Newspaper Page Text
COAL ASD WOOD. QHARLII Muktt StreetflWhait WaaiHoroir, Du.. WARNIR * CO. le and Retail l_*ealere -IN Anthracltc and Dttumtnous Coal. The only firm in this city race'vine coal daily all rail. Irom Cumberland region. The only firm selling Exclusively the and Wilkesbarre Goal C.uipanys Every one should use the Shawnee Coni for family, steam or manufacturing purposes. * a guarantee It to, make less ashes, prove more economic 1 and give better satisfaction than any coal offered in this markst. ask KORSHA b WNKE 6 CO a ^ kk coal T ell your friends what you think of the SHAWNEE COAL. CliARLFS WARNSR A CO.. Maik.t Wh.rf. Wholi Jel2-ly. FILX3 & WURFHEY. (Successors to Wm. 11. Allmond A Bro .) Dealers la COAL AND WOOD, Cor 20th and Market Streets., (9th Ward) WILMINGTON, DEL. Orders left with John P. A11 mend. Eighth and Market streets, or at oar office, will be promptly attended to. Rest Lehigh and 8cnuylkill Coal always hand. may7,74-Iy OURPATEUT WAtiOVN ELIVER THE BEST COAL INTO CEL LARS without dumping on the psve Ü, W, BbFH k frON, JanlStf French Street Wharf. D me kt JOSEPH FOITT SELLS ENTERPRIiE, HARLKIGii AND SHAWNEE COAL AT SCHUYLKILL PRICE 3 . Oak and Pine WOOD by thecord and sawed. Wetry to excel all our neighbors in the preparation of our Coni, how far we hnve suc eedei we will leave to "nr coMn-> rrs tu say torus. JoSKFU FuUT, jell Orange and VT ater strewife ** A Ae ty bave to riANOS AXI) OUGAXS. I PIANOS I For $260.00 acd upwardb. G At duubt my ».ORGANS For $45.00 and upwards. For cash or on Instalments, at ROBELF.N Sl BRO'S Warorooma ttP STAIRS >_ tfUSICHAS CHARMS I PRICJE REDUCED THE BEST IN THE WORLD on Will Last a Life-Time ! And ICE 35.000 OK THE CELEBRATED ^Shoninger Organs, •IN DAILY USE. l n 'be best musical talent ot tue couotry recommend these Organs. The nicest and best. More for your money,and gives better satisfaction, than any other now made. They comprise tbe * of a* Enreta. Concerto Orchestra ant Grants. Illustrated Catalognes sent by mail, post-paid to auy address, up on application to B. HHONINQEU & CO.. New IS«» cu, t (ion, « r\ 1 Children's Clothinfr, No, .819. Market Street. .mbs, m. l. McDaniel,* lias a new d fine assortment of Chil dren's Clothing. CofeSimerei. Hamburg Edg ings Hosiery, Trimmings, Fntterus.rfc .which she is deposing of at low prices. Also CHILDREN'S CLOTHING CUT CTO ORDER. w-*-' _2_9 M\HKK K.T STREET ADE THOS. R. LALLY, 813MARK ET STREET. îoHiiiuiii lui I'.iilmi ui IBUHINESS. proberty: bought sold and ex changed.: Houses Rooted, Rents Collected, Lorn a Negotiated LEGAL PA IMUtS PREPARED aprlAdtf WM. S. WATT.'. WO. lOOtl .Mailtet hireet, PLUMBER, GAS-&STEAM FITTER Wishes his friends and patrons to k he bu resumed business i and would desi w that the above bran . . .... w tbeir cu3tom heretofore so liberally bestowed. He is pre pared to do all kinds of work in his line, and submit estimates of cost, guaranteeing to finish all eontraets and complete all jobs in the most to SUBSTANTIAL AND WORKMANLIKE MANNER. 4 Satisfaction to nil will be my aim, and the email possible profit ÇfcAJfCtL GiTtaedwaL * * ftp«»-* GROCERIES . UKHMANN AilRKNS, BENERAl PROVISION DEALER. 1 i So. So3 Tatnall Street, WILMINGTON DSL. Would respectfully an nounce to his friends and â the public that he still the Meat business .nit car 15 ries at the old stand, ami will koep constantly on hand the best quality ol _HUG AR-CU RED IJAMS. ïUTCn. 8HOULDKK». LA saIism/k^' dried bkkf. CUKI&iE. TUN ail Kb. Ac.. Ao. All of which will be sold wholesale and retail at the lowest city prices. lie returns his thanks to his many oufeto* mers lor past tavcri and rcapecttully sol cits a continuance ol tbs same. JOHN P. ALijttLONJL>, Cor. 8th and Market streets. DKA.Lfi.KS UlJ GROCERIES, TEAS, H f 1CKH, Sc c.. Arc. 611 kin« St. A 2d and King. W R BOWMAN. Grocer & Tea Dealer, Private Fumiltes Hotels. Rest, urants and other consumcn supplied with! THE BEST GROCERIES* AT FAIR PRICES, AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. decond anti King; anil All King; Bte. may30 3m tu HI F NKVV STORE! 1.1 Y , MOTTO : ** A QUICK DIME IS BETTER TUAN A SLOW DOLLARr r. Ae 1 deeire. on FC^onnt of the greet scarci ty of mouev, to sell at the lowest fig bave bought exclusively for cash, and intend to sell at Muall profits and make quick sales, hand at all liinex The Choices* Variety of . I I keep GROCERIES, G At the most rea.*onnb)o figures. Should you duubt it, > my goods and prices, and y vinoed. Don't forget tbe number, 111 West Second Street, jel9I3m have but to call and examine will ha eon W. H. Ntl.VIV. too Tbe eft up no Indy! > u at. th: ICE DEALERS. WALTON & JAMES. k have rented tbe office No. 2 WesUThir&Slreel. Formerly occupied hy the Franklin Tele g.a-.h Co., where they will keep connu ut y on hand a good supply of their fine KENNEBEC RIVER ICE, P And will receive orders for the . Persons who want a good clear * M I ICE during tbe hot summer months woul 1 do II to call and leave their orders with early, and they will be guaranteed a through the eutire s#* Ina n will Going I- i arrZi arctic ICE'COMPANY, No p. 6.16 6 0.3 7.10 R., phia and i.l 4 sit Second and 403 Poplar Strode. * This Company will fupjly the citizens of Wilmingtou during the bulance of the season of 1674, at a great reduction a* loi lows ; 6 pounds daily. H present prices, 45 cents per weekd la 85 16 . " 8U0 . 60 pounds dally. 40 cents each delivery : 109 pound* daily, 70 cents each delivery ; 500 lbs. und upwards, at 812 per ton. [20 P 10 p. Being rolicited by prominent citizens of Wilmington, concluded to p her of the most have ently establish in this community the above company, and will bo thankful lor the putronage of all who wish to article lrom 20 to 40 per cent, be preseut prices. dim J. B. C0NR0W k SON. 9 buy thu beat low the aug-31 creat:sreduction a. IN THE PRICE OF: Li ICE Z0n and after Monday, August 31st. the price of Ico will be reduced to tho following rates. 5 pounds dally 8 do do 12 do do 16 do do $20 do 50 lb*, earii deliver) ;5U0 " and upwards. 4"> cest* per week. 65 do do do 85 do 95 do 1 lo do do do do CO cents per 100 lbs Our Ice Is of the best quality, und will be sold as low as the lowest. I WALTON & JAMES, anrfttf 15th and King and No. 2 W. 3d Sta. » - :OIIA.3ü GrU -IN ex PRICES OF ICE. t ing f.n Monday, August 31, we will tho lollowing price* : sell Ice 6 pounds daily. H do 12 do 16 do 20 do 45 cents per week. do 65 do do do do do do do do .... 1 IU do .... do do 50 pounds daily, 40 cents e *ch dolivery : 100 pounds daily, 7ti cents each delivery ; 50U lbs. and upwards, at 6'J cents per 100 pounds 4KgrWe guarantee to Bell as low as any one in this city."*-* PU3EY tf- RICE. d Poplar, 1316 anrTtf Okfiors— 406 Shipley. 4th Walnut Sts. that bran EW CROI* TURNIP AND RUTA BEGA8EED. At W. N. CHANDLER'S, 611 Market Street. N pre and to in i.v ALTER CUMMINS. ATTOHNIC Y-A'i'.LAVV AND SOLICITOR IN CUANCEKY. WilmlnfftOB, Del. Nct:o*—B 12 KlniBL, n«t door to Po deoW-lr. w the Ùlenâenninÿ. lioKÏ 1X311110» T FOB THI MlMJtXfc'e Dinsci. Jibbbt City, Osh 30.—Toe Jersey City Presbytery, lor the liisl of Hev. John S. Ulendenuicg,resumed its sitting iu tbs Pro* sped aveuue churcb at one «/«lock yesterday afternoon. The exercises opened with prayer by Mr. Mcdemtor Wall, after which several minute» were «peut iu the correcting ol misstatements. Sarah Jane Muuroc, who was then called testified—1 was uiidmn connected with the Sunday School of Mr. Glendenuing's church; 1 never talked with hcr In reference to her engagement to Mr. Gieudenmug; sbe often talked of the hard life she led; the said the so ill-treated by Mr. Miller; she said ho was very hard and cruel and she was afraid of him and that she had to work very hard; she cou'.d not oJl her août hcr own unie s Mr. Miller said It war; she said too she was sorry she had told me that much; that il they knew it, they would kill her; 1 have noticed her wealing a handsomely tngiaved gold wstcb; she said her brother from Klicbigau had given it to her for her Christu>as;it wus, she said, the first present he liad ever given her; I was iu the church on July 12; 1 know that Gleudcuuiug did not remain after the service; ho went out of the church in ad vance of Cross t-xttu iu cd by Dr. Imbria, witness testified—! saw no ring ou ber finger; 1 ul ways noticed her Laud; sbe always seemed to bo noting something she was uot. Q. How did Mary tell you about her Lotus relitiuLS? Did jou ask her? A. She always took the lead in the conversation. 1 listen ed. SUe always sought me, 1 never sought her. <J. Sbe obtruded herst-lf on you, then? A. Yes, air. In reply to Mr. Riggs, Miss Muoroe testi fied that on that Sunday, July 12, Gtenden uing descended from tiiu pulpit alter the service, said a single worJ to Mus Pomeroy, and then went tome with witness' sister and his own; Muy bad always seemed to witness to be u b) pocrite; the better she knew her the more she disliked ber; I bave seen Miis Pomeroy with Mr. G lenden ni ng; wbeu be btepped bom the pulpit that Suu dtty I thought be spoke coldly to her; sbe did not answer him. The luveBtigati« i»9*ill going on. ff'/iat Shortens Life. Out of Ihe most carious disooveries made during a recent Investigation of the A'ins houses of this State I*, that tbcpaupei* Vuve an obbtiuate way ol not dyiug. The avemge length of life, niter admission to their com fortable establishment, is said to be twenty years, though the inmates ing, most of thorn, well advanced, the advantage of being free from bothera tion, worry, fret, trouble, ausiely, disap pointment and tbe like things, the names of which m.iy be lojnd in Dr. Rogel'sThr s turns. It WPS long ago 3 it l ed by ng of the moralists and the phyt-iologb fass kills more than fever,aud sends greater numbers to an untimely bepulchr«*. The real bills of mortality are the tradesman's. We die of our tailors, grocers, butchers,aud shoemakers.and of our collectors of internal We perlth of our great desire to notes. A I , upon enter Such ia reemect sts thnt you eon revenue, take up too much heed ol to-iuorrow. We expire of too much i)r. Franklin and Poor Richard. Tbe wise pauper may say, if he Lakes tbe trouble of saying anything: "1 bave made suugharbor ot last; I have all that tbe rich eft man is sure of—three meals dally, a bed nightly, aud clothes to put on when I get up In the morning. Good-by, hope! 1 have no further occasion for your anchor, my Indy! Farewell, care! You shall not kill me as > u did the cat! Nothing to do but to live; at. . ' v Gdorgc, I will live as long as pooai Oid boy, you bave got into a good th: : L> -.T make a donkey uf yourself by rely exhaling!" He doesn't, It seems hy should be ? We are the victims of y P him the he tho to LINES OF TRAVEL. •.iULMINGTON akd READING RAIL n HOAD Ou and afte;Monday, Oo\ '^ttb.lSTi, trains will run as follows Going Northwurd Gaing Southward BTATIOXS. No A No.3.No.l. No.2. No.4. No.«, p. m. p. m. a. in. a. p>. h. in. p. u. 6.16 2.30 6 30 Wilmington 8.6Q 1.00 7J6 6 0.3 3.10 7.19 t hadd's Ford 8 10 12.0 > 6.49 7.10 4 26 8.: 6 Coatesville, 7.00 10 52 5 4i 6.31 9.43 Springfield, 6 12 10 *4) Birdsboro', 0 45 10 54 Reading, CONNECTIONS: At Wilmington with trains on Philadelphia Wilmington A Baltimore, und Delaware Kail* road»; at Chadd's Ford with trains on Phila delphia A Baltimore Central Railroad; at Coatesville with trains on Pennsylvania R. R., and at Reading with trains phia A Reading,Lebanon Valley,East Penua. and Rending \ Columbix ana th) Berks County Kunrouds. 9 28 4.42 6.40 4-04 6.UU 3.30 Philadel E. COLLINGH, Qeneral Superintendent. P H 1 L A D E L P 11 I A. WILMINGTON A BALTIMORE RAILKOaD. SEPTEMBER 28re, 1874. Trains leave Wilmington as follows : for JtpQiUdelahi* and intermediate stations. 6.50,8.10, 9 3>. 10.20, a. m; 2, 4,00, 7 20. 9.30 Philadelphia and New York, 1.31 a. m.; 12.17,12.42, 5.42, p in. Baltimore and intermediate stations, 12-52, 10 02. a. m.; 5.20. p. m. Baltimore and W> shington. 12.62, 2.03,10.02 m.; 12.56,1.23, 5.20, 7.10, p. m Trains for Delaware Divislon.îleave for : New Castle, 5.00, 10.10, a. m.; 1.25. 0,40, p. m. Harrington and intermediate stations. 5 00, 10.10. a. in.; 6-40, p. in. Delmar and intermediate stations. 5.00 SUNDAY TRAINS : Ph : Udelphia an 1 intermediate stations, 4.00. 6.30. p. m. Philadelphia and New York, 1.31, a. m. Baltimore and Washington, 12.51, 2 ui, a. For further information passengers are re ferred to tho time tables posted at the depot 11. F. K.ENNEY. superintendent 9 a. 10,10. a. in. I Bower's Hoof Liniment, After 30 years pncti*al experience with horses, in staging, teaming, &C..I have learn ed tnat more horses hnve beer, crippled by inuttention to the feet than all other di-cafes bined. After many experiments 1 have found tbe true remedy to prevent the disease of lbs hoof, or restore It after negligence, to what nature intended it sbould be—(As great support oj the noble animal. If the hoof is in flamed and dt?eased, the nniuial is compara tive y wrrthlets. This Liniment will surely prevent this wor*t of all dieaases.Controction, Corns, Quarter Crooks, Contraction ot the Bxca Sinew.generally called Knee Sprung. Ao.. and restore those that have been crip plod by thu want of such a remedy. «sT iry it. und it will never fail if properly applied, viz : Bathe the horse's foot one* a week, oftener if nece-H& the heel and frog.and around the hoof close to the hair. or 100 M.C. BOYER, Norristown. Pa. Mr. M. C. Boybb—D ear Sir; This ii te certify that I bava used your Liniment in my stable lor three months past, us more than one hundred nurses, and find it the best ore aralion I have ever used on horses. It Is bettf r than recommend it. bend me five eases ut once, by express, C. o. D. HARRY HAMILTON, t 31st street. New York City, No. 132 West JAMES A. PLUNKETT NOTARY PUBLIC ANDCONVEYANCBR IV. E. Cor. Third and market nie.« (Second story,) WILMINGTON, BE earn tfroui »••»Urd«»*s idhlon. . LETTERS FRO W THE PEÔPIE, Jump <*H(I Lofland—Their Know-Moth lug Carver. S. ol ho s ad ul For the Omette. Then and .Voir. Twenty years ago this full, Dr. J ump and James K, Lotiaml, the candidates now before the people of Delaware for the respective offices of Governor and Representative in Congress, on the Republican ticket, were ardently en gaged in the " . move ment, canvassing their respective dis tricts and beating the bushes that eve ry vote might he brought out iu the interest of that diabolical tirade against our fellow-citizens of foreign birth, for which the Doctor wus rewarded by a seat in the State Senate and Mr. Lol land made Secretary of State. Now, these same gentlemen are can vassing the State upon the .Brandywine and elsewhere, seeking the votes of these same foreign born citizens, and with the assurance such as few men possess tell them they are their friends. Can it be that men will so soon forget such damnable wrongs inllicted upon them and kiss the rod that once smote them ? .... Will they reward the men with their ;ho thus would ostracize best gift them because of their birth anil relig ion V I think not. A few days more, and if I mistake not the temper of the people, those men who would set up an inferior race to pull down the superior, aye, to pull down their own race, will meet there ; ust reward in an overwhelming defeat n Delaware ns they are defeated in all the Hiatus that have spoken thus far during tnis year of jubilee. The white men of the land are arous ing themselves as never before, native and foreign born citizens of the Cau easion race will no longer submit to negro domination, nor will they toler ate proscription on account of -Nation ally or Religion. Then, in 1854 the unhallowed, crusade was a success. Now, in 1874 it must be an inglorious defeat. The people, the white people, the patriotic people, all over the coun try say so it; must be so. A Democra tic Htuto Government and ere long a Democratic Federal Government and then the millenium of honesty and good feeling will prevail. Then will all white men who are not sold to the negroes rejoice, women and children of our now stricken land feel that they are free from insult and danger. bo mote it be. A. the to she ng; sbe Vuve com of The ia Then will the white thnt '•Let us have Peace." Jons Oldfield. Leipbic, Del., Oct. 28,1874. C. P. Johnson —Dear Friend:—l desire io call your uttention to tho remarks of J»s. K. Lofland, mado in Wilmington in a speech delivered by him. by tho Wilmington Commercial, Oct. 24th. 1 will quote an extract: "Then again they have declared that I am a common drunkard. I have no objection to a man taking his dram if ho wants it, but I sol emnly declare boforo God that I have drank nothing stronger than water for seven years.'* This is astounding! I wish to give you some evidence to the contra ry which places Mr. Lotiand in ward position. I will give you the evi dence and you can make your own com ment; for tho testimony is incontestible inasmuch as it is respectable. Mr. James Kirkley, of tho town of Leipsic—a respoctable merchant, and a Republican—declare« that he drank with him very recently, and if was not water. Mr. Charles Taylor, of Kenton Hun dred—a man of respectability, hut a Dem ocrat—emphatically declares that at tho Camden camp meeting, this year, 1874, at the food pen, at the said camp meeting, he was entrusted with Mr. Lofland 7 » coat, as ho was engaged for a while at tho food per.-, and that on bringing Mr. Lofland's coat to him, Mr. Lofland drew therefrom a bottle— drank, handed it to him, and he did tho same, and it was not water, but whiskeu ! Now, friend Johnson, dr conclusion. This man is bidding for the temperance vote, but if tho temperance men are as conscientious us I think they *, ho h:w made a most egregious blun der. He is endeavoring to deceive the people, but ho is digging tho pit for his reception ; and tho good sense and self-respect of tho people will turn from him wiUi loathing and lenvo him to med itate upon tho lamentable condition of his morals. Mr. Johnson, if one of the candidates of the Democratic party this Stato was to make au assertion like this of Mr. Lofland's, with the over whelming aiqount of testimony to prove to the contrary, as in this case, 1 should unquestionably turn from him witii con tempt. Famiek. reported awk your own a. re Of For the Oatette. Allow me, Mr. Editor, u space in your paper to express my sentiments in re gard to our candidate for Governor, John 1\ Cochran, Esq. great effort» of tho Delaware Itep to find foc.d to gratify its natural nancy it ha« signally failed—the man is too faultlo8R even for tho envenomed »hafts of Vernon to reach him. The sum total of his charges are, "ho shot a cow/' but does not tell us why; "ho is a rich man." 1 have known him from liis boy hood io tho present time, and always found his integrity firm and unyielding, his honor and honesty uutarnished. In liis yopth, like Cincinnati», ho held the plow, and early showed a love and capac ity for education; and iu the halls ot Delaware College he sought und found that education that lit ? him for the high position for which lie ed. He haa been called an aristocrat— m has answered that, charge himself. 11 has been called selfish and close, but lie evidence given of it. He has been no spendthrift: and who ever know his hand closed when one that was nuedy applied to him for relief? AVho over knew him to do a mean act? Who ever knew him to desert a friend? He is to day a man pre-eminently qualified to fill tho office to which he aspires. If elected, the pure principles of tho patriot will guide him in his oiliciul acts. Hisr tlomanly and courteous bearing will able him to till tho gubernatorial chair with dignity and honor, and insure tc every citizen a just and righteous judg ment. Let every Democrat and Conser vative who wishes tho welfare of liis Stato vote for John 1*. Cochran and put their condemnation by that act upon a partv that is ruining tho country, and would this State if they had tho power. • J UNIC9. Notwithstanding the ublican mnlig by to great in the been nominal or .•.■î. te my than ore It Is me City, UWli'W B 8TEAM FREIGHT LINE rea 2d wharf above Chestnut street, Phila delphia. daily at 5 p. m., and French street wharf. Wilmlagton, at 6 p. m, Freight band ad oarefmll y nod forwarded with dispateh. O, W. RUHR. Leav HARDWARE. "D. H. KBWTfcCü» IMP0RT1BS A*» lUVUTAC.Utnr Aonm vok IRON. STH/EL, for the en dis the by of and men Hardware, AND COACH MATERIAL, Have the largest Stock of goods in tho State in their line, and best assorted Stock in the United States. Nos. 206 A 207 Shipley A 210 A 212 Orange strerte, WILMINGTON. DSL. Wm. GREEN & Go., Successors te Pedrick. Green AIGo.. Importer« end Deaers In race pull all far Cau to toler the coun a and and will the insult IRON AND STEEL. l ITUMIN0U8 COAL, GALVANIZED IRo.v COACH-BUILDERS' HARD WARE An. 8. E CORNER OF THIRD and SHIPLEY STS., *»»▼• .Iw.r, on hand a full assort ment ot IRON 4 STEEL Deal hist da o - Ä American Ham msredaou Rolled ■*S>?ars, English R e - fiueuBars of all > sises, baud. Hoop, and Slit Iron,best Norway Nail rods and Anger Shapes. Galvanised and Black sheet Iron, Cast. Shear. Blutar German,, Swede, b print. Tire Machlnary.anuTa» Steel. Smith, Coaon, and other Hardware—Morse Stioes, Horse Shoe Nails, Borax, Bolts. Clips, Nuts,'Washers, Malleable Castings, Wagon Boxes, Springs. Ax 1m. SpokerFelloes, Shafts; Bows. Ac.. Carriage Canvass, Oil Carpets Rat ttnstt, Enameled Ton and Dash Leathsr.and Coach Hardware of all kinds; Iron Wire Gal vanised Nails, Babbit Metal, Lead, Spelter, Banea Tin, Sheet Ziae, Ae., Grindstones. Cranks and Rollers, Back Chaim, Ao , As. Smiths' and other tools. Anvils, Vloes, Bel lows. bledgta. Hammers. Shoeing Knives. Files, Rasps, Smiths Drdls, Tire Senders. Twere irons. Stocks and Dies All of which will be sold at vary low prices, wholesale and retail, for oath or ap proved oredit. mar oh g IMS t* r-f? feMs. < lit « m tt: white a » of THE GAZETTE 0 OFFICE NO. 416 MARKET 8TREET, 1 Of ILMIRGTON. re is In the ot m 11 lie no his over ever to fill will chair tc judg liis put a and WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS FOR Main and Fancy Job Printing, BILL IÏELA.r)S, POSTERS .•.■î. CIRCULARS, DODGERS, &c. ) WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, Phila street band AND 4T TH»'. LOWEST CASH BATES mmt m Î Y, % yà pi URE >1iblBS&ÉlbE .bid No Prrsoai rnu I« Ur ilarnr II il Irre accoi, lug to direction*, and remain long unwell, pro VKlfd their bon ^ ore not destroyed by minorai lotion or other menus, ond vital organs wasted oc .vomi the point of repair. Ilyeprpain or Iladigcition. Headache. Pain In the Shoulder*, t oughs, Tightness of the ehest. Id^lness, .Sunr I nu talions of the Stomach. Uai Takte in the Mouth, bilious Attacks, Palpitation ot rim Heart, luflummution of the Lungs, pain in the ri/lon of the kidneys, und a hundred other puiulii: ptoms, are the offsprings of hyspepsta. one bottls will prove u better guarantee of its menu than a lengthy advertisement. Fsr Frnnde Complaints, In young c married or ringl;*, at the dawn of old. «manhood, tiie turn of lilc, tlie-o Ionic Hitters display elded un Influence tiiut Improvement Is soon pc ceptlble. da Inflnnmtutory nn«l Chronic Ith*. mat ism and bout, Liilou*. ltemltunt and lutin uilttcnt Fevers, Diseases of the Hlood, Liver, Kti ucys and bladder, tlioso liittcra hnve uo equal. Snrh Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. They are a gentle Purgative a* wrli r «% Tonic, possessing tho merit of acting ns powerful ngent In relieving Congestion or liitlum mntlou of the Liver and Visceral Organs, am. iu Uulou? Diseases. Par Skin I>»«rn«ca, eruptions. Tetter, Salt Rlieutn. blotches Plm'ples Pustules, boils. Carbuncles, King-worm*. Hcald-llcad, Sore Eyes. Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs. Discolorations of tho Skin. Humors and Diseuses of the Skin of whatever mine or nature, are literally dug up and carried outor tue system In a short time by the use of these bitten Oralcfal Thousand* proclaim Yinkuaii Hit runs the most wonderful luvlgorant that ever cm Valued the sinking system. R. II. NcDOKAT.D A CO. Druggists and Geo Arts.. Sun Francisco. Cal A ;or. of Washington and Charlton sta., N. Y. BOLD 13 Y ALL DRUGGIST# A DEALERS. - 31 rni 71 ip ÏY î IsuipW Pu-k RUffint F* Th« ïrw i.. N«»r York. «* ilbi-ut rh*r ScrrLiss Co., fST PrwU U VVILM1NGTON WAGON WORKS, hand and tnaJe to order Constantly Express, Market, Truck. Farm, Oermautown (and Bneath'« Patent Tilling Wagunr, Oarti. Puib C.rttanJ Darrow, : aliio. Agricultural Implements, which are baluc sol J at cost, including 1 CULTIVATORS PLUWS, HARROWS All Nos. of the Moore, Wiley, Peacock and Heoaendorn Plows, with or without ceutie draft. Rxptlrlna Neatly and Promptly Exe cuted. BLACKSMITH INC paid to ^ Particular attention HORSE-SHOEING. All diseases of the foot, and cases of laiue naea, incidental to shoeing or last driving treut ed under the Dunbar «yntemij SUCCESSFULLY * Interfering iuvanably cured in once ahoeii g Annealing and knee-sprume homes iuiuu dlately benefited and left aid of which nature in ucondition by the effects a peimunei.t Lameness from corns instantly removed, immediate relief given in ousus of acute founder. Diseases of the above nature and various Outers ertaining to the foot aud log, heretofore considered incurable by "Old School" Vttcri Anatomical specimen exhibited at the office showing eause and effect. Having been at great expense to acquire» thorough knowledge of the subject, and being the only smith in the State to whom Mr. Dunbar has imparted his valuable method ot treatment, I am prepared to treut the worst oase the pubhocau bring iorwurd. 1 employ only competent m sooally supervise all operations. Olles 1 and per Ill 1 •» 113 OrangcMtrre;. VWSMftl.MAN $500 Ki£'W-A.LID Th, ato»« rewa-J will d, tali for INroitM \T1QN tbul «ill lud tu lha AKKKSTIAND C0.N VIO.ION ul th, i.erauD or parsons suiltr ol 8BTT1NOMKK to »n, DWLLLINO, STA bLE, bllOPS or othir baildlnr. March 6.1874-lf. J. L. SIMMS, Mayor. QKOBQ-S VICKEBB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Chratertown, Kent Co., Mil. H. W, WICKERS, atïohnic v;ai'l. ■a.w.ido d A w er>-«D prtIME NKW J1UNUAIUAN (iruHH tSoe«l At W. N, OJANDLER'9, *. ri, r t - treat. 611 mayl 4 WILLIAM LALLY. WH0LF8ALK DXALRR )N Brandies, Whiskies, WINKS, Ace..' 211 EA8TRONT F8TBEET/ Between Frencb an l Walnut Streets. _WILMINGTON. DEL P RIVY WKLL8 CLEANED BY THK ODORLKSSlens Excavating Co. Order lell with the Secretary of the Board of Ilealt at tbe City Hall (until further notice), w l be promptly attended o (n a ot.r. Poudor Houso MILTON, DEL. J. P. HAUT, Proprietor. ) T HIS House has lately been fitted up. and receives strict attention of the Propri etor, and is classed among the best hotels ol the Peninsula. ie6-ly w BYE STRAW FOR SALE. Apply to Mr*. CHARLOTTE ÎHENDRICKSON. otc!6 2tw* Chilit'a v> Hundr«d<