Newspaper Page Text
DAILY le C. P. Jouhson, Editor amb raopniKTOR The Daily Gihett* tojrt'JîMâSSfc' ternoon. (Sunday excepted) at,410 awrhel **w end served by oarrters to subscribers in alt parte of the city and surrounding u>wu and villages. for six cents a week, payable weekly. Yearly subscribers, $3 in advance. THE OILY DEMOCRATIC DAILY IE THE ETATE, The Delawarm Oaeette, eiukluh.di784 I» tne largest and most flourishing weekly in Ih. State, Mid hM a Jaratr rjroulmUon tb«n ,«» other on Ih. l'enldsul*. 1 ublllhcd . Friday morainr, at It a year, in advance wnn7lîüt«Ë, DEL., MOV. 4 1074 every The Democratic Victory . Tho victory achieved by the Demo crats of this county and State is one of tho grandest that has ever occurred in the political history of our State. We congratulate the whole people on the result. Tho triumph achieved by the Democracy is in behalf of all citizens and for the interest and benefit of all. The smaU amount of money involved in the official patronage of the State is nothing. The great matter is in the fact that we are permitted to hold our institutions from the hands of the spoil ers until a calmer judgment prevails in our opponents. We are now safe from the fearful extravagance into which the Kadicals would have run had they car ried our county or State. Our extra this morning was inaccurate in many details; but correct in all the essential j. We have since made such corrections as we have been able to do by a comparison with the official vote since received. t r . 8. Senators. The Legislatures elected yesterday will choose Senators. Delawatc will return Mr. Batakü. Louisiana will choose a Senator In placeofPinchbach; that of Florida one In place of Mr. Uilbcrt, that of Illinois in place of Mr. Logan, that of Massachusetts In place of Mr. Washburn, that of Michigan in place of Mr. Chandler, that of Minne sota in place of Mr. Ramsey, that of Missouri m place of Mr. Schurz ; that of New Jersey in place of Mr. Stock ton; that of New York in place of Mr. Fenton; that of Pennsylvania In place of Mr. Scott; that of Tennessee in place of Mr. Brownlow, and that of Wisconsin in place of Mr, Carpenter. liemar/mölv if Truc. Tho following 'incident of tho famine/ reported bv the CoUcutor of Monghyr, xa, says tho Times vf India, certainly re murkable: "A woman of the fiahing caste/' writes Mr. Lockwood, "was sit ting by the side of the Ganges, some 100 miles from here, in tho Patna District, about daylight of the 16th of August; suddenly tho bank on which she was sit ting gave way and she fell into th 3 wa ter, dragging with her a largo bundle of castor-oil sticks, which formed a kind of life-buoy, and she was carried down by the current, which i i now running at a great pace. As each village or boat was passed she shouted to the villagers to help her, but no one came to her relief. In this way she was carried nearly 100 miles, and, fortunately for her, when she had been twenty-four hours in the water, she pass- ed by Monghyr and was rescued by Col. Murray, who, seeing her Boating by, sent his private boat and rescued her. The woman did not appeal- much the worse for her prolonged stay in the water, but naturally was much impressed by the fact of her being rescued by a European, when so many of her own caste had de- clined to help her. She was provided with a railway ticket to Patna, together with food and clothing from the relief funds." -4 Villain Shot Dead by a ? Vo rnan . PaTEHSON, N. J., Nov, 8.—Intelli gence has just been received here of a homicide committed on Saturday night at Waoaquc Pa9saic county. A man of about sixty five years of age, named James Luke alias Decker, who for many years has been a fiddler at taverns and country dances, for some time has been persecuting, with his attentions, young married woman named fcarali Cronk, aged about twenty live. She and her husband have both warned Luke to keep at a respectful distance and recently, she being near her con finement, lias threatened to shoot him if he annoyed her with his offensive at tentions. On Saturday night between ten aud eleven o'clock, Luke while in toxicatcd, visited the cabin of the C'ronks and attempted some familiari ties with Mrs. Cronk, when she drew a pistol and shot him dead. She has been arrested to await the result of the coro ner's inquest, which has been summon ed in the case. Probable Murder at the Polls. New Yor.k, Nov. I—The contest be tween James O'Brien and Abram H. Uewett, botli democrats for Tenth dis trict, culminated in a murder this fore noon. met at the polling place and entered in to an excited discussion. O'Brien and Coroner Croker It is repor ted that botli drew revolvers simultane ously. One of O'Brien's friends, Jas McKenna, jumped between them, re ceiving a shot in the head from Crock er's rcvalvcr, and lias been taken to the hospital in a dying coudition.— Crocker was arrested. There is great excitement in tho district nnd police have been sent to the extra .. , ,, scene. Serious trouble is expected before the close of the polls. LATTER. ' Jas. McKenna, victim of Coroner Crocker died at half past ten o'clock. Experiments with Carbolic Acid. M. M. Bert and Joylet of Faris having experimented largely with carbolic ac id, assert that it is a powerful poison, acting like strychnine on the cxcitabili 1 Y of the spinal marrow ; like strychnine it increases its insensibility ut first,but it diminishes that sensibility, or com pletcly abolishes it, when the convul sive stage has cxlraustad the medulla. The phenomena resulting from this acid are pronounced to be quite similar to those produced by chloroform, chloral, ether, woorara, and the sectiou of a mo tor nerve. Ex-Governor Euob T. Throop, of N»W Tjrir, Oivd nt Auburn jestvrday mUibcuu, 1 y.u. g WaRBs ,034 5 6789 10 Total. u 074 318 281 313 233 372 18.» 121 143 3U3 '2,583 ' Ï87 108 221 259 422 197 519 249 1B9 158 2,84« .278 32.5 284 319 29« 381 199 122 148 305 2641 .178 161 219 254 416 484 493 217 171 15j '278.1 Gbrmcfcte. JtHN P. COCllOAV; Isaac Jump, CONQRMH. James Williams James R. Lojiand WK H *H 1F LiiBiON 276 323 279 323 293 WS 18« 125 142 UM 2.W2 WK. H. IiAMBSO.».. 27« 323 if» «3 mg ^ Stl , ,68 UM 2823 wg 133 2»« Jamti Martin Six atom. Hinkt Davie James H. Rat Joil Thompitm Qeo. L. TownanA Coroner. Richard Orovis Peter B. Ayars Samucl'Hanby ' V ES ' 275 310 282 316 294 373 180 121 148 305 2610 Isnac C Pjle 278 321 282 317 295 377 193 120 148 301 2635 Thou. L. J. Baldwin 276 319 280 316 295 374 181 121 148 305 201.. Thomas Holcomb 275 319 281 310 295 374 185 121 148 305 2610 Thomas Bird 273 317 281 31« 29« 374 170 121 148 305 2011 Hemr A Nowland 275 319 281 310 295 371 180 121 148 305 21,14 W " P Biro . 270 319 281 316 294 374 181 121 148 305 Somiel'if î'oilBU .185 168 225 261 425 501 526 250 171 156 Joshua Mari, .182 167 220 2«0 425 190 523 251 172 157 S UCvrtU 185 168 229 261 424 500 528 250 172 15« R P Janvier 184 170 226 261 421 500 526 250 172 15« Theo V cZh 185 100 226 261 422 500 531 250 172 156 r/jïï 91 169 220 202 423 499 52 1 250 172 15« WniLoZ 185 103 220 201 421 500 525 250 171 150 Médül 273 320 279 315 290 371 181 120 148 305 2585 K Bright "72 320 280 317 291 375 170 120 148 305 Wm Bolk 272 320 280 317 292 377 179 120 149 305 w™'L Wier 272 320 280 317 291 375 1 69 120 148 305 TamkaC wflson 272 320 280 317 291 375 181 119 148 305 Jame* C. VVilson al7 »91 375 180 120 148 30« ??"•! S°°f rta Î87 if,7 228 202 429 498 527 251 172 150 2879 Davul Earth in, IW 1 499 529 2 51 172 150 J sT e3 M 188 167 227 200 427 497 528 252 172 150 4 Ar * Wriaht 188 167 226 260 428 497 529 251 171 156 ■i"»* „7v* «£ 107 '220 250 428 493 520 252 171 15« H Sta'a" m 1C7 227 200 428 498 529 251 17-2 15« 275 317 1182 31« 293 371 179 V 21 118 3o5 Ml« 271 310 281 317 295 371 182 121 118 3rtJ 2614 250 171 150 287.1 250 172 155 '2900 ::»o 195 171 thî5 261 425 600 529 .185 170 225 260 423 500 526 2.56 ' 3 W 276 309 281 3t)5 292 352 183 121 148 293 2565 ..184 174 220 272 425 529 525 230 172 163 2911 ï '254 MB 0 ® k 2 • : my,® ® r. : K . CC 2» e* ■ GOVERNOR, KVUHJO,) J NHOfl m»r ) ■Jiunf 0 ; :g 3 Mac 5 :3 •rj CONGRESS, •swvrrn^v sawvp ggiSSa! pnojo 7 H WMVfj SHERIFF, •nosawvq •]{ wav I —> r J »— 'üipivjç SjUibf CORONER, ••saAouo aavuoi'a'i ■Siof.y a *>i>JJ SENATORS, *8IAV(J AMN3H to gëSggsâügglëië* g g cl 3) a at in the a bSSISbSBSSSsISb SP® •iva H li i; to _ — — SS« •:[ 'uosJuuyJ iäjf 1 io I® ., ! iss»; si •'puosu.nojj "J oCAJefJ REPRESENTATIVES, 'AUNVW ' sSSBBSeaS zmèz KVO ï'i :S8858fe R 'axicï .) OTvq ii 1 i8888»* " u i?a r t sohx ï'êit ' U1 lo.noji PVKoiij, ; sg « : g Rung sritoHj tÇic- « V ^ o 'UNV i UO^ Y r«N2}{ iggBSflSSëSëSs snoiji j icvniiAV •'Leun JV' i§£: 'i K uoiusiog iiSësSaaj rj tz rî ç ^ ri ^ 9 ^3 ^ x P IJ Sc j ' A t M-vi5S W *- *" j LEVY COURT COM., o a!,ïioa f j "I "VHTIAV ''uiinUDf j ujqmtg % 'V°\0 A ^opûJtil allaî! 1 'uosuag ■yynuup ; y SI gij-siiS 'JH'yiHlI it niTBii * I li U G ivviTaiAV "MomiAV naw? j It ïi i: SaSaSBëgfl 351 ! hxumuovj 'rjriwfcj ris^HtsS -•iUACySDX ptAUQ t ZlZ E *di a ^iuup iotsSîx ». — ii <Ji r be H. dis in sSly-j •'/l/fiUJI SàUlüf «juDjg a '»1*1 re to 'PB«!, J J»" A Office of the Delaware Railroad Co. I I Dover Del., Oct. 12th. B7L } T O THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE DEL- 1 AWARE RAILROAD COMPANY - Notice is hereby given iha» a meeting ot the Stockholders of the Delaware Railroad Com pany will he held at Dover, on THURSDAY. I the5th day of November, 1874. at 1 30o'clrck, 1 P. M.. for the Purt>ose of considering the terms and conditions of un agreement be tween the Delaware Railroad CouipHny aud the Philadelphia. Wilmington and Baltimore 1 Company, providing for the guaran the latter Company of an issue of Bonds to the amount of six hundred and fifty thousand dollar,. («tküi> 0 .) proposed to l be made by the Delaware Railroad Company wi secured br mariixe cn the roud for ihe | purpose of providing means to pay the loans tailing due July 1st. 1S75 nnd al*o for the pur pose of ratifying the nroposod the lea<e to tne Fhiladelpbia end Baltimore Rsilrond Com pan v. uj vided lor iu the original agreements bet wee be parties to the same By order of the Board of Directors. M. HAYES. y™ 11 "* board Railroad by citennion ot v\ ilmiDKt I pro- i ! ootlJ-2t*iwtm OARJiBG.— Fleiwaui rooms L> ing iu ».private family at No. 714K1ÛG STREET Mtf 506. LAY ASIDE EVERYTHING! „ . Y T . ^ i A. L UWULi I and be convinced . <J00D3 NEVER SO .CHEAP LF0RB. __ __ Re facing Stock at BELOW CO T PRICES _ _ ¥ *| f > |4- O fill d 1 * . 1 Ej VJ v/ V^/ JL-/ LJ « _ BOOTS AND SHOES, r and OlaftCWaPA L/r»*DlLCry «HIU UlattbwdrU. âOil. The gr sulext variety and the largest assort* mekt of Tooa» in the State. Remember the place &n \ number Ai 5AMS & BRO. Market Slreet. 50«. WILMINGTON. DEL ian3-1£ 1 BAXRH AM) PAXKEJIS g OK |»1, AiISOToN. Pepoailory f tho^bhc Moiieys, ►.-WAi* »'•«*"*' sm* • N ATI OWL. HANK ^IHSl EbWAltn HKTIS. I'miilout, ÜKO. 1>. AHMS'tUUMU, Cashier. •noo«ooo Paid tip CafiMal. ' Philadelphia anil New York Kichàbge fui^ nlsho I to regular D*M-Mtora without oburge ,d Iburadayi. at ï DLoount .lay*. Monuiyc 8:8U A. M. DlltBUIOHS George W. Bush, Eli Garrett. Joshua T. Ileal i. VS illium Tatnall. tu a r 24 Clement B. Smy(b, Israel Pu ey, Henry S. McCoitib, Daniel Jumvs Edward Betti. THE MRTlZANS MV.Mii BUSK 502 Market Strrot, Incorporated February 2.H. 12*01. iveiiepoaiti daily from 9 A. M until 4 P- M„ anil on Tuesday and Saturday bveumgs from 7 to K o clock. A semi-annual DIVIDEND, of pix per cent, baa been regularly paid on üepoHits, Rince the organieation ot tho Bank, and it i.i the » x plviution ot the Miinugers.tbat thin rate of dividundi will bo continued. When dividends are not withdrawn, tbey are accounted «H deposits. Thus permanent deposit* oompound their interest twice In each year. to OP MANAGERS : Gkorgi W. IIchh. Gkorub S. Capill*. Chas. W. IIowi.awi , I M. L. Liohtxnbtkiw, Natiian'l R- BKS30λ, j Euwarp Darlinoiob Hknrv F- Duaa, Job 11. Jackhok, E- aM. STOTSRNKîfPO, | WM. II-SWIFT. Anthony Higgins, W M• 8. HILLES, President. G bo. W. Been, t io« Premdent. lob21—iy K. T Taylor. Tre»surer William - v . Hillbb, Clrment B. Sm T I! U MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK. .%«». 4 W.Thlrtl Mreel. Six per cent, interest. Open Tuesday and d every tiny. A 11. Saturday ovoningrt - . Grimsh »w, Troaa.. J. I*. Wales. M. D . 1 John F. MillerJlDork. vl-if CHAS. CAIWBL0S û CO.. ZBANKERS and MtOKEItS\ No 38 S. Third St .Philadolphl'-, 9KALKKS IN IIOVKRNMKNT KUeUllI TlBS, G«LD. bILVKit. Ac. hnnslit nnd nol 1 on sttontion vi foci *-l y Stocka nnd rond*! mt commission. PakicuL ioveitmenU tu HOTELS. J E » r E !«*<» .« Il W IIS E, NEW CASTLE. DEL. JOHN W.GRAY. ProDnctor •1 beautifn'ly ha-i been put ih tüo very best repair for aLthe reception ol visitors,wno K- Will find at it nil the accoiu of a firm-class Hotel, it Bar, This lar ; eiluiifod medati coiumandn a fi and is one ot tke lilbtlul places in or |*ic nie» Tho, hoqt »t>te, tho bar lilleii w view of tho Dc-lnw I*lc the Htate lor excurrionF. s kept iu the Dent ith the cdoiceflt wines, ami inaltdrinks, and table supplied with tho substsiniiuls nnd luxuries ot the market. LxcurmoniHts can arrive by bout ih Parties who wish to fro 0-iiinir the noble Delaware, 1 t I"; boat be ttcooui 402 riding inoduted with suitable boat.». Ihe patruoage ot tho pablic ij reapectiuliy solicited. jyJ2-tf J. W. GRAY WESTERN HOTEL. N. W. Cor. 4 th & Orange Streets» 0. J, KYLE. P&oPUlKTuR, The aliovo Aouio has oouipleto repair for the «■{{t guea ». wnnru they will r &A 11 -* a «-com moduli •••er. put ;i'ep!ion ol oi of a lir. l-clara hotel. Bar filled with cboiocst winm. liqipirs.cigard, Ac., ana the table »upnlied with tbo best the market afford». Tran nient and permanent boarder» accomuioduttd at modelute raton. Good Etablina and attentive boetler»- A liberal «h 1 re of public patrouage is respect fully »olicited, aug2-d-tf For to Wii UN1TEDSTATES HOTEL John N.W T ,Cor.F*rcncli& Water St«. T. B. MERRITT, Proprietor. The above bi.uRe b P 1.1 in ci •lete ieption ot eucita. where they ivo all the aoronim dations of h hotel. Bar tilled with the choiront , liquoia, Ac., and the table supplied will firnt*cl of win with the bent tb<i market afford». jyRdly o r ice. irVI>lA.N KIN(4 HOTEL, 108 AND 1|0 MARKET STREET. Wilmington, Del. Carom addrosn. The room is now onen at all time« for tho ucouin* modution of the Public. ign21-tf N John Meiiioy bus Billiard Tables at l-'jt in t tho ah* Tho The Tho JOHN MEALE7. ^T. JOUÖ'3 HOTEL., BTO IDA MAHKHT 8THKET, WILMINGTON. DEL. JAMES McLANAN, Proprietor. By Out r»a-tf D LEMON St CO. No.'.llT Market Ntroeb tbulow Seo(#nd,i offers M0CC0. ÜLD GOV. JAVA, M AiRlCARO. LAGT Y RA. und RIO COFFEES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, « Having the oply coffee mill in the city driven by steam i ower. not be detained in getting their Coffee ground. We also keep tin hand customers will BUG ARB, TEA», 6PICEB, Canned Fruits. PreBorves, Jollies, •Pickeln, baucos, Sardinos, and every ulh.r urticl. usually kept in a first class Grocery Storo. ihe leigi As Mb fori ersin this city of Candies. Cakos aad Crackers. the The i ublie may be , . *'d tbry will savo money l v bu> in|; ui thi.i enablith 117 j\In.rl£,'t Street. t. >«-«i Below Second. l 'VIT' ANTED.- Wilmington Coal Gas Stock» 1 /Adrcsa ''B,' Uiiietie letter box a pr28 It LICES SE APJPLlt î i ! I I ! 1 , . . 3 ■VTOTICB -I. William Oolla-n ... ; uiui>li K «ut» »''h th. r.quir.mel.u o th» ."- 1 StÔ'îivVÂtrtflX' £ ifeâiSi SÄ ÆSSti If. "i... '• Wit: 'titriTk Holland, bn W. Lynch. Patrick Laity. Daniel McCusker, Jniues McKenna Julius Gunther, Patrick llussan, John Ahrens. Frederick llutcis. K, W. Uirnie. Jacob Kienle, Amor U. Perk lus ncvMH* N OTICE.—In compliance with therequiic ments of the act of Aesemh'y in such caser made and provided,I do hereby give no tice that 1 .-hall apply in writing to the Court of General Sessions ot the Peace and Jail Do livory of theStato of Delaware, in and for the County of New Castle, upon Monday, the jOilj day of November, A. I> , 1874, being tho first day of the next November 1er in oi the sail Court, for a License to kçep un Inn or luvern at No. 1 East Front Street, in the beco» d Ward, of the City ot Wilmington. Newtaslle County, State ot Delaware, and to set intoxi cating liquors in less quantities than one quart, to bo drunk on the premises, and the following freeholders reoomu.euJ the said ap plication. to wit Francis Elliott. Win. White. John llainmond, Charles E. Sparks, .Michael Kenney, Kichard Hooth, William Lully, Thomas McCormick, William Duffy. John F. Bush, M. Alsberg. Daniel Uvrne, Patrick llariney, Juntos Quinn. Michael Kane. _ nov2 3v* 'ihoiuus John'oa, F.elerick Weil. Ui-erge 11. MarpU'i Edward Kogers, Patrick Kile)*, Dennis Bradley, \Villiuin ilubcr. Charles llulluio, Cl ivey, JohnN Lee, Joseph Fout. George W. Bufsell, WM. DULLARD. R Patrick Biggins. Pat MoGeary, Ferdinand Vogel, James F. Brcr.:;u Daniel Callahan, < 'harten Cannon, Henry Kienle. J ihn Mesmer, J. G. Hirzel, Walter B. Samuel W. Sehul'z. bis Hugh X Quinn, mark. Wit— Wm. AV bite. JAMES MeVEY 1IATS AND CATS. DÜBELT tup: T E Hi. ! 7\ : i 2 Kast ThirJ Street, tr.WlLMINOTON. blit.. b L. II. QUAY'S CHEAP HAT mid CAP EMPORIUM. 402 KING STREET 402 The Kew Vastlctiouniy MUTIJAIi 'Insurance Company, No 602 Market Street, INSURES A (j AIN ST PIKE. Huuaes aud all other kinds oi Buildings with their con tents, For period» of time varying from .1 inonfb f yea'B to a te MaNagkrb : Wii i.i 4M Tatmall, Jamas Brav i ohi». william Can HY, Uxo Richardson, John ÜUYkR, Sam'l Canhv, Chas. w. Rowland. Clkmkxt B. Smith/ Kdw'd Bringhi kbt, Jamks Riddi.k, Howard T. Bkli.ah, A. P. Shannon. Asuton Richardion, Gro. 11. Batrs M. M. Clkavkr. WILLIAM TATNALL. Prce't. BAM'I- RM 1111. Sec'y. «-blu NEW BOOKS ! i' E. S R BUTLER'S BOOK, STATIONERY A l) NEWSPAPER *i«() Market Wtrc-i*t, Wont Lawn. . Tho Structure ot Ancient Life The Old Woman that Lived in a » Aut* ny Brade . Tho Town of the World Uncle John.. Chaste Cloth, ri 50 do 2 .Ml . . do 1 d : 5Ö Ice, Sure By Still Wtttors __ Holden with tho Cords Idolatry. . . BroobleyMoor... . . . Jo Auccdoto. Biography of Thackeray and ilicken». Out of the Hurly-Buny Books received Snow. do 2 HO 2 oo 1 50 do 1 .M 2 . r MJ issued. CLOCKS, WATCffES, AC. C. I, BUSH HAS REMOVED Il Ah REMOVED HAS REMOVED has removed HAS REMOVED 11A8 REMOVED it) TUS I Ko ■■ ■ li- wet t'orner of Ne.enlh him! Market Ktreela, A l.AHQK STOCK OK W atclies« J owelry, & fc?ilvor-ware, Constantly «a-Kepiiirine promptly attcn lcd to ■ hand. I t ,, '' jU «AMI A PlNÉ tMPuttlltU German Siniring Canary Bir<i vo a* o W.N.CIIANbLElt'S, fill Wmket Jr*. ptroet. nnd buy ono. Ju.-t in. direct- 1 rnim Kurnp*. a la-a. invn'oo of 89-ih/>7t I Canary, Hemp .e, I Rape head.»h.rhae err selling very low. W N. CHANDLER till Maikctitiect. OtlOPÖ3ED AM .à d.ulN r TO THE CO N ÔTUllOW of l li E Di Alt» o? Lel awark. ACT proposing an Amendment to the Cun • it i tut ion for the purpose of empowering the Legislature to cnovt a (J entrai Incorporai ion Law. SECTION 1. lie it enacted by the Senate House of Representatives ot the Sun» oi Delaware in Uenerni A-mutbly met, (two thirds of each hou«*. d* ciu it necessary aud ooncurrim therein, and by and with the ap probation of the Governor.) That the fclfowiug amendment bo end the same ii hereby iro* posed to the seventeenth section t* the sec ond article of the Constitution of this Stute wit, ty adding to the said section thé following words, subject to the provision* aforesaid: The Legislature shall havo power enact ft ßoiicrnl incorporation act. to pr.,.* vide ia ori»»i -uonior religious, charitable, literary and manufacturing purposes, tor the preservation '•! lüiiunl and vegetable food building and !.. . .» associations, and fur drain low lands ; n. I no attempt »hall be made such act oi otherwise to limit or qualify the power ot revocation reserved to the Legfo luturo in thi* «eotion.** bKCTlON !. <l • / he it further enacted. Tint theSocrotaij oi Slate lo und he is horubv directed, eft* r the Governor shall have ap proved ol't' i above proposed nmendtueut and this act inly to publi-h the above pr.. posed amend oient and ih s not in t more newspapers in this State, lor the o»».. sidération ot the people ni tlàis* State, at load throe and not ui<-re than six mmiilis bgfoie the next goncrnl election tor Sonutu Representatives in this State d at Dover. April A IH7-'t. I or r A. V. LESLEY. Speaker of the Senate. JO.El'il HU Ill'll KaNAL. Speaker of the Uuusnot Ken rosen ta liven. Statk i'F DmvriKit, Egooutive Department ( June 2d, lb?1.1 This Act wuh iM-rnd by und with th baiionofthe Governor. And I. Jamks Pomikh Gov rnor of tbe State of Delaware do hereby *spress my ap proval of Raid amendment an proposed in e appro • act. v bund and tue Gi« 8KAL], id Statu, the do) anJ . il u to By the Gov*-: JAMES PONDKU. JOHN II. PAYNTER, Secretary of State. Statk op Dki.awabk. [ Exeoutivo Dci»artniunt. I I, John II. Payntkr, Secretary ot '»lafc.i the Stale of Delaware «lo hereby certify th»u ho above and foregoing is u truo copy a it entitled "An act proposing to tho Constitution lor the purpose of eringtho Lcgisoituro to enact a general l poration Liw," pass-.d « t Dover An 1873, together with the Governor's of tho having been e > llie aiuftidnuMii if id. HI id prtipopcd amendment the with thooiigihhl d by 1 file, in this Department. In witnedH whereof 1 hive here in y han«i and utllxe.l roll now unto KKAL OI. one thousand lliciul seul at Dover thi , , Ixtcenth , in the year of our Lord •Irod an«l neveniy-lt-ur. JOHN 11. PAYNTER. Secretary of State 1 .! hi h ite WM. li. SI LA HI*. Cor- 4lh & Market Sts.; Has opened a tu!l A>i-irtment ol NEW AN > -EASON A BL.« tlwndtmme DreR^ PubnoM.-ipleo lid i ah ill tie « t 1 Black Bilks, Japanese Silks, &c. AIwbjb <>n tun t, a full H eck of MOURNlftC Q 0023 of iLe latest Ftyb * n-i3 most rolible-make» Also, a fui! of DOMESTIC G-OODO At the lowef.t ratos WM. H- SHARP, Sa. 'll H, 4th Market Ma . WILMINGTON, Dkl, i rx I .Mi. Timothy, Clever ana Orchard Gras3 Seed, FINE .MIXED LAWN. Wlinil DUT CLO YEH. GREEN GRASS, DWARF GERMAN WAX.DWARF WHITE WAX BEANS, VETK, DARK RED EGYPTUN, B\ - tianh Simons A-urn eh ukki 1 .*g.i;i •. F.X1RA EARLY CARTER'S FIRST CKUi* La. VII s ALPHA. LITTLE GEM. FRKNfill Will*' KLKD AND OTHER PEAS. TROPHY TOMATO. HANSOM LKTTUCK, u-plv of reliable FIl-. SMI 111 A Bit KEN, Fourth und fthiploy •Vi tb Garden heeily, may'Jotl f:e-li inuislt r'.H Order, Rkgistrr's Opfick. New CastleCouutv,Oct2l»t. l»7». on ol J i.iior B. Groom« v;, Executo-n of Al A I* i CiiBÎlH hu mir *. »rdered m Kxeoutor of L( ! kio Relate of tho do* f grant •ciuontd t «nt l.o i plu* «ml J..*ni - B. Y. B. COUPER. Lite ot Ni in »aid county, div-.i-i d : it is oi directed by tho Reginter that the . ! ..tic»-of the g 11 tern ' •niury u th the d i » k n»lv there* t. »c*i ■ i by llie date of within forty day« tro Lettern, in nix of the mont public ph»''; ot the County of Now Castle, roquiring *; I persons Iiuwiik dcumnds against tbo 1 täte to prcaont the fame, or abido by m* Act of Assembly in auch cane made and |> » • vided. AndnlsocftUhe tho name to ba 1 n *• ''[ 4 tbo name poriod in tho Del» wiro Gazette, n newspaper publUhrd in Wilmington, nnd to bo continued therein tlireo weeks. it hi *■ I d Seal "' resuid, »! der tho hand tl the Register afo CiHtle, in Now Castle Co id, the day a i i.. a. > Ofl No > afoi id yoar above writt«' B. till]US, Register notice. . ,, ingclaiins against the r. •nt tho »aine All persont-h of thrt deceased must p duly attested to ibo Executors on or before t. 2l»t. in::», or abide the Act of Assembly nn*t provided. JAMKSB G « OO ML. J AMES B. YOUNG. Execut*'«*; 44 S,,31 *1. o. E.kton, Md ' n. in such case iiuido Ad li —James B. Y or J v h B. Mr* O3t24eodiw J EST llKCEIVEl* A EMIRE STUCK "1 I'ALl, ANU WINTER GUODi. Clllisr A. ! T Y- D NORMANDIE Xo. :UVl Market Street, Having resolved lo AA CONTINUE THE M*81NEdS-Wb Will keep liis stork ot China. Glass and Ounensware* Silver & Silver-plated Ware. LAVA WAKE, ETC. ■ VASE i icty U» to its o'd atnndaril for fullnors and Sets, cto., in great \ ,»r Sets, T« und elegant dt »i«n. 1). Everybody can be fuited. THE OLD STAND-302 MARKET STREU f \\r ALT E il CUIYIW1KS. vY - « AT t tfiY-.VT-I.AW 1 I AND SOI.IUI IÜB IN CIM5CEKY. .. . . . , 4) iliiilttjton, 1,1 *» Not.oi-*512 Kin • St n »*t do to dcc:c-ir.