SECOND EDITION A FIRE IN BALTIMORE 11.68 10.00 11.04* —1 I * j Broad * f a. -8.10 Turned to Death in a Concert Hall. CAiviERON GETS THE DOUG y CAMKKON'H MISSION. Collectine *60,00» to Help Have retmayl v»nla to the Stalwarts. Philadelphia, Nov. 2 —Senator J. D. Cameron, who »pent yeßterday in New York, cum* to this city thin morning, bringing with him $ 60 , 000 , thc fruits of a day's soltef tiition of campaign money among thc Wealthy Stalwarts of Gotham. The amount h< just' $ 100,000 lets thar. he expected to r.iibv, but campaign collectors are not liberally rewarded this year anywhere, and ti. Pennsylvania boss did comparatively vieil. The arguments lie advanced to induce contributors to be liberal were as singular a- they were forcible. In preseutiug the c:.m* to several gentlemcu the Senator said : New York is irretrievably lost, and money •pent in an effort to save Folder i* ammuni tion wasted. Unless funds are forthcoming Pennsylvania is also hopelessly gone. If, however, sufficient money is raised, Penn sylvania can be saved, and, thus preserved, will form a nucleus around which to build a Stalwart organization in 1884. If Penn sylvania ^oce. the Administration party iH stranded, and the first duty of every Stal wart is obviously to look out for Penssylva If Beaver's election is secured, I will take care of >884. " Thus appealed to, the amount specified was secured, and the Senator returned to h:s own dominion with what comfort less than half a loaf affords. p. 12 . • — 2.16 i) a. A BALTIMORE F1IIK. 6.4V burned to Death—N arrow K» Oiic Mi cap««. Baltimore, Nov. 3.— At three o'clock this morning the Arlington Concert Hall wus partially destroyed by fire. Madam jlusleed and a female Inmate escaped by jumping from a window, and received .* iiijuries. John \V. Person, a stock burned to death. James •ev Uroker, McKinney, barkeeper, was sllijhtly burned The loss to the building was small. as Opening. Tomorrow, Saturday, the 4th inst., is opening day at Messrs. Wood & Bancroft's, IN«», tifi-4 Market street, when they will dis play the most decant and beautiful assort ment ol Christmas cards probably ever pre e. n:ed for the inspection of our citizens. 'These cards htc* specially selected from the following celebrated makers und designers, viz : Prang's prize cards, Hlldcrcbimer's, 4>hachcr's and Miss Leggett's celebrated prize cards, with a full assortment of other noted makes and ail of designs, finish aiud style tlie very latest, at prices to accom modate all. Notable among this truly -perlativc collection are cards and banneretts «>f original design, and executed especially Tor Messrs. Wood A: Bancroft by special artists in India ink, representing winter scenes and designs pertinent to the holiday season. They extend a cordial invitation to every body to call and inspect their magnificent «•Oilection of Christmas cards, banneretts an«l other urtlcles appropriate for holiday tfilL«. _ . of Tlie Ampliitrite All Right. A dispatch from Washington this after : « >n statt s that the Naval Advisory Board visited Wilmington a lew days ago and re port that the monitor, Amphitriite, lying at tlie docks of tht; Harlan & Hollingworth Company, is in a satisfactory condition, and the bad condition as reported. Several changes are necessary, but the Board will not make any recommendations at present. The Clot ï Kill. London, Nov. 3.—The entire Irish party 213 Shipley streut, in addition to the Heater, Range and Stove buslnes* ample faeilities to execute order* p Tin. Slice» Ir«»n. Bra»*, Copper»ud Zinc work. stove need* repairing let us know and ,-<• will attend to it promptly. ■j::. H«a k S 11 « lil call especial attention to ptly for : Chas. H. Vary, Phila. Messenger, 603 Market. Sutterley «t Co.. Photographers, 302 Market st lief« »ro purchasing don't fail to call and poo the "Magic and Royal" Ranges, at Schoen's llealer. Range and Stove House, 209 to 213 {Shipley street. your stove need repairing ? Do you need ? I>o you wish to exchange your range? If so call at BchoeifB now Heater, Range and Stove House. 209 and 218 Shipley street, and ho will give you a bagain. N«> trouble to show good*. D< s to Schoen'fl Heater, Range and Stove House. 209 213 Shipley street , is connected with the Telt idiotic Exchange, und ull orders will receive I «rompt attention. sjJGrii ks, grate* and repair* constantly on hand a! Sclioeu's Heater, Rang«* and Stove House. 2' j to 21 o Shipley street. TM K, RAILROAD*. ' ?OR . . rnn Corrections. TRAINS LEAVE WILMINGTON FOB PHILA.— 2.00*— liB* — «.30—«.66 7.001—7.60 f—8.16—9.00 Î —9.39 Î —9.58 J —iU.SU —11.53 ». m:—12.00+ m:—12.15-1*. SÄ— 1.63-2.30J—4.00 5.17*—6.30f— «.10 — «.88* — 7.2« —7.80*—0.66* pm.— N*w Yore — 2.00 11.68 BaLTIMOE»— 1.06*— 1.42»— 4.61*— §.06* — 0.17 10.00 a. m.— 12 . 2 Ô— 1.00—I.O*—6.00—fl.00— «.67— 11.04* p. m. Washirotow-1.42*—4.61*— «.06-0.17 a m; —1 I 00— 1.09-4.67-11.04* p. m. Baltimore and intermediate stations— 1.06*—0.17 10.00 ». in;—1.00—fl.UQ p. m. * Trains running both dally and Sunday, tTrains running only on Sunday. j Connect at Gray's Ferry for old depot. Broad and Washington avenue. Delaware Bailed ad— «. 00*— 0.10 a. m;—-1.06 —8.00*—0.26f p. m. No Sunday trains. * For New Castle only f For Harrington and Intermediate stations. Wilmington A Northern railroad— 7.47 a. ____ _on Sunday fbr Beading and St. Peter—8.10 a. in. Delaware Western Railroad— 7.06—10.30 a. ni;— 6.90 p. m. Sunday trains 10.90a. m— «.00 -8.10 2.28*— «.80 —7.60— ».50— m— 18.3»—1.6»— 4.17*—e.8**—7.M p.m. 13 apply bIoiih of I)., term liquor* drunk the Clav ware, <1. John Wm. Bout. Davit) p. in. . [v lu as the Peace ttth the Inn __ «aid wit: T. John W. Hobt. t*. John 8. John John O. TRAINS AKBlVfc AT W IAaMINGTON FROM Phi LA DBLPH l A—12.60—1.00—1.82*—4.47*—7.46 8.02*—».12-».06-10.10t—11.86—12.85 a. mj—12.60 —1.07 —2.80f —2.50—4.36—4.56— 6.40—6.5»—«.* —«.4§—7.8ôt— 7.65—0.60—10.83—10.68 p. m. NEW *ORR—l.W»-4.47 »—8.02t—«.18 ». m? 12 . 60 —1.07—4.56—6.48*—10.68 p. m. Baltimore—1.61 *— 2.l»*-».84—».64-ll.a e. 36—1.60—6.11*—6.90*—7.24—#.40* D. m. Wabhinotoh— 1.61*—2.18— 11.48». m;—12.36 ■ —1.50—6.11*—8.90*—7.24— 0.4»* p. m. • Both dally and Sunday. f on Sunday only. . DELAWARE RA1LROAIV—8.66—10.16*A.m;—12.06 — 5.ÜVI* —6.u5 p. in. No Sunday trains. • From New Castle only. WlLMIROTOE A NORTH ERE RAILROAI>—«.26— 8.40—11.85 a. m;— «.40 p. m. On Sunday from Beading and St Peter at 7.10 p. m. Delaware Wisstkkw Railroad— 9.00a. m;— 2.16 p. m. Sunday train« 0.10 a. in.;—6.40 p. m TRAINS LEAVE FOB WILMINGTON Philadelphia New Broad Street Depot— 12.30*—3.56*— «.30 —T.'JO*—8.00—8.21—8.36f— 10.1« —11.30—11.60 a. in:—12.23—1.82f—1.82— 3.1«— 4.02- 4.25- 6.05— 6.20— 6.56— 6.06f — 6.3« —8.30* —W.30—10.00—11.32* p. m. Broad aed Wabhieotoe atehtte—6.90—1.00 aud than the Jail • W W. —10.16 a. m;—1.90—8.10—4.80—6.15 p. m. New Oabtle— 8.38—10.00—11.40 a. m. 6.4V p. m. * 1 Hslly and Sunday, f On Sunday only. SFThe black ttgurw* ï KsprcM trains. »00. need your now 218 >2fl5 STEINWAY UPRIGHT PIANO. GOOD SIX OCTAVE 209 Telt hand PIANOS. nSE n,. " - THE NATIONAL BANE Of DELAWARE è . L B. H. KWBANKS. 1 woTt-lt_ Ooa hler. of M ,t R wumn T m ,^j I XTOTICE. — I, 13 THE OWNKK property, do hereby give notice that 1 «ball apply to the Judge» of the Court of General »e» bIoiih of the Peace and Jail Delivery of the State of Delaware, In and for the County of NewOaatle, Monday, the atth day of November next A. I)., 18H2, being the first day of the November . term of aald court for a license to sell Intoxicating I liquor* in quantltle« leas than .one <|uart to he drunk on trie premier*, at the rhri»ti»na hotel. I the village of Christiana, ehool District 44, White Clav i'rt'ek Hundred, New Cantle County, Dela ware, and the following respectable citizens. oimuend the said application to wit : ham'll. Scott, II. I*. Bullen. <1. W. Currtnder, John John C. Iloulden. Sitin'1 butler, John 11. ('leaves, H. J. Marshall, Lemuel B. Butler, M ARG A BET KING. Wm. G. f'aulk, Bout. McCarter, Davit) 8. Leach, uov3-8tl VOTICE.— I, DENNIS W. MAOUIRE, 1 . [v u WN KB t>f the within mentioned preiuihe*. I lu compilant e with an act of A*s«*tubly lu auch as rÂifÿjî"ïi* ÄÄ;, h s*s,«sjsa? ih the Judges or the Court of General &e«*lon* of the I Peace and Jail Delivery of the state of Delaware, 1 ttth diyof SoLmtSfoS«."?:, S". lïïfc'Llnî the first day of aald court, for a license to keep an J Inn <>r tavern, at No. 1M East Front street, tht^Met ond wani of the city of Wilmington! Del., J t» sell intoxicating liquor* in le»a quantltle* __ mKÆÏÏT U r "pîîuîï? c«". l t P ïïïdîÂ."r I «aid ward, recommend the aald application, to wit: T. H. Merrett, John I. Dougherty, Tlioiua* Faruuu, W. K. Bowman. Hobt. M. Glbaou, t*. D. Karner, John P. Ha Nathaniel 8. 8. Robert*, Joseph Yarnall, John llrcar, John Plunkett, O. II. Ford, UOV3-3I1 ■ aud than MOÏICE. - I, JOHN FORREST,! SU.hï,îd'5t"^ , ''.t^*7?b t . ^nlw.*;,l°or the city of wmiiiiiEtou, countr of New (-«»tie. I '' ^î'reo'e „ l'.'Lf ' ",f'theT. hi y lu Huch case mad** and provided, do j Jail Delivery of the State of Delaware, In and for [ r«,?eï id court, fora lleénav fur HaUiliou«« *» an tun I tavern for the «alt- therein or tutoxleattng I leas quantltle* than one quart, ' thc premitte*. aud the following re • peelaMe eiligem», rendent» of «aid ward recom mend the *ald application, vl» t Klwood H. (.'ole*. Henry C. Turner, Thoma* Farmer. Fraiicl* >1. Klekta. W in. II. ItohlllHOII, Charles Gottwertli, llcury Jaclioh*. KUIward F. Kaue, W. II., llenry M. James, Patrick Mathery, n»a«. F.. Spakt, Michael Kenny. Patrick Plunkett, Geo. W. Gray, Saiii'l H. W'lcaersham, Frank K. ». Davt*, John Higgins, Terrence < arvtn, John M.^Leg|f, Geo. II. Uiirrôufh», Henry Itboith, A. W. Willi*, DENNIS W. MAGUIRE. .vîelcliulr, ï Ilqui druuk jtZUMTEU'a notices. I -celpts IJEUIHTER'8 UKDEK. Av I Newrwib^'lSr'oftoberiSiiaa».} Upon thi* Application of ilarry M. ('amwell, I lun'Ä^ d directed by the Ui'gUter that Hit* AdmlnDtra-I tor aforcüald give noth « of granting of letter* | of AdniiiiUtratlou upon the estate ofUieclV'c..«... a with the date «»f gniutlug thereof, by »Viuslng I AdvertUeHieaL t« tie pu.led within lorty days pu"ti' , !,il;.'?. 0 «"r U m. l 'rnn r my U *,V* NvJ'TÄ requiring all persona having demand* against I the e*tate to prehcut the same, or abide by an act I of Assembly In »Uch case made and provided; 1 aud also eau*e the same to be Inserted within th * i p-rbel in tin* Daily gazkitr, new*paper nubllbhed in AVIlmlngton, continu« d therein three week», (e. o. d.) Given under tlx- bann and *eal ofofflre L. 8 Vof the Register aforesaid at Wllmlngt >n New (aatle c(»unty aforesaid, the d year above written. ». BIGGS, Register. K'lwuril A. Klllcott, Wm. Webb, A. Brack Star, Thuiuas K. \v 1er, Ja*. B. II Thc A. Sharp, Thomas It. Lally, Win. 11. Sines, B. F. Yandever. JOHN FOR REST, Oaker F. Mumb, Thomas Gallagher, Washington Cox, •3-31 * I All person*having rlalms »gainst the estate of I the deceaiMMi must present the »am«* dulv attested 1 t«» the Administrator, on or before October 21, A. I Dm b*»». or abide the act of Assembly lu such 1 ca*e made and provided. .lay EOTI4 Z, .le HARUY M. CANTWELL. Arl., Uctobrr 1«, IIW2. i tltr appllrxtlon of « harte. Frrrm.n. it ur Jufm lmwilrn, luu- ur Wllmin««- I ulred. In *ald countv, deeeaM-il, It t* or- | nd dlwtcd by the Ifegleter that the Ad- I r aforesaid give uotbt «>r granting of rebtouu ntary upon the c*tatu of the I 11li th«* «late ol granting tb«*re«>f, b\ I »tob« |H>*te aet «>t I 1.1 , An« I •• •» spired by Brady in retaliation for Soteldo • exposure of the Star Route,conspiracy, and Maa.glng Editor Carton only meted under orders in publishing them. The «vl wag ru i 9( j ou t # j^e defense closed J- C. McGinn and A. Ross Perry were called in rebuttal by the prosecution. NoU >l"« '»POrt»Dt WM elicited. the defense V. Boynton, L Of Intereat to Sportauien. New Yoke, Nov. 3.—Tlic Turf, Field and has offered an international challenge cup to be rowed for in Auguet next by Haulau aud other sculler«, to which will be added a money prize. Ten entries here aud in England are expected. Rules similar to those governing the Loudon sportsmen's I cup. I BRI gf TElTx ill A MS. V,ck»buro, Miss., Nov. 3—Andrew. t< ; lor « <, ; "*• b'nehej by . mob I yeeterday, for outraging a white girl. J°H.N»BU» T , Vt„ Nov. 3.-The Union I j school building was destroyed by fire this "r 1 "*- U*» •uwWiio.nrri lonw.cmo. | [ DTKU BBSS VILLE, OllIO, Not. 3.—The r«'Ä v - c h ; I »m.UDU to Washington and Jefferson Col I lege, r\ Rockford, III., Nov. 3.— Charles Hep burn, a clerk lu Bean Terry'« dry goods •tore, has been arrested for defrsudlug his employers of $1,000. KMIanltL^.J cor/duLr'rmtoè'ccntral I Vermont railroad, fnll dtad on hla train at Colchester laat night. Paukehhbi ko, W. Va., Nov. 8,—Flvc | dwellings belonging to George Uutherlord, * four of which were occupied, were burned this morning ; loss, (7,000. I Boston, Mass., Nov. 3.— The total re- at the custom house from October 1 was $054,o:W, a gain of 115.1,045 over thc I corresponding month of lust year. BltlDOETOKT, Conn., Nov. 3.—John I Hurry, IS year« old, was instantly killed la8t n ÿ ht h y lhc Mffhtnlng express from ^ cw ^ ork while attempting to cross the | truck. a rv.«—«««- » A , I DAVENPORT, IOWA,NOV. 3. — A charge of dynamite was exploded ueur Moline yesUr- i haling a 00-pound rock 140 yard, and I striking Andrew Larson, kiiliug him in- I I htantlv 1 3 * Gloucester, Mass., Nov. 3.— Andrew I flood, aged 20, fell uuder the cars while jumping from the platform yesterday and run over, necessitating leg amputation, from which he died. Cincinnati, Nov. 3.— Andy Mitchell arrested on Monday on suspicion of being I U '° '«urdercr of Arthur Ross, the coal mer 1 chant, was found dead In his cell in Gleu I dale jail this morning. 1 ® THti C11Ï MARKETS. What W. Khi and What W. Pay for It— To-day'. Street Market tJuotaUou.. MKAT8 AND VHOV1BIOEB. Batter, per pound. I E«k», wholcfulc, per duw. Kkk*. roUil, per .loMn. Chicken«, retail, per j^und I Uhlekena, per pair. | Spring chickens, per pair., I Spring chickens, per pound Uî\ lic kons, per pd. wholesale I sirloin steak* per pound... I n ( ., n , _, no i r | , * ,er l* 0 "^ •• Hound steaks per pound... | Rib roast per pound. .8 .38 (f • .40 m ,80 .20 I 1.60 .76 l.oo .18 .18 .14 AT .25 .30 22 .18 M .. ■ ft per pound. I Stewing pieces.. I Bolling bits per pound. I shin*, per pouna. I Kidney fat,per pound. I Lamb chop*, per jamml. iAmb rousts, per |n,und. I Mutton chops, per pound... | Mutton roasts, per pound... Veal cutlots, per pound..,.. Void roasts, per pouml. Hums, wholesale, per pound I sh Ô n n't » î -1 0 ^.; •*. J S5°"H er8 ' wholesale,p»r pound .12M ^houlders, retail, per |>ound... Bacon, retail, per pound. | Sausage, smoked, per pound... Balognu sausage, per pound Hogshead cheese, per pound tiding*, per pound. Ijard, who .14 . 1 « .1U .10 .20 .26 . 1 « .20 .16 .20 . 1 « ,25 . 1 « .18 .15 g .17 .14 .15 .1« .1« .10 . I .10 , e per pound Lard, retail, per pound.... Cheeue.. .12 .16 . .08 O .12 nil Lobster*, per pound... Black ttrth, per Rock tluh, per pound.... Porgle*, per pound. White Perch, per pound Trout, per pound. Halibut, per pound. Catfish, Mock«« . . 1 « .16 .16 .18 .12 ■ .15 .10 . .20 pound, por piece ,v: .16 BiiKHIlta AMD FRUITS. Banannas, per doiun.20 l^einoiiH, per dozen. Orange*, per dozen. Grape«, per pound, wholeeule Grape*,per pound, retail. Apple*, per half peck. .28 2b . .30 M .08 .08 .12 . .18 VBOBTABLBB. New potatoes, per barrel. New potatoes, per half-peck... Sweet pototoos, per banket. Sweet potatoes, per half pock.. .15 i Tomatoes, per half peck.12 t | Tomatoes, perorate... Cabbage, per head_ Crate onion*, per crate Crate onion*, per half peck.20 Radishes, per bunch. String b Lima bean*, p New beet«, p Corn, per basket. Corn, per dozen.. . 1.60 I 00 .16 .40 .80 .10 M a l.oo .86 half-peck,.1U basket bunch.. ■ I .26 .40 .60 .03 Aiuirlea. PEIRCE & COOK » Real Estate and Stock Brokers, 8. E. COR. SEVENTH AND SHIPLEY STS. J. Jackson Pziuck. EdoahH. Cook. *ep2H-l-l4 J^ECKWEAR. New York novelties In spring and summer Neckwear for men. 1'ltlCES always Correcte SHIRTS ! Our One Dollar Shirt has a reputation for celleuce unequalled in thlsclty. MEN'S FURNISHING GOOD8. A full Une of everything belonging to the species. WM. B. COLE. 202 MARKET STREET JRON RAILINGS 66 -AND IRON WORK 85 00 00 FOR BUILDINGS. 75 J. P. WALTON & CO. I ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLI io CATION. 16 552 & 554 W. Sixth St.. Cincinnati. I I - COLDIERS NOW SUFFERING FROM hr.... OUN D8 or disease of any kind cau*ed by entitled to Pension. rïthoZ « r n \^ p L nde 111 mother* cr thrtr'KWä d Ä?.7S, # Ä, , Si5? m ffifnjTSÄlSl SirtimcKÎS to Udawf?, tojSSS'eÄlM be allowed with but little more evldetum. 22SESÄ* ll# lWl , S9X2 rl Ä, reference* sent VtWnil« * tiEORGE A. KIN | ^tgniejrs-at-lAW. 916 F Btreet, Wa*blugtc SVNOAT MTAM guBscaiBi fo? THE SUNDAY STAR." u •nu poMey .ÂtÂ^rCï Steir. M U^° ftheWürkmÄ 'Ä on the part of the Mice ha. Vm ?^ I «"y- There has been no open violi-mïT 1 the attitude of the populace baa mad! won" uneasy, and several arrests have bee„S io consequence. maJ< Pari», Nov. 3.—A revolutionary feato was jKwted In Parts and Mirselll™ i. night, printed on red paper, fio were poated near the LoLvre Palace U,, hourg, and Jardin DesjJanUr tC J I press the deepest hate for Bourirevicre declare wur to the death against them ' , iî°* '* T'*, U ' rUI ' hMe ^n discovered sTÄtT of thc telcgr "" 1 * * Kt'MO» DENIM, » Rome, Nov. 3.-The Papal „reins , that the report that the Emperor of Amt, 7* n . ot ^ U1 ~ Humbert at Rome t I fear the motive of his visit might |,e understood at the Vatican have uo rim, able foundation. II llmttu takes nains «sy that Joaeph would be glaiily weknin, at thc Capitol and a cordial weleume te demi him by people of every class. AN ANARCHIST AKREsTEU. Paws, Nov. 3.— One arrest has bei made In connection with the recent anarch demonstration«. A Strike at an End DIB !... Going For r.cIBo KallroMi. W.snixoTOH, Nov. S.-Soiiw prombu »ttorncys here are preparing to e „ btf, the Supreme Court to uk for an injunctl ' 1 prevent the Commluloner« uf the I, ffloc from lesulnp pateuta to the North. Pacific, Tcxaa Paclflc ami Atlantic Pacific rallroada, aud begin action to cover lamia covered by thoac] .i, the expiration of the Unie lu which there were to be built. to O Died From Tlielr Injurie*. Williamsport, Pa., Nov. 3.—Two death« have occurred from the accident the McIntyre coal mine». The names of i victims are John Lundy, 8r., and Jd Lundy, Jr., both of whom died this nJ ing from the effect# of their wounds. II deaths altogether. An Ex-Kinpres«' Will. Pari«, Nov. 3.—It is reported that Empress Eugenia has made a will in «I •he leaves all her property to Prince Vic Napoleon, who may fall into the inherit*: of Napoleon succession in France. 1 estate of the Empress is of Immense val BRIEF TELEGRAMS. Chicaoo, Nov. 3.—David Davis has t ! | 1 cigar makers' committee uu a rcductio thc tax to |5 per thousand. Pari», III., Nov. 8.— Two freight tn on the Illinois & 8t. Louis railroad colli two miles east of this place yesterday. N Kline, a, wask'.'.H «ml an gine aud 10 frei ;bt cars burned. •All ladle* Who may be troubled with prostration: who suffer from organic disp ment ; who have a sense of wearLicw aud a Ing uf lassitude; who . Ing ; lu whom the appetite for food 1» a clou* and sleep at proper hours uncertain,«» have recourse to Mrs. I'lnklmui » Ugei Compound. _ Ill'' o languid • Ji Ah'VI HO. pilOF. A. 8. WEBSTER'S SELECT Dancing Acadeimj MASONIC TEMPI.E, (Fourth Floor,) Wilmington, Del. 1882—SEASON OF— COMMENCING MONDAY, SEPT lj CIENTr.F.MEN'St'LASS-MonJsvsn'' ^ day evening*, from 8 to 10 o iloi k tember II, U6. , ... ,au t LADIES AND niILDREN'9 «lay and Saturday afternool'». "'" 5 tu urday, September 1«. 'lliur*«l»>*iruiua i.. g»tar%s from 2 to 4 p. ft I.A DIES' CLASS-Wediiewlay.JJJJ25 >1)o'clock, commencing on lemhir'20. , , j All the latest and n.ostf.idilnj«! ^ taught. Including the Law» Jjf! ollif. New Racquet Quadrl le, «IWg»« ' Mali Step, Newport and all f" lu ,i specialty : taught either pr[vst*l> JJ j, Algo a new 6ifnuet speciall) adapt* i as a parlor dance. CHOICE OF DAYS. Schools, seminaries »r p'J'ml'wuïïîïK cltv or ou t Of low n should joiner w m* " »H pr.etle.blu Jor choice toirloK the '."I'Xd in' retm'