T KKHltU.R FAIX. „ Kotei Mlnetel 1 fr»"* M» To?» „t h nullding. A Carpenter' _ tie.rnool, London and Globe Insur ^n^lmanv « erAtlng on Walnut «tteet, C °F(»urth, Phil ad elpbl», a slx-.toty 1* 9* „«tending through to Harmony building. . ler wc() of acaffoldlng on the r° ttrt - At cover« the rear face to the roof Igttcr * trt ... Walnut street front haa not .orntec. . t)i(! wcond «tory. Carpen * JV » rnat work a hundred feet abOTe the footway lla rn i on y ca " rt ubout R . °' , lock !3L afternoon. The men who were •'" fo mortar in the cellar near the hack '"'^"„rc protected from the falling S Ä by a thick shedding , Minier one of the carneirters, 47 t.l Älngat No. #08 Race street, y e4 ? u iiiigfttep and fell from a acafTold. Hh comrade« saw him clutch convulsively ' t TÎ,c j dc»c"t l, wi«' i made with frightful S then *»• projected with frightful mo Sni through the shedding, breaking tin. hoards to fragments. The frightened Jut mixers fled in great »f ight, bellev rtliat the huildiDg was falling down, homer's inangled body tumbled upon a S hrieks. A lady who wa. aittlng at Ihr upper window of a restaurant oc U, opposite Side of Harmony court who witnessed the accidont fainted. The workmen returned to thespot where Draper had fallen and discovered that be was ter riiilv mangled and Insensible. Blood was »ting from his nostrils, mouth and ears; . 1 « scalp was torn and bleeding and his lege pill arias were found to be so badly frac u nd by the concussion that the bones pro ruded through the fleeh. A wagon was , rerun'll and flic sufferer was removed to 1„. Pennsylvania liosplUI. Several riba found to he crushed. Draper died at 7 ['dock last evening. Ulli'P Bobbed or Her finir. Iw n March 14.—Mrs. Elizabeth ALl.EN'K ijiiitl, und her daughter Mary, aged 1«, hi uiiv the same room in their home, on jonlo'n street, this city. A father and a ÛU of Mrs. Smith occupy an adjoining f(0m . 'l he family retired at 11 o'clock last light auil were undisturbed until they awoke hi- morning. Mrs. Smith then discovered hut the doors bad been unlocked and that had been in the house. While in restiçattoK the discovery her daughter :\v,)kc and was horrified to flud that her onir braid of black hair, which grew isually thick and rich, had been cut off luritig the night. The hair was her especial )riiie ami to lose it was a source of great rrief to her. She complained of a feeling )t iluIlncsH and headache and, with Mrs. huitli, showed signs of having been drugged. It D supposed the tnief entered the house, ihloroforuied a watchdog aud the mother luil daughter and then cut off the hair with l knife or razor. There are no clues to the [Hr;'trator. Tho hair when braided nearly t .rec feet long. hiev .iiniLwr Camp In Winter, who cut and haul lumber are h The ini* fearfully exposed In severe weather, and al hougli hardy and rugged, are sometimes aid a*hle from duty. Mr. Randall, of (utfuMa, Maine, who Is extensively engaged n lia* lumbering business, writes that one if his men attacked with a terrible sore liront. >o that they thought he would die. Inv •administered Perry Davis'» Pain i:i i i u. both internally and externally. In the sufferer was relieved, and the uxt «lay he was at work as usual. MORNING SUMMARY. William 8. Perot, a well-known citizen )f Philadelphia, died yesterday in the 82d rear of his age. Tin* stationery, pictures ami fanev goods tore ï»! W. E. Seebold, in New Örleaus, ra- burin* 1 out on Tuesday. Loss $.10,00(1. The President, while still somewhat fell, received a large number of visitors fester*lay. and be is attending to his official lit TL** n iiitraut lor furnishing hardware for F . ourt house und post office iu Philadel hiu has been awarded to Hopkius & Dlek ueonnf Newark, New .Jersey, lor $4,230. Samuel Ruth, defaulting cashier of the lashiujrtou Savings Hank at Washington, A wu> ludlcted yesterday on four charges "'»rgery und seven of lareeny preferred y his employers. Colonel John 8. Chandler of the Gov rtorV stall', i ff dangerously if not fatally ijun-il by jumping Irorn a train at Atlanta, n Tuesday nigut. Both his legs were cut as severely injured In the head, fail Winner, at St. Puul, Minnesota, shot iuu* Levi yesterday morning and then shot iufeelf fatally. The wounds of Miss Levi dangerous. Thu opposition of the 'J 1 ' father to their marriage was the cause » the footing. About a week ago Governor Crittenden arJom-ii Irom the Missouri penitentiary uanmet* Hite, who was sentenced to 25 ta ' s huprisoument as one of the Jesse g. Hite was taken home and i"l «ni Monday. Kurtz, one of the injured by the rplu.-ion in the William Penn Colliery, at OMaiidoali, Pennsylvania, last Monday, 'w Yesterday morning. Henry Bissel, blown a distance of 30 yards, is »jHM'teu to recover. Ai the meeting ol the Baltimore Confer « 01 \e ^ Church South, in Charlcs l ' fit Virginia, yesterday, Bishop i CUt ' 111 a, > address, said that it would be "'in iitabb* day for the Church when the ' ti«»u of preachers Is coutlned to educat cd : .. i. ï , VI< wV avj8 Wa6 ycaterday morning mar 88 Burr, at Fayetteville, ' 1 ( arolinu. Judge Otto was grooms J1 "im M iss ( ; reene, daughter of Congress ne, the bridesmaid. The bride Is , -of age. The happy couple (U[ Wteville in the evening on a bridal '*•■. an | r llIon ' ^ ew '^ eri 'ey, last night,Henry ... A , tt Kt*(l 15 years, drew a small revol u , J; Pointing it at Charles Durgan ( urn trigger. The revolver did not . al hough loaded, but It seems that, kj 'j, . ( ! us experiment,Vaughn expected ndth λ P° inted the Pistol at himself mil.- \ «.! Was dkchnrged and entered ranli .1 e!t eye ' CttUlJ l n g a dangerous ÖUUÜ. one of the captured enit S ". r 10 ^Plooh® faction iu the Indian 01 ''y® 8 killed at Ockmulgee last in-ri. t° escape from jail. Two tn pm , „.J* 16 faction have also btfiri. ii ^neir deaths have aroused ii* * UIJ ^ raea aro rejxjrted to if the ( ii 0,1 0®kmulgee. General Porter bem uiti tue P art y» kas gone out to meet nu an equal number. eniÄ U>, V >'. ester day, the Supreme Court e., 1 . ,, r a 'b 'Jsion against the Merchants' t'IvlUhîffin? n ^'tk e bank to restore to a ', worth of securities which her nonfv '. . J( *l j °sited as collateral for n ,!r U , llc '; d > au(1 which, having been lie necessitated the sale of totk , V 1 ! Thü Court hela that "the Utlii'iJ, ' nll(l6 w u8t > »'° POrly deallDK wlth th0 eck i oat i u largest RETAIL STOCK OF DRY GOODS, htii t1uw1,h iuue & Clothier, ÏW ,N Drt Hoods Exclusively, iq bth and Market Strmts, Philadelphia. f armer» anil utn.r. ïy *hi?hY e . l,t ^. 1 ' lucratlve »fÇnnoy bualneae, U) tao a Uay can be earned,send too postal, to H. C. Wilkin ^ork. * ^ an J 197 Fulton street New „ 'terrible Suffering«, why Buffalo. N. It .—1 bave a r ul *Mvl,"/!? r8<1 terribly. I purchased a P r « s ult or i, l ' av 2 rlte lTeserlptlon." and, as I " l,s use, she 1« perfectly wel\. Ur. . ■' BAILEY, Burdett, N. Y. Medical Dtioovery" and pcureeeSK^n. ,U,t '" pur1 ^ ANOTHER CRANK. A PennaylvHiiiM ■.«eIhIhOo A trat,* or Ilelng Huruod After Uentli. Senator Nelson, ol'tho Pennsylvania Leg l»l»lare, bu Introduced the following hlfl, which haa created a little ripple of sensation In that State: # An Art to prevent the tmmin// or cremating after death. Whereas, there the counties of this Com of human hodit x exist« in one of monwealth what is known an a furnace for the burning or cremating of deceased human bodies; and whereas, such bodies are gener ally imported from other State« for crema tion, and the practice is contrary to the tu stincts of humanity, tho Christian civiliza tion of the age, and abhorent to the masses of the people of the Stab*. Therefore, Be it enacted, etc., That from and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful for any person or iiersoiis to burn or cremate the body of any deceased human being as a substitute for burial. Section 2. That any person or persons offending or violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall he liable to indictment, and upon con viction shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $500, nor more than $1000, and to undergo Imprisonment In separate and solitary confinement at labor for not less than one year, nor more than three years, or both, at the discretion of the Court. "Hough on Rsta" Clears out rata, mice, roaches, flies, ant«, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. IB cents. Druggist«. The Recedlug Mississippi. The Mississippi river continues to decline at Memphis and Helena, and those cities again in telegraphic communication with each other. A telegram from Helena says "the backwater from White river, uniting with the overflow from the Hubbard and Old Town breaks, has submerged a large region of country In the Beaver Bayou and Lower Big Creek section, which was never before known to be Inundated from any cause. Owing to these hitherto high points ha vine* always withstood overflows no stock was driven out; consequently there has been absolute annihilation of every kind of live stock, together with a large uumber of deer and other game. Two cabins, occupied, oue by white and the other by colored families, suddenly disappeared from the mouth of the bayou during 1 oue night last week and no tidings of the occupants have suppoeitlc been heard since. The all perished." is that That Husband of Mine Is three times the man hs was before he be K in using "Wells' Health Renewer. $1 ruggists. If Nearly Dead after taking some highly puffed-up stuff, with long testimonials, turn to Hop Bitters, and have no fear ol any Kidney or Urinary troubles, Bright's Disease, Diabetes or Liver Complaint. These diseases cannot resist the curative power of Hop Bitters; be sides it is the best family medicine on earth. A Card, To all who aro «uttering from the errors of In discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., 1 will send a cine that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary In South America. Send a self-ad dressed envelope to the KEY. JOSEPH T. INMAN. Station D, New York City. tts-w DIPHTHERIA HAS HO CHANCE WHEN TREATED WITH Perry Dam's Pain Killer This wonderful remedy has saved the lives of many, many children who were almost dead with DIPHTHERIA. g 8. Henry Wilson, Lawrence. Moss., nays-' I ho aurkeons pronounced my cane Dijth i therm, and decided tliut no remedies could j i reach It. Perry Davis'» Pain Killer saved my LlbeounLoach, Nashua, N. H., aays: "Ihad painters' colic and dlpbtlieretlc sore throat very . •severely. Pain Killer drove both away." DRUGGISTS ALL KEEP IT. 1 'HE PUBLIC IS REQUESTED CARE FULLY to notice the new and enlarged scheme to We drawn monthly. •«"CAPITAL PRIZE, |7S, 000.1» Tlckiits, only |ö. öl wires lu proportion. A * 4 Louisiana State Lottery Co. "We do hereby certify that arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, and In person manage and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same ducted with honesty, falruess, aud in good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the this certificate, with fac-slinle&^of supervise the i on puny t« our signatures attached, in Its advertisements." Commissioners. ears by the Leglsla aritable purposes— ' a reserve Its franchise Constitntioii lncorpurated In 1868 for 26 V* turc for Educational and Cn with a capital of |1,000, 000 —to which fund of «660,000 has since been added. By an «jverwhelmlng popular vote was ma«h! a part «f the present State adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. Tlie only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. It never »rale» or postpone* ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWINGS take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. FOURTH GRAND DRAWING, CLASH I), AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, APRIL 10th, 1883. —166th Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT FIVE DOLLARS EACH. FRACTIONS, in FIFTHS in PROPORTION. LIST or PRIZK8: . « 76,000 . 26,000 . 10,000 . 12,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 20,000 . 80,000 . 26,000 . 26,000 1 CAPITAL PRIZE. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE. 2 Prises of 6 Prizes of 10 Prizes of 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 800 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 1,000 Prizes of 6,000 0 1,000. ■V« aoo •a. APPROXIMATION PRIZES: 9 Approximation Prizes of «760. ... 9 " •• 600.... . « 6,760 . 4,600 . 2,260 1,967 Prizes, amounting to. «286,600 Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the company In New Orleans. For further Information, write clearly, giving fhll address. Send orders by express or Regls Money Order, addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. Or, M. A. DAUPHIN, at 607 Seventh Street, Washington. D. C. B.— Iu the Extraordinary Semi-Annual Drawing of next June the Capital Prize will be tered letter, s reblt-ditWWB* SIGNIFICANT SPRING. A Dissertation Upon Its Ad • vent and Its Effect Upon Mankind. "The green leaf of the neweome Spring"—Shak. Everybody recognizes spring, when it onde upon us, but many persons familiar with the exact date of it* appear Webster, the world-renownod fexico not ance. grapher gives us a definition, which may not he Inappropriate here. "Spring," says he, "is the season of the year when plants begin to vegetate and riae; the vernal season,com prehending the months of March, April and May, In the middle latitudes north of the equator. Thomson In his "Seasons" and Shakspeare In many of his works, have, perhaps, no peers '.u describing It, and yet "etlierial spring" la freighted with malaria, "that In-, •idlous foe, lurking unseen In the very air we breatb,e." It spreads over th* fairest portions of our lands; brings death and dis ease to thousands; cats off scores u of our children and youth, as wel In advanced life. A pestilence Is regarded with little lees apprehensien, and people everywhere are asking "What le It?" "Where does It come from ?" "What will cure It?" m scores as those KIDNEY-WORT AB A SPRING MEDICINE. When you begin to lose appetite—have headache, a pain In your side, back and shoulders—to toss about at nights in rest less dreams—wake in the morning with foul mouth and furred tongue—feel disin clined to go about your work, heavy In body and oppressed in mind—have a At of the blues—when your urine gets scanty or high colored—to suffer with constipation, diarr hoea, or indigestion—have a pasty, sallow face, dull eyes and a blotched skin —one >/ these common complaints will cer tainly be evidences that your liver is disor dered, torpid or perhaps diseased. A bottle of Kidney-Wort Is, under such circum stances, a priceless boon to such a person. Bare assertions of proprietors have come possess less force than they frequently merit. The cause of this condition of popu lar skepticism, is, in the main, to be found in the fact that charlatanism covers onr broad land. Meritorious articles are too frequently found In bad company. The proprietors of Kidney-Wort always prove all their assertions , touching the merits of their preparations. When we affirm, therefore, that Kidney-Wort is a specific for just such disorders as have been mentioned In this article, the proof, too, belongs to and shall follow this statement. all o to A physician's experience. Dr. K. K. Clark, a regular physician of extensive practice in Grand Isle county, and a worthy deacon of the Congregational Church* at South Hero, Vt., has used Kid ney-Wort. for several years In his practice, and before the present proprietors pur chased an Interest in it, he had given his un biased opinion in Its favor. This opinion has not changed. il R has done better than any other remedy that I have ever used," says the doctor, and further on he writes : "I do not recollect an instance where the pa tient to whom I have given it has failed to receive benefit from its use, and in some severe cases most decidedly so." These are strong words. They are from a representa tive, conscientious, ever-approachable pub lic citizen, However, and—better still—they arc true. Kldüey-Wort will bear all the enconiums lavished upon it by its friends—and their name Is legion. "/ will swear by Kidney Wort all the time,'' writes Mr. J. R. Kauff man, of Lancaster, Pa. We will supple ment this by asserting, as a matter of fact, and one capable of demonstration, that all honest patrons of this remedy are its friends and advocates. rii "A DR. A. RUSSELL, Office 515 TATNALL STREET, Wilmington, Del. Twenty years experience in the treatment of all NERVOUS AND CHRONIC DISEASES of both sexes with purely Concentrated Veg etable Medicines, such as diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Blood and Urinary Organs, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Skin, Eyes, Ears, Heart, Stomach, Bowels, etc. TAPE and all other worms re moved In a few hours without fasting or sickness. Consultation free. Hours, 0 a, m., to 8 p.m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 4 p. in. No exhorbitant charges. Janl-l M 'V « V * DR. Wm «ELtl BEFORE—AND — AFTER Electric Appliance« art lent on 30 Diyi* Trial. TO MEN ONLY, Y0UNQ OR OLD, X1THO are suffering from N «avons DaaiLmr, W Lost Vitality,^ Lack 0» Nkbvk Fobci Aim Vioor, Wastwo Weaknesses, and all those diseases of a Personal Natur» resulting Oxii kb Cadsbs. Speedy relief and complete resto ration of Health, ViaoR and Manhood Ouarantekd. The grandoRt diucovory of the Nineteenth Century, ud at once for IUostrated Pamphlet free. Address VOLTAII IUT «0-, MAIIHAU, M10H. disea ses and & BALL'S 'Health Corset I» increasing In larlty every day. as flud it the M(»8T rORTABLK and PER FECT FITTING corset ever worn. Merchants say it gives the best sat isfaction of any corset they ever said. Warranted satisfactory or money refunded. —FOR BALK ONLY BY— R. L. RUSSELL, 816 Market ßtreet. Œ; COM febl4-3-20 JJEFFNKR'S Oyster Bay and Dining Saloon —Basement ol— m MARKET STRIKT. cm J a. a., to Ulnlf ht^^ ^ CLOTunro. riV x t> It I Please Show me Overcoat ? an Our figure represents the cautious man, who will not expose himself unprotected to the treacherous March weather. Light-Weight Overcoats, splen did assortment, from $10.00 to $30.00 A. C. YATES & CO. * -LEDGER BUILDING Chestnut and Sixth Streets, PHILADELPHIA. ml-84 We Have the Latest Styles of Suitings and Trowser ing now on hand. Our spring stock is complete in our Cus tom Uepartmeut, and many of our PATTERNS IMPORTED DIRECT FOR US, and can not be duplicated elsewhere. We have marked prices to sell our goods, and mean to please you, trusting to receive your order at an early date. We have many bargains in our Ready-made Department, and some new styles already to show y pu. We mean to retain you as our patron and make your friends our customers. Wilmington Clothing House and Merchant Tailoring Estab lishment, Fourth and Market streets. Jno. W. Diefendokf & Co. LiyilOM UK.Al.KHH. JOHN F. DOLAN, No. fi W est Third Street. -Lead» In C'lioice WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Ovulera In every style. feb27-8m-14 jyCKINSON A BRO. ALL NIGHT HOUSE, N. W. COR. FRONT AND WALNUT STS. »horte»! DOLAN'S, 6 West Tliml street. Served. Wilmington, Delaware. d of Wine», Liquors A choice hi al way» and Cigars iiiri-uiuH QRANGE GROVE PURE RYE WHISKY. —IN FACT— THKPUKBST, RICHEST AND BKHT HYK WllISKY EXTANT, bottle. liy the gallon JAMES A. KELLY 1 Uniform In quality Absolutelypure rye. A reliable stimulant S. W. COR. TENTH AND ORANGE STS> cb and delicate In flavor. and safe tonic. mvS-ly-26 E HOLD IN STORE AND IN U. 8. BONDED WAREHOUSES w lit. A. Overholt A Co., Jununry 1879 and June 1880. A. Uuckenhclmer A Itro., Slay U79. John Gibson. Hon A Co.,May 1879 and June 1880. llannls Distilling Co., Augu»t 1979. Sherwood, November 1»79 and June 18S0. Nc versink (Beading, Pa.,) February, 1890. Mt. Vernon, May, 1880. The above go jds will be sold either iu bond or tax paid at the lowest market rates. Samples at this »lore. NO. 103 MARKET STREET. my5-20 pure whiskies from the following celebrated tlllerles' may be FRANCIS KELLY 400. J OHN P. DONAHOE, -BOTTLER OF AND SOLE AGENT OF WILLIAM MA88EÏ A (JO.'8 PHILADELPHIA Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, —ALSO— e Ue.^brated Bartholomay Uecliester Beer. ncqualled for purity and on hand In kegB or Mineral waters lu all the diflerent flavors. 'he brewings flavor; constantly bottled. b «7 AND 519 ORANGE STREET, WILMINGTON, DEL. 49**Polite and accommodât lug drivers. Orders ny mall promptly attended to. He Is also connec ted with the Telephone Exchange, and his signal Is--%* myl-18 (Q08MOPOLITAN HOUSE 200 WEST SECOND ST., WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. CHOICE LIQUORS AND SEGARS. THE BEST LAGER IN THE CITY. Warm Lunch every morning and Saturday ulght. A H AUBER, nov24-8in-20 PROPRIETOR. IIGKIE LlQU R] 8ÜNUAY HTAM ^UBSGRIBR Ff it THE SUNDAY STAR 11 c . A1IVRKTISK IX THE SUNDAY STAR, 44 —Tl K— Only Sunday Newspaper — IN WILMINGTON. All the Local — A Nl*— Telegraphic News ! Strictly Non-Partisan. SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM. "THE STAR ?? Is servftd to subscribers roughout the city early on Sunday mornings at the moderate price of TWELVE CENTS A MONTH. FÀYABLE AT THE END OF THE MONTH. SINGLE COPIES, THREE CKNT8 NO. 602 K.JJSTG ST ADDKKSh J. B. BELL, t MIHVJSLLANMOUa. MESSRS. BOUCHE, FILS polnt»d York, beg leave to Inform . J O H N M E A L E Y, 205 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, i heir agents t.ir tin* sale «I - their taiuuua brand* 'iiatcr.-il < hump: NAPOLEON'S CABINET (Dry). ill Double Mag in m, Magnum«, louait, Pint »•1 Half-Pint Bottles, Ml MAXIMUM (Very !>''I',) Double Mug S Magnums, (juart I Pint Dot . lea. THE "DRYVERZENAY in Quart and Pint Bottles. Is naturally sweet and Is recommended by the French Medical inBtuute tor cases of sickness. |an 20 -tf -45 JAS. F. WOOD & CO TIN AND SHEET IRON ROOFING Metal Work and Jobbing of Every Description. Stoves, Heaters, Ranges and the "Favorite Heater JAMES F. WOOD & CO., FRONT AND ORANGE STS., WILMINGTON, DEL. 11 fet)20-tt8-42 REMO VAL ! hrom S. W. Cor. to A. E. Cor. Fifth and King Sts. WHERE W2 HAVE OPENED A NEW Steam Marble and Granite Works. Our Wareroom Contains the Largest and Choicest Selection of MONUMENTS, STATUARY, TOMBS, MANTELS, ETC., Ever offered in Delaware, made expressly for our new wareroom from the newest designs and at the lowest prices. DAVIDSON & BRO. oct7-86-tf JOHN MEALEŸ. NO. 205 MARKET STREET. WILMINGTON, DEL. Sole Agent for State of Delaware lor WERNER & CO.'S Champagne ine, PRICE LIST. Per Case 12 Qta. 24 Pts. $7.00 1111 $8.00 DISCOUNT IN QUANTITIES. 5 Cases 10 Cases 25 Cases ft per cent. 10 per cent. 15 per cent. IMPORTED BELFAST GINGER ALE. BASS ALE. BROWN 8TOUT. IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS. Pure Rye Old Star Whisky, Diamond O Whisky. E. C. G. GREENMAN & CO., 411 MARKET STREET AND 408 SHIPLEY STREET. In connection with our largp and well selected stock of Wall Paper and Window Shàdes, we are displaying a large and elegant stock of Holiday Goods, which have been selected with great care. Our stock includes Dinner and Tea Sets in every style ; Hall and Library Lamps ; Bronze and Bisque Figures ; ornaments of every descrip tion. Also a full line of Glass and other wares, etc., etc., which we will sell at very low rides. Do not fall to call and examine aur stock before purchsing elsewhere. E. C. G. GREENMAN & CO. E. C. G. GREENMAN. decD-tta-tf-OO GEORGE W. GOODLEY. C II EAP JOHN. No. 416 Market Street, Still holds forth as of yore, with sto*e filled with goods at prices that are astonishing. Tinware in great variety ; Crocker of all kinds in all grades, from one piece to thou sands, and numberless useful goods. Give him a trial and prove that you are dealing with CHEAP JOHN, 416 Market Street i i ocm-Sm -21 American Watch and Clock Depot, No. 11 North Second Street, (above Market) Philadelphia. A LARGE ASSORTMENT AND SMALL PRICKS. AEÿ^Look at some of the prices : Ladles' Solid Gold American Lever Watches, Gents' Solid Gold American Lever Watches, Ladles' Solid Gold Watehes as low as One-day Clocks, «1.00 up. «22 00 30 00 12 09 Might-day waluut Clocks, «3.00 up. i hand of of solid gold and best rolled plated Jewelry glasses and spectacles. Repairing of all kinds done 8. PICARD, No. 11 NORTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A large stock oi plated ware, opera and chains. Solid silver aud in a skillful mauuer. «TF. 8.—Every arMcl* warrante«! represented. novio-ly Or. „ CLARK JOHNSON?! Indian Blood Syrup 1 Cures all diseases of the Stomaoh, Liver. B Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood I Millions testify to its effioaoy in heal ■ing the above named diseases, and pro "a/ nounoe it t obe the BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. Gu aranteed to cure Dyspepsia. VA GENTS VANTED.'H Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New York Oily. Druggists sell it TRADE MARK