Newspaper Page Text
DAIÎ.Y GAZETTE. O. P. Jons son, Editor and PacPEtJttOB The Daily Qaixt rk i« published every »1 Urooou. (Sunday exoepted) et 416 Market St-, asidseived by oarners to subscribers in all parts of tho city and surrounding town ana villages. for six oeiitsm week, parable weekly. Yearly subscribers. 13 In advance. THI OKLY DEMOCRATIC DAILY IX THE STATE. Tat Dklawaum Oaxette. established 1784. is the largest and most flourishing weekly in tho 8tato, and has a larger circulation than sny other on tho Peninsula; Published every Friday morning, at $2 a year, in advance. ffleHINOTOH, DEL., OCT. 31 14 74 Democratic Nominations. State Ticket . TOB OO VERHÖR. JOHN P. COCHRAN or MEW CASTLE COUMTY. REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, JAMES WILLIAMS, OP KENT COUNTY, County Ticket. For Sh.rifiF-WM. H. LAMBSON For Coroner—RICHARD GROVES. STATE 8KNAT0IIS. White Clay Creek Hd., Jähes H. Rat Appoquinimink. IIknrt Davis. B.EPRX8 EN TATI V EH. flrandywine Hd., Samuel Hanby. Isaac 0. Ptl*. Thob, L. J. Baldwin. Tho.. Holcohb. Thob. Bird. Henbt A. Nowland. William P. Bioos. Wilmington, Mill Creek, New Castle, Red Lion, St. Georges, Pencader, LIVY COURT COMMISBrONBRS. of Mill Creek Hd. White Clay Creek. Red Lion. St. Georges. Gao. D. Mbdill, Wm. L. Wier, Wm. R. Bright, Wm. Pole, James C. Wilson and 4 . __, Samuil Roberts, Appoquimmink flu. VOTE THE WHOLE TICKET. The Democratic ticket lias been en dorsed in every Hundred beat over put boforo our people, and every man on it should bo elected. Vote the whole ticket ; and vote early, so that you may assist in getting others to vote. Examine Your Tickets Every Democrat should carefully ex amine his ticket, and be sure that every name on the ticket is correctly spelled, and that all tbe names arc or the ticket. one of tho At the Election on Tuesday next , Nov, 3d, Polls open between 8 and 0 o'clock, a. m., and close at 5 o'clock, p. m. Have your teams ready for the election day, and make out lists of the sick, old and infirm who are to be taken to the polls. If you want more panics, vote tho Re publican ticket. If you want better times, vote the Democratic ticket. Take your choice. $50,000 a year for Grant and no work for the workingman. Such are the re sults of Radical rule. Vote the Demo cratic ticket. Don't make a bargain to stay uwuy from the polls if your Republican neigh bor does. That is an old Republican trick, and the Radical bargainer general ly sneaks off and votos before night. Go and vote. The Radicals are circulating small bills from which wo take the following: "If a man owns a house worth two thousand dollars, with a mortgage on it for one th au sand dollars he is worth one thousand dollars clear. Under our State Tax law he pays the whole tax on the house and on the mortgage thousand dollars in all.'' The law does not compel such persons as aie referred to in tho above to pay the tax on money borrowed on mortga ges; it ptnnit» them to agree to Jo so, and when they do so agree of course they are liable. too— on three The negro Republican clubs have made arrangements for a parade to night. The Democrats should bo sure to give them a tvido path—in fact we urge all Democratic white men and hoys to keep at a distance; and in no way molest the blacks; they are only the simple tools of worse men, who would like to get Democrat« into trouble. Be side, the negroes, we are told, have been armed with axes and razors and pistols, and, it is said, are desired to get up a disturbance. Disappoint them if you can. Hon. J. R. Lofland exposed him self to the displeasure of his colored lire them during h speech before a Re publican meeting at Roxana, in Balti more hundred, a few day, since, as wo are formed. He saw an old acquain tance and resident of Milford standing on tbe outskirts of the littlo crowd, and attempted to make a point by Baying: "There is my old friend, Mr. Hmitli, who knows that about Milford they call me a'nigger trader."' "Yes, in deed," responded Mr. Smith, "you and I have sold many a one of them."— This response was rather unexpected and produced something of u sensation. Keep an Eye on Them. No negro who ho» been convicted of felony has a right to vote in this Btate. All who have been convicted of stealing liavo lost th,ir right to vote, and subject to if they offer to vote. Look out for them. Wo will publish the names of all such for Kent and New Castle countios Monday. A list of tho.'o for Sussex will be found in another column. c*it, fine aud imprisonment on At Baltimore, dOO special Deputy D S U-rabale hove been .worn la Io prwerv» the peace at tbe poll, on cltCUvo day. essmes An Tmuit to the People. Sorely the Eepublican orators itaport* ed from abroad have been mode by their ttadical employers te believe that the people of Delaware were grossly igno rant, and had paid no rogard to the edu cation of their children, otherwise these strangers would never have referred to our people in such disparaging and in sulting language. If they suppose that Delawareans are so ignorant as to requite to be lectured in a political campaign the subject of common schools, they are very much misled. Some of these speak ers would do well to refer to their own sections and ascertain whether it would not be bettor to be sure that their labors could not bo better spent there. This insolent supervision of the work of Del aware parental duty is regarded tirely too officious. en INTIMIDA TION. Mtyor Stokley. of Philadelphia, has published a proclamation,from which wo make the following etract :— "Each officer has been postively in structed to protect overy citizon in his rights to prevent all breaches of the peace, to promptly arrest each and every person violating the law, and, when call ed upon by the election officers, to take into custody every person attempting to vote illegally, and to have the partios arrested kept iu durance until released by writ of habeas corpus, or other due process of law." In addition to "the large police force'* the Radicals have great numbers of Dep uty U. S. Marshals, and the Democrats no officers. And yet these threats are in dulged in by Mayor Stokley. be H^Lai ge numbers of negroes ing sent to this city to vote, (illegally of course) in the Radical wards. Many of them may be arrested. They are prom ised work on the city after the election No doubt by men who are not able to make these promises good, and the poor negroes will be hero perhaps all winter charitable people. ; as a tax upon 44 The Divine Right to RoW\ THE MEANING OF RECENT ELECTIONS AND THE MEANING YET TO COME. The Smyrna Times prints with ap proving comments r.n extract from an article in the New Haven Journal and Courier, concerning the recent elec, tions, of which the following forms a part : "Tiie people, by these elections, have asserted their iredom to vote as they think best, regardless of the action of packed caucuses and hack politicians. They have asserted and proved the di vine right to bolt. They have served notice on botli parties that they must mend their ways, give up thqir trick eries and dishonesties, aud nominate better men than they recently have, or they will suffer defeat." Th« Times refers to this as "one of tbe most truthful interprétations ot the meaning of the recent elections." In this State as elsewhere luinest It. ... , , , , publicans who arc tired of the organ. zation and efforts to reform it. corrupt and corrupting tendency an* quietly bolting in 9COre9 and hundreds ; anil the onlv hone the Radicals L, ve is in meoni} nope me u&uicais Min making up the difference by importing e,, . . , , negro voters. This, however, will be stopped by tbe police force arresting every man who makes au attempt to , . , t .. . ... J vote who has not tho right to do so. Tho law is cleur on this subject—the man who attempts to vote illegally 19 GUILTY, NOT. WHETHER HE VOTES OR But the "divine right" to bolt seems to be very populur ut thU time. We find by the Philadelphia Telegraph, u Republican paper, tlmt in some places in thut city, it appears to be tho "order of the day." In yesterday evening's edition, that puper, in referring to the Fifth Congressional District, where there arc two Republicans running and one Democrat, says ; ''Many disgusted Republicans will decline to vote at all, aud many others will vote for Mr. Robbins, in tho hope of teaching the Republican leaders that they are indisposed to encourage such trifling. Then there are bund yes, thousands—of workingmen out of employment in this great manufactur ing district, and these voters, who are deprived of a chance to earn an honest livelihood, lay the blame of their en forced idleness upon the shoulders of the Republican party. Tho party is not responsible for their idleness, but that fact does not alter their views of the case. And the Republican portion of this class will vote lor the Demo cratic candidate, in the vain hope of thereby mending their unhappy lot. Thus tho matter stands, with u certain prospect of the loss of a strong Repub lican district through dissensions in tho Republican ranks. Both Harmcr and Myers have been faithful servants of ther present con stituents, aud true Republican in tho strict sense of the term. But—and here comes the rub—Myers found him self the under dog in the light, and then he sustained a shock. 8o lie became righteously indignant, und forthwith bolted, And now he doesn't care a straw as to what lie pulls down with him in the political ruin in which he s enveloped. The Democrats have made gains out West, and these gains ure not u drop in the bucket, as blind party tigers profess to believe. The control of tho House of Representatives in the next Congress is seriously imperilled. If Mr. Robbins become the next mem her for the Fifth District, even Myers will realize that lie ami his friends alone are responsible for the result. Now that the Radicals hav, got to fighting over the spoils, there are hopes that honest men will be elected and the government once more be made eco nomical and safe for all classes, by the ... ,, . _ 1 election ol lione9t Democrats. reds— more man - John A. Martin w*s j©«»tcr<Uy appointed Interna, Revenue Ojagerfurth, District of Fennsjl vanta. *5 Not a Candidate. Bbandtwink Hundred, October 31, 1874. Understanding that my name has been used as an independent candidate for Representative from Brandywine Hundred in the next Legislature, I here* by give notice that I decline to be such candidate, and that I desire all of my friends to support Samuel llanby. WILLIAM TALLEY. G EX ERA L NEWS. George H. Kingsbury. Assistant Receiving Teller of the National Bunk of Redemption at Boston. ing $'11,000 from the bunk. $ 20 , 000 . The Milford Five Cents Savings Bank, at Milford, N. H ., has suspended, lis liabilities are about $500,000, but wiU ho covered, it is believed, by securities held by the bank. It is likely tli**.t the concern will be wound up. There is considerable popular feeling against some of the olficeis. ai rest' d yesterday fox steal He returned A Substitute for Quinine. For years, quinine was tesarded ns the only peoifiu lb* malarious diseases, and immense quantities of the drug were annually ooniumed tnroughout our Western country, more par ticularly along the river bottom* und adjoin ing low land*. With the full months malati-i. in all ils Yu an epidemic through prostrated ried forma. s:alka li thn land, ami whole districts with chills and fever, the entire population (•baking with nguo Heretofore, quinine was regularly resoried to : but. while it trequently failed to effect a cure, it invariably derungod the stomach, producing nauseA, vertigo and fugitive pains in the head to such an extent the system recovered objections to its use that months elapsed from its effects. !b were so marked, tbatthe introduction of Mish * 1er'« llcrb Bitters was hailed as a triumph in medio no. Infinitely more certain in its bene ficial cfleet* thrn quinine, it possessed nono of tho demerits of that drug. Instead of setting, it tones and invigorates the stomach, and while speedily expelling tbe noxious hu mors, increases the appetite and facilitates digestion, thus rendering tbe system stronrfsr. and better fitted to resist the attacks of disease. In fact, a judioious Herb liitters at this season of tbe year, will provent a recurrence of this disease, even in those who have never passed an autumn with out it. An experiencs of twenty years proves it to be tho greatest i.MTt PKRiooic known to medical science. There of Mishler'« . !, perhaps nr. diseases climatic changes a» affections of tbe Kidneys Hundreds of our farmers, mechanics, and la boring men, strong and hardy in nil other re cpects, ? u lier continual iucouveuicuce. and oo caaionully excruciating nains in the hack and across the loins : experience a frequent desire to pass water, pain during its passuge and fre quent stoppages in its flow. These are mani festations resulting from aome strain or heavy lift (perhaps year* ago), and aggravated by every change in the weather. Every slight cold flics direct to this one weak spot, and un'es* promptly attended to tbe disease be come* chronic, and tbo onoo strong man a miserable wreck. AlLhler's Herb Bitters i« the only ctrta ra disease«. Itbu:< a peculiar tendency to the kidneys, stimulates th and removing tho cause, prevents tbe forma of l rick-dust deposits, which, if permit ted to continue, will by cohesion form gravel e. nécessitai i. e a paint ui operation lor its removal. Many of tbe ingredient* entering into its composition, a T9 universally recog nized as apeciGcn for all oomplajnts ot tbe urinary organs. In Liver Complaint. Dyspep sia. all disorders of the Bowels, and nffectionf ot the Throat and Lungs, it is equally certain and efficacious ; while, as a remedy lor the complaints peculiar to the female sex. it has no • n'ial Ladies, old and young, married aud .-ingle, in every condition of life, will find this o subject to ... „ ,, I.U .!«• VVl.nii.a I« PuriU... s light , .,i, ul ng and simple Sowing M.ohlii., wuuld Dd!! in d "cc ôï,î*»Yîhî nSfit ly Sewing Machine« in th« world It has no material il lesired without change of needle* 0ur hobby i* simplicity, durability, light Tunninfff nnd n0 lhr eading-ui) reauired: self threading shuttle and Self-Belting needle. Sold op easy monthly instalment, or a liberal discount off for cash. Lodie« don'tbuy a î' i *'f 1 7rî"ni^"fiew AlrGcoa!''' bU ' '' Uh ° 718 Market St.. Wilmington. Dpi. |y7d*wlv J. H. PRIM ROBE. Agent, •dy for this class of to bea'.lby action. FEU A LR RKUIDY prompt, tafe, cer • turn andrtliufj/f. The pale, sallow complex ion is replace«! by a blooming, healthful coun nëiunal use onables'Nature to perform her lunciions kkoflahlv and without iNCoNVRNiENCii, Bold only in bot *le* by all Druggists and generui dealers, o '<feod2dè3dp2m tenancc. and its Iro'u the thickest to tbe thinest NOTICES. OTICK-TO WATER RENTERS.—All All persons who nave sold property dur ing the present yeur must give notias in writ ing to the Registrar, at the office of the Water Department, before the 30tb day ef Noven ber, 1374 and insert in the notice the namo of the purchaser and tbe uumber of tbe prop l urcbu^eil. Otherwise they will be held bio lor the water rent the next year. .\l*o. all persons who may ">ft«h to discun the use of water, or any portion ol it mu<t give notice a« above, and pay t-Qo for ing ferrule. No alteration .will be maMe bill after the above date: CHARLES BURTON. Jg , ocfoltnovlGeod'tdfonpv^O Registrar. N j oet23eoUto nov5 bef< û*4>pr/\ /x/wyio BE DISTRIBU« 7b OUjUUU TED. Grand Gilt foSÄfolk?' VftfflTSlU Eîf&ï j "iu Lotterr for th, b OT ,«t of the University of Faduaeh and Royal JJa Jïd B «?rcS"« of"infSmatio"'' migO-m. cuh * 4 n ^ c Qo „ i P..Î* Office Box 4761. 196 Broadwxy, N. Y. «frty liu in uuy "T^OTICE—The Exhibition of tho Dela -A » wuro Inst'tute of Mechanlo Arts will be tiuued until the evening of Wedne*da Nov. 4th, 1874. This extension is made ''ompliuuce with the generally expressed pub* lie desire. By order of the Executive Board oct30 ui GEO, W. ROBERTS. See'y. T HE LAST SHOT—a Meeting of the Dem ocratic Association ot White Clay Creek Hundred, wilt be held at the Newark Hotel, on MONDAY Evening, November 2, 1874. at 7 o'clock, sharp. The lion. Wm G. White* ley. Geo Gray und Edward Reynold«, Esqrs., will addrona the meeting. Democrats, turn in lorce and show to our enemies that the old purty i* not dead, but al GEO. U to kick. Joseph Dean. Seo'y. OTICE —NATURALIZATION.—fn or the next Presidential elvo~ tion. take out your first papers before the seooud Tuesday in November next. First bu yers taken out at any time in the day, ana in tbe evening from 7.3) to 8.30 o'cloek, before the Clerk of the U. S. Courts, at his office, tecond «tory Poet Office Building. ootl7tonol0 N der to vote I N THE DISTRICT COURT ) OK TIIR U. 8. voa THI DI3TIUC1 ÜF DELAWARE.J In * Bankruptcy. John McLenr k Son. Bankrupt*. DISTRICT OF DELA WARE. SS. in purauanoo of an order ot the said Court. I hereby give notice that a general meeting of the creditors of «aid Bankrupt will be held ai the United Slates Court Room for aaid Dis trict, on Thurbday, tho fifth day of November, A. D , 1874, at three o'clock P. M , before Levi C. Bird. L*q., Registrar ln Bankruptcy in said District- Signed. WILLIAM CANBY. Aasienee. XTOTICK.-JAMKS hi* office to No. 6 West Eighth streat. Allmond'« Building. Bricks of all kinds on hand at lowest market rates. XrOTTCE-CITIZRNS' LOAN ASSOCIA «131 TION.—The 4ih series ot 600 shares for 81.00 per share. First payment on or October 1st, 1I.BEGG8 has removed i»14U Hulo t. »ep7tf GEO. C, MARIS,Seo'yi I )RIV Y V/ELLS CLEANED BY THE L ODORLEöfiless Excavating Co. Ore er tfa^TÂÂSÏTÏ b* promptly atMsded to (o.b'. BANKS AAV BANKERS T N ATI OWL BANK or wilminoton. Depository of the Public Moneys, AMD Fiuuuclel Agd il of the UulUni Slnlee Y in * EDWARD BETTS. President, GEO. D. AKMSTKONG, Cwhier. §500,000 Paid up Capital* Philadelphia aud New York Rxobange fur* nlshei to regular Deiwwitor« without obargo Discount days, Mondays and Tbursdsyi, at 8:30 A. M. DIRECTORS George W. Bush, Bii Garrett. Joshua T. Ileall, William Tatoall. Betts. J Clement B. Smyth, Israel Pu ey, Henry S. McComb, Daniel James, Edw mor28 TUE ARTims SAViKUS BASK 502 Market Street, Incorporated Fabraary 23. 1.^61. Open to receive dopoMti daily from V A. M until 4 P- M., and on Tuenday and bal urday evening* irotn 7 to 8 o clock A SEMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND, of alx per cent, ha« been regularly depuHits, «Luce the organisation of aad it if the expectation oi the Managers.that dividends will be continued. When dividends are not withdrawn, they are accounted as deposits. Thus permanent deposit« compound their interest twiee in each year. paid the Bank. this rate nf MANAGERS: William 0. Hilles. ClementB. Smyt». Chas. W. IloWLANr, Natsan'l R. Benson, Hbnst F. Dubs. Qboeqb W. Bus*. Gbobob 8. Ca PILLE. M. L. Lichtbnbteib, Kdwabd Dablinotob Job II. Jaoebon, M. Stotsenburo. Wm. H. Swipt, Anthumt Humiinb. WM 8.UILLKH, President. G bo. W. Bush, Vie« Präsident. Ieb21-iy K. T Ta tlob. Tra »surer 1 UR MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK. Ns. 4 W. Tlalrtl Nit cel. Six per cent. Interest. Open Tuesday Saturday evenings and every day, J Oriauh iw. Tr«u.. J. P. W.Im. M. D.. John F. Miller.Clark. and A H. Pve«T vl-tf CHAS. CAMBLQS & CO.. ZRANKERS and BROKERS^ No- 38 8. Third St .Philadelphia DEALERS £N GOVERNMENT HKCURI TIKS. GOLD. SILVER, ko. Stocka and Ponds are bought and sold on eommiuion. Particular attention invent ment*. m given to dMlU-lj HOTELS. JEFFUKSOft IflOimE, NEW CASTLE. DEL. JOHN W.GRAY. Proprietor. This I arg« and beautifully situated hou«o ha« beta put in tfi« Yery bwt repair lor tbe reception of visitort.wno _will find st it all the accom modations ot a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. It commands a fine view of the Delaware and is one ot the moat pleasant and ligbUul places iu tbe State for excursions or pic nies The house i« kept iu tbe oeet stile, tbe bar filled with the cnoioest wines, liquors aud m^t drink«, and table supplied with the Rubstantials and luxuries or the luarkot. Excursionist« can arrive by boat or rail. Parties who wish to go Aching or boat riding on tbe noble Delaware, oan be accom modated with suitable boats. The patronage ot th« public i* respectfully solicited. jj*2-t! J. W. GRAY. Bay, ao WESTERN HOTEL. N. W, Cor. 4th Si Orange Streets. 0. J. KYLE. PsoraiKTOB, The »hove Aouse baa b«en pat In ~omplots repair for the reception ol gaests, where they will receive all the accommodation« of a first-class hotel. Bar Ailed with choieast winrs. liquors.cigars &«., and the table supplied with the best the market affords. Transient and permanent boarders accommodated at moderate rate« Good »Uhling and attentive hostlers. A* liberal share of ppblio patronage Is respect fully «olid tod. aug2-d-tf 1 UNITESTATES HOTEL. W.W.Cor.FrenchAc 'Water Ht». T. B. MFRRITT, Proprietor. The above hous« ha« been put In complete repair for tbe reception of ruests. where they will receive ell the aotomm dations of a firet-olaaa hotel. Bar filled with theohoieest or winei. liquors, Ac., and the table supplied with the best the market affords. JySdly JjjpTÏCÏL ~~ INDIAN KING HOTEL 1U8 AND 110 MARKET STREET. Wilmington, Del. John Meajpy lpi* nut In two now Carom Billiard Table« at tfi« above addrwa. Th« room is now open at all Urn«« for the acoom* modatiou of the publie. m ian21-tf JOHN MBA LEY. £T- JOHN'S HOTBLi, MO «0, MAHKKT «THKICT, WILMINOToa, DKD . JAM KB MoLANAK,«. r30-tf X> IiBMON a oo. No. 117 Market!Htrwet. (Below Seeoud.l offer« MOCCO ÔLD 00V. JAVA. MAKICAHÖ. LAQIJYRA. und lRIO COFKRilüS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Having tha only ooffee mill in th« olty driv«n by steam power, our customer* will not b« detained in getting their Coffee ground. We also keap on hand BUOARB, TBAS, dPICEB, Canned Frulta Preservea, Jellies, Piokela, bauoea, Sardine^ jnd ..try uth.r urthi. w.u.lly k.ut la a firat-cla», Oroc.ry Rtor,. citVo"* *'* lh * "■»uf.ctur.r.inihl. Candi«i, Cakes and Crackars. Th, public may be »sanred they will un mooej l Ï buy lux at tut. « 11T Market Street, y8-fm Below Feoond. W ANTED.-Wilminxton Coal Qae Stock. Addroe« B. r Uaaetto letter hox. apnett LICENSE A PEL 11^. L IONS N OTICE.- I. John H. Y etter. In com piton*, with the requirement, of tho act of Arnombl, in «uh out m -leand provided do hereby ii« notion tbol I ihoU ooplj in writing, to tho Court, of Otnorol Stoolono of lb, Pete, and Jodi Deliver, of the State of Dtlawfirt, in and for tho county of Now Cm* tit. upon Monde, tho 16th day of Novombof neat. A. D.. 1«7*. bting the first da, of the November term of tho .aid Court, for a to kaooan Ion orTavorn at the F»rm cr* and Drovnre. Hotel, in tbo village of New per*. New Ce»tlo Countv. Del., iu Sobool Du triot No. 21. and to >ell lutoxlontinjr liquor, io lee. quantitie, tboo one quart, to bo drunk the, end the following freehold rooommond tbo itid application, to wit* John Chandler. James Mt-lviu. Hubert Sindail. Harry B. Miller. JameeH Sindmll. bie merk. John X Simpson, Ji; Wit-Kob't Siod.ll, m.rV. John W, L,nam. Wit- Jno Si in paon Sr„ John B. Hereher. Charles M. Uroouie. Jamal PI Redman, merk. Wit-U. B. Miller, octal-:u ext Li oens« un ers Joseph Miller. John W. bnitcher. Joseph L. Barra* t, his hi* JOHN H. Y EITER. VrOTICK.*-!. Cloud Pierson in compli anoe with the requiremenU uf the act of Assembly in sueh o*so made and pruvidod, do hereby give notioe that I shall apply lu writing to the Court of General Sessions ol the Peace and Jail Delivery of the State ul Delaware, in and lur the County of N Castle, upon Monday, tbo 16lb dsy ot Novem ber next. A. D.. 1874, being the first dsy ot the next November term ot the said Cou t. tur a License to keep an Inn or Tavern, called the Newark Hotel, in the town of Newark, in cohool DDuiot No- 3¥, n White Clay Creek Hundred, with the privilege ol selling mtoxi citing liquors in less quantities than one quart, to be drunk on the premises, and the loHowing freeholders r* commend the said application, to wit: Stephen E. Choate Krauk Griffith. Jesse T. Smith. Henry B. Uourtm y. Watson MoDougail James Gibson, his John H U'DuluoII, mark, w it— W. D. Uerlman. Roger Corbit. Michael Quillen, u. John r* Wal', mark. W»t—J. M Mfthtn, * *»*■ . . John >4 McLtughllu. Wit—Woo. D. Herd man D. L Choate, his Wm. K Uarigan, mark. Wit— loi. B. Lutten, Richard Parkinson. CLOUD PIERSON. oct3.-3t* N OTICE.—in compliance with the require ments of the act of Assembly in such ease made and provided, we hereby give no tion that 1 shall appy in writing to the Court of General Besaioas of tbe Pcooe aud Jail De livery of the Btate of Delaware, in and lor the County of New Costif, upon Monday, the 16th day ot November next, A. D , 1374. being the first day of the next November Term of the said Court, lor a Lioeuse to keep an Inn or Tavern at the N, K. Corner ot Twenty-first and Msrket atreets. iu the Ninth Ward of the olty of Wilmington. Delà ware, and to aell intoxicating liquor« iu ir— quantities than one quart, to be drunk me premises, and the following freehold«™ recommend said applieation, to wit: F. E. Gallagher, William U. Patterson, Charles Greer, George T. Barnhill, E, C. Jobnsou. John if. Pierson, Joseph Jackson. John Bullock, John Carson. Isaac Conner, Jesse Eaehus. William Sweeny. Patrick Haggerty. Marlin Farrell. Robert Hoberts. Bernard McVey. S eorge P. Hall. Beniamin Dricrly. hoir os Jl. Turner. William L Pitr* illiom Cayter. James Kane. Lewis Leadermann. James J. Walker, William K Hope. William M. Kirk, Charles P. Domman. Thomas Graves. THOMAS L.MOUSLKV ©0136-3t* N OTICE -I. William Morris. In com pliance with the requirements of tbe act of Assembly in such case made and hereby give notice that I shall apply in writing, to the Court of General Bessinnsot the Peaoo and Jail Delivery of the Sute of Delaware, in and lor the County of New Castle, upon Monday, the 16th day of November, A. D, 1874. being the first day of the next Novem ber Term of the said Court, lor a License to sell intoxicating liquors in quantities not less than one half gallon, not to be druuk on the premises, in the town of Delaware City, behool District No. 62. Red Lion Hundred, and the following freeholders recommend tbo said application, to wit: Israel Helms, John Carson. Wm. M. Wingate. J. B. Bigger, 1. Hunter. Jatne* M. Craig, Wm. Davidson, his Thomas X Rowan, mark. _ Wit-N.G.Pnce. John Armour, oct30-3t* Geo. W. Reybold, Joseph Brewer. Michael Mulligan. John H. Roberts, Wm. llukil. John Jarrell. Daniel Colwell, hie Wm. K Dougherty, mark. Wit—M. VonCulin, WM. MORRIS. XI OTICE.-J. Wm h. Griffith, a licensed rp 131 i-etailer of goods, Wares and ùifcrchaft dise, do hereby give notièo that 1 shall apply in writing to tne Judges of the Court of Gen eral Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery ol the State of Delaware, in and for the Couniy of New Castle, on Monday the loth day of UQVpmber. A.D-, 1874, being the first day ot tne next November 'Term, lor a License to sell Intoxicating Llquof* in quantities not le*« than one-half gallon, on Main Street, iu Town of Newark, Sehool District No-ay. in White Clay Creek Hundred, New Castle County. Del., and the following snbf tantiel freeholder* recommend the said application, to wit : ton, Benjamiu Caulk Henry B. Courtney, *.*%.^boste. John O'Donnell, Jr., W.P. Walton. John Corbit. WM. F. GRIFFITH. fcMS&i! Jee T. Smith, D. L. Choate. Michael Quinlen, Roger Corbit, ooU8-3l* Beamter , a Order, Rcoistkk's OrvicK. New CaatleCounty, Oot 21st, 1874. Upon the application of James B. Groomn and James B. Young. Executors of MARY B. COUPER, lute ot New Castle hundred in said oounty, deceased : it is ordered 4bby the Rechtler that the Executor« aforesaid give notioecfthe grautiug of Let ters Testamentary upob toe ih« ceased, with the date of granting thereol. by causing advertisements to be posted within forty day« from the date of such Letters, in six of the most publio places of the County of New Castle, requiring all persons having demands against the Ke (afeto present the same, or abide by an * 9* Amenably in snob ease made and pro ided. AndaUog^uaethesame to be insert ad within th« saiffe p§rjqd in Ih« Dela w«r« Gasette. a newspaper pqbiUhed * ip Wilmington, and to be oontinued therein three weeks. I —*t_givennnder the hand end Seal of 1 L.B. lOttoe of the Register aforesaid, at CMUe, In New Castle County tlOfCAjj, the day end year above written. QJBBS, Register. ... t KOTICfe. Allpersonshavingolalms against the Es Uteofih« deoeesed must present the same d«ly attested to the Executors on or before Get. list. 1876, or abide the Aet of Assembly in suoh case made and provided. JAMES B. GROOMS, JAMBS B. YOUNG. ... , - „ Executors. Addryfe—Jemea B. \ eong, 44 8. 3d fit, Fhtla or James B. Uroome. Eikton. Md ooUtteodJw • i de A vi NEW BOOKS ! AT £. S- R. BUTLER'S BOOK. STATIONERY A Ü NEWSPAPER 4 ®ü Market IStreet, Jl«| Lawn. .. Holden with thaCord»..'. Idolatry. . Brock ley Moor.. A ÄÄ , '.! ,h7 «bsexü .ittsesaSESw »i Cloth, tl ft 0 do 2 60 1 50 Q 1 7t 1 50 do 1 50 do 1 26 .... do 1 75 do 2 00 do 2 Oi do 1 iO NEW A 2) VER TISEMEN1S. -SI The Mason & Hamlin Organ Co.. Winners of THREE niOIlPC'p and DIPLOMAS UK AwNor ,, - 1873. and Palm. 18C? now offer' thl vt lu *. hA » ASbOKi'Mt:, l ,,f h BK9T cVSt M > Ka l' UANS ialh« n jIu.d li.oludl^i^^ 1 Ult - » lt » *•«« improvemen ». nJt clusivelr lor obtb, Hi for nl-i. 7 tr NEW PLANS UK EASY Pa 7 ; u b "' most favorable ever olT-re i TS. mg KD wrru fri VI LBJ£ ofâîl V 1 ■ to alun et anv part of th «„ . u ßÜU AbR. P%,xipent f J.9C' or upward*. 0 ®®trr. First ILLUS lit A 1 Eu Ca " A I.Oiiiid j q'im?' V'SÂÏ k ' UUi "' Cif Mason Ho Hamlin Ora«n n MAliE YOUR OWN ORNAMENTS. MED AH oil rj Baeh kels P on"Kaire^cloJk J h ra , mc8 ' Cdnl M«« hiasels. Watch Salos. Watch Bi« < 2i l '* n Kus ''s, EXCelsii I Ouw Fra inn 'JA Ao Till! und BuuR ul 2 ^ iieauilfuf P*.°e? * Mo,, fod Saïî t uns, lur $ru Send i» S "°«l dire. s'arnp lur eiiculp.r. L n v Io,ley u fder. ir i* u! hD in furui Buieiuiug tu in« Imrts "auhim. J u ^ r ° «oui|.|«( 9 metal plsie«, tujtlnir »k 1 . e * 1 to wear, by tong. u,Vd do thework Wen , r ft" /.«e.îï jUiJ uibi-r l.u-lu-r " "u" d ifiaa leather Sample Halt Glove pair HAILS P», VÄ "RA rLV I M l'RÜV shielding t?, ^ ■ *» * m< S 5 r |i 3 i- qq»»tii?.Y u A p '{ husking per tiny .I li<, -Iren. Geo. i». Ti. - tixmon a i'* Ire«. Ad .0.. p or ,: laine. •d VALKKHL à CO.. Augusta. Maine iNG U, iv 0. '•PWB^Su^i.cnARg. ?h. d v*Oh «>•• lovimu »Uh" i UUS atlm '* they choose, instantly Thin «oquireracul all can pn»eM fr.lïï Î "f"'" 1 Most Kxtraordi Terms of Advertising narv s ' n Add«« Geo- P. Howell Jc Co * d *? r »'»ln8 Agent». No. ,1 Park lio»v, M. w Haler, lu Editor uf thin paper. ouT-lHawli P roposed amendment tg tu» ARK. STLJ rION " r "A ffATTorfiM AN.ApTP r "V»*ing an Amendment to the Con* hr t th * run»," tt f empoioertyg the fjS * eniCt(l 0e *" ai fauwitivl eon.urriag therein, ud by »mi with U,» , , probation qf tbellovornor ) Thai the loll amendment bo and tbe ».me I» hereby Ï poeedlothe eeventeeuth aeclion t. ,|f 0 ... ond urttcle ol the Conetitution of this Stute to wit. I y addin, to tbe .»id .eotl'in be followin, Word», »ordert to tbe "rovWmi aloreaiud: Th. be,i»Tulur. »hall ha. e .mwor to enact a general incorporation aot. to i. r vide inroriroratton for religiou», charitable literary and manuiacturin, purnoie», t„ r tho pre»er v ation ot animal and vegetable food building and loan associations, anil fordraio ng low lands; and no attempt shall bs iu such act ot otlterwiso to limit nr "aulily î. h t*J.°7; r tÂtts re "" vcd ••"•w SECTION l. And be il further enacted. Thut the becrctary ot State b, ond be is horcbv directed, alter the Governor shall 'lave no îoTroi .»bov proposed », ne „dm™t and thie act, duly to pobli-h tbe above pro poeed amendmeut and this act in two or more newspapers in this State, lor the coo sidération oi tho people of this State.' at least hre. and not rnoro than eii months belbro lbs next general election for Senator* and Keoresentatives in this State Paced at L'over. April 3 1871. A. V. LESLEY. Hpoaker of the Senate. JOSKftl BUKCUENAL of the house of Kenreooutativet. St.t, nv, i Executive Department [ T . . , . . , June fid, 1874. t Thu Act was passed by and with toe batioo of tho Governoi*. • le bpeak « SPPAO a. A . J I. J.xss l ONUXK Govermir of tho State or Delaware do hereby express my »(. proval of said amendment as l.r ji o'od iu said fo "T hand and the Great /Seal ot «aid Slato. the day and yi •. aforesaid. U, th, on™ pAyJ |g POND EH ►Secretary of State. Matk op DxIsAWaHB. 1 I I,.„w il I* v ®*®< , utivo Department.) thi Kt r if f VNTICB * k®eretary of state of Vr HWliro hereby certify that !£f iS?iWV wrw L 0,n ^ 19 H tr 'J° «opy ol tho W . nüt r p, ' u P üaiu 'f^* Q ainendujbui Italien for the purpose of euipow erin« the Legi* ature to enact a «enorul Inoor /i 1 ^ ,,jVer April 3d, 1^3. tofsther with the Governor's approva of the said proposed amendment the same if me witU theoiiginal rol l now on file, in this Department. v in witness whereof I have here NKAI, ; rkau ~" uuiia ana auixea my y^^Y^/oflicial seal at Dover this eixteenifi .9 J"*/iP®* l n the year of our Lori one thousand eight hundred and seventy-tour, Ie23te JOHN H. PAYNTEK. Secretary of Stute WM. D. SHARP. Cor» 4th & Market Sts.; Bu op,n«d , full uaortment ot NKW AÇD 8K4SQNAB{,B Htnilaoui, Dru, Fsbnci.ipl.DjId quaütlu* , I Black Silks, Japanese Silks,&o. Always on'hand, a full Stock of MOURNING GOODS* of th« latest at vies aid moat reliblel mikes. Also, a full line of DOME0TIO Q-OOT59 At the lowest rates WM. B SHARP, No. 31 §| 4th Morkel 8U., WILMINGTON, DEL. THE GAZETTE PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Eiecutel with Neatness and Dispatch. AT No. 416 Market Street.