Newspaper Page Text
In (fcasette. (EsTsausato tn 1784.) PUBLISHED EVEQ$ DAY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. It BRLL Ac TAYLOR, Rditou aao Te»u»e»»s. City at Six Osuvsmo ar C/UW*IW I* ast sast of CCMTS PCS WfcfcK, OS TwCSTV-FlVS CENTS FES SSBä;o t « Ä-JTÄÄ'ra BY MAIL. . . »3 00 1.56 apt h t — m« , * • Vmmu Mouths, . . fMC auMMEts Office and Ewtoswa Rooms are con tme Wiauisoton Teuepmone Ex NEOTEO WITH chan«, ano News os Aovestisements AT ANT TIWE BETWEEN THE HOUSS •ENT IN THIS 7 A. «. AMO 8 r. n. iTl TO THE ÖAZETTE, ♦IS Msastv Bt., Wu.rn.OTCW, Pet. ta^k WU.M1NUTON, SATURDAY, SEfT. 10. DKMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FDR GOVERNOR, CHARLES C. »TOCKLEY, of Sussex County. »OR REPttBSENTATIVE IS CONGKESS, CHARLES B. LOBE, Of New Castle County. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. FOR STATE SENATORS, DR. 8WITHIN CHANDLER. ALEXANDER B. COOPER. FOR REPRESENTATIVES, HENRY M. BARLOW. GEORGE H BATES. ROBERT C. JU8TI3. WILLIAM COOCH. A. N. SUTTON. W. A. COMEGY8. DR. JAMES V. C RAW FORD. COMMISSIONERS, EDMUND HA MAN, Mill Creek Hundred. JOHN T. CHE A 1RS, Red Lion Hundred. JAMES H. MACKEY, White Clay Creek Hd. SERECK F. SH ALLCROSS,St. George s Hd. JAME8 T. TAYLOR, Appoquiuimink Hd. GEORGE C. ROTHWELL, Blackbird Hd. FOR LEVT C'OUl FOR SHERIFF, PURNAL J. LYNCH. FOR CORONER, FRANK E. SMITH. TOR ASSESSORS—WILM1NOTON. JOSIAII McCALL, Northern District. IIEWSON E. LANNAN, Southern District Jersey. making loan late nically denly said that The A Grand Hucceas. The Democratic ratification ïling In the Grand Opera House, last evening, was a complete success, in every particular. It is seldom that audience of such va»t proportions, and yet of such a quiet, orderly and attentive disposition is gathered under one roof. Not only was strict atten tion paid to the remarks of the speakers, but the great bulk of the audience remained until the last word was spoken and the meet lug was at an end. Iu respect to speakers the meeting was peculiarly fortunate. They proved able ad vocates of Democratic doctrine, aud, uulike the orators at the Republican ratification a few nights ago, represented the whole party, aud not a corrupt ring or faction. The character of the meeting was also a matter of congratulation. It was composed of earnest, thoughtful, iatelligent men, who came to hear the issues ot the campaign fairly discussed, and that the sentiments uttered proved acceptable to them w attested by their genuine ami hearty ap plause. The meeting was a most auspicious open ing of the campaign. It drew the vote the city together, brought them face to face with their candidates, and gave the opportunity of listening to the remarks of some of the ablest speeches were bright, eloquent and inter esting, and presented the Democratic situa tion in no uncertain tones. They not only endorsed the Democratic candidates, but enlarged upon the «leclaratious of the Demo cratic platform, and squarely arrayed the party iu favor of local improvements, good government aud good schools for all people, but forever agaiust the policy of mixed school», which orators of the Republic party openly advocate for the purpose of securing and retaining the negro vote. Elsewhere appears a full and detailed re port of the meeting, with carefully prepanxl synopses of the remarks of each speaker. It only remains for us to express our gratifies tlon at the entire success of this preliminary gathering of the Democracy, and give voice to the sentiment of coming victory that pervaded the minds of all who were present. nary the lies. oath dent IH»iL to way ol but •f the State. Tin the is of Wk hope the morning organ stands that Mr. Stock ley 's tion of his official connection with tlie Sussex county railroads w t ne, and only v under resit? ttenu altB acceptance by the dlrce tore in regular session. Wc cannot imagine what point it expected to gain by its atti tude on this question—hut still, it doc. not matter, as its entire course in the present campaign is equally incompréhensible. It must have been a ;al pleasure to those who attended the Democratic ratiiica tlon meeting to hear of in term« of affection aud praise. At Re publican meetings the regulation argument is to abuse Delaware an«l her institutions little State spoke without stint, but Democratic orators arc ever proud to speak for the honor and glory of the Diamond State. " Democratic advertisements do not ;etlng every carried advertised speakers were present, and in all respects the affair exceeded even the most sanguine expectations of those concerned iu its agement. It was a glorious success. " lie," aud at last night's thing " promised out to the the hills " letter. All the We MUHRENjpEK the greater part of space, to-day, to a full and comprehensive report of last night's ratification meeting, and , therefore, compelled to abbreviate the regular departments to extent. However, we have considerable apology to offer for crowding our columns for such a lauduable purpose. The British team m at Creed moor, yesterday, and men must for once admit the superiority of the English marksmen in a target contest. •ored another victory home rill« - iiiirs Kok It is lmpudeucc and Impertinent - « of the most coIom. 1 kind for the morntu(f organ to speak of anyone as a '"ban In the same breath with Hf,« question raised Ires tient of Ci me man ence to a ■d perfect llTflD#» the mom I#a«„ lly affront to atenT^taed eelioeW ,1 row M ing organ desire to the distiugi^jliMxNl It la time for it to learn that here In Dela know of but one "handsome mau," will ware we and touching the subject of personal beauty m> fnf idious remarks can be silently per The speeches at the Opera House last night upon the School question had certain sound. The best schools obtainable for even' child in the State without regard to race, color or previous condition, but with the blacks an d whiten separate, has the true ring about it and voices the universal senti ment of the people of the whole State. Mixed schools cannot he thrust upon the people of Delaware by Republican fanatics, simply because they will not be given the opportunity to do It. «111 at a no un TUE MlIRKIftO HIIMMAKY. Tlte Tariff Commission gave public hear ings yesterday In De. Moine*. Johti W. Gilpin, aged 81 year., died yes terday iu Baltimore from drinking tinc ture of aconite In mistake for whisky. Captain Oliver 8. Peace fittally shot him self on Thursday, while cleaning a loaded a boat near Kirk ville, New York. Charles Moseley was yesterday struck aud latally injured by an engine while walkiug the railroad track near New Haven, Con necticut. Patrick Markley was killed yesterday morning at Nesquehonlng, Penn's., by the fall of a hoisting ear. canned by the breaking of a rope. The husiuess men of Syracuse, New York, have appoiut;*d delegates to present their iutereeU at the State Conventions to meet in that city ami Saratoga. The internatiouai rifle match at Creed moor euded ywt<*rday iu a victory lor th«' British team. The total acorn <if the two «lays' ahuotiug was : British, 1975; Aineri can», 1805. The British war steamer Phumix of 1,130 tons burden and carrying »ix »runs i» inshore at East Point, Prince Edward'* Inland, and will probably be a total wreck. Her crew are safe. ■ : The report of the loss of the steam yacht Nellie, with 14 lives, in I^ake Wlnnlpiseogee, The yacht anchored all proves untrue, night a few miles from Weirs, and her party landed all rhrht yesterday tin truing. William M. Suyder, injure*! by the rail way accident near Mount Carbon, Henna., Thursday night, died yesterday morning in Reading. Patrick Phillip«, another of t he Injured, had one of his leg* on Thursday night. Our total exerts of petroleum during 05,128,318, against til puta ted July, 1882, were valued at $4,084,801 during July, 1881. The petrol e exporte lor the seven month« which ended July 31bt last, were valued at $27,247,410, against $24,227 period of 1881. Acting upou a decision of his Bishop, Anglican minister in Quebec has refused to marry a resident ofthat city to his deceased wife's aibter, the minister taking the ground that ' valid, it d*ms not cuiHj>el any clergy man to perform the ceremony." Ex-Tn*asurer W'ina Jersey. ye»te.*day pleaded " nou vult " to an indictment lor niiscouduct in otilce, by making a false entry of $17 in the temporary loan account. It is claimed that the entry ade by a clerk at the direction of the late Auditor, but that the Treasurer is tech nically responsible. Wellington, caalder of the Manufacturers' National Hank, of Troy, New York, sud denly resigned yesterday morning, and S. as appointed in his place. It is said that Wellington lias lost more than $100,000 by Wall street speculations, and that he is "Indebted" to the bank $15,000. The bank has a ,ik)l «luring the corresponding hlle the law renders such a marriage of Newark, New a a ap face of but the of re It rplus of over $100,000. Tin; eleventh Mexican Congress meets at Citv of Mexico to-day. At a prelimi nary iifbetlng yesterday, Senor Rubio was elc«'ted President Dubian President of the Chamber of Depu Boranda yesterday took tin the >f the Senate, ami Senor Se lies. oath of office as Minister of Justice in Presi dent (ionzalcb' Cabinet. The United State6 steamer Dispatch, with 'resident Artltur ou board, arrived at New IH»iL yebterday afternoon, from Vineland Haven. Tlie Dtepatch arrived in the Eaht river, it being Ux> rough to go around to Newport Harbor. The President rode to town iu an express w to tlie telegraph o I Ik way of Wiekford. agon, aud after going e left for New York by ol In.Cincinnati, yesterday afternoon, while William W'iley, clerk, and Johu Slathen, p*>rter, of Charles E. Collin «N Co., whose burned the day before, were tightening the h«>opH on barrels of oil iu the cellar by the light of a lantern, the oil sud denly exploded, burning Wiley to death and seriously injuring Slathen. Wiley was 19 years of ag«?, a son of Bishop Wiley, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Twenty-four but no deaths, were Brownsville. Tin new eases of yellow fever, reported yesterday in About one-fourth of the town water, and the flooding of the streets g1v«-s rke to further apprehension* regarding the publie health. Six dçathsfrom the fever were reported yesterday at Mata Forty eases of fever ami five deaths Thurs of fever and two ■ reported in Pensacola yesterday, king a total of 163 cases and twenty deaths to date. is under mura». -r«- reported in Mier, Mexico, «lay. Ninetee deaths we POLiriCAI. NOTES. All The platform of the Democratic State C ventlon of Nebraska oppose tariff, prohibi tion, railroad interference with political con ventions, and the squandering <*f the public money in River and Harbor bills, Star Route contracts, and other corruptions. •ratic Convention of the Tenth Congressional district of Kentucky yester day nominated Thomas H. Robertson, the 190th ballot, to succeed Proctor Knott. The latter declined a renomination, he hav ing aspirations for the Governorship. The long contest in the Democratic Con gressional Convention of the Second district of Wisconsin The I)« ended yesterday noon by tlie nomination of I). II. Sumner, of Wau kesha, on the i601st bailor, effected by two Bragg and fourteen Delaney votes going over to Sumner. Bragg's friends say he will run as Independent. The Republican State Convention of Col ora<h) met on Thursday, in Denver, and alter organizing, adjourned until yesterday. On reassembling Ernest L. Campbell, of Lead ville, was nominated for Governor the second ballot, William H. Meyer nominated for Lieutenant Governor, James * B. Belford was renominate«! for Congressman. At a meeting of the Tammany Committee on Organization tn New York last night John Kelly said that "if Tammany Hall was admitted to the State Convention it would support the ticket nominated ; and if rejected, they would take time and consider what they would do grave consideration if they would support a ticket nominated without their aid." This was to arc it a matter ol Huai ness Dooming. James F. Wood «& Co.,metal workers are so busy, that to keep up with their orders, taking on new hands every day. The work they arc principally doing is sheet work for the different manufacturers, tin and iron roofing and a variety of heater k, both repairing and putting in new to a Inventor« and Patentees should send for instructions, reasonable terms, references, &c , to Edson Brothers, Solicitors of Patents, Washington, D. C., who furnish the same without charge. Edsou Brothers is a well known and successful firm of large experience, having been established in 18ÎK). of - W. C. T. «J. Another of the intenaSag own »Ir meet iiiirs under the »ueplce» of Ule Worn»» » Chrtati.u Temper»noj| opposite Kok minie Park, » ill he heliWi), V, fo-mor iro; f.te IN p,,i and row M .1 invited. A t of Mill N° >k hundred The Democrats of will hold a meeting at the Mermaid Thursday evening, September 81. ' attendance Is desired, as business of Im portance wtll he transacted. A full Fourth Ward Democrat». A meeting of the Fourth want Democrats «111 be held at Samger Hall, this evening, at ft o'clock, for the purpose ol appointing a Ward Executive Commute and otnerwtoe organizing for the campaign. A Tull attendance Is requested. mil IN Don't Uts in tlx* Honao. "Rough ou Rate." Clears out rate, mice, roach«*, bed bugs, flies, ante, moles, chlp niuukti, gophers. 15 cent*. Monday Paper» I Sunday Paper. II purchase any of Ihe great New York or Philadelphia Sunday papers, con ; tabling from four to twenty-four page» Interesting reading, at G. A. Davis, No. — Market «treet, at an early hour In the morning. You can SU liiis-« Un m. Umltlino „. Bnd W 8 *W*«i»ii- 1.«L 4,5», 8.06, 9.17 a> m . i.uj, -i.ob, 5.00, «.57. h.m p. m. It<luiure ouly—1.06 a. n». 12.01 xnd « p. m. .,»,ror y^are Dtvl.lon teavefavt^ f ui HarrluirtMiiandiuuxruiêdlât« xtetiou»—8.10 a. m. i.ä, 6.25 p. ui. l>elui»r And Intermediate sutl<*ns-*.t0 x. m. MA1LKOAD Y>H1LA DELPHI A, WIL- fSo»Hg SEPTEMBER, 1st. IS8Î. Trstos will leave Wilmington »» f«B" ws f° r : Phttsdetplita and IntertnedUte .Uttons— 7.00, to.aa, s! ui. 2.», t.»i ».5«. p. I'httladrlplil. (expres.l-S.OOj 8 ;>0j s.«L».»L ».as, a. m. ltta,t.ïAP!,*.M,7.« 7.Mp. ui. 2.Î8, «.». 7.25, •,SS7.te.p. m. I'bUadelphla and New York-2.00. 9.5», 11.5a a. m. •12.S8. 1.5«, *.17, Baltimore and Intermediate stutlous-1.(15, 8.1" a. . «.00 p. IU. tu .05 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. : Philadelphia and inteniM»étatestatlons-«.10a.m. 12.» m. 5.ÄU 7.80, 9.56, p. m. Philadelphia and New York -2.00, 2,28 a. in. 5.17, «.3*7.26 p. in. Baltimore and Washington—I. «2, 4.51, 8.05, 9.17, i as . m. 11.04 p. in. Baltimore—1.06 a. m. Vor further Information passengers are ferrwd to the time table» pouted at the depot. KieTrafns marked thus: (•) are limited exprès» which extra fare !a charge»!. J. U. WOOD. General Passenger Agt. FRANK TIlDMaON, General Manager. ipon a» S TKA MH II ir LINE* • PHILADELPHIA. IK HTKAMglt pOR S. M. FELTON (( Leave» Fremd» street wharf 12.45 p. in. returning leaves Philadelphia at *.*)«. in,, ami * p. .... _ ■rare 15 cents, return trip ticket» 2-» cents. Ticket» to return by the P., W. A H. Railroad good to return on accommodation irai »old ou the boat «o cent». BUN DAY TRI P» TO PHILADELPHIA. .. m., and 1.15 p. m . ; Chester, ». to a. in 9.»i ». «,*> a. m.. iy e Wilmington Hook at7.30amr2.0Rl». and 2.20 n. in.: Philadelphia at p. ni. liai I road us heretofore, tickets 15 and 25 cents. 7 a. Le «I 4 cent»; regular pOR NEW YORK. Electric Line ol Steamers Sails from King street wharf, Wilmington, TUESDAYS. TIIUIMDAYH ami SATURDAYS, •1 from Her 14, , New York, at 2 o'clock, p. i i MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and KH IDA Yb, at 4 o'clock, p. m. KrclKht carried a as by any other line. Fof rate» low •vpiy t« A BIEL ABBOT. 53 South street. New York; E. ANDREWS. Wllmluirton. Del. 5-U-tMO ^NCUOR LINK. UNITED STATES MAIL 8TKAMKKS sail Weekly d GLASGOW, via LONDON DERRY, |st). Returns fUO to |140 Ticket», $75. n NEW YORK Gabln l'assagc, |«Xi Becoud Gabln, fto. H« ^CaMn passing«*! . low rate», •«•lied. All kci y, Italy •dation» Main Deck. I* Stater«* at 1« N«»rway, Swede ihm mark, Ac. For iMMiks <»r 'Tours In Hc«>tland, "rates,plans, Ac., apply to HENDKR80N HR«n il Kits, New York, or 8 A MU EL V BETTS, A.lams Express, Wlliuluvton LI PER F S TA or T. STROUD, Livery, hoarding and Sale Stables, NOS. 109, 111 & 113 WEST STREET. WlLMI NOTON, DKLAWAHR. ^0 We have ri-IUted ol •w stock <»f Harn«-»» »«aides with a id Carriage*. »Piet III -l FAGAN & CO., liv]«:ky stable, Nos. 204-206 Orange St., WILMINGTON, DEL. •rai» attended with He hire. id Coaches. All kinds «»fie WEDDINGS FURNISHED. 5-23-t, *-tf-14 ^RE YOU GOING TO PAINT? JAMES A BROTHER HARDWARE DEALERS, 204 Market St., HAVE A FULL LINE OF by of it if a LEWIS LEAD, VARNISHES, &ft COLORS IN OIL, OIL F1NI8II, 8 3 'A PUTTY, BRUSHES, 51 «c. W GLASS, GRAINING, < OILS, COLORS, H ol TURPENTINE, COLORS DRY, so tin new FOB 8AI.E At THE LOWEST CASH PKIUE, 204 MARKET STREET, Wilmington, Del. COLDIER8 NOW SUFFERING FROM k? WOUNDS or disease of any kind caused by military service are entitle«! to Pension. Widows, minor children, dependent mothers or fatlu-rs of soldiers who died from the effects «if C., firm tlielr service are also entitled. Many Invalid pensioners are entitled to an increase. Careful assistant- given in Delayed or Rejected claims, as many «jan be allowed with butllttle more evidence. Complete InstruetlonR with ref«-re'nees sent on application. CHARLES A GEORGE A. KING, Attorneys-at-law. 916 F Street, Washington. D C. 7.5-tf TCOTICE.—FOURTH WARD DEMO- / IN CHAT8-A meeting "f the p,,i l TOffiu U a » Tart twcuU./* ^ and organ 'Ä _ çmr dem ocr atic ' wÄÄP b*r pB„f the HlKl JO »IN 0. county ca» stag N° r»i Rtrue^an MOni •epti«-2t| AJOTICE. Derdoctntic Association. Association of m rati. O O ,N-V^h' wttmtan ■ sdrcuP*» ! 11 is- held In Institute »ttrartsnoe I. raqiisued •» of Impor tance vrttl conn, before the meettuit. KORERT n. TAYLOR, I're.blent. Attest: J- MHS Bail., Mivretsry. .nptSJl v^oticeT-democratic meeting. tins of tlx«* Democrat* of Mill Creek hundred will be held at the M*rms4d, on Tl»«n^ mil «ÄiÄ'XmÄ S XTOTICE— WK, THE UNDKXAWNJSP, IN BTOCKHÛI.DKÉ9 or the g? ud |cslc MM bra safe »» Building. WMtoinirtop, i' evening, September 19th, -cilf'i. KjjsjjftBffl \\£S S' at » law* of AM» New Jcr«ey. itm:. WII.MINOTOIT, DKL., Hept. 8, 18M, Iß A NCI NO. _ >ROF. A. 8. WEBSTER'S SELECT Dancing Academy, MA80NIC TEMPLE, (Fourth Floor,) Wilmington, Del. 1882—SEASON OF—1883 COMMENCING MONDAY, SEPT. 11. G F.NTI.FMKN'9 CLAÄ8— Monday and Tliura <lav evening, from » to to o'clock. Monday, hep tu ni lier 11, 1»K!. LAD 1 1 EX AND CHILDREN'S CLABS-Thurs d Hatunlay aftermmn», comineaelng Rat September |g, Tiiurwlay's fnira 5 to 6 ; Saturday'» trout 2 to 4 p. in. I.ADIEti' CLA8H-—Wednculay evening from 7 ton o'clock, commencing on W« dneadajr, Hep tember 20. : :■ x;: i All the latest and ino>t fashionable dances ught. Including The Lawn Tennis. Lancera, ew Racquet Quadrille, Glide, Side Glide. Five step Newport and ,tjl Society Waltxca a sim-lalty: taught either pHtately Also a new Minuet specially adabl as a parlor dalu e. in claases. ted to children CHOICE OF DAYS. private claa d confer with In the School», semlnarle* city or out of town »boni a» practicable for choice of «lays. During the Hummer the academy rooms have iMjcu handsomely decorated and relltte«l, and are In »plcndld condition. 'Hiey will hereafter sed exclusively for ela»« pur|M»se« and seloet . apply at be Ui F terms, circular, . F. KOBKLKN No. 71U Marke I *8, et street, by mail Manon lc Temple, A. H. WEBHTKR. Wilmington, ihd. aiigüi-Lf-50 EDUCATION Al*. ypss maiiabfy's SELECT SCHOOL Will reopen Beptemher 4th, at NO. 2 WEST TENTH STREET. aug23-3w-10| WESLEYAN COLLEGE, M WILMINGTON , DELAWARE. Thorough instruction tn a complete English cours«. RIMARY, I'REPARATOY and COLLEGI ATE DEPARTMENTS. p 8u perl or advantage* In Lautrut-ires, Music and Art. Fall sett»bm will open September 11. . JOHN WILSON. aup22-j m-H ^yiLMINGTON ACADEMY pics the entire third fl« f 4064 Khl pic j from Shipley Market, reopens MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ITH, 1882, under new uiauxKeuicnt. Handsome rooms. Keatlux capacity iticr« aaed to 185. Best primary department. Young ladles and £cutfl educated for huttluc»». Terms |4 to |16 per quarter iUM'ordluK to cla»niit<iatlon. Room open from 9 to : and from a to 5. geventh year. Plano ami organ f«* st re I ! r us«* of students. KOF. JAMES II. CKABB, O. B. GRANT, A. M. J »'"»ripais g26-ts«-p9-10 ^cade:my —OF THE— VISITATION, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. Studies will 1 h> resumed the flrsi MONDA Y of 8E1TEM1IER, ami parents artt r«»|uesttMl tn send their children in due time. The to «»derate, and we hope will all who appreciate a Im prove a UI thorough «Nlucatioii. Yor further Information apply at the Academy, or Delaware Avenue. or Delaware Avenue. augl5-lni-25 ABLE WOOD INSTITUTE —FOR— liOTII SEXES, Is 22 Philadelphia, Ile» est of pew Broad Street Station, on Plilla. A Huit, Central R. R. es of 8tmly— EnglIslk, Buxlm-ss, Sctentlfle and < launleal ; a tlmroiigh Chemical department. Co Supcrloi d hoys 1 leges. Degrees lslatnre of l'eiiiiaylvaiiia upo taking a full c«jur»e. Reading taught by a first-class elocutionist. Penmanship by a proft; beauticH of the ipportiuiltle» offered to young men pr.-p for the best American oof «• conferred by aulhorltv of the Ia: young lad if s r—master of the Private Instruction -ation ha» bee to thoae whose edu iitfglccted. A home-like depart ment for llitle boy». Twelve instructions. J. nilOItTl.lIHtK (Vale College), A. M., Prln elpal, C'uuconlvilli, Del., Co., ■a. augl«-2m»eod VH OrUSHIONAV VARDM. J )RS. J. N. ,1c J. B. HOBEN8ACK, Y Hh tl,e ••freut» «>r «KLF-AUUëK «I MLUC URIALIZATION tihouhl uot hualute consult N. A .1 . b. HOBEN8ACK of 20« N. i-oml street. Philadelphia, either by mall or by mon, during the hour» of » a. ra to2p. in., aud Àdvfcefr, «mu Hcut oil Se, ÏÏÏ Whosoever should know hl» e • I the way to Improve it »Imuld read "WISDOM IN A NUT-8 HELL." jeelpt of three-ceut »tamp. acpt!4-l-l4 JOHN C. COLE, XOTAKV PUBLIC, AND JUSTICE OFT11B „ . PF.ACK. Miirl» BiiIIiIIiik, No. 101 WortSIxUi »troot. phone call, - «-1-12-5 J^ANIEL H. FOSTER, ATTOBN EY-AT-L A W, NO. 917 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DEL. my 2 -i 0 PERSONAL. J^OTICE. ID EDITION NOW READY. THE POCKET MANUAL. A Pocket Cyclopedia, '' Writers and Travel . . *•''»' Heady Reference Book G^mtains ov«:r 2D.(JU0 Synonymous Words; For eign \\ onlH und i'llrus« s, alone worth price of Ihe whole hook ; Church Calendar: Great A «sein - ritles used lit Unltan States; Ahhre* vlatlon»; Rules for Punctuation; Etiquette for all occasloiin; Woman'* Gliances of Marriage from piled statistics; Interest, Dfs tam:e, Area and PopulationTabIes;Llfe uiaxluis; 1 arlliuuentary Charts; Business Laws, Hules, V, ■ çrpetual t'alwudar; Domestlo and Foreign l ostal Kates; Stamp Duties, Laws, etc. ;jlow to had Human Nature: Cost of the War; Legal Holiday»; Language qt Flowers, etc., etc., "The very essence of a large library, " 60c., morocco; & ANTED* * tyl *' * 1 * 00 ' malled ' AGENTtJ F*. C. RIFFEL A CO., Publisher*. Arch Street, Philadelphia, «if as 6,20-tr 131 AMVBKMKnm. IhouskT ~~ masonic tsmpi.b. / 'RAND OPERA Saturday, September 16. M, Positive Novelty In the World ! And Rost Eapelislve Knternrtse la An ERNEST STANLEY America» Anglican Jj Allied Shows ! O DIHTINOT A*S SKFARaÄ; , 1 T> O ENTERT AINMFNI'S ÜUN8VRÜAT ED.O Drsuistl« Ailttntsi, Over 10 person* employed, ffslsry IHV 4AM* # that of any «wh-t conipniiy. Friers as usual. Rewrved seats at Thomas A Ou. 's ihre« days In advanev. M-pi j-r>t-<u <> KRMAN VOLKSFEST —Forth** hfiivflt oi tb<*~ (lennan-American School -AT TUB— SCHUETZEN PARK MONDAY AND TU80DAT. SEP TEMBER 18 AND 10, '82. TICKETS FOR ONE DAY 25 CENTS. MONDAY, 8WT. t«. r**|d par»*!* of all German Mwietl«* and lodir« *. puplU of Cha UerHixio Anjerleak school and invited guests. Forming Of p4*i4* b> l|»rs|jal \V. Itobeleu at 7 o'elof-k, a. »., In fnntt of Um tienuan Hsll, Fourth dtrin-t iwtwfcu King and Market. March through the Hty at 8 a. m. Arrival at Hehuetscn Park : stniring by the D«*la wartf Ss ngerhuud, with aceonipaniineut by the First Regiment Band. Introduction of German NiH*Aer by th© president, Commemorative speech Id Uur»a* T liimros «MifrMiK %•♦«» \M »\ «», tHile ruin bln». wlu*lb»rtew rue aud uut gatue. Concert try the Flr.t Ki-ttltueut Band, roneert. TUESDAY, 8FIT. n. At • o'clock a. m.. naïade reveille bv the First RcMlinem Band, accompanied by members ot tit* several committee» through Mte streeU of Ute city, marching off to the bx-hucUcii |* in. General amusement a. foiiocrt an At W a. in. . -, . Race of fat men. At a p. m.. bag sh«**D hi ihe boys and girls oftfceGermitn-Ameri can Iu it (Mil. After sunset, summer ntelit'a fesU val withlilumiu allow »•<( elsiArju light. During noth days, shooting, wheel of fortune, concerts and dsitelAg. THE ARRANGEMENT COMMiTTKV. septe-tf-M ark at 7 a. •al amusement». Donum ami dancing. ., singing by the children. At i p. in. m., baa race for two flue OPERA HOUSE Q.RAND Tuesday and Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 19 AND 80. Special engagement of the great Philadelphia and New York «noce»«. MABONIC TEMPLE. HARRY MEREDITH'S Western drama, founded on actual fact» and »pectfully dedicated to the ladles of the Uulted BtateH, entitled : RANCH 10; OR ANNIE, FROM MA88A< HU8ETTH. LELLAND 1 Twin i CLELLAND* Brothers I Supported by a TOM Me H, Mkukditii —efully selected Dramatic Company. Admission 35 ami 50 «-cuta; reserved aeatN 75 cent«, For sale at C. Y. Hkhmi A Co. 'a. m|»tl5r51-55 T, HLAfKBffMmi. Manager. EIN AN VI4*. E. ROBINSON Î Ca^ IL BANKERS AND BROKERS —HAVE REMOVED TO NO. 418 MARKET STREET Second Story, Front Room. FOR SARK: Buy and sell stocka and bonds on cowulsalon. letters of credit available In aU Barts of the world and dra (lx on England. Ireland, France, Germany and 8wltaorland Issued. 7, l-ly-30 j to r J^HE ARTIZANS SAYING BANK. NO. 502 MARKET STREET, Incorporated January jitu, lmi. Open to nîcrt» and on T deposits from 9 a. m. until 4 p. ni. iir»d4£ wtd Saturday cvuulugs 8EM1 ANNUAL DIVIDEND, Regularly made In April and October. When dividends are not withdrawn they are accounted deposits. Thaspi-rmanent deposits compound tbelr Interest twice lu each year. MANAGERS: of Geurgc W. Bash, George 8. Capelle, M L. Llrhteusteln, EuwjyU J>arllngtou, f.Bwih, Rrcsldent, lir „ Ä * President, AH*. Treasurer. . MATHER, Auditor. 1?1R8T NATIONAL BANK A. Of WILMINGTON. Repository of tu» Pun lu Mon by FINANCIAL AGKNTH Clement U. Kinytti, Charles W.* Hawlaml, Nathaniel R. Benson, ksas: Anthony Higgins. a feb21-1jr J THE UNITED STATES. Edward Bettb, President, GKO. D ARMBTHONO, Cashier. PAID UP CAPITAL, $»0,000. Philadelphia, New York and Boston Exchange at «.30 a. m. DIRECTORS: s Samuel Bancroft. Jr. nl-ly the gPECIAL NOTICE. ME88K8. E de V. VERMONT & CO., PUBLISHERS, OF76 CH AMHKKHSTUKET, NEWYOBK, regular correapondents ot 400 N K\V81*APKR8 in the Unite«! tjtute« and Ganiplk are now prepared to seipl their T N. by aud PRIVATE FINANCIAL LETTER from New York olt y (under white sealed lope) to all INVK8TOBS OB SPECULATOR, who may «lealre to receive weekly the latest Information concerning the STOCK MARKET In the metropolis. HINT8 and POINTS fnrnlHhed SPECULATORS conc«'rnlng the probable rlw* or decline Iu stocks î hIho advice to inve»tor» and Capitalist« concerning 0 SECURE and PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS. For of - for Dfs to "The Notice: E. de V. Vermont A Co., not being connected, directly or Indlrectlv, with anv Brokers' or Bankers' Busliie»«, give their iut'oi- mation aipl advice with tell linpartlalltv iiml Diterest K nK loflue » ced *» 6ie least by personal „ L .'; t 'f r r,: » ,,lHr| y ii» Monday niKiit'» SmvWÄKäT',/"' THIBTKEN ÄlN E. DE V. VERMONT & CO., PUBLISHERS, 7« CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK. augl4-ly-S4 _ ÄJftf* WANTED. MT ANTED —WHITE GIRL F(>r"ÔÈN H KRAL HOUWWoKK. Cor. ».. .,:,i£f&VTO., T 11«-« PED.—A •PLY at H Y. m INKl HX Ë A CKiOD I rjn l> liege or ' *«Vh<e, 1 n<mu I »! i»> *i BITV A T ti,Sh it ,i A11 ». ANTED.- \ GOO»*, KE8PONS1BI.F HmiATiox in f; Mm-rl»** rvlereuueit. ' I.I .... 1 ■•». A. II," Bo. w, rum balk. F°5J, A e I if TA,Jr i 2 8T -2 LA8a so. la wS'Âa&.arÂù'ÏÏK »trat, m Tft-tf I j*OR 8AL1.-EIGHT NEW SIX ROOM cottaui» un i«t* » tmt by tou fret, hum - high ground, la jropd neUbboHiood. and within three tnlnntcw wslk of th« Olty PaR«env«r rrr:" «4ipt9-<1lm*iu>I Cor. Fourth sud Jackson sts. i %miiVBAtmB .— 1MTBLIG SALE.—WE »HALL HAVE X i}Ä r Äy» ««•» ü»t** not ispïf thsn Wcfdnrsday », in., VHh Insf, •epi is-jt H f A Ll> A CO. J H ULK SALK -OF REAL ESTATE. W|l be sold at public wile, on the nrendses, two pcfeY.WdBa % 5W!?& p. m. Term* mule kiiewn^^fl, Dkakk A Co., Auotloneem. All GRUBB. septlSaft PUBLIC »ALE OF COW», The subscriber will »ell at public sale, at Red East Marlborough, «'bester county, Pa., MONDAY. SEPTEMBER flrrii, 1882. at 1 o'clock, p. m., Forty head of fresh cows and sprtnjrara, twenty t,,„d at h-rdev lui «r youn^w !.. W. Btidiiam A Son, Auctioneers. 9,12-t* Lion, ■S9 IMMW GOOD*. tlon. and *■ Fancy Hodcry and Vndsrwsar, J^EW GOODS 1 S. II. STAATS. 5 No. Market Street, 405 for ml 18 OPENING AL.M08T DAILY and tmautiful designs ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN In FANCY HOSIERY FOR LAD1K8, GENTS AND MISSES. Also opening a large aud WELL SELECTED STOCK OF 75 A Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Merino Underwear ? AT TIIIC VERY LOWEST MARKET RATES New Drsas Goods, «C., at Sharp«, ^yriLLIAM B. SHARP, Fourth and Market Sts., ni. New Dress Goods 81 AT REDUCED PRIOFA. Colored and Dress Silks, Direct from the importer. Cloths and Cassimeres. The largest stock ' have offered. —Also a full line of— Carpets and Oil Cloths, From 35 cents to f2.00 per yard. WM. B. SHARP. Fourth and Market Sts. piANDS We inviteatteiitlon to our large otock of beautiful WEBER PIANOS ? te —CONSISTINO or— CENTENNIAL GRANDS, CONCERT GRANDS, PARLOR GRANDS and BA BV GRANDS. 400 T Also a full variety of Square Grand« and Upright« of all style«. Special inducements given until August 1, as we hope to have our CONCERT HALL ready for uae by that time. SMITH & NIXON I 20 & 22 and Rear 24, 26, 28 & 30 W. 4th St. myll-75-l CINCINNATI. 'J'EA 1 TEA 1 TEA ! One Hundred Chest» of eholoi crop TKASjuat received, among them our Justly famous all choice brands and anv iiml 50 «I 60c. These goods chop and deserve a trial by all lover* of good TEAS. We also constantly receiving Choice Java, Mocha, Kio, bn oh m of CPFFEE8. Laguayra and Maracaibo Coffees. Coffee, 12, Ilk 18, 20, 22 aud choice Breakfast Coffee at 26c. Which Is unequalled anywhere. Our Coffees roasted under our personal supervision. e Hpices a specialty. CHIJPVD^'S —TEA STORE— No. 5, E. Second St., Wil., Del. T HK ^nwsular h'IN'TII fair. ' 0 HX 11 IB11 ION 1 • A - & P. Association -OFTHK -To HR Middletown I)^ TUESDAY, wednesd ay & THURSBa] ^■pt- 1'Jth, 20th and 21st. Premiums, $7,( ExtiltittH solicited fro "rëûewffr? HTNO ENTRY FF.E F0K EXHrRl iSFiSra no •nONAL T(mv^®ÿ PREMIUMS FOR SPEED TRUu, « j AphitarJ "fl» d mis sd EXCURSION TRAINS WILL BE 81 ANDT,c «tm w «* •W^Ainiile •k. Ilay ~ • <>nmioi|atloiig >«1 straw free for for all tlon. l.u!"lS; fof «Hlblte opvn ,rm « ii»'S* 11 trials of speed, ten per cent, of pnrw T For further Information mldresn W. SCOTT WAY, Secret *,9-7,9,12, H, 15,16-54 MUldlcto sa ItJgCWGlijfc ~ JJEALTHliwEAm DR. JL a WEST'S NKHVF. aNDB TREATMENT a s|wrlflcforlly»t«TU 1 lHu Convulsions,Nervous Heailauki, Meauil! Mon, Loss of lluutory, rpemutorrhn tency, Involuntary Keniinnon, Age, caused by over-exertion, wir-aka over-indulgence, whirl, 1p»0s to mhm, and death. One box will cure n-wntcuti *■ tain» one month'« treatment. 9 T «Ix boxe» for f&; sent by Bail t of price. We xuarauke six case. y> 1th earn order rwrir ï%ï: cur«,»»v for six boxen, accpinnsuleil with at »« purohSM T » written guarantee tor money If the treatment doc* mit eff« Guarantee Issued only by N. B. DAS Druggist, corner Second and Market ml tiglon, Delaware, ole agent. J'HE GREAT ENGLISH BEVERAC Z0 EDONE! A Delicious Table Drink, free (Void Aid lleallliAil, Sparkling aiul IK UgbtfiillyIn vlgoratlug. Soi<l by liottle, Z. JAMES BEL1 DRUGGIST, SIXTH AND MARKET the PUBM0 18 REQUESTED CA X FULLY to notice the new uni enla scheme to be drawn inonthlr. «^CAPITAL PRIZE, IR.OOO. - ®! Tickets, only |5. Blu m In prop* » men Louisiana State 1/OTTEIii ^tfSfBSSlSffS^äßl an overwhelming pop ul * r made a part of the pre^-ntBtateCo adopted December2«l, A. D., JW»; , The only Lottery ever vuUslonandtn by the people <»f any Blate. _. 81 N«LB er NUMBEK I^KaWiNUS Ul« ■s "TkW/EN ()Fj;t»KTUNITY TO FORTU N K. TENTH U I W.M> Jj J* j o ä« ' Look '»t Hie fo|"> w )"lj ".SSrmlllll Ä ,v t; u r»teK|»r f k Capital Prize, $75,000 100.000 TICKETS AT FIVE * KRAUTIUN8. In FIFTHS ln I'BUIOI" list or PHI?.*«: .1 1 Capital Prize of, itol Prize of, 1 Capital P ïPrf^ofW.üOü 5 Prlzee of % 000 10 Prîtes df f;«W 20 Prize» <»f N» 100 Prizes of auo Prizes of 5W> Prizes of LOOOPrlzraof APPROXIMATION 9 Approx jlTUtft 00 i>p lf g of *Iûü 9 " of 100 00 riuzKS: f U"f PH««. te re,I letter, ur Meue) Oraer. „ M ' A ' Slew orl»« Or, M. A. DAUPHIN, at Ww binKton. J «07 Seventh ötreui, ürIe i* N. B.— 1 Order* addres^d , Sm |,,|wP« receive prompt atten tion. —— RON RAILINGS I —AiNIte IRON WORK fob building«* p. WALTON 4 I J. 0!« Al ESTIMATES furnished CATION. 55Ü& 554W.SWI1» Cincinnati - myll-8M _ . PIUM o MORPHINE HA PAYS* IN 10 TO » CUREU froBf «Äff DB.T STEPS® Ohio Cine Lebanon, 0*u° nati. mvll -2W