Newspaper Page Text
in and of DAILY GAZETTE. 0. P. Joh if son, Editor and Proprietor el. every Ri m-hot St.. •M*>n »li i«wn nod o weekly. sett on of la. he be bo ted of Th* Daily Garktti is jpbnflted tornoon, (Sunday exceptent and served by carriers tc subset In* parts of the city and surrouiftinmt villages, for six cents a wqek,bnji|j| Yearly subscribers, $3 in dRymcoMt T3* ONLY DKUOCHATI&' , D*Tf'T ÎN TtT* STATt. Thb Dklawari Gazette, established 1784. Is the largMtand most flourishing weekly in the State, bnd has a larger circulât lb n than rmiy other pit the Peninsula. J'u Wished cveiy Friday morning, at 82 a year, in advance. WIUHNGTUN, DEL.KOV, 2i Ift?4 Negro Suffrage a Crime. By their own »howing negro suffrage is We do not insert that it was a crime. perpetrated in a spirit of revenge upon the South oa well a3 ti> secure offices and proffit in the North as well aa the South for Radical politicians. But crime has been the result of negro suffrage in the South, lu addition pov erty and distress has arisen from it both in the South and the North. Had the negroes preponderated in the Nothern States os they did the Southern States, the Radical party would not have admitted negroes to the right of suffrage without some guarantee that they would vote their ticket. If Republican institutions can only be maintained by education and the intelli gence of the people then it was manifest ly a crime against republicanism to in troduce to the poUs such a mass of ignor'd ant and illiterate creature as the negroes: and a more shocking offence against lib erty and reason to permit dudi beuctly ignorance to tusuuio to legislate for the people, even of their own race. The Commercial need not tell up it ai • proved of this policy, we know that «I advocated its introduction and sustained it after it was introduced in tho South.— It would have approved of the same pol icy in Delaware had it been able by force of anna to have sent a majority of negroes in tho legislature and thus secured the choice of United States Seiiatojb. Suffrage must be dealt with in the Southern States» iu auch secure intelligent, accurate und economi cal legislation. In no other way can the Southern States ever recover tlicir furni er prosperity. In no other way can they bo mudo a fitting habitation for their own pcoplo and the bous of the Nothern people who may desire to emigrate thith er and cultivate tho productive and fruit ful and most iuviting Southern soil. In telligence must govern and negro ignor ance and Radicalism bo held in abey ance. m lui Ot lui l su . pc r tu w ill f< I in pt Terrified at Their Oien Attn. Duvin? tho last fourteen years the Radical party has perpétrât vd more frauds on the ballot than was ever known ; and in nearly all instances the majority in Congress of that party have refused to correct these frauds. When a Democrat who appealed to that body to admit him to a seat to which he was fairly elected they have almost uniform ly decided in favor of tho Radical con testant. The tables are now turned and the Radicals tremble in terror at the prospect of their own policy being visit ed upon their own party. In view of what may possibly occur, tho Duffalo VN. Y.) Commercial gets up a most lugub rious wail. It says: "Two more Democrats have announced their intention to content tho scatô oi Republicans elected to the T'orty-fourth Congress. Having always taken ground ugainatthe attempt on anybody's part to obtain from a partiz&n majority tho honor the people refused t<> grant ul the ballot boi, we feel at liberty to deuo the manifest scheme.! of tho Deinen to count out every Republican in tho next House, where there is doing so upon any pretext. It ie doubt ful whether tho Democracy will allow any Southern Republican to tab. seat, if there is any way of ^.»11 i from him." We hope every man will be granted a fair hearing by the Democratic House of Representatives ; and where it is made clear that the Republican contest ant is entitled to his seat that it will be granted to Lim. Dut wc have no idea that a Democratic liouau will permit any man to take a seat with the honora ble men who will control that body after the 4th of March, who has been elected by the force and fraud of Grant's armed tools, let that man hail from where he may. Let all such be sent back to be c hosen by tho people ut a free election. If the people want euch men there they will return them without the aid of troops or U. S. Marshals. m 1 0 J ii in it CougreMman Platt ( ottnlcd out. Richmond, Vo., Nov. 23—Th board ol State siion nil day canvassing tiiç Vote of counties roin pruing th# second cougiebbioiml din which lion. J. 11. Plait, ca* i s h;»a boc cp , und John Uoodc, conserve live, wore caudidutes, und from luiireonti s of which amendutorv re tum« had been lecei/cd tbo board threw out tho uineiideit re tu me and • auvhk. d th Oiigihuloiic«. Tiieiei couuLy, owing to l ht i certified by the clcclii. <d Prim e Ü. not bein^ propei ly [•cmujiaaoueis wen thrown out, the i Goodwa innjoiit) x iu the district of one h e one. Goode will receive the 1 election. Both ] counsel befb died n-1 thirty tifir » • if Mes weie i« p» the bi.nnl. *iit«d by / A IsrtiuUu. A terrible toi iuub» pasted ever portions of Northern and North in Uuuduy ovoniup. dumbia and Al»ml».v;illo Ala bn un sdter Tho tow na of T tts _ _ _ ue the chief Huffcrera. Nearly liait' the building# in Tuacumbia wore blown down,'twelve persona were Killed, and a larpu n injured. The Mayor has appealed to the adjoining towns for aid. In Montv vallo fifteen houses wi r* dcinolislied, two persons killed and lil'toin or twenty injured. tna WEATHER REVOVt 'WABHiNOToN.NpvemLu'-1 I A M For ILe MiJUlo ötau., ciiar or clcorinei • ijüLr 11 !.. w ,1 i. uorlbw.'-trilv ■wind) and li.nug barometer. ' ' and trtMliH by th« ÔM« f !»M*. London and Ylolnlt, «il »gain enVeüpcii in a dense fog yesterday. Travel on Und and water was very dangerour. A numbi r of additional railway accidents are report. el. The Republicans were splendidly orguui sett lor 1^0 Municipal i#ltd ion# lu Fiuoo# on SuiwAy, and were geucrully throughput iho,country. ThefCottservati?«* were Ui#^uiaged and held aloof Uom tbe polls. Marshal faeirauo Spam next mouth lor the purpose espedi. ting: operations against the Carlisle. Thu go Vermont has exiled two generals ami several civilians, kuow to be partisans of Prince Alphonao, sou oi ex-Queen Isabel la. Other personf are to bo scut into exile for he same reason. In view of the Arctic expedition about to be titted out by the British government, Lady Franklin lias renewed her offer of a reward of $10,000 for the recovery of official records of Sir John Frankliu's expedition. All congratulatory telegrams sent from Spuiu to lslabella,ou the occasiouof the an niversary of her birthday, wherein she Wui styled "Your Majesty," were stopped, vigorous censoiauip over all despatches is still maintained throughout the Republic. Terrible subterrneun rumbli ced on the llih instaurât G aanaj us te, Mex ico, and waa lolloWcd by a trembling of the earth, shock. bo continuous that the people are alarmed, anb many families aro leaving. The son ol the Duke of Elinburab w baptized yesterday, iccclviug the name of Albert Alexander Alfred Ernest William. The sponsors wore Queen Vi cloua, the Em peror of Russia, who wus represented by the Cznewitob; thcGeiman Emperor, represen ted bv tho Duke of Connaught; the Priuce of Wales; rhe Crown Prmctss of Ger y, «lud the Duke of SuXe-Coburg. cesaful ill go to the north of A couiineu Many edifices were injured by tbe The rumblings have uuce become m The Missed Smith, of Ulaslenburg, havo determined to eat no Thanksgiving turkey until lin y tau v .le. spunky. ut Hamlet, by Mr. M rucciiug with d« * 1 oncepli Henry It v uraitu i;»g a by ai ni.jjiity tbe Vermont Legipla itus provided fur u bûUtity on the scalps By lui Ot the : lltitvesi'a t> nu liHWUOrdtr.-Kciiu lui il y ill eating, »leeping and excrolso und •h dangerous irtiiuuis as nlcohci and tobucco. lead to Hecurea long and ct observance rules will not always avert tickxio- H. Thu best safeguard against epidemic cad other diseases is Dr, W ai.ukk'h Cali l orhia VI NEC»au, which, by promot* regular and vivorous action of the di c and excretive organs, keep the body in the best passible condition for tc* su- tine and reptiling lliu causes cl'disease. oct24*4wd*w liiiàil nie, Lut even a i esc iviioleso . tag pc NOTICES. Miioh'a Ok ncx. ) Wilmingion, November2Jd, 1871.J The Mat or wishes to commend anew to his f< liow citizen« thu w,;rk and claims of the Wilmington City Dispensary. During tho pu.'t year it lie* relieved und beneüited hun dreds of our citizens, who otherwise must have greatly suffered and become dependent the Cuy'h Relict Fuud. The City DLr n general and public institution, littering daily to all worthy applicants I In* bent 'medical advice and thu medicines re (juired. It is presided uver by a committee of our most eminent physicians, has received tho support oi tho City Council, and has proved it.-elfnn efficient and ccoromical agent in ministering kindly to tho noodytdok. The Muyor. in view of tbe necrgsiiies of tho ('ouimir winter, would respectfully suggest thaï ibu Dispensary be made the recipient of charities pt annual m t'orinm ot your rhankBuiving J iy. J. L. SIMMS. Trc.v-uror of tho Dispensary. Mr Uco'go II. lilies : office, 2 Went -Seventh stroot. 1 0.0. F.—The members of Fairfax Lodge • No a. und the Order in general are ru tpeetiully invited to attend the funeral of our 1 »» t*• Brother Robert Mulian. P. G.. to meet ar their Hall on Thursday morning, Nov. 2». ut 0 o'olock öhxrp. Funeral to proccei tu the P.. W. <f. U. R. R.depot. Interment, at Mil forl. By order of the N. G. H.B. MORROW. Recording t?u-:'y , THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. A ■M Bfti V'- ; STATE OF DELAWARE. ( Kxkcusivk Dkpabtmint./ The President of the United States having designated THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2Ü, 1874. a* the dav of Thanksgiving and Prayer: 1, James Ponder. Governor ot the State of Delaware, do hereby recommend a general and proper ob~ervanoe of that day, by the ol this State. -<v Iu witness whereof I have here HEAI, ,lnto 8et ffl y hand and caused the .Great Seal of Baid State to be here , v unto at Dover, thii fifth tiny of November, in the year uf our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, undot tlm Independence of the Stute the ninty-ntnth. J*y the Governor. John- H. Payntkr. Secretary of State. citi JAMES PONDER. novl2to2C riMlE CHESAPEAKE AND DELAWARE X- CANAL CO.—A general mooting of the proprietors will he held at theiroffice in Phil udelphuv. on MONDAY, the 7th of December, at 11 o'clock, A. M HENRY V. LESLEY. Suerttury. 7.14.21,28 todec7 N otice-to water renters.-au All persons who have sold property dur ing tho preaent year rannt give notice in writ ing to the Ui gist rar. at the office of the Warer cm, before the JUtii day ef Novein d inseri in the notice the name of and the number of the property i « rebused. Otherwise they will be held lia ble for the water rent the next year. who may ■ i»i Ur. 1874 tho l urch; AUu> all pcrsi >h to disron any portion of it. t give notice sh «cove, and | uy $2 Go for ing fVnuio. No alteration will be made i.i any bill after the above duto. CHARLES BURTON. Jg., Registrar. tin lie u»c ot water. dr >10eod-tdto > ) XTOI rCK-JAMES ll.BEGGf- has removed hie office to No. ti Went Eighth M'reet. Allnutiid'i Building. Bricks of »11 I indu ou I lowest market, rated. iy 14 tf HIGGINS' BAKERY » .. , T , . , , r . I • rfc.h lirtLio, ...Lfsaillitii ( B jL T gfsJS' !tluB " > a ' »0» OtUAUE STBKt'.T. every morn ! AMVStitfWTH, ^RAND OPERA HOUSE. THREE HOURS OF FUN 4 AMUSEMENT. THE CREDIT of DELAWARE at STAKE. Citit. uH. save tho Soldiers' Monuuient frern Sburiftt'*» sale A GRAND PERFORMANCE WUI be givi ON THANKSGIVING EVE., Wednesday, Xov. 3311s, 1874. By the GREAT BACHELOR COMBINATION CO., In conjunction with the world-renowned HAVEL TROUPE. Tho performance will include "Cousin Ger man " "Dutch Justice." Urotesaue illum nated Clog Act. Dauntless Double Tranece Act; a'so. Comic American, English, ltlsh and Dutch recitation.«, to conclude with the Dutch J ustioe. „ , AdmiMion Tickets. 50 Cents, Reserved Seats. 73 Cents For particulars fee small hills. Reserved Seats can he secured at Hough man, Th<»mss t* Co.'s after Monday morning, Nov. 23d, Persons purchasing admission tickets cut exohange tu« m for reserved seats up to night of the performance by paying £> cents extra. nov21-4t __ rand opera house. WARD A JARVIB. G MANAGERS Créât Thanksgiving Festival. Thursday, November 26 th. TWO PERFORMANCES. AFTERNOON AT 2. EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK. The Popular Comedian and Dialect Actor, Mr. JOHN ALLEN, AwuteJ Ly MISS GERTIE GRANVILLE. <1 Full Dramatic Company, in tho areat Sensation Drama, "SCHNKIDBR" Or DOX HOUSK VON DE RHINE I Rupiete with entirely new tiongs, and Dance?* t xi resbiy lor Mr. Allen, and presumed With the Pillowing Powerful Ca*t : Jake Schneider.. .... Lou fi.u £CHueider Youii; Schueider,... During the Play the following new nnd oriKiual Songs will be introduced: "Schnei der and Lowcsa Pueu" * My Johnny vas a nice young man,'' MUs Gertie Granville. * M r Muller Muller," John Alien. Imitations of U|»era. by Mias Gertie Air. John Allen. Mr. John Allen will abo introduce ■•Schneider'* Ar rival in America,"and Lager Bier Lixa." The Soarklinjr Comedy, entitled tlie ' Fool of the Family"—Miss Gertio Grunvillo and entire Company in tho Cast. Popular Prices. »Scouted Seats atltougbman, Thomas A Co's. Ueuicmhur the dai • nul nu ll t he ru.*h. W1 ; MR. JOHN ALLEN Gr.iuviiic ov 21-41 cure scats curl y to 'FIDELIS ET FORTIS/ TH IG SECOND G-ïtA-ÎN ID FAIR ©F TIIE WATER WITCH FIRE COMPANY; COMMENCES AT INSTITUTE IIALL Tnextluy Lveiling, Xov. 'Jitli. N. B.—The munagers intend to eclip£e their former Fair, both iu style and decorations. A number of useful and fancy articles will bo disposed ot by chance. Contributions t hank fully received ut tho Hall, or Adams A Bio.'s bit Market street. nov20 Ct run Lie SALES. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF PERSONAL PROPEUTY it) i toll at Public Sale, tit the residence , i J. Lurroct Pyle, dec'll iminted iu Chri.Lt tiuii ilunilred, on the toad leadiu, from Ociitrevtlle to Newport, near Walnut Green Scnoet llou.e, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER SO.b 1S74. Atlo'cloik.P.M. Tho following described Personal Propeperty «^v Two good Work Horses, 7J-t c*v one Colt ooming 3 yearsJUaaT* ^PTA^old; Five Cows, three ofsGSHL T * them fresh ; 3 fat Pigs. Farming implements, consisting of one good two-ho dearborn : mowing and reaping machine, ; steel-tooth horse rake, sleigh, harrows, cultivators, forks j spades, hoes, grain tun, corn w. ico hooks, chains, in&ul set of wagon, nearly new; 1 good market neany roller, plow«, rakes, shovels. libeller, grind stone, cross cut . grain cradle, and wedges, post dog, barn shovel, double stage burners. Dearborn harness, col lars and halters, saddle and bridle, lot uf hot bed sash, and other articles too ted: mention. DAIRY FIXTURES, consisting of churn, butter tub, cream cans, strainer, bucket, lot of milk puna, scales end weights. UuliSfclloLD and KITCHEN FURNI TURK, consisting ot beds. bed»teads and bed diug, tables, boxes, bairels tubs, bucket-, cider by the bnrrel, potatoes by tbo bushel. A lut oj hay and straw by the ton. corn (odder by the bandle; corn, oats and wheat by the bashoi: lot ofeubbagwand sweet potatoes iu the ground, and many other articles. Conditions made known on the day of sale ABRAM PALMER» Administrator. L. W. Stidham A Sog, Auctioneers. wheel b. lu by ADMINISTRATORS' SALE OF REAL ESTATE, In Mill Creek Hundred, By virtue o( au order of the Orphans' Court oi tho State of Delaware, in and for New Castle County, made the eighth day of beptjinbcr, A. D., Ib74. will be exposed to sale by way of Public Auction, at the House known as the Deer Park Hotel, In Newark, Castle county, kepi by John B. Lowis. N on TUESDAY, DECEMBER I3tli. lh/4, AT 1 O'CLOCK. P. M., The tollowing described lands and tene ments being tbe Real Estate late of John Nivin.decea« same being ordered to be sold for tbe pnvmcnt of his debts, to wit; All thut certain Plantation and tract of Land situated in Mill Creek Uundrel in the County of New C.istle and State ot Delaware, adjoining lands of Joseph C. Rankin, Sarah Rankin. Samuel RutseH — ■ - Campbell, widow, and Joel Thoinpron. Janies U-Ray. William Harkens, Coulee Molo and Earub Jacobs, containing ONE HUNDRED Sc FIFTY-ONE ACRES, WITH nWELLINC HOUSE, IIAltN AND othtr IMl'ROVEMENTi thereon. The above prein Ini! to be sold Enbjeot to tho wi.iow'a dower, und suiijeot also to a mortgage of 83 00 with arrears ct iiuere't. Atteudance will bo gi made known at the by THOMAS II. N1V1N NIVIN und terms of sale and pi u'orsaaid, nd david b. , Adiuiuini9tratorM. or by GKUROE II. RODNEY. Their Attornay. C. M. VANDEVKR. Clerk Orphans' Court. N.B.—The iarm is located in a healthy and t leaisantpart of the Hundred, convenient to llih, .School« and places of Publia Worship, bitutttea two miles lrom Newark. on the road leading from Newark to Corner Ketch, The «cil is of good quality divided into conveni ent field«, well fenced. The improvements consist of a comfortable Frame House. &>x4U feet, two aid a half «tory«, containing aix rooms with kitchen and basement; Frame Barn, Wagon House and other out buildings; a Boring bouse near tho door with lulling spring of soft water; a good Apple Orchard of well seleoted fruit, bearing in abundance; also a variety of other traits, »oviy-ts Attest. a never ! JAMES BRADFORD, PAI m % OILS, VAUAISBES, WINDOW ULAdfc. Cement and Calcined Plaster, 1 tdmbi.whit* lead, red lead, whit# siDC.iron paint, lubricating oils, linseed oil. sparm oil, lard oil. neats foot oil, ooal oil, Tilden k Nephew's varnishes. English varnlsbas, aloe hoi. turpentine, paint mills, paints raad# mixed, artists' ma tonale, waxifowerjpatdrCr als. decalcottiauia pictores.ull Jflnd* Ofterslgs id domestio «law, plained, ornamental and graved : ooeeh painters' material, stencil colors, ladders of different Un* tbs. ready glased Sach, gold leaf, broases, Terminions, ooking glassodates. «tad Nos.6 nnd H >>«f ThlrdSt. WILMINGTON. DEL.1 N. B.—Particular attention paid ta Haas sa a si il I* li Ip Painting* feign Writing, Jio, uu •n HOTELS, WESTERN HOTEL. N. W. Cor. 4th A -Oran«« Street? 0. J. KYLE, Pbopeixtob. r!A The above iSouee baa b*«n pat ;• ;< complete repair for the reception ! J gueaia. where they w|U reoeivetll t iBSÎ.'K accommodation.) of a first-olasi hotel. Bar filled with choicest wines, liquors,dean, Ac., and the table rttpolied with the beat the market affords Transient and permanent hoarder* ae< ounnodaied ut moderato rates. Hooa etafalinx and titanUr. btotl.n A liberal snare of public patronage is respeot fuliv Ho'T-ftd, au«2-J-c» nr of the JEFFKIISUIV HOUSE, NEW CASTLE. DEL. JOHN W.GRAY. Proprietor. TbU situa . STb&itoSSS in tho very bast repair for L the reception of visitors.who U önd at it a II the aoooni in mations ot IRST-OLaSS HOTEL. It comuiunds a U view of the Delaware Bar. f n 4*!- , i on i # ' 0 ,noït rleesant and de* ligbtiul plao , tho State for excursion* or pH uicw 1J( , house is kept in the Peel stsie.ineba . led with the ohoioest wines. Iniuors and 't drinks, and table sapplieti with the n -»»Htiintials and luxuries of the nurket. L nionUu can arrive by beat er rail. Partly w bo wish to to OsbUf er beet riding on the noble Delaware, can be accom modated with suitable boats. Ibe patronat# u! the public is respectfully solicited. J722-U J. W.OKAY. UN 1 TEÖSTATE 3 HOTEL N.W.Cor.Frenrh Water Situ, T. B. MERRITT. Proprietor. i iThc above house lia.s been put in complété rei>air for the rooeption of guests, where they will receive all tbe nocotnui dations of a first-class hotel. Bar filled with theehoicest of wines, liquors, Ac., and the table supplied with the best the market afford«. JfMly ■JJOTICE. INDIAN KING . HOTEL 108 AND 110 MARKET STREET, Wilmington, DeL John Moaley has put la two new Oerom Billiard Tables at tne Above address. The room is now onen at all times for the modation of tho public. ian'Jl-tf JOHN MKALEY< acoo Bi J UST RECEIVED"A LARGE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. CHINA! T Y- D NORMANDÏE Xo. it02 market Street, Having resolved to | «-CONTINUE TUE BUSINESS'». Will keep bis stock of! China> Glass and Qusenswarei Silver & Silver-plated Ware. VASHE, LAVA WARS, ETC. Ui> to its old standard lor fullneM and variety. Dinner bets, Tea Sets, etc., in great vaiiety aod elegant design. Everybody can bo suited. TUE OLD STAIjP— jk>2 MARKET JpRIME Timothy, Clover ana Orchard drags Seed, ET FINE .MIXED LAWN. WHITE DUTc CLO VER, GREEN GRASS, DWARF GERM AH WAX.BWARF WHITE WAX BEANS. TTANS SIM h ONSA K OTIlEit y B 1 Egr N feÉKD8] FRENCH WRINKLED AND OTHER PEAR. CROP M. TROPHY TOMATO. HANSOM LETTUCE. With a fraah «uppl, 0 f rriUbl* Flow«, anj) Oarden Beeds, SMITH à BKKEN, may2t>tt Fourth and hhipley. XRON IN THE BLOOD s T y"r E u pk p7Ä ^odÄ System, Build» up he broktn down •>* Cfellls and Fsvcrs« lliroaic Uisrv*ws,hcrv one Affections. Molls, Humors, ttlseosss of tbo Kidneys and Bladder, Female Con plniniM, Ac. 1 housands havo been changed by the us« oftbis remedy troll weak, sickly, puffdTing creature«, to stroaf, healthy; happy inen and in valida cannot reasonably he« Caution —Us sure yo« get the ''PERU VIAN bYRUP" (not Peruvian Bark.) gold by dealers generally. A h2-page pamphlet, sontaininga tswatise on Iron an u medical agent, and other valua ble papers, testimonials from distinguished physicianH, clergymen and < there, will be any address. bETli W. FOWLS »SON, Proprietors. 80 Uerriiton Avenu#, Boston. novTdeowly. the u M women ; and iiate to gi it a trial. to a b. h to in Tin; Panic Cigar Mure, 101 EAST THIRD STREET. Wc keep on hand a fine assortment of the best brands of Foreign and Domestio Cigars, hewing and Smoking Tobacco, fctauff, Pipes, «ko., which we are telling at the lowest figures. Also the leading Daily and Weekly News p&beas. Orders taken for Show Cards, which premntly furnished, novlü-lm A r will b. 4. W. HARTING A Ita KuCTUrd CO. BMW» Prlu, V.ulUs •old wbolMulc and retail bx K. BRINGÛURST A CO. Corne; Sulfa and Mark.t Street«, irEWÂür£Brr-wims> A NEW CHROM _ . . J75. GOOEY'S LA -oOK » ? a to every su •inb.wbo wm bits direet RICSCDK wt PSJI or to * wtk **ïl »me ad by a pub Tfrms $3 per aanum. r or er ev T con address, L. A. / ST jf. . i-3^ * Free to Book Agents. inj; Book BBI« over An El $ boo lent fi r. *i any flno Mwor li are Inst -A lay •at experience, etc., and wo win «flow i BOOK AOBITTS, LOOK AT THIS! A* flora East" agent ra oue r iu "rEOPLI/d I want alien Is ataasr 0 A.' •verywhere. Bend lsr to 29 South —Tr orne. T •rms tree. Ad flt Co., Portianflf AmmA WEEK xuarauteed to Male not J2tawlm B3 EOU SAL* AND RENT: F OR SALE—Four now apdflnely finished three-story Briok Houses, on Twelfth street, opposite Um oltv square. M*k These housei are all substantially HTTS built and furnished with all the con- HH eulenccs, with water liulde and out. ■!» lo. 111) 4 ,_ »und out lu eontab» 9. rooms ; j»#. 11 ; N6.Tl6. ten rooms t lfo. 118, n rooms. These house« will be «old *«rv » for eath, or on very reasonable term » IIS seven 18. «orner. maritim* A Ooai Also, a seven room sepaotf Nos. 206 to pity stroot. Jefferson street. or Tj}OK RENT—New House. No. 1421 Xj Harrison stroot. eleven rooms, all modern Improvements, flows, three ;etorww. Pom once if de*lreJ. Inquire win* 11 QREAT SALE Of RIBBONS, Af M. L. LICBTBNSTBin a So. 336| Market Street. WILMINQTON-DKL.. Will open (on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2UU> Th. Stock of. rer offered at retail. The lot ombraces on« «Ti äSStffS&VrJBt, Srâaî K FANCY SABO RIBBONS. AU will b, «U at a uni form price of US CENTS PER YARD FOR CASH ONLY. Tbo sale will oornmno. AaaMar Ut, août il. L. LICHTENSTEIN. S 26 Mark« So.«, | inst. «0(10 Delaware Carpet House, 80 » Market Street, above Third fWILMINGTGN, DEL. Tk«sh«kiwst pUo.iB th,BUt, to bsyjou 0 AEPET 8 . 0 IL 0 L 0 TH 8 .MATTIBQ 8 , ud WINDOW SHADES. AT HBNRY O-RBBB'H, 3ua Market Street. ii. B —Ru Carpot woven to ordorlattko •kortait aotlM. ut lowoot aarkol ratet. JIMS 4 BROTHER,^ 0 » ; Importa». Wholuala und Rv , : tail Dialer, la I 1 &! TOYS, MASKS, ® ! Fancy Goods, i 3 ! n 1 Rocking Horses, Perambulators, "H ■ Bleds.Sxpress Wagons Ac., &c 9 0 P o o h i Our Stock i* New umfl Freeh. V] : and far superior to that of any • u large ait assortment found in largor oitlee. ■ We Invite our many friends [ and customer j. \ Your* truly. os can be ; 0 ADAMS & BBQ., 0 1 50€ Market St , |A I WILMINGTON, DEL. ••▼17-aoi ff ■» Qf. JOHN'S BOTUIi, HO «08 saukkt strut, WILMINGTON. DSL . J4MM0JMA4N4N. _Ffctri.tox. I rSO-tf RBfat KRU ft èil ■M qazette • •?* >V / s i OFFICE i NO, 416 MARKET 8TREET, ILUINQTOII W8 ARE PREPARED TO RXECUTI ALL ORDERS FOR Il BIIjXj heads, POSTBBa ft CIRCULARS) DODGERS, die. WITH NEATNESS AND DI|*ATCH, AND AT TÜK LOWEST € 1 SU B&Tgg FRB8TOW AVARS, Practical Watoh Maker; Asddaal.r la f INE AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES 404 King St-, Wll*. Del. Pirtiontar MtutixB pall to ropaiilu In all iti br.aohM; alio, ohnncln, „«tool, ium ilu a. food lajrtatat of ilouta oon ia.itod lUntly on bud. Tbo aabUo it oordUii, •uafao ar itook aal I» JUS* JeSORCt JACK. 305 Market St. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC., ,8P1 GOLD. 8 Al URBER FRAMES. W. Maim from to iait^u •rv pMallarity of impalnd virion, Sla d In .vary urn xu areata* utUfao- at a ti.o. Gov faoiUtt« are nob that waAtS a exobaaxa flau« la any .hapad Cram, Ï uit tba outoaar la a nw boars. . B —Vlrat .tore abov. Third «treat, «pairing lu all ita rirtHy ANOTHER CHANCE I FIFTH & LAST GIFT CONCERT ljt At# OV T«l PUBLIC Lltti&t OF IL POSTPONED TO November 80tb, 1874. DB k WIHG QBBTAIH at that DATS LIST Ol 1 GIÏT8: * 1 EGRANDCASH 0 Ï.OCO L> Ö 1AI I Z »! GRA i 8 ^!! »*»*»=* ë^ 8 Ü 8 p 1 « 8 Sfc= MIsIk! 1S82 1W. 40. 50 00.' 90, 50 CA lOO.i 100. mt ; loo MO 04 19.000 04 Oread Total 20.000 Gift, PHICÏ OJT TICKETS: wnOLR TICK RTS... 1 .îSe m U9|0r eaoh Coupon OLE TICKET« for. 22 M TICKETS fer. » . n f.t Tlcksti «ai iat.rmaU.x, iddrw THOB. M. BHAKX.BTTS, - 4|at ud luutu. Ptblic Library BuUdlnr. Loolsvllls. Ky O# TUQI. H. MATE * CO., 49* Ireedn.ii Hew Y«b i I w*