Newspaper Page Text
BANKS AMi BANKERS IRST. NATlOfit- ift ANIC V d<4 tli Cl F OF WILMINGÏON, Depository of tho Public Moneys, AM£ Finaaoial Agent of tlaa U ft »ten l States < t. EDWARD BWTT8* President, ï < GEO. D. ARMSTRONG, Cashier. 1500,000 Plkld op C.ylt.l, Philadelphia mi Hew York Eichamt» ter refolarU.Moeitet, without chareo niahed Discount days, Monday* and Thursdays, at 8:30 A. M. DIRECTORS Clement B. Htaïth, | fleur«« W. Bulb. Israel Pu«ey, | jêh Garrett. Henry S. MoComb, 1 Joshua i. lloa.d, Daniel James, |\\iHiuitt lalnall. Edward Betts. tnar28 THE ARTlZ.lNS SWiHOS BISK 602 Market Street, Incorporated February 23,1881. Open to receive deposits daily from 9 A. M until 4 P- M„ aud on Tuesday and baturday evenings from 7 to 8 o clock A bKMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND, of six per cent, has been regularly paid on deposits, since the organisation ot the Bank, and it is the expectation ol the Managers,that this rate of dividends will be continued. When dividends aro not withdrawn, they are accounted as deposits. Thus permanent deposits oompound thoir Interest twice in each year. MANAGERS: WILLIAU S. Hillc. tffOBOl W. Bush. Clkucnt B. auTTH, Haora* 8 . Cii-bli.*. Chap. W. Howlahu. I M. L. LiOBtsusTBin, NATHAfi'l. K. ÜENSûS, I ÜDWAHU Da»H« 8T0 P Henhy F* Durs. I Job 11 . Jacxson, E. M. STOT3KTÏBÜHO, | WM. H-SWIVt, AXTHOXY HlOOINB. WM 8. HILLES, Presilo-1. Gxo. W. Bush, Vice President. febZl— ly K. T.Tatloe. Trcisurer rrHH MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK. *Wo. 4 W.Ttolrd Street. Six per oent, interest. Opon Tuo lay Saturday evenings and every day. Gnmsbaw, Trees.. J. P. Wsies. M. D . 1 « t»> t John P. Miller. Clerk. V 1 ui \ If. CHAS. CAW1BL0S öl CO.. BANKERS and BllOKEhS, No ass. Third st.iPhlladelphl 1 «. dealers in government sejuki TIES. GOLD. SILVER. Ac. Stocks and Bonds commission. Particular attention givou to investment*. declsMy bought and sold on , I 3=r of DELAWARE FIRE City 1 Insurance Company, No. OOS Harket Street, WILMINGTON. DEL. Charter Pon ctuai Insuranoo for a term of years, or) Incorporated 1H26. tor tlou Perpetual Insurancoa at Qreaily Reduced Rates. Losses promptly adjusted ami paid. Insurance against loss or damage by fire as ow as any other company. DIRECTORS: u m. Caitby. Wuj. M Oanby, W. G. Uihhonrt. Geo, Vi Bush. Geo. W. Sparks, > rancis Barry. Wm.H. Swift. Job R. Tatum, Geo. \V', Stone. WILLIAM CANDY, P F.L.Gilfih. Secretary. blent, '70 I» ygTiic Mew tasthlomuy M UTIJ MV Insurance Company, Ito. 602 Market Btreet, INSUKKS AGAINST FI HE, Huuaes and ail ether kinds oi Buildings with their con tents, varying from 3 month ■ ; . t«> For periods of tii_ to a term of years AIanagkrr : Will Ja ii in Dbao John Ulykr, . vv. Lowland, Enw'n Bhim.ui Khr. Kawisi) T. Bkllau, AoituN P.ighahdpon, TaTNAI.Io, OUD, .Liam Can by* Gm» it teil a Saii'l Canby. I :I.KM ÄNT D. . IITÜ. «' Jamka Rip a. P. «Shannon G i o. 11 . Bat M. M. Cllavk.k. WILLIAM TATNALL, I'rec't. _ >1,10 BAM'I* SMITH. Seo'y. Now be Careful iVAbout hut Luy your. y yi H REFRIGERATOR, Dou't buy ny until you examine the REI.IABLK.": W hat claim fi.r it i- Crit, its porto ;M, mpro cold air aud better cireui ith leSa ict: I hau ai,y other in us Bn**l wiih uard wood, and n>i 2iuc tin oorrode. van and see it i it dry it liur t at 403 HH1PLKY mayfi STHKET R. M0RRT80N. The itreat di.-tdoVcry of the Pacific coast. THE CELEBRATED Tr J.aad H. H. H '•QOKSEinEDICIItE, ■ Sale Mark !*iüKica 7mn. ». ;■>}, This medicico is without dispute one o the greatest external preparations i wurlufor man or beast. It is gaining a great reputation in a shorter time than has, by. periorming su the other remedy as haa never beeu performed betoro in Blood and Boue bpavin, und allexteroal Dis eases of the Horse, and is a cert.i Chronic Rheumatism, Dipiheria and 8ore Throat of all descriptions in per.->ons. No family should be without it. luedioine to apply to,and all horse have it in their barns or stables, best horse medicines now Jar or pamphlet for full particulars. Fut en bv druggists generally. Manufactured by FRANCIS & KLDK1DGE, No.itëü N >rth Front street. Philadelphia jan!9-wly for household irhouht i ot tho ■ I tie WTU.LIAM LALLY. ' WHOLESALE DEALER IN ' Brandis, Whiskies, :CWINEB, «to.,' 311 EABTBONT FBTHEET, Between French and Walnut Streets. i WiLMlNOXQN. DBIi ter, the a COAT. AND WOOD. HARLES WARMER &* CO. u Market Stieet Wbaif, .. . i WU.MiHoroii, D»i*. V r ho4csale and lletail Uealem -IN l^nthracUe and liltuminons Coal. Iho only firm in this city recelvlog coal d<4 il v all rail. lrom*Uuinberlaod region. dy iirru Felling UxcLuai vbly the and V/flkesbarre Coal Companys Every ono should use the Shawnee Coal for nipily» steam or manufacturing purpose«. Uo guarantee It to make less ashes, prove ûoko economic*! and give better saiialaotion tli lût any ooal offered In this market* AS|w b'O It SHAWNEE COAL. BURN SHAWNEE COAL. Cl kigh ! < Coal ■ Tell your friends what you think of the SHAWNEE COAL. CIIARLFS WARNER & ,00.* Market btreet Wharf. je!2-ly. FKIiSS & XMLURPHBYf liSuccesHord lo Win. 11. Allmond A Bro..) Dealers in COAL AND WOOD, Cor 20tb and Market Street«., (9th Ward) WILMINGTON, DEL. Order« lelt with John P. Allmond. Eifhth an l Market p tree ta, or at our office, will be protnpUy utteaded to. ^ . , Best Lehuti and Schuylkill Coal always on hand. inay7,74-ly UHU IWTGKT WAUO.V» D KLIVKRTllli BUST COAL INTO CKL LAlfib without auoepiu« ou tho pe.e W, fiLSU A SUN. French Street WhwI. ment. J aril HI f JOSEPH POUT SELLS l.NTEIlPBIïK, UARLKIflQ AND SIIAWNEK COAL AT SCHUYLKILL PRICES. -ilk end Pin, WOOD by Ih.oord *nd .»wed, Wo irv Iu «10.1 ell Mir neighbor« i 1 renerHti'-n of Mir Co.I, how fer w, h«,o .uiMce.M.t we r.IU leave to our customer, to Joseph pour. Orange end W»t»r etreet.. the ■ay f jell A FORTUNE FOR $1 one «tft I« tiuaranteed te «■• of every eleveu Con»eeatlv® aemlisrs. $50,000 FOR ONB DOLLAR • NOW 18 YOUB TIME. 1 Di* ne Fortune helps thosa who help them selves. , bOO.UuO Ticket, al 81.U0 eoch. outoberod I from i to 500,100, inclusive. The exceedingly ioV price of tickets brings it withlu the reach of aU. Grand Gift Concert crats it is have tion. kink, ity pated. mi the ing tive» lui. Aid of PuMlo Improvements in the City of Denison, Texes. 1 THE Texas Gift Concert Assaciatio WILL OIVE A GRAND CONCERT thursdny llecemb'r 31,1874 And will Distribute to theTicket Holders £9350,000 IU GIFTS« DEPOSITORY, FIRST NATIONAL BANK DENISON. Distribution to commence immediately al tor the Concert. Managen of the Distnbu tlou chosen by the Tickst Holders and Prou inent »'itlrem 1 . shltc, Cougr« of «snfuio I t-4 ! 2S.0UI \ 16', füll . lb.oot) . fi.uon . 2.Wd . IP ,. 6.non .. h.üt'ü .. 4,500 . 6,00b .. 6.00U LlfT OF GIFTS: 1 Cash Gift. 1 G I ' ; . : ** $5(10 each. ** ;5o 150 ■ 1(H) .lot) 2,50 |IM 4 000 5.000 6.(KW 3.750 48 l-ao lo ; . t«> 250 1 lj flit'.., amouotloi to ICO iu Real E.Uto, " " 5''. (»10 l.f.7o7 flr.i 4y.74'J Gift?, amounting to. REFERENCES: Knowing that the management of this Aeso ill be conduoted heertuliy rcc jiumend the uauië to the pub . $250.utl) represented, wo ciation lio James Leonard. John lir.lford, John B all, VV II. Winn. II. Tone, J. M. City ot Denson. Texas; M cDo o«'k, Al'ierui udge, W in. D. Kirk, r* uvum City Treasurer. . B. Bo.*», Lon« Star Mills, Weekly Times. Denison. E. L. I'u'ler, Alain » Hotel, M joidboll «k Co., .darcba'its, Wm. Jlughtjd, Real Estate Broker, First National Bank, Denison, Col. Prank Bchrader, Ex Mayor. Daily *nd Weekly N niniiel A Cook, Real Kstaio Broker, d. T. U. Warren* Real E»ute Broker, t ' A. Maurice. U. S. Commissioner. (ol. .-ui mu el Brooks. Cal vaston. 'J'cxuh, Jos. Perry, Attorney M. K. A T. K. R. J. W Jcnuinga, Ex-PosimaaterU. Ö. Ä mate* Col. II. VV. -lieph* rd, Alamo Hotel. Da aLaoii, (Jen G A. Beul, U-8 Army. Ft. Uritfitt i.Tex. Merchouts' it Plauters' Dank, Denison , :h. tj. Eddy. Division *up't M., K , iL T.U.R. Col. W, J. «Strang. (A M.U.S.A., Denison,,Tex, Uoodo. fctinuetl & 0 Cotton Brokers. Deni «' \V _ . Denison, C it E. D.Vhadick. Manager, Cotton Coiaprtsa Co., Deuis.n. t A statement of the Distribution will be publisbcd and forwarded to ticket bolde-s. and nil gifts will be promptly paid after the distribution, GOOD AND RE8F0N8IBLK PEKÖ0NB WANTED to work for the interest of this Assooistl n LIBERAL C0MM18SI0N8 ALLOWED. 11 DW I« UKÜIIT TO US. Money rhould bo . ent bv Express or by Registered Li ait. I*. ; i Offioo M i.ey Order Letter. o great Address all Communications to ALPHEUSR. COLLINS, Sac'y.. 0« t! J-ia w-Iin hfMSOk TEXAS, the in No 1ŒMOVAL,. for I have removed from my old stand 403 Skirl«* i trout, to tho N.W. Cor. 3d & Shiplev, tie Where, witu increased faciiitiea, I shall be better prei ared to supply the wan'Xs of my customers with STO V ES.HE ATBRS. HH-A-HT C3-ES, AND House Furnishing Hoods DBIi generally. Being thankful for past favors I hope by personal attention to bosiueae to ontinuo tclreceivelajshare.ofyour patronage* B. MORRISON. "Th#' SUlcr.' There ïa Somethin" lovely in uaiue of bis ter, aud ils utterance rmeiy Mils to cnil up the warn* affections ol the gcullo bruit. The thoughts that circle round il aie nil quiet, beautiful pure. Passion ban no place with Us (imoviutions. Tb« hopes and fours ol love, tlioso und btron^ emotions, powerful enough to shatter and catinguiub life ilaell, find no homo there. Tho bride is the star, the talisman ol the heart, tho diamond above all price, bright and blaring in the uoonday suu; a sitter, the gem ol miller light, culm us the mellow moon, aud set in a coronet ol pearls* The Widow ol the CTnimunt «1* the Throne of Ireland. The Marchioness ol Tbomcmd, who has just died at 82 years ol age, was the widow a nobleman who used to claim that, ac cording to lineal descent, he would ba the lawful King of Ireland. The Marquis und Marchloaess used to live'at Bath, and their equipage was about ben known in that city. Tne Marquis died some twenty years ago. Tht widow married I tear Admiral Fane, li. N.— [Livepool Mercury, Oct. 28. to Car share ■&*' c ol MUIakcs of Parent», i'arcnta often make pernicious in not treating ihetr children with generosity and frankness. When a child's better na ture la appealed to,it seldom fails to respond in a harmonious munuer. A boy who is lovingly "put on bis honor ' will seldom fail to exhibit a proper sense of his position and a due appreciation of the trust reposed ill him. Many a boy, who, crushed by ig norant tyranny, has developed into a liviug vagabond and rowdy, might have been won to a noble career by loeieiiiig love, enlight eued generosity uud jadioioua control. istukes All at mers a 511 GENERAL NEWS The United State« Court of Claims met In Washington yeeteiday, and argument in the cate of Marshall O. Robert» ve. The United States, which wee referred to the Court by special act of Congres». Mr. Roberts claim» over 81,000,000 for carryiug tbc mails bet ween New York and the Isthmus twenty live year» ago. The director» of the Board of Trade of Chicago yesterday morning fixed 05 cents on corn and 60 cents on oats, a» prices on which margin« can be called at the present time. This vu donc at the Instance of parties who represent that there is au attempt to •'cor ner'* the grain market. A ipetitiou is receiving numerous signa tures of tax-payers, merchants and lawyers in Washington asking that the expenses of the government of the District (A Columbia be shared by tho United States; that carcttti economy and strict accountability in the ex penditures for tho District be »ncurtd by legislation, and that the District begovci» ned by Cougress through Commissionen, without the popular election of any officer whatever." to ; of •' Tee Next Congress.—T ho New Yoik World gives a statcmrtn of the pohtiial complexion of the next Congre«». Th° Sen ate consiste of 41 republicans und S3 demo crats end independents. Iu the Beunte, qh it is at present constituted, tho republicans have 26 majority over tho combined opposi tion. If the democrat« have but modest kink, two years hcuce tho republican major ity lathe Senate will be completely dissi pated. According to the lutest returns, conceding the republicans two ot tLo doubt mi districts and claiming the other two tor the opposition, the editor makes the follow ing paity clsHBiftcation of tho représenta tive» already elected: Democrats J7d, mdo pendcu's 8, totulopposition 174; republicsua lui. ppp'isition majority 73. There are 1Y lo be elected in California, ty to the 1 al rtpr«^«MUttv* » . Ct.nne*'i*£4if Mississippi* aud New lUmp shltc, Statei* jrepjeseutatcd in tho present Cougr« «s by ^ democrats aud 13 republicans, of they return the some or others ot a like polkirul faith, fbo opposition would have I t-4 majority in the House, 'fhi? wpublkMn 2S.0UI meioriiy in the preseut House is uuwijy )D0. füll SE WJN G Ma I C 'U i N A.S. GROVER k BAKERS *' ITEi'W Lock Stitcli SEWING MACHINE, l.fl f««iiy six New fy made to or 607 KING BTUiuKüi, tftOUrlofl Honeefl_ ______ Sewing Machine, iay" jmf B duly befo THE BEST IN THE MARKET.! To bo had at tho Cor. Seventh and French Streets, iWILMINGTON. DHL ter to ■ W ed may28-3m Kei .-Thbbadinu Buottl«. East TO.OpiiOiTit THE TTEW I AME I tIOAiN Sewing Machine, be the n 718 MARKET STREET, J. H. PRIMROSE, Agent. ___WI I.M 1N GTON. DEL Dr, JOHN BUCHANAN, ehdaw No. B1A Pine St., Philad'a. by May be consulte«! personally or by letter on DISEASES— thirty year* tmcceafulpraotic«. and author of eleven oUvndard work • Bis medicine» aro entirely VEGETA BLK Rlld epured by himseir The moat obotinate form aiteuae CURED os Ciiiicer», Tumors, Ulcers. Consumption. Nervous debility. Premuture decay. Skin and Urinary affections._ DISEASES ot WOMEN and CHILDREN A SPECIALTY. His Celebrated Uolden Pille. 12,00 per box, guaranteed—no Lady should be without them. may J. 1874-lyw all tlic inr pr ut 403 CHEAP BOOTS A SHOES, Second St.. » door« 'West of Hsrb«f ( be my The undersigned respectfully informs friends and the publie that he has ■?■] on hand »large and well selected stock f ml of SPRING AND BUM MKR BOOTS, _mad GAITERS, suitable lor Ladies, Gentlemaa* Misses and Children, which are manufactured from the best material and made Ä * the best manner, and will be sold an low a? e some article con be obtained in thi any other oity. Ladies and gentlemen buying at my store will nave the advunUge of a large S id varied oasortment from which to select a shionable and neat fitting boot or shoe. The pnblieare oordially invited to call amine my stock and learn ®*c«edingly JOHN k. Babcock. his BH0B8 o r I to d ex ,#w Ätt crocertes. GfcOE- WilEELER. K o 101 Fait Si-eoiid Mrccq Having enlarged his plue » «.f hiiflii to tliu public fci viit advantages in a 1 less, offers 1 1 kfodjot -, ;V GHO O 3.Ü' X-LIljcl 9 Fine Tens mid Coffee lit reduced prices. Car nod Fruits of all LiuJi utu.lUht adva the w holesale price. Thankful lor post favors: share ol the publie patromige. Do not lor ■&*' *uc. to .«■* fav ' id ! K. Second Street. nec 1 »till pclicit n 'Till n HERMANN AHRENB, I lia «ho IS GENERAL PHOViSlÜrJ UEALER« Mo. 33i> .Tatnull btreat, WILMIHOTOH .lihli. ' Would respectfully an nvuiioti to his friruds aoJ tho publie that Le-sMliicar lies on the Meut budiuac.* • v at. the oldIttmd, nnd' will StîMwkeai» cmiBtaully -aj***- tn« best quality ol •;i baud SIIfl AR-CD RED UAM«' ' FLITCH, BHODLDIilW, LA 8Alj8Aa^' DIiIED BgSF, , CHEESE, TONGUKB, Ac.. &0. All of which will he sold wholesale and retail at the lowest city prices. He returns hia thanks to hifl many custo mers tor past favors and rcspcctlully Bol cita a continuance ol the same. JOHN 1*. ilLUlOND, Cor. 8th and Market streets. INj GROCERIES, TEAS, HFIOUB, &c.. Ac, 511 king St. & 2d aud king. W- R- BOWMAN. Grocer & Tea Dealer, ! ; Private Families. Hot els. IU&taurants and other consumers oapplled with THE BEST GROCERIES 3 AT FAIR PRICES. AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. gecou4 .>•»<« IT»»« •«<> All Klnir *>«. IDRI^i ' THE NEW 8THUE1 MOTTO : •' A*, QUICK DIMK 18 BF.TTFH THAN A slow dollar 1" Aa I Je. ire. on oe-ount of the oioot at ty of money, to sell at tho lowe*t figure, 1 have bought exclusively for cash, ana intend to sell at small profit« end jpako quick sales, hand at all touts 1 keep Tho Choiocsî Variety of GK o oebies, •onablo figures, Should you havo but to call At tho IHOrt doubt it. you my goods and prices, and > vL;ced. Don't forget tho 111 Wüst Second Street, W. M. KMA JK. I OJ will b«i o. tuber. jc!9i3i For UE&tÜiTUU'ä UBDËR. RF.OrSTKK'fl OFPICR, •71:VV CASÏLE COUNTY. Oet.84. IHYI Upon the upplicution ot busannah \ oars l«y A.iniiniftrntiix of Suinuet lenrsley. i ¥ i u of Mill Creek llu.idrcd, in said county, cfcccmicd: it in Ordered and directe! by the Register that ibo Administrât- ix ator Kivenoii.-noI gruntintf^ot letters ot Att irai i"»u upon thu Estai t, with tho dato of gi - io 1 i. ol the de* a t hcr eu I, by l.fl m the dato'« t public f■ la« 1, Later-, in t!i A county «»t i having do . f««iiy d ir« 1 six ol the n New Castle III«« rs i ii mg .writ, the «nine 1 1bn Us to i Act'd Assembly in such case made ana piw.;:bd. Aud nleo o.i use the game, to bo insert cd WiUlip tho bamo period in the Dtflftv/arcGaveDc, » ik w -i vocr published in V/ilm»UKton, and l«» ho contihutd therein month?. or ub hi Kegisler « ol Castle, in N at ty ntoreyiid the day. jmf 5 . ye.u D. GIBUS, lU'riirtcr. NOTICE, i; lui ma ainst tlio Es* .III tho à All pckcm ha' , ^ 1 ., t taiort UiCiieueaMd lrit ho Admu. trj duly n I toted befo H'jlllbly it. • of Au di d. .EY. t, 1 i.o Get ■d-.-n l il «' fcU.-AN N All YEA I A.lmi I'aikUnd P.0.. Del. :llo-2uit Addi netuatera Orttor. sti r nm» r. IlK Nc-.v Castle County. November 1'». 1K74. «blication of JOHN YOUNG. . laio ot euidcouut.v, dec«*as _ ... acted by ihu .Regis ter that the Administrator alor«said give notico ol tho granting of Letters of Ad ministration upon tho Estate of thodecewcu, with the date of granting thereof, hy causing advertisements to he posted witbiu forty days from tho date of such Letters, in hu of the most public places of the county of N ow Cut tle. requiring alt persons having demands aguinet tho Es # <ite t*> present f the abide by an Act of Ass ' made and provnled. Aud also chub»* the s; to t»e inserted within the same period i Dailv Gazette, !.. U. D-, a nowapap . Hflhod in Wilmington, and to bo continued theroin three week». . Given under the hand and seal ■ MswQoflicu of tho Register aforesaid, at WiwNew Castle, Now Castlecounty alO/® Fai l, the day ard year abova written. ' BE WELL C. BIGGS. Uegletor. Up Administrator ot Margaret Xu W ilmingto ed : it i.- Ordered d «li such bly he pub . NOTICE. A11 persons having clai täte of the decided luuHt present the sa duly attested to tho A JimatrAtor.on < r bo foie November 10th, lba, or abide tbc Actof AtMmh ' y iu ,u ' -b c " , ' , ■SounyUnu'.""" Ao minist i.itor. novlO-dJw against the Es on Rlld form per inr Address—VUImington. Del. THE GAZETTE PLAIN AND 0RNAMEN1AL ( JOE PRINTING, ml Ladies, are made a? buying large a The Of EVERY DESCRIPTION o r h ex AT No. 416 MarkotStred« HARDWARE. ». hl hbnt & CO., ikrcRTKRS AND MANUFACTl AO ENTS FOIt EUS» IBOlSf STTlTöI,, Hardware, 1 .1 A#1> i COACH MÂTMJM 'f I lia vc' tlic largest Stock of good.; iu «ho Htatc in th> ir line, and heat assorted Stock in tho Uuflod fc l.utca. IS os, 205 & 207 Shipley &210 & 212 0rang>3 fllrorts, WILMINGTON. BEL, Wm. GREEN & Go., ftacoe'Eorsto Pedrick, Green &!0n . luivurtcrs and* Ui-aers in IRON AND STEEL, f. BXtUMlMUB COAL, «AI.VANÎ/KD IROri. COACH-BllfLDKRb* UA1*. D WARK *o., S. K CORNER OF THIRD Hffd MIIP8..EY 8TS„ nave always on hand a full o^sort ui''nl of , viti Itt S <£ STEEL ! : v? - -A Jket bin*)« a yj }\pj r'^Amencftii 11am 1« if y i-ASXil ( t nioredaa.l Rolled us - am * v UaiH, Knglish lte fiiie«iBard uf ull ei*os.)land. Hoop, and .Slit fron, best tfr- . Lurwuy Natl rod! and Aukor bhapea. Ua»ranwea und Blue« Bhoct Iron, CunI. linear. Blutar German, bwede.Kpnng. 'i iro Àiftnhitfery.un'iTap fetcol. Smith, Coaub.and other Hard war«—Hone htioo Nails, H«irex, Uolti. Ulipi Nuts,'Washer.-', Midleaide CMtlnw. Boxes, Spring«. Aj tec, S|.oUCs.FcUoe.q..'n.ifU Dors, Jrv.,C»rri»g'*»vaN.-, Oil f uri-.'f- l^nt^ tinett.Knauieled Tun um!Di . .i Lniuiqr.uud Co. ich Hardware ol all kind. ; i r.Ji» V. m Gal Nails, Bahhit M-t .I, L**-» \ Ri eher. BrmoaTln. Sheet Zln.- ao.., hnnJ't Roll* rc. Back Cn ii'»«* «B. . 4 .1 viiiui la d.s. Ai.» ftiiN V; Î lio Kü« TICS i< ,B<1 its v timtfc , low>, Mu.lg » Vues. Hesju Tirera iron» All ui wlaub mil Lo , wh-»I ralo and tard. ! ■I credit. m.i Knives '/.iiMj ll.'immcr intt-'S !• TKiknaud )> A t very Jo «•r up pru* h 186H VIA NOS AND ORB A NS. 1 I* l ANOS |a£ Ml in For $2ö0.00 ui.D 'o* OB GAN« For $45.00 and upw^r.iifl For cash or on Instalments, at ROHE LEN & BRO'S LVarcrooma (Ul' STAIRS.)_ drall. ttUSICHAS CHARMS I l< F . ïiï£iJ>UCED TÏ4ÎT BF.ST l?J THt WOHLD el aid toll Will IiOHt a Iiifc-Tiuie ! 35.000 OF TUK OKLFHlv/V'lED Shoningcr Organs, II N L'A ILY Upn. fp bn best mufiicol till out ol tiie couuti y rucommenrt Üicbo Orgaiis fho nicest àii.l boat. Moio for your money.uud rivca Letter gatisiuciioD thtiu any other uow mado. 'i'hey comprise» tlio at Eurtte CoMcrls Orchestra ani ßrauüs. Illustrated CatfllogUP3 Rent bj nmd, ponl-pfxii] to uuy uddrcaa, up on application to _U. SHONINGBK & CO.. !t>TO BlHVl'IS, fl'«»«:u. he . .Ml JOHIM liOIJi > Y, ICE CltEAM 8, bo Es CONFECTIONS, TG Y S> CHILDREN'# C O X .C U JC H la- KIHE-TVORKS BASKETS, WOODEN WARE, An ! a gnncral ORîiort!ai..ût o; , *^le an! Fail« y Notions. S „ Jim-:. JfUIN 110L/DY t Do 4l* JtARKET STitÊKT/ Ut-posito tho tii.zotto Dû? jj, _ ^Bm iuetow. J*|. MARTIN JOHNSON, BOOK-BIDDER, AND BLANK BOOK MANUPACIIJRKR M.-iKaiin«,. Music and Pnldio.tiou u f all hind fionnd at tho lowest rutes. Back Numbers of periodic»!* toppi:*.!. JSX'3Î.£*? tu,a lîiv,i " 10 ""■kin» Ae Bindin» k " f < ' vtr> ul Iplinp »u,l «.tisfaction »uunntecd. Orders br muil wll 1 receive prompt attention, WAKTIN JOIINKTON, No. 12Q ÖIUI'LEI STREET, 75 ui h « 'V>\ ÆtXgA. y® 9S m T> ..- 'yLf-fl . 'tURElfi \L e 'iftfev™ ßJ'MvU.Mi fsj H liter iiig un,V • t destroyed by rn and vital organs wasted •rsiiott, noadacko. Palp figliincB.sof tbeChoat. Ildus or tho stomach. Bid t Attacks, Palpitation ol e 11i*.trt, luti n:, tuition ol the Lungs, l'nln in tho ion <>r tin* kldiioya, and a hundred other puluhff iptoins, are tlio oflliprinffs or DyspeuaUt. OM lile will prove a better guarantee of ita merit! iin a lengthv urivertlveracnt, l or frmnlo f'otKpliilni«, in young or old,. mUTlcd or «.ingle, at ti e dawn uf womanhood, or e turn of life, tlie^o Tonic Bitters display ao do did an influence i.ut Improvement is soon per iitlble. f«. «2E - f:ih I I Li li: r pa! ■ à- » **|»« ■!» d ï' - ill the Mom . !•:!•« i.d i.isd Chronic Itlic. -, Ib miiteut and Intel of tho blood, Liver. Kid ï bitters huvQ no equal, ■j can.-cd by Vitiated Blood, yonllc l*urgati p ---e-siiig tlio merit ui »gout m relieving Conger of u,o J.iwT an I VKpral urgar.9, aud to 4:»C I u*»*y 1 .. : it toi ■ c.i l'l Hiry well r J acting as • a lhUfUQ j liise.iHCS. Î or Wkii» ISi-r urn, blotches, spots, Pimples Pustules, irijiui.dca. Riug-worms. Scuid-Hcad, Soro ï y ipulas. Itch, Scurfs. Discolorations of the lliilnnrs and of the Skin of whatever name oi nature, are lltorully dug up and carried out of tho »ImrL time bv the oho of these Bitters. ; ». Lruptlon», Tetter, Bait polls, Lyes. Mtln pytrtom__ _ .. . * C. V .in fill Tliou«nnfla proclaim Vimeoak Bit rpits tho most wonderful Invtgorant that ever eiu tailed the Milking system. IC. II. Me ISOHAIjD A CO. Druggist-» and Ueti A A»., Kan Francisco, Cal., A of tVashlngton «mil Charlton. Kt«., N. Y. SOI.D 11Y ALL. DEBGG16T3 it DEALERS. 31 m w. m m jwrl u N» Y o Br iCt nH J 5 i OOK< AGENT* WAITED MARY CLËMMER AMES' J Incw book "Tea Veer« la Wah ■ portray* lb« " inner life," wond«r*. t ■ terlen, irr r*tdoinn*. etc , of the Capital, ■* a ■ nunU « H ovum »era them." It I* the racleat, brlgbt ■ cat, and beat ne w book out, actually «veiAowbiC ■ withapicy reeelatlona, humor, pathoa, and food ■ thlDga foraJL One Agent took 444 order* In on« ■ townahlpi another haa areraged 8H mi for N wee it. It out#* 11* all other bo< tab of over «0,000 copira already. II I« *p ■hiatrated i auperbly bound. Ws want AW armt* MOW—man or women—end ws vul Free to thoao *rho «id canraaa. Render I do yen wi inika moue? F Then «end for e«r larfro pamphlet«, full particular«, extra term#, etc.—they will tall you how I« to iU They are free to alL Send tor thorn. Addreaa, x I). WiitniHûToi iiCo..llaitford. Conn. *■»7? S3 WILMINGTON WAGON WORKS, Constantly on hand and madeto order KxprcBP, Market, Truck, Farmt Germautown AID Bncath's Patent Carlo. Push-Cart, and Borrow. : also. it gricultuial Implement«, which Pl.OWd, JlARROW S All No«, of the Mi *low». _ _ w Repairing Neatly and Promptly Exe* inted. Etl.&CK SMITH INC in all in brsnohu. l'articuler attention j - being «old at cost, Including • d CULTIVATORS re, Wiley, Pcucook and v *th or without centr* Henkend« drall. H( IPS M- SHOEING. An diseases of tho foot. «4 ca«ea oflame s. incidental to shoeing or fast driving treat icr the el Hunbar System SUCCESSFULLY. Interfering invariably cured in once shoeing kling and knee-sprung horses imme diately benefited and left m acondition by the aid of \vh*ch nat cure. Lameness from « orna instantly removed. Immediuto relief given in eases of acute toll nil or. Dift»res of tlio above nature and varioua •jthor. ertitiniug to the foot and log, herptofore considered incurable by "Old Hchool" Votegp tmnan*, nro by n judicious application of tho Dll.v 1JA It Bi .STEM relievcti and cured. ' An itnlui' :» I spec showing cause and eOoet. Hav i effects a permanent hibited at the oQBp^ Having been at great expense to acquire* thoifiugh knowledge of theBubjeot, anti being ith in tne State to whom Mr. Dunbar has imparted his valuable method of y prepared to treat the worst c:t«clho public can bring forwanU I employ only competont Sen sad sonaby supervise all operations. II* Orange street. vwno I.MAN •im on the only ■COllnuit, I ; tseiho publi per GUUro m Boyor's Hoof Liniment, After 3«) y Taif:, in sla.{ing. practjoal experience with temmi,g, Ac.,1 have leavn 1 iioru horASs hav« been nrippled py n to tho fuet than all other dLeases combiued. Alter many experiments I have louiid the true remedy to fhevrnt the dises IS «atbntio bj up of the hoot, or rosUiruU after negligence, to what nature Intended It should be— (he ormt »apport of the nulle nnimul. If the hoof is in ll .imvd aud diseabed, the uni mat is compara tively worthless. This Liniment wilt surelp p ri rent tliirf wur.*t of all diHeoBes.Contraction, Corn-, (Quarter CrackB, Contraction of tho Bac» Sinew,generally called KneoSpiung. Ac., and restore those that, have b»»u crip pled by tin; want of such a remedy. • *T i ry it, and it will nover fail if pllptrly applied, viz : Bathe the horse's foot once a wedL or «•r if neeo^ the heel and frocknjl around the hoof close to ths hair. \ M.C, BOYER, 4 Norristowa. oft« $ Ma. M. C. Bi nertjfy that I hu -D-nrSir: Tt ?ed your LinfcAo Ntahio lor three months past, on m find ii the l rr used on bord recommend it. I at once, by express, C. 0.Î 1IARRY 11AMIL No. U2 West 31»t street. New H an! [hi hundred horse »ri h n * o far botti ti v « Ci'i thu V. s. wA? t all Ae »u,l muil 75 (.TIO^ lOfîîl fl.nk?) ' : PLÜMBER.fiAf.iSTEAM, FITTER Winhe-hn friends and patrons to koowthat -™„ ll ^ a i r0 ulü , w »^ business in the above bian eai und would desire to renew their custom hororotore ho liberally bestowed. He Is prw* pared to do all kind» of work iu his line, sad •u>)imt estimates of eoet* gneranUeiuc to fin most e ° n,rBOti an< ^ oon,plot ® wH job» fo ÜBSTANT1AL AND WOBKUAHUX^ MANNBIU S itiâfactiçn to all will be my Aim? *M Ifcj -m-iii rosaibieprvfit charged, ftiTQmewciilL glîYfc#