Newspaper Page Text
totPRlNTED JFfW »IJ|ATURDAY IN rr.ll-STATK ALLIAXCH. , salt Important Mooting To-Day-Club. Admission—Tbo Oaaraatoe of Apply I Ot»men Arr»B|id. [SpMUi dispatch tO thO OftMtt«. 1 I Philadelphia, Doc. 16.—An important eeilng of tho Intor-Statc Ba«e Ball Awoci held At the room* of the Athletic Ï ,.ou was ub In this elpy at 11 o'clock to^ny. The representative» present wt'-e as fob ' ^Quickstep—C. C. Wnltt Active—Ell Fox, Jr. Merritt—A. F. Richter. Authracito—Thomaa Fielder». Harrisburg— H. C. Meyer». The committee appointed to attend toe meeting of the American Asaoclatloti made a report of the admission of the Inter .«tat» Clubs Into that body. The report vois ap proved. * ApplicAtlooA for membership were re ceived from the Atlantic City and Chester clubs, and those were referred to the Com mitte« on Applications, aa were the applica tions from other clubs previously rocelved. It was deolded M> have eight club» to the asaoclation. , _ . , _ The umpires will be selected and the schedule of games arranged f! . lhc . meeting of the a«aoct«tlou, which, it has been decided, will he held in PöIUfllle in January. . ._ A guarantee of 965 a game has beeu * III r agreed upon. The association Is »till iu session. A Pastor Surprised. Au esteemed correa pomtont of the Oaxette sends the following : "On Thursday even ing, the Hth Inst., the congregation or toe Christiana Prcebyterian Church, and others, paid their complimenta to the paator, Her. A. J. Snyder, by calling upon him without exportation, and »pending the evening with him and his family in a very pleasant aud After tbo ordinary routine such occasions. social manner. indulged in , Ä . company, at a seasonable hour, left for their homes, evidently feeling that they had done a commendable act, by leaving many substantial token* of their apprecia tion for their pastor and hla family to enjoy, such aa flour, potatoes, meats, lard,turkeys, chickens, butter, sug.ur, coffee, rice, pre served fruit, an envelope containing a sum «>f money, and many other articles useful in ihe way of housekeeping. The pony also came iu for a share of the good things, such ** a lot of onts and com. Notwithstanding the fact that these visits have been annual occurrences, It was no less a profound surprise. The natural embarrass ment arising from sucli a circumstance cou viui'cs the pastor that ho failed to do full lustloe to the occasion, lie would therefore embrace this opportunity of tendering bis sincere thanks to his many kind friends and benefactors for their generosity aud kind regard And he would further say, that he t>a* practically analyzed the subject given him for investigation, and can heartily pro nounce it as represented. Goon. OBelal YlKat'M Rviristrar Frazor'i) official report for the week ending Dcooiuher 16, 1» as follow» : Total uumber of deaths, 15, clasaitted as ollows : Bom in the Lnltod State«, «; foreign, «; white, 11; blaok. 4; ».lults, 10, minors, ft; male, 11; female, 4. coroner's ease 1: uuder one year, 2; 1 to 2, l; ft to 10, 20 to 30, 3; 30 to 40, t; 40 to 50, 8; SO to 60, 1; 60 to 70, 2; 80 to 90, 1. By wards : First, 3; Third, 2; Fourth, 4; Hfth, 1 ; fleveutb, 2 ; Tcutb, 2; Elvcnth, 1. Died in Alm^houM, 1. Cause» of death ; Acute pleurisy, apop rxy, Bright's diseane, earciuomatis, tumor of liver, convulsions, coniumptlwi ot lungs, UAtUlul nanition, merabranoua croup, , j»ost partum hemorrhage, pneu strumous syuoriti«, causes rnonin. peritonitis. typhoid fever, each 1. Ilui ing the week ther«? were three imdleft brought here aud two taken away for hurlai. ... »r For the correspomllHg week last year there were 22 deaths. Total births reported, 16 ; ail white ; Di males aud 4 females. By ward* : Secoud, •J ; Third. 5 ; Fifth, 3 ; Sixth, 1 ; Eighth, 2 ; Mnth, 1 ; Eleventh, 1. There *were li white marriage repurtail during the week. E. B. Frazer, Reglslrar. The FTnisnclpatlon. The following Is issued by Madison Wtns on, President of the F.mane.lpallon Coin All the colored citizens are invited to be present next Wednesday evening, at a mass meeting In Ezlon Churi;h. 'The Sum ner Post, No. 4,0. A. R., will be represented at the meeting by comrade Nero Baceus I., Fisher, and P. 8! Blake. At tills meeting arrangements will be made tor the celebra tion I»r the Emancipation Proclamation. Come one, come all. By order of the Memorial Committee. The friendly sixteen are kindly Invited. inittee: A Met of Harne*** Stolen. Between 1 and o'clfK'k this morning nome one cut oj>cn a small window of the fetable of Clavev A Let*, butchers, on Second atreet between Orauge and Tat nail, entered the bml ling and stole a line set of new har ness, leaving by the door, which was found «landing open. The p»lice were notified the thief. and took step* at onee to sec U1TY ITEMS 1 hristHeld Si Beat. J «'hn*. H. Vary, J'hila. Messenger, &oü Market, j 'iutterlOY a. Co.. Photographers. 302 Market it You will thank yourself a thousand tiiuen If von get for yourself, your wife, your sou. y« daughter, or your friend n pair of those derful shoulder brace« of Crfstteld ft* Rest, 516 ; Market street. ! F TMK KA1LKUAIW. A Local Time Table With the Latest Corrections. TRAINS LEAVE WILMINGTON FOR ! PHI LA.— 2.U0*— 2.23* — 0.30—6.66 7.001—7.60 —3.10t— 8.16— «.00Η 0.301—9.581—10.30—11.63 a. UU—WXlOf ür—12.16—l».88—1.63—2.3Qt-4.00— $.17*—6.30t—6.10—8.38*—7.26—7.30*—9.66*pm.— YORK — 2.00*—2.23*—6.30—^7.60— 0.60 û— 12.3B—1.63—6.17*—6.38*—7.28 p.m. 11.63 s. HaLTIMOBO—1.05*—1.42*—4.61*— 8.06» — 9.17 .—12.26—1.0U—1.09—6.00—6.00—6.57— 10.00 a. 11.04* p. la. Washington— 1.42*—4.51*—8.06—9.17 a. m; —I 00— l.OO—6.67—11.04* p. m. Baltimore akd intermediate btatiows— 1.05*—9.17 10.00 a. m;—1.00—6.00 p. m. * Trains running both dally and Sunday. ♦Trains running only on Sunday. 1 . Connect at Gray'» Ferry for old depot, Brood and Washington avenue. oelawarb Railroad— 6.00*—9.10 a. m;—1.06 —«.00*— 6.251 p.m. No Suuday trains. * For New toastie only ! For Harrington and Intermediate stations. Reading and St. Peter—*.10 a. m. Delaware Wkatbrn Railroad— 7.06—10.30 ' a. m:—6.80 p. m. »Sunday trains 10.80a. m—6.00 : i I TKAJNS ARRIVE AT WILMINGTON FROM ' Philadelphia— 12.50—1.00—1.32*—4.47*—7.45 : ft bi» —9.12—9.06—10.10+—11.35—12.36 a. in;—12.60 —1.07—2.30f—2.60— 4.35— 4.65— 6.40—6.63—6.2C —fl.ift—7.36f—7.66—9.50—10.38—1Q.68p. m. j m! - BAXTIKOW—1.M'— Ï.1»*— K.3+-.A4—11.43 ». ] — 1 . 60 — 6 . 11 *—6.30*—7.24—9.49* p. in. ! * Both dally and Sunday. ♦ On Sunday only. DEL AWARE UA1LKOA 6.U6*—$.06 p. m. N« D—$.60—10.1 5*a.m;— 12.05 o Sunday trains. * From New Casti« only. WlLMIKOTOE k NoBTHBRE BA. I LEO AD—8.26— g 40—11.36 a. m;—c.40 p. m. On Sunday from J Heading and St Peter at 7 10 j». m. DELAWARE WUBTBRM RAILROAD-5.00 0. MJ— 2 15 p.m. Sunday trains 9.10a. m.;—*.40 p. m 1-RAINS LEAVE FUR W1LMJNGTUN Philadelphia New Broad Street Depot— 12.30*-Ä.6ft*-ft.»-7.90*-8.00— $JU-«.»6t-10.1fl — 11.80—11.50 a. m;—19.28— 1 . 82 f—1.82—$.16— 4 o<2_4,36— 6.06—6.2b— 6.66— 6.06f—B» 3 *—8.80* -19.30—10.00-11.32* p. m. Broad aid WajuumkToh avbbue—6.30—8.00 — 10.16 a. m;— 1 . 80 - 8 . 10 —4.80—6.16 p. m. New «'abtlk— 8.2*—10.00—11.66 a. m. 6.49 p. m. * Dally and Sunday, t Un Sunaay only._ oarTba block figure* denote the Limited Ksprevi traîna. OUR HAIM P Arrival and Dapswtora, Taking HM July 1M, 1MB. bal The Post Otoe. In this ottj will be ep«n daily, axeeut Sunday, from «.30 a. m. to » p. ». Private boxes .re aeeaaelbls until 11 p. m. On Bundnysopen from «•» to »JB ». m. ITlvaW Vexes acM.SH>!. from » to • p. m. The whelm salt stamp window will oloa* at I.M p. m. The money order etoee will eloae nt CM p. » . i h fM : ; tuns OLoaa as vollow. : WUmlegtoa k Meritor?iuilroad to Rs»-llua pa., and points on too BalUmoiu Oentrai south CäfciüÄt»..». MÂÀ'ÂW und wwt, ft. a. Ifelawai ^Thttadftbhla, NftW York elty, PftnnajlranU and New Jarroy, It.Wa. m. Philadelphia, Now York and all points fta»t ^ÄttadilyS», York and all point» «aat Ntw York ^pSnnsjlvau^a west of laknoastor, and all points wont and south weal».» P. »• *AU point* north, ea*t, wost and »outhwaat, l«* font walMMpiNftw OrlAana wU'oli Is soni south on though malts. uotmi. altluiorn and way mail, 7.4u a. ia. Washington and ail points south, 7.10 a. in. All points on tha Ponlnsula, Supplemantary wall for «ha Peninsula, ^Itoltimora, Washington and al^ paints ftontlr, 12.50 p. m. Newport, SUnton, Newark, on Pori 6ft poult, Northeast and Chadd s lord Ai Wp. m. Hal timoré and Hay lino ftUaBMM, ftAJP« ■}• Peninsula north of Uarrlwcton. Including Delaware Oily and 8t. Oaama, 5.W Daltlmore, closed ponch, ft.fto p. m. Hal Urn ore, Waahrngton and all poluts south U.Q0p. m. MAILS AKSIVa AWU UADT J»* From Wilmington A Northern Hailroad, * FrwiNe« York. Phlladalpkla, Wasktogto» and all other points,-6.80 r. m. Prom l*hllaUelpliia, New York and points north east and west, ft.3u a. in. iv!»«".' frum Phlla.lsll.bla, From Peninsula and all north of Harrington * ïrom Baltimore and way mall, ft.50 a. m. From Baltimore, p. m. From Peninsula l'2.«J0 p. m. Prom Pbllailel^hia, Naw York aad yolnU 11 °Kr< 1 1 n n 'l!ia Uv m o r e. 'washtsgton and pointa "'ftoaDeiawmi» Wootorn Railroad. «■» p. m from Philadelphia, Now York and points n0 ^"u^Ä, P W«h,ngt» and ^oU south and southwest. 5.40 p. id. Carriers deliveries as follows : era); 10.00 a. m., partuvi; 1. JO p. m., ganoral, 4.00 P côtlietlon» from it root boxes are made l'J the oarrlers at 6.00 aud lo.oo a. m l.JO »od ^oo P;™ Au additional collontton will be m»d» at ...» r m from alt l«oxes between Jetlcraon and ÏJo.nlaird »ml Water an.l Tk'»"»"^ JJÎÏJ Inclusive On Sunday ■nude At s.oo u. m. IsKtvl lwttcr» L-r om.rriors delivery should t.e deposited lit i the Post OlOce minutée belore ihe hour ^elive^* W . Y . SWHHHSTT. PoHinester. Western Katlroad to Laadeoherg, i* Mkton and p.m. tei UKATHS. w 1IAD1MX K.-nuddenlr. In « 17, of nallvnant typhoid. -on «' «oi.tri Slid Kai« V. lia-ldw», aurd 1 y mn. Fou* r»l prlv»te. MESHK'K.—Oo ftunday. the l*th last., at a J!!!* » m.. 4ffirl.tlan M*srt»k..,vd^rws. Tho I'linaral »111 t»k» place »roiahl, lau r«al So. Ytt Kai-1 sixth .irthit. Tharsda* 'clei'k. Utah Maas at Hi. Mar>'i> Irlands of tho family arc den morulnir, at'.»o i'hurch. Relatives aud rt-Hpcctfully Ikvltftd. ILSON'o UNDERTAKING ROOMS,| «16 KING STREBT. Cean«:ct«-<l with Telephon« Excbangfi. Cali - U OPEN ALL NIGHT. J. A. WILSON, Kl ni a a l uiaacro». V12-14 lßHUMiitra. r I KALTH is wealth. lTii E. C. WEST'S NEUVE AND BRAIft TREATMENT. » »pwlUi'inr Hy.u rl«, HImIumS. ten ul. toil., An«« Hoadacl..', Mental Djiir». slnn. La., of M-toorv, Siisriiialorrli»», Imp - unry, lnvnluiitan IU i f 11. -1 ■' 11 . 01(1 Aki ' caused by over-* xerth.u, »«gi-auaM*, or • v er - 1 uduigtnr.c. Which lea«U to lolaery ,d.w»v , and death. OnebOi will cure recent case«. Fadh bo! contain u o»- amoli'i treatment. One dollar j lor ftfi; aeut by mall prepa d ; receipt of prh-e. We guarantr« »lx b VV*!^ * cure any chat. WP.h eacb order weired by u» for «lx txixto», accouiptoin* <» with $>\ W'i_wll^l »**im the purchto»**r a writtru guarantee to return t|»e oneylf the treatment does »ÿ 1 .VÎx'Vnui Guarantee I «tauen umy «'V B. IIAN vt.Utl IVrugglat,corner 8*« <.n«l «ud Market street«, II mlngum, Delawari a Lr.GA. 1 1 . . ... HY\\ i i W I i Pn * I., j HULlJJAl , uUUDo . 1 the »lx b*. a box. I ! 1 ! oU* „ rn r / I \ V! T^C I )TV I r | IÀ, J iVi\.l JjJ-il-jJj, PH ARMACY', H1XT11 .1 MARKET HTH. t 'ELIJ I/Oin »FTh of u* W <b dgiu III n •ntiil nt l' nt ful and turn: Reautlful plush, leather Klegam UDUll CAHEH for haudk Home >erv pretty Chrl C:!;T T GLAHH l nn«l KNtlKAYKII IMlTTLKH) I F S' HINA 1 * i'oY.V )t ; N I : and II A \ DKEIU lllEf EXTRACTS In beau Ill'll II v Ub* led l.otth NAIL SETS, TulLET MIKRoUH, PI FF It« »X Kb * ful article« for pi* a lug • i satin. lu ALLI ov eitle the har l»t JOHN DAVIS & S0NS,| 1 folfi Arch Street, I'hilu. .. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTl BLR WHOLESALE AND RKTAlI (* r— i I the . - F I N E F U R S of T ri-ovYYi/Anfc Ul-ljlllGCl garments. ; ! A FULL LINK OF ! BEAL AND ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER. Special Attention Paid to Fitting and j Lengthening Seal Sacques. i RoN railings ' : Gent's, ladles', Misses and Children's If'LKS, j of all kinds. Sole maoufacturers or ' i DAVIS' FATENT HAND PROTECTOR, j The only article ever made that wtU kerb your | hands warm while driving lu cold weather. 1 derIM-50 ! —A N li - IRON WORK I ' : j . -r « n/\ J. p. walton aco.i ». ] L MmiATM FURNISHED ON APPL1 | ! CATION. ; FOR BUILDINGS. 552 & 554 W. Sixth St.. Cincinnati. J TV . m L RAWlaLIN -» ,,*.vn-MH TYPE FOUNDRY . 7 168 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. ALLISON A SMITH. yll-Mlt majlmoav iotji ILADELPHIA, WIL BiNSSuAH? OCTOBER, vtu, line. 151 will leave Wilmington as follows for » drtphla and 1 nterm cd tat* statlons-A. ».7.00, U, a. iu. 2.», 4.<X\ 7.30, ■•■o. p. ta il elnh la (axprea)-«.«. 7.» tMM.3M.5ft, 11.53. a.m. 12.15,1.13,5.17,3.10 ft.30, .16, 11.51a. m. ft.»*. 7.38,p. to. P bal i h m §.iv fM .ft. 3ft, 7. : New| York-2.00, 2.33, I ; •1^35,1.«, 2.30, 5-17, Haiti more anil Intermodule atatlatt 10.» ft. in. ft.«p. m. Haiti more and Hay ï.too-6.67 P _an<1 Waahlaglou—i.€t, a. U. 1.00. •!.», 6 . 00 , ft.57, U. M Baltimore only—1.06* 10.w a. ». A*» and Trains for DeUvaii Dirlalon leave fers KevHBastlO—CW> 0. to »■ rn. 1.0«, «.00, C2» p. m Hsrrlugton »ad lulermcdlats station.—••>° ». m * »»(1 lut.rmedlat. st»U»t>.-». to ». m. -1.0», 0.H 4.11, AOI ft. 17 p. to. dinar a l.f »»•« ' SUNDAY TRAINS. par»«««*. PhiMt-l^bi* and Nv* Yurk -S.Oi, l.»a. m. 5.17, mid Washington—1.42, 4.61« ft.*^, «41a t« »latum»-#. 10 a.m. P PHI 12 ÜMljlliuot'ß- 1.0» ». in. For further Information iiM^nfvrs »re rc '.I to Un Hin«' tables pouted at the depot. ktm » .ii marked thns: (•) an* limited Hpcm u|TI>n which extra fan H charge.«. ! J, II. WOOD, «encrai Pawienger Agt. ill! AS. li. Pl T UU. Uctterai Manager. ~ • ~»TiJMnäfr LU.M Ï. i* ï NUHOR U>E. UNITED BY ATE» MAU. HTEAMEIIH nail Work tv to and from NEW TORE and HLASflOW. via LONDON derby, Cabin Paasacr, I*' I" »*• l; a«rn. ,uou> »1« Scwlid Cabin,M>- Ib UiVn Ticket»,»^ rES5Vî2^"i-»F~S. .*Î.^SΫL*AÎ • low*«» r»te» to or from Herman y , Italy Norway, Swwlen. Denmark, Ac. _ Aj".^T k »HENDiiS. ! S:' l ï8oVH , S8l. , t' Ypr'k! orSÄMUKL pHlKTTS, Adam. Expr«», Wl d « * im ilMun i'itiMOAAT. the of or NOTICE. jo EDITION NOW BEAOVo, MANUAL. • * A Packet CyrlopedU, * * W rtler» »«id I ravel rr»'11* ft'l> R> fi 'vnr. . _ Oonlaln. over » COO Bynonvinou. Word.. Jon Ian Word, an.l I'hnoc.. aloo. worth prie, ol hr w hoir hook ; Oharrh 1 alondar: U reaf A rca »tid Po|iUl»lloaTablc«;Llfc rllàmentsry « hart»; flu«ilnc.H» . ; Perpetual Calsndar ; I>oin««tlc and ÄH'rr'S 3 . «ÄiW.'ISSi SSST«; & 'pocVctiHYok »tyle, fl.oo, mailed. AUKNT« WANTED. RirFKI , t <X) „ 1-nblJ.hsra fCti Aroh Htreet. Phll«del|»n1*. T RAPPING PAPER. w WOODBINE M1LDS. LABEL RWH8TKBED GUARANTEED FULL COUNT. ! j ! «r-Fmiim Anv Mit, 1S7S.-W KHEETB TU THE QlIIME II I , UTKAW WRAPFINU.. I. te lull count, ahouldhave Ift ahectftFb .«ach |utr«, am U Qulroa to each lmndlc. I , j ; * ictns sol.l Willi few H. ga#" l lt« rp 1 9 much paper now 15 shocl« to the quire, «ntl In Mine c»m 12 »buci». Tb««e fact* arc uot kuowu him.or, lhc p«;K-.r Imlng low In price, think of tho uuuihor of Inc hull'll* . COUNT yDurf'APKH. to the th«*y do uot »•■y g«i iu Adk lur WOODBINE, 1 " Ooru • I In G 11 and take nothing «•!►* , »*- |b»« t* trod to b* FULL (bi»n*lard)roui CHKAPKKiothc con-mm-r tha pn|M i, pni i p with LESS sheet* to the. Qnlr«*. ........ — U F A It <t it lower priced .1 "AYOOD uotlilng j Print Ark the firm you buy of to 1 BINE MILL«'* Wiupping.. Iih'.m thl« p* p**r I. tli«*chropeet 1» ih** .. . , „ ,. , i Count, Quality,YY eight & Color I 1 tr %.n «anno! *vt U *»rtl»<* firm feu ' JSSi wifi Via i. iVv (lslwlur*. 1»«> not be lu*HiV<d ,„ 1V MaiMTbutti.** ' ! ! ! \I T i \» II If T ü I I W I It M )l>m |\ l\l \ ' Rtb < I ■ ; Print I Tub 1 Tub ♦ - I INKY !.. RAYMOND. ALON7XI DKWHHÏ. 1 J|ENRY L. RAYMOND & CO., STOC K BROKERS, NOS. 4 AND 6 FINE STREET, N. Buy and of 11 lur investment, and carry on rcuriticft dealt in ob F irst Parties moderate margin all I the New York Stock Exchange. - class privilege* at favorable rate*. Wall street sum* ranging Invited to Complete I«x.*at**«l from invest 11,000, are write for us for particulars. Financial Report mailed free. Small order* •uttîd at current rate*. Refer to Bankers Members of N. Y. Stock Exchange, Officiait of New York Central Railroad Co., and prominent ManuCocturing and Mercantile Business House*. References and terms mailed on application. distantly ; wishing ! from Ç50 t< '■> j (i I ! ! EORGE STECK & CO.'S PATENT TUNE-ÖL' STAINElt j ' j UP RIGHT PIANOS! | 1 Jusv ortuient of these celc 1 ved, a flue d unrivaled 1*1« no«. We take pleasure all interested. brated In showing Buperb stock j ! A LBERT KRELL, ! I SOLE AGENT, | lj ; awarded S. W. Cor. 4tli & Elm Sts., I ! i • ! i CTNfTNNATI, «». ANE A RODLET CO.. : GOU1 MEDAL BY THE ATLANTA COTTON EXPOSITION, —OK TIIEIH— Steam Engine & Saw Mill, EX1I1R1TKD AT ATLANTA IN 1881. Manufacturers of 8t4>am F.nglnes, Boilers, Saw . Milla, («ang Kdgers, l.atli Machines, Hub uud 7 Spoke Machinery, Shafting, Hanger*. Pulleys, Coupling». Gearing, Grist and Flour Mills. special attention given to Plantation Machin ery. Catalogue free. Lane & Bodley Co., John and Water Sts., CINCINNATI, U. REPRINTED FROM SATURDAY A RAILWAY ROOl'E. Tha Man Arraatad la Mow York Night Arralgnad-Tha Charge. Again.! Bias. N*w Tobe, Dec 16.-George J. Bice, aged 40, of Horaehea ls, Ouekla county, N. ?.. waa arralogcd In tho Tomb, police court to-day. Rice 1» the 1're.ldent of Ute l tic., Ithaca and Elmira Ksllway Company and Is tho man who was arrowed last night at Delmonlco'a restaurant, on Fifth avenue, as aUted In an t arllor dlapatch. The «frost watt uiado on tho complaint of rrwenci Cle-eland, of No. W Wall atreet, who 1» a cousin of Governor-elect Cleveland, on a charge of hypothecating 10,000 share, of the original stock of aabl railway, at the Third national Bank of New York, which thould have beet cancelled on Uic Issue of tho new certificates, and for the Uking up of which, for tho purpose of nroeecatfon.the true owner, of the atocks had to pay f 10,090 ou December ad. The stocka were pledged In the lall of 187». ■ William K. Klntr.lng appeared for the de fence. On being arrested the accused feased to be of the ift> opinion that the difll eulty bad beeu aetUcd, änd «*pr*M*Ml »ur prine. It Ift Intimated that the chargea em brace iorgery, embcwilenicnt and larceny. Hearing o7 the cam »h adjourned. It is impoftftfblo to »tat* how much money Rice realized from Ute over-iaaue of »lock, but it i* known to exceed f100,000 and may reach twice that aum Alim Ilia Wn««ru Lalon. New Ysuk, D«'. 16 — Misai». Head A Pctorl of Philadelphia, repimetiUiiK a iium Iwr of cttleenB of Pennsylvania,to-day served on the Preeident of Ibe Western Union Tele graph Company a notice from the Attorney General of Pennsylvania, citing that com pany to appear on the 27tli of .lauuary to show cause why be should not flic an Infor mation In behalf ol the |x-opl.- against that inpany, to rastrnin It troin doing business that State and for the appototmeLt of a receiver for all Its tinea and property In Pennsylvania, because of hsvlng forfeited the same by reason of lie repeated violation of the constitution of the Stal« prohibiting telegraph eoiupany from consolidating with another, or holding a controlling In terest In thcatock; or bonds of any «tber, or acquiring by purchase or otherwise any other com|Kttng Hues. Iu ■ 1 other com|Kttng Hues. English Mlnt"terlal Change«. I««>Nik)N, Dec. 1«V— Mr. Gladstone, tho Karl of Sydney, the Marquis of llartlnghm, Karl Kimt»eriey, Lord l)er!»y, Rt. Hon. Hugh C. E, Child* r* and 8lr Arthur Peel are ln council with the Queen at Windsor Castle. The following changes in the Cabi net are said to be imminent : Lord Derby to the Secretaryship of State for the. Colonies, Karl Kimberley, Secretary of State for India, aud tho Maruuis of llartington, 8<iC India, aud tho Marquis retary of State for A ar. ••Reality Unadorned (With l'Impie») Is Adorne«! the Most." If you rletlre s fair complexion free from pimples, blotches ami eruptions, take ••Oolden Moo leal Discovery." By druggists. mht TUKUlrl ISIAKKETV. Loewi Qiiotatlooi Correcte«! Daily 111 the Street Market. rtsOim xtc. Oozaacrrun Daily by Tua William Lka h SOU# UoMl'AMY, HRAMliYWlMK illLXtt— n.auH run iuh'l. Wd. I«ea h Hon'* retail. Patent 17 40 . 726 wholesale, 'Hert' Kolter few ! Clifton F.K.F Extra j Vuutaxat F. do. Family do ! Kirkwood Roller Orouurt, Occidental Superfine FBKD. ft 76 do ;; » ... 6UO : b 76 do 6 26 do 4 00 4 M per ton. I Host middling*, , He rt ship stun, Cutllns, 11 20 IT Corn ihort«, Uran, 17 1ft per hundred. Fi 06A2 2 toO» 10*02 03 meal, fine yellow, sj.M; (lorn meet, whits. Corn meal, eoerae, 10 15 54.10 14 It AID. I per buahol. H. Frim« long-berry wheat. New dry — 110 61 hay, raxu, rr«\—«•ouni«TKu haily m> »ilium', vo. 417 rKENcH htukki : per bu W. J. per ewt <•0 fti 1.10 May. Htraw .. Oat». . Brau, double bushel Cracked MUldllugfi,double bushel Coanw meal. Ooru Shelled corn. s u 1.00 It . 11 BYmUL, S4H4H POUI.TIt Y DAILY MY MIMHICK, KTO..— OOUBB«rrXD KD HTKKKT M.VKKUT. ft .4»» .46 j Print baiter, per »1 wholesale.# .36 tt) ' " retail.40 tS * " wholesale. .2» @ 11 " retail.... i wholesale, i*er üpilvu .. I 1 Ohluken*, ilru»ftc,d wholeeale feu ' Uhlckon*, alive, rot« II. ClilckObft, <lro»*ed, retail. ' Cheese, whol«uialc, per |K>und ! 4*he«?se, ruittll, " ".. ! Turkeys, wholesale, drc»sc*l.. ü I Turkeys, rctgll, dressed.1ft COHUKOTKD DAILY HY WILLIAM CLAY MY ' MMCUMD 8TKBKT MAHKKT. Sirloin steaks per pound. Uump steaks per iMiund. K'ltiud steiiks per poûnd . Rtb roast per pound. < buck roavt per pouud. I btnwlng pieces,..... Holling bits por pound. Shins,. Kidney fat,per pound.. Lamb chops, per pound. Lamb roasts, per pouud. Mutton chops, per pound. Mutton roasts, per pound..... Yenl cutlet*, per pound,...... ■ Veal roasts, per pound. ; rouu etc., coitiiKmcn daily by h. c . pill, «TALL I», SECOND BTHKKT MA11KKT. Print I Tub 1 Tub .38 8U ,40 .Si 14 .11 ' • 12 « .1^ it .14 ij} .7 it .H it .16 .13 .H .14 .14 . Lfl .14 .IH . .20 Q .25 ♦ .10 Q .IN , .ao: . .14 0% .lfl . .16 fj ,1'2W • 1ft - .1 .2ft . .08 .90 .91 .lfl .90 .16 .1« JO 2ft . .16 on rouu etc., coitiiKmcn daily by h. c . pill, «TALL I», SECOND BTHKKT MA11KKT. wholesale retail ; J* .. ill Smoked hara*. Shoulder*. Dried beef. bait flitch. Loins and »auxage. Fresh shoulders. Pork steak and saunage 2H 1 • . in 15 m i i ■. u . 13 Flitch. Frerh liuraft and flitch Hiuoknl bacon. Hcrappel. Hgs feet. Bologna »alinage. Liver pudding. laird. ... . IS lft M H l.i 12K lft ■ . 13 !.. Fiait, COBUBCTBD daily by fowkll, third STREET MARKET. Pike. I Lake f had... ! Slscoen.. ! Pollock. Kook n*h, por pound — White Perch, per pound Trout, per pound. Halibut, per pound. Cattish, per pound. Mackerel, per piece....« Black fish.. Blue bass. Terrapin per dosen . Haddock. Market cod. 16 . .16 : l !a .16 .1ft .12 Q .16 .20 . .IV I .11 $6.00 Q .8 fl.00 VEGETA ELM. j Potato©*, per half-peek ! ?ÄÄ k :: :15 «îa tillage,per head.... I Turnip«, per half peck Celery, per bunch. .lfl J New York Markets. I N Yohk, Deo. 16.—Flour dull : $2.35a$3.60 ; superior Western, S3 25a3.75. ! Wheat. No. 1 white winter, $1.04al.07 ; No. 2, red winter, $l.C9%al.00>$ January ; $1.11^ February. i Corn, No. 2. 69 cosh; do. January, 65%a66%. Oats, No. 2 , 46^046% December ; 46%a47 • January« Rye. quiet: Wextern, 66a89; State, 67a70, Barley, uuiot, ungraded: Cauadu, b7. ! l'ork, dull; $19.00. i Lurd, January. $10.76: February, flo.wa 10.H2H. Butter, Arm; creamery fancy, 38a39: Western, 22a30. Sugar, Arm; centrifugal. 7%; refined cut loaf and crushed, OR; granulated, K%a9. l- 4 çgs, dull; SUte 800 * 1 ; State : j 'yy^ILMINGTXJN COLOR WORKS. SEALING WAX FOR FRUIT JARS BOLUABLE BLUE FOR THE LAUNDRY —AT— BRADFORD'S PAINT STORE Nob. 6 and 8 E. Third St MOnfXKW. BEST FITTING GARMENTS. It is conceded that the best fitting Clothing is sold by the Wilmington Clothing House, Fourth and Market streets, and this fall we have tried to rment, and to» U perfect every ga day we assert that our garments have no superior as to fit, while former patrons can attest to the quality. Just step in and try one of our suits or an overcoat, and you will then know they are better fitting than most of the custom work that is made nt a very low price. We make this statement, although we make to order suits low as Eighteen Dollars, but more ot our custom work is from Thirty to Fifty Dollars a suit ; because we are having finest work in our city, and customers are the best dressed people on the street. Just stop long enough to look at our suits and overcoats, and we have doubt you will say as others have : "It is a pleasure to know find such fine goods at such low prices in our city." 1 iOok at our TEN DOLLAR SUITS and our FIFTEEN DOLLAR OVERCOAT; thèse are special bargains. our as tha our 110 WO can to Jno. W. Dif.fendohk & Co. Fourth and Market Sta. Is —f J^KFFNER'8 . Oyster Hay and Dining Saloon -IlMcment of— 885 MARKET STREET. . to 12 night. Moala a«rve«l from 7 a. toctHi tin H. JACOBS MAN UFACITIIE« OF— IMPROVED RUBBER R. HAND STAMPS, d for marking Linen* Card «I w. or an y style, with Indelible Ink. B. W. COK. SIXTH AND SHIPLEY HTH. dccft-i-i0 WUinlngtou, Delaware. ^ 10FFKE ! COFFER ! 100 BAUS UF ELEGANT LAOYAYRA,RIO, MARACAIBO AND JAVA COFFERS Is the time to lay In Just received. N for ilu* Winter, and to buy cheap go cmiPPEN'S —TEA STORE— No. 5, E. Second St., Wil., Del. 1883 . HARPER'S WEEKLY. ILLUSTRATED. ihe head of A mer le 1 y Ntnnd*, widely journals. Hy It* unpnr tlh»n poalllon Inptolltl«*». Its admirable Illustra tion-. It» carefulfr chosen serials, »hurt storleo, lie** and poi-niH, »-ontrlhut» d by the fo*cmost rii-t- and authors of the day, II carrtea luktruc tlou ami cntertalnnicnt to thousand* of American ictlie »Im of the publishers to Weekly the mo«t popular and newspaper Iu the world. mer s W« liar It skete homes. It will alw make limp attruellvc- fi ll> Harper's Periodicals. PER YKAR: 4.00 HARPER'S WEEKLY - HARPER'S MAGAZINE - H \RPER'8 BAZAR The three above publication« Any two above named HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE HARPER'« MAGAZINE HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE Harper's Franklin Square Library, One Year (52 Numbers) - Postage Free to nil «ubacrlbcr« In the United Stale» or Canada. - 4.00 ILOO - 10.00 7.00 « BO 5.00 10.00 The Volumes of the Weekiv begin with the flr«t Number for January of each year. When no time I« mentioned. It will bo underht*md that the Riibserlber wltthea t«* commence with the Number next after the r« reli*t of order. The last Four Annual Volume» *>f Harper'* Weekly, iu neat «-loth binding, will be scut by , pontage paid, or by expre»«, tree of ppn»e (provided the freight doe» not exceed dollar per volume), for #7.00 per volume, w (jloth r»*«eA for each volume, »ullahle for bind ing, will In; Mint by mall, postpaid, on receipt of ftl.COeach. Ih inlitance* should be mad«* by Pont Office Money Order or Druft, to avoid chance of Iom. this advertisement of IlAni'KU A tall m Newspapers without the BitoriiKKH. Address : not to Si pn i ■ Harper & Brothers, NEW YORK. decl2-8td&* J ^ GIFT EVERY SUBSCRIBER. -TO— This offer Is made by ths New York Observer ? the oldest and best of the relic low* weeklies. For sixty yearn, this undenominational, ui^ sectarian and evangelical newspaperJB^ liecti circulating in the U nlei' States flBa in almost every foreign country. It« sub scribers arc counted by teus of thousands. Each year its proprietors have added to IU value,engaging iresh editors and correspond ents ut home and abroad, enlarging and multiplying its departments, and endeavor ing to realize their high ideal of the Bett Religious and Secular Family Newspaper. They offer, this year, to every subscriber, uew or old, whose subscription is paid lor 1883, the new book of Rev. 8. Irenœus Prime, D.D., entitled "Prayer and It« Answer," a handsome volume of nearly 200 pages, bound In cloth, the retail price of which is one dollar. Specimen copie« of the paper 6ent free. Address : NEW YORK OBSERVER, NEW YORK. 2, $1.11^ 46%a47 flo.wa loaf State dec2-2t T AURA K ROXBURG, 230 EAST LIBERTY ST. all kinds of diseases by laying <m Of bauds by the power of electricity. RHEVMATUM, DKAFNE8S AND CHRONIC DIBEA8B8 A specialty. üecu-i-14 Can furnish best of rsf«iren«e. DiAf AMO WMMMl TO A AMTTM. Th« bill ■THE DAILY GAZETTE, U < -UBDUt at -wriH New Features. The Only Democratic Daily in the / State I FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS I Reporte by Telegraph. | ALL THE LOCAL NEWS A LIVE PAPER Co. I I I I I I I j j J I For "LIVE" People 1 ONE Only One Cent, CENT, -UK Six Cent* per Week. Twenty-five Cento per Month. BERVED BY _ CARRIERS 1H AI L FAKT» OF THE CITY. Bt Mail, Postage Paid: One year, $3.00 in advance. Six months, $1.65 in advance. Three months, 80c in advance. - THF, DELAWARE GAZETTE ( WKEKLT. Y A Paper for the Whole Peninsula. THE FARMERS' FAVORITE JOURNAL. CROWDED WITH LOCAL AND TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. The Cheapest Paper Published in the State. A First-class Advertising Medium for those who desire specially to reach the Agricul tural Classes. Teems* One year, $1.00 in advance. Six months, 60c in advance. Three months, 30c in advance. ADDRESS: BELL & TAYLOR, KING STREET, NO. 50 a I.MiNGTON, DM reprinted from IINUBK TUB CAPITOL' Th« Nmu« Dtscasslng th, , . BUI—What ,h. .I,,'.« , Washington, Or«-. a lL to-day, Mr. Morrill renortad r, lhe 0eutlp bill for<H»«rl.nli l »Unir^m .luu"'» Ur m lr pro, m et East of U» C.% Ä5 Ttut oxirniling ih« bo„aJq Æî JJ?Ç »« re-om mitten to tho Mmmi. k ïî f Gitll Bertlcc bill w.sThe a T.h n an ^ PeuiHoton took the lloor. h n up ""I Mr. eald the theory of the hill m<ml> shall not be made esceut f, - cauao. It tvaa d,• eignet b , caeh mo. . cheat the other. He did not wai t im 0 IflliiK oh this enbjcet, but tütî wh mockery and a enare. *" « Mr. Hawley ealil It wee the purooeeof th, proraoUTe of the bill to ImVodwT ii.atory ehang.Hn the civil eertrlee Mr. Ingalls a-ke.1 Mr. Hawley u, him, not what may be the opinion of ien Of the measure, but whether he heile! htmaelf that office holders shall hin tenure or a fixed term of office Mr. Hawley—The bUI leaves the nows, remove where It Is now. It distinctly 8 |„ an admirable system for supplying,^,*«, 1» public services. I advise the Hcnat wbeu uu wlrtliCB to chârw!t«ri*e the bill humbug hud Juggling to make outride this chamber. ,*£• This bill la not devised either political party In the Senate sent here by self constituted men- bv cecdlugly holy, wise and upright men'i aide ot this chamber, and has been prat cally accepted by the committee of t body. Mr. Voorheee spoke at length against principles of the measure, anil said he , surprised at the trivial SATURDAY » home that re ■ a II I» rrmar It w >1 narrow ncopo HOW IHK Horse l'ARfeEft its TIME. In the House, alter passing a bill auth laine the sale of the Soldier»' Home r perty at Harrodaburir, K>., Mr. Ro I teating »Raima the special faemtie!' 111 ' | lbc faciliUo* furntahed, with New York •Urting point, »»eimflt« the whole He recognized the fact that this fight U ing made against newspapers ami Yallrq becauae they have been too critical, bul thought iL proper that the Horn should above auch spirit. Mr. Rcagtfn remarked that this peared to him to be "a stake put up t< gambled for by the railroad companies to be extorted from the toll of the mtlli who appear to have no repmentatloi thlft floor." Mr. Robeaou remarked that he was u< sonftitivc to criticism of the press or , itlng of ttmlaflh of great railroads, to j either anything which 1« not for the ha of the peopie and the country. Mr. Hewitt urged hpf-clal facilities foil York, which means facilities for the « I country. Roth amendment.- making I propriationa for apodal fadiitlt* I malls wore voted down. graE "1 i .u, sum 1 WASHINGTON NOTE». Wa»hinoton, Dee. 16.—The Kepull Senators held a caucus this monilug. j admission of Dakota w an under conn tlou. No definite conclusion was reft The holiday recess was casually coud Land lOdays recess was thought tu to Sonic discussion was had on the Civil 9 Reform, but nothing definite wag red An agent of the Secret Service, «livid 8au Francisco, reports the arrest In th of Johu T. Hcnneberry for paasing cd felt silver coin. Tho Navy Department is informed 9 arrival in 8an Francisco of the United steamship Alaska. Tho bill making appropriations I current y«?ar, and the contingent ca of the Indian Department, and lor fu] the treaty stipulations with various, tribes for the year, ending June 30, and for other purpose*, which is nmv the Ben ate, appropriates in the aggl $5,363,155.'.»! . The Senate Committed to the bill, $l54,m Improving the school. Wa»hii*oton, Lire. 16.—A Congress on the subject of nation common schools from the I ,ln ' ul Benevolent .jiaoelatioiis, doiug rilui luth and among 1 work in the w signed by Bishop C«»x«*, of the r. t. Bishop B. Simpson, ol the M and others, has taten presented to n through Senator Blair ot New 11« and the matter eotnes up In the Sr eonslderattou ou the Util ot .Tnnuarj before the Hal same subject comes Tuesday. Small Damage In LoadaaJ London, Dee. 1«.-Thc lire atl furniture establishment, mcutioMf earlier dispateh, w;.h cuufincd toj separate warehouse. The ralesroj uninjured. \8 a says *Dr. 8. H. Brittan Ians do not, by their 1» up the icmiilo constitue» cure the discuses to w in ettr variable cltniatoand t»"^ r • olvlItuttoD. Si.cvlul romiiiliiii tn tiiilrud tu restore i... strengt Ill'll UioenfeeblcirpowrF f »ml for most of tlieso we» r """ ,D S oiltsl.loof tho ineUleal Iitofo»™' very host of theso rerm-ul»!, ' nontpmccloMr». Ly.l1» 1- > lnk " taDlo Compound.' v lonal met h while th»] hieb it w *1» ' Another €M* of i:llml ^ The Ixiulilaim Stnto I^JÖSn South Washington, ' (i « to ho divided n mon» scion m'-" Owynn Hhirlsaml Jweik "<», tin oyster sclioonor, hylii a which paid $15,000. rive more, comlucWr Baltimore Alfred Bodniysr v-gln« Fotomao road; Mr. o|'- , rotul: Mr. Imwtt.. cond«it»r" " »notti.r niau whose "Ä 0 «rth formed a pool and hi ushf sta „ one of which reulftcd » Mid tiitbrop g«t H.»» ea« 1 - j «>» eMh.-Ho.MttJf»'" l Ootobor US, X8SS. other-, F. & I'oton Ball EW N BUCKWHEAT M •rilcle of If«*»'* 1 Just received s fine -AX SM1Ï J. J. FOURTH AND 8HIPUY RHEUMATISM ANS COUT *wrt". "y taq«w ^;, c 7Sr,;<5S 5.VO til« Ml'» ™':,r, r .'ÏÏc v|d0D< 0«t muonic ». »mi "o t" 1 ,,„ u . of »very s'ltomr fool »ill 1110's aiui.ii.ou toforo lor ,n #f truth I iihChroulo »''cuMWfl®.® J ft ro okJln- SlT » r . >*• M Battle B'-. Br00, ' GOUlfl.T St..»'' Gout. • 0 h Chronln Kb*""' . Mr. Boebfllcr, w«* . "I""* "S? r S«i».**i» MA "" l, '' B ' ff r 4 £T,iiL.. »wjSS.' ÏS iir .04 CSroalo W.«.».""" -Sew ; I ■ •' . ... •S'Ka"»»*' ,M 8 "" 11 . 8 ; rrk . »Ä-r r«^»* oh Ar " , masim a o$ l0d _?!? Pl iT*oatoP |i J,rH fifCÄSSSij-«* , i.roi" - 9» AIJ