Newspaper Page Text
„»d tontmrrW — , „SOTO!*. Del.,Nov 28, 1*77. WI ? „Louons furnished by 8 Cloy House Building * 12 M. I«-Joy: *$jCK4U0TATI0NS. A XJ « ..loo* ;K iliia . ts* p 1 ' iff : S* •fäsr-r :. ft I 13* Ceoiral---■ « 2 * Central. Coupon j. Vew, J-ftJ •.Coupon. no* 1(81 * .109 10 * ..108* .. 121 ', . .10" T, ..105* ycst' , re<l i„nL STOCKS AND BONDb. Mton »'n;,: (ias Company. « Hank of Unaware. jonal Rank. Mini Rank. » Bank.. ilBank Wil.and Brandywine.. Fire In». Co. M0 41 Sail [>Y„ 83 .31 'Vs K l. R. Co... re Mate Ronds ... îlonGiy «'■ 102 on City 5 s el'ounlyl in-' 1(0 1, first Mortgage re Rail re Railroad, extension. imiXortliern,first Mortgage re Western K. It., Ist mortgage. 17 unwer Railway Co. 1st mort., loo .. 100 101 . 25 Rond«... He Hal! C WILMINGTON MARKET« Wilmington, Del., Nov 28, l«T7. Utile Brandywine Mill« for mi- Corrected Daily. s.ooa o.oo 7 noa 8 oo 5 75a 6 fiO UlyF! ptoeFloar. Kil.ADKhPHIA MARKETS. Tuesday, Nov. 27.6 p. m. trtod Meal.—'Tho market continue« silesoi2wo harrels including lOOOon mis; also Minnesoto Extra Faml il for ax port, at *5 75a035: extra 6 50. •hanged; sales at 4 25. Corn roar Is Mull; the last sale iirundy wine was Ifo b. h-Wheat Is quiet, but prices are Bpil. Sales of 7000 bushels Pennsyl imi.good. at $143; Ohio amber at T«tero white 145ai55. Corn—But ikdoing. there being only a light de Idom tin* shippers and local consum es in small supply and prices have i»i Hales ol 30.000 bushels, includ ed Southern yellow ftöaOO; Penn ine, afloat, at 05c; Western high ioldpt64a65; Western white at 37a40. iny—"5barrels Western iron-bound lull 10 per gallon. rmy and set! stocks, Iloiids and Gold in N York, Phlla, Baltimore i and local markets. USHERS AND BHOKEH8. tcHouse Building. Entrance ou 01 Street. Wîor American, Red Star, Inman toanl Lines to Great Britain and sen ot Europe. FOR SALE. 1,6.0 Mechanics Loan Associa te, to,OOO Franklin Loan Assocla Ji&Co. krnle. m IlAlLtiOAMßti. giDKLPHIA, WILMINGTON & ULTIMOUK HAIL ROAD. Nov'r 26th, ltfI7. P»wllllfeuve Wilmington ke'phlaand Intermediate Stations, 3 H\0 47, 10 00 a. in., 2 30, 4 50 Ef-P. m. kind New York, 2 09, 5 44, a. m. 12 37 Mü,p. m. pore and Intermediate Stations IB. *®°reand Washington, 12 51,1 16, 839, 12,59, 5,09, p. m. ~î, !or Delaware Division, leavefor: FUsile, 6.20, 9.30, a. m. 1.11, «30, p.m. äh»* and Intermediate Stations, at J**' 1 15,6.30 p. ui. waud Intermediate Stations 9.30, 'ip- m. SUNDAY TRAINS. ^Ipliia and Intermediate Stations, •5.0»i. 6.30, p. m. «pliiaand New York, 2.09, 5 44, a. *id Washington, 12 51, 1 16 a information passengers are • tables posted at the 11. F. KENNEY, Superintendent. follows *•.. 1 father ti fhVlAIj NOTICES. f 'i ii it k e 1 ' h lEitter •Vine of Irou. ^veriffKnown to full In the cure n'i, • »lauded with symptoms, ln J™ 7 exertion, loss of memory, ot breathing, general weakness, A Qwease, weak, nervous, trembl i ng. ,'K r " r death, night sweats,cold , Ss !'"mness of vision, languor, jassiuuie of the muscular sys ^nnoiis appetite, with dyspeptic tenfn llu JH ls * flushing ot the body, ù n . 'J J *' s kih,tm,llid countenance and m ti„ i 1 ,ilee * Purifying the blood, » ii• :aViness of the eyelids, vJ, spots flying before the eyes, suffusion and loss of sight; tarir» 0,1 ' e,c * A'hese symptoms ta E K Wt ' akneH8 » and to remedy Kunkol's Bitter Wine of n,,» i . , r rails. Thousands are now Be a ,, "'ho have used It. Get the t j K J"' 1 ' 1,1 81 bottles. Take Bitter Wine of Iron. ■Wvt ua * ,le tonic has been so ■itythat i «*tll classes of the com ii»i a , l ' s now deeineil liulispensiv. (i !£ ,< : wtecllclne. It costs hut little, tab rL 1 ll<Ml ' un,i gives tone to the Sii!e ° vale8 Uie «ystem ami pro ask a trial of this valuable *Kpi i , on iy per bottle. E. F. Öi j°J. e Proprietor, No. 259 North Ü'Ül.bp]' ^ * % r * «'tier Wineoi iron, and take Jkü wriir , I,llol °grapli of the proprietor p l' er i ull others are counter , Phi la., Pa. Ask Do not let your ^„i„ , ou Huy ljut Kunkel's, which fci si* 1^.^? a h°ve represented. You ïietriai 0lllc ' s ,or ^5. Ail I a k is one ^ Worm llcmoved iï'ÏÏî!! ,® orn Pfi'te in two hours. No retn,,V, , s, .' K ' s eat, pin and btomacli *7 Br. Kunhel, 259 North vice Iree * No fee until is lin! !! S! Î 08 ln one » a-uff alive, Dr. o! JU ntrv fh? I ,i y fill ccessful Dliysicianin y ° r, i> Hvrf. 1 rL,rn oval of worms,and 0l . "' U P is pleasant and safe for îf °r ask Persons. Bend lor cir y i'ripi l a of Kunkel's Worm ^t. u L! 1 », bottle. Get it of your never fails. nov2-im Alive. , a n/- Hull Scissor8. S)XaM t ï?; , i ght, V? îa11 Brushes, Hand b y * L' Nail Brushes, etc., for Corn «?2 N y H URBT & CO., or uer Bixth and Market Sts. K alh -1 o\v*eis',Hawi Sponges, * gloves «»i 1 ex tensive variety. Also IS F r w/f a Ç s » Brushes. Ac.,of horse ^ les of thesis Cloves, and many other same classes. CO'Æ!^ yNGHURBT A CO., aud Market Sts. FIRST EDITION! Proceedings of Court. A Combination of Civil and Criminal Business -Counsel lor Chambers anil Col lint ask for a new Trial—More Liquor Cases Ground Through. New Castle Nov. 27. The time from 12 m. to 1.30 p. in., was consumed by counsels, in the civil suits arguing the whys and wherefores of each individual's ('their clients ) interests In a trial, passing over, or a continuance of their respective cases. Near the time for adjourning, the jury in the case • of State vs. Hinson having brought in a verdict of guilty,the court sen tenced the prisoner to pay $3 restitution money and costs of prosecution,on Satur day next be whipped with 20 lashes, be imprisoned three months, and convict jacket for three monthsthereafler as a badge of his crime. At half past one, court adjourned until three o'clock in the afternoon. wear a AFTERNOON NghHIoN. Court re-asseuibled at three o'clock. Immediately after the Court had been opened, Mr. Vallandigliam, counsel, for Samuel Chambers and George Collins, who are now in jail awaitiug their sen tence of death, for the outrage upon Mrs, Smith, asked for a new trial. The rea sons assigned, lor the application oh the part of Chambers are, that the minds of the jury were prejudiced against him. through the bringing in,in the trial,of the statement, or confession, of Geo. Collins. The refusal of the court to try the priso ners separately made it necessary for the introduction of the statement, to he used as evidence against Chamber. The fact that Collins confessed, under oatn to be ing with Chambers and participating in tile act; aud that his confession bore upon the minds of the Jury detrimental to Chambers safety, w counsel, as reason weighty enough to in sure Chambers a new trial. And again, since the trial he lias dis covered that he can prove an alibi. alleges that he can bring sufficient proof to testify that fie was somewhere else be tween the hours of eight and nine, on that eventful night. On the part of Collins, the counsel's prayer set forth the plea that the trial was illegal, because of an attempted act being being tried in connection with an actual one. (It will be remembered that there were two indictments—each priso ners being accessory to the act of the other.) It also set forth as a strong plea the lack of evidence on the part of Mrs. Smith to fasten the guilt upon him. The Court refused to grant a new trial. The Sheriff was directed to release Mr. and Mrs. Smith from custody. The fees of the two persons combined amounted to $280, which was given to them and they departed. thought by the He In order to fill up the leisure moments advantageously ttie liquor cases were taken up. The first was that of State vs. Charles Doustrap, for selling liquor without li cense. He plead guilty. The court sen tenced him to pay a fine of $100 and costs of prosecution. There was anoth er indictment against him, but owing to ill healtli aud other circumstances it was continued under the promise that he would violate the law no more. State vs. Daniel Creeden, of Mill Creek hundred, for the same offence as above. His name being called and failing to answer, ids bail bonds were declared for feited, and the case went to trial. From the testimony it could not be positively stated whether the party kept a bar for the sale of spirituous liquors, whether it was from his own private reservoir, that his wife, who had sold the drink to the witness, had drawn the elix er. That, however, was the subject for two hours' discussion by the jury who re turned with a verdict of guilty. John Henselman, who was indicted for selling liquor without license, not answering to his name, his bail bonds declared forfeited. Mr. John Fehrenback was his security in two iu iudictments, $200 each. His trial proceeded and iu each case the jury brought in a verdict of guilty without leaving the box. About 5.30 the court adjourued until 10 o'clock to-morrow morinng. * or were THE MARKETS. The King street curb market was the largest tbis^ morning, than lias been for several months past. Poultry was abun dance and prices were very reasonable. Tbe following were tbe ruling prices: Butter, fresh 35a40,' roll 25a32,* Bradford county, 30a33; eggs, 30 per doz.; chickens C0a$l, turkeys, $lal.75. The prices of potatoes, apples, turnips and other arti cles remained unchanged. The Assault upon Constable Town send .— Yesterday the Gazette pub lished an account of an assault u P°n Constable James C. Townsend of The facts of lows. About 5 o'clock Monday evening About O uuvui , ,,, .1,.,,," Constable Townseull staitud to driv. for Middletown, having with him a neuro prisoner named Frank i bornas, negro prisoner , , , j who had beeu committed to ]iu iu default of sentence for commuting an assault UDon another negro. Ho de »^gutd placing his prisoner in tl.eMid tew c n a utn P Âi.L U în%e h morn Mr. Edwin R. Townsend, by a negro, lire assault, as given by Constable Townsend to Coroner Rose, are as fol ing. When opposite Cochran's gate, near Middletown, the negro attacked Mr. Jownsend in an unguarded moment, knocked him out of the carriage, and then attempted to beat him to death. Mr. right wrist was fractured by the fall from the carriage, and he was thus rendered powerless iu the nands of the ilcsoerado, who after severely beatin g the offleer and stamping him about the head, swearing ail the time the Dead, swearing all the tsrne that he would kill him, lied at the approach of a carriage, along the ruad. Mr. Thomas was cared for by »de persons at whose approach the negio fieo, and after having 1 his injuries attended to relumed home. Frank Thomas Variant, is about 20 years old of dark brown complexion about 5 i feet.,10 inches in height,and weight,17o or 180 n" unds. He wore a brown overcoa Lith red lining, blue overalls and with red lining, - coarse boots. "IfÄÄK'S'Ä 5'XiJ..™'"sÄÄS. 6 r.r'd premium Remaining receipts were sold hôîîiërs of matured stock, 1st series. LO stray waifs. Go to church to-morrow. Get your turkey for to-morrow. Police business remains very dull. Court will not be in session to-mor row. Union Loan Association meets this evening. See the play of Pink Dominos at the Opera House this evening. If you have an aching tooth, go to Dr. Gallagher, No. 8. E. Fifth street. The American Rifle s fair opens in the Odd Fellows* Hall this evening. The largest stock of teas in the State at Itigney's No. 118 W. Second street. The Gazkttb of yesterday contained more localuews than any other paper in the city. The street market was unusually large this morning, owing no doubt Unit it was the day before Thanksgiving. I took King's Good Samaritan cough , syrup. All druggists, sell King's Good Samaritan cough syrup. At 25 cents per bottle. Wood burnt building lime, 34 cents per bushel; bar sand, f 1.75 per load deliv ered ; at Bright's coal yard, corner Water and King streets nov. 13, tf. G A Severe Accident . —Yesterday morn-1 ing, about 10 o'eiock a» John Kennedy, a I ratnter, employed by Barker and Htrad-1 ey of this city was engaged in painting I sudden'iyLttackecl'wTth 3 vertigoLand'feh I backwards from off'a ladder upon which he was standing, to the ground, a dis- 1 tance of about thirty feet. He was brought to his residence, So. !J0!) Orange I street, in this city, aud Dr. Jones, was snminoned to attend him. It was found L upcu examination that his colmrbonewas 1 broken, and that his lower limbs completely paralyzed. It is thought that his spinal column is injured. Hopes are entertained of his recovery, hut his condition is very critical. He has a wife and one child. 1 Iiuf/by Examination .—For several day« past the pupils of the Rugby Academy. Lave been busily engaged undergoing examination in what they have studied I during the term which ends this week. Tiulirincr frnni fti<*ir praminatinn ivmAi-H J udging irom thur examination papers, there is every reason to suppose that they I have made good use ot their time since September and are not afraid of I work. I Rugby has now about eighty pupils I and has entered upon the present year's I work with most auspicious prospect». 1 ... I, , . Tile winter term will begin next Mon day, December 3rd. I .4 Good Cow.— Edward Gilpin who re ront i„ un p| i,|q rminfrv ««at of «l«v«n cently sold his country seat ot f»« ven acres in Blrmington, townsfcip, Delaware I county, Ra., to Lewis Williamson $5400, and removed to Wilmington, sold 1 also to Mr. Williamson for $100 a cow I which gave twenty-five quarts of milk I nAr (lav when fresh anti vielded fifteen I Emmdi nf hiütnr ner week She is of pounds of butter per weeK. sne 18 I common stock and was purchased a few I years ago from a drove for »40. rink Dominos .—'This rich and racy comedy will be presented at the Grand Opera House to-morrow evening, by the Walnut street Theatre company. Ke ' served seats are now being sold at C. F. Thomas & Co's, and those who purpose going should secure them at once. * ,, . . ; 0 an iA Reported Hale. —Mrs. Scott, is said have sold the house No. 1210 Delaware Avenue to counsellor Wm. D. Dowe for $7,000. DIED. N | row p. GRAVES —On the 27th inst, William H uraves in his 52d year. Funeral to proceed from his late resi dence, No. 220 French street, on Friday morning, at 10 30 o'clock. no28* SWEENY_In this city,on the 17th inst , aged 72 years, ltw tu Catharine Sw ee^iy _ the ing of cs I extract I fiünl of a letter from a I WEg Medical Gentle-1 to K] man at Madras I ma Bl to his brother at I Hdl Worcester, May, I ^■T%e 1851. "Tell Leal ■KuyAA Perrins that ^««»Itlielr Sauce is 1 Ëy^7to|iilghly esteemed I India, and U, iSiu-Hb aa in my opinion, And applicable »»»««Withe most palate-1 [EflCzi-sS^ble as well as the I to everv wholesome I HRfJsauce that I wr of DISH. made." I ... l n* . Q.nnû on Worcestershire O auce, I g the Consumer not only the I t , N IN i'BICE or LEA. -V PERRINS' celebrated Pronounced by Connoisseurs to be the "Only Good, Sauce,' Thus givin best, but tho most economical SAU C E. O^C ay a Signature on every bottle. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS. md 1 Union Square, New WS-ltawly . nT,m,o. i HE THIRD ANNUAL TEACHERS I Institute for New Castlecounty will be | Hall, Odessa, Del., 2:) Murray St. York. Teachers' Institute. T held In the Tow THURSDAY, FRIDAY A SATURDAY', I 1 n^ie'mber 6,7 and 8, t877. Theoxercises during the day will be so varied as to meet the wants of the teachers bl Jahools There will be leoutres dellv- w ered Oil Thursday and Friday evenings by mom inent gentlemen, as well as able in- to Hnrinv the dav All teachers of »trucion c n^*isfCommissioners and friends " on cor a la iiy Invited to be )U us . uo me ; we need your presence as wèilasvour help to make tills, our third weH as your P 8Urp ass in interest all annual I "™" t g,' Iltlol f of teachers Is kindly air ,, cte ' d to See. Il Of an act in relation to ^Itesehoote ^ wftlUngat Mld a,etown at]0 o'eiock. Homes wil be provldedtor | teachers. Music will he furnished by Com mittee of Arrangements. ^ Q roves, nov28.29dec3,4d,aw2t Sup't, &e. , , P ROPOSALS.— Proposals will berecelv ed at the office of the Street Commis- L| sioner until I vrWFMRK.R 30 1877. FRIDAY, NO VE.HDl'tt ou, 101 1 ,1 ,,, .o'clock p m. I . , 1 , nmnilvwine For building waùstobe avenue across Elliott s Ku , ans i ln built of good two men stone wen ia^in in cement mortar, one-half best quality nu» endale cement, and one-half tleau river sand. Walls 2* Jeet t U i c le y The I Äo he 1 'wffh 12°inch $£S£ pave- I ment Toi» to be of goo<i white oak plank 3 KïïS. 7 Æ"ÂÂi»? 1 5 hand rail on each side 3 feet nign. toe work to be done under the supervision ol U seeurRv C S T the S amou 1 nt of one hundred amfars for the good faith of the bid, and ? „ hun r«l and fffty dollars for the com 'YÄFThS contract. The Cummittee I p .Vn 1 <" îînncll resorve tiio right to reject any nr aVl b"ds "a bids must be properly Si vned sealed and directed to m signeu, seaieu aARON CONR AD, I Chairman of Street Committee. | in no2i-6t AMUSEMENTS. FAIR! d a v n n p u h a it m m h' HAND OrllKA UOUbH. WALNUT STREET THEATRE COM PANY FROM PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 211 th, 1877. muAMKcriuiup micut THANKSGIVING NIGHT. By permission or A. M. Palmer, of the Union Square Theatre, N. Y., where it lias ljuen played with immense success, will prescut AID "FFVo . _ Brightest and Wittiest Comedy, • ■ Ok ■ I J e Ik I ^ I i AVM 1 W ftfl IT IM K. ^UilllliUü ■* ***"■"* A ,i mis ,i on ■>, aml so ce nts Reserved L el)tN 75 ceilt s, t „ p,, had at C. F. Thomas ,v Co's, three days In advance. 23-5t. were-■— The Third Grand Annual Fair of the AMERICAN RIFLES, Will open in the Odd Fellows' Hall, ON THANKSGIVING EVE, NOVEMBER US, ' 77 . ADMISSION, 10 Cents. llo23-8t . T , , . , -p L-L-a AD lDQUStriâi XjXQlDltlOn undkb the ausi-ices of  wa rf institute OF rHE mechanic ARTS, wilt, open MONDAY, DECEMBER 3D, 1«77. « \ ... . At fc ke Wilmington Institute, Eighth and MarketSts., Wilmington, Del. It j 8 proposed to present an interesting collection of Mechanical, Manufacturing an ,i Artistic productions mostly from our City and State, including many new arti cles ami recent Inventions exhibited for the first time. Power will be applied to drive machinery, a ^ n 8 ® ue< i' muslc an d other entertainments daily. A .Restaurant and Refreshment department wl n undertlie efflclent management of the lady managers of the Provident Society. The Exhibition will be open during the week from 8 a. m. to 10 p.m. Single ad miH8ion ticket, 25 cents, or 6 tickets for »1. children under 12, 15 cents, or 10 tickets forl^^ Arrangements will be made with t he different railroads entering reduced fares, and excursion tickets will be sold from different stations in the State, which will Include an Exhibition ticket. For further Information apply to J. S. valentine, President, J. R. Bringhurst, Hecretar y Lea Pusey, Treasurer, Delaware institute Mechanical tees in charge: Allen Gawthrop, 8. N. ^ u "P' J "g F T ; bÄSl jÄÄdkmib A j vanduzee. on Merchandise and Man ufacture ; Elwood Garrett, H. L. Tatnall, Henry Grant, on Fine Arts and Relics ; H. Cloward, Clifford James,Samuel K. Smith, Ion Music and Entertainments; Thos. H. Havery, Henry C. Jones, John Huxley, on Machinery and Power ; Alfred D. Warner, E a h. Butler, H. M, Jenkins,on Printing and Miscellanies. nov21-tdec8 city for Arts, or to Commtt at JSOTICJßS. N otice. The Post Office will be open to-mor row (Thanksgiving Day,) from 6 45 to 9 a. The carriers will make their usual de livery and collection in the morning. Tue private boxes will be accessible until 10 p. m . WM . M. PYLE, Nov. 28th, 1877 tu I P. M. UTICE TO COUNTY TAX PAYERS _ —All persons who have sold property during the year 1877 are required to give notice to the Assessor of the District in which the property is located on or before the 31st DA Y OF DECEMBER, 1877, insert ing iu the notice the name of (present owner name of) late owner and location of the property, otherwise they will be held for the county tax of the year 18T8. All persons having investments subject to county tax will be furnished blanks to ma ke returns of the same on application either of tho undersigned assessors. HEN RY BRADLEY, Assessor Southern District, no West Front Street. LEWIS T.GBUBB, Assessor Northern District, novl2ljanl 832 Pine Street. -.-roTIOE TO WATER RENTERS.—-All persons who have sold property dnr j|ig*he year are required to give notice in wr i t ing to the Registrar, at the office ol the Water Department, No. 1000 Market street on or before the 3oth da v of November, 1877; inserting in the notice tfteuame ot the pre sent owner, the name of the purchaser,and t , ie num b e rand location of the property so sold. Otherwise they will be held for the water rent for the year 1878. All persons who wisn to discontinue the of water must also give notice as above N i use . _ and pay $2 for drawing tiie ferrule, a discontinuance of any portion thereof a certificate from the plumber that they have disconnected the plpes^ ^ HAYE3 , Registrar. for Nov l-lmo. OTICE_ our ICE PU AVI ITIONER ONLY. DR. ALFRED TVALTON respectfully offers Ills services to such as i call upon him at Z35 Market street. No I cliarKc except for the medicine. Charges | mod 8 ra . u , oct27-lmd N I a-roTICE TO CITY AND SCHOOL TAX JX PAYERS OF 1877.—Persons who have not paid their city and school tax for 1877, bl u s having been rendered to them and w ( 10 cannot pay at once, will please call at our offlec and make some arrangements as to w n„n they can pay and thus avoid no tlca h V postal cards. To those who do not " aU we will sellJ P™ Lal cards and also ad verUse t n uir names and amounts due us for taxcs , us we are determined to close out tlliR tprm under the law. Those owning lots had better call and set tleat O noe, or we will sell tht-lr lots lor Laxes and costs, Ä" l ° " ,, , | 0 et2a-im m., from 2 to 5 E. PROVOST, Collector forN. District. E. FARMER, Collector for 8. District. in. Act ol the N otice—B y virtue General Assembly passed at Dover, February z2d, 1877,1 hereby give notice to holders of Delaware State Ronds, that 1 , shall attend at the Philadelphia National Bank in me C |ty of Philadelphia, during L| lc business hours of that Rank, on the I three lirsl secular days of January 1878,pre pared to redeem and payotrHonds from ,1 No. 7« to UJO, both inclusive,of the denomi I nation of one thousand dollars each, of the issue of the Ronds of the State of Delaware, under dam of January 1st, 1865, and that f rom and alter the said first day of Janu i W8 Ule interest on said Bonds will r . THOS. H. GILES, cease state Treasnrer. I Office of State Treasurer, Dover, Novera I her 1st, 1877. novl-2tuwtJanl "SlGeneral Auctioneers, NO , 4B FOURTH STREET, Are now prepared to call sales of real es täte and personal property either in the city or country. New and second hand I furniture bought and sold, Furniture and household goods at private sale. Satisfae uon guaranteed. Your natronge solicited. Sales every Tuesday. Friday and Saturday I evenings, and Wednesday and Baturday | mornings, sep!8-d3m I>. It. COYLE & CO., SECOND EDITION. THANKSGIVING DAT. HOW IT WILL BE OBSERVED IN THIS CITY—A QUIET OCCASION. To-morrow will be Thauksgiving Day, but beyond religious services at the churches in the morning, there will be little if any special observance of the oc casion in this city. Services will be held at nearly all the" churches in the morn ing, and at Trinity Chapel the musical exercises will be of an elaborate char acter. In the afternoon there will bo a small horse race at the Schuetzen Park, and in the evening "Pink Dominos" will be performed at the Grand Opera House. The fair of the American Rifles at Odd Fellows' Hall will be continued during the a t'ieruoon and evening, and a supper will be given at the Scott M. E. church. As usual many persous will speud the day in gunning, and a terrible slaughter 0 f game may be exnected. The Americau Rifles will march from their armory, corner of Sixth ami Mar ket streets, to some point up the Bran dywine where a target practice will take p| a ce. The shooting will be for a medal that is now on exhibition at C. F. Thom as & (Jo's The medal is of silver, about the size fa twenty-flve cent piece. On the front part, in the center, is the monogram of the company, "A. K, and also the following inscription : " A (Jo., 1st reg. D. M." on the reverse side is the repre sentation of a target and the words "Ex celsior" and "Hoc Signo Vinces." The drum corps of the company will make its , innn ,i,„ ..„„tc hrst appearance upon the streets, Progress Grange will hold an open meeting at Rosebank Hall, Brick Meeting House, Cecil county, Md., at 2 p. m., which will be addressed by William Dean, Esq., of Delaware. In order that the employees of this office may fiave an opportunity of enjoy ing the day no Daily Gazette will he issued to-morrow. The Delaware Gazette (weekly.), usually issued on Thursday afternoons, will be issued this afternoon—one day in advance. DANGEROUS AMUSEMENT. Last evening a shoemaker named Ma loney who resides in Weldie's Court .was going around the streets, with two targe black snakes upon sticks. He would thrust them before persons whom he would meet, and visited several saloons, driving out those who were present. He was not arrested. in is RESERVED SEATS. Persons who fail to secure reserved seats to-day for the performance of "Pink Dominos," to-morrow evening can secure them to-morrow, upon application at the box office, at the Opera House. A Native of This City. —Mr. Jame F. Pierce, who was lost from off the U' S. Steamer Huron, on Saturday last, was a native of this city. During the year of 1875 he worked for tbe Jackson & Sharp Company aud boarded with James F. King, corner of VFater and Market streets. He joined the Huron in 18T6 and remained with her until last sum mer, when he received a leave of absence for five days, during which time he visit ed this city and called upon Mr. King, and also his mother-in-law, who resides at Wooddale, on the Delaware Western R, R. During his leave of absence he deserted the ship, was captured in Phila delphia and taken back. He leaves a wife and one little girl who reside in Philadelphia His'parents also re side there. He is a nephew of W. H Pearce, of this city. Candidates for Coroner.— Candidates for the nomination for Coroner, on the Democratic side, bid fair to be as numer ous as the aspirants for the Sheriffalty. Nearly all, thus far, are of this city, An drew C. Alexander, ot North Christiana Hd., being the only candidate from the rural districts. The Wilmington candi dates are Jacob Butz, David W. Hug lies, Sam'l Adams and ex-Uoroner Groves, positively annonneed with some half dozen others in the back-ground, waiting what their chances are likely .to be betöre they sail in. New Mail Arrangements .—Owing to the refusal of the P. W. & B. K. R., to carry mail from Philadelphia for the Baltimore Central Railroad the Post office officials were obliged to carry the mails front Philadelphia to Lamokiu by pony express. Now the pony express is done away with, and the mails are shipped by way of the West Chester and Philadelphia Rail road to Lenni, where they are trans shipped to '.he Baltimore Central Road. i I. Thanksgiving Music —'Thanksgiving day music, iu Trinity Ghapel, by Trinity choir. Services at 10( o'clock, Anthems, "Singing the reapers homeward come." Thou crownest the by W. H* Gill, vear," by Thomas Smith. 'Thanksgiving hymn, by SirG. J. Elvey,Conrad Kocher and Dr. J. S. B. Hodges. Canticles, '•Laudate Dominum," by Sir F. A. G. Te Deum," by Wm. B. Wilde Ousley. "Jubilate" by Tours. Ascription, Kyrie Gloria, by Cornell, Frost and \favien. AnExcellant Sauce.—There can be few arc unaware of the delicious re lish that the use of Lea & Perrins, Worces'ershire Sauce gives to meat, Bsh, game, soup &o., as it has a popu larity covering the last fifty years, it has recently been greatly reduced in price, its excellence being kept at the quality however, anl all may euj ,y this best end most econom ical sauce. The Manaoehs oi'tbollome for Friend less and Destitute Children will thankful ly receive contributions of potatoes and other vegetables for tbe use of the chil dren. Contributions can he left attire Home, corner ofNinth aud Adams streets. 5 DOW 1 es the Mothers will grow weary and sigh over the baby's troubles when Dr. Bull's baby syrup would relieve the child and there by give the mother rest. Price 25 cents. CJO-A-Hi HODS fob sale cheap at DUNCAN RRO'S., No. 244 Market Street. WILMINGTON, DEL. Also a full line ol BUILDING MATERIAL oct27daw__ Canary Birds. Now is the time to FINE SINGERS. buy wliiie they are so cheap at W. N. CHANDLER'S, 611 Market street Wilmington, Del. UOV25 THIRD EDITION. CONGRESS YESTERDAY. Monday's session of the United States Senate was not concluded until 4 o'eiock yesterday afternoon, the Senate having been In continuous session for twenty eight hours. Throughout Monday night and until noon yesterday the Republicans Interposed dilatory motions and read vo luminously from ku-klux reports In order to stave off a vote on Mr. Thurman's res olution to discharge the Committee on Privileges and Elections from the further consideration of the credentials of M. C. Butler as Senator from South Carolina. At noon Mr. Hoar, who was In the chair, called attention to the fact that the hour for the dally meeting of the Senate had arrived, and then decided tnat tho legisla tive day continued until an adjournment took place. A motion from the Republi can side to proceed to the consideration of executive business was voted down—yeas 22, nays 25. Finally a vote was reached on Mr. Thurman's resolution, and it adopted—yeas 29, nays 27—Messrs. Patter son and Conover voting with the Demo crats. Mr. Edmunds then objected to the present consideration of the credentials of Mr. Butler, and under the rules they were laid over. Mr. Thurman then moved that Mr. Butler be sworn in as a Senator from South Carolina, but said he did notask the Senate to take it up now, and the Vice President ruled that while the whole sub ject of the credentials went over under the objection of Mr. Edmunds, the Senator from Ohio had the right to enter his mo tion. Mr. Edmunds gave notice that im mediately after the reading of the Journal to-day he would call up the highest mat ter of privilege, touching the credentials of Wm. Pitt Kellogg, of Louisiana. The Senate then, on motion of Mr. Thurman, by a vote of yeas 28, nays 27. went into ex ecutive session, and when the doors we.«? re-opened adjourned until to-day. In the House Mr. Morrison, of Illinois, spoke at length upon the currency ques tion, during which he claimed that the provisions of the anti resumption act answer to but an evasion of the demands of the West. He declared it left with the banks the power to issue curren cy, and gave them control over the volume of the currency. Mr. Morrison declared that he would vote for no bill that did not look at some time to resumption and to a coin basis for currency and money. A large number of bills were introduced and referred, among them a bill providing for the appointment of a board of five naval officers to examine the condition of the vessels now being repaired at the navy yards: another restoring to the pension rolls the names of all soldiers stricken off on account of disloyalty, was adopted requesting the President to state what legal Impediments, if any, exist that prevent him from executing the laws In relation to the Union Pacific railroad and its branches. The House then adjourn ed until Friday next. were A resolution FOREIGN TELEGRAPHIC SUM MARY. The issue between the French Chamber of Deputies and President MacMahou continues the aggravating feature of the situation in France—Emile de Girardiu gave a grand dinner to Gen. Grant in Paris last night—The opposition party in the Spanish Cortes has decided that it is too ihsigniiicant to contend with the government—An official return places the Russian losses from the commence ment of hostilities to the 21st inst. at 71, 705 men—Goctschakoff, the Russian pre mier, is reported in diplomatic (inter course on the peace quastion—The Clyde strikers will return to work, the masters agreeing to consider the question of more wages six mouths hence—A new natur alization treaty, on a much wider basis than the existing treaty, is being negoti ated between tbe United States and Ger many. Select Party.— Mr. and Mrs. Colonel Field entertained a select party of friends at their residence, last evening. It was of the most brilliant events of the one present social season. Among the ladies present were Mrs. Harry Gause, Mrs. Canby, Miss Harrington, Mrs. Evert Smith, Miss Bates, Miss Rice, Miss Febi ger and Mrs. Dr. Wales ; among the gen tlemen present were Sam'l and Austin Harrington, J. Ernest Smith, Mr. Folk, Mr. Hoffecker, Mr. Champion, Mr. Bis sei, Mr. Harry Gause, Mr. Read, aud many other pleasant society men. Col. Field's courtly hospitality adds much to the refiued social attractions of this city. Obituary..— Mr. W. H, Graves, of this city, died last evening about 0 o'clock, after ao illness of two weeks. Mr. Graves well known throughout this city,and had a large circle of friends, the time of his death chief clerk in the Delaware R. R. office, and had occupied the position, since 1S0Ö. caused by remitting fever and affliction of the kidneys. He was about 35 years of age aud leaves a wife to mourn his loss. In respect to his memory. The flag iu the yard of the machine shop has beeu placed at half mast. A Successful Sportsman.— Mr. Charles Wentz, a conductor on the P., W- & B. It. R., returned from liehoboth on Satur day last, where he had been spending a few days in gunning. He was very suc cessful having secured six geese, twenty ducks and about fifty partridges. Coroner's Inquest.— This morning, Cor oner Rose, held an inquest over the body of a colored child three months old, named Mary C. Pinket, residing in Plunkett, residing in Plunkett's Court. The jury returned a verdict of death from pneumonia. Personal .—Francis W. Reeve, a young printer of this city who served his time at. the Gazette office, leaves, to-night,for Canajoharie, Montgomery county, New York, where he will take charge ot the job office connected with the Padii uews paper, of that town. E/fra Brewing. —Messrs. Hartmau & Fehrenbaeh, brewers, will have on tap to-morrow, au extra brewing of beet made especially for the occasion. Lovers of beer should not fail to give them a call as the beer is of excellent quality. n as He was at Ilia death was Consumption of the lung tissue must steadly increase by the retention of the foul corruption. Dr. Bull's cough syrup promotes gentle expectoration,and gives great relief to those suffering with oon sumption. Sa TITHE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS I friends and the public generally that he has taken Fout's old yard, at the foot oi West street, and is now prepared to sell COAL, WOOD, LIME & SAND, AND " CALCINED PLASTER, at the very lowest market rates. The attention of housekeepers ers is particularly called to his stock, as lie feels confident that they will find their in terest thereby promoted. JNO. W. GRIFFITH. and build EO YV. BUSH & SON G to sap .»a lid wall Coal