Newspaper Page Text
: a. Hu I oily na >L.i ♦ W ILMIN 0TON, DEL, THüIÉDÀY, JANUARY 11, 1883. PRICE ONE CENT. VOL. XI-NQ. an. AMVMMMÆXTM. /VraND OPERA HOU 8E. (jr KACTU MASONIC TEMPLE. Friday Eve'#, January 12, '83. In th Ed Ol. Th. L»u»hshl* »>• nt of Uw Season. HYDE&BEHMAN'S <iivRt Consolidation. ,11 ssmtf COMKOY KVBB » BITTtV. THE TWO JOHNS—2 **afiE*'— JOHN (i'aUie) STEWART, «III si»o ÎPtfîiü" " *'*" d * Bd un '"*"» 1J * d bLTo PricM. » »' «lid 7 S cent). Hrtrrnl Mat, Tt on ialo at CT F. Thomas A Co. ' * «tore. ' Jan S-lt-O In ih* HA of J* me MB ' MINAMVÂAL» _ R R. RÖBIÄSÖN A CO., a HANKERS AND HROKIRfi, Fourth and Market Streets. i their shall aud drafts on England. Ireland. Tram*,Germany and Bwltiertand Tseued. 7.1-lv-uu ABTIZANB 8AVINO BANK. NO. 60S MAAKfCT H THE ET, iNCoaroaxTXD ja-hcahv --«tu. um. rncel Vf «Ifposlts fToaj 9 a. m. until 4 P. ». I oo T h* »day au» J fiaturday evenings iron 7 to » o' f J o. 'pu lv and litb oir*a to RM HJCMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND, tUigulsrly ma»1e In April dividends are om wlthdrs and October, Wbcn _ wn thoy or deposits. Tim* peruanent »tepoalu compound Uwlr H» terest twice lu sack year, MANAGERS«! accounted It for CUMjieiit B. muyüi, George W. Hush. CbarlmM . Hawtand, George R. Dapelle. NaUiaul»! H. Uensoo, M. L. Llohtenstela, rllagton. anr> F. Dare, r . Hasting», ilward Pe-ey, Job fa. wmivm II. Hwlft, Anthony Htgg>4» GEOR41KW. Nimil. Présidant. K. H. ftAPF.1 J.R^VI«w PrisUset, E. T. TA4 iw»ti-lf Treten r sur. THKtt, Auditor. J. NATIONAL BANK JpiRBT 9 a. OF WILMINGTON. KlfWHlTOHV or THE PTB1.U MOV ET —anp rihA NHiAi. ah form B a thl TMF. UNITED WTATEN KDW/Ub MBTTa, Freslient, Gao. D abmhtboko, UosbUr. FAID UI* CAPITAL, *200,989. thi limb Job la, N»w York au»l Kosten ItxnJianjr» rornlstimt to regular IMpoaUor» without char ire. recount days. MONDAY# and THURSDAY# ii.:n ». m. DIKE« TURK: tyiwora H* t~, <lew«oi B. Smyth, George W. Hush, Jot vs. h» Bancroft» Jr. nl-te rHunciMiOHÄx cjlMDm. tor the ttu te R i the the J)R. J. P. BUBWELL ATHlI.l. KKMOVK HI« OPFlCR^ff To kb 04« reslttence. No. 712 WEST STREET, N«i\ KAIHBH THE 1er. If lute** »mtet.d With t^ • «reif orHEl.F-ABUeK aikd MEKCUlUALlZATl toraasuit J. N. .% J. B? I h*v.>ml »irret. I'hUadclphU,either by mall or by teVftuu, dnrlng Um hour» offla. tu lolp. m., and «to* p. m. Ad vice i rre, flhlon and th*' 8. J. N. Ä J. B. IIOBEN8ACK, I should nothsaltate r.KNMACK of 2M6 N. I Wte*4n>v«'r oIiouM know hte con luiprovt' It should rtute "W IB DOM IN ▲ NI7T-BHELL." >o mcelpt of ihre« -cent »«atop. way No« . P 114 - 1 -I 4 JOHN C. 001 Jt, X VT AH Y I' UM 14« AN!» JU*I ICAOF 'INK PKACK. UarD Hntldlnv, No. k*l WtevMIxtb »irret. Tele teM.iM* call,.. «- 1 - 18 -A ami of the of |)ANIK1. H FG8TFR, ATTOKJU Kt-AT-lJtW, R!*OM Ni), tl EXCUA.N0F. BUILDING, (Seveulliiud Murkit ntroetc.) WÜ.UINUTON. UEl.. myt-10 OUI OUODS. HOLIDAY GOODS! Whether in search of useful tuid substantial gifts such as Dress Pattern's of either Silk, \\ ool or Cottoji tnbrics. Hand some patterns in tine Bleached Table Linen or Towels, flood warm Comfortables or Blank Cardigan Jackets for Knit Jackets. Hoods 4M Che of be ETS. men. and Mittens for Indies and Children. Kn* Gloves in latest styles and newest shades. Underwear and Hosiery of all descriptions. The most com plete assortment of Ladies' Cambric and Linen Handker chiefs, also Gent»' Silk Hand kerchiefs in the newest color ings and patterns or any of those pretty useful and mental articles adapted to the Holiday season, including Plush, 'Çoilet Cases, Hand Bags, Purses, Jewel. Cases, Card Case$, &c. Silk Umbrellas, Japanese Ware, Hulls, Toys and an endless variety ot Fancy Objects from which to make a satisfactory selection with an assurance oi square dealing and correct prices. Jt will pay you to go to to oma especially C i A c A. SPENCER S, 7 700 Market Streets. oetffi-tm-tu -94 S*2n...l !t Y0UR LISTS of lots, w'" 1 " 1 STOCKS, KOKIN, LOANS ANlI OCR NtXT i'I BLIC SALK — ''AM AiJV 2Q, ijjto. J *09-41 liELALD A CO. MOTIVES. J^TOTICF. Jl have Foot National Banc. I W 11. MI NOToN, Dm... January 11, IMS. » At an election held on the 9th ln*t., »he fbllow In a named gentlemen were el cted directors for th < UHuIng y ear : Ed ward Bet te, .lame« C. MrComb, Ol. mm! B. Smyth, Ell Garrett, Ôcorift? W. Bn « 11 , William Tatnall. D»ni«*l Jam» *, John H. Adaius, temurl Bancroft, Jr. And at a tiiectlnK of the board held tliU dar Edward Bella, Ksq., wa* unanimously re-ebirted l»rv«UU-nt. «EU. M. ARMSfKONO. jau 11-31 «.'ashler. and a Lot side F t?0 V piNAL NOTICE Delinquent County Tax Payers. to ■ »even »ont» in purnaance of an Ael of th* A*M*Uf *A Htate of Delaware. pa« red at Dover, the tenth day of April. 1ST», requiring me Collectors of Count v 'Faxe« u» airain «rive publie notice «luring month of January or their readloent to receive J* I laquent tax«*», the »-olU'ctor* of the city of WltmiBffton hereby ylv«* notice that they will be me MB foe the pnnwo of rerchinir taxes then due . Office hours ivora » to 13 a. m., 2 to Dm X cash, tha a lid i and ? to 9 p. m. Attention I« called to Mactlou I of the act which provides that a)I person» wbofhlltopay llrelrtaxre befow the sltilnx of tbe L<*vy OourlahaU bare their name« stricken the assessment list and shall not be placed thcreou r«>r tiic space of 2 months after dale of noch allowance-. A}» laxes unpaid after the above dates will be pro ceeded again»taccording to law, as the wants Its money, and we propose to IÜ1AH. H. D. BE County Tax Collector for^ftr County Tax Collator for Second District. Jamakyio. lfltt. of oif < «4i«8 i a DFOKD. si DUirlo . KYN V. la ite m XTOTICK.-—THE ANNUAL MEETING lv OF TFIE **Fartn«*r-i Association" çf N*w Cull« county, for the «(election of hou*»- thlc?«*s and re.'©very of stolen horses, will be held In Wilmington at the usual id an» on Saturday the litb of January l»S3 ;«t 10 o'clock a. re., when oiBccxn for the year a ill be elected. Punctual utti-nd.uo.' .f 1 1 I 1 2 I 4 5 2-» 1 2 4 4 8 2 en Hoo'r. u**oa>-ti J^CinCE.-TO WATER RENTER#. «»erica Watbr Department, » WlLMINOTON, DEI.., Dec. 21. lflK. | The bill* foi U»* y*« r is»3 are now ready and parable at the Reglutrar*« offloe. M. W. corner Sixth and King -treet*. Mils remaining unpaid after the Uht of January. 18*3, tlv«- percent, will b« added, IT paid during the month of February, ami te.n per «ent. It paid during Mardi. After ahlch Uiue the ferrule« may b»- withdrawn and suit Instituted for the recovery of th»« amount due. OfB«*e hours JA Dec. 30, 1S82. On aD . to 4 p. in. 9 a. d» "! Ml J. A. HON'D, ItegtHirar. JJOTICE.—DIVIDEND. Nation ai. Have or w ilmin«, rov and i B llANDYWVv» . WUltiluglon, D**l., Jan. 4 UMtt. I Th«* H«iM ol Dlrecter« hav«- thl* »lay «treUre*! a «IlvMfiid «>f m| v |M>r rent, on tlx raplta) »«ock of thl- bunk fur th»* 1» *t »l\ montbh, » avabl» on OTHO NOWI.ÄM», JN <i»'iTian»1. jHUl-lûl ^OTICK-DIVIDEND. Firm N ational Bank \V llinlti|rtoii, Del., Jsn. 4th have this «lav declared per reut, for tue Um Me j «Inman <L (.EolUIKD. AKMHTRONLi. Cash!«' iwu. { ' TU« lioaM of Dlrre <11% blend of f< *nlh« payable Of A. Jait4-|oi HXOINTER'S MOTIVES. J^KGIHTKR'S ORDER. Ku)i»rKR'p orru *, > NK» C'AOTLt (Ol'NTY, DKL., SOW 'A ISK. ( V'poii lb.»pi.ilr.llon of O«o. <»mj,» tor of Ka««* A. AlderM>u, late of White Clay t.rrek bunt1re»Lia Mild county,«JereaMwi, it tsordered aud direct*»! hf th« 1 ItejrlHter that the ArimlulHtrater ai»>re»al»1 rive noUre of granting of letter» of Ad ministration upon the «*tate of the (Nhn with the »late of granting tti*»reof, by causing adv«*r Uremeut.i to te* posted within forty daya fro in ttu «late of hurb tetters in six of tar moat public place« oi th«* county «»f NrwOaaite. requlrfn« all te rmina havtnx «lemarul« agalnet the estate to R r*A*rfl th^aam« 1 , or at.hte t>y an A«*t <*f Assembly i such rase mail»* and provided: au«l also the «am«- to te* lu<«*n< »I within the same pi rtod In the Daily GAZR7TR, n u«*Whpnper i.uhfl*h*M In Wllinlnvton aud te be continued therein three Jlte, <e. o. d. ) Given j Office of Iteifl-ier afor»**aM, , In New Cae&lc county aforenah! «I jearalwve written. N. C. HH*«iK, Keglster. The U>** saUl r .tere and the of brick b<-u side nlnv land wit of erl* and fret • ara d» r tin* hand and Foal ot Winning I L. H. «Inj Notick.— A ll pc-rM.n» having «'lalms against Lhevsiate ©nth«* <1«**rAB*d must pr**»*iit th** »«in»*, duly atl«*st*«l l«» the A«Jmlitteirnt<»r, on <*r before No« «inter •>, !M\/>rahld«- it«« A«*t c«f Assembly . .u«-4i ra» u I a«!«.- ami nrnvld«'!. <» KORO l. « It A Y. Administrator. Vhtr« * . llinlntftou, Ik law nr •tea:ii-tu-9w with lift) I'ret J^EOIdTER ö ORDER. HJuubTKRte <>rn«a. New Castl«* r<*„ Del., l»«veoirK>r lit, Wtt. f Tho ! Bint, late of Rod I.lou hundred. In raid couutj. dre«*âred» Ills ordered ami dlrret« d bv th«* Itegloter that th<* Kx«cu aforesaid fiw uolh'« «*1 granting of I» Iter» of Administration upon Ui*'*'mau- oi toe d e c la re d with th** dal** *»f K r aiiUnfr thereoi, t»v « autlng mlvertl*.* ni»*nO to te- .po«»t«*d within forty day» from th«« «late <»f *u»*h l«-tter» In hlx of the put'll*' pi .*«*.•» of 1h«* county of New f'a»tle, n-julrluK all perron*, havIng demands aKalnot the rotate t«» prereut Ute •am**, or abide by an act of Assembly ln »u«h ca»«* made aud provided; tnd alao call'«- the ham«* to te* Inserted within th": BH'iie period Iu the DAILY « i A/.UTTK, U iiewrpape.r puhli.died In Wilmington, and tobe reiillnui d therein three wredta, (e. o. d.) « i Given uuder the hand and Bealofoffl'*« < L. s Vofihe Realster aforosaldatWllmlngtou I N<*w ( sstli* county aterecald, the Duon th* Kxtcutor of application of Alte rtD. N* wt «> tv eign the bly all from ete. very 4M «1 T«V»r lieu. H. « '. BIGGH, Register. NOT 1C«. All prrroiu» ha» lug rial in» agalnat the «--state of Che dere-ased must urerenl the same duly atteste«! •fori* Dreember 13, A. Ü., Vib3, or abl«le the a«*l of Aroetnbljr ln such care mad«- sud provided. TH«)MAH BIRD, Kxreutor. drelD-kw the Fare A ldrri*.- : Ml. Georg«», Del, DEGIHTBR'S ORDER. HtellSTEIl'S OFFICE. I New Orelic County, Del., l»»-e. aatli. 1882. | o appllentioii "f ürar« Meantck ««1 mloJHiratrU C. T. A., • I Christian Me»s «*k late of TV ludngton llundretl, lu sah! raunt), de ciAW'd, »t 1» ord« red and <llr«*eted by the Itealster tlu$t the adinlnlutratrlx af m*««ald give noth*»* of graiiiloK of Letter»of a«iuilni»tratl*>n C T. A. upou U»«- estate «»fthe <l«rea»ei1, will« the dat« of granting tb«*re«*f, by «aii»lng adverilreinents to be posted wltliln forty «lay» from the of such letter» Iu »lx of the uhwi publie place " " "a«tie, ropilrlng h I p»*r t.av In if demand» against the e.Ute to urerent the «nie^ or abide by au Act of Assembly In »urh hind ; and also can»« the »aim* within the ft «he 1st and Ui oi to .ir th.. s i y .1 » period In the jtZKrr*-, a oev »paper publish»*«! In nd to be eoutltiu*.*! th**r«lu three to te* lu.--rte Dki.awaük * * Wilmington a seek» •'.O. D. the Given uu«l«T the hand and Seal of L. 8. JOB«* «»fthe Reglfttor ator**»ald,at WU mlugioii, in New Ca»tl«* county afore* ir above written. H. U. H1GGM, Register. NOTICE. «»Id. the All nttr-toii.- having claims aaaliiftt the e-ntl ft»** «lvrva^'*1 must pro seul the name, duly tented to the Administratrix, on or **efore De cember a»th, 1H83, or abide the Act of Asrembly ta .»oh «*- ro«t, .»d pr»vW^, E M|aw A'linlnlfliratrix, C. T. A. Ad«lrere : Wilmington. Del. dre26-tu»8v» of JJEGISTBR'S ORDER. register's Orne*. I New Castle Ce., Del., December 21, 1882. I Upon the application of Barbara Mapr, Exreutrlx of Conrad Man/, late of W11* mltiKton hundred, in snld county, dreea»ed, t Is ordered aud directed by the ftegteter that the Kxreutclx aforesaid give notice of grant ing of letter» T**dainentarv npon the estate ol the deceased, with the dale of g muling thereof, by causing advertisement* to te poeted within forty day» froir the «late of huch letters, ln »ix #f the omv. 1 public plac«!» of Ute county of Newcastle, requiring »11 perron» having demand» against th«* estate to prerent the Mime or abide by an act ol Assembly In such caae made and provided. And also cause the »ame to be Inserted within the sumo period in the DAILY GaXBTTE. a news paper published In \Vllmlngton, and to be con tlnu«*l therein three wreha. (e. o. d. ) ) Given umler the n»id and seal of office {iJL and year aboYc written. ^ BloG8 - tte,l9Ur - All perron» having claims, against the rotate ol deceased, mast prerent the »ame duly attested the kaecutrU oa or before December 2L 1882, or ablda the ac made and provided. Address: Wilmington, Del. — to flateifysavr Executrix. dco27. rnwf.fw LOHT AND rUUSD. POl'D.-DN SATURDAY AF F*' Jl NOON, litre rioor-key : the owner can till* ad«rerttrein«*.nt. O. HI rMA.N, 121 Klmr street. have .am* by paylu^r. MOM HALM. HALE.—HOUSE NO. 1908 WF8T STRUCT; two-hiory b r lrk ; eight rooms hath and water cloret; h» t and rold water; two heaters a cellar:., and a'l the modern Improvement-. Lot '£L\ Uj no feel, with 1«« foot alley in rear, and side entrance. Term a easy. Â wmf Seventh and Market »treeU. F or »■I Junti, tr t?0 R SALE —HOMES FOE WORKING. V MEN. 'SAW two-story brick dwelling h; watt-rand gas. Eleventh »even room* and bath aiid.Vhurch' «irret»: terrnlou« of the city »aHwav ; »ont» nient to »ubooi and market' oplyjffhto Orion ft treat. No. *4 Jef JanVMm T?OR SALE.—STOCK AND FIXTURES X OF a wholesale and retail Groocry Store cash, at lit West Front street. JaH4-tf S "L «Ce J.T. DICKEY. pOR BAÜt. 100 Acres of Standing Timber. Chiefly YELLOW PINE and MAPLE. of rail read and three mile» of mt to other large and fine tract» e growth of which particulars as to location, price, '**' GAZETTE OFFICE. within ÏÏS5ÜS water, an of timber Is likewise on •eptss-a. v«"*u pOR SALK. 32 Desirable Dwellings. 1 S-siorf brick. No. 8U7 Wasldngl<ju atrret... 1 4-story brick, «16 King Breed. I 8-story brick. IS Market street.... 1 :-«tory brick, 203 WasLdugtou atroet 1*00 2 2-story brick, «02 A 904 Un.icn street XOOO I 2-Slory-brtr.k, 30« M. VaiiBuren »treat 1 *90 4 2-story brick, »lfl, 918,990, 9» Kintal. 5 2-» lory brick, 827. 829,MU. 883. 8»To cust street. 1 MO each 1 2-6tory brick, N. W. cor. Elm and Harrison » treat. 2 2-Hlory brick, 1U3 A 1134 Elm street 1100 each 4 2-story brick. 809, 811. 813, 816 Houtli VanBuren atroet. 1100 each 4 2-ëfory brick, 70S, 708, 710, 712 Brow u street... I 600 each 8 2-rtory brick, 707, 709 and 713 Wright street. 1 BOO each 2 8-»tory brick, 9th and Franklin st» now In course of erection. Also val uable truck farm nua, containing 12 acres and good buildings. Price. Tbe above dwellings are In good condition and oontaln from 6 to 13 rooms each, and wUl be sold en terms to enlt the purchaser. Apply to ». L. CARPENTER, Ninth and Harrison atmet». *7 0» ... 20ÜU 1000 each . . 1700 New Castle ave Ja. A.M'21-luulA* PUBLISH AIM. JN CHANCERY, NEW CA8TLK CO. -TRCflTKEH SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. By virtue of a decree of the Court of Chancery ' the State, of Delaware, In and for .New Castle the Eleventh day of IN camber will 1>e «<x|HMted to public sale at the In Wilmington, onTHL'RS tjj-flfth dsj of January Of County, made A. D. 1888. Court H'mim*. DAY. tu« Twen A. D. at The followlusr d«Mcrlbed real estât*' situated In U>** < Ity of Wilmington, « *»uuty and State alore saUl a» follows: No I. All that certain lot or r .tere of laud with a two story brick hou»»e hereon er cted, olluated In »aid City bounded and dew*iite*d as follow v to wit; matnnlnif «*n the S»>iHu rl j side of Heron «1 street at the ittetance of forty-five fret ten and live «-Ifthths Inches Westerly from th*- Westerly »Ide of Y»QBtiren tn«*uee Southerly parallel with YanBur u and pa»»liiK ihroiuh the mlU«tte of the brick partition wall te-teen this and theadJololnK b<-u «*, on Mi« Ka*t llfty-.»lx fret to the Northerly side Ol a fou r feet wide alley; then«v? W '* araltel with -««cond stre«'t thirteen feet ten voMjrhth- Inches to a «»take, thenre North<*rly street and pa**»lna brlcX «livl .lon wall «1 the house the »«Id »Ide of Second •by Faster! y tblrt**en fret :ind Hve eighth» lache» lo the hi arc of bealn nlnv with the use in roiimon ot the »aid alley forever. No. 2. All that «*ertJiiu lot or pire« of land 1th h two ijK»ry frame dwelling house thereon • re*cte«l situ»ted te the »aid City of W U mtuKUMi, iHfotnted and we«crth4?d »4 follows wit ; KejGnnltiK at ;« »take on the Northerly side of Fifth street oue hundred and fifty feet two Inrhe« Easterly from thur-h street, thenre* North erl* and pimdlel to 4'htireh »treet one hundred and flfly-Uve «eet ton stake on the rioutiterly side »Irrel thirty f et wide thence thereby Easterly, parallel with Church street »eventeen fret to a -take, thenre houlherlv and paralel ■ hundred and I side • c*t *r|> ara 11« 1 with VaiiHurcu Kb the middle of the «•n th«* hous<* t, ft ft v-»lx ten *l and ttu-ncf Dir this lot to ■ml<»u«-d l!n«* with th*' tl lift) -ttv«> tret to a stak«* In th<* »irret, and thenre thereby westerly I'ret to the pla**»* «»i te KinnlnK. common of the said Attendance will te* given an«l term known at the time and pla«*»* Hl«»re«*ald by VICTOR Dt'PONT, Trustee, ur bv hD Attorney. Attest : J, M. HOl'KMAN, Reg. C. C. M. Ogle, AuctloiU'cr. Fifth In with the made J a nit 26 rtaa rXHtiONAl* v'oncE. tv EDITION NOW BRADY. .. . THE FIMJILET MANUAL. "A Preflet Cyclopedia, ' ' Writer» and Travel er»* Ready Reference Book Contain» over 2U.OOO Hjiionymou» Word*; For eign Words and l'hraâe», alone worth price ol the whole book: tlvurch Calendar: Great Air em bly Room»; Tltl« » used In United atatea; Abbre viation»; Rule* for Punctuation; Etiquette 1er all oreaslon»; Woman'» Chancro of Marrlaye from oareftilfy-e«uiplled »tallHtlc»; Interest, Dir lanc«% Area amt PopulationTal*le»:Llte maxlmt ; Parltem. iHArj Chart»; Busin««» LawA, Rule», ete. ; Perpistuai < olwndar; Dom«->-tlc and Foreign Postal Rat* »; .Stamp Dull*«, l.awn, etc.; How to Read Hainan Nature; (\)»t of the War; Legal Holiday»; Language or Flower», etc., etc., "The very essence of a large library, " SO«*., morocco; pochetbook btyle, *1.00, mailed. AGENT» WANTED. ». 80-tf F. V. RIFFEL A CO., Pttbllatora. A'U An-hHrreet. PMIadelpnla, (let Insured. to ten thousand You can carry from dollars on yourself or wile at a nominal sum, between the agea of is and 6G,in the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association of New York. This la the largest Association of ite ago iu «he world, having 9,221 members up to the 1st day of January 1883, aud one assessment amounting to ov«?r $100,000. Call on J. K. 8utterly, 302 Market street, general agent, and see him and get papers. Open until eight in the evening. Ur. Wilson's Lecture. Dr. H. R. Wilson delivered su Interesting address on Abbottaford, the home of Bir Walter Scott, before the Unity Club last evening. The facts given was the result of noies taken by the Doctor on a recent tour through Scotland. At the utxt meeting of the club Dr. Wilson will lecture on the Greek churches. \Vb»t * Queer Climate TbU la? First it snowed And Ujen it blowed, And then began to rain ; .And then it blowed Atyd then It snowed, Anffthen it rained again. With cold in head I'm almost dead ; But yet I won't complain ; Pain Killer saves From wintry graves And makes us well again. Nobody ought to be without Pebmt Davis's Pain Kili.rr. ol ol 2L That Old Picture. Take that old picture to Sutterley A Co.'i fine gallery, No. 302 Market street, and have it copied before it fades all out. They can enlarge it to any size you want, and their prices are reasonable. Brick, Brick, Brick. No scarcity of brick. We have a full stock of all kinds of brick, which we are selling at market prices. Jams* H. Beggs A Co. GBAUD LODGE ADJOURNS. Tb« Ancient Order United Workmen lloftshealta Laben»- -Son»« Figures. The tirmud Lodge of A. O. V. W. re»* •embled to the lecture room of the Opera House yesterday afternoon, and continued In aeaalbn until B p. in; The newly elected office™ were installed by P. G. M. W. Jehu B. Askew. The Jurisdiction of Delaware, Maryland and New Jersey was declared a separate by the Supreme Master Werk reports ol the grand officers were press tied and made a satisfactory showing, From March », 1*82, to January 1,1883, there were 15 deaths In the bene ficiary, and atfll there was a surplus of $S),500 remaining la the treasury. The membership at preeeot la nearly *,000 an Increase of nearly SO par cent. In one year. There wert 21 lodges instituted in the three States since the lest annual meet ing. Grand Oreneer, Mr. Butta, am» Grand Recorder A. V. Colbert, were ap man. Tb« thereon - Inga for publication, after which veutiou adjourned lo meet In Newark, N. J., the second Tuesday lu F bruary, 1884. A guarantee of $5,000,000 haa been car ried oo the llvea of *,500 members and $41,808, has been paid for beneficiary pur poses, and $5,406.89 to the general fund account. OU BACKED HE ABT FAIK. Axtlele* to be Ciisuoed off This Week Great Attractiou*. The fair of tbe Sacred Heart Church at Institute Hall Is being liberally patronized at d the management expect to reailte at least 85,000. The money is for the purpose of plastering and making other lmproye rneotb on the church. The fair will be con tinued UAtll next Tuesday evening. A number of mluor articles have chanced off during the evening the articles will dozen gold watches, three silver watches, 20 yards of carpets, chairs, and a number ol other useful articles are to be chanted dur ing the balance of the week. A beautiful Stole is being contested for by tbe members of St. Peter's and St. Mary's congregation, and great interest is manifested in It. It is expected that at least $1,000 will be realised on this article alone. been week. This drawing of valuable commence. A half at in as Hyds A Bah man. Hyde A Behmtn and their strong troupe will appear in tbe Opera House on Friday night. The following from a St. Louis paper tells how the company was received in that city : "Hyde A B eh man's Great and Only Consolidation appeared at the grand rtvo audience that completely filled it from top to bottom. The show la undoubtedly one of the strongest that has ever appeared In thla city. Ham Devere, Harry Watson, John Hart and John <"Fattle"> Stewart, Oaks A Boyd, the Marlell Family, and Miss Katie Cooper kept the audience iu good humor until "The Two Johns" was reached, which Is one of tho funnies comedies ever produced in this city. The company re main all this week, and will, without doubt, have crowded house# ol this bouse, last evening, to an is Burt by m Full. Charles Gros», livlag at No. King •treet, fell od the ice at Front and Madison street» yesterday afternoon and badly in jured his leg. He was taken home by Offl* «•er Pierson. Eicsllent 8lsl|hing Last Night. The sleighing for the most part of last ulght was fine, and every available horse in the city was pressed into service, while everything with runners was on tho road. LOCAL LACONIC!*. Two plain drunks were disposed of by the Mayor this morning. William A. Dewees of this city was an in mate of tbe Newball House at the time of the fire, but fortunately encaped. A benefit for 8t. Patrick's Catholic church will be given by the Emerald club on Janu ary 17 and 18 iu the lecture room of the church. The. horse of John Jacksou ran awav last eveuiug v\ hlle out slei^hlug. The horse was eaugh on the Kennen turnpike. The occu pant was thrown out, but uot injured. Jarnetf H. Bewail, a riveter at the Harlan A Hollingsworth Co.'s «hip yard, has been appointed patrolman to succeed officer Bow ers. The new officer went on duty last evening. The turbine wheel at the city mill, stopped yesterday for the want of sufficient water power. Repaire were made to the Worth ington pump, aud it started to work again last eveulog. A hearing in the caoe of Ker. ry Drum monds, charged with perjury by George McGraw, was held by Squire V'audegrilt last evening. After hearing the evtdeuce th«« -was dismissed, The train from Philadelphia due here at 9.50 p. in last evening was nearly two hours lute, on a«*eount of hu engine jumping the track near tbe bridge over tbe 9chuykill river, near the former city. The McCullough iron works at North East, Md., reopened on Monday, after be ing closed to* some time. The iron wörkers' wag«*» were reduced 10 per cent. The wages of the rest of the employes remain unchanged. Coroner Smith Investigated the cause of the death of Fred Pflanz, who died suddenly on the railroad train while returning from work on Tuesday eveniug, a certificate of death from heart disease was given. The deceased was a native of Prussia. The United States Fish Commission steamer, Albatross, which left the works of Pusey A Jones last mouth, was disabled by the breaking of some machinery at Quantico, about 80 miles below Washington. She will be brought to this city for repairs. A brown horse with a white face and two white hind feet, attached to à one seated sleigh, was caught at the Market street crossing of the P. , W. A B. railroad at 4 o'clock this morning, by Charles Hallen and John O'Neil. The team was takeu to Dougherty A Brother's stable, where it awaits an owner. The following troupes will appear in the Opera House in the near future : J aim try 12, Hyde & Be hinan; January 16, Maggie Mitchell Dramatic Association; January 20, George Adams' Humpty Duinpty: January 22,23 and 24, Admiral Dot A Company; January 25, Church Choir Company in "Iolànthe"; January 26, Arch Street Opera House Minstrels; February i and 2, Boston Ideal Opera Company. a OFFICERS ELECTED The stockholders of the Delaware City National Bank have elected the following directors: William D. Clark, William Rey bold, (i«K»rge Y. Brady, Clement Reeves, Charles Corbit, Charles G. Ash, Henry Cleaver and Arthur Colburu. The Ladies' Auxiliary Corps of Nrayth Post, G. A. R., elected the following officers last evening: President, Mrs. Evan Brown; Vice President. Mrs. 8. B. Knel; Secretary, Mrs. James II. Wrlghtiogton; Treasurer, Mr*. John Birchs. Arrangement* have beeu t of Cheater, on It* visit to this city on Monday evening. are made to entertain Wilde LEGISLATIVE MATTERS. a ; e WHAT WAS DONE AT DOVE ESTERDAY THE VÀEI0U3 BILLS INTRODUCED The Neuatoriul Caucus to be Held on Monday Night- -Pointa About tbe in auguration—A Shrewd Tirade. 140*01*1 gorretponüeace of the Gazfttt«. 1 were duller than the weather yeaterday, lend aslda from tbe Joint session at which the vote for Governor was .counted, the particulars of which were announced by telegraph lu yes terday's Gazette, nothing of Interest oc curred. Mr. Denney presided In the House Id Speaker Bates' continued absanee, and In addition to what was given of the proceed, lugs la yesterday's late edition the follow ing was dene : The committee to which was referred tbe Governor's inesssge, re ported through Mr. Juatls, the chslrman, raferri Dovm, .Ian. 10.—Thl ig the several recommendation» to riate committee«. Cooch introduced at act to locor mm poratc the Rehoboth Beach I|lotel Com pa and an act to vacate a portion of Lake avenue at Rehoboth. Five hundred copie» of the State Treaaurer'* report wore ordered to be printed. The petition for a new road In MIspIllioR hundred,previously introduce«! by Dr. Lewe», wu referred to the Commit tee on Roads and Highways, and a petition from Joseph Ward for a new road in the ame hundred was road an|l similarly re ferred. In the Senate Mr. Bett» Introduced a bill to Incorporate the Brandywine Catholic Literary Association (instead of 4 Burial Aaaociatlon" as reported by telegraph,) and gave notice of a bill to incorporate Wealeyan College of Wilmington. Cooper gave notice of an act to vest the title ot certain real estate In the city of New Castle. All the Governor's message ex cept that relating to Immigration, which had already been referred to a special com mittee, was referred to a committee »isting ol Messrs. Cooper, CaVender and Mustard. ny tbe Mr. con TUE CAUCUS ON MONDAT NIOHT. It lias beeu decided to «laucus for the offices of the Uuited Htates Senator, State Treasurer, State Auditor and Librarian, all at the same time, and the caucus will be held on Monday eveniug next, between now and tnat time things will be ^iry lively. John M. Hobston is here again, renewing the fight for State Treasurer. Dr. Chandler request» that the statement going in one of the papers a* atUhorative, aud coming from him, to the effect that he is in favor of Senator Saul «bury, be denied, so far as Us coming from him is concerned. He says he has not mentioned lo a single per son how he stands, and that it is his busi ness and that of no one else». POINT*. Therefore The Marshal lu charge of the inaugura tion ceremonies, F. M. DuiJri, is charged with carrying the program. iijito effect and subordinates are to bo distinguished by badges. It will be their duty to aid him lu his official duties and preserve order, and he is authorized to appoint the police of the town as a part of nls aid and also ushers for the court room. It is Mr. Stoekley's desire that the inau guration shall be as simple am affair as pos sible, and there will bn no display of tho military. Governor Hall was in town yesterday. A member ol the House is a member of the Committee on Enrollment, which is a very tiresome oue. He wanted to got out of the extra work, and offerer! to trade off with a member who is on the Divorce Com mittee. The member laughed and gla«1Iy accepted, but the other one f«|»und the laugh turned on him on learning that the man he had offered to trade with was already on the Enrollment Committer* and that luHtead of lessening his own work he had increased It, as he will still have to stay! on the odious committee. There are many complaints around the Stale House at the bad mail «ervice Delaware railroad. This is particularly the with the correspondent«. Many Im portant news letters have gone astray. TEST EBDA Y IN BOTH HOUSES. J)ovkb, Jan. 11.—In the H<j>use yesterday aside from the readiug of the report of the State Board of Health and a move to secure a new flag for the »State House nothing was done worth mentioning at tbti morning ses sion. The joint committee or| the is Messrs. Coiuegya, Williams and Perry part of the House and Messrs. Cavender and Houston on part of the Senate. In the afternoon .Speaker pro tein Denney gave notice of bills to incorporate the Capi tal Building and Loan Association, and the Dover Mark«*t House Company, and presented a petition front citiMns of Dover asking for the extension of State stroet over 8hakesper«*'s mill |>ond to the in tersection of the roads to ttmyrna and Lei pele. Iu theSeuate the corninittetf appoint«?d to consider the Governor's message reported, referring various portions totfie proper com mittees. It was decided to have 200 copies of the State Treasurers report, and 300 copies of Superintendent tj roves' report printed. I)r. Chandler gave notice of a bill to in corporate the Diamond State Organ Com pany of Wilmington, and Mr. Cooper of a bill to exempt prisoners convicted of mur der in the second degree from the whipplug post. The bill giving the State 10 challenges in capital cases was passed and ß«.*öt to the House. The bills to incorporate the Delaware Lumber Coinpauy, the Springer, Morley A Cause Company, and to repeal the uniform ballot law, were read a secoud time and referred. Mr. Betts introduced the bills to Incorpo rate the Brandywine Catholic Literary Association aud the Wesleyan Female Col lege. On motion of Mr. Roe the Secretary of the State was instructed to make a tabular list of executive appointment* from Janu ary 21, 1879 to January 16, 1883, and sub mit tbe same to the senate. Both Houses iu the afternoon decided to adjourn at noon to-day until Monday next at 4 o'clock. Pined by the M«yl»r At the City Hall last night a young man arrested upon suspicion of hartug been the person who stole some clothing Iront the Western Hotel about two we.*ks ago. waa dismissed, not being identified. Eiden given a private hearing on the charge'of insulting a woman living next door to his residencer. He waa fined $5 and costa. Hagany on Killed by an Overdose^ An unnaracsd colored femalfi child, three weeks old, was killed yesterday by an over dose of paragoric administered by an at tendant. The child was the daughter of Emanuel aud Sarah Brown, living in Guthrie's row in the Second ward. An Old Citizen Gone. On Monday last William P. Megear, aged 77 years, a retired gentleman living in Smyrna, died of malarial fiver. lit* was unmarried, and will be burhro in the Friends burial ground, this city. TBK BKVnOLU CASK. Finit WHne.ii for tlie Defence It*In* Kumlnêd. Yesterday afternoon at the conclusion of Senator Bayard's opening for the defense in the Key bold ca*e Anthony Groves was called as the first witness, lie denied that he was agent for a fact asserted by Mr. in his examination. Witness agent for the Philadelphia Transportation Company, and the defendant company never had an agent in Philadelphia, wbére Groves is stationed. The witness referred to mem orandum for certain points upon which b* was questioned, tv hereupon Mr. Bates ob jected. After some argument the objection was overruled and Mr. Bates noted an ex ception. Mr Groves declared that the relations be tween his company and the plaintiff were harmonious; and they frequently had busl ness dealings with each other. He afterwards testified In substance as follows : The Philadelphia Company occasionally paid wharfage for the New York boats along the Sassafras river. eight boats were naming. There was oppos Itloo In those years and the Philadelphia Company had the Ide char tered that year. She war, ifcver chartered by the New York Company. The Philadel phia Company got all the freights earned by the New York boats during the peac h sea sons. Not a dollar of this money was paid to the New York Company. The Philadelphia Company paid for the running expenses of these boats during the* peach seasons. The Union Company ran in opposition to our boats in 1867. This company bad such boats as Mr. Reybold bod banded oyer to them ; there was much cutting that year; peaches were carried at a variety of prices from 10 cents down to four cents o basket; Anthony Reybold had no boats in 1869; Mr. Keybold had asked witness in 1869 to put boats on the peach 'route, suggesting New York boats. P« nding the decision of the court as to the manner in which witness should refer to hU notes court adjourned uutil this morning. THIS MORNINGS SESSION. Groves was airain on the stand and testi fied to the uumber of boats chartered by Reybold, from 1801 to 1875, and to the amount charged by the company for trans portation. Ho also testified that friendly relations always existed between the com pany and Reybold, and that the latter al ways expressed a preference for the New York boats. Reybold during all of tbls time never complained or showed any dis satisfaction with the accommodation of the line. the defendant. Reybold of wharves by the Iu I «67 nix I a CUT OFF. Tbe Mutual Union's Telephone Discon nected at the Exchange. Last evening trie wire connecting the Mutual Union Telegraph office with the Telephon«* exchange was cut and the tele graph company deprived of tbe use of its telephone. Manager Jervis this morning .-dated that the first intimatiou he had that such action would be taken by tbe telephone company was when he was informed that the wire had been cut. He »ays the step was taken at the instance of the Western Union Telegraph Company, which virtually controls the telephone com pany, aud because of the increase In the business of the Mutual company. The same thing had been done in Ohio and In Newark, N. J., where Injunctions had been procured and the Mutual people allowed the use of the boxes. The managers of the i'ompany had been notified ami no doubt soma action would be taken within a few hours. W.T. Westbrook, manager of the tele phone exchange, stated iu reply to the questions of a reporter, that he had notified Manager Jervis several times that he was violating one ot the terms of the contract upou which the telephones are leased, but trouble was not obviated. Mr. Westbrook bad not taken the step he did until so dtr«;cte<l by the ollicers ol tbe company which he repre«tnLs. There Is an arrangement or agreement between the Western Union Company aud theTelephoue Company concerning messages sent over the telephone wires, for tbe keeping of which he was responsible here. The clause of the agreement made by subscribers to the tele phone exchange, and which is claimed to ÜUV«* been violated by the Mutual Union, U as follows : The right «»f the »ubscriber I» to use th« Instruments aud connecting wires where the Exchange may place them, under such mles as the Exchange may, from ti»ne to time • prescribe, for of personal communication Exehauge and with the parties whom the Exchange may connect with him for that purpose, upou ids and their business; they not to be us»«*d for any toll or considera tion to be paid Ly any person other than the ouhscrlber, nor for performing any part ol the work of collecting, transmitting, or de livering any message iu resoect of which any toll or consideration bas* been or is to be paid to any party other than the Exchange, nor lor transmitting market quotatlouB oi news for sate, publication, or distribution, nor for calling messengers except trom the central office, or performing any other ser vice iu competition with service which the Exchange may undertake to perform. t 5 I I i the purpose with the are A Terrible Injury. Ebin Dish room, a young colored the employ «>f Wallon, Whann A Co., at the phosphate works, was caught in n shaft yea terday whllu oiling th«* machinery. 11b rlglit arm was wrapped around the revolv ing shaft, and completely torn off; 1« aviug a bone about seven inches-in length extending from the shoulder, which was entirely stripped of flesh. The injured man wa* removed t«i tlie office of the. company aud medical aid summoned. Dr. Muull as called to attend the injuries, who aftei examination, decided to amputate what was left of the arm. He was assisted in the operation by Dr. Ilazlett. The condition ol the man was so unfavorable that it was ile i-ided not to remove him until to-day. To day at noou the unfortunate man was re ported 'u a better condition and he was re moved to tue residence of his brother, corner oi Water and . m ,\i streets. Injured on tlie Track. Yestenlay morning about 11 o'clock, John W. White, a breakman on a R., W. an«l B. freight train, was struck by the cars at Chester, aud seriously injured. He was standing on the caboose of his train as it was backing on a siding above the station when he slipped, falling to the track. He was struck by several ears, ami was picked up in an insensible condition. The wounded man was taken to Philadelphia ami placed the Pennsylvania Hospital. White is a married man and resides In the t a-tern part of this city. . j I The NewRiRud at the Station. The booth «if tlie Union News which is being * reeled in the P pa»M*ng«*r ''talion, is nearly completed, and will Im* formully opened next Monday. I it if lent lono. Wamhikotok, Jau. 11.—For the Middle A Hun tic drutes occasional light snow, fol lowed by «leering weather; colder north westerly winds; higher pressure. For the Ohio Valley occasional light suow, followed by clearing weather; colder northwesterly winds: higher pressure. Company, ., W. «Jt B. MEN,WOMEN, CHILDREN BURNED ALIVE IN A DEATH TRAP. SOENEß OF H0EB0R IN A HOTEL. Particular» of the Burnln;; of tbe Newball House, Milwaukee—Exact Loss of Life Not Yet Known. Additional particulars of tbe burning of the NcWhall House, Milwaukee, received tbi* morning, tell a story of horror exceed ing even that of the burning of tbe South ern Hotel In St. Louis. In the building at the time was the Minnie Palmer troupe and Genera] Tom Thumb and his wife, both of whom made narrow escapes. Mrs. John Gilbert, only married two days, was burned to death. tier husband, a member of the Palmer troupe, Is thought to be dying. Many acts ot bravery are reported. The firemen bad great difficulty in raising ladders, owing to the network of tel« wires around the building. John F. AutUdel, principal proprietor,has gone crazy over tbe terrible affair. He ran up and down Michigan ntreet moaning and and crying, "Oh, oh? My God, who set that '•fire!*' Over his head was a black cloth. Whpn he came to tbe mangled body of one of his guests, his ravings were pitiful In the extreme; all efforts to soothe him failed. His sou und partner, James Antisdei, stood, on the street silent and undemonstrative during the fire, as If paralyzed by tUb horror. * THE OlilOIN OF THE FIRE. their egraph Shortly before 4 o'clock three alarms ol fire were sounded iu rapid succession. One was from box 439, corner of Viick and Eighteenth street«; another was a telephone alarm and then followed the ominous sig nal from box 15, this time signaliug that the Newball House was ou fire. When the firemen arrived on the scene it was fourni (hat the fire broke out in the South end of he huge six story building in either the fourth or fifth floor, starting from the South east corner ol the structure, It spread with lightning rapidity, and in It* deadly path human life vanished and dosen* of chirred Inxlie« marked its progress. Iu the twinkle of a moment the whole fire de partment, except tbe chemical engine, which was left to fight the fire on Eighteenth street, was called to the scene. A scene of the utmost terror prevailed. Tbe corridor* were filled with «ieuse «moke and half stupe fied persons were lying across the hallways, while the shriek» of women and the groan* of men filled the air. Those few who* ap peared on the scene did all they could to rescue the bewildered guests, and a great many were ta a' en out entrance and from running along the <»f the the small Broadway front of the building. The fire men went heroically, to work,but it was soon t PPM reut to all that efforts to save the build ing would be fruitless. Attention was then •iirectcd to getting the inmates out of tho building, but how unsuccessful they proved is shown by the appalling death-list. The "jumping'' cloth proved of little assistance. Abouta dozen unfortunates attempted to jump, but rebounded from the telegraph wires, a perfect mass of which surrouuded the two fronts of the building. Meantime the whole building had become enveloped in fiâmes, and terrific volumes of tire and smoke shot with lightning-like rapidity through tho roof and high up into the morning olr. The fire had started in the barement of the building near the eleva tor shaft, through which it had spread from floor to floor, ho that fiâmes were issuing from ail parts of the building at once. At 5 o'clock the hotel was a mass of roaring (lames, and before the relief engines from Chicago arrived ..he fire had spent its force and was under control. Regarding the origin of the fire Mr. An tisdcl said : The night watchman saw the fire first, but before be could do anything the flames shot up the elevator igniting every door. I was awakened by the noise and rushed out be lore the building filled with fiâmes and smoke and people flying lor their lives. After saving my wife i tried to 6ave othera. I met my father aud mother in their night clothes and tried to get them to leave the buildiinr, but father was apparently out of hi« head- He sold he was bound to go into th«* flames to save the building, hut by orce I got him into the street, and being afraid that If I let him go he would again enter the the flames, conducted him by force dowu Michigan street. When near the alley some fell from the upper floor to the ground i few feet away and caused him to bPtetne frenzied. front oklcony THE DEAD AND WOUN'DXD. The following is tbe list ot the burned and iujured so far as has been made out : Dead—Mary Anderson, servant; Annie Brown, servant; Bessie Brown, chamber maid; Mary Bums, servant; Murr Burke, chambermaid; Libbie Challis, dressmaker, *»f this city; August Gesa, servant; Mrs. John Gilbert, who wus married oniy two lays ago to an actor iu the "Minnie Pal mer" troupe. Her home is Cnicago; W. A. Hall, miller, of Laporte, Md ; J. H. Ilougs, commercial travel«*r, of Peoria, IT.; C. Howey, r-onducloron the Wisconsin Central railroad; — Iowa; Allen Johnson, commission merchant of this city. Both he and his wife Jumped from the window aud were killed; Liexlo Kelley, servant; Mrs. Kelley, servant; Chos. Kelsey, attendant on Tom Thumb; Kate* Lluehan, servant; Mary Me Dade, s«*rvant; Mary McMaun, servant; Bridget O'« ontidl. hall girl of Du Prairie, Wis.; Mrs. O'Neil, servant; Maggie Owens, chambermaid; D. G Powers, inventor, of this* city; Muggio Sullivan, servant; Ben Van Haag, fireman, •»truck by a falling telegraph pole; Thomas E. Van Loan, capitalist, formerly of Albany, N. Y., but sine * a restdeut ol this city; OtUe Waltersdorf, kitchen girl; Catharine* Mona han, waitress. Injure«l—Mrs. L. W. Browu;Kate Connors, servant, of Doylestown, Pa.; W.T. Durand, Insuranc«; agent; Maggie Finnegan, servant, Walter Gilleland, bell-boy; William Gillc land, elevator-boy; Bradley Kellogg, com mission merchant of Ashton, Dak.; William McKenzie; Mary Mack, Chicago; —— Meu telle, railway employe; n«îer, of this city; Judge G. II. Reed, form«. « *7 r'f Manitowoc; - Scott, rail way empl«*ye; i«. O. passiuiger agent of the Lake 81)ore and Micliig^A «Southern railroad; Professor W. T. Tomlins, Chicago; Gaptaln James Vose, United States Knci neer. Huff, insurance agem of New'hall, engi THE .OHÄ. be asccrtalne«l I«, a» was state«! yestvrffay, about $300,000, and la suppose«! to be nearly covered by insurauet. 1 lie lot-» so far ; THK RUINS. Crow «Is Gatlieriu^ A round ttio Hu rued Uotel--t ugine» at Work. Milwaukee, Jul. 11.—The neighbor hood of the fire Is by no means deserted this morning. Engine* arc still throwing volumes of water on tlie ruins. Crowds of spectator», eager to look on th» ghastly scene, began gathering at day light. it is expected that sometime to-day the ruina will be cool enough to search lor dead bodies. The accumulation of ic«ï and ashes on every projecting point has made the scene weirdly fantastic and it requires but a slight effort of imagination to se«* a dead body ~ outstretched arms on every object.