Newspaper Page Text
£. ! I I ♦ l * ■a ) * IHHIt Ott» ' *• 25c. PRICE OTSTE CENT. WILMINGKTON, DEL., WEl^KBDAY, JANUARY IQ, 1883. VOL. XI" NO. '216. AMVBHMKHTH. . I A. ^ * -r t mo I have Friday Evo'g, January 12, 83. | me banabable Kv nt of the »«aaon. HYDE & BEHMAN'S Cirent Consolidation. lu ri VNItSf COMEDY EVE« WRITTEN. 3—THE TWO JOHNS—2 tniro luclng the popular ComedUn«, UKV WATSON, JOHN ÙART, RAND OPERA HOUSE. KANU urn MA80NI0TEMPI,* G N Castle sud HA Dec. JOHN (Fattle) STEWART, * • ill a!*o appear In * grand and unequalled OLIO I OF N iVELTII». .. , _ „ I The Prices :tft 5» and 76 cent*. Reserved *eat* «a I parable ci-ni*. on sale all*. F. Thomas A Co.'s «tore. I *uih JauS-4t-6 I On r I during .Ilf I ferrules for 9 a. RXGI9TEWH MOTIVE» REGISTER'S ORDER. UEtDETEE'S OFFICE, I a^ub^rSÄra MoL I Executrix of Courad Man/, late of WU- 111 mlnaton hundred. In said county, deceased, 1 1* ordered and directed by the Register that I the Executrix aforesaid give notice of graut- I i log of letters Testamentary upon the estate ol I R thedeceaard, wlU. the date ofg ranting thereof, by ^ rauHlug advertisements to I* posted within forty dav» from the date of such letter». In tlx of the 1 j an ment public places of the conpty of New Cwtle, I JL requiring alf persons having demand«• against # the « estate to pr«iM«nt the same or abide by an act ol I As-*»*niblv In such cast* made and provide»!. Anil il •iso cause the same to be inserted within the Marne oeriod la the DAILY OAXXTTK. a news paper published In WUmlngtoo, and to be con I Unwed therein three weeks, (e.o.d.) I a t I tflven under the hand and seal of offlce I month** I ^ lÄÄKÄÄi * nJ f "' r C. BIOOH. fi.xl.ur. I In NOTICE. Ail persons having claims, against the estate ot tb.* deceased, must present thesameduly attested u, tbe Executrix on or before December 21, Executrix. dec27> mwf.Iw •nv James Mary which bettlug in Castle of said court dav ; e and provided. wilmlnxton. 1X4. Jane 'S ORDER. REGISTER KEmSTEH'* OKftCX, M:w CAHTLK OOt MTV, DEL., Nov. 2A 1882. L'pon the application of Geo. Dray ,.»rof Kste A.Alderson.lateofWhl hundred,In said eou nty. deceased. It Is ordered directed iiv the Register that the AdtnlulMrat*r aforesaid give notice of granting of letter* of Ad ministration upon the «nute of Ihe de« a*ed f with u»* date of granting thereof, by causing adver- I tlsement» to be posted within forty day* from | 11 Iters In six of tno most public Castle, requiring all i , administra te Clay Creek th<* dal«' of such le plaresot the county of N , , persona Inning *hinan«lx agaluNt the estate to present the same, or at»h1e by *n Act of Assembly in such case made and provided; and also cause In* Inserted within the same nerioo In the Daily gazette, a newspaper published Wtlmlnctou and to 1 m* couUnued therein three weeks, (t. o. d.) . , , _ , . Given under the hand und Heal ol ifflre of Register aforesaid, at Wllmlny ,on, In New Dasslecounty aforesaid, the I i>., 1s> and year above written. I H. C, B1UGH, Register. I jtrd, | persons having claim* again?! I U r. ineeaaed must present the satm-, I land* Administrator, on or before I Iire •r abide the Act of Assembly \ the id provide*!. KM HAY, In In In the NOTICE.-Ml U:r eHtaU: or»Uie duly au**t.'fl to Nov. intHtrtW, lHfta, t : tnsftf: *t (1KOKU AJitrt. . WtlinluKtoo, lX>Uw»re. of Administrator. dca31-lt«-3w *ald bei the NV J^EGISTER'8 ORDER. register's omet. „ l | * T New Castle C4>.. Del., iMveiuber 12, 1882. ( I J\ Upon Un application of Thoma* Bird« I T Ä Rx«cutnr of Alln rlO. Newton, late of R«*d Lion I hundred, lu snld county. deceas«'d. It!» ordered I and directed by th« Beglster that the Exeou- I •said give notice of granting of letter* ' or Admlnl-tratlou upon th«*e»tat«* of the deceased with tin* dale of granting thereof, by causing advertliu in« ut* to be poaUnl within forty day* from the <l»tr of such letu-r* In six of the most public plat « » of the county <*f New Oaatl«*, nw|ulrlng all p« raona having demand* against the estât*- 1<> present Un* Hams, or abide by an act of Assembly ln such case made and provide«!; und ahoraiiM- the sain«* to be Inserted within th the D.. N. or them c a .. , , , I \ I «. yen nnderthcband a "^^f ÎÏ JI* H Vof the lU*giB^r aforesaid a. WRmlngton r I -New Castle county aforesaid, the [ (he NOTICE. I lug claim* against the estate of iÄÄ 1 " f A *" b,y •- '« h Addres. : ht. G Jg^I^^^éreMSwVtî; is DKniSTPU'H ORDFR fJEGlATER 8 ORDER. AV — - ilSTER'H OFFICE. l New Castle County, Del., Dec. 28tb. WÄ. I I the U.on th«* anplicHilon Grace Menai« k ■«!- I |>, mlnlstratrlx ('. T. A.. • f Christian Mewek late I •*r W lmlngion Hundred, In said county, de- I ceased. Ht* ordered aud directed by the Register I i„. the administratrix aforesaid give notloe of | granting of L« tier*of administration C T. A. I upon the estât»* of the d«i« a*etl, will, the «tat«- of I granting thereof, hv nulling a«lvcrtlsemeutc t<* 1* posted within r«.ii\ -lay. from the d «te «*f such letters in Bl\of the inobt public planes of th* I u. •ktunty «>t New t'asile, mpilrlng a 1 |>er'Oiis | ba\ln* demand* agitliiHithe e»tat«« to present the I abide hv an Act of A**«*mfiiy In such ; mid also cause the bame 1 until the * no perloil In the I P »AZKTTE, a newspaper published In H llinlngtou and to be continued therein three I a week* w . O. 1». I jp D. sf.» Daily Gazette, a I* rt«Mi |n the bllshed In Wilmington, and tobe r«*ln three w«*ek*. nt*WHpK|««'r continu« «1 «1.1 •I year atom* written. «lay H. t . BIGUH, Register, All V»' ■i. IT i*i. .1 to Ih ill*«* I>KL AWAItf ;iv <b-r th«* han't and Heal «if Offlce of 1 1» «• K'-gUU-r atore>.ald,at WU inluKiou. in Nt w Castle county af« said, tbe «lay aud }«*ar above written. . . ad ta ll .pM'ka and bond, on cominlwlon. I '■'Vf'2 1 cr edll avatlahlu tn all paru of the world d ÂÎJia ,ri "^«r S. C. BIGGS, Register. NOTICE. AU person» having claim* ihe deceased niu*l prese teslrel to the Administrât • -ember 28th, 1883, In such c st the e*tate of X »am**, duly at- , ••efore: De- i .. rlx, o abide the Act of Assembly d provided. GRACE MKSrtICK, Aduiinl.-nriitiik, C. T. A. Adtlr, — : \\ Uinlngtoii. |K1. dec26-tts3w n «d. —7! FUÊAMOÂAJU R. R. ROBINSON & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Fourth and Market Streets. buy 'put AKT1ZAN8 SAVING BANK. NO. wr* MARKET STREET, INCOHPOBATBD JANUARY 24TU, 1861. to receive deposits from 9 a. in. until 4 p. m. and on Tuenday and Malurday evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock. »KM1-ANNUAL DIVIDEND, Regularly made In April and Octotxr. When •iivldeuds are not withdrawn they are accounted a. 1 « «teposHs. Thu» permanent deposits compound Uielr Interest twice In each year. MANAGER»: J- ment B. Nmvtli, Uiarlu W. HawlMd, NbUuuiUiIR. UenBOu, p&SiJsr 1 ®*iwar«l I'usey, George W. Bush, Georire ». Capelle, M. L. Lichtenstein, KUward Darlington, Job U. Jackson, William II. »win, Biggin». Anthony GEORGE W. BUSH, President. E. ». CAPELLE, Vice 1*resident, K. T. TA Y LOR, Treasurer. J. M. MATHER. Auditor. <eti2l-ly PIRST NATIONAL BANK 4 OF WILMINGTON. tUr.MTOHY or THE PUBLIC MOSKT —AMD— financial auknts —or— THE UNITED »TATE». Kdwamo Bbtth, President, Gao. D ABM9TRONU, Cashier. 'AID UP CAPITAL, |600,000. FUilaiielnhla, New York and Boston Exchange mrulbhed hi regular Depositore without charge. 11M ( jjg | nt day«, MONDAY» and THUR» DAY» DIRECTOR»: Edward Rena, i John H, Adams, te w B ; » $&£•«■>• Uu1.1J.ihm, I Ell Bancroft, Jr. al-ly LOHT AHO HOTt HO. - I VOR » I A and n bottas aloe T?OU'D.—ON SATURDAY A F K* A. NOOM, a lar*» door-key ; the owner ran have amine by paying for thl» advertlscment. ft,AB "ÂïfcîKS , ÂÂk BtuTUJt.* N otice.-—the annual meeting « <>FTHE "Farmer* Association" of New IfOR Castle county, for the detection of house thieves I -T sud recovery of stolen horses, will l*c held in I seven Wilmington at the usual place on Saturday the and ssÄWÄ-ifi'a&Ä ■was Scfr. I Jecib-U I Dec. ao, 1*2. F XTOTICE.—TO WATER RENTERS. * office Water Department, j Wilmington, Del., Dec. 21, 1882. { The bills for the yea r 1883 are parable at the Registrar' *uih and King «treat*. On al' bills remaining unpaid after the '*1*t of Januar). 18*3, five percent, will l>ea«ldbd, If paid during the mouth of February, and ten percent. paid during March. After which time ferrules may be withdrawn and suit Instituted for the recovery of the amount doe. Offlce hours, 9 a. tu. to 4 p. in. decZl-Mt cash, .ready and s offlce, ». W. corner 100 ^TOTICE.—DIVIDEND. 111 National Bank or Wilmington and Ruandywine. Wilmington, Del., Jan. 4IS», i Hoard ol Directors have this day declared R dividend of *lx per cent, on the capital S'oca of ^ btkQk tor mJ. | Mt six month*. » ayalde JemmuE OTHO NOWL AND, j an 4-IOt Caahler. JL - « TnTTf , F niVTIMEVn ATOTlLh.—DIVIDEND. il First National Bank. * Wilmington, I>el., Jan. 4th 18«. f u OA #-d of Directors have this day declared a dividend of four per cent, for the last »Lx month** payable on demand. j»i!(-vn ^ÔflCI. ~ In tiik matter or the PETITION OK Matthew Baxter, et. al. within water, of »I. A. BOND, Registrar. _I the terms, i 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 5 1 2 4 4 3 OKORUED. ARMSTRONG, Cashier. lu tho Court of Chancery, of the »tat* of D. 1. N ew Castle CO. In Partition. Notice is hereby given to ail person* having •nv lien or lien* against the estate or Interest or James Baxter, John P. Dover, Matthew Baxter, Mary E. Cummings, Re*>eoea»i. Dover ami Mary i either of them In the premise* to I which ihe said cause rallies, t*i flic a p« tltlou I bettlug forth the nature and amount o the mioii „ in the offlce of the Register lu Chancery for New Castle County, ten days be fora the third Monday I of February next, and to appear and prove ib** I on said lion or Hens at the «nsulng term Of the *ald I court before the rising of tbc court on the third I dav of ihc term, VICTOR DU PONT, tfcc'JS-wRH-d# Trustee. W 2 Jane Av XTOIICE 11 1 i>., j*k 2, all iierson* having atfecling the Interest or jtrd, trustee of Mabel Bayard Kane, Thotna* Bayard, rust«** of Florence Bayard I.cK'kwood, U r. Vidor Du l'ont, nr, either ot' them, In the land* and premises to which said c Iire hereby notified to tile a petition setting forth the nature and amount of the same In the »flic«* In tiik matter or thk\ In Chancery, petition or Thomas F. | Bavard, thus ei: or New Castle County. MARtci. Bayard Kane, 1 Thomas K. Bayard, : mtke of Florence Bayard Lockwood and Victor DuPont. j ua use By Ot Partition. der of the Chancellor In lien* In pur*ua the above ei !C Of ***, mad« at the Keptomber an« lien estate of Thomas F. Ha nlate» In „jod fair this the of the Register of Chancery for N«*w Castle countv ten day* before the third MONDAY In , d prove I C. of I he court, on the third dav of OEOROK DRAY. Trust«*'. .TON, Dec. 19, 1882. decffi-wAs-flw routiiv i«*n «lay* i>* n»re ui Februar}', A. D., ls*t, and *ald Ib-n or lleiiH at tbe ensuing t« bei or«- the rising of the court the fe NV IL npp. * T at J\ U1 T Ä .. m v .i niiv ».* «i ARNOLD». Ni ■> v u nov CHRIETOFIIER II. N aidai N 141 • i< i: air of ted mil In pursuance of an order ol* the Chancellor In I the anovc cause made at the September term, A. I D.. 18X2. All persons having any II« n «r liens chUU* or Arnold». Nan Mary J. Naudaln, I Alexana Naudaln, Joseph C. Naudaln. Merritt I half N. Willett*. Chrlhtophcr Naudaln, Horatio N. I WlllctU*, Laura E. Wlllctsand Merritt N. W llett» I the or Laura E. Willetts, d«*cca»ed, or, either of I them in the lands add premise* to which said I c a 11.0 rllati-» sri- livri'by m.tio.'it to #!.• a petition M-ttliik forth tbe nature ami amount of tue same I at ÎÏ the^offleeof U»e Register In Cliancerv for New I and r ' u before the thin! MON I [ February. A. D., 1883. and to appear a.d prove said lieu or lien* at the eukulug term «•! I ,vt (he court, before the rising of the court on the I ljy I third day of the term. 1 I* J. II. RODNEY, Trustee. vot.ce. is MATTE»: *»r THL |u a , an „, ry . Ell C^MoTk! it. al [ N«*w Past le County. U> 'vLwtwSkii ) lu Partition. ' . , In pursuance of an order of the Chancellor ln | ,q I the ah ve cause made a< the Heptember term, A. I |>, puc. All persons having any lien or liens I I «ffr.-tlng the (tiu re*t or s*ut«* o' Ml C. Mote, I I Hannah F.. Wiser,GeorgeH. Mote, Jac**b H. Mote, I I i„. 4 *oJ. Mote. Mary J. Aiken. Cora V. Taylor, | william h. Mod*. Margaret R. Yarnall, Isaac i. I I Mot«-, James H. Mote, Andrew J. Mote, Mary K. I I h««>«* 1, lia.nah A. Ramho, Margaret ta R. Nt«*wart, I Martha R. Lofinan, James AI. Casho, Georg«-J. I ,, (»»ho, Margaret K. Cash«», Anna Cash«». J«.*eph c I u. Mot«. Jess* II. Mote, Abraham H. Mot«;, I | Harri* Mote, Tlieodore It. Mote, Raphli-1 II. I Mote. Kva H. L. Mot«*, Dll worth M. Bucking haut, Richard Gilpl- Buckingham and Mary M. Buck- I 1 louham. or either of th« m in the land* and I P r» ml*e*to which said cause relate* arc hereby notified to tile a petition setting forth the nature I a „,t am.iunt <*f ih«* bam*- In tin* ofh«*e of the I I jp irj.t, r t n • hane« ry for New Ca*tle county, tvu j day* before* th* »filrd MONDAY In February, A. D. 1883, aud to appear and pro.«* *al«l Hen or ! lleiibul the ensuing term of the ourt, lH'for«- the rising or the court on the third «lay of the term. LORE A EMMONH. Trustee*. Wilmington, Dec. mb, 1882. Ucc 2 d-wA»-öw In Chaucer}-, New Castle Co *** Chu*«* Of Partition. »ty. affectlug the Inter«** Estella Naurlaiu. . Trv « . xirnnrr r ,rr>D tiuT I NO 712 WXiSl S JL JALiXiA* I iiv... li* iJui ' 1 T)R8. J. N. & J. B. HOBKNSACK, I There afflicted with tneeffeetaof HELP- ABUSE Jim }' N A i' 'l Z A H T HOHEN» lit rî,fa»N C I i.teon.1 MM Éhliadel'phla, either by mall or by per »on, during the hour» of B a. n, toîp. m., and d!dvVèt' l free. Whoaoever .hou.dhno, hfioon illlon and tho way to lutprov. It ahould read ••WISDOM IN A NUT-SHELL." nt on receipt ul thre« -cent stamp. I ptl4-I-14 I i'H OF Et* til OA AL VAKlß». , i .. J^R. J. P. BURWELL «TWILL REMOVE HIM OFFICE*«» To hls new reatdei NOVEMBER THE 1ST. ectao-im-141 C. COLE, JOHN NOTARY rUBLIU, AND JUSTICE OF THE PEAGE. _ , Marl» Bulldlnir, No. 101 West Sixth at reel. Tele call. .- - - - ft-l-12-6 ■ ^ TAANIEL H. FOSTER, ATTOBN JSY-AT-LAW, ROOM NO. 11 EXCHANGE BUILDING, (Seventh and Market etreete.) WILMINGTON, 1>KL. my2-l0 — I FEU» ORAL. •J^OTICE. in EDITION NOW "^k'poOKETMANUAL. "A Pocket Cyclopedia," Writers and Travel * Ready Reference B«»ok „ Contains over 20.000 Synonymous Word»: Fore clgn Wore!» and Phrnw*», alone worth price ol the whole book: Church Calendar; Great Awera lily Rooms; Title* u»ed In United »täte»; Abbre viations; Rule* for Punctuation; Etiquette 1er all occasions; Woman's Chances ol Marriage from carefuily-c*mplled statistics; Interest, pu lance. Area and PopulationTablestLIfe maxim»; Parliamentary Charts; Business Laws, Rul««», etc. ; Perpetual Calendar; Domestic and Foreign Postal Rate»; »tamp Duties. Laws, etc. ; H«*w to sad Human Nature: Coal «f the War; Legal •lldays; Language of Flower«, etc., etc., 'The »ry essence o? aTaraelibrary/; «*., moroeço: W NTRD »tyle, fl.00, mailed. AGENT» ■ F. C. RIFFEL A CO., PnblDhcre. 831 Arch Street, Philadelphia, 6, »-if FOK HAIM. of city tion» the the the loss and VOR SALE-HOUSE NO. 1308 WEST A HTR*RT;tw(Mitoryb lek: eight rooms, bsth and water clow ti II I snd cold water: two liaat-ra n cellar: anil a I tile o, Odern 1 vement». bottas by 110 feet, with 1* foot alley In rear, and aloe entrance. Term. aaey. *^7.0*00.. E event li and Market atreeta. .. » ïiompr for working IfOR »ALE —HOMES FOK WURKirtW -T MEN, NEW two-story 'Vrovinffi seven room* mud hath: water and X»J*. Kh-'entu and Church »tracts -.h rmln u» of thecity aÄ.'sArfSJv» I i£nra»tr»st* r • BB1 -L j.nKMm I Ol F or bale.—stock and fixtures OF a wholesale and retail Grocery Htoro »I. T. DICKEY. for cash, at 1x2 West Front at reel. Jan4-tf BALI. JH)* 100 Acres of Standing Timber. Chiefly YELLOW PINE and MAPLE, tile of railroad and three mile# of IJaeent to other large and fine tracts a the growth of which Is like wise on within one a water, and a<j of timber tan the market. terms, etc.^WWF ■eeptrt-d, wA*-lf OA»'KTTE OFFICE. pOR BALI. 32 Desirable Dwellings. wh the law zen hls him will can. it the ing he 1 Z-atory brioà. No. WJ Washington street... 1 4-Btory brick, «16 King street. 1 3-story brick. 13 Market street 1 2-story brick, MS Washington street 3M0 2 1-story brick, 902 St 904 Linden street 2 000 each 1 2-story-brick, 308 8. Van Buren street 1 W0 4 2-Story brick, 916, 918,9», 922 Kim st. 1 «00 each 5 2-story brick, «7, 829, «U, S83, 8» Lo cust street. 1 2-»tory-brick, N. W. cor. Elm aud Harrison street.-. .. 2 2-story brick, 11» A. 1134 Elm street 1100 each 4 2-story brick, 309, til. >13, 816 boutii Van Buren street... 1100 each 4 2-story brick, 706, 70S, 710, 712 Brown street. 1 600 each 3 7-story brick, 707, 709 and71* Wright . 1 600 each . 97<X» . 6 000 . 3000 1 100 each i „able truck farm I nUft containing 12 acres and good I bulldtugs. Price. „ . , ^ __.„.„.„j The above dwellings are In good condition and I contain from 6 to 12 rooms each, and will besold I on terms to suit the purchaser. Apply to I JOS. C.CAKI R NIK »C I dec21-lmdA* Ninth and Harrison streets, 1 Franklin 2 3-story brick, 9th In course of erection. Alsoval New Castle ave . 10QU0 Jr. EUBL1V SALE». tie» the TFUBLIC SALE 1 —OF VALUABLE— REAL ESTATE; lu New Castle County and »Ute of Delaware. By virtue of th- 'a*t will and tesUment of Harry Warren, deceased, of Mill Creek hundred, New castle county, I will offer at public sale, at tbe LEER PARK HOTEL, in Newark, Delawi Tliursday, 11Ü» day of January. A. D„ 1883, at 1 o'clock In tbc afternoon, the following real osUtc ; U:n No. t. All that farm »nd tract of land situated In Mill Creek hundred, New Castle county, Uela ,-ODtal tnasstia'-res. more or lew. with a „jod non - dw Ulna, 11 rooms In good r.ji»ir; barn, new, 4.',by SO feet, ursnary, hog and hen houie, the land ts rolling, good natural »oll. In fair order, divided In aullsble Helds well watered ■ this farm 1» situated within mile» of Newark, where* Rood schools and churches are located. No 2. Adjoin* No. 1 and c n.talua 74 acres with a stone dwelling »nd barn thereon, erected, the land 1* ro ling, divided In convenient Held* n good quality ;th«* LIFE INTEREST lott oulv 1* sold In this tract. less, »Una , I C. air order of John L. Ell No. 3. Contains 212 acres, more ted In New Castle hundred, within about 4b, mil s of Wilmington. It Is divided in 7 Helds under I good f«-nclng, the soil is No. h I« In a good I slate ol Improveii ent; the build lim» are a rramc hou*e In Mr order conUInlng « 1 barn In »o«*d order, granary, hog and poultry I houae, this Is a good farm. The. undlvlde i I half Interest only will be sold In this ntrm, the I other naif belongsto James H. Rajr, Ksq., and I the farm is In the tenure of Mr. Thomas S ack, I who will whow th« same to any one want ng to I purchase. „ Xu.*, I» the Robert M. Black farm, altuktcd I at the town of Glasgow, In Pencader hundred, I and will be sold In two track*. Ne 1, containing I about 164 acre * with the build ngs there erected, sublect to the dower of tho widow of said Robert I ,vt Blm k, laid of! a* 43 acre«., wh'eh I» inarkul I ljy meets an«l bound*, the soli Is alight Loam,and 1 I* *u^c« ptable or high »Ute of tinnroN i-im nt, is uu«l r hedge feuc^ ft part aud Mûott inv ad GmUf.the soli Is good natural quality and will U> 5 j 0 ° Î.TWîïll >»e sold subject to «low«*'of Amelia Warren, widow of Urn late Harry Marren. Also, the »ubscrllx r will sell at same time and | ,q art . no share* of the stock of the National Bunk of Newark, Delaware. Terms at sale. I NKLHON WARItEV, Kx«*cutor I Of HARR V' WARREN, deceased. I Newark, Dei... Deeembcr 12, 1882. B.— I. Aun-lla Warren, widow of Hurry i. I u. rr ^ n , deceased, will Jolu with the Ex«*cutor I making a el«*ar and fee simple title, to the I .pove real «state by the purchaser or pu --ehasers I ,, a y lug tome 8 per ce ton the amount of c f, is,, money In lieu of my dower, I dcclA-wAsAwt* AMELIA WARREN, I TN * f'nANf'FRY NEW CASTLE CO. I« LHAWLLiu, .ilu v-anum l I - I'BUSTLIH HALE OF— j A. or 4 1 FSTATF. or ! IvLilL A 2VX Xj. Bv virtue of a decree of the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware, In and for New ( astle ('onnty, made on th«* Eleventh day of D* cumber A. D. 1882, will tl«: exposed to public »ale at the Court H ou *e. In Wilmington, onTHCR-S DAY. the Twenty-fifth day of January A. l>. 1882. at Eleven o'clock, a. m. The following «leocrlbo«! re» I estate, situated In the City of Wlluiington, County and 8tat«* alore sald as follows: No 1. All that certain lot <*r lece or Ian t with a two story brick house I thereon er cted, situate«! in said City bounded I and fieacribed as folhiw» to wit: Resinning ' 1 ih.'eouiliirly Kl.le of Mrtri ai tilt of forrv-#ve foot wn amt flv.- elKhtha incho., Wi tUvrlv from tlu: We.U'rly sld* 1 of VanBnrui tureet, tueitce Southerly parallel with VanKur u atr et and pa,sine llirou.ll the middle of the brtrk partition wall lieteen till, and the adjo nluK houae, on the Eaat fllty-alx feet to the N orther >• I Inchon to a Northerly C f'Ä *ien„dd"eof'hcbriet. division wall by liefen thehouje on thU lot and the hou-«' , and * ««. a V,ï M î' n VVheréhy&^p'rh thirteen feet «3 MK g *"} 2*^ AH that eertalt! lot or pleee or uffiSith » two iaory till me dwelling hon«: I there-oti erected »ltuat«*«i in the said City of « ll I mlngton, bounded and «le»«*rllH*<l as follow* to wit : Beginning at a stake on the Northerly side of Fifth »irret one bnndre«! and fifty feet two Incite* Easterly from Church street, thence North erl a««d parallel to * hurah street one hun»lre«l ami tl'ty-flve net to a stake on the Southerly sl«le of a uew street thirl v f et wide thence thereby RasU*riy, parallel with Church street seventeen feet t<* a stake, thence Southerly aud pnralel with the first mentloucd llue oue . h " l nd ' f ; rt wîr »! flfty-flve feet to a stake In the roadside ol Fifth street, aud theuce thereby westerly seventeen feet to the plane of imglnnfng. with the uso,ln common or the said new street. Attendance will »>*: known at the time and n VICTOR , Tele h mad«* given and term ilttoe afore'Kald by Du FONT, Trustee, Or by hls Attorney. Attest : J. M. llOUSMAX, Reg. C. C. Thomas M. Ogle, Auctioneer. janll23 S END IN YOUR LISTS OF LOTS, MOUSES. STOCKS, BONDS, LOANS AND — I FARMS, FOR OUIl NEXT PUBLIC MALE— JanO-U IIKALDACO. JANUARY 2(1, 18>0. „ Fore ol Awera Abbre 1er pu Rul««», Foreign to Legal 'The What a Queer Climat« ThU la? First it snowed And then it blowed, And then began to rain ; And then it blowed And then it snowed, And then it rained again. With cold in head I'm almost dead ; But yet I won't complain ; Pain Killer saves From wintry graves And makes us well again. Nobody ought to be without Perry Davis's Pain Killer. A 4IOOI» HHOWIN4». AbdiibI ««port or thn P., W. L II. It. It. (imp»;-A Budiouw Profit. At tbr annual mretineof the stockholder, of ihn P., W. & U. K. It. Co., held in this city on Monday laat the report of the opera tion» for the paît year was nubmltted. The report »hoir» a very gratifying condition o( the affaira of the company. The report «how* the total earning* of the main line and Ita branche» to bave be 15,428,091.91, and the ndlturee, 13,876,494.30, leaving a profit 51,507.81. report alao atatea that after cloelng the revenue fand and allowing for probable depreciation of the compantea' asset», and extraordinary expenditure* not properly chargeable to operating expenaes, the final result la a surplus to credit of profit and loss account, October 81,1882, ot 81,465, 586.49. During the year nine new locomotives, 12 passenger coaches and 100 freight cars were added to the equipment without any In crease of capital account. There were placed on the tracks of tho Maryland division during the year 541 tons of steel rath, 287 tons of U^a rails and 151,383 ties, and on the Cential and Delaware divisions 1,092 tons of steel rails and 1,402 tons Iron rails, and 91,864 ties. During the fruit seaaon 1,034 car loads of berries and 5,182 car loads of peaches were pped over the Delaware railroad, from Ich waa derived a revenue of $276,561.88. The pell' E Ol mittee aud The the him of 111 cession the Fiist, Arms of of laius Joint State their take doors ubllc Ute First, of tive elect; A tee Couch, ples, and D. Roe, for ' wh Registrar Fraser Forgives. To the Editor of the Gazette : The Morning New» is quite humiliated, and is on the stool of repentance for ItA mistakes, and law lecture to the Registrar. Now as the editor of that paper has Just become a citi zen of our State, and entitled to vote at the next election,provided be Is assessed and pays hls tax, I cheerfully forgive him, with this advice: that the next time he delivers a lecture on law It would bo well for him to consult his friend Dick of Dover, Delaware. I welcome him as a citizen, and will protect him In all bln rights as f»»r can. If he votes for free trade or protection it is his right. I refer him to Section 8 ol the ordinance in regard to the fee of 50 cents. I welcome the editor of the Morn ing Newt as a citizen of Delaware, and trust he will read our ordinances and laws, and stand up for the right« of our State and Its E. B. Frazer. 1 eminent Btateamen. Real Fatal« to be Hold. He&ld & Co. hav** tbe following proper tie» for sale, which will be dlspoaed of on the dateA mentioned: January 15th, Sill & Bally, Red Lion, Pa.; 18th, John Tweed, Avondale, Pa., and Amos W. House, Chadds Ford, Pa.; 19th, Thomas Stlmmell, Wil mington; doth, J. T. Hild, Wilmington; 23d, Augustus McCauley, executor, Wil mington; 24th, Frank Law, Christiana hun dred; 2flth, L. W. Stidham it Son,Wilming ton; 27th, Edward Wilson, Brandywine huudred; 29th, Philip Arabold, Wllming ; Slat, Lewis Graves, Christiana hun dred; February 6tb, Thomas Wilson, Chris tiana hundred; 22d, Thadles T. Ritcbison, Mill Creek hundred; 28th, Benjamin Camp bell, Newark, Del.; March 1st, Mrs. Jabls Banks, Mill Creek hundred; 6th, John Brad lord, Christiana hundred; 18tb, At wood Weiden, New Caatle huudred. last tion under on. vest U:n man carry boen fact Some with and anil then gent tion did last to the and A Good Concert. Tiic Yale Glee Club, composed of sixteen students of Yale College, «ave an enjoyable concert of vocal music in the Opera House last evening. The solos and choruses were excellently given, all the airs being well rendered, and the powers of a first-class male glee fully demonstrated. The audi ence was a very small one. LOCAL LACONICS. Officer Charles Bowers, of the Fifth dis trict lias tendered his resignation and it has been accepted. The name of the young man burned with vitrol at the Augustine paper mill was James Kennedy. ToBterday City Treasurer Pierce trans ferred 35 city bonds to the heirs of the late Joseph Starr. The bonds had been In trust for the heirs by the Girard Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia. The lady friends of Thomas A. Smyth Post, G. A. R., are requested to meet this evening in the Post room Adam's building, for the purpose of making arrangements for the reception of Wilde Post of Chester, on Monday evening next. On Monday the schooner Hattie Lollis, bound for this port with lumber was picke«, up off the capes by the tug Argus. Being tn a helpless condition she was towed to Philadelphia for repairs. The vessel be longs to Governor Hall. This evening Dr. Wilson will dcllv lecture before the Unity Club, on "Scot land's Romancer." He will giv«^ a «les«:rip tlon of Abbottelord, tbe late home of Sir Walter Scott. Tbe lecture will be preceded with an essay by Miss Abbie Speakman on Dryburg Abbey, the last resting place ol the poet. age is It the In <*r u the >• wall , feet or ll to side two sl«le »! Fifth BANK ELECTIONS. Yesterday afternoon the National Banks In this city elected directors as follow« : National Bank of Delaware—Henry Lati mer, Henry G. Banning, Edward Briug hurst, Charlea Warner, William P. Rich ardson, Richard P. Gibbons aid Edward Bringhurst, Jr. The Board will meet on Friday morning for organization. First National—Edward Betts, Clement B. Smyth, George W. Bushs Dan<el James, JamcH C. McComb, Fli Garrett, William Tatnall, John H. Adams and Samuel Ban croft, Jr. The Board will organize to morrow mornlug, meeting at 8.30 o'clock for that purpose. Union National—James C. Aiken, Ed ward T. Beliah, William M. Canby, Benja min 8. Clark, Jacob Derrickëon, Victor DuPont, Henry R. DuPout and William H. Swift. The board was co have organized till- morning, but to the abseuce of a qou rum it was postponed until to-morrow mom iug. Wilmington and Brandywine—Washing ton Jones, Stephen S. Southard, Edward Pusey, George 8. Capelle, James Morrow, Allen Gawthrop, William G. Pennypacker, C. Wesley Weldin and William T. Porter. A meeting of the Board will be held to morrow morning for organization. LOCAL PERSONAL. Captain Barton D. Evans ol the West Chester Village Record , accompanied by hls wife was in this city yesterday. Wllmer Atkinson and Howard M. Jenkins, formerly editors and proprietors of the Wil mington Commercial were in this city yes terday to attend the funeral services of Robert Atkinson last evening. George E. Hallman, agent for Pennsyl vania for The Decorator and Furnisher, illustrated monthly Journal, devoted exclu sively to the decorating and furnishing of the interior of houses, was In Wilmington yesterday and obtained a number of sub scribers to the paper. The monthly Is the only one of the kind published, contains thirty large pages and has an exteuslve corps of talented writers and artists as regu lar contributors. It is published by E. W. Bulliuger, No. 75 Fultou street, New York. Mr. Hallman will visit Wilmington again lu a short time and give those who take terest in home decoration a chance to sub scribe to the excellent work he represents. mad«* AND Perry that ben* to nothing and MATTERS IN DOVER. PREPARATIONS FOR THE IN AUGURATION. umil the what Cooper, porters and present as terview which Dover .McFee with lating the were do aud much more drove the will A county est here other The that held uft.-r State and their that more ents. GENERAL POLITICAL GOSSIP. The Senatorial Caucus to be field Monday Nlght-Th* Opinions of Various Tolltlclaus at (lie Capital. Dover, Jan. 10.-— The Inauguration com mittee of arrangements met last evening aud decided upon the following program : The Committee of Reception will meet the Governor-elect at his hotel and escort him to the Bute House, where the address of welcome on the part of the Legislature 111 be delivered. At 11.30 a. ra. the pro cession will move from the State House to the Court House In the following order : Fiist, band of music: second, Sergeant-at Arms of Senate aud House; third, Speakers of the Senate %nd House; fourth, members of the Gereral Assembly and their ebap laius and clerks; fifth, Judiciary; sixth, Joint Committee o( Arrangements; seventh, Governor-elect Stockley and Secretary of State Causey; eighth, ex-Govcrnora and their secretaries. The inauguration ceremony proper will take place iu the Cou.t House, and the doors of the building will be opened to the ubllc as soon as the procession leaves the Ute nouse. The ceremonies will b»* as follows, commencing at 12 o'clock noon : First, music; second, prayer by the chaplain of the Senate; third, reading of the Legisla tive proceedings for a joint session; fourth, administering the oath to the Governor elect; fifth, music; sixth, reading inaugural address; seventh, music. A public reception will be held by the Governor in the evening from 7.30 to 9 o'clock, in tho Court House, after which tin* inaugural ball will take place. The commit tee having charge of th« festivities are : Invitations—Dr. Swithin Chandler, Wrn. Couch, Charles W. Whlley, Jr., E. W. Wa ples, Charles Reynolds, Jr., H. A. Culbreth and J. C. Reen; Reception—William A. Comcgys, A. N. Button, J. Thomas L D. Mustard, Edward BetU, C. J. Hall, C. B. Pennewlll, John K. Nicholson; Floor Man agers—William A. Cotnegys, Samuel I). Roe, E. R. Cochran, J. J. C. Reen, II. A. Culbreth, II. McDaniel and E. W. Waples. ' a 1 & POLITICAL OOSSIP. Dover, Jan. 10.—The fitful fever of the last campaign is* over and Chairman Har rington of the Republican State Central Committee seems to be taking things re markably easy, and paying no in tion to politics than the anti-Dover wing did under his dashing leadership. He drops around into the lobby occasionally, but ap parently takes no intereèt in what is going on. It Is a little interesting to think the vest difference between the position Chair Dick now occupies, and that which he held had his effort to attén man would liaro carry the 8tat* for Albert Currey and the Ueyfialative ticket, packed In lit* interest, boen success! ul, there is no doubt of the fact that he would have been ruler supreme, Some one has given out the report that Mr. Harriugton was going to resign the chair manship, tut there is no truth in it. I asked a man who Is close hand in glove with the 8tate Central Committee, about it, and he declares that it is unlounded, anil added that the party did not desire that he should resign. He then went on to define what the party in his opinion was composed of and read Mr. Higgins, his New York journalistic contin gent and all the rest of that division of the party in Wilmington out of the organiza tion of great moral ideas. ''They are not Republicans in any senae," said he, "and when you a6k why, I say because they really did us more harm than good in the last campaign. Higgins, au.l hls friends and his organ being to the Republican cause a dead weight during the whole campaign, and it is also a fact, and oue we cau prove, that those people went to Washington and Influenced Hub!,ell's mau Henderson to send the 130,00(1 we were to got from tho National Committee into Virginia to help Mahone. When Major Lofland and Judge Fisher went to Washington to get the money just before the election they were met with a refusal, and they had quite a stormy interview with Henderson, but all to no avail. It is these people only w'ho now who want Mr. Har rington out, of the State Central Commltte, Ives Republicans, but Rt re not." cine he cess Isa B. and has was late this for on to be Sir on ol It is a fact that Mr of They call the publicans they a post officii THE MILFORD The State Central Committee is taking a hand In the distribution of Federal patron age again, this time in connection with the Milford post office The term of W. J. Her ring, who lias hcl.l the office for six years the 14th of the preseut already, expires month. Herring is an applicant fo- reap pointment, and w Idle there were a host of other candidates some tim« ago the contest has narrowed down between him and Mr. Vansant, who is especially championed by Major Lolland and by a large majority of the State Committee. There is no objection to Mr. Herring, who has made an excellent officer, and he has a large backing, composed of citizens of Mil ford without regard to party. Mr. Vansant also has a weighty petition, but he is being supported by the committee on the ground that lie has fought for tho Dover junta through good report aud evil, chiefly the latter, as there has been very little of the former floating around concerning that re tnarkuble thing since it came into existence. It is believed that the recent, passage of the bill for Civil Service Reform (a tiling, by the way, whieli Vunsant's trlemls hate intensely as the devil ever did li«»ly water) will have a tendency to strengthen Mr. Her ring's chances of reappointment. The members of the State Committee taking any part in the A of Lati Rich on Ban to Ed Victor H. qou denv that they fight, but they put Icxu* Tom Ochletree to the blush in making this disclaimer, and you would hardly believe what Dover ring said to me to-day when we were talking about the Federal patronage in Del "We «io not intend to have a thing ith Federal officers hereafter," he I th«' aware, to do ' said, "and don't believe in that sort ol thing. It was a big mistake to have anything to do with the Wilmington post office, und we are in favor of letting the people make their own selections." What a change ! Bunny as Judge Fisher eulogizing W. Hastings, a gentleman who ran for Cougress somo time ago, isn't it? The Kent Republicans arc much dis couraged, and for a long tim«î to come will only take part in politics in order to keep the other faction from doiug anything. Beniah Watson says the result in Kent was the outcome of four years' work, and that the party will bo dead for 1Ü yc The House committees are very satlsfac splendidly organ Business is to West hls Wil yes of exclu of sub the regu W. York. lu sub 1" (••mir. tory, and both houses Ized for work tn title respect, expected to come In very speedily now. THE SENATORIAL CAUCUS will not be held until next Monday night, and a vote will be taken «>n Senator iu each House on Tuesday. On the following day the two Houses meet in joint session lor a comparison of the vote, and if any one candidate has received a majority of the ba'lots iu both Houses he is declared elected. If the required majority has not been re ceived by a candidate the balloting iu joint session goes on from day to day until a choice has been made. The friends of Sena tor Saulsbury request a doniul of the story :i tbc mein* that he was personally waiting ben* a week ago, preeuinubly to solicit them to vote for him. They * ay he was here on nothing but business of a private nature and in no wise effecting hl« candidacy. A SOME OTHER OFFICES. The fact that the office ol insurance. Com miehioner will not be tilled by the Governor umil A pi il next make« t he talk about it in the newspapers seem out of season. But what ba6 been said gives the topic interest, particularly In view of certain fact*. E. T. Cooper, a rising young lawyer of Kent, the of the speaker of the Senate and one of Governor-elect Stockloy's wannest sup porters in this county, was nounced us a candidate some time ago, and lately <^)hn K. McKee, Esq., the present incumbent, lias brought himself out as an applicant for reappointment in an in terview with a newspaper correspondent, which Mr. McFee, it is stated carne to Dover to have by apj>oiiitment. Weighing matters in the political scales Mr. Cooper is entitled to the place, and, I believe, Mr. .McFee is otherw ise satisfactory as an officer, with a single exception. That is the vacil lating coarse lie pursued with roferenoe to the death-rattle insurance companies, which through agents were operating Wilmington over a year ago, continued to do so for a long time without interferance, aud were only deprived of authority after much pressure being brought. This course Mr. Me Fee's part was due, however, more to the head than the heart aud he drove the ghouls out in the end. I am in formed that David T. Marvel, ex*Clerk o! the House and editor of the Sussex Journal, will not be a candidate, and tnis will, lu all liEelihood, leave the way au easy one for Cooper to travel. A large delegation form New Castle county was here Monday night In the Inter est of H A. Nuwlaud, candidate for 8taie Treasurer, consisting of Edwin R. Cochran, L'homus Holcomb, George A. Maxwell, William Grear aud others, and a party was here in behall of Thomas A. Caveuder, the other caudidate from New' Castle county. The reason for this was the announcement that the caucus for caudidates lor State Treasurer and State Auditor would be held last night. It w postpone the caucus until uft.-r the caucus and the inuugu ration. The contest lor the position ol State Treasurer will be a very exciting and the postponement of the caucus will enable the friends of ull the applicants to do their best. It is conceded that John M. Houston would have been selected had the caucus been held last tiight, and deterring that event Is regarded as lavorable to the chances of Mr. Nowland. POINTS. The House has concluded only to have the more important bills printed. Reason, too heavy an expense otherwise. The mails are crowded with copies of the Governor's meat age on the way to constitu ents. Auditor Staats has his report nearly com pleted. Mr. Denney presides House in Speaker Bates' absence. A big Hood of corporation bills from Wil mlngton is expected soon. A here that New to All house to list five. ther KU from Pcnusylvauia so extfcuaively In ing were foot been far are are fail this the all of decided to BOinetimc cceptably in tbe A QUEER EXCISE. Vaccine Physician Morrison Decline» to Vaccinate. Tbe spectacle of a newly appointed vac cine physician refusing to perlorin a highly important aud urjfeni duty simply because he has not been through tbe red tape pro cess of thing In this city, yet the following corres pondence reveals such a case : Health Department, K hoist i a it's Office, Wil t noton, Del., Jan. 9, 1883.—Dr. A Morrison, Vaccine Physician— Dear sir: T Isa case «»f small-pox at *114 French street. The President of the Board of Health, Dr. L B. Hush, Instructed mo to notify you of the fact, and t » request you to vaccinate all those In the Immediate vicinity. 1 um also requeste I to ask to take the name aud residence of ull those horn you vaccinate, and those who refuse, together with the eol«»r, sex, Miçe, &.c. Very Respectfully. K,mc«i> B. Frazer. Secretary. official qualification is a new 1 To Dr, A\ U. Morrison , M. D. TUE REFLY. * Wilmington. Dkl., Jan. 10. 1883.—Respect fully returned to Edmund B. Frazer with the Information that 1 have not been qualified as vaccine physician of the First district. Therc can notify the incuuibnnt. Respectfully, N. B. Morrison. Dr. Howard Ogle is the "Incumbent" to whom Dr. Morrison refers, but supposing that Mr. Morrison had duly qualified, he has not, since the latt* r's election, con sidered himself attached to the city vaccine corps. To-day lie is out of the city, not knowing of any reason lor his presence here, und consequently a very vital duty of the. city vaccine physician of the First district must go unperformed unless the humanity of some other physician comes to the rescue. a a PIKI) FROM UKARi DISEASE. A German SitU lonly Expires & It. Railroud Train. While waiting at Edgeinoor station last evening for the train due in this city at 9.50 o'clock, Frederick Bilanz, was suddenly stricken with heart discus«*, and f«*ll to the floor. Upon the arrival of th«* train at the station, 1 !ie man was placed in the baggage car, and alter giving two or three convulsive gasps expired. The body upon the arrival of the train in this city was placed in the "dead house" and Dr. Kam* MimThoned who upon examination, opinion that the man had di« «1 Irani heart disease. Information was conveyed to the rife, who upon learning of the death of her husband became almost dis tracted with grief. Coroner Smith w notified and at once gave permission to have the bo«ly removed to his late residence, No. 525 East Fifth street. The. deceased had been employed at Edgemoor for some tim** past. Previous to hi* sudden demise he had been afflicted with palpitation of the heart. Funeral of Kotiert Atkin A number of the near friends of the late Robert Atkinson, assembled at his late resi dence last eve dug. A brief address was delivered by Ezra Fell, a member of tbe Society of Friends. The re • alns will be taken to Buckingham Friends Meeting House, Bucks county, Pa., to-day for In terment. a P., XV. «1 l!ie « \pr deceased's to he do a is At the City Hall. Four tramps were ordered by the Mayor this morning to be taken to New Castle, for 'having forcibly entered a passenger ear of the Wilmington & Northern Railroad Coni- | puny last night and using it as a lodging place. One drunk was settled at 50 cents. j Proceedings in the Reybold ease w ere not. ! continued this morning, ow ing to the ab- ' sence of three of the jurymen, who were j snowed up ou the Delaware road. Tne case is expected to be resumed at l.SO this after-I j i j Notwithstanding the snow storm llyde & ! Behmati will bring their great aud only j consolidation to this city on Friday and give i a performance in the Opera nou*e. You ! them. ï i I The lte>bol«l C* noon. iu lor one the re a Hyde »V Itvlnuun. must go aud Brick, Brick, Brick. No scarcity of brick. We bave a full stock of all kinds of brick, which we are selling at market prices. James II. Beggs & Co. PERISHING BY EIRE. A HOTEL BURNED EARLY THIS MORNING. SEVENTY-FIVE PERSONS L03T» A Horror In Mllnanli*«—But Meagro 1»» tsIU-Dsospe Cat ofl* by the Flumes— The Storm Here and Kisewbere. Chicago, Jan. 10.—A dispatch received here from Milwaukee at # o'clock, stated that at an early hour this morning the New hall House in that city was discovered to be on fire, while the guests were usleep. All means of escape were cut off, and as the house was filled the loss of life is said to have been very great, some putting the list of those burned to death as high as sevent y five. Those who did manage to escape suffered much from the cold, and nearly all the guests lost their entire possessions. Fur ther particulars anxiously awaited. Indication». Washington, Jan. 19. —For the Middle Atlantic States cloudy weather, with enow, followed In the southern portion by clearing weather; northwesterly winds, becoming va riable; stationary or higher barometer. For >hio valley, light snows, followed by clear ing weather. A BID SNOW. Travel Impeded, Streeta Blocked ana Walking Difficult. It began snowing In Wilmington early last evening aud has been at it ever since, al though at 11 o'clock thi? morning there were Indications of cleuriug. About one foot has fallen aud travel in the city !b con siderably impeded. The horse cars have been unable to make their trips, while, so far as the Gazette is concerned, telephonic communication is an impossibility. Sleighs are out in full force and the storekeepers are not rushed "with business. From reports from down the State, tl e fail of snow has been even greater than in this vicinity. At 9 o'clock it was tweu'y inches on a'level at Seaford. At Harrlugton it was so deep and had drifted to such an extent that it was im possible to get the locomotive out ot the round house to attach it to the north bound passender train due here at 8.50 a. m. A lorce of men were put to work to remove the snow, but without avail for it drifted as last or even faster than it was removed. Tue train had not left Harrington at 9 o'clock, consequently no early mail was re ceived from the Delaware road. Trains on all the roads have been delayed more or less. THE STORM ELSEWHERE. Reports from various other port loua of the country show the storm to be universal at least as far west as Cincinnati. A number of brief dispatches have been received as follows : Columbus, Ohio—Just commenced, 9 u m., but indications of a heavy s orm. Cincinnati, O.—Just commenced. Philadelphia—Six to eight inches on the level. Concord, Pa.—Six Inches on level, ten to twelve in drifts. Conowlngo bridge, Md—Six inches level, twelve to fifteen In drifts. Washington—Eight Inches. Pittsburg—Just commenced, one-quarter luch. Baltimore—Snowing hard and one foot in depth. Oxford, Pa.—Eight inches.and still snow ing hard. New York—Two feet deep and over; still storming heavily; piercing cold with high winds. GRAND LODGE MI2KTING. The A. O. V. W. In Hesslon In This City. The Grand Lodge, A. O. U. W. consisting of delegates from subordinate lodged of New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware, as sembled in annual session in the lecture room of the Grand Opera House, this city 1 ist. evening. The lodge is composed of 02 delegates, being one delegate from each subordinate lodge iu the jurisdiction. Among those present were the following : Maryland—Monticello Hall, D. Meredith Reese,*Samuel Eeeles, Jr., Walter Snyder, John G. Taylor, Levi Weinberger, Wra. M. Butts, Warren Williams, Geo. W, Lentz, Samuel I. Osmond, L. J. Ballard, Henry Berge, Wm. Nash Young, S H. Hasset t, W. Massey, L. T. Dryden, Jno. I). Main, Joseph U. Robinson, Thos. J. Hunger, S. D. Jay, Irving Miller, M. D., L. W. Gunby, Jno. W. Silverthorn, Albert Von Degen, Edward Raim*. John S. Hambleton, Albert Small, George W. Kirwan and Theodor«: Wilcox. New Jersey—J. R. Learning. Charles P. Burroughs, Ahab Bushnell, E. C. Stahl, I c:er T. Austen, William II. Vermilye, Lewis Kuehnle, E. W. Lockwood, William Thegen, J. W. Newlin, Edward Bareklow, James W. Million!, John Sehwinehamraer, C. H. Wilson, F. L. Richardson, James Ed Moon, Henry Hodges. Delaware—Joseph K. Adams, H. Ogle, M. I)., Walter T. Wolfkiel, W. H. Smith, 3. H. Bavnard, W. G W Lewis, John W. Phil Jps, John T. Jakes, W. E. Smith, C. B. Rhoad». The lodge was in session from o'clock, until midnight, during which time the following Grand officers were elected : G. M. W., William A. Reynolds of Dela Smith of New the as to he not the. last the the the the the dis No. had had late resi was tbe will In XV. l!ie 7.30 ware: G. Foreman, R. F. Jersey; G. Overseer, William M. Butts of Maryland; G. Recorder, A. F. Colbert of Marylend; G. R ceiver, Myer Hir>ch of Maryland; G. Guide/Gilpln B. Underwood of Delaware; G. Watch, William H. Ver myle of New Jersey; G. Mini. Ex., G. L. Wilkins, M. D., of Mary laud; G. Trustee, p. G. M. W. John B. Askew of Maryland; Representatives to the Supreme * Lodge which meets In Buffalo, N. Y., John B. Askew, George W. Morven, Samuel Eeclcs, Jr., all of Maryland. The l«»dge reconvened at 9 o'clock this morning. Itoartng Crazy Drunk. About 8 o'clock last evening Officer Cole was called on by a driver of the Pioneer Coach Company to arrest Frank Goldin, a for drunken Englishman, who had already been of put out of one of the coaches at least tw ice | for disorderly conduct. The officer took charge of the man near St. John's Church, Ninth ward, and started to the Ilall with him. Upon arriving at the bridge* the j IVUow threw both himself and the offl- er i<> not. ! the ground t wo or three times, curbing loudly ab- ' and swearing violently. The prisoner was were j dragged by Rheer force as far as Tenth case and King when several persons, after much after-I delay, voluntecrc«! to help the officer. j Goldin kicked two of thos«* aiding the officer i and struck another a savage blow w ith his j fist. At last he was gathered up bodily and & ! carried to the Hall by five or six men, only j screaming and struggling the. while, give i was locked up und this morning lined You ! and costs. The time occupied In getting ï the prisoner from the Brandywine to tire i Hull was just one bout ami 10 miuutea, ami I the officer was w*et with perspiration. ll.i full are Beggs Misses Virgie and Annie Fisher of Dover visiting Vire. George Alfred Towueend in New York. I - «