Newspaper Page Text
BANKS A Nit |SSb5n ATU>8i UANti I ^ ' of.wilmiîUi'ûK. . - I Depository of the f'obUc Moneys, ! - Attn n V Finanolal Asa it of t'aa Uo'iel Statn» | ■ EDWAKD BETTS. President, GEO. D. ARMSTRONG, Cashier. •500,000 C I Paid OP Capital, Philadelphia auJ Mew Turk Kicbang* far niahel to multr Daucitor. wilhoul eharya Discount days. Mondays and Thursdays, at 8:30 A. M. r DIRECTORS Georaë W. Bush. KliOarrottj Joshua T. IIohM. William Tain all. mar28 Clement B. Smyth, Israel Pn-ey. Henry b. McComb, Daniel James, . I Edward Betts. THE AKTÄ.W'* SIVINU* BANK 502 Market Street, Incorporated February 23.13G1. Open to receive deposits daily ff°Jh Î) until 4 p. MV. and on Tuesday aud Saturday evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock. A SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND, of six per cent, bu been regularly paid• *» depesits. f*lnco the organisation.of »•'* und it is the expeotation of the Managers, that is rale of dividends will be continued. When dividend» aro not withdrawn, they aro acoou:ito»l as deposits. Thus permanent deposit* compound their interest twice in each year. th S MANAGERS: ■WILLIAM I.Uilli». | «xouau W. OlOtOr S. UAFRLLf* Chap. \V. Howiaari', I M. L. Lichtknbteül Nathan'l r. Bksuo*. 1 Bowsed Dakunqto* Hknbt F. Durs. I Job II. Jackson, K. M. Stotoxnbuko. I Wk- n* Swift, Anthoxv Higqins, WM-S.ÖTLLr V, Preside, t. Gbo. W. Buph, Vice Pros'dent. ieb21-lF K. T- Tatlo*. Tre»surer Clbmbst Iî.Smtt», y HR MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK. !Yo. 4 V#. I'blrd Streel. Fix per cent, interest. Open Tuesday and Saturday evenings a«d every day. a it. Grinifhaw, Treas.. J- P. Wales. M. D- l re» t John F. Miller.Clerk. vl * tf CHAS.CAMBLOS&CO.. BANKERS and BROKERS, No 38 S. Third St..PhlladelphD», YALERS IN GOVERNMENT ^ECURI TifiS, GOLD. filLVRlt, Ac. docks and Tonds are bought end sold c-n commission. Particalar attention m investment*. «i©niv*-iv to DELAWARE FIRE In City ^Insurance Company ~ 'Xo. COS Marhct Street, 1 And ter tion inent WILMINGTON, DEL.. Charter Perr etual Incernorated 1823. Insurance for a term of years, or ■Perpetual Insurances ax Greatly Reduced Rates. Logées promptly adjusted and paid. Insurance against 1 gs 3 or damage by any other company. fire as ow DIRECTORS: va in. Canby, Wm. M• Canby, W. G. Uibbone. , Geo. W. Bush. Geo. W, Btono. WILLIAM CANBY. F sident. F.L. Gilpin. Secretary. pr29-'70 Geo. W. F parks. Kranois Barry, Swift. 1 oh H. Tatum ibe Xpw easticbftumy MUTUA1« Insurance Company No. C02 Market Street, INSURES AGAINST FIRE, Huuses end all other kinds ?&•» J tlatOO .1 46,25*) 4'j.767 ol Buildings with their con tenta, Kar periods of timo varyin« from .1 month, to a term of years 49,78'J Managkcc. WlLLIAke Tatkall, v< ii.liam Ca.nby. * .Iamk* Dradfohd. G ko lllCHABDSOK, JoH.V G TITER, Chas. a. Howland. Clement B. {smith.; Edw'o Brirohurbt, .Iamks Kiddle, F.dwaro T. Bei.lah. a. P. Shannon. Ahbtov Kichabdson, Gko. H. Bates. M. AI. Clkavkr. lie W. E. M Col. <C*»1. Jos J. S. E. SamT. Can 1 WILLIAM TATNALL.Pre«:t. -M0 SAMT- SMITH, S««'r. Now be Careful About how you buy your . FEFRTGERATOR, Don't hoy any until you examine the RELIABLE.' claim for it i? fir=t. its perfect o cold air nnd botter circula any other i What ilryness:2d, use. It is lining to ion, with le*s ice thn 1 with Part li Corrode. Gall and see it in operate 40« HII1PLEY mayfi KTREKT It. MORRISON. Tho irroat dDcovcry of tho Pacific 7.THE CELEBRATED Trade and. H . H. H. I30BCNE-; flEIHClXE,"'; J>. I>. T. 1R68..3 This medicino i* without dispute one ol ihe greatest external preparations in the «vurlafor man or beast. It is gaining a great er reputation in a shorter timo than any ha?, by. perlorming su 'h ha« never been performed before in Spavin, and all external Dis eases of the Horse, and is a certain iRhronio Rheumatism. Dipiheria and Sore Throat of nil descriptions in persons. No family should he without it as a household medicine to apply to,and all horsemen should lave it in their barns or stables, as one oftbe best horse medicines now in use v See circu parnphlet for full particulars. For salo by druggists generally. Manufactured by FRANCIS & KLDRlDGf: No.920 North Front street. Philadelphia, janiy-wl v Kale Mans other romedy cures Blood »ad B for Isr \\TILLIAM LALLY. '.WHOLESALE DEALER IN Brandis, Whiskies, WIJNKS. &c., Uil BASTBOWT pstheet, Between b'renob and Walnat Street,. WILMINUTON. Dfif, co ^l :| QHA^LE^ WARMER _-gf— w -* Street Wharf, a*,. Wimtt «»»*«. D«u ! 1 OO. and Rotatl Uenlera —IN'— VVtr°^ efla ^e | < Inoue t'oal. ■ Anthracite Hud Ulta The only firm in thin oily reeejvle« coal Lehigh and Wilkesburre Coal Companys tho C °Kv ory on. should u»o tho 8b»wmeo Coiiltofi amily. steam or manufacturing purposes, We guarantee it to make Urn ajhw". rore economical and *iv* better satlstactlen I ban any coal offered in this market. ask foh^YÄÄh coal. Toll your friend, wb.t you Ibink ufth. SHAWNEE COAL. Cil ARLFS WARNKR A ÇO.. Market Street It h»rf. iel2-ly! FILE & WUEPHBY (SuooeSeors to Wm. H. AUmonJ & Brh..> Dealers hi COAL AND WOOD, Cot 20th and Merker Streets , (ôth Ward) WILMINGTON. DEL Orders left with John I*. Alltnond, Eighth 1 and Market »treats, or nt our office, will be l 'b"!'l.oMs'an'i Schuylkill Coal »!».»• «" baud. __u.ay 7.7l-Ir _ OD« PATENT WaoO.VS ELIVKR THE BEST tOAL ÏN10 OEL LA1IS wttbout dum^H».^«^« JanlStf French Street Wharf. JOSEl'H FOIJT : D ment eELI.* ENTEIlPKIiE. HAIILEIOII ANT> SHAWNEE COAL AT SCHUYLKILL PRICES, Dak nnd Pine WO'JDby the cord and inaal. Wetrvloexecl all ocr neighbor» in the nrepnrnti'T of our Coni, bow lar _wo have Ly .« will leave to our caitomeri to H«dod we Will leav JuS ^t, n rouTi and Water itreels say for us. tio.m, uf the A FORTUNE FOR SI One Ctft I» Guaranteed «« »no or every eleven CouaecutlVe aouibm. ibrouiçh lilt tu» under official from black yeais nal , $50,000 FOU ONE DOLLAR. "NOW 13 YOUE TIME.' bo'psthoBa who help thern Fort bered iirt« Ht $1.00 «Bch. r, OU. inclusive. The exceedingly ici; eis bring* it within the reueh 500.000 Tic _ m i to ' i. w price ol of nil. 5o( fro Grand Gift Concert In Aid of roMW Improvcmeuta in tbe City of lieniion, Tcxaa. Til 1C TexasiGift Conceit Association WILL GIVE A GRAND CONCERT_ Thursday llccemb'r 31,1871 And will Distribute to theTicket Ilctdtrs 138350,000 im gifts. DEPOSITORY, ^ I J f N S J 5 oN TI0NAL BANK Distribution to commence immodiatelr af ter the Concert. Managers of the Distnou tion chosen by the Ticket IIolderB and fro' inent Citizen*. " ,ii. sion by the a b. . LIST OF GIFTS: 1 Grand Cash Gift,. $501 ' 25,0>i 1Û.IH •> , 1U.OOJ . 5.ÜUÛ , 2.500 , lhOO . 6 000 . 6.000 . 1 t . . '* <i>UU each 10 ISO 4.500 150 6,000 6 000 loo ?&•» 60 100 IIS) 4.000 5.000 5.000 U.750 4(5.250 201) 1* 600 tlatOO .1 .51/» 46,25*) 1 4'j.767 Grand Cash OiOs. amounting to<200,000 22 Prizes in Real Estate, ** ** »50 W0 . <250.0t'0 49,78'J Gifts, amounting to. REFERENCER Koowing that the management of this Asso ciation will be conducted as represented, we cbeeriully recommend tho same to the pub lie : James Leonard. John Ifolford, John B McDougall, W. II. Winn. II. Tone, J. M. Cook. Aldermen, City of Denison. Texts; Judgo, Wm. D. Kirk, Ncvins, City Treasurer. W. B. Bons« Lone Star Mills, Weekly Times. Denison. E. K. Fuller, Alam > Hotel, M doldsoll A Co., Merchants, Wm. Hughes, Beal Estate Broker, First National Bank, Denison, Col. Frank Schrader, Ex-Mayor, Daily and Weekly News, Denison,. Samuel A. Cook, Heal Estate Broker, <C*»1. T. II. Warren. Koal Estate Broktr, Chus. A. Maurice. U. H. Commissioner. Col. Hamucl Brooks,Gnlvaston, Texas. Jos Perry, Attorney AI. K. &. T. R. K. J. W Jennings, Ex-Postmaster U. &. ffenate* Col. II. vV. Nheph^rd. Alamo Hotel, Denison, tien. G. A. Beul. IJ. 8. Army. Ft. Griflith.Tex. MerchontB' A Planters' Bank, Denison . S. G- E«ldy. Division Nup't M., K.ft T.H R. Col. E. J. btrang. I! M.U.H. A.. Denison, Tex* Goode, fctinuett Sc Co-, Cotton Brokers. Deni E. D.'Cbadick, M ana cor. Cotton Compress Co., Denison. 1 , is to A statement of the DistnbutL.n will be published and forwarded to ticket holde 1 «, and all gifts will be promptly paid after the distribuiioa. GOOD AND RESPONSIBLE PERSONS WANTED to work for the intoreat of this Associât! n LIBERAL COMMISSIONS ALLOWED. HOW TO REMIT TO IS. Money should be sent by Express or by Draft. Post Office Money Order or Registered Letter. ol the great any su 'h in Dis Address all Communications to ALPHEUSR. COLLINS, Scc'y., OENIBOS TEXAS. octl3-law-3m REMO YAE. I have removed from my old stand 403 Shipley street, to N.W. Cor. 3d & Shiplev, Where, wita increased facilities, 1 shall be better prepared to supply the wants of my customers with STOYES.HEATERS. EAITO-ES, and House Furnishing hoods xenerelly. Being thankful for past favors I hope by personal attention to business .to ontinue tcfreoc|vele)ihftre)of your patronage« Ri MORRISON. 1 Thu Vicksburg Troubles. The Xegroes Intrenched at Fort BUI. Fighting Renewed Memphis, TeiiD.,yj«c. 9 Dispatches from Vicksburg received lute last night » ale that the fighting «a* re~ ncwed at Snyder's Bluff, ten mile* from that city, last evening, bel ween a body of eoverai hundred negroes and lorty white*. A cour ier waa Heut to Vicksburg for re-inforce lutnU, which »oou appeared ou the scene of acliou. Alter a short skirmish, in which lour negroes were killed anu thicc wounded the negroes IcfttbO field» Au atu inpt was made during the night to hang the negro sheriff, Crosby, was unsuc cessful, as be was guarded by a largft foice of men Last night the negroes drove in the white picket* from Fort Hill, and, U.U ««id, they have intrenched tbcmselvee there. They are receiving large re-lq forçâmes l from other counties, nud ore marching toward the el'y by the lssaguorma Road, driving the white h before them. They fired into a funeral procîndon yeèterday, wounding while mun. A number of shots were fired in return, and three negroes were killed. Governor Arnea has issued a proclamation selling forth ftie tacts of the disturbances at Vicksburg, and calling upon the rioteis ami disorderlv persoua to disperse and retire tH-acrably to their bonnn, and hereafter sub ! ïwï conitituted eulhoiitits o. the State. - - «««- . ■ ■■ , , U4 , . „.y , , I A Irani Ntoppril Hint Robbed. | Kakaar Piky Mo Daceinbbr 8 — At I nÄo Ä *£ii ^eruocu . 8 . the tram on the Kansas luciuo Railroad reached Muncie, a few miles west of this city, five masked meu flagged uud stopped it. Cutting off the pmacufc.r cuachet they moved tbe engin, and «lyres. oai eorn« dia tonco nhead, and then tobbod ihe .atu ot \Vt ils, Fargo & Co., of about $37,000. ^ oe containing gold dust, valued at <5,000 and consigned to Kountxs Brothers, of New were all large men, heavily armed with Henry rifles and revolvers, and rod* buy and brown borses. Tbe Express Company offers a reward of tio.m, tbe Rriiwav Coutpao, »4.«^ Governor Osborne <2,500 for lue recovery uf the property and arrest of the robbers. one c 1 51i,io Year, of Rwllcnl POBoe. »„ r ibrouiçh for tbe prewiit, Viek,bur« begin». lilt tbe old rtory ot lul.k-.i.urniu.ut "" J »Iiollatlou with wbiob luter yea,, ol tu» recomtruotlou el'oeb bavo laado u. bo familiar. Nearly all Ibe county officer. under mdictmcul for luigery, larcency, *3.; tbe.Ueriü believed to uave made away »tili dorumeniary evidence ol Ibe criuica iu bl« official custody; tbe dluoovery mode that tb. CointuUiioner. have excused thu Sberifl from tbe formality ol gifiug bond»; tho Ux psycis, in despali of peaceful legal redresa, icsortlng to violence; the* city besftiged by black militia: aimed col!men, bloodthua, raplne—tbi» 1, wbc.e we have got* iu uloe yeais of nommai peace. A ot. Louis J ou ^ _ nal turns up the whole history in a single sentence: ' Republican goverumeut at Vicksburg has ripened »uto felony, and the , salt D revolution." N, THE PENN KTATI'E. - uLaVO BTILL PATS TUB PBNN FAM ILY, AMD WHY. e is a kubscriptiou being made i« I " "'"'ha« bwtffia .t«n!y ÿcÎA"«- ! ,ii. J aud .1111 racrlve from lCuglaud " 1 Tb. iioii.iuu ot »20,000 a your oa reward for Ibe hU I'eim family In tbeir un.ueceavful endeayora prevent America aobievlug independence. I of FcrhapB tbe preeent reciplenU oftbe pen- j sion would contribute a lew dollars II # P | plied to. Yours, respectfully, I In Ciiablkb UaADLAUOU. I the any at anil A lawyer was In a country town on * j amino flying trip. He was uoeoated in tho hotel | low by a "diuinraer," who thought him oue of I the lraternity, ;and inquired : "For what 1 house are you traveling f" "For tny own." I "You are I May 1 ask your name?" "You | * may." Pau6C--enjoyable to the lawyer, embaroesing to tbe ffther. ''Well (desper ately), what is your name?" "Joues." "What line aro you ln?" "I don't under stand you, sir."4|"What are you selling?" (impatiently). "Brains" (coolly). The mer cantile traveler saw his opportunity, and, looking at the other from head to loot, he Bald slowly, "Well, you appear to cairy a deuced small lot of samples. a hat b. . t New York, Dec. 6,1874. Tit for Tab Senator Carpenter of Wisconsin wants to 1 be re-alected. Gov. Washburn wants his place. Whereupon n letter is produced written in 1871, Just before he was elected ns Governor, In which he says: "As to th« "Senatonbip. you cau say that I fthall never I "contest for that position agsiost either I ■•How# Mia Cat pouter." Oot. WMlitmrn IT.u. !|, a ».»».r ,n.. 1 now writee ead edmtU the, , acquired for him the favor ol Carpenter h | [ friend,, but denies a bargain. Tuen Ida 1 pledge wee one of honor aimply, which he now drclarre not binding. Tight piece for Uov. Wuhburu, leaving him uo character over to lend to Senator Carpenter. Result, 1 probat)le re-election ot the wickeet Senator. Il I9TOBT Repeats IiSELf.—Irvinp, iu his history ol ihe reign ol Governor WouterVan I T wilier, says he sei tied his policy by placing I a few woodeu guns on the old dutch fort, I •'which frowned deflauoe on absent foes." I Our ciussio President, in tbe document he j signed and sent to Congress Monday says : I "The Americau Navy, comparatively small "as if is, will be found at any time powerful I "for the purpoees ol a peaceful natiou." I be «, n by SXXDINO GBOCBRIBB TO OHIO.—Odft Of our grocers, yesterday, tilled an order for twenty pounds of coffee for a man residing in Alliance, Ohio, and sent it out by express The man eonld bay bis eoflee here and pay express cbargea,for a less sum than he could get It lu his own neighborhood. TH 08 . R. LALLY, waiMAHKKT STREET, 403 lonTBianciDSL Beal Estate ant Claim be my .BU8INESS. j PROPERTY^BOÿGHT k 80LD; AND EX-{ Houaaa Rented, Rents OoUected, Loans Negotiated LEGALPAPKK8PREPARED, «nrlftdtf _ I .to 1 ÎOARpiNG.— Pleeeent! room. Mid boar iJ jug in e.nrlvete faoadr at m NeTTOimia STUN» 11 I 1 • Äc? idler's Order, RioiftTtE'ft Orr ic*. Now Cattle County. >joy f lUb. la,4. Upon the application of >ULUAM MKNaMIN. Executor of JAML& MAH* TfN. lato ot Wilmington hundred, in ■aid county, deceased ; it is ordered and directed by t\ie Register that the Kieculor aforesaid give notice of the grantinir ot Let ters Testamentary upon the h*tate ot J"® ceased, with the date ol granting thereof, by causing advortiBouients ta be posted within forty days from the date of such Lotten, in six of tho most public places of the County of New Castle, requiring all portions having demands aga »n« t tLo - Ute to present the same, or abide by an Act of Assembly in such case made and pro vided. Andaleocause the same to bo insert ed within the same period in the Dela ware Gasette, a newspaper published in Wilmington, and to bo continued tberoin three woeka. t K. O. U.) , „ . , Given under the hand and Sent ol Oflloe ol the Register eloreaaid, at lîU-JNew Cattle, in New Caltle county a foreaid, tho day a nd year above written, aioruiu. mo u , g, C. BIGGS, Redder. i V-.4» reoirticr Officx. « Cjstl« County. November 10. 1874. Lpom application ot JuIlN YuUNO. Administrator of Mnrgafet ^oung, Die of WUmingtf n hundred, in n'lt , îï' .d; notiee •< the granting of Letters ot Ad- ministration upon the Estafe of the deceased, I wi to the data of granting thereof, by cuusuur | JjÿJrtigementsto be posted within lorty days I from the date of such Lottere, in six of the *dÄ Ä j n8t tho Ej'*te to present .tho same or abide by an Actof Assembly in such case made and provided. And also cause the same to be W K hl iVf>'"!i m nolitu« iîor pùb ft wuminiton.^nd to be continued th<rein thrl)(l w9 , ki . Given under the baud anti seal oi | IWkH office of the Kegiatcr aforesaid. at ÜBE^New Castle. New Castlecounty uWr» I NOTICE, All persons having claims against the Es Ute of the decease 1 must present tho same Mr N^Vember ?0tb! wüb'n abM« the Aet of I a^j-iji- 0U oh case made and provided, I JOHN YOUNG. Administrator. 1') d^w NOTICB. Allperionihavidtfilaimi acaiu.t tho Es tata of cbi deceasarl must Iirejcnt tho l;mo ^?SCÄ^iLnr.Mi r ..Ä e in .«oh o«o mad. '{vÂcMkïfAMIN. Executor. nov28-3weod AdJrcss—Wilminfton, Del. Registers Order. Addre»*—^Wilmington. Del Boxos, Bows, Coach vunizod Banra Cranks low*», Files, Twero All prices, proved ~ I JAMES BRADFORD. fill t» V IßtlSilES. I AC« "11.S, > I , ... , VIUHOA ÜLAoS. I — , . p| I CeOlOnt 8110 OÛICtnUÜ ridbli.r. ..... ... . ir ., PainU.wbite lead, "■* l4 ^,; "J**.", *. ,n "- 11 "? SiVikÄI"«^ foin oil.ooll oil.Tiljin A ! varniihes. Eng'Uh varniibes, aleo j^ 0 | f turpentine, paint mill«, paints ready mixed, artist«' material«, wax flower «atari I aU.daoalcomanlaploturM.all kind.of lormrn I oolor«. ladders of different lenrthp, ready I g i ate d «ash. gold leaf, bronzes, vcrmilllons, | ookingglasslplates. Noa.6 a&d'iR East. Third St. wilminqton.:dei. N, B.—Particular attention paid to Ho»»«« »adWhlu Psiutlngi eftfu WiUIuk^o, apl I CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES, ! MmM St.. » «>»•»» »'*•" of M " rk,t " 1 Tb. uud«r»liD«.l raiprelfully tnlorui»—jju, hU lriend. and the publio that hoho» »IV 1 MER*îlOOTS f Wl I of SPRING AND SUM MLR Boors. Lwlie j Sintbimîn. Miase. 'and' Children, which ere | manufactured from tbe bost material and made I In the best manner, and will be sold as low as I the came article oan be obtained In this or any other city. Ladies and gontlemen buying at my store will have tbe advantage of a large anil varied assortment from which to select a fashionable und neat fitting hoot or shoe. Ihe publio aro cordially invitod to call and ex* * j amino my stock and learn my e< eroding ly | low prices. JOHN K. DAltDOLii. of I ^^may21-ti 1 I | * 9 and, he a For REAT SALK OF RIBBONS, AT M. L. LICHTER JÜTEIN'S Ko. 326] Market Street, WILMINGTON,:DEL. Ion SATURDAY. OCTOIIElfJjth The ILarrut Stock of RIBBONS wm opt to 1 his th« never I FOR CASH ONLY. I Brer offered H retail. The lot einlraoe« m.. 1 thousand three hundred and forty-seven Uieoee, to «H width« troffiNe. * to 8j. includ h | [ nj(i Ida 1 he for u& CENTS T*ICrt YjVTtl3 1 FANCY SASII RIBBONS. All will bo sold at a uniform price of The rale will commence iuoeduy tho 20th Inst. M. L. LICHTENSTEIN. 2.6 Market Street. eollG his _ _ I ^fltVgb ril u^ii. h c I AuitK CUMMINB fort, I ATTORNKY-AT-LAW foes." I he j AND^SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, says : I wtlmlngto« f»G t small I None«—512 I - - Kin-» Nt. nxxt do*»* to Po _ Of for residing express pay could THE GAZETTE I PLAIN AND 10 RNAMENIAL JOB PRINTING, Claim Or EVERY DESCKIPTION j EX-{ AND AT THi: LOWEST CASH RATES boar 11 ^AT No. 416 Mark»tS1ro«t. I - <i t j HARDWARE. V. H. KENT & CO IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS' AQKNTS FOR IEON. STBÆL. Hardware, AND , COACH MATERIAL, Have thn largest Stork of good* in tho Stqte in their line, nnd best assorted Stock in the Unitod States, Nos, 205 & 207 Shipley &210 & 212 Oiango strerts, WILMINGTON. DKL. Wm. GREEN & Go., Sneep sonte Pcdriok, Green A7Co.» .Importers and Doners in IRON AND STEEL. I ITU.MINOUH COAL. GALVANIZED ittOrt. COACH-BUILDERS' HAKD WARF Are., F. E CORNER OF Tllllil) anti sniPLEl STS. « hr vo always on hand a full assort ment of vv . IR N dr STEEL Bert brands o -•y- . o.'i American liam J\ mend aao Rolled 'v Bars, English Re ■" _ fi neu liars of all sises, Band. Hoop, nnd Norway Nail rods and Anghr Shapes, Gaivanisea and Blacx choot Iron, Cut. Btaeiix. BIUtar G.rm.p. Hwede.Bhring.Tlre Smith. Coach.and other Hardware-Morse Snoes. Horse Shoo Nails, Borax, Bolts. Clips, Nuts, Webers, Malleable Castings. Wavon Boxos, Springs. Axles, Spokes .helloes,bhalts; Bows, .fee., Carriage Canvass, Oil Carpets Kat tinett.F.riuwoled Ton and Dash Leather,and Coach Hardware ©fall kinds; Iron Wire G»U vunizod Nail», Babbit. Metal, Lead, Spelter, Banra Tin, Shoot Zine, Ac.. Grindstones. Cranks and Rollers. Back Chui»*, Zro , As Smiths' and othor tools. Anvils. V low*», Sledg'-s, Hammer*. Shoeing Knives. Files, Hasps, Smiths Dr II», Tiro Benders, Twero Irims, Stock* an 1 Dies All ot which will be sold at very low prices, wholesale an 1 retail, fnroaah or ap proved credit. march 2.186H ~ ÏJÀXOS axU OU G A xs i ,'fud o *r J* * \ Vr V , B«*l PIANOS ^ draft. in pnii For $200.00 und upw&rd*. ORGANS For 915.00 and upwards. For cash or on Instalment*, at ROUELEN & BRO'B Warorooms _iUP STAIR«.!_ mJSICHAS CHARMS I IPKICFIREDUGEDM neaa. ed THF BEST IN THE WORLD aid Will Last a Life-Time I 35.000 OF TUE CELEBRATED Shoninger Organs, IN DAILY USE. '''he bent musical talent ol tue country recommend these Organs. The nicest and best. Moro for your money,and gives better satisfaction, thnn auy ether now made. They oomprlao the Emela, Concerto Orchestra anil Grands. illustrated Catalogues sent by mail, post-paid to any address, ap on application to ;b. bhoningek & co.. New Unvcu, t enu, <R)HNBODDï, ICE CREAMS, CONFECTIONS. TOYS. Ë CHILDREN'S; «jc c o a:c m jc h PIRK-WOKKS BASKETS, WOODEN WARE, ft tenertl asaiortment of Staple'»nd Notions. J^lIN RODDY No 41. J ARK ET STRËKT. Opposite the Gaaette GU) jo, Wilminaton. j>eL 'X And FftLry l »* MARTIN JOHNSON, BOOK-BINDER. AND DpANK BOOK MANÜFACTUBER, k,^i a oSS?a l '?Sff 0 Äi *" »ÄÄ 1 X' Bindini 00kl ° f ° TCrT vlrlets ' of aJj Katufkftion guaranteed. Orden br mall rill receive promut attention, Ao HAKTU SOHNSTOM. Ko. 420 HHIPLKY 8TKKKT, » jt-r/c-tt NiunasToi WM ,-V '3? Î . eurei ' »J in lake these Bittere accord» und remain long unwell, pro . aro not destroyed by mlncTal ether me ins, und vital organs wasted «voua the point of repair. 2>ynprp»in er Iwdigeatien, Iloadache, Pain In the .shoulder*, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, hizziness. Hour Kructallous of the gtomsch, Bad T:i.j|o in the Mouth, bilious Attacks, Palpitation fho Heart. Inthimmation of the Lu nfra. Pain In the region of the kidneys, and a hundred otherpaluiui HViuuiomi, ary tho oirMprlngs of Dyspepsia. Oue tiottie will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a 1 mgthy advertisement. I*or D*>ukitle C ottaplnin««, in young or Old, married or »ingle, st tho dawn of womanhood, or Hie turn of life, the«» Tonic bitters display so do . Idrd an lnnucuce tiiut Improvement is soon per IV« PfrkAS <• lug to directioii vlded their bot. Yobton ol cpjdllile. Mur HnflmtininlAry nnd Chronic Bhe« <i (lout, bilious, ltemlttent and Intel . DlMcnscs of tiie Blood, Liver, Kld n I bladder, tlicso Bitters have no «quai. ii ;:t l'c .jii<'li lJif*i*asea nro caused by Vitiated Blood. Tliry nro n «mile Purgnlivo aft w«ll si « n Tonic, possessing the merit of acting powerful agent In relieving Congestion or Inflam ination of the Liver nnd Visceral Organs, and in billon.'* Diseases. For Skin Diecneee, Eruptions, Tetter, Ralt Rhenm. Blotches, Sfiots, Pimples I»ustules, Bolls, carbuncles, Rlng-vorms, hcald-Head, Bore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs. Discolorations of the Skin. Humors aud Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, aro literally dug up and carried out of tho in a short timo by the use of these Bitters. GrunTuI TkouiumU proclaim Vinkoar Bit rEus tiie most wonderftil lnvlgorant that ever sus tained the sinking svrtem. It. II. mpUONAl.V A CO. Druggists aud Gen Aj;ts.. Hun Francisco, Cal., à jor. of Washington ana Ohuriton su., N. Y. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS A DR ALIM. . « o low ap tyst S m n m i fl UiLImUm KjmViU^Pbck««. 'Macuimi lorruu Co.. '«1 Bro»d. Th« A»wi N«w York. OOK'AGENTS WASTED MAItY CLEMMEB AMES' M. book —Tea Year, la Wokkna- n =3 SÄ 9 aU WILMINOTOM WAGON WORKS, hand and made to ordert Constantly Express, Market, Truck, Farm! Germantown ^ inn Sneath's Patent Tilting Wagona, Carts, Push-Csrt * and Barrows ; also, j Agricultural Impie manta, which are being sold at eost. including PLOWS, HARROWS and CULTIVATORS All Nos. of the Moore, Wiley, Peacock and Hecsendorn Plows, with or without centre draft. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Ex«» cuted. BLACK SMITH INC in all its Lrsnches. rarticular attention pnii to HORSE-SHOEING. All diaoa.oflB of the foot, and cases of lame* neaa. »nnidental to shoetnxor fast driving treat ed under tLu Dunbar NyHtcm SUCCESSFULLY. Interfering invariably cured in once shoeing Knuckling and knee-sprung horses imme diately benefited and left In a condition by tho aid of which cure. Lameness from corns Instantly removed. Immedlnto relief given iu cases of acute founder. Diseases of tho above nature and various others ertaining to the foot and leg, heretofore considered incurable by ''Old School" Veteri narians, are by « iudicious application of the DUNBAR 6VSTEM relieved and cured. Anutomioal specimen exhibited at the office showing cause and effect. Having been at groat expense to acquire a thorough knowledge of thasuhjeot, ana being the onlv smith in the State to whom Mr. Dunbar haa imparted his valuable method of treatment, I am prepared to treat the worst ca«otho public oan bring forward. I employ only coiupeteut men and per sonally supervise all operations. Ofliee 111 nature soon effects a permanent 11» OranclUreft. Vttmi l it« Boyer's Hoof Liniment. After 30 years practical experience with borses, in staging, teaming, &e.,I have learn ed ttiat more horsoj huvu been crippled bf inattention to the lset than all other diseases combined. After many experiments I have lound the true remedy top kxvxnt the disease ot the hoot, or restore it after negligence, to what nature intended It should be —Iht orrai rapport oj the noble animal . If the hoof ig in nituied and diseased, the animal is compara tively worthless. This Liniment will surely prwent this won.t of all diaeases.Uontraetion. Gorns, Quarter Cracks, Contraction ol tha Back 8in«w,generally called Knee Bpning, Ao., and restore those that have keen crip pled by the want of suoh a remedy. i ry it, and it will never fill if properly applied, vis : Bathe the horse's foot once a week, or offener if the heel and frog,an 1 •Fgpad tbe hoof close to the hair. Norristown* Ba. Mr, M. C. Bo V gR-0«ar fyri Thia I« .1 certify that I have used your Liniment In tpr stable for three months past, on more than one hundred Dorses, and find it ihe best pre paration I have ever used on borses. It is Far better than rou recommend it. bend me five gases at oner, by express, C. 0. D. iIaRKY HAMILTON. 131st stseet. New York; No. 13k West Ci 7. ——WM«»»*» WM. S. WATT* Ko 1009 ittavket fitrett, PLUMBER, GASÆSTEAM FITTER Wishes his friends and patrons to knowthftt he has rosumed business lath« wbgvftbraa cea and would desire to ronew their custom heretofore so liberally bestowed. He is pre täSi,* 0 'ütàitseâBsfà loth nlUoutreets and oomplete ell fobs U *" aJj ÖBiTANTlAL AND WORKMANLIKE MANNER. Batlefaotion -o all will be mr eta. ead the _