Newspaper Page Text
CO AL A&D WOOD. WARM* 4 00. 0 H AK LU Markst Btreet^Wkarf, WiMtiOoro*, Dit.. Wholesale and Retail Lxmiei*« -IN AntRrwcite sad Ulinmtnous Cost. The only firm in this eity rere ving coal daily all rail, irom Cumberland region. ihe only firm selling Exclusively the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Company's Coal Every one should use the Shawaee Coal for family. ate tin or manufaoLuritg purposes. He guarantee it to make Dss ashes, prove economic*! and give better satisfaction I Leu any ooai offered in this market. ASK FOKSHAWNKBCIML. BURN SHAW A EE COAL. Tell yonr irien-'a what yon think of the SHAWNEE COAL. CHARLF8 WARNER A CO.. Uuk.l Street Whirl. jel2-ly. FILE & lVlURTHEY (Successors to Wm. II. Allmond A Bro..) Dealers in COAL AND WOOD, Cor 20th and Markst Street»., iKth Ward) WILMINGTON, DEL. Orders left with John P. Allmond, Eighth nnl Market streets. or ut our office, will be promptly attended to. Best Lobigh and Schuylkill Coni always on baud. inay7,74-ly OU U I'AI EI I M IHOIS ELIVKR THE BEST COAL INTO CEL LaKS without J.nltrtf D dumping on the r-ave G, \Y. BtbH AöüW. French Street Wharf. mont. JOSJEPH FOTJT SELLS ENTERPRISE. IIARLKIGH AND 6IIAWN4SB COAL AT SCHUYLKILL PRICES, dak and Pine WOOD by the cord and sawed. (MLhbors iu the We try to excel all preparation of our Coal, how lur we have succeed« l we will leave to cur customers to JdSEFH FUUT. Orange and Waterssree's say for us. jell FIANOS AM) OKU A A.S. ! PI A Not» ti^j For Ü200.00 and upwards. ORGANS Por $45. CO and upwards. For o tsh or UOBSUüN &BUO'8 'A'ururooms (UP STAIRS î ins'aliLeatd, *o tfUSICHAS CHARMS I > PllIOE REDUCED THE BEST IN THE WORLD Will Last a Life-Time ! 35.000 OK TUE CELEBRATED Shoninger Organs, IIN UA.ILY USF. ""he best musical talent of tue couotry recommend these Organs. The nicest and best. More for your money and gives better satisfaction, than any other now made. They comprise the Eureka« Concerto Orctssira anil Grand?. Illustrated Catalogues sent by mail, post-paid to any address, up on application to ii. SHONINGER & CO.. iSrtYeu, toon. : Cliildren's (Jlotiling, No/.iHIU, Market feltrei t. MHS, M. L. McDAPIEL, Uu * M. und fine usioitment of Chil •Jren s Clothing. Lassimerc*. Hamburg E*lg ings Hosiery. Trimming.*, Patterns.tfc.,which the is disposing ol ut low prices. Also CHILDREN'S CL0TI1ING CUT a ADE TO ORDER. _ __ 'm MAK VC KET STREET TH08. R. LALLY, »I3MA UKET STREKT.D tUUSINKSa, PUOl'ERTY.: BOUGHT AND EX CHANGED.: Houses Heated, Rents Collected. Loana Negotiated LEGAL PAPKUS rUEPAUED, aprlKdtf WM. S. WATT.! W. 1009 .«la, ket si red, PLUMBER,GA?t&STtAM FITTER Wisheshii and patrons to knowthat Le bas resumed business in the above bran cc; end would desire to renew their custom heretofore so liberally bestowod. Ho is pre pared lo do all kinds of work in his lino, and -uoirit estimates of coil, guitranreciog to f tiiFell <fontra«*ts and complete all jobs in most UBSTANT1AL AND WORuMANLIKE MANNER d Satisfaction to all will be try aiza, and the «mall possible profit ck&rgccb oka call. »P22-4 GROCERIES, HERMANN AHRENS, filNERAl PROVISION DEALER. No, 8?S îatb&Il Street, WILMINGTON .DEL. Would respectfully nounco to h ta friends . .. » ] nn s and \ tbo public that he still car "" r'j ou the Meut business at the old stand, and will rjsheep constantly on hand *£■ the host quality ot - ST7GAR-CUKED DAMP. ILITCH, 8H0DLDKR8. LARD. PORK. SAUSAGE. DRIED BEEF, ... , CHEESE, TONGUES. Ac.. Ac. All of which will be sold wholesale ami retail at the lowest city prices. He returns his thanks to his many custo* mers tor past favors and reapeetlully sol cits a continuance ot the same. IOHN V. allmond, Cor. 8th and Market streets, DEALERS ISj GROCERIES, TEAS, HFICUH, Sec.. A c. ill king St. & 2d and king. W R BOWMAN. Grocer & Tea Dealer, Privato Families Hotels. Reft.uranti and other consumers rupplied with) THE BEST GROCERIES" AT FAIR PRICE.®. AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Second and .King and 511 King IMr, uiay .30 3m THE,NEW STORE! JiÆYj MOTTO : "A QUICK DIME IS BETTl'R TUAN A SLOW ImiLLA it !" •• As I desire, ty of money, to sell ave bought exclusively for to sell at small profits and L keep on h n i nt ail tiui TThc Choir.csi Vnr.e'.y cf re**cuEt of the grr«r scnrci: the lowe-t Gg «•h, j* nd tiittnn »ke Quick Talcs. . i GROCERIES, At the doubt it tb fi- • *. Should v est h; t 1 b lot • X J 1 . d I , 1 1 l lrf u»y t. i 111 V. est f:ecor.d bîrtct, Vé. S tVil.IA IN. j r lU iolii J Ci: IWALEKS. WALTON & JAM35S. have rented the office No. 2 West Third Street. Formerly occuiiicd by the Franklin Tc'.«» gia;,h Co., where they will keep coustunt y on hand a good supply of their fine KENNEBEC HIVER ICE, And will receive orders for the {per. Persons who want ICE during the hot weil to call and 1c; early, und they will be guaranteed a hupp. thrntiKh the «*nti '«•ng good clear foil* months would th » their orders with thei apr22l i ARCTIC ICE COMPANY, O /fieri — >«1 Riitl 403 l. 3 ini »er« Poplar Kl i o »Î«, BThis Company will pyly the Wilmington during the balance of of 16" 1, ut u great reduction on r-rc ent r follows ; tens of ( f> I unds daily. 45 ccntf p< «kJ K» Id U5 U3J M îl U . 60 pounds daily. 40 cents each delivery: 100 pounds daily,70 cents each delivery ; 500 lbs and upwards, at §12 per ion. Being solicite«] l prominent citizens concluded to j ity the a bo n number of the most f Wilmington, we have lly «rtublish in this company, nnd will be thanklul lur the patronage ot all who buy the best article trou J* to 4U percent, be low the present prices. aug31-ahn J. B. COX ROW k SON. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE 01 : ICE *0n and afler Monday, August Jl: t. the prico of Ice will be reduced to the follow In? ratcp, 5 pounds dnily 8 do do do do 45 ceRt/» por week. «1.» do I I d«> «I«, 16 do do I do do 20 d do . 1 h do do 50 lbs. each delivery luo •• 1500 " and upwards.. Our Ice is of the best qua'.ity, ■old as low 40 IbO lbs i.l will lo CU crr.ts i < tho lo St. WALTON A JAMES. 15th and King and No. 2 W. 3.1 Sts. aprStf CHAM GrHS —IN— PRICES OF ICE. Commencing on Monday. August 31, sell leu ut tho ioltowi 5 pounds daily. 8 do e will 45 cent« per week. do do 12 do 85 do do 16 do 20 do 50 pounds daily, 40 cents e^ch dollvery; 100 pounds daily, 7u cents each delivery ; :\>j Its and upwards, at 6u cents per 10U pounds WWe guarnnteo in this city."(kA Omots—406 Shipley, 4th Walnut Sts. do do do tJ 1 1Ü do do ... ii low ». ny cne P.U3EY ii- 1UCI2, d Poplar. K16 ^ALTER CUMMINS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Wllmlnicton, !>«*!« NoT.ce—512 King M n t» i > •- »«. Po d»«:n-ir. N ÏW CHOP TUKN1P AND RUTA BEGA SEED. At W. N. CHANDLER'S, .oil Market su««t. l>7 THE ELECTIONS. J r'l v>J BY TELEGRAPH New Yobk City, Nov. 3—Ö P. M.—The returns are coming in fast. 175 Districts give Tilden, (Dom.) for Governor, 13,537, and Wickham, for Mayor, 10,930 majority. Scattering returns fr uniform Tilden gains. Poston returns favor the election of Harris, (Rep.) in the Second District; Ruffington in tho First District; Ayere in the Seventh; Hanks in the Fifth; Pierce in tho Third, and Frost in the Fourth. In Providence, the Republican candi* dates are elected in the First and Second Districts. the interior show THE OTHER ELECTION'S. Elect ions number o have rctei lows : ere also held, yesterday, In a wbicn we fol f other Sea cs, iro d te'egrapbic returns, PENNSYLVANIA. (Chester Co.—West Cluster gives a Re publican majority ot GûG, u »«in ol 312 over 1873. Clearfield — Clearfield Borough gives a Démocratie majority ot 8"». Lincoatcr co.—Marietta, 61 Republican majority. Ten dibtricta in tins county give a net gain ot over 337, indicating a Repub lican majority of 4UIH) iu the county. Columbia co.—lilooinsburg, 84 Democrat ic majority. Westmoreland co — Nit. Pleasant, republi can majority, CD. L Dauphin co.—Lukcns* Horough pi efi Lit. ui, dun., 10 majority. Heals runs ahead ot his ticket here. 11 iks county, 4003 majority. Clinton county gives 600 Democratic majority. Ailams county—400 Demotratio . jority. kork county—Democratic majority 2WJU. JelTerson county—Estimated Dcmc cralic majority Too. Venango county, estimated itcpul lican majority on tjtate 4'X). Lawrence county aliout 1ä00 Hcnub lican majority. Cheater county—estimated 1500 lie- publican majority on State ticket. -Montgomery county, about 700 Dem ocratic majority on State ticket. Cambridge comity, about 1200 Dem ocratic majority. Bucks county—Bristol Paxsen, lie publican, bas 104 majority. Armstrong county—Estimated 3500 Republican majority on State ticket. Allegheny county—Returns indicate small Republican majority on State ticket. Blair county—Five wards in Allen town give 270 Democratic majority. I.atta lias 7S majority in Monroe county—Democratic majority about 1800 , n State ticket. rtbumherland county, Mount ■1 r. i.u PaxsonlOl, Word ward 31, lb u .. I, Lebanon county—Jackson township, Ptixson 08 majority. I lauphin county—Middleton 70 Dent " ; majority. Bucks county—New Hope borough, Democratic majority 27. Juniata county—MeC'andless eleven ojority in this (Patterson) borough. 4 ork county—Six precincts give Democratic gains of 237. Norllmmpton county—Democratic majority in Frcnnasburg 42. Schuylkill county-Scliuylkill Haven Last Ward Olmstcad J12, Latta 53, Allen 112, Temple 53, Beals 110, Me Cnmlless 40, I'axsou 114, Woodward, Ii UK 49. Juniata county—PuttcTsnn Borough; I.alia 78 majority, MrCatulloss 08 ma jority, Stcngcr 74. Chester county—Five districts show Republican gain of 291. Womclsderf, Democratic of C3, i.rie county—In eight districts Dem ocratic gain of 825. Hamsburg, haistman, Republican, for Assembly elected hy 150 majority. Perry county—Wist er for Congress, 17 D majority—Millerstofte Horn, Re publican majority 22. MARYLAND. majority .Maryland, Dorchester Co., Cam bridge District, gives Goldsboro, Re publican, for Congre» 01. Six Dis tricts of \\ icomico Co. give Thomas, Dem., Congress 089 majority. Districts to hear from, probably in crease it to 7.50. Baltimore—Nine Wards city, com posing 3d Congressional Districts, gives O'Brien, Dem., majority of 4,450. Fourth District elects Swan to Con gress by 8900 majority* Fifth District Henkle, Dem., elected by 807majority. MASSACHUSETTS. Four * Butler reported defeated for Oon gresshy one thousand majority.Eighty seven towns give 190 majority for Tal bot, Rep., for Governor, BUODE ISLAND. Republican Candidates elected t» Congress. ALABAMA. Mobile gives Democratic majority of 1200. Richmond, Va., elects Wal ker, Dom., to Congress. new vom., 54 districts outside ot N. V. city gives net gain of 1213 for Tilden over last year, his majority may reach 30, 000 in the State. MASSACHC SETTS. Banks' majority is estimated hy liis friends at 5,000 iu the 5th district. 344 districts outside of N. Y. City gives Tilden Dem. , 28,000 majority.— Massachusetts—Belincd Ilern. Dover nor is elected, democrats rejoicing. NEW JEIÎSF.Ï. Assembly 40 majority, Atlantic Co. Little Egg llarhor, Halsey maj. 191; Dobbins maj. 187. Adams maj. 117.— Hunterdon co. Halsey, 33 majority in Frcnchtown, Mercer Co., East Wind sor township given Halsey 34 majority Smith Democrat for 51 Kongress ma jority. SStTJXG MA CUISES, GROVES' à BAKER'S s ±T3HW Lock Stitch SEWING MACHINE, 7J 607 KINO SI BKEB. may'-2 (Clayton House.) WEED Sewing Machine, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. To be hid at the Cor. Seventh and French Btreets, WILMINGTON. DEL icay^S 3m SKLK-ThuK iDING 8UCTTLK. EaBY TO.Of BXATE THE NEW A3IE RIOAIM Sewing Machine, 718 MARKET STREET, J. H. FHIRSROSr, Agent. Wt LM1NOTCN. DEI.. '•law A FORTUNE FOR $11 One Gift In Ganrnnteed to one of every eleven Conneni Ivc nniuber«. $50,000 FOR ONE DOLLAR. • NOW IS YOUR TIME." he'ps thosy v h > Lj!p theiu D.vno ForD 5C0.030 'Jioketg at $1.(0 from * iuw nr of all. •h. ni 5»H.h 00 mi l L'ly it wiiLin ihe ».eh Grana Gift Concert T i Aid of Public lin'rovements ii Cil,- of Deni.'or, Texas. the "nue Texas Gilt Conceit Association 'VILL GIVE A GRAND CONCERT Thursday L'ccemlVr 31,1874 And will Distribute to theTicket Holders $950,000 IM U1FTS. DEPOSITORY, FIRST NATIONAL BANK, DENISON. Distribution to commence immediately af ter the Concert. Mimagery ol tho Dirtribu tion chosen by the licket nolicrsand Prom inent Citizens. LIST OF GIFTS : 1 Grand Cash Gift,. S.V) ooo - ouo .,ftti ... 10.000 ... fi.ouo . 2,600 ... 1.500 . 5.000 ... 5 Old ... 4,500 . 5 WMI , 1 •• fro P» earl» 15«) 80 ll!(l l«kl llll Ml 1*0 J . 4 000 .. «5,000 Ooo U UM» (X SI I :t.7. r K» 46.250 40 1 .. Grand Cush Gifts, amounting tofÜÜÜ.OUU 22 Prizes in Real Estate, " 5'i.oOo 40.7 I'J.VB'J OiRs. lounting to REFERENCES: .0.1X0 Knowing (bat tho management of this A dation will he conducted os represented, we cheerfully recjmmend Ihe same to the pub James Leonard John Hnlfoid, John B McDougall. W. H. Winn. II. Tone. J. M. Cook. City cl Dei non. Tr Judge, Wui. D. ivirk. J. Ne vins City Treufurer. W. B- Bo.-s, Lott Star MUD. Weekly Times. DcnHon. E. E. FuMer, Alam ' Uotnl. 11. Joldsoll A Co., Xercha its. Wm. llughos. Real Estate Broke . First National Bank. Denison, Col. Frank Hchrader, Ex Mayor. Daily end Weekly News, Dor non. Samuel A. Cook, Konl Estate Broker, Col. T. 11. Warren, lteil K>tatu Broker, ( bus. A. Maurice, U. H. ComnntMonor, Col. Samuel Brooks, Galvnston. Texas, Jos. Perry, Attorney M. K. A T. R. K. J. W Jennings, Ex-Postmaster U. 8. Senate' Col. H. W. -heph« rd. Alamo Hotel, Denison, Geu G A. Beul, U- S Army. Ft. Griffith,Tex. Merchonts' A Planters' Bank, Denis >n , 8. U- Eddy. Division 'uu't M., K.& T.K U. Col, E. J. Strang. U M.U.S.A., Denison, Tex. Good«, btinnett A Co-, Cotton Brokers, Deni E. D. Chadick, Manager, Cotton Compress Co., Denison. A statement of tho Distribution will be pnolished and forwarded to ticket holde s, and all gifts will he promptly paid alter th« distribution, GOOD AND RESPONSIBLE PERSONS WANTED to wotk for tho interest of this As9oei iti n LIBERAL COMMISSION'S ALLOWED. HOW TO REMIT TO VH. Money should ho sent hy Express or by Draft. Post Office Money Order Letter. Registered Address alt Communications to ALPHEUSR, COLLINS, Sec'y., trXa». I» I.MKON octU-law- lui U8H'M B , STEAM FRdGHT LINE Ueavos 2d wharf above Chosiuut street, Pbila d«lphia. daily at 5 p. m.. and French street w Sarf. Wilmington, at 6 p. m. Freight hand ed carefully and forwarded with dispatch. <* W lillsM JOHNHOllm, ICE CREA VIH, CONFECTIONS, TOYS, fCUILDBEN'Si «)• c o a c ii u; h - v. F1H1C-WOKKH BA8KET8, WOODEN WARE, / Aud a generil asjiortuient of Staple Fun<*y Notions. id JOHN HO 1/1 >T No «U JAKKKT STREET. Ol'PtxHo thn Gnt.lte Ofll.... WiluloatoD. i'd. lw8 . ..... HARDWARE, . v ; D. Ä. KUNTÏo W./ ' IMPORTEES ANS MANUFAC.UREES' . Aturam IEON STkEL Hardware AND s COACH MATERIAL, Have the largest Stock of goods iu the State in their liue, and best assorted Stock in the United States. Nos, 205 & 207 Shipley &210 & 212 Grasge elicits, WILMINGTON. DEL. Wm. GREEN & Go., £ucoe*8ors tc Pedrick, Green A'Co.. ImporterM and UenerM In IRON AND STEEL, I ITUMIN0D8 COAL. OALVaNE'ED 1RO«. CtlAGR-BUILDERS' 11AKIJ WARF. , S. K CORNER OF THIRD and Nllll'l.n SIS., . nave always on . , ' | ' hand a full avsort / v] \ hieut ol 3 - Nfc y. IRON i STEEL Twt tie, -J, o "TZL Aniencnn Jium garedau.i Rolled Bars. Fnglial» Re nnoaRar« of all siy.«N, Ruud, iiooi* and Slit Iron,best Norway Nail rod« •d Dluuk l Ç ♦ and Auger Shapes, GaUanired sheet Iron, Cast, Shear. RliHur (Driuan, dwertn.Spring. Tire Mnrhinery.Huu'jaf) Steel. Smith. Coach,and other Hardware—Horae Snnee. Horse Shoe Nail*, Bora*. Holts. Clips. Nuts, Wanbers, ÂVIalleanle CuMtingM, V» agon Boxes, Spriogs, Axles, Spoltos Felloes, ShilRj; Bow«, Ae..CarriageCat. Y.M«, Oil Carjo-ts Rnt Linett, KiiHiualfd Top and Dto*i 4 Lcu her.and Corn'll lliirdwuruol all kind.-i; Iron V, ir. u u |. Vitiiixetl Nails. lUt.bit MoUl. Lead. S,.«lu, Banra fin. Sheet Zim*. y.*., **r»n*lst Cranks at «1 hoHi ie. Hue., Chain» SniDha' anl tools, Ar.\il lows, ffledir j*. ii Files. R Ac* , Ac. i'»g 1 K . H I h T Dr I • f Tw s.. 1 Die I Ira ■*. t Ail Of Wl ,14 a vt-y low s. wb -l • i.d pr. •ii l. I< i •h L ImH i THE GAZiLTTK OB PRINTING u OFFICE NO. 416 MARKET STREET, ILMINQTON WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS FOR Plain and Fancy Job Printing, BIHiJLj heads, POSTE lï, 87 CIRCULARS, DODGERS, &c., WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, AND AT TIUI LOWEST CASH RATES 'If &À Æ * /A Ii m s ? f/J VureK IJ y\ %■xf Ko .r Cirnr IS icier* nccoiu long unwell, pro ii"t dcHtroyuii by minor«; , mut vital organs wasted i *j t. ibi !•» vide«» t! I ot I iuw>n « lieViiiKi t !io I join Ol'spt iitui « r ladiurstioii, ITcmlnche, Pain in tit*- i-rhojii.i. -ti::!i'*, Tight ness of Uio client 1 hsydn botT .i i itlons or the Stomach. Ua • TaMo In tho Mu..,I, |:ilious Attacks, I'ulpltailon ot the Heart, Inti,iiimrat ion of tho Lungs, l»«in m ti l( Iou of tho kidneys. ami a hundred otherpahilu' symptoms nro t:i * Misprings of Dyspepsia, «no iiuttlo will prov • a belter guarantee of its merits a lengthy advertisement. I'rmalo C ots.plain!«. In young or old, married or ingle. r.t. tin dawn or womanhood or tho turn of !•; \ tin e Tonic ltd ter« display ho de tided un lufluence tt Improvement in soon r«»r (fcptlble. For nanti« mitte f repair. He M :*l Chronic Rite. Remittent and Intel f tin* blood. Liver, Kl i Litton huvo no enuti, t by Vitiated blood. They arc a (,'<»> IS*urgn«ivo nn writ n Tonic, poHAouslng the merit or acting a ; ■ •• rful agent in relieving Congestion nlory I « DU ml bladder, .■s nre c: I i »er« Snub Disci In Ham of the Liver nnd Visceral Organ«, uu*l lu m Dim l»l*c*n*oR, Eniptlona, Tetter, Salt Itliciun, liiot- lu .-a spotr 1 , Dimple*. Pustules, I?**.' Oarbnnclea, King Erysipel a«, Itch, : Humors ami Di or nature, are literally «lug up e) stem in a short time by ttie n«?e of tlieao lUtten («'ful 'ITanuNnH«l« proclaim Vinhoau Hr, itrs the most wonderful Invigoraut that ever au.. mined the sinking svrtcm. U. SI. it|el»ONAl,|> A CO. 1 Coo A^t*.. Si h . Stahl Hoad, Sore Eye:«. I *iricolorations of tho Skin, fihe HUin of whatever ti: d curried out oft ha <: Driurjilsfa :or. <*r Wnshfnirt« 1 EOLl> BY ALL DRUCiHSTO A DKALLRfl. Francisco, Cal dit*! niarlton Rta.. N. Y. ?Sgigj||flj «Jw yJ* 1 ' L'J| r r iori hi, OOK ACSEYTS HMYTED MAUT CLRMMBR AHK8 V k "T. n ^ Umhluitou." « IV E idoli o| til.- C*|i; " 11 If thf (üe II th t.... k «lly ; i py ok 1 11 orders [lliir . ' •Itip thcr h ii averager! MS erch week Im II.» all other book«, proved I*L* ■* already. It (■ «phndidly want 5/00 more untty Mill mail ooiilt ! do you ptunphlal«. with tcu von bow tj it hr the sale of nil ai NOW - Vo.01,0. bly bound 11 W : f rUl j; Honvy t Tl X'hîy mV i A li. M o f. tïïïll b.;i i iv-it snd f. rtbom. *y\ddrt«r», . Lu.. Ûaitiord. Cunit. 'VI LMINGTON WAGON WORKS, C ,n, tiintl y on hauil nndinndet rd .»r Enproac, Market, Truck, Farm, Goristautowii Snoath'u Patent Tilting V,'agcnn. Curt.», I'u^U Cutiant.Barrowi ; also. ihgrictiltiirul Implements, whi*«h are boing sold at t.i iuding HARROWS :uul CE DTI VA TOR i * f the M PLO All N rc. Wiley, De • ith or w ock bout centre I He -mu t «Irait. Ri'P»irinq and Promptly r cuted. BLACK SMI THING i*.irticu!j xe* all in broichec attention paid t*. HOUSE SHOEING. All diseas ness. I'.oi,]... Of ih« I« 1 c of b ing trout ft J cl Dunbar System SUCCESSFULLY ; Interf.r; K g.Hiiil |< née-. : ht «nl »n«i left «lia rely •dithin by the a permanent removed, a es of acute U of \vb cl, in CU Lament**-« fro inmediate i 1 Ii fo Di Ui nd various r .. heretofore bool ' Viitcri Application ol tho nd cured. J at the offico the s eitiiini lern! it.. t . il hot i i 1.1,1«. I «•! I DUN BA It ^vStSi A natomical s; » « in»,. na . ; abn tho, the Dillil,: i ng : II a v ■ it it reuse to f iuire a h.»*:« t, and being In,in Air. llCthod Ot •t the worst en and per 11:1 ° r «»ee Nfreer. VHOOI.MA1Ï gll ] I tl «V Ulilh tr • hasimparted hi itmont. [ a ■ el , the public 1 employ only sonaiiy supervire all *pg r< a r«l pet U Ill S5UÖ KBAVAKD. Th« above ro.Turd w ill oo paid for INFORM ation Ibut (till load to tl l8 AHBEST:AND CON sVTTtvn " JI ' 3onor persons *uilty of SETTING 1 illL to any DWELLING STA. BLE. KUUFS or'nlhsr build in*. V(i-»h o.isn-tr. J- L. SIMMS. Mayor. GEORGE VICKERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (hi ifortowi I« Kent Co , i»i«l. W. W. VU UCK*. ATTonmcv A f i - A\v. do W I LL IA IV3 LALLY. WHOLESALE DEVI.EU IN Brandi s Whiskigs, IVIN &c 211 EASTIIONT FSTEEET. Uotvrcen Irvnch uni Wnlnut s.:',, II.MINGTOn'. cî;,. MIt,TOIT, p n*nr 9 r. o X , r ieti, r . •1. fpm X ICC etor. n oi the 1' S I!, e i:.1 Intel* liecn fitted l,r. unit arte,,tim of |" r ,, !, I.V..C.1 amoec the |.e.t hoteli luO-Jy w I i • insi TÎ-'Y R-; H ' I », j\ w i -oii BAi.E. Apply I*» Mr, CUAp.ROÏTEinKNDnrCKSON. Chilatiano iluadtei.