Newspaper Page Text
— D— --—. (Sazctt^ A (EaraausHto i" t W.) "You tbe Rev. Irom could woods remember In June, county, stay then* miles the the yards grove. illled, as I took a there nished short planks these dressed checks. reputation as I As he rapidly S Dg I hair.' with concluded PUBLISHED EVERY DAY', EXCEPT SUNDAY bell Ac TAYLOR, Phm.1 Edit««* 11 Of tut City Afiivcseo by CahhiHi* _ Ä CtsT« ff« Wir R, O« Tw«*Tv-Five Ccnre ff« Month, Payahis to thé Rcguias Authoiwzco COUJCTOR, «NO TO NO OTH8P. at TMt tAlWNt»* Off ic«. BY mail. . . $3.00 0m via*. . • » M ft)l IfcwNTMh. . T«Mf Month« . . 80 fta atifiNCM C*mc* and EwToaiAt Rooms a!£ oon WfLMlNf TON TetBPHONf 6f* New* o« Advent Uta« NTs i uetween MCTftD at or 7 A. a. an» 8 p. r Letter* anq Tei«<J*A*a to THIC UAZKTTE, WlLMMMtwa, Oku 0} .2, WILMINGTON, ftATVBOAT, MARCH 1Î. m n Knterpriaa. Wilmington BumIi No more marked improvemeot has taken pl»ci> lu Wilmington during the pMt five yi-arx th,n is eTtdenred In mercantile husL lice« and the many large and handsome es tablishments are convincing proof of the rapid strides that have been taken In this direction. The entire appearance of Market street has been changed, and the old represented Horded the 'noggin.' what small whiskey pulling bottoms the his Am gregatiou noggin, The him, and knee. washed water, crash and, feet just the front those sister her sister iu the that landmarks solid but slow progress of the past have giveu way to palatial houses that display the taste and twleut as well as the indomi table spirit of the owners. This is not only a gratifying evidence of our general prosperity, but it stand« forth prominently as a living advertisement of public city's industrial products the entire civilized world, our mercantile terpri»e. While the lame of the spread over dependent upon a more eircu interests bcrlbed limit for custom and support, aud must therefo.e enjoy close relations with the general buyer. By liberal and judicious advertising they attract buyers from city aud country who aré pleased and delighted appearance of these places of business, even before they dis cover the numerous profitable bar gains offered for their consideration.* Thus, thebe stores give reputation to the city as well as prosperity to their owner«, and are objects of pride to every citizen who passes their doors. Buch establishments as the dry good stores of »harp, Kenuard, Crosby A Ilill, Worrell, Speucer anil Russell, the va of Adams «X Brother, Cleland's the at «eat noggin a near from sister more before riety st shoe store, Humphrey's hat store, Ball Co.'s and Greenman's wall paper palaces,the clothing houses of Dlefendorf, Moore, Mul tailoring Ash, ts gan Ho and Lieberman, the establishments of Carson and the drug stores of Belt und Bring!»urst, Lawton's china bazaar, the grocery stores of Allinond A Co. and Gillespie, the photo graph galleries of Sutterly, Garrett and Beecher, the marble and statuary show rooms of Davidsou A Brother, and many other places we might meutlon, are a credit to the city and a striking evidence of the advanced position we are taking iu the mercantile world. How A of Stephen few out Capitol uud lic the lie as place there throwu and from ing always ÎXT of the Middletown value, from would old good was hand lull heir the few One to lias It Democrats of Maryland, in It is also gratifying to know that the spirit of improvement in this direction giv indication of flagging, and that other iin portant improvement« on Market and other b usines* will be consummated during the coming Wilmington is growing iu all re no : in contemplation and ♦sets summer. Fpects and it will not be many years ere its mercantile Interest* will vie with the tnauu factories in extending it« reputation and « redit among all men. A CORKESTON' Transcript, referring to the representation amendment to our State Coii8titution,favor8 the proposed Increase, in the lower House aud the nation of a separate district out of the eity ol Wilmington, for the reason that this would practically amount, to a division of the county. On the Senatorial question, however, the correspondent decidedly op poses the proposition of dividing the Sena the three counties, for that it would allow four Seuators tors equally betw the rea« counties, and only two to each of t lie New Castle district«, eh of the two low« t.L which would he equivalent to counties as as far as representation is concerned. are many This objection is pertinent others that could tie urged against the pro pissed amendment, but people should member that in the matter of increased representation New Castle county eaunotex peet to get all she asks for at the first change de in «»ur State system. The adoption of the pending amendment will be a radical ver the existing system, and it will form a Gabst au liai baMs for future agitation, be kept up uutil the question is advan which c completely and satisfactorily settled. LeA1>1N( of ihe serious troubles that have vi existed in their party ranks, are casting about for a plan to reconcile their various differences. The State election takes place this year, aud although there is a substantial Democratic Maryland it is not be easily frittered away lactional lights. The prospects of harmony are good, however, and this once securer the Democrats will sweep the State in their usual handsome manner. ajority iu large but that it c divisions aud tl Tue State aud Peulnsula journals that copied the Conference appointments from the Morniny Xem badly fooled their read ers in many of the rural charges. 01 the Wilmington papers the Gazette aud Every Evening alone published correct lists of the appointments. The charity concert in the Opera House this eveuiug, for the benefit of two Catholic orphan asylums is a worthy object and will most acceptable mode of celebrate prove ing the natal day of Ireland's patron saint. It should be attended uy a large audience. The country weeklies having all had a poke at Wiggins, the distinguished false prophet, will now have a rest, papers The BalUmore Day is fast becoinlug the favorite journal ol that city, and its merit« are attested by a daily circulation of nearly t welve thousand copies. far as the concerned. , cloak*, coats, stocking* and all ««fully with the lor*. ' Only 10c. AwDrt garment? b«? colored d Dyes. Fashionable If Nearly l>e»«l after takiug some highly puffed-up stuff, with long testimonial«, turn to Hop Bittere, d have no fear of any Kidney or Urinary Diabetes or diseases cannot power of Hop Bitters; be family medicine on earth. troufiies, Bright's Disease, Liver Complaiut. resist the curative sides it is the best rOOT-WASBINO. A Peculiar KwllgloiiH CuHtuiu ConllnoU to llie N«utli »»id W«*t. [SI. Louis KeputttU ailJ, fog?"-Said t mtniator "You never ttew a tbe Rev. Joseph BoWfn, 4? Ba Irom Tennessee, to » reporter. "Then you could not hav« travftied much In the baci woods 8(*ctioœ of tbe South and Weal. 1 remember seeing one at Randolph, Tenn., In June, 1877. Randolph is in Tippon county, on tbe Mississippi bluffs. I had to stay there over Sunday, and learning that then* wa» a meeting at Salem church, six miles away, I borrowed a horse aud rode to the place. The church, butlt of logs, with the cracks daubed, sat back about W0 yards from the road In the middle of a grove. Inside the seats were already well illled, aud every head iu the church turned as I entered. I shrank Into ajcorner and took a seat as quickly as possible. In fVout there were a lew bench»*» made of unvar nished poplar, but the. supply tailing short the demand had beeu met by planks laid these I sat down dressed iu a cotton gown with broad yellow checks. The minister had well-earned his reputation of being a 'powerful exhorter,' as I found when he commenced his sermon. As he warmed to bis work he walked rapidly from side to side of the pulpit, otop S Dg occasionally, as in a thundering voice I warned his unconverted hearers that they 'hanging over hell-fire by a single hair.' to deal resounding blows to the Bible with hit fist by way of emphasis. When he concluded he took a long crash towel and At the side of To-day years in shut is petent ol and which ought class even tages trade most with lady just larly fate We we of Bust a boxes. On one of next to a portly lady, m n Horded it around his waist, the pulpit was a bucket of water and a 'noggin.' If you don't happen to know what a noggin la I may explain that it ia a small tub a size larger than a plggin. This had been constructed by sawing a whiskey keg in half. When the preacher commenced pouring water into it an old gentleman in the amen corner commenced pulling off hi* Iirogaus and rolling up the bottoms of his trousers. "'Will some brother raise a hymn V asked the miuUter, and the brother, who now had his shoes off aud was engaged with his home-knit cotton sock*, raised one : 'I Am a Soldier of the Cross,' dnd gregatiou joined he put both feet iu the noggin, which had beeu set before him. The preacher squatted down iu front of him, rubbed his hands around over the feet and up and down Ids shins half way to the knee. When the brother thought they were washed enough he held them up out of the water, aud the parsou wiped them on the crash towel. Then the and, having pulled off his shoes, had his feet washed by the brother to whom he had just ministered. All who wished to join iu the ceremony had taken possession of the front seats—the mourners' benches. Among those who had gone up had been the portly sister by whom I sat. The uoggiu c her uext and she washed the feet of the sister next to her. having lier own washed iu turn. When all the feet the c parson sat down ! tO the frout bathed the water in the emptied out the back door «eat had be«* noggin a fresh supply brought- in from the well near tbe "hurch. The noggin passed around from brother to brother and from sister to sister ior an hour, and in that time I saw more varieties of feet than I have ever seeu before or since." dow new we Wetd That kJuriban«! of Mine ts three times the man he was before he be gan using "Wells' Health Ranewer. fl Druggists. AN ODD HU8INKSS. How » WHsiiiiigton Character Made a Good l.iving. A Washington correspondent writes: One of the eccentric characters «»f Washington— Stephen C. Parrish—dropped out of life a few days ago. In many ways lie was a man out of the ordinary ruu. He lived upou Capitol Hill, iu a plain,unpretending house, uud was well known to the student« of pub lic affairs, but to the general public he was completely unknown. He discovered a mine, from which he Iimk delved during the last 2U years a very comfortable fortune, lie came to Washington from Indiana just as the war was breaking out. He had a place connected with tin* Senate. While there he learned how the Pub. Docs, are throwu away when they are first printed, and upou this knowledge he has made a fortune. Under the law anyone can obtain from the Public Printer copies of public documents by paying the costs of the print ing of any extra copies desired. Parrish has always laid by a stock of any documents of value, until the regular supply was ex hausted, anti then he would iurnish copies from his private stores at fancy figures. He would ransack second-hand book stores for old documents. During the vacations of Congress he would travel about picking up good bargains in this line. • The result was that he had constantly hand almost any report or pamphlet required back to the first founding of the government. He was constantly supplying lull sets of Congressional debates, finance reports, ami the like. When the B«>uthern members an l Senators heir to their docu purchases, from publU with them. When a public man would dis cover some rare book in Parrish's collection the latter w ould exchange the book for a number of public books of less value. Nome members have turned in ail their books to Parrish in exchange ior some few special books out of his rare collections. One ol the features of itis busiue* has beeu to collect authorities aud statistics I or am bitious statesmen. Many a speech replete with learning ami bristling witli authorities lias been prepared iu Parrish's work-shop. Parrish hud a most remarkable memory. It was as accurate and l ull as that of Amzi Smith, who lias charge of the Senate docu ment room. J once asked Parrish the highest price he ever received for a siugle public document. He said $75. This he in obtained from P. T. Barn uni for a work on the seal fisheries of Alaska by Professor Elliott. Only 75 copies were printed. Parrish bought his copy of a member.of the cabinet, aud allowed him $Äi for it in other books. ins ing its in it; of op for •edeil Parrish fell nts by discreet. He never would buy b«Toks *n. His method waa to trade only as pro will is have place a their ••Uucliupaiba." iu c aud all annoying Kid v^uick, complétée oey, Bladder and Urinary diseases. $1. Druggists. Hrlgtil's DiseHs«*, Diabetes. i of the stuff that pretends 1 oilier serious Kidney, Urinary or Liver Diseases, as they only re lieve for a time and makes you ten times worse afterwards, but rely sold/ on Hop Bitters, the only remedy that will surely and permanently cure you. It destroys and removes the cause of disease so effectually that it never returns. Bewi I tl diseases or that from read the Every the Cure for Rheumatism. Tii ose who are afflicted with rheumatism can tie permanently cured by Dr. J. B. Welch, flt#8 West street. Different remedies for different ionus. Can furnish unques tionable references. House will saint. THE LARGEST RETAIL STOCK OF DRY GOODS. ST RAW BRI DOE A Clothier, Dealers in Dry Goods Exclusively, Kiohth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. had a false the merit« nearly the accidental yourself for $5,000, or ià5 per week by applying to J. K. Sutterly, agent, No. 302 Market street. Send or call and get papers. Office up stairs, open in tbe evening. You can have policy t if h on art. If billons, take I)r. Fierce's '• Fleas- e Pallets," the original "Little Of all druggists. all the 10c. K Liv< WhtS stuff, Bittere, Urinary or cannot be earth. A Card, suffering from the errors of in discretion* of youth, nervou* weakness, early decay, los« of manhood, etc., I will send a re cipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self-ad dreased envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D. N«w York City. To all who its-w . . JOHK WANAMAKXM'S. X 10.»*, 7.28 New New and 1 to a by his he and of Saturday : fHir and slightly wanner. To-day we rectily a wrong two years old. For two years we have kept in an obscure comer, almost shut off from the light of day, class ot goods that every lady is interested in, and is a com petent judge of; a class of goods, ol which ladies are peculiarly and justly distrustful; a class which therefore of all things ought to have a good light; a class of goods, in which our management has taken so ex ceptionally high range, that, even under all the disadvan tages of place and light, our trade has grown larger and larger every year. T o-day it begins new life with ample room, under a good light, in most accessible place, and yet with all the privacy that any lady will desire. We are shaking of muslin underwear and kindred articles; corsets, feminine hardware aud baby-clothes. What we were saying about just distrust relates particu larly to underwear. We need scarcely characterize the usual fate of that unhappy word. We may do a service by ac counting for the distrust; which we shall do on Monday. We have great pleasure in asking you to see all this class of goods to-day in as good a place as the things deserve. Bust or An-i,I p, 1111 CliP.tnut: Dont: 1*)T. I:«« ami Fill. a. Dclwar a ••3*. of a. For ferred upon On 8.40 a a This a old the had his 'I the him. of feet the were the the his had iu the the ■ Fast Erie Lock V\ H. ! tO a. 2.46 in. 5.15, 8.15, 2 9.45. frout the well to saw seeu To-day we fill tlie big win dow of 1311 (Chestnut with new )>arasols, mostly fine and rich,some the finest and richest we can get; some from London, some from New York, and some made in Philadelphia. Wetd of Arcade, 1311 ( lies! be fl Fi. a One a man upou house, pub was a during just a While are a obtain public print has of ex copies He for of up result the finance B«>uthern dis collection for a value. their some beeu am replete authorities work-shop. memory. Amzi docu the siugle he work on Professor printed. the other F. Every sort of trade has its ins and outs, its ways of seem ing without being, its tricks, its secrets. Hats for example. The ladies have stopped reading. These are gentle men's hats; and there's more silly and altogether unneces sary humbugging in them than in almost anything else in all merchandise. Everybody knows it; and knows that he can't help himself. It is the prac tice of some to pay the very tip-top price that anybody asks for a silk hat, and to rest se cure in faith that they have fashionable hate, new hats not worked over,the finest,glossiest plush, and the truest hats all the way through. And one of the elements of this sublime and profound faith is the amount of varnish and ma hogany and plate and brass in the hat store itself. But just around the corner in a little alley, up a rickety flight oi stairs, in a dingy back room is another lot of hats just like these, all but the faith and the price. Even the very name in the crowns is the same. You can't tell who made that hat by the name it bears. Forgery is no crime—no, not even a fault—in the top of a. . rn A I hat. II men preier to wear a fashionable hatter's name, why 1 „ l is. .1 r , -, snoulan t the hatter nut it , ^ , . , * there ? tor it sells his hat. I he man of the dingy back room tells one set of tales; the man of the polished brass another. "You pays your money and takes your choice." You pay less money up stairs; and very likely you get an old hat that has been in circulation ever since William Penn went out ot business. You pay more money in the gay store; and very likely you get a hat, the like of which you will not find in any other place on the face of the earth. We did really mean to get in something about hate; silk hats and derby hats and slouch hate. Northeast corner of main building. Ei 1 Ex fell discreet. b«Toks trade Kid $1. Kidney, only re times Hop surely and effectually I rheumatism J. B. remedies unques DRY No. and get in tbe policy if h on art. '• Fleas- "Little WhtS of in early a re CHARGE. a mis self-ad T. John Wanamaker, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets and City-hall square, Philadelphia. its-w THE THE UAthMOAD H KKN H AI T>HJLA DELPHI A, WIL- fire X M1NUTON AND Ml BALTIMORE RAILROAD. 'MARCH, I4U», 18'3 Train* will l«ave Wilmington a* follow« to* : Philadelphia and Intermediate *Utlona-4.MkT,fltt, 10.»*, a. ou 2.SO, A00, 7.», 9.55, p. ui. 7.28 p. in. New York-*.on a.» «.SO, .88. u.M a. «. *12.88, I.M, 2.88, ftTl?, 6.3a, 7.26, p. U). Baltimore and Intermediate Btatlon»—1.0ft* 8.17 lo.oua. m. 6.00 p.m. Baltimore and Kay Line—6.87 p. m. BalUmore and Washington- 1.42, 4.61, 8.06 8.17 .08, A0Ü, 6.67, 11.04 p. in. BalUmore only—1.06, 10.00 a. in. 12.28 and Trains for Delaware Division leave for: New Castle—6.90, and lXflft night. Barrington and Intermediate station«—8.10a. tn A. 4.40 6.80 (1.40 7.10 7.16 0.00 8.00 a a. in. 1.00, *1 ». 10 a. III. 1.06, 8.00, 6.26 p. m, .06, «.26 p. m. 7.80 Dclwar and Intvruitsliatt* statlNns-8.16 »• ***• .(ftp. TO. »UND A\ TRAIN». I'biladelpliU Mi l hitcnnedlatcstation »— 6.10a.m. 12.00 ni. 7.*», 2.56, p. in. d New York-2.00, 2.0 a. i. A17, Pbdmleiidua au ••3*. 7.4# p. m. • d Waalilugton—1.42, 4.61. 8.1X». 8.17, Baltimore a. in. 11.04 p. m. Baltimore—1.06 a. m. For further Intbrinatlon passengers are ferred to the time tablet posted at the depot. AWT rain» marked îhu«: (*) are limited expre«« upon which extra fare la charged. J. K, WOOD. General Raasenger Agi. CHAS. E. PUGH. General Manager. 9.10 10 .» F. M. 12.18 1.» J^ELAWARE WESTERN RAILROAD. 6.00 5.20 6.20 6.28 7.» 9.15 11.16 11.» All 6.00 12.10, ♦7.00, WKHlr vert: Mastor 1 .» ; CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after JUNE 20th, 1882, train* will follow«: Leave Wllmlngt Arrive at (.anile 8.40 p. ui l<eare Landenberg k.öu a. Arrive at Wilmington s.00 a. m*. 2.16 p. t D. CONNELL. Superintendent. 7.05, 10.3L a. m; 5.» p. m. m: uoon. tier/, 8.50 s. 4.oo : 12.60 p. in. PENNSYLVANIA KA1LROAD. ON ANOAFTKU HKCKMHKK 1SSÎ, MAIN UNE. TKA1NH LEAVE lIlhiAl) STKEBT STATION. 8.45 mlay. •Dally. I Dally, "New York and Chlc«K" Limited" of Pullman Palarecar*.. *11.20«. m Fast IJne. Pittsburg ami iIn- West. *11.06». in Western Exprès* . .• 9.06 p. in Pacific Express West.*11.20 p. in Harrisburg: Express.• 4.»». in MtiKara Exprès* .4 8.10 a. in Iklns Express.411.06 a. m Erie Mall and HutTaio Express, dally «•»«•»•nt Saturday. . 11.20 p. m I_ane ExprcMi*.J 8.10 a. in Lock Haven Express. jll.QOa. m Marttust.urx Èxprt-»M . si.» and 11.06 u. in ChainbcrKtiurM and IliiKer.itown Express 44.» d 11.06 a. in , dally, 11.20 p. in. V eept V\ » h* in H. 10 bersburg only, 6.40 p. m. Sheiiamloafi Valley Railroad w. ek «lay at 8.10 a. m., and New Or leans Kxpn-HH, via l.uray luxitrm «tally at. Hurridbui'K and York Express. Mall Tr * Harrlsli York • r> rest I ( liatta . 11.20 p. . S 2.14 p. .(8.10 a. m assII.(ft a. A<*«*oiUln<»d:«l I anovvr Kxpr r and Fr« «l fork, Hanovt Coliniibla ami York A ParkoNburir Train Dowuinxt«iwu A t ■ M lat . 56 46 p. in. U.I6, 7.45, 11.45 • lay, 7.45 a. in.. NEW *11« a. iu.. ami 10.» p 2.46 and H.I6 p. in. H. I », 10.15aiid 11.45 H. 15, 3.45, 4.15, 4.4.6, Paoll Train«, 8.10. 6. ' a. in.. 12.45, 1.45, 2.14 5.16. 5.46, 6.15, in. <*n Sundny, 7.45, 5.15, 8.15 and 10.15 p. Brvn Ma at T 8.15, 8.45, 10.16, 11.45 a. 2 ♦5, 3.lf s 3.4Î, 4.l\ 4. 7.45,9.15.10.» 9.45. 11.45«. IU.,1, 2.45. 5. lu ster Kxprems • Mbit loll, (i.D 5.15, 5.45. 6.45, 7.45, 1 9.45, 11.45, H. iu.. 1, 6.16 mid 10.15 p. hi. Trains arrive—Proui PBUburK, 2.56 u in.. 5.15, 7.25 n. in., dallv. h Wiliam sport, 7.50a. in., dailv. «• Buffalo and Nlaxara Fulls. and 11.» p. . in.. 1, 2.46, .» 45. M. 1 .45, Csblji at p., York, 8, 6.10, 6.15, 6.45, 7.15, 7.45 ., 12.45, 1.45, 2.14 2.16; 4.45, 5.15, -6.15, 8.15 6.45, *. m. on Sunday, 7.4-6, -I I!. •I 10.15 p. in. 8 . 1- 1 lu a. 45, 1 i. On Sunday,7.46, d 7.60 a. Erie «•pt Monday, iu.. dally 3.20 n. in., . Elmira eept !'• I Fi. 50 a. k IIliven, h Walkt . dally. except Monday. Froi dally except Sunday, and'Williamsport, 7.25 p. day. : NEW YORK DIVISION. TRAINS LEAVE BROAD STREET STATION FOR NEW YORK. 1 1 82.54 M 05, 3.20, 3.45, 6.50, 7.», Limited Exprès*, L», f ».»p. in.. week-«lav ; •111 a. ii 20 P. m.) I. H, 4. 5 id 12.01 night. « 6.3". 7.45, K II».lays, 3.05, 3.20, 3.45, ., 4, (Lliulte.1 Express. 5.20 ) 6.30, 7.45, 12.01 ulirht. f., a 1 1 tlirough tral City will» boats of •'Brooklyn rellng direct transfer to Fulton t, avoiding double ferriage ami Journey is New York city. Girl, Spring Astniry Earn i: ! ».» a. id 8.9) p. in, and Brooklyn. N. 6 F. A 7, Al se not all of the ma in just oi is like the f in not a. i.wmbmp, For Hanover uud Gettysburg. 7.» a. in. a 'ïf.Vïîïîîw"» «*»» 1 " lru ""' 7 ' J ' *' why ,, ï' , ,| 1 r . , " üH| ' ; '' ,| ' Br * nü "' m " 3 * ,ul 6 ' 80 -, Trains arrive freon the West, 7.40 a. m., 5.05 and it 7.1.-, p. .uuv. i-vom u-e noui-, l«., dally, except Monday, 6.05and7.16 p. in. he y.Trftcke'Ä', room man and pay very that ever out more and the find face get silk slouch -akc. Ocean Beach, •I Long B Kxpr. h, fi ni II.« I' FROM KENSINGTON STATION FRONT AND Norris streets. New York, 6.56 and 8.40 a. Ei p" ..I •ek days. FROM MARKET STREET WHARF. pe xpr. sb for New York, via Camden and Trenton, week-day*, and Intermediate 1 •1 4.» p. m., t for Tom'a Ru ns, b. 'JO a. 11 for Ex »press htatioi , and 5.20 p. m. d 5.20 p. in. Tuckcrton, 8.20 a. in. BELVIDERE DIVISION. FROM BROAD STREET STATION. Dally,except Sunday—Express for Luinbertvllle, Easton, Delaware Water Gap, Scranton, Bing hamton and Oswego, 7.32a. m., 12.01 and 6.00 p. d Water Gap only, 4.00 For Sc 1». For I. ertvllle. 3p. m. 32 a. in., 12.01 an«, eept Sunday— F K<»r Flemliigton, ' Trains arrive daily 9.25 I 4.00 «1 0 18.45 p. in. .; 3.50 FROM KENSINGTON STATION, FRONT AND NORRIS STREETS. day—Ex pres* f< « Water G r . 7.4U a. hilly, «• Eautoi liamtu Su *r ben ville, , Scranton, Blng 1.. 12.01, 5.36 p.m. I" 1 nn.Slv 111-. 2.10 p. Er Gap only, 4.35 p. in. II. ; 12.01 and 3.35 p. in. except Sunday—From f! Trains K.istni Hlia*pl lally. I 10.» a. ticke ts, 83o Chestnut 1 •1 Broad will call for and ■Bldeiiccs. Time be obtalne« eeb Street Slat I The Uni. Transfer ('«inpany ••k baggage from hotel« and il«* and full Information ci the following No. 838 Chestnut street, S. K. cor. Broad aud Chestnut . No. 11« Market street, ( No. 4Cheltou CHARLES E. PUGH, General Manager, .1. K. WOOD, General Passenger Agent. ell the ru as: KKT . Germant' GREAT PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. DOUBLE TRACK—STEEL RAILS. SPLKN DID SUE N ERY,MAGNIFICENT EQUIPMENT, NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY. NO EFFECT OCTOBKU 1, 1882— TrniiiH leave Itulilmore city time, Mall Tral the No Chicago Went . follows : ill, dully except Sunday, for rlh and West. 7.» a. d Limited Express, dally 10.45 a. 10.45 a. L v. West. •1 Watkins Express, ex Lock II .. .10.46 a. Ilurrlshurg 1 Sunday. Weste Mull h nger, daily except . 5.30 p. . 8.45 p. .11.15 p. Express, dally . West, dally Buffalo Express, except BTiS Eric M Saturel Parkt« «lally . 11.16 p. AccomuiHdation, 8.» and 6.» jp. in., •cutSunday. Sunday only, 9.» a. m. ill. Accommodation, ».», 11.30 a. in., 8.(gi, 10.on, 11.» p. in. On Sunday, North and Webt, corner Union »Il pointe East, I rt Station, at North« I ralvcrt street*, and Slat Ion. Baggage ci d checked at hotels and left at office, nertheast ailed T n ordci ami Calvert street*. er Baltimo BALTIMORE AND POTOMAC RAIL ROAD. FROM CALVERT STATION. TAKING EFFECT DECEMBER 24, 1882. For Washington, 7 a. in. 8.16 and 8.56 p. in., dally, except Sunday, aud 4.20. 7.35, 9.46 and and 11.35 a. in., and 6.00 and 7.10 p. m., dally. For Pope's ( '.eck Line, 7.00 a. m. and 4,10 p. m., dally, except Sunday. For Annapolis, 7.00 a. in, dally except Sunday, and 5.00 p. For Rlehmo ., daily. aud the South ut A20 and 9.45 a in., dally, and 3.15 p. in..Molly exceptSunday For the South via Virginia Midland Railroad, a ., dally, and 8.66 p.m., except Sunday 7.10 1*. in.. Sunday only. For White Sulphur and C. and O. R. R., at 4 a. m., daily. For Norfolk via l'otoinac River steamers, Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 11.36 a. in. FROM UNION STATION. 20 4.20 a. For Washington, 4.30. 6.60, 7.06, 7.46, 9.60, 11.40 a. m., 2.55, 3.25, 5.10, 7.20, 9.06 p. m. On Sun day, 4.», 0.50, 7.45, 9.60, 11.40 a. m., 6.10 and 7.20 p.m. For Vu. Midland Road, at 4,80 a. m., dally, 8.06 ., except Sunday. 7.20p.m., on Sunday Uuail, 4.30a. m., dally, 2.56;p. m., except on Sunday. FROM 1'ENNSYLVANIA-AVENUE STATION For Washington, 6.56, 7.10, 7.60, 9.66 and 11.48 a. in.. 3.» 5.15, 7.26and 9.10 p. m. On Sunda 6.55, 7.50, 9.55 and 11.48 a. m., 6.15 .and 7 t p. m. For Annapolis, 7.10 a. m., dally except Sunday; 5.15p. in., dally. k LEAVE WASHINGTON FOR BALTIMORE At 6.40, 8.00. «.30 and 10.89 a. 6.20, 7.», 9.50 and 10.20 p. I 8.Ü0, y.80 a. m., 1.80. 4.20, 4.40, i. >On Sundays, . . 4 20. 6.20, 7.80, 9.80and lu.» p .... i. BYWpOOrOen. Fa««. Agt. CHARLES R, PUflH, General Manager. hi HAlI.hU AD z.zvtn. 'IMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. THE MLU1EI. FAST UNK, AM» THIS ONLY LINK BETWEEN THE BIST AND THE WEHT, via WAUIIINU TOM. IMIUIII.E THACKI JANNV CO®PI.**! EFFECT H AI J >ROF SOH ED *lPrJtVk k tVE^fekWATON. 'lnclnn.ttl, Rt. i.oul* Fast Ex •:» s A. 0. Palace Sleeping Car« to fllnctnnntl, »t. Lnnl* «ml Chicago. 4.40 tWashington «n<l way station*. <\A. .ViDLANI») Booth west, Richmond, (via (Jüan tl co. ) 6.80 lUUcott City and way »laiton*. (1.40 Washington ami way station*. 7.10 tWashington Kxnr«-»«. 7.16 ANNAPOLIH, IfTAITNTON AND WASH INGTON EX. and station*on Metropoli tan Branch. 1 Pled mont. Stratduirg, Winchester, Hag < retown, rriMlerlck ami way stations, via Main Stein. (On Sunday to Kliicntt City 0.00 lï'mWBt! KO.ClNOINNAT1. HT. I.OCTH, WAHIUNUTON ANM rOl.l HBl'O KN FKKHS .lull v, au, I ( IlKALd .Inllv .»• . p Saturday. (lUrhinoud and the South, via quanilco). Sleeping earn, Baltimore to Cin , Louisville and (lilrago J Parlor Car«, Chicago .Mi nett« Sleeping Cars, Grafton to 8.00 for day 7.80 LA davs 4.» p. The quarter Lancers • cliinatl n to Oiksfu. Indianapolis, city as ally except Saturday. Washington and way «ta Ion«. Annmpo ï* 9.10 AND LAUREL EX 10 .» For F. M. 12.18 Washington, Annapolis and way. 1.» jOn »unday only, for Washington and dt City and war- »tatlon«. Ington and Way Htatlons. . Quantlco, except Sunday). < licet at Washington with LA ». C. Co., on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and with Potomac Steamboat'Co. on Tuesday, Thurs «1 Saturday for Old Point Comfort, EXPRESS. »tope at Jessup'i Annapolls Junction, Laurel an«l Winchester, Hagerstown, Frederick and tway. 6.00 ♦Washington, Annapolis and way. 5.20 tFrederick and way Htatlons. 6.20 MartliiHburg and way station«. 6.28 t Washington and way stations. 7.» ♦ Pittsburg,Cleveland and Detroit Express. RAO. PalaceHleeplng Cahi to Pittsburg. ♦CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS, WASHINGTON AND C<»f.UMRt'8 EX PRESS'. B. AO. Palan- Sleeping ( 'are to Cincinnati. St. Lou Ip and Chicago, Lynch burg and the Soutli, via Va. Midland. 9.15 ton Sunday onlv, for Mt. Airy and way. 11.16 Mt. Airy and way station*. 11.» Washington and war stations. Leave for Metropolitan Branch, 7.15 a. m, tl.» aud2|5bn. in. For Rock ville, ♦9.00 a. m. All trains stop at Relay except 3.00 a. in. LEAVE WASHINGTON FOR BALTIMORE: 6.00 («.», 6.60, 0.46. 8.10, tt.OO, 10.00 a. in.; 12.10, tl.26, 2.20, t2.»r>3.00, «.», 4.30, 14.40, t5.4ft, ♦7.00, 7.30, 19.40and 11.» p. m. ll>«Uy. ^Sunday only. Ollier train* dally, Baggage called for and checked at hotels Ticket office», 162 WKHlr BALTIMORE STREET, N. W. tkir. Cal vert: CAMDEN STATION BROADWAY. W. M. CLEMENTS, Mastor of Transportation. 1 .» (Rich Con ; (lav an Norfolk, Ac. 4.oo Washington S, 8.45 in m in I rest m order« left •I 81 SOUTH C. K LORD, Gen. Pas*. Ax« nl. arsAHHH ir links. ^NCHOU UNR. United states mail steamers Sail Weekly to NEW YORK and GLASGOW, via LONDON DERRY, «I fr«. p. At Csblji Passage, pw to fso. item ms |H0 to 8140 Second Cabin,f4<>. tun» Ticket*,|76. Steerage prepaid, #21. Outward, l*o«iM'iiger aceoiiimouation« are unexcelled. Al Stateroom* «»n Main Deck. P;«»m ug« rn b«iok«u at tewest rates to «»r from Germany, Italy Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Ac. For books of "Tours In Scotland, ''rates, idau«, p., apply to HENDERSON KKOTIIERS. N York, or SAMUEL F. BETTS t>. a. I Adam« KxprcM, 1». Lc< 'arpenter, DuPont's Mills, WII mln«ton AGENTS Attention. KTKOK ALARM CLOCK, with Lumi nous Com poult I on line. Time 1 1 neu y at night. NOTHIN« î BEL LN SO RAPIDLY. »900 a month easily tonde. Send 82.54 lor sample, or 3-cent stamp Tor full purtlc CLOWKSfc FRINBIEJ funeral Agent«, jaii!8-l-14 Waterbary, Conn M dls in.. i: ! UI POSITIVE CUKE A WITHOUT MEDICINES! 6 ' 80 and ALLAN'S SOLUBLE MEDICATED BOUC DCS Taten ted, October 16th, 1876. —On* box of— h, fi N|j. 1 will eure . 2 will cu :r of how long (Handing. Nj> nauseous of enhebs, afindal wood, that are c«*rt*lu to ïpula by destroying the coating* of rti. e, ||..60. Sold !,;• «11 druggist* :c«|!t»t of price. For further partir u: frcnlar T. lour day* or less, the most obstinate copal >ia produce dy* Ihe stomach, malte«} on ..I pe nd O. B»X, 1,6«. for 1* •L V. ALLAN CO., p. 4.00 $30,000 lor $2. f^TH POPULAH MONTHLY DHAWIfcU ville, Blng p.m. Commonwealth Distribution Co. 1 Broad and Time In the city of LOUISVILLE, the Saturday, March 31st., 1883. <Jn the tost day of e*ch month (Sunday* eg excepted). Repeated adjudication by Fédéral and »Uta Courts have placed this company beyond »r the law. To this Company proven h«. tl.— 1 The Company ha* now on hand a large capital and reserve fund. Read carefully the list ofprlzt« for the the overey « _ belongs the *ole honor of having Jnaugu only plan by which their drawings ar h< 4 U« 't and fair beyond question. RAIL MATtCH DRAWING. : 1 Price.. 1 Prl*e., .930,800 . 10,000 6, 000 10 , 0(0 10, (X0 10 , «0 10,110 12, ore 10,0(0 2,700 1,800 10 Prizes, l,000 each... 20 " 600 " .. 100 ft H GO " » " 10 " 300 1,000 " Approxlmayon in., m. in., 9 •• 100 •• l,o<io Prize«. woo .9112,400 WHOLE TICKETS, 92. HALF TICKETS, ftl. 27 Ticket*,8*0; 56 Tickets, $L00. Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or *( nd bjy K.x nres*. Don't send by Registered Letter or Post Office Order, Orders of |5 and upward b Express, can be sent at our expense. Address a ojr«fer* to H. M. HOARDMAN, (Jourler-Journal tiding, Lmdsvlile Kv. 4.?^ ♦ ä Webt, corner Union RHEUMATISM AND GOUT CURED ■ can e.-dabliBh by a ctuun of ovidenoq inquiry but makes stronger, that w< lif real, or rudicul remedy lor Rheuiqatlc and wo put that evidence within the reach >f every sufferer without rnnnry and without price, vre laim timt no ono but tlie feol will turn to it u dou) «iir, or « lose lila eye» to t ho glad itdingt we bring4c his blighted life. Iu juste e to u«, to you, to your Jp peu tien l families, aud to thd coneu in ffiatjun of y I lu's ambition before you were «trlcken .(Jown by ill.-or so, we ask you to go with us for a i«4v iftofnenie t|> the home«« of some who have drank of tfteaotf of life and are now full of tha joy qf health, fydy tq tell to tiie world their glad experience. We will give you no false statement, and make no assertto) Which tannot, by projier inquiry (by letter or I .tough ^ P*obed to Um bottom and foun.l to bo rm| 1 and Wl fli.-orde in., and dally. m., Sunday, 9.45 a a Sunday 4 Mon frtlk Cbroule Obeumaltam «Mayyears. 20 H " L ng * ,W4 F ** rl ft 4 *» »ro«klm-8erare Bh* I ■ m Oummer.r, 34T B.IU. »1., »rookl/u - Acu _ lo Rhenmatlo Gout« Team . Hoohalçr, M« Coui I ftl., Broaktyu—«ctatioa HhetnnaUls* 01000 ia otber ai^dlaiuea sud Pfc ««lauded o Mr. Narln. 461 Third At_ |l»m 4 «oars. Mr. Majlaod. V» Balnbrld«o Bt., Brooklfn-Xe taatory and Chronic KtaeumaUsm and Bheumauim for yi 11.40 Sun and 8.06 Sunday ua, Brooklyu— Ohronle Bheoaiu. t4th 8t., Brooklyr— and Chronl« C ra; "had tried ererjUiln«." r York €tty—Cbroota Rheumailam wa, 64 Qrova St., Ne» York—t. rr Dr. Orodrloh m., STATION 11.48 a. Sunda 7 t Sunday; «Kite:: Mr. Dixon, I W«M Si., r»;.i Wood, 104 Booth St., Me« Tork-Chrool* wloh At., Mt« York— (Jbroolt Rhea. BbeumatUin 2« k Mr. Abruu. 77 < Utm tnAKIdoej cny-ca^u Dl»< iÄÄÄTÄÄ I Mow gtra tbl* BiMtttr daurvad atuntlou, or wrlta oa for circular» with Ollier parikulara, sod you «111 blaka the daa you an« thia adraritaement. H 4.40, lu.» p Agt. hi KImore, Adams & Co.. 96 Atlantic Av.. •»«ft. •»< w* wiUuu. mu.i.r.c. t >an vino. . A. 8. WEBSTER'S J >ROF s e bjKrfc-^ Dancing Ai^aafemy, MASONIC TEMPLE. FIN (Fourth Floor, ) Wilmington, Del. ISTNow open for the reception of pupil« for the Second Quarter. GENTLEMEN'8 Oî*ASB— Monday «ml Tl»ure day »*venlnK«, from 8 to 10 «'clock. LA DIE* AND CHILDREN'» CLAaB-Thure davs from 6 to 6 p. m., »aturday« from 1.» to 4.» p. m. i* «I w Danlfl The latest dances to be lanaht during second quarter are La Kusse waltz, Ripple wait*. Col logt Lancers and Universal Quadrtne. r ] ,( CHOICE or DATS. School*, seminaries or private claaae« I» the city or out of town should confer with me as soon as practicable for choice of days. h apply »> Open For terms, circular, H. F. ROBELEN% No. 710 Market street, or by mall to — lb«ir ( dh A. 8. WEBSTER, Masonic Temple, Wilmington, Del. augtl-if-An our uouu/*, VV. id Krabroldorla*. Fancy Hosiery S, H. STAATS, No. 40Ô Markft Street, Has Just opened an elegant stock of New Hamburg H. EMBROIDERIES ! entirely Palte , ami will be sold at LAST YEAR'S PRICE». Many of the ab« N Also, Just receive«! * beau tiful «Mortifie I COTTON TRIMMINGS U Suitable lor Trimming Undergarments. H () SIER Y cLr>slnx <>ut some Lots of Ladles' We -1 Ml-* FANCY HOSIERY ! early one-hair the regular price, In make room I« r«ler to At NEW SPRING STOCK. Health Corset H, lt> InureaNlng In imnu lartty every «lay. a* ladle* find It the MOST COM FORTAHLE and PER FKCT FITTING »ay it give tHta«-lln!i « I . Merchants I the beat sat of any corset they ever seid. Warranted rtatlsfactory money refunded. — KOII SAI.K ONLY 1IY— R. L. RUBS ELL, 31fi Market Street. SO fehl âGIFï ® „tTHEACH DCS on nd Ha KINg powder LtScs^ LT /ÉTX, 3 Miles premium / T HE PERFECTIOM Qe GREATEST DISC0^ R w SCIENCE OF THE ACE FULL WEIGHT, FULL STRENGTH. NEVER FAILS eg and large list . tar Always a handsome Chromo. IST' Often a large Picture Book and Two Paintings. ^"Sometimes a good Stem-Winding Watch. pet Ask your grocer for it. fob 12-8-70 .930,800 10,000 000 , 0(0 (X0 , «0 10,110 ore 10,0(0 2,700 1,800 JOHN DAVIS & SONS, 736 Arch Street, Phila. woo ftl. IMPOKTKH8 AND MANUFACTURERS (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL) nd or b a ä FINE FURS A FULL LINE OF SEAL ovidenoq w< reach vre dou) bring4c your y by iftofnenie tq give Which .tough Gent'«. Ladle«', MUm and UhUdren'« FURS, bo rm| 0 f all kind«. Bole mannfkctarare of DAVIS' PATENT HAND PROTECTOR, -AND Fur-Lined Garments ON HÀNO AND MÀDK TO OKOKK. Special Attention Paid to Fitting and Lengthening Seal Sacquea. I ■ The only article ever made that will keep y«ur bonds worn white ^riving in Cold we-***— m sud -1-60 J^INDEMAN PIANOS l Bheoaiu. Chronl« A 7-octave Steinway Square. A 7-octave Chase Square. Haine« Upright, anil a Une 7W oct. »175, at at Rhea. LINDEMAN BROS. 171 & 173 W. Fourth St. oa for the daa H '5 Av.. CINCINNATI, O tixabWai. piRST NATIONAL T, ,ANK b. ( It !V c ,il A ip f Tlic j [An g FIN A NCIAL AUKN |> 1,1 l NIT ED Kpwaitp gurrt, p r «wi.i. m. äao. b A ItM 4 *Tk< l'Alu CP CAPITAL, WifisS IH Rif TTOIto : i* «I w at «1 vssaMBfr Danlfl Jaw.#«, •'"'■O II, A, Un). Jauit'M C. MrCdnik «NHMI«dÆ!A"î , ÏÙ M-H I r ] ,( W ARTOANS SAVING BAVK. IfO. Ml MABKET RTIlKEr UctnuoBAmi- <i anuaut -ith. i #1 red Iu iv, (r Ltr At Open to «S®»»«». •'FJO-ANNUAI. 1HVIDKNL. jnl.rlv rnAdi. in April ,nd o«ah2 n jdeml. »renot wlthlrawn u,.y — -.»h—*'IA. Tliui. IM-rni.n-.Qt .!-'].■ ..I., lb«ir Inlwnl Drtc, Iu i-acIi y.'.r (1M 1' ,11 dh MANAGERS; dement B. Sffiyth, Charles^. Howlan»!, VV. Hastings, E-fward Pufeey, Georg- \\, n u ,|, beorge !!. u„ H „ t M. L. LlClltciiSIrlii Ed ward parti ngtoa •J.V ',,b. JscksoiL AnthsayHlfc 118 '* K. T. TAVLOK. 'rres.ii» J. M. MATHBB, *a,m„ ?v r.bli-l, H. R. ROBINSON & CO., L pm I<1 Ln L . BANKERS AND BROKERS, Fourth and Market Streets FOR SALK: D«-lawure Rallroa I. 111 hIijii It •! v sell stock- »li ds «*n rntnmbiksj iters ol cmllt avatliiMi in»li ugflftui'thr »jrtf 1 d I A ils on Kautanil. ' • i Hwit*i*rlxml iHNiiHii. U IIBWRY L. HAYMOND. ALOKZO bXWKS** J KNRY L. RAYMOND A CO., STOCK RKOKKKS. NuS. 4 AND« PINE 8TRK1-T, N. to Buy an«l soll I« moderate margin all ««viiritier «Irai: : at the New York Stock Exchamre. K.ra clo«h privileg«*« .»t favorable rule«, l'irtia distantly located from Wall -!r«d wishing to Invest «ums from $5d to f 1 ,'DOO, are tiivUod to] write for us for particular'i. Coniplm Financial Report maile«l free. Small uni«»! executed'at current rhf«*8. Ri'ferto bankm, Members of N. Y. Block Exchauno, Othcisk of New York Central Railroad 0o., r.o4 >ro rain cut Manufacturing ami MercmtUi lut in cos Houses. Ref«TMi'*«i- and RrM inatV l «m kpnliontlon, In vest men!, I $ t O > >! 5L O % I ■ s M O Is n\ CL g U| T m c a »2 o i.lnsef r. r .ne» I -.niti! g 'i* : i#H4 •jufRd » ;-;?* • |ÿ -LfWll Ä av uiii 3 r / l P a p p 3 ? w - % 1, u ./.be uy „-ni !» -* £ ' ri V '.*i 1 O and it. t I fr ft It D ;'.n jreo/j Tents* H n IP if. ? I 2 .r.dwfo -tterf U 00 r J • I e o i ick Q. ^ jff» . nthll' ■n*.• do otw c 31 a h H. H. WARNER Ä CO. ROCHESTER. ft.Y _ FURS, _ - A Co., Bankers, and l*ostmast*r, * Pamphlet of Inatruottons free. PATENTS » and ft Nought tth d ^ „nil * to I PURE £■> g CA< 1HARK AHf)BA VALLK» • Hie Calcutta Tea Byudlcate, I» w * n «vll^L y«ur ty -1-60 PENSION»« fSg ». JaJa.JfFSêïWÎ** «fautg r*-*- _ -j PATENTS. >aï'i.~'.ÂÂSSs&ifes WMhlu«Um, D. 'J.l at '5