The Daily Gazette VOL. LXXX 1 V.-NO. 446 . WILMINGTON, DEL., MONDAY, SEPT. 7 , 1874 . PRICE 1 CENT. CLOCKS, HATCH ICS, AC. O. I. BTJBL-ia HAS REMOVED HAS REMOVED HAS REMOVED BAS REMOVED HAS HR MOVED HAS REMOVED TO TUB of Sevrait it Neuili-weit for himI Market Hired A l.AKOK : TOCJK OF W atclies, .T ewelry, & Silver-ware, Constantly on band. A»**Repairing promptly attended to. apr2'Hy <507 Market St. 407 BENJ. 8. CLARK, E A full assortment of superior Clocks. Watches. Jewelrv and Spectacles. Constantly os hand and for sale at tho low est market rate*. Particular and personal attention given to Repairing any article in tho above line. A fino assortment of Bpentacles constunt hand, and sole agent for the Oelebro* ed Diamond Spectacles. marl& lv yiWK vs 1 atcibiks, wuicibi ami At (To.IS Bast Fourth fütraat Y.'lLMINOTON. DHL.. The undesigned would apectfully call the n't of Udioi and gent lemon to his lino assortment of Witten os, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver anil Plated Ware, all of which is entirely new »nd rmbr.u*c« the latent and mort approvod tit y 1 sneoial attention i » hin A* Watch, which is » superior article, both i Gniab and for oorrec'ne;N ol time. A good ns Kortmont of clocks, juwoii x plated ware always on hand, at J*»a ( Everything guaranteed ns a repn s-vilr Repairing of all kindH promptly und don* on reasonably term*. Publie patronage respectfully ■elicited, J. CLAYTON MASSIV No. 16 K. Fourth treet. i I bid Mi tt'.y ()ct28tf PRESTO ÜT AYARfi Praclical Walch Maker, And dealer in PINE AMERICAN AND 3W|gS WATCH AS ^an CLOCKS, J K W ELRY, SPFCTACLFS. ■'Jbk E V K G LASSES, si L V E K W a i: u. & < .. 40A KlngSt., Wll Dol. Particulnr atlention i-niil to re|,:iirinn in nil it* branches ; al*o. changing apeotucle gliiK** e*. 11a* a good assortment ol glasses con stantly on hand. Tho public is cordially t examine my stock und loarn xuy prices. 22« ited to call nnd GEORGE JACK BOß Market St. WATCHES. JEWELRY, &C ■» -- - sn»m: i aUI.I.S A BY F GLAS* ^E^CSksKÖ-üOLD. SILVER AND RUBBER FRAME.'. ... __ Wo claim from expense* to luit m every peculiarity ot impaired vismfi. and in overy case, guarantee Hjiti-lae- « Our faeihuo* uro such taivt ne.vllli ««bang, gluaea in nnv »"»•«"« I"*" ..»it the customer in alow pour«. , yj. b —First store above l uir » Htrac^..; ltepairlng In all its brancnis ' non. to 3-1 y J AMES BRADFORD. 1*A!I\TS, OILS, VAHMSUKS, WINDOW «LASS Cement and Calcinea Plaster. bite zinc, iron pictures,all kind, of ' ,iiiino«tic glass, named, ornamental anu drived* coach naintera' material, stoncil «XÄ!. taddors of different lonsths. ready uXb', 14 loaf, bronzes, vermilllons. looking glasB Plates. Vos.B BtdSEnst ThirdSt. law».» waMINQI0Ni DEL. N B — i'arlicular attention paid to I.oue. andKIilp P«lutlii(f, »l«n Writing,tr. C. S. MORGAN) Dealer in Now and Popular Styles ot P'S FURNISHING GOODS, G21 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DEL. OUR EXCELSIOR SHIRTS ARE MADE TO ORDER. Cut by Measure teed. d a Period K»t v inay2td air and better cire than any other in use. It id ilh hard wood.and no zinc lining to Wbat dry s*:?d. ion, xv it li les iporation at SUIJ'IiH'.Y STUL6KT R. MORRISON. id .«( it ii Call a 40» iay6 ItOTHLS. j i<: r r ëk«ou ïioiT£ïô7' • NEW CASTLE. HEL. 1 JOHN W • GHAY, Proprietor Lifullyt lurgo and b at* baa bt Tbi situated I in thu very best repuir for Of Vi8l put tiio r** ® Will Iiu.i at it toll tbo ..i a I* IRST-CLaSN IluTKi.. It deat*ant and Uo ursion* dm p -I. of Hie Delaxvi uomm i.'l li ol tho ligbtful place* in the State lor \s kept in tho ith the ch nil drink.-, and wall the Mili*tantialH a »iontuts ci lm wit-U to go fibbing the nohlo Delaware, and m o r The lue *t.\ le, the bar filled »t or i t w able • I I d M'l id 1 by boat boat be uccom I. 1'art riding modated with suitable boat*. 1 ho putronngo ut the publtC ii respoctlmiy solicued, irJB-tf J.W.dBAY. WESTERN HOTEL, N. W. Cor, 4th & Orango Streets. 0. J. KYLE. Proprietor, , Tho above House has b**en put in complete repair lor tho reception ol „.5***1 guests, xvhere they will receive all the ^1"** ** accommodations of a first-olass hoi el. Bar filled with choicest wines, liquors,cigars, Ac., and the table supplied with the best the market affords. Transient and permanent boarders accommodated Good stabling and attentive hostlers. A liberal share of public patronage is fully solicited. aug2-d-tt moderato rates. pUIML NEW HUNGARIAN 1'ilKfei ?!54îC(l At W. N. CHANDLER'S, ii!i Market Stmt ,14 UNITED STATES HOTEL ich Ac Water St «. T. II. MElUUTr. Prurietor. ; N.W.Oi v. IVrei boon* put in Thb above Jn.tise h i id etc I hey repair f.-r t liveidto nil the inoromm dations ot u will recei first-class liar filled xvitti the choicest of wines, liquor-, 4o„ aixl the tuble supplied with tho best lao market abords. jj3dly OTICK. FJNDIAN Ivirsro HOTEL. JN Ins AND 110 MARKET STREET. Wilmington, Del. pat in two new Carom the above address. The all times lor tho uccom John Mealey hit; Billiard Tables at room is now open at modation of tl ian21-tf public. JOHN MEALEY. Truss & Brace Department H AVING a stock ofTrn*«e», IlrnccN, Nup l»ort<'rM,SiiN|M'ii.Hor 1 cm ando ti er mechanical appliances,unsurpassed in ex tent and variety by that of any other siini lur establishment in the oountry. and with upwards of Twenty Year«* Expononco In applying them, we loci conßdont of our uliilitv to give entire satisfaction to ull those requiring; our sorvices in this direction. OUR IIV'STRIJMEÎIÎTN Are constructed in tho best manner, of tho best materials, and of to suit all cases from the smallest iufunt tothnlunrost adult. We have A PRIVATlli ROOM For their adjustment, while our prioai» nrn laoderate and assortment, us to suit the pockets all classes £££) ' Hundreds of porsons ., t after trying tho larger cities, have expressed i ( their gratification of the ku|r/> I'A fucility and economy with which they have been suited at our ostab varied, by our extansi ) lishment. RRINGmiHKT A Ul.\. A»oth«ranes. pi w corner Sixth and Market strcols, Wilnnnvton. Del. Ponder Houso nvriXjTOTsT, DEL. j. I*. HAIir, Proprietor. T ins Hour, has Utoly I.bcb iitel Ut>. uml rcrciyos ptriot attention ol the I rorrj etor, and is classed among the best hotels ol the Peninsula. jeb-lyir LINKS OF TRAVEL. ; >11 II. A f) li I. I> 11 I A. WILMINGTON k 1 BALTIMORE RAILROAD. APRIL 20m. 1871. Trains leave Wilmington as follow*, for: iMiiliuletnhi 1 ami IntermediiCe stations, 6.50,8.10, y IÎ0. KUO. a. in ; 2, 4,45, 7 15. 10.21 Philadelphia York. 1.31 a. m.\ and N< 12.17,5.42, I». in. d intermediate stations, 12-52, Baltimore 10 02, a. m. ; 5.20. 1». m Baltimore and Washington, 12.52, 2.03,10.02 a. in.; 1.23, 5.2'), 7.10, i>. m Trains tor Delaware Division, leave for: New Castle, 12.55, 10.10, a. m.; 1.25, 0.30. 8 53, ]>. m. Sea,lord and intermediate stations. 12 55, 10.10. a. n Delmar U.3.1, p. in. und ntermediitc stations, 12.55 SUNDAY TRAINS : Phihdelphiu ant intermediate .'dations,, D. ni. Philadelphia nnd New York, 1.31, a. Baltimore 10,10, a. w. m d Washington, 12.51, <.03, a. For further information passengers are re ferred to tho time tables posted at the depot il. F. KENNEY, Superintendent. \i:ILMINGTON anp HEADING KAIL M ROAD. On and utter Tuesday, May 26th.l874,trains tho Kkadixo Branch us fol Going Southward will run ov low*:— Going Northward STATION!. No. No.4. No.<5. No.5.No.3. No 1. P. 111. p. m, a. in. y'iô v . p. :o Wilmington J 2.38 7.24 U» add's Ford 8.25 2.19 6 49 8 H.2< Coatesville, 7.' 8 til 4.'0 9 11 cipringtield. 6: 9.41 Btrdshoro*, 5: 5 30 10Reading, 5.*. CONNECTIONS: At Wilminirton with train.* Wilmington Sc Maltiroore.and Delaware Rail* road*; at Chadd's bord with trains on Phila delphia At Baltimore Central Railroad; at ith trains on Pennsylvania R. iih tr«i phi a A Bonding, Lebanon V'ulley, East Penna, and Roading »V Coluuibi 3.12 7.31 .. 1.15 5 57 7.05 26 12.0*1 6.07 54 II.34 4 3! tr'4 4 66 11.« t.OO •ju; Philadolpbi Burks County Rai I run«]*. in \x i I le SUNDAY '• It AI NS.—A Itoiuii• g at 7.10 a. 111.1 n.. on Sunday, arriving at 7 a. in. heaving W »lining riving at Ohadd's Ford at . 25 : mi l Reading, at 7.27 1*1. COLL IN US, tenoral Superintendent. u ilHli toil at 3 4.17 ; C > itcivillo I». p. ANOHOB LINE STEAMERS. Bait, kveby Satuhdat. booked found from nnv Railway Station or Seaport in Great Britain. Ire* land. Norway. Sweden. Denmark, Germany. d rim United Piu*8enge Ibdlr.nd. Bclri i St; NKWYOlUv to LONDON. Cabin liirnfri IdVKRPOOL. GLASGOW a,jd DKRRY by Wednesday'* Stoaincra By Saturday'« loaitieiN AUA and *7 fi. JCXCURSION TICK UTS, 11120. TN l'KïlM IClHATK. •*.1, STICKRAGK. «IO. Curreucy. Partie« sending fur their frienda i Count, For lu I'j >le the Old •huso ticket* at lowest rates, ticubir < apply to the Agent*, 1'K.ri'fMKBS. No 7 Bowling ■y can i rihor i Green. N Y. to F. UKTTri, " Kinington, l>el. M. RTIK JOHNSTON, HOOK-BINDER. AND BLANK BOOK M AN UFACTUK KH. 1 Publications of all M:ig.i?.ioes, Mu; kind b .1 at the lowest rates Back Number* of periodicals supplied. Special attention given to making Ac count Books of every variety ol trilling and Binding. Satisfaction gULr.inteod Orders by mail wil I receive prompt attention. MAUI IN JOHNSTON, 420 BHIPLKY STREET, No. A-73-U .MINOTOR* HK IVh OVAIi. oveil from uiy old stand 403 1 ha bhipley »treat, N.W. Cor. 3d & Shiplev, im more:»?»-*! iuciiiticR, 1 shall be l to sup| B the Where, xx better prci oubtomors with ut s cl my STOVES. II EATERS. ZR/jAILTG-IEDS, AND ISonsf' Furnishing tioods generally. Being tliunltiul for past favors I hope by iicrsonal attention to business to i ntii.i •' to h < ti\ c n ».Lt leol your luitronage. R. MORRISON .S hipley Streets. N W. C . (fa-m.l The Acxv fastlcuounty MUTUAL Insurance Company, No. 602 Market Street, INSURES AGAINST FIRE, Huuaes and all other kinds of Buildings with their con tents, For poriods of time varying from 3 months to a term of years Managers : v> II.LI AM CaNHY, &VL Geo. Ricuarpson, Sam'l Canuy. . Clement B. Smith, Édw'i» Bhikohurbt, James Kiddle, Edward T. Bella«, A. P. Shannon. Ashton Ricuardson, Geo. 11. Baths. M. M. Cleaver. WILLIAM TATNALL, Pres't. HAM'I* SMITH. Sec'y. William Tatnai.l, James Brade John Guyer, Chas. VV. Howl ieblu DELAWARE FIRE Insurance Company, No. GOS Market Street f WILMINGTON. DEL. Charter Perpetual Incorporated 1826. Insurance for a term of years, or Forpotiial Insurances at Greatly Itcducod Hates. Losses promptly adiustod and paid, lnsuranoo against loss or damago by firo as ow as ony other company. DIRECTORS î Geo. W. F parks, Francia Barr?, Win.II. Swift. Joli R. Tatum, win. Canby. Wbi. M Can by, W. (1. Gibbons. Geo. W. Bush, Geo. W, Slone. WILLIAM CANBY. P «Ment. F. L.Gilpin, Becrotarv pr2H-'7ll 1 3RIVY WELLS CLEANED BY THE UDORLESSlesH Excavating Ço. ^rders I left, xv ith tho Secretary of the Board of Health I at the City Hall (until further noth,«). "» ' bo promptly attended to ( n ebl3-tf THE WORK OF THE COUNTY k II The County Ticket. 55, The Ratification ot the Candidates of the Dover Convention. The Resolutions— lue reused lleitresentation, d the acquaint »11 ere ar ti. blaekumil, but we if : out with liim si aycc of a gentleman of high social atand ing, who is said to be the father of tip* child. The object of unearthing the re mains was to procure evidence upon which t he fat her and mother w blackmailed. At the hearing the testimony of a phy sician was given to thu effect that the to of •liiLI was dead when born, a id that, tin* regular entry of the birth had been re corded at the board of health. A Carious Mercantile Trans - action . A man named Henry Sundquiest, for merly a merchant of Stockholm, Sw«* ght before United State . Commissioner Guttmau in New York on Saturday, charged with defrauding one of tho hanks in that city, was effected in I'hiladelphia on Friday Tho allegation is that he got advance at the bank on 375 bags of coffee, (valu ed at 40,000 rix dollars,) which he owned, and that subsequently he broke into the the coffee was stored and had it carried off and converted to hi ; own use. He waived an examination and consented to go back to Stockholm Trouble in the Timbré • Trade. Newburgh, Sept. 4.—In regard to the statement that Bigler & Co., heavy tim ber dealers of this city, had suspended, through the recent failure of Oomptrol pay f lu audited claims against that city for S20U. 000, it must be stated that there ha been no actual suspension, and the busi ness of that tirui is proceeding without interruption, although embarrassment Inis been caused in the way mentioned. Two large creditors have granted an ex tension of time and the banks have re ne wed tho firm's paper. Their asset-; are largely in excess of their liabilities, and not the least permanent, embarras * ment is feared. a ; ( leu was br His arm,! lcr Green, of Nexv York city, t A 1Iari>. Sad and Sentimental Case St. Louis family lately hired a i tn to tond horses, milk cows, Ac. name it was Harry. Ho had flaxen hair, bine eyes, red cheeks, and redder lips. He is generally described as "a plump chunk of a Ikjv." Ho pave groat .sat isfac tion. He milked came a favorite of the household, and also of the cook, whose heart melted I'ke dripping under his influence. Hut one fatal day cook made an awful row and gOTe warning. A committee of in vestigation, consisting of the whole fami ly, after due inquiry,found out that Hai ry who had stolen the cook's heart, should have been named Harriet. "He's a young woman," said tho cook, Robbin so they sent Harry away. Mary J cooks at tho old accustomed range, and the household is qi*iefc«onco more. A young liis like .an angel. He be Anri Hill Theatre Nuisances. —Tlio New York Times, enumerating some of the nuisan in which theatre-goers are subjected, particularly to one which is alto bey ond the roach of the managers. "It is already quite clear," it says, "that Indies' bonnets are tobe worn higher than ever this year, and some specimens of these fabrics now on exhibition orecaleu lated to incite in the mind of the mal«* observer mingled astonishment and awe. With a few of these bonneta in the front rows, the performers on the stage are perfectly »screened fr the audience." Unless high cushions are provided for those in the rear, the info rior portion of the human race, it. is urged will find very little fun in going to to the atre. refe gether three-fourt hs ol Tilt! Eagi.k says many of the fair sez of Hcatliil;; are tuUlictet! to the lire of opium, helhuioima nnd arsenic.