Newspaper Page Text
a, i \1 I » a «■ ♦ W^DAY, JANUAEJ 9, 1883. VOL. XI-2STO. dlftw FRICK ONE CEN T. . WILMINGTON, DEE, amvubmkmth. OPERA HOUSE. MASONIC TEMPI. F QUAND Tuesday Evening, January 9. YALE MAI.* CHOKUMCH AND GLEE WARBLE? AND GLEES CLUB. 9 COLLEGE SONOM. itt; reserved seaU, 2ft Admission. *6 and rani" extra. Seats reserved at C. F. Thoma* A Co.'a Book ••Cbrê on Monday next. "YALE #0X08," new • olN otion, at same place. janft-4t G rand opera house. MABOMIC TEMPLE. Friday Eve'g, January 12, '83. The Laughable Event of tbe fieoaoo. a HYDE&BEHMAN'S a or Great Consolidation. in the FUBNI EST 4X>MKDY EVER WBITTEN. 2 —THE TWO JOHNS—2 Intro urlng the ropular comedian*. HARRY WATSON. JOHN HART, JOHN (Faute) STEWART, Supportée» by a Maanlltoetit Ounpaav or AMKK K.A-M UKKATK'T HFECTALTV ARTI8TH. wbo h ill sJoi appeiir In a graad and unequalled OLIO OF N ■ «VKLT1KH. I'rloa «. 36 BU mud 76 cents. Reserved seats 76 C. F. 'lliuuias ». Co.'s «tore. janft-4t-6 Ml« . 8*14 RMOI3 TMMFH ROTI VMM, REGISTER'S ORDER. KCOiHTEITft orricx, saw Cahtlk county, Dkl., Nov. 2a, 1M2. Upon tlifapnllratlon of Geo. Gray, administra ior of Kat** A. Aldrmon, late of White Clay Cr««« k riiindrfil, in said rouaty, deo-ased, It l«ordere<l and by the KexiMtvr that the Administrate unirfsaid xlvr notice of granting Of letters of Ad ministration upon the tat* of the dec* ased, with u»e date of «ranting thereof, by cansing advrr tiM>mL-nU to l>* posted within forty days ' tbe date of such letter« ln «lx of the most public pi are« of the county of New Caatie. requiring all perton* having demands agalast the estate to present the ««me. or abide by an Act of Aa«embly lu such case made and provided; and also cause dw same to be Inserted within the the Dan.T UaZKTTK, a newspaper pu Wilmlnrton and to be couUnued therein three weeks, (e. o. d.) Given under the hand and Beal of 4 ; N 4 from * period In b fifth «-<1 lu . <Mflc* of Register aforeiiald, at Wllmlug L. S. {ton. In New Ossslecounty aforesaid, the '«lay ami year above written. ». C . BIGGS, Register. NOTiwk.—All persons having claim« against the esiaU' of ft In »WeftM-d must present the same, duly sttCMteri to tbe Administrator, on or before November?*, 1«*3, or «bide the Act of Assembly n «uchcsse made and provided. GKOKGEGRAY, Administrator. Aihlres»: Wilmington, Delaware. UraSl-tU-Sw J^EGISTF.R'S ORDER. Kkustkr'h omit. NfW Caatle Dei., Decani her 13, 1SS2. applh&llon of Thomas Bird, . N ^wioitf laU! of KjmJ Lion . <U*«'«*»s4m!, It I« orderrat lh*rtster that tbe Rxe«-u Upon th«' Kx*rutor of Albert 1 hundred. In said ro and direr ted br tor aftmMftld aive uotic* of «ranting of letters ol Administration upon theeaUte of theuerraaed **tUi tt»e date ol granting thereof, by causing tedvcriificui* ut4 to be pouted wltoln forty day« from the date of such lettera In atx of the moat pu bib' pi*-. - of the eounty of New GaaUu. inquiring all per«ona having demanda against ike miau- to preArut the aama, or abide by aa act ol A**4-tiiMr in nurb caae made and provided; rau.s«* Uif name to be Inserted within th*« - Period In the Daily Gazstto, a neH-paper published In Wilmington, and tobe iootluuid Uht.-Iu three weeha, (e. o. d.) > tilv< it under thi hand and mol! of office Wlb* Rf« later aforesaid aiWmalngton )iu Sew < a«tle county aforeealdi, the day and year above written. a on tor the tad L. s H. C. »HUGH, Register. NOTICE. AU person« having claims again«! the estate of *e d«vfarte<1 rnu«t present fCbf is me duly attested U» the Kvcctiior on or before December 12, A. U., ihM, or abide the act of Assembly ln such de and provided. THOMAS BIRD. Executor. declS-Sw-tia Addrt JpiOIBTKK'H 0RDF.K. * : hi. Georges, Del. urgihikk h orriCK. I Oll Uly. Del mdlcatlo CJ. T. A., ___ of Wilmington Hundred. In .«aid county, de ■ eased, ti In ordered and directed bv the ft* that the admlnlfliratrix afon-nald give not- granting or Letter«of administration C T. A. gfioo the estate of the deceased, with the date of granting thereof, by causing advertisement« to within forty day» from the d«te of such letter« In alx ofthemoal public places of the connty of New (,'a«tle, requiring ad psrvon« bavin* demand« ag«t ohm lie enure to present the ^ e ' l, > a . u . Act of Aaaemniy ln auch "* ""Ml«* »"d provided ; and also cause the name th * " period In th. w\imwl AE J Tf r 8 ,l « w «Wa|H:rpubllshed lu vToefi! "^8°r' l ° * M: w>nl * nUte< l Hierein three i « . tnS!l e «rt» n4 fi r \ U *' liand <L. s. >Offloe of the Register alore» Wll 1*olngU»n, in New Castle county afore said. the day and year above written. M. C. ItlGGH, Register. NOTICE. , ' lalms »«»'"'•> tho o*t»tc of to* deceased must nriwnt the same dulv at teslod to th« AdmlnUtutrls, on or before* De 1ft or 1 bl4,e & Act of AÎIÎmbly JO «ueb rase made and provided. ... Dec. »th. IM82. { I «.race Mreslca ad < f «.lirlstiau Measlch late New Ca« I . InlMraliit !■•! H Of . GRACE MK881CK, ■ Hi. .. .. Administratrix, C. T. A. AddrcM : Wilmington, D«'|. dcc2S-tt«3w FINANCIAL, K. R. ROBINSON & CO., BANKER« AND BROKERS, Fourth and Market Streets. iuddreni ^ wed J' »v.HÎbii MçwwS 'J'HE ART1ZAN8 SAVING BANK. NO. sœ MARKKT HTRBRT. I NCOUroHATID JANUARY fctTU, 1861. H " n lu '«'•■1*1- » ». m. until 4 P. m. T ?rom ? *< * g* 1 ," ; ,lÄy -vontutr. „ W3MÏ- ANNUAL DIVIDKNI», Â^d*nùï.? M ' '".April an.l OcloLor. _ uÄk. Ti" 1 wllhdrawu tlwy »re accounted u "° ra,M,u When MANAQRKH: Â!\S' N Æ*7tL. (teorije W. Bu.L, KÄS®* rM-Ä ' »Mr "'"1 * H. Hwlh, Autuony Higgins. * KO EGE W. BUSH, 1 "resident, . CAPELLE, Vice President, . TAYLORTTreasurer. k. I reVtift y K. T J M THER, Auditor. Jt'IRST NATIONAL BANK t>K WILMINGTON. R*r.8ITO*Y or THE rOELIC MONET FtSANUlAI. AGENT» -or THE UNITED STATES. 't> Hmtts, President, Goo. 1> Armstrong, Cashier. PAID UP CAPITAL, !fi00,000. riîüitîS'P ll *- N .* w y° rk »nil Ho*um RecLm*. >.» r '«nl»r l>epu.luir. without éun iïXHl*"' MO!fUJLÏS »n 11 THUR»I>ATi DIRECTOR»: Daniel Jam««, $ E Bnn.y*"™ UR LISTS OF LOTS. ».J 1008 *®. STOCKS, BONDS, LOANS AND »ABS18, JT(,k OCB NEXT Januaby *L 18SL I John H AilEtu, I Ell Uarmt. ! .»mu.l HAnrrnft, Jr. nl-lv PUBLIC HALE— jane.«t li m n a co. notice * . MOTIGK.-THB ANNUAL MEETING XI OFTHE "Farmer* A«*uclatloii" of New Castle county, for the detection ef houw stolen horse«, will be hel ce on Haturday lh teres • : . and recovery of stolen horse«. Wilmington at the uhiisI place on ISfh of Jsnnary 1888 at 10 o'clock a. in., when officer* for the year will be elected. Punctual attendance of members I* requested. Ä JAMES H. HOKFECKKR, Doc. 20, 1H82. Hee'y. tlecJRMf J^OTJCK—TO WATER RENTERS. W OrrKK Watch DarAJtraCNT, i iuomoton, Du., Dec. a, IMS. ; Th« bl essm On all b & .WSïAM Aas'Ugrwsus œâ 'ist«« may b « withdrawn and suit Instituted the recovery of the amount due. Office hour«, 9 a. m. to4 p. in. cent. J. A. BOND. Registrar. J^OTICE—DIVIDKNg. National Bank or Wil mi noton am n j BRAN orwiNX. Wilmington, Del., Jan. 4IMS. f ol Director« have this day declared the capital stock of Cashier. Tire* a dlvldam this ba3 demand. Jaut-Wt of six par cent. for the last sat: j^jotice.—dividend. Pinar National Bank, i W ilmington, Del., Jan. Mh i**3. J Tbe Boaor Dfreetor.bave tbVSdsy declared a dividend of four par cent, for the month. payable oa dam and. GKoSlJED. Jant-Ut JJLRCTION—NOTICE. _ Pi««T National Bank, I WILU1NOTOM, DKL., DK«, ft, 1S«2. ( Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting or the stockholders of thb* bank will be hold at Tuesday, the 9th day of ween the hour« of 1 and 4 p.m. ( electing nine stockholders to TKONG, Cashier. last sli ABMUTBONU, Cashier. the Hanking House on January, l«5j, bet for tbe purpo*« of serve as directors the auai decs-OanlO GEO.D. A J^OTICl. —ELECTION. Unio* Nationaj. Ham*. » WlUtlMO'fOlt, Doc., 8. IS82. \ I'll* annual election for nine Director« will ba lurid at the Bank day of January, 4 o'clock. In tnc dcrS-tjanlO or , on Tueaday, the 9th between the hpunt of 2 and afternoon. JOHN PKOPI.KS. Ooablar. Ihl J^OTICK.—ELECTION. N atiomal Manx Wilmington* Hr and y wink Wil.mi.nuon. Deoembert, 1882. The «annal meeting of the stockholders of this bau k will be held at tnis banking bouse on TUES DAY, January 8, lûa, bet ween the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of eboostng nine Director« to serve for the ensuing year. derO-iJanlO O. ROWLAND, Cashier. ! DBVOOIHT*. gUTTONIA Magnetic Appliances, roR RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA -AMD nervous diseases SURPRISINGLY EFFECTIVE. Z. JAMES BELT, l'HARMACltrr, HIXTH A MARKET 8TH. SU** Market street window. Hcud for circular. JJEALTH 18 WEALTH. I»K. K. CL WBHT'M NERVE AND HKAIN TREATMENT, a spoolflc for Hyswrla, IMtslneaa, Convulsion«, Nervous ll« »aacb. . Mental 1»»- pres sion. Los« of Memorv. Hne.nuaiorrba*, lmpo U*n< y, lu voluntary Keini««lon, Premature Old Age. nan«e4| by over-exertion, aell'-abuae, or wvar-lndulgenre, which leads to misery .decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Kaon th'» treatment. One dollar a box, or six bAxes torfft; sent by insll prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by tor atx DOXN«, acoonmanieu with f6, we will send the purchaser a written guarantee to return the money If the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantee Issueu omy uy H. DAN WORTH, Drttf gist,corner Second and Market streets, WU ulngtou. Delaware, ole axeofV. box contain« »••* wi OAR OI NO. pROF. A. 8. WTCBSTER'8 SELECT Dancing Academy, MASONIC TEMPLE, (Fourth Floor,) Wilmington, Del. t3T"Ndw open for the reception of pupils for the Second Quarter. GENTLEMEN'8 CLASS—Monday and Thurs day evenings, from 8 U» loa'cloak. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S CLAHS-Thurs day* from 5 to « p. m., Saturday» from 2.® to 4.® p. ui. Tbe latent dances to Im* taught during »oooad quarter arc La Ku»«e waits, Ripple walls,College Lancer» and Universal Quadrille. CHOICE OF DATS. School«, seminaries or private classes lu the city or out of town should confer with me as soon as practicable for choice of days. Kor renn», circular, etc« apply H. K. ROBELEN'8, St*. 710 Market street, or by mall to A. ti. WEHSTER, Masonic Temple, Wilmington, Del. angU-tf-ftO nUrSUNUTAt CLACJM. jyR. J. P. BURWELI, »WILL KUIUVK BUl omoie-c» To hls new residence, NO. 712 WEST STREET, NOVEMBER THE 1ST. Actaa-im -141 jyts. J. N. A J. B. HOBEN8ACK, Tho»« afflicted with thecffecUOf SKLft^ABUUE and MERCI) RIALIZATION should notheriUte to consult J. N. AJ. B. HOBRNSACK of 206 N. Second street. Philadelphia, either by mall or by r i-r»on, during tbe hour» of 8 a. m to 2 p. m., and to 9 p. tu. Advice free. Whosoever should know hta con dition and the way to Improve It »hould read • 'WISDOM IN A NUT-8HKLL." receipt of three-cent »tamp. at sepl!4-l-l4 ' JOHN C.COLE, NOTARY PUBLIC AND JUSTICE OF THE Marls Building, No. 101 West Sixth street. Tele call. - - --- *-1-12-* pANIEL H. FOSTER, ATTORN K Y-AT-LA W, ROOM NO. 11 EXCHANGE BUILDING (Seventh and Market street«.) WILMINGTON. DEL. mn -10 N* w BUCKWHEAT MEAL! Joel received a fine article ol freak new Meal -AT J J SMITH'S U • U * kj ill A A AJ. k.7 ! 1 rovaxB and imrur m FOR HALLE. Tj'OR SALE.—HOUSE NO. 1206 WEST X- HT R KKT; two-story brick : eight rooms bath 'and wah r cloact; h< t and cold water: two heater« n cellar;, and a I Hu* modern Improvement«. Lot22H, by 110 feet, with 1 » root alley In rear, and ■Ideentrance. Term« Nlf, Apply H BA LD A OO., Seventh and Market »treet«. T?OR 8ALE.—8TOCK~AND FIXTURE8 Jl OF a wholesale and retail Grocery Htore cakli, at U2 We«t Front street. Jasftf J. T. DICKKY. pOR SALE. 100 Acres of Standing Timber. Chiefly YELLOW PINE and MAPLE, in one mile of railroad and three miles of \ and adjacent to other large and Ann tracts über land the growth of whleh D likewise on mrket. For particular« aa to location, price, oazkttk orncit. sa«*»»" pOR SALS. 32 Desirable Dwellings. 1 S-atory brick, No. 807 Washington street.... 1 4-atory brick, 01« King 1 8-story brick. 11 Marke 1 2-«tory brick, 2M Washingtao street 1800 1 2-story brick, 902 A 904 Linden «treat 2000 each l 2-story-brlok, 108 8. Van Buren street i 4 2-story brick, 910, 918,9*1, »22 Kim *t. 1 ft 2-story brick, 827, 82», 8*1, MS, 836 Lo . cost «treat...,.. 1 2-atory brick, N. W. cor. Kim and Harrlsou street. . . 1700 f 2-story brick, II» A UM Elm street 1100each 4 2-story brick, UW, SU, 111, lift Booth VanBuren street.. 4 2-story bnoS, 708? 708, 710, 712 Brown street... 5 2-story brick, 707, 700 and 711 Wright «treat... 2 1-story brick. 9th and franklin »t« now In course of erection. Al»o val »7». 6 000 et street. X • m ft 1 UO each 100 each 1 M0 each uable truck farm on New Caatle ave bug. containing 12 acres and good buildings. Price. . 10880 The above dwellings are In good < Mttaln from 5 to 18 rooms eaèn, and •o terms to suit the purchaser.- A pply to JÖH. L. CARPEaNTER, Ninth and Harrison streets. condition and ! will besold JB. dec33-UndA* FÜBLlRBÄLAUt. JN CHANCERY, NEW CASTLE CO. -TRUSTEES SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a decree of the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware, In and for New Castle County, made on the Eleventh dar of D*«ember A. D. late, will be exposed to public sale at the Court nouae. In Wilmington, on THURS DAY, tbe Twenly-flfth day of January A. D. 1882, at Üeven o'clock, a. in. Tbe following described real estate situated In tbe City of Wilmlnrton, County and State afore said as follows: No 1. All that certain lot t iled- of lan*< with a two story brick house hereon er cted, «ituatod In «aid City bounded and described as follow« to wit: Be«innftng the Nom lie rl y side of Second street at the distance of foriy-flve feet ten and five eighths Inches, Westerly from the Westerly side of VanBuren Htreet, tlieuce Southerly parallel with Van Bur u Mtr et and passing ihrou* h the middle of the brick partition wail beteen this and the adjoining house, on the East fifly-six feel to the Northerly side of a founeet wide all* y ; Uicncc Weetcrl* rallel with • econd street thirteen feet e eighth loche« to a stake, thence Northerly parallel with VanBuren street and passing through the middle of <he brick division wall bettvu the house on this lot and the house on the * est. fifty-six feet to the said side of Second street and thence thereby Easterly thirteen feet ten and rt ve eighths inches to the place of begin ning with the use In co !• mon or the said alley forever. No. 2. All that certain lot or piece or land^wlth a two tsory frame dwelling house thereon aracted situated in the said City of w 11 mlngton, bouuded and described as follows to «>it : Beginning at a stake on the Northerly side of Finb street one hundred and fifty feet two inches Easterly from (liurch street, thence North erl and parellel to Church street oue hundred and fifty-five iwt to a stake on tbe Southerly side of a new street thirty f et wide thence thereby Easterly, parallel with feet to a stake, thence Houtherly and paralel with the first mentioned line one hunmed and fifty-five feet to a «take in the roadside of Fifth street, *nd thence thereby westerly seventeeu feet to the place of beginning, with the use In common of the skid new street. Attendance will be given and term« made known at the time aud place aforesaid by VICTOR DUPONT. Trustee, by his Attorney. Mnd Church street seventeen Attest: J. M. IIoi sman, R»*k- C. C. Thomas M. Ogle, Auctioneer. Jantti'. rKtUtUHA-I*. NOTICE. in EDITION NOW READY. THE POCKET MAN UAL. "A Packet Cyclopedia," Writers and Travel ers' Ready Reference Bom C oulai ns over 20,000 Hynonymou* W ords; For elgn Word« and Phrases, alone worth price ol thwwhole book; Church Calendar; Great Astern bly Rooms: Titles used In United Mutes; Abbre viation«; Rule« for Punctuation; Etiquette 1er all occasions; Woman's Chances of Marriage fron: carefully-c-njplled statistics; Interest, Du Unco-, Area and Population Tables :Llfe maxims; Parllsmenlary ('harts; Business Laws, Rules, tc. ; Perpetual Calendar; Domestic and Foreign 'ootal Rate«; Htamp Duties, Laws, etc.; How to lead Human Nature; Cost of the War; Legal Holiday«; Language of Flower*, etc., etc., "The very essence or a large library," 60c., morocco; pockeUmoh style, fl.OO, mailed. AGENTS F. C. RIFFEL A OO., Publishers. RXl ArchHtreet. Philadelphia, s.a»-tf J^AUBA E ROXBURG, 230 EAST LIBERTY ST. Can cure all kind» of disease* by laying on oi hand» by the power of electricity. RHF. U MAT ISM, DEAFNESS AND CHRONIC DISEASES Can furnish best of reference. A specially. dec!2-l-14 Q.BEAT RÜ8U —roo O Y STERS! J. T GARDNER, COB. BKVKNTH AND ^HIBLKV BT8. has added more help to hls business, and is now able to supply all persons wlthOYäTERä at short notice. His wagen will deliver oyster« to all C rts of the city. Order« left with the driver will promu» Iv atte tV-' What a Queer Climate Thl. 1.7 First It snowed And then It blowed, And then began to rain ; And then It blowed And then It anowed, And then It rained again. With cold In head I'm almoat dead ; But yet I won't complain ; Pain Killbh save. From wintry grave. And makes us well again. Nobody ought to be without PttftftT Davis's Pain Kiu.kk. New Tapestrtea. Housekeepers and those wolng to house keeping should see W. M. Kennard A Co's new line of tapestry bruaeel. 87L,' and 75 cents, strictly first-claaa In styles, quality and colorings. ' Brick, Iftrlek, Brick. No scarcity of brick. We have a full stock of all kinds of brick, which we are selling at market price«. James H. Beggs A Co. AMUSEMENTS. evening the Yale College Club will appear In tbe Opera House in one of their fine concerts. The club U composed of •tndenta of Yale College, who, during vacation travel through a circuit giving con cert«. Their app< arauce in the Eastern eitle» were greeted with crowded bouses. They are very highly spoken of and no doubt those who attend th.s evening will be amply rewarded by hearing some excellent maale. This 1 HE THREATENS TO SUE. THE BUILDER OF $CHOOL NO. FOUR WANTS MONEY. BOARD OP EDUCATION IN A FIX. Ttk. ooatraotor or Hohool No. 4 After the Amount of HU Hill -Council to bo Aekod for it—Manic In tha Air, « fortnight!, meeting of the stios wee held laet evening. When the mlnutee of the prevtou. meeting bad been read and adoptikl the report of the Committee on Teacher* wae re cat red The and accepted. It luelnded, the resignation of Mary P. Jackson, principal of school No. ll f which waa accepted, and the follow^ tug appointments : Clan E. Countiaa, first uslstant; Nellie C. Duncan, accoud aaalatant: Anna H. Ful lerton, third aulatsnt; Cedilla A. Magarlty, leurth aulstant; Add la Conner, filth assist ant, and Sidney A. Welte, sixth aulstant, of boys' department, No, 4; Louisa D. Schmidt, first assistant, au<| M sixth aulstant girls' department If. Bateman principal No. 11; Alice Mercer, second aulstant, and Magg|e T. McCloskey, third aulatsnt, No. X; Maggi alatant principal No. 3; Iranna ary A. Colt, t Nb. 4; Sue e Miller, as. T. Mat thews, assistant principal No. S; Maggie McDonnell, aulataut principal No. 3; Amanda L. Madera, aulstant principal No. 14; Mary J. Wheeler, aulstant principal No. 10; Ella R. Provost, first assistant No. 3; Grace H. Sayers, first aulstant No, 6; Phabe E. Guthrie, Drat aulstant Noi. 14; Saille E. Dennison, first aulstant No; 15; Maggie E. Carpenter, second aulstant No. 7; Florence Kamo, third aulstant No. 71 Lulu Pavnter, fourth assistant No. 7; Annie E. - Shaw, firth aulatsnt No. 7; Annie Uawthrop, sec ond assistant, M.rla C, Lorey, third aulst aut, and Ltule Morrow, second aulstaut ol No. 8; Annie Draper, second aulstant No. »; Maggie A. Money, second aulstant No. 15. Many of the appointments arc thou who have been promoted. The committee recommended that an ex amination of candidat« lor the office of teacher be held In the Girl's Grammar School, No. 1, on the 18th and 17th of Feb ruary, 1883, and that no peieona under 18 yrart of age «hall be examined. At the call of the school committees the following reporta were made and privileges asked, being accepted and gianted : No. 1—Order for {38.57, Gillespie A Co., plumbing; No. 3—permission to purchaie clock, exceed $4; No. 6—new carpet, $5.80; No. 9—permission to dismiss school on some Friday afternoon to have repairs made in heater grate; No. 11—permission to purchue eight curtains for windows at a cost not to exceed $18; No. 11—orders granted for $87.38 for repairs, $7.11 for cleaning pipes, and $8.18 for coal; No. 1»— $23 allowed lor expense of coverin'? steam pipes In addition to $40 previously granted. Tbe final report of the Building Com mittee of school No. 1» was presented as follows and accepted : Christiana Improvement Company for lot, $1 ,521; Harry Emmons. Esq., fur searchers, $35.75; U. Graham A Son, rar plans, $100; tbe same parties for superintending the work, $150; Engineering Department for Survey«, $4; Phllêrngia C-and 1er, building, $11,743; tame for grading, $1,195; same for extra work, $57' Uawthrop A Bro., for sewer, $400.10; Edward Forreat, $85137; Allen Sprakman, beaters, $18.1»; Gawthrop ., plumbing,$49.08; Gebrge tv. Buah <fc Sons, $310; Jam« H. Floyd, bricklaying, $11.75; Mra. Denny, cleaning $30; John W. Olbsou, painting railing, $18 John Dolan, aoddlng and gravelling, $186.75; William M. Kenuard <fe Co., carpet, $411.00; Keystone Furniture Company, $1,043.18; McCartney, $18, A Bro Kenney A Co., curtains, 502 86. Final report of the building Committee of school No. 18 was also received, accepted and the committee discharged : Lot and In terest, $386.52; W. R. Beatty, building, $4,343; the same for board fence» $02.92; Harry Emmons, Esq., for searches, $34.50; surveying, $4.20; 8. & T. McClary, bricks, $145.08; iron railing, $175: C. Graham A Son, plans,$100; blackboards, $24.84; school lundture, $257.59; total» $5,5:f3. J.H. noffecker, Jr.'s resolution or amend ment to the rules of the Board was then called for aud read. It provided that if any member absented himself from the meet ings of tbe Board three times in succession or neglected his duties as a member of a visiting committee without a reasonable ex cuse, or was found guilty of drunkenness or immoral conduct his scat should be declared vacant. Mr. Betts moved to amend by striking out tbe portion referring to absentees aud ihe amendment was accepted by Mr. Hotfecker. Dr. Bhortlidge's motion to postpone was lost. That gentleman then opposed Mr. Betts' amendment, inasmuch he thought the members should be more attentive. Mr. Kyne then rose to a question of privi lege. He thought the resolution was a ginger-bread document and h|id been intro duced as a campaign document aud to slander some members of thei Board. presented the resolution last eptember had hardly Ween present since tien himself. Mr. Kyne Was, however, ready to vote for the whole resolution, although be thought It a personal reflection upon lüm. He then read an article from a morning paper printed the resolution was presented In accused of drunkenness. He then challenged any man in this or any oihei| Suite to say that he ever drank whisky, in fact,he didn't know what whisky tasted like. Ho also challenged any one to say that they ever saw him under the Influence of liquor. He occasionally took a glass of beer as other -nembers of the Board did, an^ thought the Newt had better begiu the work of reioi in with some of its owu staff, an<A that journal was a slanderous sheet. He yould like to see the whole resolution pas|Bed so that it would reach some of the other 1 members of the Board, although he didn't believe If it waa passed it could be enforce^. Dr. Shortlldgc laughingly ujoved to strike out all after the word <k Rt|solved," and when he voted on the question remarked that he would have voted differently had tobacco been Included. The yeas and nays were called and resulted as follows: Ayes— Benson, Bette, Grier, Hlckilnan, Hilton, Hoffecker, Keables, Kenney, Kyne, McKay, Morrow, Sample and Baird^-13. Nay Heialer and Sbortlidge. Tbe resolution, as passed, stands as fol lows: "Whenever any member of the board •hall be guilty of drunkenness, or shall be a person of dissolute habits or Unmoral char acter, it shall be the duty of the board to declare his seat vacant and proceed to fill it as in case of other vacaucies." Dr. Sbortlidge of the Committee on Print ing was grau ted permission to have 200 daily records printed. Colonel Helsler, chairman Df the Build ing Committee of school No. 4, reported that the structure was finished! aud had been In tbe hands of tbe committee lor two weeks, although not turned over to the Board. The contractor, 8. R. D. Seeds wanted his money aud threatened to sue the Board ior it unless it waa forthcoming, and the speaker knew the Board d|id not desire to have action of that kind! talren. The Colonel thought the Board of Education had been treated with contempt by City Council. Mr. Benson bad been told l|»y a member of Council that the proper way ; total, The entleman who ay after the hich he W'as to do wa. to bring »ult for the $20,000. an«l he remarked that he had beeu Informed that the City Solicitor considered the the parly to proceed against. Two or three members suggested plans for procuring applying directly to the Legislature for the money, bringing suit against Council, making a positive demand for It, etc. Mr. Hoflecker thought the cx-treusurer was responsible, and suggested, Helsler had already moved, that President Baird be Instructed to officially ask Council what it la doing and when the money would ba paid ; also whether or not Cotmcil in tended to apply to the Legislature for the money. A motion to that effect was car ried, a reply to be made within a week. The following hills for the month of De cember last were reported and orders granted for the payment of all but two, which had already been paid 'Michael Meauy, No. 19, $6-12; James Jones, trimming trees, No. 5, $9; William B. t harp, No. 8, two mats, $5; Samuel H. Chadwick, No. 5, five barrels, $1.50; Wm, A. Troney, No 0, $4.15; James Davis, No. T,$a<*4 William G. Pierce, No. 12, $1.26: W. G. Chandler, No. 13, $1.80; Samuel Hanna & Co., No. 19, $13.15; McCartney, Kenney A Co., No. 20, $32; Wilmington Coal Gas Co., $9.75; Kennebec Ice and Coal Co., B room, $1.86; C. FwThomaa A Co., supplies, $159.11; E.F.Eckel, postal cards. $7; pay roll teachers and substitutes, $4,992; pay-roll officers and Janitors, $558.59; McCartney, Kenney & Co., No. 20, $15, Jamea Jones, trimming trees, (paid) $9; Insurance, (paid) $216.25; total, $0,043.59. The account Is divided as follows : Salaries, $5,550.59; repairs, $99.03; supplies, $159.11; miscellaneous, $234.*6. The Board adjourned to meet on Monday evening next to hear the reply of Council concerning tbr $20,000. -City Treasurer money, advocating the Board Col. THE HOUSE COMMITTEES. A» Prepared by Speaker Bate» of the lloiue of Representative«. The following Handing committees were announced in tbe House of Representatives at Dover yesterday afternoon : Ways and Means—Denney, Rawlins and Just is. .Elections—Dukes, Frazer and Williams. Judiciary—Crawford, Cooch aud Watson. Revised Stâtutes— Justis, Williams and Lowe. Federal Relations—Wheatley, Wataon and Rawlins. Crimes and Punishments—Sutton, Temple and Perry. Claimsand Accounts—Risler, Justis and Williams Municipal Corporations—Cooch, Messick and Crawford. Private Corporations — Barlow, Denney aud Rawlins. Ronds and Vacant Lands—Frazer, Jacobs anrl Perry. Printing—Lowe, Risler and Sutton. Divorces—Lewi*, Dukes and Jacob«. Enrolled Bills—Comegys, Watson,Temple, Jacobs. Perry and Wheatley. Education—Messick, Comegys, Temple, Lewis and Barlow. THE REYBOLD CASE. Examination of %%R.ieaaea Resumed Yes terday Afternoon. Yesterday afternoon, after the offer of counsel of plaintiff to Introduce certaiu evidence In the Reybold case had been de nied, the examination of witnesses was again taken up. Clayton Reybold, James Morgan, William Emerson, George Rue and Captain Wilbur Borden were briefly examined as to having heard the plaintiff protest against tbe action ot the defendant, the price paid boat hands, the capacity of certain steamers, etc. Anthony Reybold was recalled, and, after objection by Mr. Bayard, was examined to corroborate Captain Borden's figures. The court adjourned before witness had con cluded uutil 10 o'clock this morning. THIS MORNING'S SESSION. Mi. Reybold resumed his place upon the witness stand this morning aud was examined concerning his attempts to charter boats, the rates demanded by owners of vessels, etc., his testimony being continually interrupted by disputes between counsel as to the ad in inability of certain evidence aud the mode of examina* tion. Opera House. A very good entertainment is announced for Friday night, aud those acquainted with the trouj»e to appear are reported to be get ting themselves hooped to prevent their buttons bursting off while laughing, exchange says: "The Royal was crowded to the door* last evening on the occasion of the first presentation of Hyde & Behman's Company. The orchestra chairs and other portions of the house were filled to ovei flow ing, while even standing room was at a pre mium. Those who made it a point to at tend. it is pleasing to notice, were not dis appointed, for the audio constant laughter by tbe peculiar incidents that make up the delightful comedy of "The Two Johns." The piece was carried out with the greatest smoothness, und each member of the company jjerformed his her role to tne entire satisfaction of the house. Judging from the success that the company met with on their first evening, there will, without doubt, be qrowded houses the remaining evenings of the week, and at the matinee ou Saturday afternoon " Thirty-Sixth Anniversary. Last evening Wilmington Council, No. 8, O. U. A. M., held its thirty-sixth anniver sary in Odd Fellows' Hall. The exercises were of au interesting character and con sisted of an address by Henry M. Mullen, singing by the Mozart Quartet of Chester; recitation by Hattie 8medley, and singing by the Bratton sisters; readings bv James H. Crabb, and a solo on the baritone horn, with organ accompaniment, were opened with prayer by Rev. J. L. Estlin. All present enjoyed '.he entertain ment. An was kept In I!,. •rclsis Another New Lodge. Last evening P. G. M. W. Samuel I. Osmond organized Liberty Lodge No. 10, A. O. U. W., aud installed the following officers : P. M. YV., C. B. Rhoads; M. W., Julius Gunther; Foreman, M. Meyer; Over seer, A. Bernhardt; Guide, James Kern; Recorder, J. P. T. Fuekel; Financier, Harry Albert; Receiver, Gottlieb Krautter; 1. W\, Charles Yetter; O. YV., J. C. Bacher; Trus tees. C. B. Rhoads, C. E. Resag, M. Meyer; Medical Examiners, Dre. Patterson, Sbort lidge, Lukens, Ogle aud Kittinger. About tho Police. At 7 o'clock las night the cells at the. City Hall were empty, the officers listlessly started out after roll-call, and all agreed that the force were deserving of praise for reporting a well-behaved and law-abiding city. About 290 spectators were present, but went away disappointed when, after Seymour Patterson, charged with assault and battery, was dismissed in the absence of the prosecutrex, the Chief informed them "that's all, gentlemen." . Fire Company Election. At a regular meeting of the Phcenix Fire Company, held last evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing terra: President, J. H. Walkei; Vice President, J. Palfrey; Secretary, J. Yv. Porter; Trees urer, W. J. Irwin; Driver, J. J. Patterson; Trustees, H. R. Price, W. Joyce, B. Richard bod: Engineer, E. G/Patterson, Sr. MLAtt ROOFIHO. A Great Improvement In the Hoofing Business. Mr. W. J. Morrow, gravel roofer, has Just received the agency for the celebrated Granulated 8lag roofing, an invention which has been in practical use now for over fifteen years with great success. The invention consists of a roofing com posed of granulated slag, seorla, or cinder, applied to a cemented surface os described hereafter, the granulated material consist ing of small angular pieces, which adhere to the cemented surface much more tena ciously than the ordinary round and smooth pebbles of a gravel roof. The material, In dependent or its shape, Is far better adapted for the adhesion to the cement than pebbles. So closely held are the pieces that they can not be desturbed even by walking over It. Moreover this roof is two pounds to the square foot lighter than a gravel roof. The pebbles used for gravel roofing com ing from the salt water attract and absorb moisture which loosens it from the cement, while the Slag being perfectly dry, la not affected in like inauner by the changes of weather. Slag being a carbonate is there fore a non conductor of heat and forma con sequently a more nearly fire proof surface than gravel. An actual experiment with the thermometer during hot weather proved it to be 20 degrees cooler than gravel. The following firms have had this patent Slag roof in use since 1870, and exteud the courtesy of reference : Henry Dits ton A Sons, Philadelphia; Bader, Adamson A Co., Philadelphia; Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia; Bergner A Engle, brewers, Philadelphia; Brown A Wolepper, Philadel phia; Excelsior Brick and Stone Co., Phila delphia; Harriton Bros. A Co.. Philadel phia; Leibrand t A McDowell Stone Co., Philadelphia; James Martin A Co , Phila delphia; William Simpson A Sons, Eddy stone Print Works, Chester, Pa. For sample Slag roofing see the new Lob Vvheel Works, Christiana dell Car near river front. Mr. W. J. Morrow ha« secured the ser vices of Mr. Thomas B. Uber a« foreman, who lias had over eight years experience in tbe Slag rooflug business. Cali and examine, at office, No. 417 French street. avenue Tramps. Last evening between between 9 and 10 o'clock a telephone message was received at the police station from the foreman of the Gas Worka, asking that officers be sent to the works to arrest a number ot tramp« that had eutered the place for tbe purpose of re maining during th« 1 night. In response to the request Sergeant Sova with a detail of patrolmen visited the works and succeeded in "fccooplug in" 12 tramps, whom they marched to the City Hall and locked up. This morning they were arraigned before the Mayor on the charge of vag rancy. They gave their names follows : Henry Trusty, colored, Joseph Caulk, colored; Ell Berry, Thomas Mauion, Charles Howard, David Webster, Owen Carter, Joseph Allen, Peter Dougherty; Charles Polk, colored, Patrick Haughey and Cornelius Lyons. Upon being ques tioned by the Mayor as to what they had to say, each ane had a different stoiy to tell. The Mayor remanded the prisoners to the custody of the Chief with Instructions to ascertain if the stories told were true or not, and those he found to be correct, to release them, and send the others over for thirty days. Three ordinary drunks with the usual penalty completed tbe record. The Hall Light. The Arnoux electric lamp still illuminates the large room at the i.lty Hall. His Honor made complaint to the company of the flickering and brilliancy of the light and requested t * have It removed or plac<sd so aa to keep the glare from his eyes. He wat in formed that the objections would be over come shortly, when a smaller lamp would be substituted. The principal trouble was that there was too much electricity passing through the lamp, and the flickering was caused by the unsteadiness of the engine running the generator or dynamo machine. When the company, which is pushing its work rapidly, having some of tbe leading business men of tne city as its patrons, has its own power the difficulties complained of will be obviated The New B. A O. Railroad. Ibe new State Department of Pennsyl vania yesterday granted a charter to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company to construct their road in that State from a point near Chicester township, Delaware couiity, to the city of Philadelphia, a dis tance of 21 miles. The capital stock is $1,200,000, and the Directors are Thomas M. King und William S. Bissel 1, Allegheny City : John McCleave and Harry 8. Burge Pittsburg; Robert Garrett, John Davis and John K. Cowen, Baltimore. James B. Washington of Allegheny City Is President. The principal office will be In Philadelphia. Week of Prayer. Services will be held at the Central Pres byteriuu Church, in the lecture room, during this week, Saturday excepted, at 7.30 o'clock p. m. All are cordially Invited. The topics are: Tuesday Jan. 9, "Humilia tion and Confession;" Wednesday Jan. 10, "Prayer for Families," Thursday, Jan. 11, "Prayer for the Church Universal;" Friday Jan, 12, "Prayer for the Nations." Death Notes. This morning Jane Corn brook s, u native of New York, aged 81, died of dropsy at her residence, No. 403 West Third street, this city. Lydia E. Denny, aged 21, died yester day, at Eighth and Market, of blood poison ing. Patrick O'Conner, aged 37, also died yesterday, at 222 Cherry street, of typhoid pneumonia. LOCAL LACONICS. The officers of Sumner Post, G. A. R., were mustered in last evening. The number of deaths by small-pox In Baltimore last week were 79, 16 adults ai*d 63 minors. Letters of administration were granted yesterday to Joseph A. Stone, on the estate of Agnes Stone, by Register Biggs. A handsome stand has heen placed in the northeast corner of the waiting room at the P., W. & B., station by the Union News Company. An open Camp Fire was held by Smyth Post, G. A. R., last evening. Several ad dresses were made, and vocal music was furnished by a choir. A meeting of the Wilmington Branch of the Xutional Indian Association was held ve8tcrday afternoon a; the residence of the President, Mr«. A. P. Foot, No. 880 Market street. A very interesting letter was read from Misa Alice Fletcher. toward the stable of Hagan «ft Bro. doing so the two wagon« collided, whioh threw the gentleman's horse down. A sert ous runaway would have been the reanlt had it not have been for the prompt action of Clarence Pyle and Charles Reynolds. While passing out the Christiana yester day, the schooner Daphne, loaded with phosphate, ran into the steamer Wyanoke, lying at the Harlan A Hollingsworth Com pany's. The jib boom of the schooner carried away and the wheel house of the steamer damaged. Yesterday afternoon a horse belonging to a gentleman from Chester county hitched in front of the Exchange Building, when the horse of W. U. Morris started off wan was In LATEST LOCAL NEWS. AFFAIRS IN AND AROUND THE CITY. has for com tena In can It. the com not of con with the A Co., Co., Lob GLASS BALL SHOOTING CONTEST. Shooting at Ulan Balln-conte.t Between Wilmington and New Ceatle Cluba-Th. Letter Coma off Vletorioue, tSPMlal oormpoedence at tho Duett*. ; N*w Castle, Jen. ».—The bark C. J. HcHanemj, loading grain for Lisbon, In order to flnlab by Wednesday, commenced night work yeeterday, and will continue until loaded. The harbor baa been filled with Teaaela during the lut freeze. The river la full of Ice. The bark, Ruth Palmer, bound for Havre, Was cut by the Ice aud had to be sheathed. The brig Mlaats* Ippl, bound for Demerara, started to leak after leaving Philadelphia, making three Inches per hour and had to return, the crew refuelug to go to au In her. Yesterday the German Gunning Club of this city went to New Cutle and tried tbelr skill against the New Cutle club, shooting at glass balls. The clubs were composed of 10 members each and each member shot at 10 balls. The New Cutle club came off victorious, they breaking fi» out of tbe 100 balls, au the German club 58. The only con te* tant who broke tbe lull quota of halls, wu Philip Ambold, of the Wilmington club. The score was as follows. WU. MI5GTOX' Mlaaad. Hit. Odgan. Mull Amboit. Sturgeon. Klenle... White .. ^lauklngton_ Jackson. Freyo. Kuhlman. 3 81 I 0 10 4 4 0 1 » 4 I ser in 417 e 4 ß 4 .... 0 4 Total 89 68 WKW CASTLK. Missed. Hit. .... 1 Healett. Martin. M. Lancaster.. S Walls. Jemlson. Hendrick«. Herbert. C. Lancaster... Lunt. Maher. 9 ft I 10 at the to that re to of they up. vag to tell. the to not, 8 4 d ft 4 0 4 0 1 y Total. A return match will take place In Wil mington in about two weeks. . 81 09 REGISTRAR FRAZER BEPLIE8. He Talk« Plainly to the Blundering Morning Paper, and tfliovs That Ha Knows Hta Duty. To the Editor of the Gazette : The Morning Newa assumes to lay down the law to me aa Registrar of marriage«, births and deaths. 1 beg leave to say, that I have not employed any one connected with the Morning Newa to act as my attorney, or to give me advice. Neither will I allow any one connected with the Morning Newa or any other newspaper to interfere with me in the discharge of my duty. I do not ask any favors of the Morning Newa , but on the other haud that paper is under obligations to me. Tbe reporters of that paper have come to my residence more than once after I had retired and called me out of bed. I never refused to get up and come down and take the reporter into my parlor «nd give the information sought with pleasure. I am not on the pay-roll of the Momina Newa , nor have. 1 a desk In its office, and 1 assure the Morning Newa that J do not desire to have desk room there; but some of the employes of the paper appear to think that the second story of No. 512 King street belongs to them whenever they choose to claim it. I am aware it takes a vast amouut of cheek and brazen effrontery for some people to succeed in this world, es pecially when they come to reside among arrangers. I think, Mr. Editor, It is use less for me to enter either into a controversy with a man or set of men who have shame fully abused the moAt honored citizens of our State, and without cruse. I will just here refer to the law in the matter of Regis trations, Chapter 381, page 415, of the Acts of tbe General Assembly, provides what shall be done in this matter. Section 8, requires the Registrar of Wil raington to return all certificates to the Recorder of Deeds for New Castle county every three months, and to publish weekly report« In one or more newspaper* of this city. The certificates received by mo belong to the State of Delaware aud I will obey tbe law. No person has a right to amine the records without that is a relative, course. If any person desires a copy of my records and has a right to have such copy It can be had by paying a fee of 50 cents. I again say the Morning News made a blunder which caused several gentlemen to call at my office for an explanation. Now, if my way or doing busluess does not suit tbe Morning News , I advise it. to apply to the Legislature now In session at Dover for some act for its benefit. Hon. Eli Saulsburjr might take the cas**. I have tried to do my duty in carrying out the law and have given all the informa tion to the public tlirough reporter« in a pleasant manuer. I say now I do Dot intend to be seared or driven from my duty as I understand it, aud when I want advice I will call upon un attorney and not upon the Scribes and Pharisees of tbe Morning News as I have been told that they are busy-bodies and "thank God they are not as other men," but much beiter. Mr. Editor, I am glad Wilmington have such papers published as the good old Gazette, Every Evening , Sunday Star and oib«rs, which not, like this morning Apostle from afar, know more law than they do newspaper business and are wise in their owu acts. E. B. Frazer. His of and aa in was was its has of the to a dis is M. B. ex person Attorneys have access, of Pres 7.30 10, 11, her this died R., In ai*d About Fraudulent Batter. To the Editor op the Gazette: Since the Introduction of oleomargarine theie has been iuvented quiet a number of spurious representatives of butter and now it ia al most imposible to get from any but farmers a pure article. Tho law enacted was to protect our people from the imposition ol oleomargarine, except branded as such when offered for sale. I think the law should be so amended as to cover all Imitations of butter and that the Clerk of the Market or an inspector of butter should b« authorized by law to that all such imitations are 6old only under their true names. And it should be made the duty ol the Clerk of the Market or in spector appointed,under penalty for neglect, to prosecute all violations of the law en acted for regulating the sale of all auch Imitation articles. Then the farmers would have fair and honorable competition in the manufacture and sale of a pure article of butter. Much has been said by tbe citizens of Wilmington in regard to Impure water supplied to her citizens, and why not take the matter of food into consideration also V the the News ad was of held the read M4 sert had of with the to off wan Respectfully, W r M. Dean. was It Wm the Queen. The vessel sei n on Ihe Jersey sir re yes te 8 e • In cltEiRe at two t ge waa the Brltlth Queen. She pnwed Delaware Break WHter yesterday alternoon at 3.30. damage 1* reported a. having been done by the grounding No