Newspaper Page Text
nw»mi, «NDconaau .... . - or - D«l, Oct. 31.1574, LttMt StooM c ■ i. 9 nmiibwt bi Mu iic*. JohMOB A .. .. U. Cor. 6tb .ml Mar k'd atrMt. WUuut.ioB. l>et. at 1 Coyponi. dart <88ls US '.-•ACM . ■ Du V4 ...11 5-20 11 5*20 »65. New, J.' A J V20 *67, Coupon. »-20 W *• 1U 40. - _ Currency 6'« . New &s of 81. Gold. II 117 ill 112 J17J ll "" stock' quotations! Gold. 11 Lake Shore. North Westorn. " Pref.... Kpok Island.. Ohio A Miss. Pacifies Mall. We tern Union-. tit. Paul.... *' Prêt ... T. A Wabash«. llulon Pacific. C. 0. A I. U. Penna . Reading . Lehigh Valley. Lehigh.Navigation. Oil Creek. Central Transportation. LOCAL STOCKS Wilmington Coal Gas Company National Uaok of Delaware. Union National Dank. First National Dank. Farinera' Dank... National Donk Wilm und Brandywine Delaware State Bonds. W ilmiogton City Loan.. New Castle Couuty. .. Delaware Railroad, first Mortgage. Delaware Railroad, extension. Wilm. and Reading, fir. t Mortgage... 100 *8 79 62 27 .. 45 7y n DO ft M ... 61 53 •1 47 H u «ft 136 43 M) 100 lu». . »00 w M Wilmington. Del., Oct Jl. 1874 Q dotations at tbo Brandywine Mills lor l»*ar and Grain—Corrected Daily. Family Flour Extra Flour... Superfine Floor. Vv heat. Corn. PI 9.25 IH 7. ».DO b.26 . 6.1 1 >5(g-l 30 95«. i SPECIAL NOTICES. Focil for tli« nubien. Children fed on RIDGE'S FOOD will thri be «irons andheulthy. and become little mod - eld of youthful atreuRth and childish beauty. apr2d9m Corn ent rated Favoring Extracts o! V«i fila, Lemon. Orange. Rose. Bitter Al mond, Uinstr. Mho», Celery, etc., etc., made Hi,d sold wholes» le and retail by K. I RINGIIUK*T A CO., Sixth and Market »liest«. <>;H. I 1 Incat Naiad Oil k.bkinghurst a cu., Corner Sixth and Market meet*. tale by K18 Itroillc*« M trac w Ion* Cure for ('orna All KtidlJi remedy of ireal popularity, tor »* UiUïi "' C0, "k bHlNÙfiuKST * CO.. Apothecaries, Sixth and Market streets. Cerner Fine Rail Rclaaora Curved ,lr.i,ht. Brwbt.. U.Dd - ■ ■''ilet:, Nail I'olnhera, art., lor K. hRING HURST A CO.. •rbixth and Market streets. Coi IIALÏRKD WALTON. piu,gi»t. M irket streit icspictlully itdoriusnlsfriends mid the public in general, that he keeps < n I and all descriptions ot mfdicinea. andjlkjt a competent person ...... I« »t »I! timt« re.dïtu I i«m r te lor such ilck »» cull at thot store, '„d h«t no ehaige is made except the regu lar pilce of tho s. u.o pn e ui il ey » ou'd pay mi y where else, hui that is visited attl o r residences. prime Vanilla Uran«! lid rctnil by K hhlMJllURST k CO.. « orner Sixth und Market Street!. Fold whol'HUle For the Bath Uiuli lirushfa. Buh Tow.;l«, B «h 6 Por*ea « extensive variety. Also. , Hruthcs, et«*., of horse Glove», and many other and Bath bouim i Fie h Glovei. Straps hair. Dry Fricti articles of the same dus» E. BRI NO 11 I RSTACO , m Maiket streets. Corner Ö1* '10111)1 A full assortment of all sites. Including double mwilfjln«.*«- [NQInI KST 4 co Comer ol Bixtb «öd M.rket «tre.u. DELAWARE FIRE Insurance Company, No. 60S market Street, WILMINUIUN. DHL. Charter l'cri etunl l&corpoi&tbd Insurance for a term of year*, or Forpotual Insurances at Greatly Reduced Rates. ItU.scu aJjujttd »nd paid, lueur, aco as.inst low or daui»«« by tr. us any othor company. DIRECTORS; ^ t v\ ui. Canbf. Wm.M-Canby. W. G. Gibbons. , Geo. W- Bush, Geo. W. Stone. WILLIAM CANDY. P sident. F. L.Gilpin. Secretary- pr29-70 OW Ge«. W. f parks. Francis Barry, Swift. Job R. Tatum J AMES BRÂDFO RD. PAIYIS, OILS, VARMSUKS, WINDOW ULAS3. Cement and Calcined Plaster, Paints.whitelead,redlexd,white paint, lubricating, linseed oil. sperm uil, lurii oil. neats foot oil. ooal oil,Tilde® A Nephew's vaiuirhes. Eiig lsh varnishes, alco hol. turpentine, paint nulls, points ready mixed, artists' materials, wax flower materi als. detAloomanl» pictures,all kinds oftpreign ïad dom.ullo «Um. f lainM. "«» "4 engraved ; c »MCh painters' material, stencil colors, ladders of different lengths, reedy glaxed snch, gold leaf, bromes. Terminions, ooking glass.platei. Nos.6 and ft Third St, WILMINGTON. DEL. N B— Particular attention paid to liouee •■d|«tilp PalutlHH, Mgu V% r| tMXK«&c, I F YOU are desirous of having a good fit or or getting the beet ready made goods, John S. Moreland's go to BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM. N, W. Cor. Fourth & Pepur Sts. WILMINGTON. Ihr re jou are mraiured but once, y cl the fit is perfect in custom wo»R. No vexatiou» second trials or dis agreeable fafesmen . Give him a oa'l and be satufied. rli j.6-dl. B OARDING.—Pleasant rooms sod board ing in .ÇpriTate familyst WH No. 114KING STRKE r ■ ' -T FIRST , . ■_ _ ■ •TTTT! CfP A TT? H A 1UTB A TdVT "*- wAJfttAWII ' U A n . « I MORE LARGE DEM. MEETINGS Sale of a Chester Co. Farm ' I I ! State Politic . MEETING op TIÎK DEMOCRATIC ASSOCIA TION, A regular meeting of the Democratic Association was held, last evening, at the Americus club rooms. The President, Hon. Thps. F. Bay ard, being ab^eiit, John P. Springer, Esq., Vice President for tlie First Ward presided. The various. Ward Committees re >orted that tlie Wards were thorough v orgunized and canvassed, and rea dy to make a strong fight bn Tuesday next. It was unanimously resolved to clerk at the various polls throughout the city and provide them with blank books, in which to record the names and resi dences of negro and other suspicious voters in order to guard against illegal voting, and punish the same when suc cessfully practiced. The Committee on bpeukers repor ted that various meetings had been held and largely attended,and that the S rand closing rally would be made londay night, when Senators Thur man and Bayard would speak, alter the transaction of party business the Association adjourned. i .ARGE MEETING AT SIXTH AND MADISON STREETS. A large Democratic meeting waslield ut Sixth und Madison streets, last night over which Esquire George O'Neill pre sided. Wm. Reynolds, Esq., was first intro duced and delivered one of the most effective and telling speeches of the campaign. He spoke for three quarters of an hour, and confined himself main ly to state issues. He spoke of the at tachment and clearly proved the falsity of the assertions made by tlie Republi cans in regard to its cruelty and op pression. lie alluded to our school und and our State Schools, and by a comparison of statistics, proved that more was done for tho education of children in Democratic Delaware than in Republican Massachusetts. He also spoke of our State takes, and compared them with tho heavy taxes imposed up on the people of Wilmington by Repub lican rule, and the heavy taxes which the people of Republican States groan under. Mr. Reynolds also alluded tp that monstrous National indignity—tlie Civil Rights Bijl—and advised all de» pent white people to vote against Jas. R. Lolland, the Republican candidate for Congress, who is in favor of pass ing fids obnoxious bill. Mr. Reynolds in conclusion referred to the probability of having Deputy Marshals appointed to our elections, and 'advised all our people to conduct themselves in an orderly, peaceable manner, but not to care a snap for all the Deputy Marshals that may* be ap pointed. His remark^ were well re ceived, and vigorously ipplaudcd from time to time. Gluts. O'Brien Esq., of Philadelphia followed in an eloquent half hour speech in Which he discussed the is sues of tlie hour in a masterly manner. He was loudly applauded. It being very cold the meeting ad ourned at the conclusion of Mr. O' Irien's speech. REPUBLICAN MEETING. Tlie Republicans held a meeting in the City Hall, lust night, which very sliBily attended. Wm. ('! Spru 7 nee, Esq., made one of his character ttsc, heavy «pcechcs, Which failed to uromc any enthusiasm, or interest the tamo audience who listened to him. TUE EIOIIT1I WARD MEETING. The Eighth Ward Meeting, at Thir teenth anclKingstreets.Tliursduy night is worthy of more than tlie passing no tice which the crowded state of our compelled us to put it off with yester day. Tlie meeting wa3 very largely atten ded, over flve hundred being present. This,' fora ward meeting, and in «Ward where our party is greatly in the mi nority is certainly very encouraging. The meeting was called to order by Geo. C. Ward, on whose motion Ed win C. Morrow was culled upon topre side. Wm. Reynolds, Esq., was first intro duced' Mr. R. proved that the falsity of the assertions made by Republicans that our speakers are afraid to discuss State issues, and for half an hour cx ! iosed the fallary of tlie ridiculous cu >ital which the Republicans attempt 0 make out of the attachment law.— lis remarks well received and warmly applauded. After concluding, Mr. Reynold,, proceeded to the City Hall meeting where ho made a stirring speech. John O'Byrne, Esq. .also addressed tlie JSlghth Ward meeting, in his usual eloquent mannerafterwhicli it adjourn t'd. Good Order.—A Republican meet-. iog was held at Eighth and Button wood streets, last night, near the Bay ard Democratic Club Headquarters. The members of the Club, however, appointed themselves special police men for the time being, and by quel ling nil turbulent splrfts, of both par Bos, kept good order all the evening. They say that no fears of disorder iu Sixth Ward, on Tuesday next, need bo entertained, Big Hats—A beautifully and cheap lot of Hats in this day, at Quays, 402 King St. Bulsuro toget one before go ing to tho Exhibition. But little money is required to pos sess one of Quays hats. It Hallow E'en.— This evening ia w eve, and of course the boys will bo I the rampage. Those who have gates and steps that can be taken off might as well remove them themselves and savo 41 .,, trouhlo tho boys tne trouble. the Farm Sold.— Thursday tho farm of Dauiol Sinquett, deed in WIHUtown township. CHastor Co. I'a., containing 21 acres was sold to George Sinquett for $4, MO. James E. McFarland, auctioneer. Hev. Edward Payson Walter will preach Sunday morning, at 10J o'clock, in tlie N - Cliurcli. Subject (con eluded) "Saul, or Wickedness in High 'Places." ReUgioUi. ish by IF«» to Second Baptist Church, comer of Fourth and French streets. Hev. A. McArthur, pastor, will preach to-mor row at 10$, A. M., and 7|, P. M.,at °* wor9l,ip • A " " e Unitarian Church, West street, near Eighth. F. Israel, pastor ; hours of meeting, 10), A. AL, and 7|. Chil dren's meeting, 2i ; Subjects, for the morning, "Personal Picty(4th sermon) Its necessity." In the evening "Meth ods of Education (2d sermon.) West Presbyterian Church, corner of Eighth and Washington streets. Preaching to-morrow at 10$, A. SI., and 74, P. M., by the pastor, Rev. J. M. P. Otts. Subjects, lor the morning, "The Lnw and the Gospel for the evening, "IIow to be Saved." cordially invited. Trinity Pnrisb, Sunday services, No vember 1.—Trinity Chapel, Fifth and King streets, Morning Prayer, at 94 o'clock ; Literary and Communion, at 104 o'clock ; Evening .Prayer, at 74 o'clock. Sunday School at 9 o'clock. Old Swedes, Seventh and Church streets. .Morning Service, at 104 o'cl'k; Evening Prayer, at 4 o'clock. Sunday School at 2 o'clock, P. M. Services in the First Baptist Church, to-morrow ns usual. Preaching at 104 A. M., nnd 74 P. M., by Iho pastor, Rev. T. M. Eastwood. All are cordially invited to attend. Seats free. Sunday School meets at 9 A. M. Um All arc STRAY WAIFS. Overcoats were brought out this morn ing. The Institute Exhibition was largely attended last night. There were no polioe oases on record this morning. Frank, at 511 Market street, has a fine array of millinery goods for Bole low. flfEvery minute should be expended in work from now to the day of election. Democratic meetings will be held to night at the Brandywine Banks an^jl in tho Ninth Ward. Change in the Cabinet. Now that the President's Long Branch season is over, it is confidently asserted that there will bo a change in the cabi net, and that before the first of Decem ber. It is known that tho President and all heads of departments have pur chased largely of tickets for the next Grand Gift Concert of the Public Libra ry of Kentucky, to draw November 30, and they flatter themselves that they will capture one or more of the large prizes, which will make plenty of changé n the cabinet. t-eod-3t. DIED. Mob A IN-—In this city, on Thursday evening. Oct. :9th, Mathias McLain, a soldier cl' tho war of 1812. ia tho 84th year of his age. Funeral to leave bis late residence 321 Fiench street. Sunday Afternoon, at 3 o'clock, to proceed to St. Peter's Church. Interment in Catholic Cemetery. A 31 USE 31 EN TS. QPERA HOUSE, Monday, November 9th, V. E. BEAMER. Manager. FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. Thu world-renowned Comedian T. Jt£. EMMHT, Id bi, owe creation of } J "FRIT35, OUR COUSIN GERMAN. 9 9 fiuppotted by a full end complete Dramatic Company. Box sheet now now opun for sale of Re served beats at Boughman. Thomas & Co.'s. Booksellers and Stationers' Store RESERVED SEATS. ADMISSION. —•75 or 1 (X) .5) or 75 cts. According to locatiou. oct.31 -s.t.w.f m. QUAND OPERA HOUSE, P0STIVÏLY ONC NIGHT. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 2», 1874. Only sppearanes of the WORLD PABOU3 QUERN OF ENGLISH 1HAQCLY. MRS. F. W.LANDER, Supported by FRANK LAWLOR'S GRAND DRAMATIC COMPANY, When will be presented the Great Historical Play of ELIZABETH, QUiEEN OF ENGLAND Mbs. F. W. Lxnucb, ELIZABETH. FBICKS OK ADUI94IOM : RESERVED SEATS ADMISSION. BALCONY. .91.00 74 Tenu .50 Cents The Safe of Reserved ^'eats will commence Thursday, at 9 A - M„ at Boughman, Tboma-i & Co-'s. Book Store. oo(28-4t Delaware Institute ___. _. |n , _ 0 MECHANIC MRTo> wure Institute of Mechanic Arts will open Gn Saturday Evening. Oct. 24fh. ! . 4l . Atfio'clook. , iu 11,0 D0W build '"* of Jamci IwlorJ - 8,11 • COR. OF THIRD AND KINO STREETS. I. *TOpenjlal'y (« Bundiy) from 6«. m. to 1° 0 dock. P. M. Terms or Admission: | EXHIBITOR'S TICKET (SEASON) *1.00 kaîTI, (not transferable, and issued only to exhibitors. cJdlLDKEN mnder^y ïarâ.ï.'......19 oIntÏ i . , . . . ' Sunday schools, public and private schools, m * bod *- 10 ««*» P« e . ... . r Ai __ . Package of six tickets for 94.00. Tickets fer safe at tho door. oc24tf —of— The Firat Annual Exhibition of the Dela , i,~T,—-- Tv O A®A„ L .?;r^ 0U0I>0 J" l ,' dl,, * k " dL<> V' j£ * ' | JNO.F. MILLER Swt'j. »ict-eod iN. K. Cor. of 3rd.usd Markst SU POLITICAL. Tbe.Dmccratic State Committee of Rhode Island have nominated for Congressmen Wm. B. Beach, of Providence, la the First district, and Samuel Rodman, of South Kingstown, to the Second district. Additional arrests have been made in Louisiana. Marshal Packard received a de. »patch from his deputy at "Camp Merrill," yesterday, announcing the arrest of five per sons for complicity iu the Coushatta out rage. r There direstsjwerc made on the 25. Yesterday ulue cltiscus of St. Martin's Par* ish were arrested nnd taken to New Iberia. About 400 land owners of the parish, pre ceded by a band of music, and acconpanied by the prisoners' attorney .marched into the town to offer bail for the accused. The At torney prêter» #-d to c mi mis loner Riddle a IF«» «•» 4 ;0 p son«, who cwn property to u of »bout 925,000, end offered bail, wMeh, after the ezhibiliou of tax coUicLora' c.riiflcatee, was accepted, end (he prisoners ware released. Two iluz.ns uf Iberia parish were also arrested, and will have i bearing to day. Good News from Minnesota, A A Um PROMISED GAIN OF A DEMOCRATIC CON GRESSMAN IN THE THIRD DISTRICT. Wabhinoton, October 29. — Advices roceivcd here from Minneapolis, Minn., state that there is no doubt of the elec tion of Eugene M. Wilson, the Demo cratic candidato in the Third District, over William S. King, for many years Postmaster of the House here and a well known lobbyist. Mr. Wilson was a member of the Fortieth Congress from tho same district. This adds one to the coming Democratic gain not heretofore included i l tho estimates. EOH AND It ENT: F OR SALE—Four new nnd finely finished three-story Briok Houses, on Twelfth street, opposite the eit These houses are all bu built and furnished with all (he con veniences, with water insi le and cut. No, 110 contains 9 nomi; No 112 seven rooms; No 110, ton rotmi : No. 118, corner, ten rooms. These houses will be sold very low for cart, or on very reasonable terms, on part payment. Also, one lino tbreo-Btory brick bouse, just oo'npleted, on Tatnall street, ne t E'eveoth. Also, a seven roomed house 1118, Tatnall St. DANIEL 11. KENT. Nos, 205 to 213 Shipley street, or 6k0 Jefferson street. y square. bsUntially Hi sep30tf RENT—New House, No. 1421 ^ Harrison street, eleven rooms, |{|}M all modern improvements, bay win JJCH do we, three stoiies. Possession at éià/ÊÊÊt onoe If desired. Inquire at 1411 Harrison <treet. feb2K-tf TlULSTEhVi v ALE. A T ihe Voshell Uousa In Maryland, 1UESDAY, tho 10th Day of NOVEMBER, 1874. at 12o'dack.M. Chc.sfertown, ly consent of all partir« intereited. tbo fol lowing vsliub • Roil Knute, iu K«ut county, Maryland. 1. The HOME FARM, on which Mr. John P. Newman resides, contaii in« 26.7 acres, more or less—within a mile or two ol Chester vlllf and Lambson statio i on the Kent Co.K. U- Tue buildings and improvements food, commodious and ample. Fencing good, aod the land, for productiveness, un Buipassed in Kent Couuty. Mr, Newuum will take pleasuu iu showing tho premises to whoever may call. 2 The PAKKKK FARM, Millington, coutains2hl acres, and is on the main toad between Millington and Mussev' tion. Iho land is fine and prouu out-buildings are in fine condition. Both farms have orchsrds of reasonable extent fine fruit. Thero is a 35 acre wood lot a tew miles distant from the Home Farm, tor sale THE TERMS ARE— (MjÜ OOü at the time of sale or within Ö0 days; balance in 12 and 18 months. The cash payment to be apportion- ed among the differont'parceI* ol land sold. - A. 0. WOODALL,TausTKE. i Geo. Vicker*. R. Uynson, G.B- Westiott. s R. R. SU- '» he uni Oot29-2awts REAT SALE OF G RIBBONS, AT M. £.. LIC BTE ft STEIN'3 So. 336 niuikct Stre.-l, WILMINGTON, DEL . Will open on SATURDAY. 0ÜT0BER iOih The Largest Stock of niBBoisre Ever offered at retail. The lot embraces thousand three hundred and forty-seven pieces, in all widths Irom No. 9 to 8', includ ing. FANCY 8ASII RIBBONS. All will be sold at a uniform price of «5 CENTS PER YARD. FOR CASH ONLY, The sale will commence Tuesday tho 20th last. M. L. LICHTENSTEIN. 2 .6 Market Street. ooÜ6 paiME Timothy, Clover ana Orchard Grass Seed, FINB MIXED LAW. WHITE DUT0 CLO VER, GREEN GRASS. dwarf qeuman'vvax.dwahf WHITE WAX BRANS, VET*. DARK RED EGYPTIAN, BAS TIANS SIMONS A OTHER BEET SEEDS. EXTRA EARLY CARTER'S FIRST CROP I.AXTTT8 ALPHA. LITTLE OEM. FRENCH WRINKLED AND OTHER PEAS. • TROPHY TOMATO. HANSOM LETTUCE« With a fresh supply of reliable Flower am* Garden Seeds. SMITH A BREEN, _ may 20 if_ Fourth and Shipley, , TUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF o fall and winter goods. CHINA ! T Y DeNORMANDIE No. 302 Market Street, Having resolved to »•CONTINUE THE BUSINESS-9*. Will keep his stock ol China* Glass and, Queensware. Bilvsr & Silver-plated Ware. VASES. LAVA WARE. ETC. Up to its old standard for fullness and variety. Dinner Sets, Tea Seta. eto.. in groat variety and elegant design. | „ , , . . Ey.rybodj c»n b« suittd. THE OLD 9XAK9?«B MARKET SIREtl SECOND EDITION SUSSEX CO. CONVICTS. A STATE IN BANE ASYLUM. Sheriff Sales in Kant Ca Sussex County Convicts. A LIST OP THOSE CONVICTED OP FELONY AT THE SUSSEX COUNTY COURT. Below is a list of parties convicted of felony at the Sussex County Courts, from 1850 to 1874, who are, therefore not enti tled to vote at the approaching election: Jerimah Davis, Moses Mifflin, Levin Dean. Moses Burton, George Davis, Ben jamin Short, Peter K. Brinckloe, David White, Henry Sorden, Thomas Johnson, David Conaway, Charles Gardner, Selby Pride, Chas. Hood, Major Harrington, Elijah Waples or Elijah Selby, Peter Mosely, George Waples, John Neal, Sam'l Wilson, Wm. W. Webb, Wm. Richards, James Sorden, Kenel Johnson, Andrew J. White, John Hill alias Johnshall, James Wolford, John Holland, Henry Collins, Gearge Baker George Roes, Thomas Par sons, Charles D. Rust, Thomas Oliver, Ma?or Robinson, James Gray, James Der rickson, George Lingo, Joseph Godfrey, Isaac Holl, Isaac •Hall. Jr., John Hall, Henry Waples, George Evans, John L. Draper, John Johnson, Bayard Phillips, Edward Webb, Jacob Houston, Sandy Short, Thomas Vaughan, Nehemiah Groves, Millard Cannon, Charles Lote, Edward Fisher, Frank Lingo. State of Delaware,) Sussex County, s. s. ) I hereby certify that the above is a true list of the male coloredpersons con victed of Felony from April Term 1850, to Oefc.rTerm 1874. A r - -- j In witness my hand and seid j seal [ of office at Georgetown, this 24, ^ > day of October A. D. 1874. W. P. Jones. A Word of Warning. Certain Republican office-holdsrs and others have been procuring tax receipts from collectors throughout this State, to be used in Wilmington on the third of November. Demo cratic collectors look out, this is a fraud and the parties who get such re ceipts are as much to blame as tho man who attempts to vote on such re ceipts. Give no more receipts unless the parties apply in person. The only hope for Lofland and Jump is in fraud. A fair vote will sink negroism far beyond resurrection. Sussex Journal. Benefit.— Tho benefit spoken of a short time since to be given to the mom bcr3 of tho Ravel Gymnasium is certainty tho Opera House having boon gaged for Tuesday Nov. 17th. Tho following talented artists have kindly volunteered their services : Messrs. Searlcs & B°ggs, Cloggists, Song A Dance and sketch artists; A. T. Klett Comedian and character actor; A. Springer, Comedian; Wm.Rawnsley, Guitar Soloists; H. Connor. Banjo Solo ists; J. Dooley and C. Oliver, Stump Ora tors; A. Riley, Jig Dancer; Horner Broth ers, Juvinile Clowns; Willard and Cressoe mid air Gymnasts; Capt. Alexander, G. Monk, J. Stidham, S. Rogers, T. Mullan, and others. A good bill will be present a en ed. McETINQ of THE ALM8HOUSR TllUSTBB*. —The regular quarterly meeting of the Trustees of tho New (Jostle conuty alms- house was held on Wednesday, ut the alms- house in this city. The Trustees of Kont and Sussex were présentas guests iu accord- ance with au old custom of dining together once in cash county a year. During the meet log the subject of making provision for the csro of Ihe iusane of the whole State, in a building to be erected for the purpose,!. „ discussed, and it is understood that legisla- tive action in regard to the matter will be asked for at the next session; Lookino After Thbiti Interests.— Several of the Directors of the Old Domin ion Steamship Company have been in Mil ford this week looking after the interests of their line. Milford fruit growers aud agri culturists are all warmly interested in iho prosperity of this companies business with the Peninsula, and next season will cuter largely with the production of potatoes und other market stutl for the New York market. The company ure already contemplating two tups per week iustead of one as at prueeut. Sukeiff's Sale. —The Mrs. EAton resi dence, iu Smyrna, was sold last week by the Sheriff, as the property o! B. B. A'l«*n, for 1638.60 ; sold to Alvin Alien, of Wil mington. Also 11 Meres ot land in the Alley, to suino party lor $1G0. These prices owing to complications, are no indications of the real raine of the properly.— Smyrna Times , Lodoebs.—L ast uight'scold snap brought in tbw lM'.geis, and last night thirty were quartered iu the City Hall cells. Some of them looked like chaps who hud seen better days. _ Naturalization. —Tho U. S. Court will moot on Monday and Tuesday morn ings, from 11 to 12 o'clock, for the pur pose of naturalization. This matter should be promptly attended to. MARTIN JOHNSON, BOOK-BINDER. AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER. Magazines. Music and Publications of all kind bound at the lowest rates Back Numbers of periodicals supplied. Special attention given to making oount books of every variety of Ruling and Binding. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders by mail wil 1 reoeive prompt attention. Ac M AKT IN JOIIKSTOIV, No. 420 SHIPLEY STREET, ieoi-' 73-tt wri.umoTue The New tastlerenmy MUTUAL, Insurance Company, No. 602 Market Street, INSURES AGAINST FIRE, Hunses and all other kinds of Building« with their con tents, for periods of time varying from 3 month* to a term of years Manaoxbb: william Cabby, Gko Richabdso.««, William Tatnall, Jambs Bradford, John Guyke, Sam'lCaxby, Chas. w. Howland. Clement B. Smith,! Edw'd Brinohukst. James Kiddle. Kowakd T. Bxllah. A. P. Shannon. Ashton Iiichar . Gsu. H. B.txs, M. M. Clbavks. WILLIAM TATNALL, PrM't. •tblO SAMT- SMITH. 8«o'y. THIRD EDITION. A DROWNING CASE. A PATENT BURfiLAR ALARM. Retracting a Party Lie Dit OWN ED. A YOUNG LAD DROWNED IN THE CHRISTI ANA, NEAR HARKET STREET. Yesterday afternoon, James Shannon and Wm. Adams, each aged about 19. S ears, surreptitiously obtained an oyster oat from Capt.Ennis, at Church street wharf, and started out to ride. About five o'clock, special officer Mur dock, rowed out and caught the culprits just below Market street bridge. He got into their boat and started to row tc - wards the north shore but just before touching the wharf Shannon jumped from the boat and started to swim to the south side of the stream. He had not gone far before he was seiz ed with cramps, and before the boat could be brought to his assistance he was drowned. Search was made, and at noon, to-day, his body was recovered. Shannon reside J| near Front and Weit streets.__ _____ Retracting a Radical Lie.—L ast week, the Sentinel, the Radical Ring organ of Dover, made a serious charge against a Democratic official, which it is forced to retract, this week, as fol follows : Last week we charged the Clerk of the Peace in this county with having placed names upon tlie assessment list since the Little Election. We did so upon what we considered reliable au thority ; but upon examination we find it is not true. Burglar Alarms.— Tho Directors of the Citizens' National Bank, of Middle town, have recently had patent burglar alarms put up in their bank, having wires connecting with evory window and door, and extending to every apartment in the house. There are also telegraph lines running from tho bank to some of the neighboring houses. So that in case of an attempt to rob the bank the alarm could readily be given through the town and tho citizens aroused. The Board of Health.— TheBoard of Health held a meeting last night,but without transacting any business, ad journed until Friday evening next. The Gams Law.— The game law expires to-day, nnd next week tho sportsmen will be out iu great nun. bers, cracking away at the partridge», rabbits and other game. The Eorest Etres in Ohio and Indiana. Cincinnati, Oct. 30.—A special despatch from Hartford, City, lnd., says that there is a terrible fire raging in Ihe woods juet south of there, fully four miles in length, and a heavy wind i» blowing it along the track of Ihe Fort Wayne, Muncy, nnd Ciuciuuati Railroad, threatening the track nnd bridges with destruction. A Diyton (Ohio) special says that the woods and fields between Union Ciiy and Greeu ville, mid Dodson nud Greenville, uro on fire iu many places, hundreds ol acris being covered with the flames. In the forests the flames have climbed lo the tops of the tallest trees, and présenta terribly grand spectacle at night. Forest tires are also raging in the vicinity of Ox ford, Logan, Crestiue, New Lexington, Cam bridge, Kenton, Ironton, Bellelontaine. und Delaware Ohio, nnd Rushville, Indiana, and Russell, Kentucky. There is greut fcct-rcity of water at all poiuta. Urn veil's First Law Is Order,—Regu larity in euting, »loepiog and exercise, and abbtinence from such dangerous irritants es alcohol and tobacco, tond to secure a long and healthful life. But ev ot these wholesome i ules will Dot always Avert sickness. The best safeguard against epidemic and other disouses is Da. Walkkr's Cali fornia Vinegar Bittehs, which, by prbmot* ing u regular and virorous action of the di gestiv«, secretive And excretive organs, keep the body in the best possible condition for re sisting and repelling the causes of disease. oct24-4wd&w strict observ AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF Woollen Goods. , BLANKETS *• 9-4. 1 -4. 11-4, 12-1. 13-1, IN WHITE, SCARLET. BROWN. £ GRAY Call and oxamino them at minifacturai' prioes. FLANNELS. WHITE.'TWILLED, SHAKER, PLAIN \ X /i do. FRENCH 2% YARD WIDE, The finest and bett made silk-embroidered Flannels. BLUE, SCARLET, GRAY, TWILLED AND PLAIN MEDICATED SHAKER FLANNELS For rheumatism, at pricas that cannot be beaten in this or any other market. GRANVILLE WORRELL, E20& 822 Market Street, Masonic Templo. WILMINQTON. DK l . *«.i: American Poudretle, GENUINE DOUBLE REFINED UNADUL TERATED POUDRETTE. HALF THE PRICE F PHOSPHATES Superior fur all Spring Crops. BEST KNOWN FERTILIZER FORZ GRABS AND COHN. V.StkyUALLkU f'.O KIT OW A C C O OFFICE:! No.: 480 Library Street, pHIL.DItPHU. gp»17-»ly