Newspaper Page Text
( tSikcUL a SD ( OIHKinU . . . _ Wilmixoto«, Del, Nev 4,1874. Latest Stock quotation* 'urniahed by Me rlok. Johuon A Lu - < i r. 6th k»t afreet, WUaiIt.m Dn ■«Ut MU-a M ... at 1 P. ». to Coupon,. .re few. J, 1-i .. O'*. Saw 8a of 81, Hold.. . It old................................ New York C. A &u3.. N. Y .it Erl.................... taka Shore.. North We.term.. Rook Island J.*.. Ohio à Miaa._ ... . Pacifica Wa tarn Union-.. • F«'^-. Union Paeite... O. O. A L C. Panne ... RSSSSVmuï™::.::::::::::::::: Lehighjiavigirtion. Oil Creek. Central Transportation. LOCAL STOCKS. Wilmington Coal (laa Company. National Bank of Delaware. Union National Bank.. First National Bank. Farmers' Bank... — National Bonk Wilrn and Brandywine...« 60 Delaware State Bonds. V\ ilmington City Loan.... ti äWdK'äüö'iÄTfbNä: % M 68 » Mail 7»; Sl '."j 34 .... 61 63 #i .. 47 » 41 10 ..478 36 ...... 186 42 re 100 .. 100 100 New Caille County Delaware Railroad, first Mortgage. Delaware Railroad, extension. Wllm. and Reading, first Mortgage 97 98 71 WiLMiM0TOV, D*l„ Nov. 4. 1174 tbe Brandywine Mille for Corrected Doll Quotations at Flour sad Grain fauiuy Flour.... Extra Flour. erfine Flour fc .28 7.28$ 8.00 5.10# 6.28 . 1 2601 80 . 96«. .At Corn SPECIAL NOTICES. Fold for ibe Babies. children fed on RIDGE'S FOOD will thrive be strong andhealthy. and beoome Utile mod * els of youthful strength and childish beauty. ai<r&d9m Concentrated Favoring Extracts of Vei.Pla, Letron. Orange, Hose. Bitter Al mond. Ginger. Muce, Celery, eto.. etc., mode and told wholesale and retail by U. bHINGHUKST A CO., Comer Sixth end Market street*. Flutet Haled Oil ( or tele by 1C. BHINGUURST * CO., Corner Siitb and Market rtreeti ieU I rudlc'e Miraculous Cure for Corn Fns'.idk remedy of treat populsrity. for removing coidi without pstn- _ K. BKIUOIlURSTrtCO.. finetheeartes, Birth and Market .treet». An Cerner Flue Nall «clseore Curved end «tralibt, Natl Bruihu. Hand ■TA" i rbgîüo p H o »Â ,or Comer fcl-th end Market streets. ALFRKD WALTON. Druggist. No. 23 t M aiket streit ic-sprctlully io form* hu Inonda und the i-ubllo in genen.1. that he keep* en band all descriptions ot medicine», and tniit a competent person i» at prenribe lor »uvh »ick as call at that store, und hat no chaige is made except the regu lar pi ice of tha medicines, the «ama prb a as they *ould pay anywhere else; but that no one is visited at the r reaidanoe*. Prime Vanilla Beanel ,old-Loire,.. .nd B r.uU ( by uRgi4C0 . turner Sixth ,nd Market Street», Par tha Bath Bath Brush«. Bath Towrls. Bath Sponge* and Bath Hoaps in eit.nslve variety. Al»o. Fle-b Gloves. Straps,,. eto., of borre bair. Dry Friotion Olote», and many other uiliclss of the same olaas at K. BRINQHUR8T A CO., Corner Hlstb * lu Maiket atrects. ion et mirror«, q full assortment of all »iics. Indu Hug duubl. a.a,nl.yin..Ao - isuijuRaT 4 ^ Corner of Biith and Market street*. DELAWARE FIRE Insurance Company, iVo. 008 Market Street, WILMINGTON. DEL. Charter Perpetual Incorporated 1820. Insurance for a term of years, or Perpetual Insurance! at Qreatly Reduced Rate«. i.oaaea promptly adjusted and paid, luauranco against loss or damage by ow as any other company. Areas D1RE7I0R8: w m. Canby. Wm.M Canby. W. G. Gibbons. , Geo. W. Bush. Geo. W, Btone. WILLIAM CANBY. P F. L.GiLrin. Secretary. pr29-*70 Geo. W. Fparku, Francis Barry, Wm.H. Swift. Job R.Tatu J AMES BRADFORD. FAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS. Cement and Calcined Plaater. Paints.whitelesd, red lead, white sine. Iron lubricating oils, inaeed oiL ijPjrm oil. lard oil. neats foot oil. ooal oll, Tilden A Nephew's va»nithes. Eng'iah varnishes, aloo hol, turpentine, paint mill», nalnt» ready mixed, artists' materials, wax flower materi als, decalcomania plctures.all kinds of lorelgn ani dowaatio ,lu,. rtained. onimlfiud engraved ; coach painters material, fteooli '"for,; ladders of different readj glased each, gold leaf,, vennllHone. ooking glaea,pl*tei. pH 1II t. Nob. 6 and » Third St. WILMINGTON. DEL.1 N . B.—Partlonlar attention paid to Mow** amd|qblp Palsstbig, Sign Writing,Ao. I F YOU are desirous of having a good fit or of getting tbo best ready made good», John S. Moreland's go tu BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM. N.W. Cor.Fonrlb a Poplar Sts. WHMINQT0». There : cu are meaiured but cnoe, yet the fit is perfect in[custom work. No vexatious second trials or dis agreeable ralceucn . _ . Give him a call and be satisfied. Hi Je6 dlv P 1IIVY WELLS CLEANED BY THE at tha Citv HaU (until farther »oüoe). w kt prompter W C®to3« Î 1 BST e di tion! THE ELECTIONS. Additional Notes and Returns, j i, . I MAJOfflft IN ITaTé, i#«4. In the Eighth Ward, '.Geo. C. Ward, the Democratic Judge, did able service for the Demoracy in hie faithful perform ance of official duties. He Btubbornly contested every doubtful vote, and thus turned away many illegal votera. Some of the negroes attempted to vote on tax receipt, issued by Mr. Ward Nov. 2d, 1872, which were altered by havint a "1" pla ced before the "2." One of these receipts Mr. Ward retained, and now has in nix poeeession ready to bo produced in a .ourt qf Justice. So angry were the Radical tricks tersthatthey threatened to tear him from the window, and only a wholesome fear of receiving a sound thrashing prevented them from making the attempt. John O'Byrao, Eaq, wax also insulted and threatened at the Eighth Ward polls, because he upheld the action of a young man in challenging some illegal negro votera. In all the other Ward, tho Democrat« stood up nobly to their work, and this helped to eecure a glorious triumph throughout tho ontire Stato. Tho band also serenaded Wm. Rey nolds, Eaq., I. C. Grubb, Esq., Col. Wm. G. Whiteley, and Iaaac C. Pyle, each of whom responded appropriately. MAJORITIES FOB UOVEROB AND CON URESS. GOVERNOR. CONGRESS. t. * r c ; tj p s» CL r P Wards C C 91 10 « First. Second.. Third.. Fourth... Fifth Sixth Seventh.. Eighth... Ninth,.. Tenth_ 161 130 85 ..06 66 190 187 103 180 800 6M9 195 lit; 80 23 150 14Ô 441 787 671 Totals, 500 Brandywine,E.O " W. 25 Christiana, N. 4 8 . 80 40 02 s 04 Mill Creek... 3 New Custle, 204 W.C.Creek,E23 " W. 49 Red Lion, £. 3 U 2 '2 57 2 tic tie a Pcncadur, 3t. Ucerges.E. .1 YV 88 50 45 W.ll Ap'miuk, N. 45 8. .167 28 55 164 1086 1920 1078 815 -r, 166 264 OUERIEV »SO OOROSEB. KÂJOKIT1ÏJ OH sHturr. CORONER. *T3 g f. « i I £ 33 R 3 5 i w C W O WARDS. O 92 . 94 First Second .10O Third Feurth Fifth. Sixth Seventh Eighth. Ninth . Tenth. 135 55 . 52 33 74 .. 00 128 133 BB 108 383 348 121 181 15 135 132 69<i 450 789 Total. 512 HUNDREDS. Brandywine East. 4 " West. 34 Christiana, North. 00 " South. 00 Mill Creek Newcastle .. —355 White C. Creek. E 17 % « " W 54 BeerLion, East .. 41 " West.... 8 00 00 4 IM) 25 (X) 100 00 4-4 HO 7o 00 00 10 00 H 00 268 00 24 no 00 00 V. 00 00 0 35 On B 00 12 H 00 . 00 Pencader 8t. George«, East.. 00 •• West. 4 Appoq'mink, N ... 53 S .162 53 ot* 17 oo ou 58 00 00 166 00 00 1109 979 ..1244 947 Total 979 9 H 139 Majoritica . 897 The average majority ou the Legitt letlve ticket is 185, and on the Levy Court ticket 100. A Kent County. «JOVKBNOB AND CONOBBiS. OOVBBWOB. 00N4BM8. I y -V. 7> - , P* j 3Î c ? I Ï» irUWDBBDS. O P 5 O Duck Ci*«k. Kenton. , Dover, East 384 Dover, West ..254 Murderkill North347 Murderkill South 513 MiapiUion Little Creek. Milford fit 400 435 I» 184 263 171 324 357 836 523 348 MS 447 439 3-21 .210 162 150 212 SUEUirr AND COItONIB. Sheriff. Coroner, t I e> " Ö 2 1 I O 53 5» HCNDRAD8. C 000 i.00 0O0 000 401 436 263 164 354 326 336 328 I 339 359 214 160 çoî m Duck Creek 000 C00 000 000 391 439 Kenton Dover, East Dover, West.,. — — Murderkill, North 336 344 Murderkill, South 519 344 MiapilLou 398 359 Little Creek . 213 164 Milford.. 000 000 172 w THE r.EVT COÜPT—CSMÔCftATS. * ft) ** No, ten all H « K ! > ? SB i i a HUNPKKPf. HÄ?."'*' Dover, Bret, Dover, Writ, «■ 440 443 214 20» IM 000 lOJ COO 000 000 »99 sos 868 863 300 363 000 000 307 899 368 860 nio 36'J 617 61(J 416 447 Mieptlliou, IRttle Creek, Milford, reported 100 majority tor Rep. KENT COUNTY MAJOIUTIK». Dem., 813 311 Hep. 8« North Murderkill, South " West Dover, Duck Creek, Little Creek L Kenton, Mlspilllon, Milford, East Dover, 174 i uo '.is 52 100 135 104 88 139 «89 Total, 139 550 Majority, The Levy Court and Legislative tickets average about 500 majority. In ßussex county the indications are that the Democrats lmvo triumphed by ity. This leaves the result in the State as follows: New Castle county. 244 maj. Kent county,. Sussex county. Total, about 600 ma 550 " .... 000 " 13M " PENNSYLVANIA. In Philodolpliin Furman Sheppard is elected overthe notorious Bill Mann by 1,084 majority. The city gives about 11,004) Republican majority. The Press says that tho Congres sional delegation will probably stand 16 Republicans toll Democrats ; a gain of six. NEW JERSEY. Judge Bcdlc, Democrats, is elected Governor by a majority estimated be tween 0000 aud 110,000. It looks as If the New Jersey Con gressional delegation would stand four Democrats to three Republicans.— Tho State Senate is unchanged, but the is overwhelmingly Demo cratic. The Queen Anne's county, Md., Thomas is elected over Goidaborougli, by 344 majority. NEW TORE DEMOCRATIC CONOBKiC MKN ELECTED. The r fit urns from New York indicate that Tilden, Democrat, lias been elected Governor by about 30,000 majority. New York city gives him 41,000 majority. Wickham, the Tammany candidate for Mayor of New York city, is elected over his throe opponents. Tne Tribune says that the Democrats carry $cIh of tho Con gressional Districts of tno State—about 22 out of 33—and that they will have 20 majority in tho Assmbly. Tho latest reports from New York show that 10 Congressional Districts have gone Dem ocratic, 7 liavs gone Republican and 10 are doubtful. MASSACHUSETTS~~FOUR GRESSMEN. Bouton, Nov. 3.—Full return« will be very late. Some small towns are yet to be heard from, but it ia considered that their vote cannot possibly affect Gaston's (Dem.) majority for Governor,which will be at least 3000. Gatson is in town and was publicly congratulated to-night. The Democrats elected four members of Congress and the Republican« six Butler is beaten by 1500. The House will be Kepublieau anil in The Senate will )>e r t favor of license, about equally divided. M ABLAND.— COKUUF.BS. lu the that diatrict Hon. Philip F. Thomas democrat, ia elected. Iu the Second diatrict, Hon. Chas. B. Robert*, democrat, ia elected. In the ü!th district tbe retans indioate the election of Dr. Ell J, llenkle, democrat, a In the sixth diatrict the not sufficient to indicate wlieth democratic gain, returns er Mr, Walsh, democrat, or Mr. Lowndes, republican,the present incumbent, le elected, the probability being in lavor of tbe latter. O'Brien, Democrat.; Swann.Democratand Dr. llenkle, Democrat, in Baltimore, arc elected to Congress. Milwaukee, Nov. 3.—Tho Legialaturo is very close, but tho Republicans have a small majority on join ballot, The Sen ate is probably Democratic by two major ity The Republicans claim tho elect ion of six out of eight Congressmen. NOTICES. L OST, on October 8th on the KonnettPike a RED HKIFKKR; and mh, a RED COW Both got to,tig Irom tha drove. A liberal raward will«« be paid for their return to the lubgeriber. nov3 ltd-ltw JOSEPH II- GOULD, Oot. D1V IDIiND. THE NATIONAL BANK OF DELAWARE WiLMiMOTON, November 3d, 1871. T UK DIRECTORS Lave thi, day declared a dividend of twelve dollar» per »bars, being «ix per cent, for lait «ix month« and an extra dividend of ,ix dollar, per .hare, noth jfwhioh are pay.ll. •» ^WBANKH. 1 N OTICE—The Exhibition of the Dele ware Init'tate of Meehanlo Art. will be continued until the evening of Wednesday. Nov 4th. 1874. This cxtenelon Is made n , compliance with the gonerally expressed pub j lto d exil e. _ n . Br order of the Lsecutive Board oct36- GEO, W. ItOBEHTS, Sec y. I n I N THE DISTRICT COURT | or TUB U. S. FOB TUB • DISTRICT OP DELAWARE ) John McLear à Son. Bankruula DISTRICT OF DELA WAHfnSS. In pursuance ot an order ol the said Court, I hereby give notice that a general meetiogol tho creditors ot said Bankrupt will b, held at tho United States Court Room for said l)is trict. on Thursday, the fifth day of November, A. D„ >874. al three o'clock P.M., before Levi C Bird. E.q., Registrar in Bankruptcy in «aid District. S-aned Bankruptcy. WILLIAM CANBY. Aksianto. oct23eodto nov:> OTICE —NATURALIZATION.—In or der to vote at the next Presidential elf c .take out your first papers before tno second Tuesday in Novomber next, r irst pa pers taken out at uny time in tho day, and in tbe evooiug from 7.3 » to 8.30 o clock, betöre the Clerk of the U. 3. Courts, at hi» office, second story Post Office Building. octhtubolU N tion I -VTOTICE-CITIZENS' LOAN ASSOCIA IN TION.—The 4ih series of MW Bhares tor »ule at II Ü0 per share. First payment on or before October 1st, next. lllBrai , gepTtf GKG. C» MARIS,8eçy. FOR 8AL tu ANDB EST : OR SALE—Four new and finely finished three-story Brick Houses, on Twelfth street, opposite the city square. ÆÊB These houses are ell substantially ■]] built and furnished with all the con venienoes, with water insi le and out. 110 oontaine 9 rcoou; No. 112 seven rooms: No. 116. ten roomi: No. 118, corner, rooms. These houses will be sold very faw/or taik, or on vtry reasonable terms, on payment. Also, one fine three-itory brick house, just Completed, on Tatnall street, ne»r Eleventh. Alio, a seren roomed house ill®, Tatnall St. DANIEL II. KENT, Nos. 2ÖO to 213 Shipley street, or 52Ö Jefferson street. OR SALE.—Toe Hope Bailding and Loan Ass( dation, is now ofltring shares, in 4ib aeiies. Apply to JNU. F. MILDER ftect'y. aprt cod ,N. K C-r. of 3-1 n, i Market Sta lieuse, No. 1421 lia; rtsuu stroot, elevon rooms, modern improvements, bay win dows, three stories. Possession at once if detireJ. Inquire at 1411 .1 treet. sej»30tf F m larruoi ti Oh feb2ti-tl TREAT SALK OK » RIBBONS, AT M. L. LICHTENSTEIN'S Ifo lUi Slot hi t .street, WILMINGTON, DEL , WUIoubb 01 SATURDAY. OCTOBER loth The Largest Stock of RIBBOMS Ever offered at retail. Tho lot ombrsces - thousand throe hundred uni forty-seven pieces, in alt widths iront No. 9 to 3 , it.elud **' FANCY SASII RIBBOJB. All wi'l ba soli at a uniform pi ice of 03 CENT» PER YARD. FOR CASH ONLY. iucsdny tbq 2Cth M. L LICHTENSTEIN, 2 t» Market Street. The sale will comment-« inst. ( et 10 ItlSMOVAL. my oid .toad 4C3 I have removed frei âliivley .treet. to N.W. Cor. 3d & Shiplev, - Where, witn increased favilitles, 1 »hull be bet'er erei.ared to .urn lv tbe west, ol luy dUfitomeri with STOVES. HEATERS, iRrJvisra-Es, IAND House Furnishing Uouds generally. Daing thankful for past favors I h°pe by i ersonal attention to business to oniin -ie to iteth c u ibuc ofyour patronage. R. MOHR ISON .1 h>( It 3 Street*. ^ ( fe*'® 1 Delaware Carpet House, 301) Market Street, above Third, WILMINGTON, I>K1. Iheohe*t>«iit place in tbe State to buy your 0AEPETS.0IL OLOTHB.MATTINGS, and WINDOW SHADES, AT HBNRT O-RBBE'S, N.B.— Ra« Caipet woven to order at tbe ■hortret ootioe. ead lowest market rates. i»15-lr ED UCA TIONA L. W A. REYNOLD?. CLASSICAL dt MATHEMATICAL institutic. A Day aud Boarding School, WILMINGTON. DEI. J^UQBY ACADEMY. SELECT ENGLISH. CLASSICAL AND commercial Institution. Masonic Temole> Wilmington, Del., SAM'L W. MURPHY. A.M..M.D..P*inoif»l, Assisted by experienced instructors In the several departments of the school. ? FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 7th. 1874. For Catalogues, apply ta Boughman. Thom»» A Co> AN IMMENSE assortment of Woollen Goods. BLANKETS, 9-1, 1-4. 11-4. 12-1. IS-1, IN WHITE. ECARLET. BROWN, St GRAY Call end oxeml price,. them at manifaoturer' FLANNELS, WH4TE. TWILLED, SHAKER, PLA IN 4V4 do. FRENCH 2S4 YARD WIDE. The finest and bett made ellk embroidered Flannel«. BLUE, hCARLET, GRAY. TWILLED AND PLAIN MEDICATED SHAKER FLANNELS For rheumatism, at prices th it cannot bo beaton in this cr any other market. GRANVILLE WORRELL 820& 822 Market Street, Masonic Temple. WILMINGTON. DEL. se*. 12 Y r ° BE DISTRIBU ÿÜOUiUUUTED. Grand Gilt Concert in aid of tbe Masonio Relief Associa tion of Norfolk, Virginia, will tako place on Bxn ember 3d. 1874. . Also Kentucky Stato Lottery for the benefit ol the University ol Paduuch aud Royal Ha vana ol Cuba tickets lor sale, cashed and circulars ot information sent >ree. JOSEPH BATES <t' CO . Po£- Office Box 4264. 190 Broadway, N Y. K E Ä # 1p AND BUTA BEG A SEED. b7 SECOND EDITION For the Oaxetle. Fraud in the Ninth Ward. Mit. Editor ;—If convenient please give this communication a place in your valuable paper. What I am about to allude to U the fraud in the Ninth Ward on election day. In the afternoon Marshal Dunn, and a crowd of black-and-tan deputies came marching out after an honest and respectable Democrat for trying to nut in his lejjal vote. They said ho had not been in the State a vi that he had no right to vote. But this is not so ; he had a right to vote, for to my knowledge he has been in the Stato a year ; they arrested him —to be sure—because he is a Demo crat. Later in tho aftemoon another gen tleman, who also has been in the State and the Nintli Ward a year, was ar rested for standing about tho polls with a ticket in his hands by one of Dunn's Marslmlx. Just as the polls had closed, Dunn came along, with fifty or seventy-five deputies, and arrested innocent men, who wero standing looking at him (Dunn) and his motiy crow of strag gling carpet-baggers. Three of the Ninth Ward deputies stood In the crowd pointing out Dem ocrats while the Marshal was telling his deputies to arrest them. They would make such a rush in and grab him that you would think that limy were going to tear the clothes from their backs ; marching them in with a bloated and half-drunken depu ty witli a revolver in his hand flourish ing it about iu the people faces. Sir. Editor, this is the truth, and no negro or negro-lover can contradict it, as I saw it with my own eyes. A Looker On. Tue Exhibition. — Notwithstanding the election excitement, last night, the attendance and receipts, thus far, are as follows : Receipts during yesterday, Total receipts, thus far, Attendance yesterday, Total attendance, To-night the Institute will positively close, w ith interesting exercises, which will commence at nine o'clock. Attractive Sale of Watcues and Jewelry at Auction by Kowbotham & Fraim,—T his evening at 7$ o'clock, the largest und finest stock of the kind ever offered in this city, affording a rare opportunity to purchase n fine watch or any article of jewelry at your own price. All goods warranted and sold without reserve. Sudden Death.—T his morning, Hurry Kyle, son of our well-know citizens, Chas. Kyle, died suddenly, at his residence, near Fourth and Jackson streets. He was sitting on the front step.!, when he was seized with violent pains about the heart, from which he soon after died. Sale of Money.—A t the régulai- month ly meeting of Delaware Loan Association, last evening, i *400 sold at 45 per cent, premium, and *150 at 20. Heather Iteport. Washington, November 508.05 88,101.05 711 12,800 I PROBABILITIES. For tho Middle States clear or hazy weather, southeast or southwest winds, ris ng temperature and high barometer. ■leaven's First Lewis Order, laxity iu eating, ileepiog and exercise and abstinence from such dangerous irritants as aleo.hol and tobacco, tond to secure a long and healthful life. But even a Btrict observance ot these wholesome ruleB will n<*t always avert sickness. The best safeguard against epidemic and other diseases i» Du. Walker's Cau fornia \ in soar Bitters, which, by promot ing a regular and vigorous action of the di gestive, secretive and excretive organs, keep the body iu the best possible condition for re sisting and repelling tho causes of diseuse. oct24-4wd&w DIED. KYLE.—On the 4th inst, Henry J , son ci Churles Kyle, in the 27th yeur of his age. The lriends of the family are invited to at tend tho funeral, Irom his late residence No. 832 west Fifth street, on Friday morning, at 9 o'clock. High mass at St. Peters. rUBLlC SALES. pUIlLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. PURSUANT to an order of the Or* phan»' Court, ot Chester County, will bo Bold at Public Sule, on TUURS- H{!jl DAY. NOVEMBER | 9. 1874. ou the ■LilL nremiseB, a mersuage und tract ot land of tbe late estate of MADISON PYLE, deceased, situated in Kennett township, in said county, bounded by lands of John M- Yoatman. James Cloud, Wm. Garrett. Edward Walter and others, containing ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE ACRES, 102 perches, moreorless. The improvements are a large two-story STOWE DWELLING HOUSE, wi'h kitchen attached, large doub!e'floored BARN, Wugon House. Spring House and other outbuildings There is u good Orchard of APPLES, PEAR and other trees on tbe premise». The fsrm is wall fenced, conveniently divided into en closures, well watered, clear of rubbish, and has about 12 ACRES OF HEAVY TIMBER upon it. It is within two miles of Rosedale Station, on the Baltimoro Central Railroad, tind about 1 mile from Auburn Station on tho Wiimington und Western Railroad, and con venient to mill«, stores and places of worship. Sale at 1 o'clock, P. M. Conditions at sale, 'forms easy. JOHN PYLE. JOSEPH PYLE. Executors. nov4t: TRUSTEE'S SALE. A T the Voshell House in Che^tertown, Maryland, TUESDAY, the 10th Day of NOVEMBER, 1874, at 12 o'clock, M. By consent ol all parties inters ted. the fol lowing valu.» b o Keil Estate, in Kent county. Maryland. 1. The HOME FARM, on which Mr, John F. Newman resides, contaiiiug 255 acres, more or le»s—within n mile or two ofChester vllle and Lambson »latio.i on the Kent Co.K. R. Tno buildings and improvements are good, commodious and ample. Fencing good, aud the Und, f«»r productiveness, un surpassed iu Kent County. Air, Newman will take plcasuu in showing the premise» to whoever mav .... 2 The PARKER FARM, near Millington, contains 2**1 acre», and i» on the main road between Millington and Massey's R, R *—• tion. ihe land is tine and productive, out-buildings are in flue condition. Both farm3 have orchardaof reasonable extent and fine lruit. There is a «V» acre wood lot a tew inilea distant from the Home Farm, for »ale. THE ThRMS APkF-èlü 000 at the time of sale or within Ob days: balance in 12 and 18 mo^tb». Tbe ca«h payment to be arportion ed axone the different parcels of land sold. A O- WOODAoL.TnusTiK. Geo. Vieker*, II. Hrrg(n, II. 'ihe Alt Ornera for tha parlier. Cct2C-2awts TBIBD EDITION. GENERAL NEWS. From South Carolina, there ia nothing da* Anita regarding the choice of Uovernor. The Oonaervatlvee have {probably canted tWfl a CODgreaelanal dlalriota. The Brotherhood of Railroad Conductor, now in aeaaion nl Baltimore. Naarly ail railroad, in the country nr, reprenantad. The proceeding, are aecret. The Supreme Court of the Coited State, haa uow before It the cue of tha State of Maryland agaluat the Baltimore and Ohio Rrilroad, iuvolviug the queatioa whether tha Company shall pay in gold or currency theiulcrcat on a loan from the State. Blinding Snow Storm—Naviga tion Impeded. Buffalo, Oct. 8.—The propr New York and a tow of five ba aller arges which left hero yesterday morniug, when near Long Point, were compelled turn back on account of a blinding snow storm. This morning the entire six vessels went ashore near Point Abcno, most of them high and dry, and cannot be reached with a line from any tug. The vessels were most ly laden with appless. The weather was so thick as to hinder navigation. Bask Ball.—A t tho Schuetzen Park, yesterday afternoon, a match game of base ball was played between the J. D. Shibo club of Philadelphia, and tho Quickstep club, of this city. The cool weather prevented a very great display of fine playing, and the game, at first, was very interesting. Towards tho last it grew close and exciting, and ten in nings were necessary to decide the re sult, the Shibe winning by one run. Be low is the score. Innings, 12345C78U10 Quickstep,» 50 10 20031 0—21 J. D. Shibe, 4 C302 0420 1—22 The Umpire, A. Keesendorf, of Phila delphia,becam a very unsatisfactory !at the end of the seventh inning, and was succeded by Tho3. Mullan, Jr. of tho Quicksteps. A match game of base ball was played on the McDowlellvilo grounds yesterday afternoon between the Young America and P. D. B. B. C., resulting in favor of the Young Amorica by a score of 29 to 1$. Pol .ice Cases.—S olomon Lewis.who voted illegally in tho Tenth Ward,yes terday was held to bail in tho sum of *300, for appearance at Court. The Mayor lias not yet heard the other el ection cases. One case of drunkenness was fined fifty cents and costs. Ladle* Wl*nin«r to t'urchaia a light running and Simple Sewing Machine, would do well to call at No. 1 18 Market Street,Wil mington, Del., and »ec one of the nicest Fami ly Sewing Machines in the world- It has no equal ; it sews from the thickest to Uie thlnest material if desired without change of needles. Our hobby is simplicity, durability, light running, and no threading-up required; self threading shuttle and »ell-settiug needle. Sold on easy monthly instalment, or a libérai discount off for ca»h. Ladies don'tbuy a heavy and complicated machine, but get tho light running New American. 71« Market St. Wilmington, iy7J*wlv J. 11. PRIMROSE. .Del. Axent. AMUSEMENTS. QPERA HOUSE, Monday, Novembsr 9th, V. E. BEAMKR. Manager FOR ONE NIGUT ONLY. The world renowned Comedian JT. HL. EMMET, creation of In hid "FRITZ, » 9 OUR COUSIN GERMAN. Supported by u full and complete Dramatic Company. Box ßheet now now open for aale of Re served Seats at Boughman. Thomas« Co. a. Booksellers and Stationers' Store RESERVED SEATS ADMISSION. .76 or 1 CO f or 75 eta According to location oct.3l fc.t.w.f m. Delaware Institute —OF— MECHANIC ART8. The First Annual Exhibition of the Delà* Inititute of Mechanic Art* will open wure On Saturday Evening. Oct*24ffY. At 0 o'clock. in the new building of James Bradford. Eaq • COR. OF THIRD AND KING STREBTE. I «rOpen dut y (except Sunday) from9 a. m. to 10 o'clock, P. M. Turks or Aduibsio* ; EXHIBITOR'S TICKET (SEASON) *1.00 EACH, (not tn.naferjblo, aul ia ued only ta exhibitors. SINGLE A OMISSION. CHILI,KEN (under 15 years. .45 CENTS. IS CENTS. Sunday school», publio and private school», coming in a body, in day time, lO cents p«r head. Package of »lx tickets for Tickets for sale at the door. oc24tf JJA8 EVERYBODY 8EEN THE NEW WEED SEWING MACHINE At the Fair ? If not, don't fail to do so. The attention of manufacturers of cloth and Leather goods, and of all who need Sew ing Machines for heavy work is especially In vued to see thl, new candidate for favor. It i, confidently believed that the «implicit? end »trot gth oi this Machine will convince every one at eight, that it i, THE MACHINE. AN AGENT FOR THIS CITY AND VI CINITY IS WANTED. K. M. Woodward Apply to C. G. Frick at the Fair, or Cor. Seventh and French St*. WEED SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. Of Hartford. Conn. novU-2 CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES* Second St.« 9 doors Weit of Market The undersigned respectfully Informs his friends and the publio that he haa on hand a large aud well »elected stock of SPRING AND SUM MER BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS, suitable lor Ladies. Gentlemen, Misse« and Children, which are manufactured from the best material and made in the best manner, and will be sold a» low as the »ame article can bo obtained in tlila or any other city. Ladies and gentlemen buying at my btoro will have the advanuce of a large and varied assortment from whiob to select a fashionable and un it fitting boot or shoe. The publio ura cordially invited to call and «X KftliS 8t00k "joÙM K.'bÄbCOÖK^ suyil-H Mi