTLE SATUKDAY— LIST OF DELEGATES. Next, Saturday, atone o'clock, I*. AI., tho Democratic County Convention will Im» held at New Castle, for the purpose of nominating Representatives to tho Legislature und Levy Court, and to take such other action in the approaching canvass as shall lie deemed advisable. Brandywine Hundred -East District— Walter Pierce, Win. Weir. West Dis - trict—John Husbands, O. C. Righter, Wm. Talley. Wilmington—First Ward.L. W. Palmer; Second, R. P. Tawresey ; Third, Edward Farmar; Fourth, L. C. Springer; Fifth, A. Given ; Sixth, W. G. Baugh ; Seventh.. L. R. Springer; Eighth, Goo. C. Ward ' Ninth, S. L. Miller ;-Tenth, Levi Turner' Alternates—First Ward, AI. A. J. Sprin ger; Second, C. R. Jefforis; Third, M. Megary; Fourth, John J. Dougherty; Fifth, Samuel S. Adams; Sixth. George Hepburn; Seventh, F. AI. A. Lohner ; Eighth, A. D. Ohaytor; Ninth, S T. Baylis ; Tenth, John Canning. New Castle—J. M. Johns, Win. B. Mc Coy, Thomas Holcomb, 1. N. Pyle, Geo. White. Christiana— North District—J.Poulson Chandler, James Armour, Daniel Aiul herin. Alternates, J. H. McCullough, Samuel Chandler. James Nettrcy. South District, T. S. Chandler, John Simpson, Jr. Alternates, J. It. Houghmau. David Price. Mill Creek R. T. Lym F.lwee, J. G. Mm K Or oh flail. Altcruatofl—Charles t , J. B. Robinson, Alfred Colliiifl, Jus. Mote, Benjamin Foote. White Clay Creek — \V. \V. Ilawthone, Fansel Tweed, Franklin East bum, Jacob Cosho, W. L. Weir. Pencader—I. S. Fisher, W. 1». Foard, W. S. Skimmer, Lambert Nicholson. 1. F. Price. A. J. Raymond, Levin Catts,-Deputy. Red Lion—J. T. Cheers. G. G. Cleaver, E. H. Peokavd. SY. II. Newton. John . McCall. lir ,, St. George«—Charles Beaston, N\ . h . Godwin, M. I>., Sylvester B. Clement, Nathaniel Williams, Richard \V. C.oeli Alternatefl— Richard Eaton, II. R. Walker, A. N. Sutton, T. W. Rose, L. P. McDowell. Appoqninimink —Meeting Delegates S. Roberts, Frank Collins, James T. Tay lor, Aaron Reynolds, W. VVeldin. Ballot Delegate.s—NorthDiatrict—Richard Han son, David C Roae, James O. Wilson. South District —Jeremiah Brie, ». John lb .James Hainan, J. >n Alternates—David Foard, Jr.. A by of ! I I I : , ! bei' IM. IS74 Newport, Sept« 1 To C. P. Johnson, Eeo., Editor (Jazrt meeting of the Democrats of South lived, bohl In r evening, tor club for the At Chris da m» H I he p p«»« earn p aigu, li. President and J. B. Baugh On »notion, this Club d Willie ited '. flllHtU "PP ,V * Sciieturv. called ill« •:ub of i title (^oehraii Hundred. Sou*h n.ribt lilieut offi dlowt oil, Ibc •g P'' 1 ' eloct«*«! : curs . J tistifi .1 ihn l*re*ideut— It. B. Henkel, J jhu Vice Presidents Uin rett. Heeretary— «I. B- Boughmau. Treeeurer—T'hoinaa J. II: On motion, the foil« a Canvassing coin m i l lee ; School District, N«>. appui uied ng w J. I!. lluilL'hln I V. (4. Cl ill.r. 1 P. Fnn in, A. Kelly Ö. For No. _*<»> . Wm. M«*i«••lull Scho«»l District, K S. MeUvr, (bo School liiHlrtct, gore, John Simp i l, J. W i: Kill , 1 I \V. ll. Ne uliziti Thus Co 'I. »»«tier, Killgoie, K. (.'. Just eittth, J. B. Ilei>bt*r tfo Tho* NY in. M bitinlb r, N igilanco c K. I , It S Meiner, l , Jr , Wn». M •1, ,r, it. Ly tilth, Robert F i.y On motion, tbe • be bald Wm. It« ill lingo! tlii.i Club lie in | off It in Hy k at v. a,»> « o'clock. On motion, llu! adopted : HmoL nl, That w«- u tions of John t*. Occbri Janie* William*, for llepi all liu III or:' (I . uiiii Tori 'seiitetiw lo ( i able m to 1 will Ate ■tire their eUeti'.u. .1. II. Uurc.iiur:;, Its iff rhris x meeting of the Demoev liana hundred was lield at t! Hotel, Brandywine Hi «lay evening, Septeml The meeting was appointing A. Alexander and Joseph Dover secretary. -On motion it was resolved l«* tlio house of Daniel Mnlhorin ( clay, September 19th, 1874, b hours of ll and < o clock, I .INI., an« l theie to nominate 1 Assessor, 1 Inspector unci " Road Commissioners by ballot. Resolved to organize a club, to be call ed the Cochran and Williams (Tub ot North Christiana Hundred, by appoint ing A. C. Alexander President, Abr; Palmer and K. P. Conner Vic«» Presidents; Daniel Mtilhorin Secretary, and 1 aul Brogan Treasurer. On motion the following committees were appointed: A committee of three a each School District to ascer Wm. P .u W« «ln«*s k d, 1871. •ailed to order by •hairumn H»t at Satur »•tween th ,»uv appointed to canv tain .the legal voters. Pierce Levi Bartley, Samuel \ autant. No. 23 and 75—Thomas Toy, Daniol Mul hevrin, James Neclery. No. 21—Norris Wilson, Thomas Kane. Daniel Haley. No. 26—Abram Palmer. Jacob Way. Ber nard Dougherty, (ientroDistrict- Adol phus Husband, Joseph Chandler. Joshua McChUoubU. <>nt«ville Distri.'t-M. Lynch, James Stilley, John Met'ullough. Old 28—John Pyle, Jerry Springer. Janies Cloud. Old B>- John Lavery, David Me No. 78—Joseph On motion It committee of five wore ap pointed on Naturalization— .lohn llewloy, tdiairmau; Iluirli Flinn, .1. 1\ diandler, Daniel Hulherrin and Norris \\ dson. On motion a committee ol ten were ai> pointed as a vigilent committee :-UurIi F linn, Abram Palmer, J. Jackson Holm es, Joshua McCullough, Levi Lnrt ey, Jerry Springer Dan'l Mnllierrin, Norris Wilson, JamesNedeuy, A. C. Alexander. Nn motion a committee of three were ap pointed on Finance. Abram rainier, Sam'l O. Peirce, Adolphus Husband. Jktoltcil, That wo endorse tlio nomi nation of J. P. Cochran and James \\ il liaras. .. , . On motion this meeting adjourned to meet at tbe WmPeun Hotel, Brandy wino Banks on Thursday, September 10th I Si 4 at 7 > - o'clock P. M. A; C. AiJtxANDBR, uliairman. Joseph Beyer, Secretary, tlio run be the tail tlio into the Thr *• Wav of llaoc# Fraud.'' KÄ.DICAL FALSEHOODS EXPOSED. Tlio Board of Trade of Columbia, South Carolina, passed resolutions, last evening, denouncing 1. S. Senator .lohn J. Patter , of that State, mid others, for circulating injurious and untrue reports of collisions be tween the whites and negroes in that State. The)' binnil the statement that there is any danger oi rupture as false, and ask the national authorities to cause an iuvestiga lion to be made into the truth of the state ments of Pattei*80u and others made ut Washington. That these reports and at tempts are disastrous to the prosperity ot the people, and that whatever appearance ot trouble may have existed was due to auu directly traceablo to colored men acting ou the advice and suggestion o( white men, who, for their own tads, are intent upon bringing about a rupture between the races. T he disturbance in Lee county, Alabama, uch exaggerated. No person wn-> killed aud only one church was burned by quiet. The disturbances in other part* of the South are also greatly exaggerated. It is alleged 1 hat Radical agents are paid to send sensational accounts of Jvu Klux outrages to Northern papers, for the purpose of in flaenciug the elections. At Trenton, Tenu., ten negroes were killed by a disguised mot* for alleged conspiracy to whites. The white people of both parlies openly denounced the outrage in large pub lic meetings: dell. Davis made a powerful speech against the minder. The other " ders'' and "riots" so frequently referred to by Republican papers are not confirmed by S) glaring has this abuse of the tele graph for political purposes become, that the Washington iHtihj ('hrnniv/r % a lending Re publican paper, refers to it ns follows, edi torially : "It the agents of the Associated 1* the Southern Mutes must hold little offices, it does not follow that they are obliged to distort and misrepresent the condition of affair«, and telegraph long, garbled and truthful accounts in order to manufacture public opinion ni laver of the serve. It would be a little moro satisfactory to have the news unaccompanied by the per sonal bias of these ardent young men. Bo long as the Associated Tress continues to allow its representatives to hold office under the State governments in the .Southern Slates, the news furnished by these gentle tlemcu from that locality must be taken with little confidence in its truth or reliability '' was All I tho negroes. •(1er t he . . facts. thev A Cost/t/ Dentist's liit/. Agues Et hel, tho actress, had oavitie.: in four teeth tilled by Henry Atkinei New York dentist. When hist bill wu?, presented she was astonished to find that ho rated his services at SI ,025. Shore fused to pay the amount, and lie brought suit against her in the New York Su preme Court. Her counsel, Gen. Wm H. Anthon, on applying for a bill of par ticulars, was furnished a bill of six item.-. all worded alike, except that the speciti. charges ranged from $50 to $300: "To services of three operators in dressing your teeth, with the gold tilling neces sary therefor. ' Juilge Donohue, Tues day, ordered that, such a description ot the services should be given as to enable of the other dentists to estimate therefro value of the work." T'lie »'tuttuple of a notable crime often leads t** the eomniiHfliou of others of n similar kin«l. 'I'iuie is not more than giv • on for the intelligence of tho abduction of Charlie Ro.-.* to reach England, and we to hear of the eff ect produced, before a like «'as«* is reported from London which may or may not have boon aug gestf?«l by the Philadelphia mystery, chilli was stolen from a perambulator «»n«* of the public streets, while 11m nurse, who hud charge of it, had left it eut to recover another child lu» had strolled a little apart. Tbe girl \ »ngli, liowcv»>r, t«* 0«!* wt take tin* infant tubly d •d util: ! a mage and mingle with llu* the jM'defltl'iaiifl in the < horn «ho : wiled tho as soon lost., as yet. gained , but they do not despair •ress, und have gone tu with a w ill, without incited to duty by tin* •t' a twenty tho ght arc. Tho among police have not ut' tlio fugiti' of eventual .* work earnestly and waiting to 1 tempi ing oil« lav rewind. The tl nd dol y t hat this abduc 'coding of the «li cliild is htrength •as suggested by M* of tlio Ro: tiuii appear t iled by the fact that no important oas«* of a like kind lias within a half cenli i flixt v years ag« »f Matthew \Y« i «*aptain stole :i tion of palming it lier uv long «• •red i Loudoi The last install luring the t he •hild with tin* inten ff on her husband ta W.l! l. whe f . n offspring on hi retail Ci ends. \c</r A lud uamed Rhoda, eight years old, ac companied by In» sister, twelve year* ol age, ; watching cows in the neighborhood ol ilaniinontown, N. J , a couple of days ago, when they were accosted by two color ed men. Drawing knives, they threatened to kilt them if either made tny noise. They then divested both of »heir clothing, and d then shaved the How lintel» «I I cut it up inio shreds, hair oll'euch close to tho scalp, further they would liavejgone is A wagon approached, am not. known l they made their escape. Sea Lion Washed Ashore. A largo eea lion the beach about live miles south of Hatteras North Carolina, last Tuesday. Its hug«; d star I led tin* settleis iu that lo lt was about twenly-two t«*et long, re red with socles ; were bare, aud elephant. as washed ashore upon appoarano eulity. : and had a skin partly e pome portioup, however, • what resembled that ol : From Calm. A letter front Hiiviinn.tlaU'tl August of nil kinds ■nrccly il 4 Hint business 20th, says there is unsettled, and thing is bein limitons in gold, was to be sent to Spain it was stated that owingto.tlieintern»*; Hi on of Consul General l lall lie would be relieved of his irons, treated us a cabin passatigor, and allowed tlie freedom ot the vessel during the voyage. Onplain General ('oncha bus issued a decree re quiring all land taxes to be paitl bet»* after in specie. the Hue done owing to Frederick Dockrnv ■xt. day, and hu*i of Louisiana iTering a re The Governor issued ward of ^5000 each for the capture ol those implicated in the Coushatta affair and the ipurdergwhich followed. proclamation