Newspaper Page Text
DAILY ©AZKTTE, C. P. Johnson, Editor and FnoriuETOii. Tim Daily Uig'n ia published every a t ternoon. (Sunday excepted) at 41b Market St and scivcd by carrie.3 to subscribers m all parts of tho city and surrounding town and villages, for six cents a week, payable weekly. Yearly subscribers. 33 in advance. ...... LtuITokly democratic daily in the state, TiuYDki awaum G.zstti', established 1.S1, is Ihe largest ann most llourisliinc wockly in the State, and has a larger circulation limn tho Peninsula. Published ovou »my other on i- . Friday morning, at 92 a year, in advance •4. wfLNINtiTUN, DEIi.,Ni'lH G V Democratic dominations. State Ticket. FOE GOVERNOR. JOHN P, COCHRAN. URTYe CF NEW CASTLE REPRESENTATIVE IN CONORFSa, JAMES WILLIAMS, OF KENT COfNTV. "County Ticket « For Sheriff— WM. II. LAMRS0N For Coroner—RICHARD GK0\ LH STATE SENATORS. •k IM.. James II. Ray. White Clay f Appoquiniulink,* Henry inns. REPRESENTATIVES. Brandywine IM., Thomas O. Hiri*. Isaac < . Tver. Tiioh, !.. J. lUnivtYIN. Thos. Holcomb T uos. T. Bird. Henry A. Rowland. William 1'. limns. Wilmington, Mill Creek. New Castle, Red Lion, St. Georges. Pencnder, OM MIS3I ON ER9. ( if Mill Crock H«l. White Clay C'ivbk . Reel Lion. SI. G lkvy covet * Geo. I). Medii.1.. Wm. L. Wier, Wm. K. Brioiit, Wm. Polk, •Iameh C. Wilson a Samuel Roberts, (OVf l Al.poiininimink 1M. lesting 7V, c of lir.-t lie didate enth year, that the Thai Jor . a t lie , ,ti this oil, ■i> n lhat f \ and v . \ at er ( \ 3 Declines the yontinaticn. The following letter from one of tho Legislative ticket too late ter candidates on tho reached ns yesterday afternot : edition, and we had only time to put it in a portion ot tlio ÖSL2 Wo have heard it intimateil >n?cnt for VALE Gazette. that Mr. Bird had not given his to serve, and if that wa right to put him ou the t According to tho ruled ol the party adopted on List Saturday, the County rill have to be called to dent to till the it wn - not ■t. Convention gether again l>y the Pro Thin hurt better be Hone at an vacancy, cirly day. Tho only nanv •e have heard spoken of in connection with the vacancy is that of Wm. C. Lodge, ono of the moat,com petent and acceptable mon i ty. But it is not known ' 11 the conn vhethcT lie His experience in leg will serve* or not. i-dative bodies heretofore and his gene ral knowledge would make him u iwo ful and valuable member : Fo> he Delaware Gazette. TO THU C1IAIUMAX OF TUE DEMO CRATIC CO EXT Y COXVEXTWX : Sir:—D uly sensible of the honor con ferred on me by the nomination lor Kep lature. I hereby iks to the Dele oblige« •egret that eireumstan Cu resentative to the LegiF return my sincere t liai gates. At the same ti to express my ces prevent my acceptance. With the assurance that no eftort «> my part will be spared for the success ( the ticket, I am respectfully yours. Sept. 7, 1974. Thomas G. Bird. iWo received the ul.»ove yesterday af • edition had i * 1 : one Sc if ternoon after part of ;•! been worked off.—E d.] Cleared the Ou ts'. ignilicant m If there was any point the remarks of Mr. Febiger la .A night, was that he desired to be unembar ako the hardest it d in order that he might possible fight against his successor, the chairman of tho Water Committee, in resigning from that and other commit tees he evidently meant to be under stood as clearing the docks for action. No ono present could fail to notice that his remark that his whole course had been objected to and opposed by the "individual" who succeeded him. In determining not to bo a martyr Mr. Feb iger determined to becoin%neither a stag at bay nor a ram in the bush ; contrary he has entered Ihe arena for a lusty fight, and with no choice or com plimentary phrases has thrown down the gauntlet with i worthy a man who believed ho was right and desired no child's play in tho future. There has been too much of that hereto fore, and we hope that hereafter we will know whore to find men—that they are either sternly opposed to a policy, or that they are in favor o Febiger oppose« l the ho-« pital with all his ability : encouraged hi folly was enacted, his party might have bsen spared tho disgrace that institution has east upon it and our eity, and the people saved some thirty sand dollars it has cost us in the cingle the attitude of «lent f it. Had Mr. ailed city hos s tho Gazette t«» do at tho time that forty thou year of its existence*. Let it be Abolished. The interest of economy demands t.lial the so-called city hospital l>e abolished, and that speedily. It lias pie thirty or forty thousand dollars al ready, and has proven even a greater failure than the Gazette predicted it would more tin posed the purchase of the buildings in the plainest words of denim« da tion. A House of Refuge will not prove a Vmc e »ss. Our city is loo small to undertake to maintain such have not been established in quiet citu like Wilmington „util tl.« population reached two or three hundred thou ami. We believe Philadelphia, Now York and Baltimore had a much larger population than that before these cities attempted successfully to establish a "House of Refuge." have usually grown up from small incep tion? by charitable societies. »st the poo 'hen it op a y«* r ago, stitution. They daces like hospitals tt is to 1)0 regretted tluit Mr. Adams allowed Mr. Febiger's amendment last night to be put instead of the simple motion instructing the Committee on Hospital to render a report of the trans actions of that bad affair. Mr. Febiger*8 nable the Committee to motion will shuffle out of a simple report by mixing up with it the subject of the feasibility institu of a House of Refuge. Such tion will prove a. failure anti a costly one to the city. It ought to be scouted. It i.i calculated to make things no better. The Philadelphia City Item ha^ just completed its twenty-eighth year, lias all tho vigor of manhood and we hope that it may continue to improve as rapidly during the next decade as it has done in the one just passed, and thus become one of the great towers of jour nalistic strength in the Quaker City. It The Berks County Democratic Conven tion ou Tuesday last renominated the Hon. Ileistor Clymer, for Congress from that dis trict. The Heading Eagle thus speaks ol him, and he is worthy of all it says, **od de an uuuuimous election, if that were Sf.T possible : "Ol lion. Hicater Clymer, whose name,as the candidate for Congres», heads the coun His excellent ty ticket, little need be said. ill ord as a Democrat, a citizen, and a public ,is too well known throughout tho Stale L'cd repetition, and bis letiominaiion by to the position lie has 4 «o ably tided is a deserved compliment and aprool that the people fully appreciate his able tho county, tho [State and the nation. Pennsylvania, aye every State in i.,e Union appreciates the worth of Heister Clymer, and expects Hoiks county to give im an unparalleled inajoiity—and she will do it. man acclamatio h 1872 Total both Total Total both had of ined was that while The Sc rent It Want Contest. f»RlM8!r.\\V , 8 PETITION DAVIT. At Hip meeting of City Council, last evening, the following paper was read, from ('ol. A. II. Grimshaw, whoiscon lesting Hip sent of 51. X.. Lichtenstein, member of Council for the one year from the Seventh Word: 7V, Hic Ci hj Council «/ the City of lUi i.iiiigtoii:' The action ol Arthur II. Grimshaw, respect f ull v represents : That an" Election, held in the said c ity,in accordance with the requirment of Hi" charter thereof, on Tuesday, the lir.-t day of September, A. 1)., 1B74, for lie ofllccs of member of Council, In s and Assistant Inspectors of Élections, and Assessors, he was a can didate for the olliee of member of the Council of the said city, from the Sev enth Ward thereof for the term of one year, from the said day of election,and that at said election Maximilian L. Lichtenstein was also n candidate for the otlice of member of the Council of lid city from the Seventh "Ward of, for the like term of one year. Thai upon closing the election and counting the votes cast in the said Seventh Ward; the Inspectors and As sistants of Election made n certificate under their hands allowing that M. L. Lichtenstcdn^™ ^idSeventh'Wari'l A Jor flip n*rm of one year. And that :it . , t - , f tlir. ( itv ( Vnim-il hold in '»ut a mooting «»ftlie Lily council, m min ,i t lie Council Chamber of tllC saul CII.\ . ml , ,ti tin•evoninc of Wednesday, Sept. 2d, like this return wS. examined by IheCnu,, oil, find M. L. Lichtenstein pi of liuincd the ■i> bavin«'- been < leeted for the term ol ihe nav to the Council from the said and f.n iouu v-oum.ii hoi ence vc ntll >> ard. ttiu Your petitioner, therefore, alleges n 1 t !,, ri. M i «, h return of M L. Lieh- ance lhat tl cj Lit ttioi 1 tl G „ J". , and tensti in as member of the City Council into from the Seventh Ward as aforesaid is f 'bc fraudulent and untrue, iu this: that m i ;,.m nin xvn* undulv IJiat M L. Jaielitenstem unuuiv and returned as having received for said I «.nice ;î:t1 votes and your petitioner310, the ixetitioner aliénés' hor; \ Otes V lie.reus \ our ]>r tiuoncr alleges and charges that the said M. L. Lichten- , it8 stein received not more than 281 illegal v . vour petitioner at least 310 s \ OR.-, «lim » oui IV ^ Ä legal votes for said olUce, whereby the petitioner alleges and charges and be- a Un-Vi' timt lie has received the highest be ln\< mill lie ms rut t 6 |,. nunibor of votes foi said office*to Wit. at least more than G1 votes more than the said 31. L. Lichtenstein ; that he has. elected to said office and should have . becn m o returned; And your petition-1 er fills the following Specification of i ( i mi.-) im X rinnioQ llw his grounds upon which lie acmes ille . fc election of the said M. L. Uiclilenstein: R 1 'i' at tlio eutd City Fiction, bad ou tll * lir-t duv ol September, A. D , 1874,in Ù ,i iv .r i ,.r ib<« »«id citv lor the a Urn bovuill. Ward «*» " « ■ al<1 1 ^ JJ* aloicciiid, the Euctiou o Hirers In the rc b«id Ward received the votes ol person», to ihe number of fifty and upward» for the t.fiico ol member ol the Cily Council for one \ • h fi rm- ml Ward, which were taken and 3 trom r.i l » uri , ' ^ . f jr M Tj counted in the general icturu ior m. ij. .j L ichteuslein, for the office oi member ol the City Council, lor one year, Irom the »aid Ward none of whom wt-re qualified Elcctoia m-titioner, I here 1 AND AFFI '«•I ter Hon. to y teen 11 Cu one v Sc it d in In for the will are or have the Cilices the V said Ward, hurging fraud in tho election and rc illian la. Lichtenstein as aforc «I desiring to contest hi« Election, l,a your houorable be dy to Bp i day fr>r hearing ami deter in tl fore, turn of Ma \, r.-t-peoilully id lix lit© süThe, poi min Mr. or, &t\, A. 11. (iBIMSUAW. A Ml your pc hos that Stale cf l>cl iwar«' / New Cabila County, s l'crsoually np peaied, ttiiB 10th day ol September, A D., 1S7-I, helore me, liduiund;B. Frazer, a No. my l'ublic of the State ol Delaware, in and lor Now Castle Cuuuly, Arthur 11. Grlm ebov.', who b. iiia duly sworu deposes and says that the above and foregoiuj? potuion is n„t tor tho purpose of vexation and de but tlint lie docs verily believe that he iust ground forcoutcsting such Fllectiou. hseribed before tue. A. H. UniMSiiaw. thou I I t.lial al it in A Vmc citu , ^ nre ra gi ng throughout an ami. I f Nl( . lls | V( . section of Ontario, Canada. and ; |» 10 pei ty lias been destoryed on a sur j face of one hundred square miles, and J Ottawa i - full of smoke from the fires, of I whilst ashes fall in the sreet. incep- j Sworn amt whereof 1 have here* l and affixed my :il, the day ami yearaforc KliMUNU 11. Fkazkb, Notary l'ublic. Mr. Lichtenstein moved that Council meet , 22ii just., at 7^ o'clock, P, M., tho case. li Eot my h « poo / 1 • • s official .-aid. on T lies« I to consiili . , Mr. Melnllre objected to Mr. L. taking y part iu tho matter, : est i d party in the contest, tallied hia object loo. The motion, however, was renewed by Mr. \Vm. M. Cauby, and adopted. op inter 1 the chair »us lio w They ! Gulin- the August cereals valued at J sà*ld,71" were shipped from Chicago by ' way of Cumula to Europe. The KWfjorc l)eflcleitc\)i C A. the MR. JÀMMEH WOOLBY 8 PINAL RRPORT-THE deficiency fixed at over $4,000. At the meeting of Citv Council, last ev ening, Mr. James Woolley the expert em ployed to examine the accounts of ex Treasurer Killgore, made the following report: Statement of accounts of J. L. Killgoro. lata City Trensuror. showing the balance due tho city at tho close of his second term, on Decem ber 31st, 1873 : Total receipts fc.r theyear 1872 and 1H73. Total expenditures for 1872 and 1873. Addaui'tot pay roll twice paid by bank once thro' checks by Treas'r from an auxiliary check book used for tem porary purposes, omitted to be charg Treas'rs books 0215# Also, am't of draft of 1872, paid by bank. 8.4153 J $1,277,570 54 •1.265, «10 92 for ed 19339 85 Les* am't of sundry cerical errors in penditure.ascharg ed on Treasurer'll boohs over bank piymont«. 83 659. 9.256 20 1 204,707 12 TTsoa 42 10.126 73 Less bid a in bank Jan. 1, 1874..... Net deficiency for for 1872 and 1873 Add deficiency for 1871.. . Total deficiency for .both years. PROOF. Total receipts for 1872 and 1873..1,277.670 54 Total deposits for 1872 and 1873 .1,274 893 8 .5 Net deficiency for 1872 and 1873 . Total both terms. Total deposits. Total defi iency for both terms. Wilmisqton. Sept. 8. 1874. Mr. Febiger stated that Mr. Killgore had told him that he would, in the course of several »lavs, have his accounts ined by a United States Bank Examiner. Mr. Mclntire said lie thought'Mr. K. was aertainly entitled to such an exami nation. Last year Mr. Woolley reported that the deficiency amounted to $6,210.20, while this year ho made it $4,402.9, a dif ference of $1900. The report then Finance Committee. 2.676 69 1,663 60 4 :oo 20 2.67C 69 of d PROOF. ipts for 1.612,767 78 1.608.427 4'J 4.340 29 __ JAMES WOOLLEY. orum referred to tho GENERAL NEWS. In the Canadian province of Quebec, Hon. C. H. Debauchervillo lias been called on by the Lieutenant Governor to form a new 5Iinistry. The yellow fever at Pensacola Navy y ard lias altogether amounted to seven teen cases. Two have proved fatal, whilst the others are in favorablo con dition. The United States frigate Consteil atiou, with tho Naval Academy sliipmen on board has returned to Fortress Monroe from flic summer cruise. mid A MEDICINE CHEST IN MINIATURE Mi* hier*« Herb Bitters in not a beverage '»ut a strietly medicinal preparation, more ,i Hiri ,u«hly adapted to the wants ofthegene ml public than any other in the market. Un like all other BO-called UeuxedieB.itia prepared -!-th Är rsono, the »enior proprietor is a regular graduate ihe Jcffersun Medical College of Philadelph and a practicing pbyrician of large expen ence and extensive practioe. In such hands ttiu public may rest *u>t*ured that Minh'er'» Herb Bitter» is compounded in strict accord ance wi n correct Pharmaceutical principle», and that none but the choi ie»t.ingredient» enter into itH ( . om „o 8 ition. j t8 immense Bale alone ia conclusive proof that it posseöscs moritofahighorder.Mer chants, bunkers clergymen, lawyers, clerks and others engaged in sedentary occupations, I experience its wonderful effects in relieving the depression cauaod by sevoro mental la* hor; while the mechanic, farmer and laborer. iheir bodl , y vlgor reB tored like magic by , it8 U9e# At this season of the year, when Dja s rrhœa.Cramfs.Coliçs and kindred jdlforder». caused by cat ng unnne fruits, imprudent m diligence in cold drink», etc., aie prevalent, a certain ep^edy and effectual remedy will be found in Misbler's Herb Bitters. The tlepressing feeling ot Languor or Debili j nc |j en t to the "heated term," is at onco remove*!, the energies restored, and new lifo an<l Vigor imparted to the prostrated system, . dyspifbia. Livra Complaint and Af FKCT | 0 n» of thr Kionkys it invariably works i like a charm. It is not. a drastic puree licady stimulant, violent in its operatpns: but . fc t j IU| ,i y a natural remedy, thoroughly R d ap t e dto «»*»■* nature It supplies, tone to the stomach, rcinvigorate» the digestive or gans. stimulates the secretions and promoting a regular action of the bowels, enables every organ of the body to perform lUallotted work rc " lttr i y unt i without interruption. j t t ^ c un errinfr certainty of desired re FU lts attendant on its use, coupled with the fuct that it is prepared by a physician ot emi nenco in his profession, that has rendered Mishor's Herb Bitters \bo popular, and as farni .j ug ft hiuseho'd word.—T housands op jvforngRS all over the laud have found it to be the safest and best remedy for use in their families; they not only give it with perfect safety to even the youngest child, but when usodwith caution find it the safest means of ensuring their oxen health and freedom from the weary aches and pains incident to their sex. Perfectly hsrmless. it is just the remedy needed by them to enable Nature to perform lier functions nnturallv- regularly and xoithoxit No Lady should ol 40 at WITHOUT in convenience. it it she would possers the clear,blooming and cheerful spirits inseparable from id by all Druggists and plexn sound health. It l General Dealers; is neatly put up in square Glass Bottles, enclosed in a yellow wrapper. It is not »old on Draught, boing ttrictlv a tlicinal preparation, and a» such !« _ endorsed by many ol the most eiuiuent physicians of the country, . aug5-cod4m.2dA3dp. np D., de he EREMPTORY SALE of I 8 head of first-class 1' WESTERN HORSES. an sur and fires, Will be sold at Public Bale, on SATURDAY SEPT. I2tht 1874. my M., At the Black Horse Hotel, Front and Jeffer pon Sts.. 18 head of Western Horses, £on»i»t ing of Matched and Single drivers and W ork Horses, some of them are heavy .suitable for heavy work. Also. 4 very fine Ponies, good drivers 4 and 5 years old. Also. 1 pair of very tine bay Stallions. 1 weighing.1400, 4 and 6 old, pedigree given at Sale. W. A. BARD: by years »us T>. 3.—Will bo ,olil at the snme tiiuo and jilivco, 12 (J:\KRHiaiS. \mi Consisting of Roekaways. Top and Open Buggies. Germantowns, Jumn Heats. Also, 3 very go«»d Second-hand Murket-Germsn towns, light- Also, a lotof Single and Doubl Harness. , ... Sale to Commence at .0J4 o clock, A. M. L, W. SriDHAM ic Son, Auctioneers. TERMS OF SALE.—All sums of 8100 and les*. Cash: all over, a credit of 3 months will be given, by the purchaser giving Bankable Note, with an approved endorser, without in terest ; or 3 percent, off for cash. *srNqpo«tponciaent on account of weather, sonts-x.1. *r. at by NOTICES. C HANGE OF HOU11S—WILMINGTON AND WESTERN RAILROAD.—Com inenclng Monday. September 14tn, l'«* Trains will run as followe: . Leavo Wilmington 10.30 am , und o 35 p. m Leave Lsndenberg 0-45 a in., and 1 30 p. Arrive Wilmington 7.55 a. m.. and 315 p.m. Arrive Landenberg 12.15 p. m . Jk O.dO p. m CONNECTIONS -At Wilmington, with P.. W.4 B, and Delawnro H. H train». At Lan denberg with Penna. A. Delaware Railroad. Also Sunday trains throughout September, probably longer. cept ( .'-6t HE ANNUAL COMMUNICA TION or the M W.Grand Lodge A. F. A. M. of the State ol Delaware, will bo held in the Masonic Uni I. at the city of Wilmington. on the Sov - _ enth day of October. A. D.,1874, A..L. WILLIAM S. 11AYK Grand Se;ro in. DAVID CONNELL. Supl. A »ep8-2taw*ltw ENDOLLAKS REWARD.—STRAY ED _ »wav from the subscribers, a small iron gray MULE, wiih durk »tripe across his .boulders. Tho above reward willl bo l.aid for his return to tur Btoble« ut Delaware City. T Del. eep2-2tawJkw4t G. F. BRADY <( CO. N OTICE-CITIZENS' LOAN ASSOCIA TION.—'The 4th aeries ol 500 shares for »ule at 31 00 per share. First payment on or before October 1st, next. _ , fle p 7 tf GEO; C. MARIS, Sec y. N OTICE,—A meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee of New Custlu County, will be held at the Court House, on SATURDAY, September 12th inst , at 10 o'clock, A,jl> 12 42 73 W M. HERBERT, Chairman. Wilmington. Del., Aug. 19, 18.4. flMlK partnership existiug betwoe 1 undersigned under tho firm n: Fey, Scott <t Co., is tliis day dissolved by the withdrawal of William Y. Warner. The remaining partners will continu o tho business under tliu firm name as heretofore, and ure also authorized to fettle up the busi SR of tho late firm K. I bo 69 60 f IN 20 JAMES SCOTT. JOHN M. SCOTT. J. WINFIELD SCOTT. WM.Y, WARNER. aug2U *2w LJOUTH JERSF.Y INSTITUTE. N. F .— O FirBt-cla-a School lor both ncica. Loc» lion delightful and healthy : climate mild. Building brick: h.ateil by gleam; lighted by g«s; hot and coldwator. Railroads and telegraphs. Commence» September 2. "end for catalogue. aug7-6w II. K. TRASK, Principal. $250,000« ŒSJÜ Concert in aid of the Masonic Relief Ahfociu* tion of Norfolk. Virginia, will take placo on Skii embrk 3d. 1874. . 4 . , Abo Kentucky State Lottery for the benefit of the University of Faduach and Royal Ha vana ot Cuba tickets for sale, prizes cashed ana circular, of ^«"SÄWcO . Poe* ''.dice Box 4-61. ISO Bruudway. N- 1. TOTICE.—JAMES II.BEGGS has removed No. 6 West Eighth s'rcet. N _his office to- . Allmond's Building. Bricks of alt kinds hand at lowest market rates. jyl4it AX PAYERS. TAKE NOTICE;! CITY AND SCI!COL TAXUS F0K 1674. T The undersigned Rcciiversof Toxes forthe City of Wilmington, will bo at the City Hall, on and alter the first day of July. 1871. be tween the boms ot 8 and i2 in the morning, and fri in 2 to 8 in the afternoon,f > r the !• pose of receiving Taxes. A deduction oltivo per cent, is made on all Taxes paid in July; all paid in August and up to tue closing ol the polls of the city election, the lace ot tho bill must be paid; and alter that dato five percent a ill oe added to the bill. ALEXANDER CHANDLER, WILLIAM KTILLEY. Receiver» of Taies. iy2 £m to op to of BFIiBM DID EASTERN ICE FOB.I1874. We have secured a very large stock of the bcit ICE cut on tho Kenebco River tho past winter and will sell duriog the cummer at the following prices: 6 pounds daily 8 do do 12 do do 16 do do 20 do do 25 do do ...50 cents per week. 1 80 do do 1 10 do do 130 do do 1 50 do do __ __ . 180 do do 40 lbs. and over, at the rate of 81 00 per 100 lbs Although tho abovo prices are as low as good Eastern Ice can bo sold in this market at a profit, we do not intend to be undersold upon any consideration. These price» to take effect on and after Monday. April 13. . „ VUSBY A RICE. OFritcfl—406 Shipley, 4th and Poplar, 1316 Walnut Sts. apr7tf /V RCTIO ICE COMPANY, Office« -No«. '4 Kail Second anil 403 Poplar Ntrceta. This Company will supyly the citizens ol Wilmington during the balance of the season of 1874, at a great rcduotio afl follows ; 5 pounds duily. 8 present p ek. 45 cents per 12 in " 81.1) . GO pounds daily. 40 cents each delivery ; lw> pounds daily, 70 cents each delivery ; 500 Ins. and upwurds, at 812 per ton. Being solicited by u number of tho most prominent citizens of Wilmington, wo ha concluded to permanently establish i community tho above company, and will ho j thankful lor the patronage of all who wish t<* buy lb© best article from 30 to 40 per cent, be low the present prices. iuig31-dl au ! the J. B. CON ROW A EON. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE 0! ICE On and after Monday, August 3Lt, the price of Ice will be reduced to llie following rates. 6 pounds daily. 45ceatflpor weok. 8 do do . 12 do do . 16 do do . 20 do do . 50 lbs. caob delivery 100. 500 " and upwards.. Our Ice Is of the best quality, and will bo sold as low afi the lowest. do do 65 do 65 do do do '■ - ork for good very 6 do 1 10 d«> To 1W) lbs 00 cents p WALTON & JAMES, Il«pr8tf *16th and King and No. 2 W. 3d Sts. snme WANTS. •** Nltuatlon» ami Help Wauled,un der till« classification head, » llahrd at only 'Ihre* Cents per line for eaeli Inter tion. W ANTED.—A Student for Delaware Col lege. Tuition froe. Apply to augb JOSHUA MARIS. Open Also, and will in ANTED—A girl to do ehamberwork and attend to children. Apply at __ 1105 MA RKE! STREET. ANTED.—Wilmington Coal Gas Stock« Address "B," Uaxetto letter bos. w JzM w apr28ti \VILM1-N<• t.J* WAGON WORKS, _ Constantly on hand and made to order Express, Market, Truck. Farm, 1 Gevmantown AND Sneath'a Patent Tilting Wagons, j Carts, Puah-Cartt and Barrows : also, Agricultural Implements, which are beine void atcost.lncludioir PLOWS, HARROWS and CULTIVATORS All Nos. of tho Mooro. Wiley. Peacock and Heckcndorn Plows, with or without centre draft. Repairing Neatly ami Promptly Ext outed. blacksmithinc Particular ittcntlon ED his in all its tranohas. paid to for or HORSE-SHOEING I I «me- i All diseases of the foot, and eH«e§ , . , ness, incidental to shoeing or last driving treat ed under tl.« Dunbar (System SUCCESSFULLY Interfering invariably cured in nnec shoeing Knuvkmig and knee-Rlirnng horses iuriue; diately benefited and left in a condition by the aid of whioh nature soon effects a permanent Lameness from corns instuntly removed. Immediate relief givon in cases ol acute founder. , Diseases of the above naturo and various others ertaining to the loot and leg, neretolore considered incuruble by 'Old ßchool Veteri narian«, are by a judicious application ol the DUN BAH SYSTEM relieved and cured. Anatomical specimen 4 exhibited at the office showing cause and efleet. Having been at great expense to acquire a thoiough knowledge of the subject, and being the onlv smith in the State to whom Mr. Dunbar ha» imparted his valuablo method of treatment, I am prepared to treat the worst cose tho public can bring forward. I employ only competent men and per sonally supervise all operations, OUI co 111 A 10 the tho bo IN .— mild. and "end 113 OrangeSIreef. DAVID WOOLM AV, FALL, 1874. Haa CARPET STORE, £?0 Market Street, DRYGOODS STORE, of 822 Market Street. With the opening of this bcaton, the as sortment of goods hi each of tho Dcpart meuts ot our business, will he found un usually complete. Buyers, (a., hereto fur, ) D will by reason of our large stock, always find bargain» and reliable goods at and un- | der market rates. • j . ! MOTTO: CHEAP. PROMPT RELIABLE GRANVILLE WORRELL 1 Market flreel, above Kljehlli, Masonic Templs. WILMINGTON. DEL. augiö DELAWAKE STATE BONDS WANTED. P ERSONS holding Boodh of the State, duo January Ut, 1875, can have Par and Accrued Interest for the same, on presentation to meat Mil ford or to the Farmers' Bans, at Dover. i R. H. DAVIS, State Treasurer. July 3ist, 1874.-1 FOH SAMS AND KENT: jtOK RENT—New House, No. 1421 Harrison street, eleven rooms, •lern improvements, bay wim «lows, threo stories. Possession at . ce if desired. Inquire ut 1411 Harrison ! street. fol)2fi-tl F OR BALE.—TanlJup, Building and Lonn ! Association, is now offering shares, in j the 4ih £ ol : it all ies, Anply to JNU.F. MILLER Reefy. | apr4-eod N. E. Cor. of 3rd«and Market Sts. j lw> Ins. ho j t<* Damirl Kknnky I. ute of Philad'a. Jas.E. McCai Late of M Wilmington Upholstery. J 41 « MARKET STUFET, ! McCartney & kennet General Upholsters. I they ) i have comuionced tho Upholsteiing business , in all Its branches at 416 Market street. Fine Furniture Upholstered with best ma toriul and workmanship. ! Carpets, Mattings and Oil CBtlm mado and laid. 8lio Covers for Furniture. Window Shades Sl Son. price d Decorations. ing. Unir and Husk Mattresses. B.-PI rooms free of charge when good.-«. Orders by mail solioiled. 7. weok. bo : of Hall and meoMirment ot mako up the do may2-5-Sm do G%^sülvUlCUlAeiV: ^Issl&rchan lbs Sts. 8 7t. ^7 / line Col 8500 REWAED. The abovo reward will be paid for INFORM ATION that will lead to the ARREST AND CON* VHUTON of the person or persons guilty ol SETTING HUE to any DWELLING. STA BLE, SHOPS or other building. March 6.1874-tf, J. L.'SIMMS. Mayor. and Stock« bos. DRV GOO DS . opening BPRTra A rD.ßUMMER 1 Ilr«'ss Goods, BT.AOK SIXiK.. j ou specially.) English Walking .lurquels KING WEAR: LliK' Cl I FOULARD FH!M il .6 IRISH POPLIN, SU A \\ IS, ('A SSI MERE, WATER-PROOFS, I II I.Mil I NOS OF ALL KINDS, RS. i . LICKTE. OSTEIN, 22 U Market street. WILMINGTON. Ft) 506 . 506. i . , the the a Mr. of LAY ASIDE EVERYTHING I CALL AT ONCE I and be oonvinoed GOODS NEVER SO CHEAP EFORE, Reducing Stock at BELOW CO T PRICEB. DRYGOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Crockery and Glassware The grrnte.'t variety and the largest hrv meat of goods in the State. place and number mb I bo ADAMS & 33RO. 500. Market Street. 500 WILMINGTON. DEL. jan3 tf WM. B. SHARP. Cor- 4th & Market Sts.; Haa oroned a fall aaftortment ot NKW AND SEASONABLE Handsome Drcs Faljrlcfl.enlcndld qualittn 1 of Biack Silks, Japanese Silks.&c Always on hand, a full Stock of MOURNING GOODS of tb« !ata<t atyl.a ard molt rcliblc makr» Also, a full Hna of DOMESTIC GOODS. At tho lowest rates, WM. B SHARP. ) D e | aWare Cariîet HOUSe. » 9 | ^ arket ^troet, above Third, j WILMINGTON, DEL. . The cheapest place in the State to buyytfur ! CARPETS,OIL CLOTHS,MATTINGS, •md V71NTW SHADES. \o. 3 1 H, 1th Market. St«., WILMINGTON, DEL. AT HENHY Ö FllDSE'f?, u il-.t-t «Ore N.n.-ltr,. shortt-st uoii W15-ly •'o to order at the • ii fiiket ruteri. BOOTS AND stums SiüLi.i r\ T c; OFF Bpriug and Bummer Stock tit Greatly Rcthuctl Prices. LADIES* SUPPERS John s. Moreland, ARB OFFERED Af COST. i N. W. Cor. Fourth A I'opiar Sis, A large Chihli on which he is Foiling ch Custom d M M-Ic id M Room and «.Jailers. |. for >>rU io tenth.n. 'I he I teed to nil. ltei.Ririüjr «*r< i"l at i mtcrial yun iMly attended to. jc6 dlv . ! Lonn ! I in M A 1{ U 1CT HTltll'IIl T in j .1. « ic« »it o. | Sts. j V.TL.MIN«1T0N, DEL. Maoufactiutr rmd Dealer in J Stoves-Ranges. Heaters. they ) R00fiQ B and EpOUtiUg. , , , ... , ma- Repairing and Jobbing done |.iuo;i>t)y and ! satist.atnnly. ,y 2 ot| and Fluin and Fancy Tin Ware, CHAS. CAMBL0S & CO,, : BANK EUS and BltOKEltS, I No 38 S- Third St .Phlladolphl », ! DKALKHS IN OOVERNMENT BECURI •11RS, GOLD. ot the .d B..n:h •Stocks bom-bt and sold o commission. pHrticulnr attention investment". a i to ' Self-Threading shuttle. Eagy toOperate THE HEW AMEIUOATV / : Sewing Machine, CON* \ ol STA 718 MARKET STREET, J. H. PHIMRO0F, Agent WILMINGTON. DEL. je9d*w