Newspaper Page Text
COAL AKD WOOD* 0HARLNS WARNER A OO. V Market Street Wkaxl, Wuiuimii, Dak iThr*-*- end Retail Uoalo*» -Ot liMtuMlU nt Bitaminotti teal. Th« only Arm In thli city rece'Tlr-i oo«l dully nil rnll. Horn Cumberlnod rtllon. only Ann MUirf* Èioi-ÜBIVILT th. nnd WllkMbnir* Coil Company'! O at a i ihe Lehigh JBveryone should nee the Shawnee "Cbal for amily. steam er manufacturing purposes. Wo guarantee it to ®akel*m ashes, prove more economical And give better satisfaction then any coal offered in this market. ASKIORBHAWNNKœ^^^^ T.U TO« frl.ndl »hat you think of tho 8HAWNEE COAL. CUARLKS WARNER A CO.. Maiket Strict Whirf. JelMy. FILS & MURFHEY. (Suooraion to Wm. II. AUnoud A Bro..) Dealer* to COAL AND WOOD, Cor 20th and Market Streets » (9th Ward) WILMINGTON, DEL. Order* l«ft with John P. Allmond, Eighth and Market streets, or at our office, will be l> BÏf liÄh «d fchuylkm Oral .1W.T. « «ud. m.y7.74-ly «IIRPATENTWAWOSI» pkBLIVBR TBS BEST COAL INTO CEL LaRS without."£ H °y*5S™ French Street Wharf. mène. JanlEtf JOSEl'H FOOT BELLS ENTERPRISE. HARLKIGH AND BHAWNEB COAL AT ECUUYLKILL PRICE?, dak and Pin. WOOD by thecord and sauod. W« try to «id all our nei.bborn in the preparation of our Coal, how far we have ■ucoeedad wa «111 '•»"jJ^SJI.'iS'foÜ" ' Orange and Water streets pay for as. jell PIANOS AND ORGANS. PIANOS For-$290.00 and upward« ORGANS For 845.00 and upwards. on instalments, at BOBELBN&BRO'S Warercoms tUP 8TAIR« > For cosh MJSICHAS CHARMS I PRKJEZREDUCEI-). No. THE BEST IN THE : W0RLD graph on Will Last a Life-Time ! And mer. ICE well oarly, thron 35.000 OF THE CELEBRATED Shoninger Organs, ;IN DAILY USE. The .best musical talent oi tae country recommend these Organs, i'he nicest and best. More for your money,and gives better satisfaction, than any other now made. Thoy comprise the of a* and low Illustrated Catalogues sent by mail, post-paid to any address, up on application to ;B. 8HONINQER 81 CO.. New Haven, Conn. i wl Children's Clothing, IS 0.1,810. Market Street. Mrs, m. L. McDaniel, Has a new and fine assortment of Chil dren's Clothing. Cassimeres. Hamburg Edg ings Hosiery. Trimmings, Patterns,<fc.,which prices. Also ï she is disposing of at CHILDREN'S CLOTHING CUT a [TO ORDER. -19 MAR KET8TREET ADK THOS. R. LALLY, K1ÜMARKET street, BUSINESS. PROPERTï;;BOUGHT e 8GLD: and ex Housea Rented, Rent« Collected, Loans Negotiated LEGAL PAPERS PREPARED aprl8dtf _ WM. S. WATT* |NO. 1009 Maiket Blreet, PLUMBER, GAS,& STEAM FITTER WisheshD frlexulsajad patrons to know that ho has resumed business In Ihe above bran ees and would desire to renew their custom heretofore so liherally bestow« pared to do all fcio<M of work «uomit estimates of oost, g finish alise htrMls ênd eomp most —-a— UBÖTANT1AL AND .WORKMANLIKE MANNER. BiMafaction to all will be my and the »mill posiibto mtl ÇUMVeiB «ir.nb.MlL -, _ In bis line, aod tu> rant coin g ■ lete all jobs i' in *1-38-1 GROCERIES* HERMANN AHRENS, BINERAI PROVISION DEALER. Bo. 833 Tatnall Street, O wamm del. 4, Would IMMtUdk **>: nouno. to ht, friend* ud asa tho publio that ho »Mil ou |"S rira on tho Most bull ora» At the old stand, and will keen constantly TT^^i'Ê^stmAR-CU RKD HAMS. ILITCH, su LA SAbflAÖFr DRIED BEEF. , CHEESE. TONGUE«. Ac.. Ac. All of which will ha sold wholesale and retail at the lowest city puces. He returns his thanks to his mers for past fav» rs and respectfully sol cits a continuance of the same. fps on ol DKKb. JOHN V ALJUUONO, Cor. 8th and Market streets. DEALERS IB} GROCERIES, TEAS, HPICKH, Ac., Ac. 511 King St. & 2d and King. W R BOWMAN, Grocer & Tea Dealer, Private Families. Hotels. Rest urants and other consumers supplied with THE BE3T GROCERIES AT FAIR l'RICE?, AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. *cro»<1 ai.» Klne •**<• 911 Kl "« mayoOSm THE NEW STORE 1 MY MOTTO : a: QUICK DIME IS BETTER BLOW DoLLaKI" As I desire, on rc'ount of the great scarci ty of uionev. to sell at the lowest tig are. I have bought exclusively for cash, and intend II profits and make quick sales, ban l a( all times Tho Choices! Variety of THAN A sell at fu eep GEOCEEIES, At the most rcnsnnnjjlo llgnrrs, Should you I arid examine doubt it, you hove but t my goods and prices, and you Mill bu con vinced. Don't forget the number. Ill Vi est Second Streo'c, »V. N MEI.TIS. jel9i3tn ICE DEALERS. WALTON & JAMBS. was then and fn uv-m'v • [ I, " •■:»<! il • have rented the office No. 2 West Third Street. Formerly occupied by tho Franklin Tele graph Co., where they will keep constantly bund a good supply of their fine on KENNEBEC RIVER ICE. And will receive order? for tho coming sum - mer. Persona who want a good clear solid ICE during tho hot summer months w«>ulu do well to call and leave their orders with them oarly, and they will be guaranteed a supply thron pb the on tir e season. _ ap r *22tt i i .« uou the arctic ICE COMPANY, Offices—So*, a/, att Second ami 403 fttreate.! pulse is se that body for jail or IPopli This Company will supyly the citizens of Wilmington during the balance of the season a great reduction of 1S74. at a* follows ; present prices, 5 pound.* daily. 45 cents per week. 8 ** *' K> .* s'* ! ■ " ■ 16 " 11.19 . CO pounds dnily, 40 cents ench delivery ; 100 pound.* daily, 70 cents euch delivery ; 500 lbs. and upwards, at $12 per ton. Being solicited by a number of tbe most prominent citizens of Wilmington, we have concluded to permanently establish in this community tho above company, nnd will bo thankiul tor the patronage of all who wish to buy the best article trom to 40 per cent, be low the preseut prices. aug31-ulm J. B. CONROW t BON. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF ICE •On and aller Monday, August 31st, the price of Ico will be reduced to the following rates. 41 cents per week 5 pounds daily do do do do do do 85 12 do do 18 do do do do < 5 do 11<) do 20 do d i 50 lbs. each delivery 100. £500 " and upwards.. CO cents per 100 lbs Our Ice is of the best quality, and will be •old ai low aa the lowost. WALTON & JAMES, aprfttf 15th and King and No. 2 W.3d Sts. OHANGB -IN PRICES OF ICE. ex Commencing on Monday. August 31, we will sell loo at the following prices: 6 pounds dally., 8 do do . 12 do do . 16 do do . 20 do do . .45 cents per week. .. 65 do ... 85 do ... 95 do .ra 110 do •lo do M do 50 pounds daily, 40 cents oach delivery ; 100 pounds daily, tu cents each delivery; 500 lbs. aa<l upwards, at 60 cents per 100 pound*. mat vie guarantee to sell as low in this city. any one PUSEY Ornczs—406 Shipley, 4th and Walnut Sts. A RICE. Poplar. 1316 apr7tf that bran custom the USH'S B STEAM FftllGHT LINE aod ■ i' Leaves 2d wharf above Chestnut street. Phiia ■lelpbia.daily at 5 p. m., and brench street wharf, Wilmington, at 6p. m. Freight hana ed carefully and forwarded with dupuUih. U. w. BlJbU. in 0'1'ICE.—JAMES U.BKGGfl has removed his office to No. 6 West Eighth street, 's Building. Bricks of gif finds on lo west muifcct r*tos, Jyl4U N Altmond* huid.v THE EXECUTION. UDDERZOOK HANGED. SCCKS ON TH* SCAFFOLD. West Chestvr, Pa., Nov. 12.—During the whole of the . o rain g the prisoner has been in close conversation with E« vs. Evans, Best and Harris, his spiritual di rectors. Ho appeared calm and ready for his fate, and for some time insisted on making a speech from the»cattold. At half-past ten o'clock the reporters and deputies were admitted together with the jurors, who tried the case, and the doc tors. Joseph Perdue, Esq., Udderzook s counsel, had a brief interview with him at ton o'clock. Udderzook then engaged in his devo tions and told Mr. Perdue he would sse him os he came down stairs on his way to the scaffold. He was apparently resign ed to die and manifested no emotion whatever. Mr. Perdue declined giving him any advice about speaking from the gallows, thinking his words cannot now do him hurt or benefit. At eleven o'clock Sheriff Gill entered the prisoner's cell and told him to be ready for execution between half-past eleven and twelve o'clock. The priso ner nodded his head assentingly, but make no reply. He then turned his head aside, as if further conversation on the subject was undesirable. Between the hours announced the Sheriff again entered and informed Ud derzook that he would now have to lead him le'.ow. He postponed pinioning the P risoner until the scaffold was reached. 'lie procossion from the cell to the prison yard was very small, consisting onlv oi tho prisoner, who walked in front accom panied on either aide by Rev. Evans and Sheriff Gill, and followed by Revs. Best and Harris. Prior to his romoval it should be men tioned Major McFarland, deputy sheriff, read tlio death warrant, received by Sheriff Gill on tho 14th of October, and then the deputies were sworn in, and took thoir places in the yard. At seven minutes past twelve o'clock precisely the little cortege passed through the passage door into where the deputies were assembled, and the prisoner for the first time behold the terrible instrument of death, which he surveyed with the ut most coolness, and did not falter the slightest in his steps as, with firm, steady tread, he approached tho beam and as cended the fatal platform. Arranged around tho yard were tl. favored lew who held passes. Udderzook was dressed in a suit of black clothes, and patent leather slippers, and wore a white shirt with jet studs. On the left lappel of his coat he wore a largo hoquet of flowers. After sitting for a moment on a broken chair on tho platform the prisoner and clergymen kneeled, and Rev M. Best made a prayer of three minutes duration. At iU close the group on the scuff old stood up nnd Udderzook held aconversa tion in a low tone with the three clergy men and sheriff. The deputy-sheriff stood on the scaf fold stops, and while the conversation was going on shouts of small boys from surrouncing house tops sounded with tcrriblo distinction on the cars of all as sembled. The boys were hidden from view by the boarding, but their dote proximity outside Without delay the sheriff was apparent, then pmoinod the prisoner s arms and knees and hand«. The man whose end was now fn near, teemed tlio IcaaL unconcerned ot uv-m'v body—catling Liu eye« first over ibo »d t ho next lifted them to heuveu and a «Wort prayer, the end of which waa, • [ look t<» .fe.MJH he will, and all 1 I, »veto h>\ i« that I urn a si nuci,8 saved by copied of God." " The««' v « re hia last words, and when he •■:»<! «htkHii bunds with the clergymen, eher il und «1 - 1 » u t y the rope was pulled and with loud lurch the heavy body of the con • mued du - do was dangling from the repo, i In« w us at twenty minutes just twelve i .« tho first three minutes;there was uou except a slight forward movement In the legs, but two miuutes later the chest heaved and tho shoulders and back were raised convulsively as if the convict were struggling for breath. Dr. Jaa. 11. Wood now began feeling tho At 12.30 mo pulse which was going rapidly, is pulso had ceased to beat,and a cold cor se swinging at the end of tho rope wax all that remained ot tbc famous criminal Ud derzook. After hanging the customsry lime the body was cut down, aud removed to the llicksiic Filends' Cemctry near this place for intermeut. About seventy people m all witnessed the execution, and outside the jail In the street were assembled some four or five hundred village gostippers: of E. J w 506. 506. LAY ASIDE EVERYTHING I CALL AT ONCE ! " .od b. convinced (GOODS NEVER BOXHEAP EF0RK.1 Reducing Stock »t BELOW CO T PRICES DRY G-OODS. BOOTS AND SHOES: Crockery and Glassware. The greatest variety and the largest assort ment of goods in tbe State, he member the place and number ADAMS & BRO. 500. Market Street. 506. WILMINGTON.I DEL. ian3-tl __ VIT ALT ER CUMMINS ATTORN ICY-AT-LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Wilmlofftoa, Del« Notice— 512 King St*. n»t door bi Po dftoffMf. Tile New Castievagmy MUTUAL Insurance Company, No. 602 Market Street, INSURES AGAINST FIRE, Huubob and all other kind« 100 ot Building« with their con tentB, For periods of time varying from 3 month to a term of years. Managbbb: William Tatnall, william Canby. auks Braoforl>, Gko. KlCHakusog, u„nn Guybr, Sam'lCakby. Chah. W. Lowland. Clement B. Bmit*. Edw'd Bbinohurbt, Jambh Hiddlk, Kuw AKD T. BkLLAH. A. V. «HANNON. Ahbton Kichardhon, Geo. 11. Bates. M. M. Cleaver. WILLIAM TATNALL.Pres't. -bill J on BAM'I- SMITH. Sec y. SE\f À SG ESk GROVER & BAKER'S 'NEW Lock Stitch. SEWING MACHINE, 607 KINO STHKBE. 71 Silv-Thbeadino «hchl*. Easy toJIvskavi a in ay 2 (Clay'on Uoise.) WEED Sew in j Machine, TBK BEST IN TUE MARKET.! lo be btd at the Cor. Seventh and French Streets, WILMINGTON. DEL may28 3m TEETH NEW A>1E Ul CA IV Sewing Machine, 718 MARKET STREET, J. H. PRIMROSF, Agent Wl L Ml NOTON. DEL. e9d*w A FORTUNE FOR $1 ! i ran to oil every devcu Consrnnlve m oi Ono Girt In Gi I be I $50,000 FOR ONE DOULe-H. "MOW IS YOUK TIME." Dame Fortuneho'.ps thos, win h-l|> them selves. 5C0.(k>U Ticket* lit $1 <U from I to JjfH).' 00. inclusive, low price ol tickets bring*» i of hII. bvr.'.l ding ich r Grand Gift Cone art its : n the In Aiil of l'u"!i Citv of Deni . lo* r r i i ic Texas Gill Conceit Association WILL GIVE A GRAND CONCERT Thursday llcccmb'r 31,1374 And will Distribute to thoTickot Holders $«50,000 IIV «IFTS. DEPOSITORY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. DENISON. Distribution to commence immediately ni ter the Concert. Manager* of ike Di. tiibu tion chosen by the lieket Holders and l'i op inent Citixens. LIST OF GIFTS: 1 Grand Cush Gift. ..$-*•0 000 ••• " : 15,100 10.000 5.000 2.500 1.500 6 000 f. 0-0 4.500 5.000 5 000 2.50J *1 000 5.000 5.000 ».760 4Ü.250 ■ I 1 I I '* $*«KJ ouch. 10 2ü " 15 100 5 1 ' > 1 10U 203 - 10 500 5 tl.100 1.505 46.250 2 l A " J 4y.767 Grand Cash Gifts, amounting t<* }2<K).(X)0 22 Prizes in Real Estato, " ** 5>.UU0 49,780 Gifts, amounting to. $259.610 REFERENCES : Knowing that the management of this A .« > oiatiou will be conduct«'I ns reprcDcnted. wo cheerfully reejminend the same to the pub Jsmes Leonard. John Ilolford, Job McDougall. W. II. Winn. 11. Tone, J. M. Cook, Aldermen. City ot Dociton. Texas. Judge. Wm. D. Kirk. Kevins City Treasurer. . R. Bons, Lone Stnr Mill*, Weekly Times. Denison. E. U. Fuder, Alum > Hotel, M. Goldsoll Jk Co., Merchants. Wm. Hughes, Real Estate Broke-. First National Bank. Denison, Col. Frank «ehrader, Ex Ma>or, Daily and Weekly News, Denison, gamnel A. Cook, Koni Estate Broker, Col. T. II. Warren, Ileal Krtute Broker, Chat. A. Maurice. U. «. Commissioner, Col. Hamuel Brooks, Galvnston. Texns, Jos. Petry, Attorney M. K. <k T. R. It. J. W- Jennings, Ex-Postmnstor U. «. Senato' Col. II. Vf. Hhepherd, Alamo Hotel. Denison. Gen. G. A. Beul, U «. Army. Ft. Griffith,Tex. Merrbnrta' & Planters' Bank. Denison , H. G* Eday. Division Kup't M., K. ä T.R R. Col. E, J. «trang. U M.U.Ö.A.. Denison, Tex. Goode, btinnett A Co-, Colton Brokers, Deni son, E. D. Chadick, Manager, Cotton Comprois Co., Denison. A statement of tho Distribution will be published and forwarded to ticket holdo «, and all gifts will be promptly paid utter the distribution. GOOD AND RESPONSIBLE PERSONS WANTED to work for th« interest of this AsaocWti n LIBERAL COMMISSIONS ALLOWED. lb D J w HOW TO REMIT TO US. Money should be sent by Express or by Draft. Post Offico Money Order or Registered Letter. Address all Communications to ALPHEUS R. COLLINS, Sec'y.. 0ctl3-law-Jm 1)L\ISII.\ TEXA8, JOH JN HODl » Y , ICE CREAMS, CONFECTIONS, TOYS. CHILDREN'S; COACHK8 FIRE-WORKS BASKETS, WOODEN WARE, con And a general assiortment of Stanle and Fancy Notions. JOHN BOIrDY N. 4U JARKET STREET. Opposite the Gasotte Offi .id, Wilmington lU. Î F, YOU WANT A FINE IMPORTED German Hinging Canary Bird, W. N.CHANDLKU'ö. til Mat street, and buy one. Ju t in. direct firom Europe, a large invoice of «icily Canary, lleinp and Rape Seed, which we are selling very low. & W, N. CHANDLER, till Maik.utre.t. HARDWARE. D. H. KENT &. CO.. IMPORTKM AND KANUTAOTÜ UW asintb ton IRON. STlbEL. Hardware, AND COACH MATRfclAL, (lave the largest Stock of goods in the State in their line, and best assorted Stock in the United States. BTos, 205 * 207 Shipley &210 A 212 Orange strerts, WILMINGTON. DRL. Wm. GREEN & Go., Suncevori tc Pedrlok, Green a:Co.. Iim.ort^r. and Deaer» In IRON AND STEEL, i ITUMINOUrt COAL. GALVANIZED IRUih. COACn-HUILDERS' HARD WARE 6. E CORNER OF THIRD and 8IHPLEI RTS., uave always on hand a full assort ment of ; .i£> 'I/' »V ra N i STEEL Pc»t kierds o ^ A nier 1 car. Ilain uiered aou Rolled .TvBars, English Re M tinea Bars of all O sises, Band. Hoop, a nnd Slit iron,best Norway Nail rods a a-. Via s d lilac k a ml Auger Shapes, lia» van short Iron, Cast. «hear. Hlnaar German, wede. Ôpnng. Tir. M.chinery.anuTap Steel. Smith. Coacn. and other Hard war«—Horse Snots. Horse Shoe Nails. Borax. Bolts. Clips. Nuts. Washers, MslIeHiile Castings, Wagon yoios,Springs, Axles, «pokes.Felloes,Shafts; Uu*"h. dr«^.. Carriage Canvass, Oil Carpets Rat tmett.Liuimeled Top and Dash Leather,and Con,'!» hardware«»! all kinds; Iron WireGai vunir-od Nails. Babbit Met»), Le *1, Spelter, •i l'in, Sheet /.in«, <kc., (Jrindstoner, inr». KoDerE. BacA Chains, Ac , As. i.11 .•« * nnd other tools, AnvilA, V io«u-. Bel Medg s. 11 immer*, bboemg Knives. . ItHspi», Siaitts Dr Ils. T re Venders, . Stock■< -tail Due All of which will . wboLsale i . redit. Iv B«i Cr lo Ir.» i be s«jld at very low 1 reu. i, tor cash oraj> march 2 . 1888 pi THE GAZETTI3 OFFICE be «, the n NO. 416 MARKET STREET, ILMINOTON WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS FOR Plain and Fancy Job Printing, by BILL HE3ADS, POSTERS CIRCULARS. DODGERS, &c. and WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, are & AND AT Tin; LOWF-ST CASH BATES < t * A Y, II m #■ « EURE \jj v\ Sr No IVrfton cnr. fn! r tlirar flitter« accou. nul rcinuln long unwell, pro arc not destroy oil by miners; Ing lo directions, vlded tliclr I» voiKon or other is ••sum, and vital organa wasted oovond tho point « : repair. er : udion, llondartio, Tain in tho Shoulder*, ( <>nghn, TlghtneBs of tho Cheat, Dizziness, Sour Km» talions or tho Stomach. 15a.I Tasto III tho Mouth, Unions Attacks, Palpitation ot fhe Heart. Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region or tho kidneys, and a hundred other paiulir svinptoins, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia, ono bottle will prove abetter guarantee of Its merits than a lengthy advertisement. |'«r I'nunlc (oik plaint«, In young or old, mai ried or tingle, at tiio dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Hitters display so de rided on Influence that improvement Is soon per ceptlblo. For Inflammatory Rtsil Chronic Ith«, mniiaiu and Gout, bilious, Ponnttent und Intel initient l evers. DLscascsof the blood, Liver, K 1.1 nets mid bladder, tliero Ritters have no equal. Su« h Iliscascs oro caused by Vitiated Hlood. n get»lie Purgative nm well r using tho merit of acting as They nuwvrJul a'gMit in relieving congestion or Inflam million «d tue Liver ami Visceral Organs, and in lit'. loua Diseases. shin I»»Hc:vd< e, Eruption*. Totter, Salt Itlicmn. Diotchcs, spots. 1 impies, Pustules, Hulls, Carbuncle, lling-Worm*. S< aid Head, Boro Eyes. Kryelpolas, Itch, Scurfs. Discolorations or the Skia Humors ami Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, arc literally dug up and carried outotiliu byslem In a short linto by the use of tlieso Hitters. CS mlel'nI ThAii«iiii(l« proclaim Yinkuak Hit ? t wonderful luvlgorant that ever au. Valued the sinking system. it. ii. itici)o.\ii.n & co. DrugglStH and Gen AaU., San Francisco. Ca.., A ♦or. of Washington ami Charlton Sts., N. Y. SOLD 11 Y ALL DRUGGISTS &. DEALERS. n the 0? [ONLY ritOMI m lib 1 . üÄr'iücl [büTi ill Ktw V. b. 9 OOK AGEYTS WAITED MARY CLEMMER AMES' book ••Ten Y «are In Washington.^ Il portray■ th« " inner life," wondera, nuurtlt, my» torie«, «eerct doing«, etc., ol the CapiUd, ■» « "unie enrol« Woman errs them." It ft the racleit, bright eat, nnd best new book out, actually overflowing with aplcy ravelaUona, humor, patboa, and gofnl tklaga for all. Oui Agent took 444 ordera iu on* towuabip i another haa averaged KM each took for 41 ioeekt. It outaella all othar hooka, proved a th« aal« of over UO.OOO copie» already. It la aplendldly utratedi auperbly bound. W« want 5,000 more Uu»ty K ota KO W—men or women-and wa will mail outfit re to thoae who will canvaaa. Kräder I do yo make money f Than «end for onr large pamphlet«, with full partlrufara, extra term«, «tc.-they will tuU you how te toll. They «re Fret to all. Bend for them. Addre»«, 4 lk Wokthinqto* h Co.. Hartford. Conn. WILMINGTON WAGON WORKS, Constantly on hand and made to order ExproHP, Market, Truck, Farm Germantown AKD Sneath's Patent Tilting Wagons, Carts. Push-Carte and Barrows ; also. agricultural Implements, " which are bcinfc sold MUt cost, inclnding'!'' PLOW«, HARROWS and CULTIVATORS All Nos. of the Moore, Wiley. Peacock and Fleckendorn Plow*, with or without centre draft. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Exc» cuted. BLACKSMITH INC in all its hr»nohss. i nrticular attentb n paid to HORSE-SHOEING. All diseases of the foot, nnd en* of lame ness, incidental to shoeing or fast driving treat e«l der the Dunbar SyMtein SUCCESSFULLY Interfering invariably cured in onco shoeing Knuckling and knee-sprung horses imme diately benefited and left in n condition by the aid of which nature soon effects a permanent Lameness from corns instantly removed. Immediate relief given in cuscs of acute founder. Diseases of the above nature and various others ertaining to tho foot and leg. heretofore considered incurable by "Old School" Veteri narians, nre by a iudiclous application of the DUNBAR 8Ÿ8TEM relieved and cured. Anatomical specimen exhibited at tbe offico showing oause and effect. Havi been at great expense to thoiough knowledge of the subject, ... the only smith in tbe «täte to wh« Dunbar hue imparted his valuable method ot treatment, I urn prepared to treat tho worst ca«e the public can bring forward. I employ only competent men and per sonalty supervise all operations. Office m •% •«» 113 Orange Street. V WOOI. HAM 3 uirc a being Mr. JJRIME Timothy, Clover ana Orchard Grass Seod, FINE MIXED LAWN. WHITE DUIC CLO VER, GREEN GRASS. DWARF GERMAn'wÄX, DWARF WHITE WAX BEANS, VETE. DARK RED~EGYPTIAN, BAS TIANS SIMONS A OTHER BEET HEEDS. EXTRA EARLY CARTER'S FIRST CROP LAXTIIS ALPHA. LITTLE GEM, FRENCH WRINKLED AND OTHER PEAS. TROPHY TOMATO. HANSOM LETTUCF. With a fresh supply of reliable Flower and Garden Hoods, mai 2d if SMITH A BREEN. Fourth and bhlpley. WILLIAM LALLY. WHOLESALE dealer in Brandi s, Whiskies, WINEH, dkc.,' 211 EABTROJVT FSTREBlTV d Walnut Htrects, WILMINGTON. DLL Between French Poncior Houso FÆXLTOIT, nEX,: J. F. HART, Proprietor. , and roprf T 1IIS House has lately been fitted up receives strict attention of the rr etor, and Is classed among tho best hotels of the Peninsula. ie*>lyw ajUOBGE VICKKR3, ATTORNEY AT LAW (üieslertowiL Muni t o , !H<I, VI. W. VICHKKN, ATTOltN IC V ATiLAW, do 4*W SD-J9 I