Newspaper Page Text
fite (Kazette near well ing. Ham (Iitaiuihip m 1784.) 0BLUIHED EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SUNDAY BELL At TAYLOR, SIUTOM amd Pvau»Hsn» ta. säst of ru® tVrr fit Twenty-Fiv* Cents mm dfcQUUM» AuTrtOWlftO ftUMMCO •v Carrie»« Cent« pea Week, or COIXfinTOR, AND TO NO OTHER, OA AT THE ttUWNEM fri York the BY MAIL. . . $ 8.00 *m v «m, . . ÜrRTMR, . . H MORTna. . . 8ll#tNC4M OWIC* AMD CoiTOMtAI. ROOHE ARI OON* -w.V* Trim WlCMINGtON Tp.-.CRMCR« CR* and New* on Aovertwen^nte mat ec TINE BETWEEN THE HOUR« to •snt m r*m wav a* 7 A. m. ano B p. r au. Letter* A» n Telforan* to and THE GAZETTE, and ot ! Ni 1* THURSDA *, AUG. 2:i. WIMIlNliTON, The Tariff aud W »««»». Mr. Porter, the special agent, of thc # New York Tribune , who was sent to Europe to examine thoroughly into the labor qu< stion, with a view to proving lK»yond a doubt tarifl Invariably wages for the work ingman has struck a snag already by ascertaining that there is but little per ceptive difference between wages paid in England aud Germany. The revenue poll« y of England 1s well-known, but iu Germany a high aud arbitrary protective tariff has been enforced during recent years. Speak ing ol Mr. Porter's failure, the Philadelphia bv protective that, affords better Record says ; Thu» far Mr. Porter has had up-hill work an 1 a great de d of It; but let him not de spair with hi» failure in Germany. The Ger proteetive policy is of too recent origin to afford fair means of comparisoB. France, whose protective system 1» of long standing, lie visited. Recent yffleial sta remains tisti«-» of the trade ot France show a serious decline in the export of that country's man ufaeturing products, which have been most carefully nursed by Government. If France Should afford not'dug promising for protec tion fu making a comparison of its trade with that, of England, there is Spain, which, in the course of 200 brought the paternal and protective system of government to the highest stage ot de velopment. Bu» Mr. Porter should hasten, * signs of an 800 years, has i for even in Bpaiu there awakening from the long slumber of protec tion. In the meantime the excessive in ident al to which the people of this country taxati are subjected tiy the tariff ought to cease. The truth Is that the lariff has nothing whatever to do wirb the wages, which ar< regulated entirely by the law oi supply of demand. The lowest rate of wages ever re ceived by the workingmen of this country prevailed from 18T8 lo 1877, when no at tempt of any consequence had been made for revenue reform, and high protective tarif? was in existence. The workingmc.u of the country have found by hard experience that, the high tariff simply protects the large employers at theb expense, and leaves their labor (which is the workingman's capital aud his sole dependence) open to the com petition of the cheapest markets of the world. The high protective tariff, like the Republican party, "must go." YVhat the Gazette said about the finan cial condition of the city before the election iß now generally admitted, and the cry for • economy comes from every side, even from the source that former I)' denies the asser tions of the Gazette. The request that tramps be employed in cleaning the streets ' mad'- as a measure o1 economy and : it should be heeded. We do rot believe the city would thereby reduce Its expenses, but ii would get a huge am. work performed without additi of neee-HHry icle, one of tb< Tjif. Augusta, < few Southern journals atilieted by the high tarif! • raze, declares that the election of man to the Speakership who has made a free-trade speech will cost the Democratic party *he next Presidency, phia Record, however, reminds it that the election of Michael (J. Kerr, of Indiana, to the Speakership, in 197ft, did the people of the country fr« Bamud »J. Tilden to the P/esidency the fol lowing year. , Che i I The Philad* 1 prevent electiut! Tiii: Quickstep ba««* ball club has evi dently bottled down to hard, steady work, and will i ow retreive the laurels it si erably lost during the past three week«. There are iu this city many ardent admirers of the natioikal game, au«l if the good work thus the players, by liberal aud appreciative audiences. auspiciously begun is continued, c sure, will be encouraged Young Men, middle aged men ami all from early Indiscret!' Brain Food the most powerful -invlgorant •r introduced; «nice restored by it there >» noreiap e. Try lt;it never lails. §1; fi fur 85 Alien's Pharmacy, 315 who sutler will find Allen's At druggisift, re., N\ Y 1st. Work Given On receipt of your addret tier by which y evening«, at your home. do it. il. C. Wilkinson 1 197 Fulton street, Nee will inak 8". t*>87 Men, Won en, Buys or Girls «• Ä Co., 195 ; York. Many Tune'« fish for several you want »lays. Lay it in a soluti •r night, of K. X Mag weeks. I y*>u can keep it 1« also Keep milk a w stirring iu a little of the . . - e b> 'Snow Flake" Y brand. Vital que»noim. Ask the most eminent, phy-iclan Of any w.limd, what ih the best thing in ol for quietiug and allaying all irri tations of the nerves ami curing all! plaints giving naturn childlike reft+shing sleep always ? And they will tell you uuhesitatingly '•Borne form of Hop« 1" CHAPTER I th. ul nervous Ask any of all the most eminent phyei ciaus: What, is th«* fvest and only remedy that cure ali dise Of tht • I urinary orgaus; such as Bright's •ten- ion or luabllity to • dit eases and ail Ik* relied « kidneys disease, .iuîhîti-S retain urine, auu all t •nie peculiar Auu they will ti ll you ezpltetty and phatically "Buchu." A^k tne IV. physicians YVhat is the .«mst reliable and surest cure for all liver diseas« Hlipation. indigesii«.tt. bllli u fever, ague, k Mandruk«- ! « dysp**psia; con ' «•««, malarial l they will tell you . i>. the Hence, wh Mnedleft are comldned wuli others e«jti H!y .. Aud compounded Hop Hitters, auch a LConcluded n« xl t.J MORNING HrMlfABÏ. The Tallnpoo»» left Portsmouth, New pehire, yesterday mornintf, with Been» Chandler on board. Theodore Thom»« «ailed for Europe ye« terday on the steamer Servia. Hie trip i* partly for recreation, partly tor buuineae. Two Italian laborere were killed by an engine on the Boston and Mbanv railroad near Blackstone, Müh»., on Tuesday niflfht. John McClain au«I George Quiui» perished the effects of foul ail while digging a well rear Kuuxvilie, Tuna , yesterday m td ing. Ham ta. _v fri be in The Democratic State Committee of New York will meet In Saratoga today, to name the time aud place lor holding the State Convention. Two rieh families and three German ta inted pauper«, were returntd Tuesday by the migrants, a'l to their native coumrie» authorities ot Buifalo. The first Dale ot New South Carolina eot Tueftday it wo» cht»»e<t middling was received in Columbus from Lexington, and sold for V ft-lft • ents. Advice* from Mexico report au earth quake at Puctliucu, which levelled 3» house» and c. i lifted the lo- «*1 ^0 lives ; ateoasbover ot 'thouftaud*-of fifth*'at M*»uteinort*las. Star vvu* capsize il bv a •h while eroftfting the I«ar at itz Jersey, on Tuesday, and Her crêw were saved. The sloop Oe heavy Hariwir luict, N 1* a total wreck. Mr». Fowler and her daughter were killed •ruing near Athens, bv light ning yesterday Ala., while taking shelter under a tree. Au infftut lu Mrp. Fowler's arm» escaped lu jury. The schooner Waterline or Boston, from Charleston, for Richmond, Virginia, with guano, sprang a leak ami sank, near Body's Island, on the 18th instant. The c saved. Tuesday evening, In Nebraska City Rzra Stephen A. Douglas, quarrelling with 111 » wife, struck her, whereupon she drew a pistol and shot him dead. She tin* mit ted suicide,. Richard Lewis, 8r., was killed, and Rich anl Lewis, Jr., and George Rickert were badly Injured yesterday by the premature Luke Fiddler's col C •!!! discharge of a blast lierv, Shamokin. The Grand Encampment, of Knights Tera Tuesday morn Onlv plar met in San Francise ing for the transaction of business, preliminaries were di»i»o»ed of, the real work beginning yesterday. The Corn Exchange National Bank of Chicago, capital £1.000,000, and the Na tional Batik of El Dorado. Kansas, capital $150,000. have been authorized by the Comptrt Her of the Currency. The Democratic State Executive Commit tee of New Jers* y ills engaged Taylor's Opera House in Trenton for the holding of September 18. No formal call has been issued ;or tin* Couveu i he State Conventi* lion. long •rdav A sister ship of the Ludwig, overdue, arrived at Montreal y* t'toni Antwerp, having left that p<»int. a month later than the most all hope of the Ludwig's safety has been abandoned. AL ssing vessel. Henry Stein, of Harrisburg, Pa., 45 years Newfoundland «log Monday afternoon. Real aid arid drank a quart In the evening he refused t »ter, aud died shortly alterward in great the the of age, was bitten by in the leg and ar He refused of whiskev. agony. The sixth annual of the Atneric Bar A^oclati yesterday iu 8ara lanee. It was called to order Itv Luke 1 . Pollard, of Vermont. G> neral A. R Law ton, ot Savannah, deliv •d the President's address. Sixty-tive new tm»H? !.. ith a large all« tog«). •re. elect, mL r fever have been dis covered al l'aUilox wharf, al Pensacola. The patients are sailors, who will he re moved to quarantine. Alter their removal the house will he burned. At the navy yard, Surgeon Owens is reported dying, and his daughter hah been tukrii sick. Two eases of yell* for and the ex-C'onfederate sur 1 jierhap« fatally l man named Clark, A bruin Dr. Abraham-, geon, was yesterday shot wounded by a eoh in Housbui. Texas. Clark twice the dav fa «bot at *, without effect, feud betweeu tnem, each complaining of annoyance« by Th • had be« Ii other. arrested in the charge of her husband. She Buda I tnpting to poise to or a her husband. She a druggist, but. he ll«*r hus tnpting to poise tried to ouy j*»»lsr*u f gave her a harmlefta itar.d, who had recently pui-jeet to Attribute* the Stuhle sieknertse placed in his food. I In tie* Grand Lodge Knight» ofPvt.hia." ''Grand Master balance in yesterday th at ■ rai.t-o of t he K •» )|'V«*il •eusurv "I :■ the of Record ' reported that »here w» re B.Y0 lodges <*t the Onl» r in the State, having a tnenu»»*i>li!p ol .J2,»4b, increase *mlu it, <«ii! 'U!' i b ol 955 The directors of i he (Jatmdiun Pacific Railroad Company arrived ut Toronto y en ter da y by a fepecial train, '■ urop«*an capitalists. Prince IIoh«'i.loin* îeofTipuniiMl by Among lln* latter d hi« brother, Vice Vduiirai Count G 'eichen, of G»rmany, Earl i. C tut le t«»n and several English 40 Lutlnun, L «r<l« Elpliin« « O'lhlow. of r.n:.laij«l, and ?mb. rs ot Pat »i •nt. it ary of tl >d ot Mr. Bough uni, keeper of th«* light house at St. Josi*ph, Mi chigan, an«! flu- apiioiutment ol Mr. Platt, to succeed him. Mr. Houghton refuses give up his j luce, lighthouse, and refuses to uil< eessor tn take charge of it. It is thought that i«*gul measures will have to be resorted Some time ago tb<* s • ordered ;!.*•. re He is in possession uf the no»-» y» >"•'■'■ :i«ti »tpt.'»i t» trtkf iiKss»». »Um ol tin* town «»I Humicwfil), an important cattle station in Kansas. Fivof'lty Marshals ' have been succ»*s-iv« ly appoininl in 10 day« 1 aU lia V'- r igned. Last Timrsday Deputy Marsha!« K«»r»ythe and Raynor ai rived Irom Fort Wurth. Korvsthe was - Y! ar hal, ir «1 two io n«- after oowb.'.ys^"^P^ «»«boys''luck" i um» r. was liitaiiy fbot, and two hoi'**** were kille-l. On Sundav night Sheritt Tlirall with « posse arrested lb | ut the rioters. The town i to. 1 «1 a baggage c 1 Little Ihiek alln I nger c< the Memphis : through a i rcst.le Arkansas, breaking of a rad. t hree gerund Harry Fold berg, i ton Plant, Ark. foreman of pile drive road, were killed, and several others were jver.-lv. 1 »*11 *«t City, Tuea Uv night, owing to the su, J. B. Salin •*rehautft of (Jot u*, and John Adair, ex vMge ne K< the Little Rock ii jun-d, in . , , , , . ..«• j*tnu.»..ta "u Tu* -i.iy evrnina. At ! kîn il auü' tu înjH r.*-.7, r on.'-t'hirA oi' ihi-towii j tii'imriiriuuinh.-.i. \ r.. irwii iraiu wiiii-i, left Rochester lor /iinbrota was caught, in i the tornado ami eompleiely wrecked. ] i wenty-fiv.- of the p.»s-i-ng'-rs are said to , hav- l.eeu killed ami ..bout 7Ö injured. A ... ,i ijuii'ituu» w«« blown ! I two person). Were killed, several other« being injured. The full extent of cannot yet be uaccriaiued, the tel« graph wires being down. quiet. ; I lie havoc «lone by A Little It« 1*1011 Hiiriter mown up ülirli Theyiion- v.jiRt. h I,Ui,■ uerm.n hurl), r. »a. ' shaving at the shop of f 'lias. Hacumier, N»» Avery st.. when a s tar representutiv inter viewed him lie said: "'Win-nl found that ticker wits 1 he lucky one*. 1 did not drop my and stop work. WÎ tht to ail V 1 flu »shed I expressed M A. Dauphin, N« w Orleans Lu., cash was returned to lie is a relier, industrious .1 .. who will make Markliss.i. Oer» 1 •;iv ticket for col!»-«.*th»n. if... *i i d pruilHUi. young s (if his wealth; w* many; is age 2 ft slst«:i's at lioinu win» In will assist, and will pro bably open a barber shoo • fills —tiobtun ( Mass.)Star, July 2d. « brothers « In this city. -I JOHN WAHAMAKKWH.: fb New If you are of those who can't and thereby com bine pleasure and business, the Mail Order Department is at Your letters will HI your service, be first received in the Depart ment ot Accounts, remittances credited,and such as may order goods passed to t he Mail Order Department. Here those re questing samples go to the sample Division, where you'll fina ranged, not unlike prin ters' cases, receptacles for dot 1 , and dress goods, selected, cut. tickeied and ready to mail, ail in anticipation of your request Others are "special," and are gotten at the counters as wanted. Here, too, are the stampers for stamping 'he prices on the printed sample slips sewing machines tor stitching them on in sheets, cutting machines tor cutting them apart, &c. The cost of these little sam ples has reached $'2(M)0 in a month, besides jmstago and the expense ol sending them. Y our letters registered, thejsam pie piovided, both examined by a competent Inspector,passed to a director, who also examines the latier and addresses the en velope containing sample. Any information or suggestion that may aid you will also be given in a specific reply to your letter which is passed over to a cart - fully-trained correspondent tor this purpose. It your letter relates to a re turn ot goods it goes to the Ex change Desk. 11 it contains \\ orders for coods, to clerks who ° record your name, address, < c. b They place sudi letters in the hands ol competent buyers, whose instructions are to rep resent only the customer and buy as judiciously as if buying lor themselves. They copy upon a shipping bill (called a "transfer") a list of items to be bought, and take your orig nal letter to refer to. The buyers are no more or less than cus tomers going from counter to counter. The best buyer is not one who brings in the most dollars, but who pleases the most customers, and when they tail to either to please, either they haven't understood your letter rightly or they have e red in judgement, which,with so can stant exp rience ought not to to be. If we haven't the exact thing wanted, they may send you a sample of the nearest, or a clerk specially fitted lor the duty may write you fully and aid you with any sugges tions, or it may be s nt out on a "try-out', slip and looked lor outside. We don't consider the value of the sale in the amount of time or the trouble From 75 to SO people given. are employed to attend to these wants, whether great or small, alike. Sometimes 1,< 00 letters a day are received and answered They come from every State an t beyond the se s. A large order was recently received Irom Honolulu. Over $3,000 worth ol mail orders have been received and filled in a dav, rni • i • i i i î ' IlUrO JS 0, CICCl(ic*(l ilïicl St^RCiy incr(*clS6 OVCÏ lîist VOHF W- rrn» 1U ^ ICuver iaSt ar * O In< order letters are what the l*. /v i , t) people Call "UaiOS. e of them before us have ro signature and await the reports i* .i . v\ • i | DI tile tracers. One IS 11*0111 Alaska .with a small remittance ! and the Postmaster there is j see _king to get the "ame ot the writer. Si^me iortret to trive i • ... , , . n ] tile 81ZÔ OI tllO ne°d, bust,hillld , Jqq* y-.». rninibpr nf thrpfnl UL ur "UlllUUr OI UlieaQ ! wn-'te.I, &.C , but are liaturailv > , , . , ,, . u LO COI1V1DC0 Ol ttlCir 01*1*01*. Others write w itty letters, lau' hing al their blunders and 1 • 1 . . ' sending sunshine over the desks of the toilers. 1 John Wanamaker, Chestnut, Thirteenth an«l Market slrcels «»ud City-Hull •qn»re, l'hlla I» -ipfii.i. maiuêiiai> t, I » *» __ PHILADELPHIA, WIL- -I MINOT« »N AM» BALTIMORE RAILROAD. f JUNE 2. W*. Trains will leave Wilin' i./O»» **» follows for fb I ladel phla and i uterm.. i » Ate s i »UowHMtt, 7.UUi m. «.», 4.00, 7.*«, 1». ">• Philadelphia (•xnrWMI-O, 2.S, «.»K 7.W, 8.1% as,».v*. io.**LIt. 5« ».16,1.64, •>. 17, e.ü' «.5% .26 p. m. New York-I .iil 2 , 2 a, fi. ? L84, 2.ÎL, IU7, ft. ialtlwore ami Inianue.iut* ntation*— I.U6, 0.17 fi. » . I Ml »'. Wax «.«% ii.(Ut a. •12.IS »I. Hlr ! l'. . ft.oo p. m. HI Urn ore mul R*y lArit I. >« y Maitlfi orr an*! Wtsfetrtjrr a. m. I.on, •l.oo, ft.oo, «.ft7, 11.04 p. in. Baltimore only—1.0ft. a. fci, 4.M, II. .17 1 A.ftOp.m. Train« for 1>«*Biwart> IMvtoton leave for: Mew <fa*tlr—#WW, ».II»«, "v U4. *.«L « 28 j*. in. Harrington and lcte»Tnc i ili 1 . 0 «, «.An. m. lA^luoar an>< lutamelUft' »tatlNua—u. 10 Sf I*.A Hlr Ht. 'Ans-*». 10 %. Rxprt'8» for Del mar, 4/0 p.m. L. Ç. SUNDAY THAÏ NS. Philadelphia and 1 nt lî.no m. ft.ftn. 7.70. P.6!i, p. m. Philadelphia and New York-7.00, 2.28». ni. 5.17. «.7«, 7.ilp. tn. HuitlQüre aini tVadilagum -1.42, 4.51. ft.0ft, 9.17, a. tn. Ll.M p. to. ll.»itlUiure—-1.05 a. m. j iin^iutimi «.10a.m. Dut * P la Airther lujurmailuu paEseugor« «re the d* pot. tllulUM rxpren erred u» me mut: taUl* • poau •#* l'raiiitt mark'll t'ius: (') m charged. upon #i,|c|i ( 1 * J. R. WOOD. General !*»■«»• nge Agi CHAH. K. PWOH. rc ii.T.d M iiiXfitir. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ON AND AFTK.K JUNK 25, 18«. ».*• MAIN LINE. TRAINS LEAVK BKUAD STREET STATION. •Daily. G »ally, except Sunday. "New Y ork aud vUileagn Llinlted" of Pullman Palace ears. Fast Line, PttOrtiurg an« Kxprena. I'acIHc Kxpretts West Harrisburg ftxpre«». Nlacani Expie«« . W.H.WIn:. Kip Erie Mall and except Saturday. Kane Expre«* . lock Haven Exprès», fiiartliifttmrg Express L'Dambt-raDurg and Hio'crstown Ex pi 7.4uand ll.Ooa. in., dall 11.20 p. m. V Der«tiurg only, 5.4f»n. m. nlienan.loah Valiev Katiroa l « very 1 k day at 7.40 a. in., and New loans Lxprobn. via Lur.iv 1 nooga, dally at. Harrisburg and York K* • >|a'.l Train... IfairUDii-g Aceomiii'xl 1 York and H flic West . \\ o»l. • (I.Uft p. • 11 .» r>. • 4.»' a. ) 7.40 a. • Mi.uj a. B'llfialo lx press, dally . 11.20 p. 7.40 a. 11.06 a. 41.30 and 11.06 a. ::l 1 TJ*':* i < .'halla . 11.20 p. .£6.40p. S 2.14 p. »Dover Kxpi .* 7.40». rick K xi» regain.or» *. <d»l(oll. •r and Km IVdumDia and York Ac 1'nrkesDurx Train, iiowuingtöwn Ac . s4 44 p. in ..)5 46 p. 111 . • idaliuu, 6 7.15, lay, 7.30 a d 10.30 p. m. MSP. in. Pil.di (rains, 8.10, 7.1,, s.l.% 10.15 and 11.46 ». Ul., 12.46, 1.45, 2.11, 2.1.5, 3.15, 3.4.5, 4.16, 1. 44», 5.1 1 , 6.4-s 6.16, (i.•15, 7.45. V. 16. 10.30 »11(1 II.till p. 'Sunday, 7.30, 8.*'. S.aOatid 11.45 a. ui.. 2. 46, 3. *5, 5.15, 8.15 and ilLlün. in. ill >n >1» » r Trains, s. 10, 6.45. 7.1% 7.45, 10 . 1 .% 11.45 a. 2.45, .4.15, «.ii, 4.15, 4.44, 4.45, 5.16, 5.16, 0.15 ft.4- s 7.16, 9.15. 10.30 aud 11.5 h .91, 9.30. 11.46 a. in., 1, • lay, 7.: in. Un s 47». 3.45, 5.15, N 15 nd io. lo p. ut. We.-t i bester KxpreMS, 7.4" it. in.. 4.44, 6.40 p. •ouiuiodatl 6.1\ 6.45. ft.4.*, 7.46, II..ft |>. 11.45, a. Train» arrive— Fi in., 5.16. 7.25 p. except Monday* • V7-2 1 *» is«*«i*'»i"lSii»*:U'V»ii 'V.I»». ui'.'l'iiTiij except Moudav. From Loek Haven, 3.16 p. in., a. O'., *.15,', on Hun.lay, /.; 11. . .I5p. m. Plltslui ry, l.h 5 and 7.W* ». in., dally, 4.26 ». m., ami Wl'llainr Krn i«. NEW YORK DIVISION. IRAIS» LK.AVK BROAD KIRKLT STATION FoK NKW YORK, is <»n t eekilays, 8.16, ••xeept Moudav, ».50. ».30, 11 ». in. ( L. m I tel Kxpre m.) 1. 3, 4, 6. 4», n »»I nlgiit. On »uinlay», 8. »5, ft. ju, 30.4. in., 4, (Limited Kxpre,«. 5.20) ft.30, ■ 1 8.2« p. ui, and 12.01 iiluhl. For Brooklyn, N. Y., a'l tbrough train« •v City with boat« of "Hiooklv Annix," »Hording »llrect transfer . » l, »4 »»billig double ferriage and Jnuim ) Ni* Y'ork elty. Kxpress for Sea Girt, . prlng Lake,Ore» « »«•••an Grove, A-tnn » hark and Loiikt I.*i »Fe». t Xauit 2.4% ».'O, 3.:* Kxpre, 8.20, 8.4% 8.20, 8.. b.2op. m. 5, 20 p. 3.4% 7.45 Fulton .. Beach, Brunei), P* FROM KENSINGTON HT AVION FRONT AND NORRIS STREETS. Express for New York, ft.65 and 8.40 ». n week-days. FROM MARKET STREET WHARF. Express for New York, via < aimlen ami Trenton . m., ami 4.:«» p. in. week-»fays. Branch, &e 4 p K vlaT.i I I ■i aud Berkeley. T.30 ; i's Ri !» ':i River ami lutermtiiialc Kx pr* olatt ruekerlou . ami 4.00 p. BEL VI DE KK DIVISION. (ROAD STREET STATION. • lay -KxpiVbS for LamherivIlU Water Gap, Heraiitou, B », 8.00a. m., 12.01 and ft.uo j »ml W au-r Gu p oniv 4.1 FltDM Daily, K. oil. Deli I ii For m:i 1 ». For I .aniin rtvlil* < p. For Fie Iraius a; ri\ 9.50 ». in. • a. in., 12.01 and 4.00 y,» xceptSunday— F , 7.4ft and 9 65 p. m. FROM KENSINGTON STATION, AM» NORRIS STREETS. agi- «tou. FRONT Daily, exeepi sun»J»y — Expre«»for Lambcrivillc Kat>ton, Di lawan- VV'aU r G»o, S aulon. Bing hamtou and 1 *»w. go. 7.40a. m., 12.01, 6.30 p.m For Scranton at»»l Water Gap only, 3.36 p. in. F<*. Lamlirrtvlll«-, 2.10 p. iu. For F'lumlugtou, 7. 8) SU-eplng-r; du-stmii «tn*ct3, tvG«1ie«tuut Sir«***t Station. Tin Uill«» ch«*ek llUV g canls and t station« amt at tin i.»moving . ; 12.01 amt 8.:«) p. m. he had at Broad it ■ win call f r Company irom iioG'ia ami r» «l«li !«•«. Tb"e ean he »ibtafued at tne fh'i l N .», 859» ( 'hestuut »treel, .Broad »ml Chestnut : V». lift Market street, ! S". 4Chi*lionave. Germant'n N«j. 324 Federal St. Caimii i CH ARLES K. HUGH, General Manager, J. K. \V« »<)D, General i'as«uuger Ag» ut. ( ; K RT OKPICKH GKEA' PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. DOUBLE I RACK-STEEL KAILS. SPLENDID BURN KRY.MAGNIFK ENT EQUIPMENT, NORTHERN CENTRAL Ra . WAY. — TAKIN« KFFKCT MAY It 1883. city time, a« follows •ept Sunday, for _ l Express, dally i. Trains !«•: - I'm:. Mai! T.s , «lai! v • North ; • I v\. Clih a «I Line ..10.4ft a. K.-t I .. ■ I tbhurg 1* •lay. Ex pr :»r, dally pt . 4.30 p. in. W«-l« Mall Ex i Park tow n i 8.46 p. in. .11.16 p. iu. iodation, 3.30 5.30 ft.30and 10 (*> « id .Sunday. Sumiayouly, a.:«) ally . \V«-|, «lally ., « • il 11 V , fX -, liinl l.-.fti I CtM-key,-.-. Jili •nmlation, 9.%, n.3u a, m., .■I 11,30 p. in. On Sunday. ■ io p. m. .ettysljurg, 7.30 a. in. bring H nui ch, 6.30 a. m., 3 and 5,30 For lia For tick**!« to all pointa East, Nortli and (Vest, apply at ( «I > * • r j station, at. Northeast corner Haltunore. and Calvert street«, and at Uuloti station. Raiorage calle»i for and checked al hot»-ls ana e .l«l»-n»'«.» mi ».r i.-r loft at office, uurthea-it cor r Baltimore ami ('alvert streets. BALTIMOKF & POTOMAC RAILROAD. K ko V * A ». V ERT ST AT ID N. TA KING EFFECT J UN E 1 % 1883. . 8.15 an«l «..% o. m. day, an«l 4.20. 7.8f^ M d.Üù and 7.10 p. n. , 7.00». , dally except buuday, For Waditiut « iallv, except . 7 a. h 9. hi ami it ., dally. . and 4,10 p. m., F« r Pop. •lally, ex Anna) 0 A. fatly. .he coutil at 4,20 and 0.4!) ». •ept Kun«i&>. .Ciülr.ja. 1 , '»t •pt Hu r lay. RI« mn. i u m., dally, and For the Mou«.)» v 16 p. m., dally e Virginia Midfan . tr.., *lal»>-, as , riumtav only. • »-. tf., at 3.15 an«l 8.65 p. ui., •ept Sunday. i via PoUmune River «tenue! % Mon Friday al n.35 a. m .56 p- m., 7.10 P. • InllV, For lay, We»lnt's«1ay KRDM UNION STATION. , 4.8)1, 8.60, 7.06, 7.<>5, B.50, H. 4 ». . Lfifi, Ml. ., Hi, 7.Ä ».06 P. 1 » 1 . 1>«1 nun w. 7.46, 9.M». 11.40 a. rn., 6 . " riliiian«} KoHd, at 4,30 a. m., dally, o.ur» lay. l.'/d p. on und»y dally, except Hun .... (Uuiltedj, 3.26 p. m., ami y .05 eptonbanday. FROM I'KN n SYLVA NIA-AVENUR STATION For Was hington, «. 86 . 7.10, 7.», 9.66 and 11.45 a. "»•» i'J&j '• \ 7 2 . and ft.10 p. m. On Sunday, at 0.66, *. 60 , 9.o6 and 11.45 a. m., 6.16 and 7.25 W a«U 1 day,' 4..*. ïnl'ï" ' F .AG. Hoar}, «.50 ». lay, 1.5') . in., dally. P. Ann-poll;, r.10» ...16 p. m., dnlly. LEAVE WASHINGTON FOR BALTIMORE ! A:«.no, !).m»n.i in. so a. m., l.*i, «.20, «.«», 5.2U. ». w, 9.5b and 10.20 p. m. Ou nundaya, S. u 10.3') a. n. . 1. -m, «.2U, 7.20, • .50 and lu.2J p. H, WOOD. Gen. Agi, , LHftHLXB E. ruoit. General Manager. dally except Sunday; at. ■ W t# LJi O A » LINK A À Ni K* WILMINGTON f T THKUN R. ft. Time Table to go Into effect .lu tv 2SM, 168». GOING NOKTII. Dally except bunday*. hundayt only. Ktathms, Wllmlrg i » . AB St I Ml it« ni I . .. »'. V«»rd J. Linap .... Coateavllle Wax ues.J. 1 .p. in.p.m.p. m.a.m»p.m oft » in • ..s 7 no .♦ iu I 4 k 1.02 7 3) 7 441 3 fin 1 ftl «1« 7 31 7 4» »W 2 ;« 7 oo « iw ft so i *r> S 02 7 HI , 7 <80 7 4« 1 7 41 : aus 91«! 6 1H »I. I'eliT H ft 2" Mu 12 »» Warwick ft 35. U2ftfti Sprlurrt»-l«l ft ft: 9 2 *' u« a is 7 1 « Hlr sfioro. 7 27 DM 2 0ft ! tending, > h U it* an a 4u l'. A H s. ( . ■.:« ft a»* » .HI ftOft 4 A ft 30 lo :*> ft 40 . GOING MOUTH. Dully except Monday. Mn ii ila y h only. Sf nt Ion», »ending i I*.A R.S. \ Hlr -alioro. vfÂ'. d Ht. Peler'« .».ni. ». 5 r .p.m.a.m. p.i , •. * 7 00 :i t» :« » i ftM o m I0 2ft H K «05 7 : h IM *M>6 U 14 4 22 • » 1 20 U 45 4 4M I ti. : « 4« ft I» ft /*5 ft ;» .1. nw Co»te«\ III« 4 4ft 7 07 L. naiK*.... ft ' 7; 7 44 Ç. KorU J. 5 :w 7 ft.'» 9 24 4 4T ft-12 1 8« » M ftftftl ft.U m ' 10 60 '• - • IK, • 12 9 40' ft 17 10 • *9, 8 :ift io au, 7oo Dut * if . .. « 02 H 17 ii r. « lug «> 25 ft 4" II 81. P A H. «I ■ h ur connect ions at Wilmington, Chad.IN Ford Junction, l.i-rmn... Junction, lltrdabor la li|«» nt ill Mat I* mm Coaten ville, Waynentiui g and R» a Ina, s •• time !.. A. BUWKH. * «n. Pial Agent. J. If. Inompkon, Gener I Hupt. inv2fi 1 >ALT1 MOKE Je PHH.A'»KLI»HIA R. K. * * < HANGR OF HOI'Its. and a Her JUNK Ist, lM8*,lrnlii« will follow«: Leave WHiningtoM 7.1W», 10.90, a. m; fi.30 p. tn. Arrive at Landen Derg, K.fiO a. in; 12.00 noon, .. and ».*• |). HI iimlay », leave Wllmlngl «.(Op m. Arrive »t Lande iDhtv, 11.40 a. Lesve Landen Derg ».Ml a. Arrive .11 Y\ llmfiigrT -«iinday«. D ave Landen ■ »erg,8.00 a Arrive Willi)liijftou. 9.PI .v. iu. 5.40 p. in. I>. OONNKLÛ Huperin tendent. », 10.30 a. . 7.10 p.m. ; 12..10 p. m. ; 2.15 p. . 4.30 p.m. /JAMDEN AND ATLANTIC K. K. i.\ AND AFTER JUNE», 1S«I, TRAINS WILL LEAVE AS KOLLOWS. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. From Vine r •et Fi rr Kxiirt-NH on week-day«, 9.45 a. in., 3.15 4.00 Mod 5.45 I». III. On Hatiir uyuul), 2.'*» p. ill. On b u II da\. 7.:«) and tt.-K) a. 1 Hlia<-kamax< week dil vn, 9..10 a. Huturday Ht reef Ferry - Kxprd .,3.U0, 4.<*> and 5.30 • 11 Sunday, 7.30aun . On y, 2. Ou p. in. Aecoinmedatlon Train will leave nhove Kerrie« feek-day» at ».00 4.3» p.m., and Iny at ». 00 .- 1 . in. and 4.30 p. hi. Parlor ears attached to all expre«« trains. Kxcuralon train w|jI Lave the above Ferries dally »il 6.30 a. ni. LOCAL TRAINS FROM PHILADK.LPIHA. F*>r lladdontlehl from Vine and Hlmekamaxon «rt Ferrie», 7. and 11 . 6/0, JO. Krn .. Vine »tree - only, 5.45, 7. -«», 9.:« Hliaekiimaxoii »I reel ont , 5.3op. in. day train» leave Imtli Ferries at 8.0Ô and ft.:«) ». in. From •I 4.30 p. III. I- « Pen in* y Ivi.uln Railroad Hlalion. foot of . in., 2 50, 6.0» and n.aop. lav«. 9.3il it hliaekiimaxon •M ark* ., «.:«• p m. For Aleo, I Kerries 8.1st a. P, m. HundavH. 8. foot of Murk' Vin« .. 12.0*1 Fi I I lam mou ton, ferrie», 8 . 1 * 1 ». m., 4.30, 5.3), ft.ul» n. days, ft.«Ui V lue and Hliaekamaxoii st. ., 4.3" p. . Huturday« only, ecb ll.Uop. ui. ' • I Marke For Lakeside, II. m Marlion. Medford, fill. Holly and di»t*' htatlon«, leave foot of Mi 2.00 p. m. I I». in. HundavH, Vim- and Mhiu'k» •:k day«, d sbaeknnmxon • i 1 6. Kr Ferries, 10.(K) * llllanislowii. fr» *ct ferries, ».i*ia. in., 12.00 m. 4 80,0. •ml r u If parlur ear» ou -< Il expre W. N. DANN ARI), Huperintemh-ut. K« Vine i \V< ) •I. R. WOOD, enl 1* . Agent, I^ALTJMOKE AND OHIO RAILROAD. THE MODEL FAST LINE, AND THE ONLY LINE 11 FT WHEN lit K E A HT AND THF. WERT, VIA YV ABHING TON. DOUBLE TRACK 1 JAN NY 8TKKL RAIL» ! LOUI*! HKDULKTO TAKE EFFECT BUN DAY, NOV. 12, 1882. LEAVE CAMDEN STREET STATION : Fu«t Ex A. M.Mille , 4'lncliinatl, St. im--, H. A o. I'alnee Sleeping ( fin* -1 ii lût Cl, Ht.« ami Chlcau»». 4.40 ♦Wa-'tlngt MIlM.ANl*) Sou III west, Quaiiti'-o. ) ft. in F.lll.MItl i!V ft. I" Y\ a*>hlugt ntl i 3.00 I way -.tatlons, (V r A. Riehinoml, (via p wav stations. I » «luliouft. , sJ'.'.'rNTON AM» WASH. Metropolis 'heater, Hag . stHtiona, via < Eliiroil Cliv 7. hlngt< 7.15 AS SALDI. Ü IM.InN F.X, aii<1 «talion« Krauch. inuit, iSlTHHluirg. V\ n, ri • derirk and w day 7.50 I'ie • I Tl* i>nrRD, Cf N*'!\ N ATI, M. LOU IK IVAMIIM •<•'. A \D * • iLrMBl's FX 11ICAOO dolly ex « Boutli, • r-. liiiliiinore tof'ln » (lileapo Junetbin. Hon to fldcago. llanxpolL, 9.00 •RKrir P» • hii>«»n<l : Ouantieo), eluniai, i.ouixv . I'nr.i, Ch fieepRig ( n- liingt »I» ns all« : 9.10 «ta Ion«. Aimapo 10.30 »'• A-ft I \ Win's LAUREL EX a ND r. m. W »«UlngMii, .vmiiiiH.lls aud way. to a Sunday way, 1 . 50 EllleotM.Ytv «ml w 2.60 Mashing lv. u ly. bir 'Aastiiagton and ay «liltions. V\ ay Stations. (Rich uxeent Siimlav). < with I. A s. 0. Co., Frli'AV, ami Tuehilay, Thur«* Obi Point Com fori. Quanti«'«», \v ,'InIi III g| » S\ 'e»Uio*1uy : «• Si»'niiit»(>ttt'<'o. «nul Suiurdny N«»rl«»lli, Ar. w ashingtdn Anii»|M»(lR Juin Mom EXPRESS. i Ityatiuville. 'A Inchcuter, Hagerstown, Frederick 4.20 FM'ashlngton, Annapolis t Frederick and wav «ta! ♦ Wusldiigtui *»hurg,<'|«. v«d: «1 way. nl»l I« 'ib. ami way «lulioii«. :vi +P ! D«'t i nit Fx press Carh n » I'ituliuit n .vo. I*., ii H.« <( lit. VI.'». I I- I ISN.VII, >|. I,(,l IH V» .Vr"»Nl. ION AM. <:•'l.CMItTM ÉX ! h. .'h. I». AD. l*a laue Hh-» iiiaLr <; rimdnnati, Mt. Lonb »mi ( 'li.«*ag«i. Lynch Imiy ami the Hoiith, via Va. Midland. 9.15 4< ui N >und»y only, lor Alt. Airv 11.15 Ml. Airy ami wuy aiatioiin. 11.30 YV asiiington »'id wu> .liUloils. M< I "ipi.ilfan H'-anch, 7.15 a. r "■ For Rockville, t!).00 a. in. Hop ;il ILi lay except 3.u0a. m. LEAVE WASHINGTON FOR BALTIMORE: '■ ■I way. L« », tl. All' .. 0, <11.30, 6.:«», t7.45. 8.Î0, +9.00, lO.Oo a m ; «■•o 1 * 12. +Dally. ex«-epl Sondttv. ÎSumlay -y. Other trains dally Kgage called for and chocked at hotels resident:. ;> on order» left at Ticket uflieeH W.H-I BAI.TIMOKK r ruKfcT, i" W "r iiSi> : AI>W M " KN BTA,,,| «>W .n.I »1 B1ÆÏ1I V. M. «1.BÏIKNTS, <;, K. LMKU Master of Tran«pni LMt ion. Gen. Pues. Agent. I o2 .«: A/> r: tj 1 ruts a i., University oi Vimma b HUMMER LAW LKCTT:RF.H (nine ekly), »•eglli 12th July, IHM, ;i,„| ,.,„j J2tli Have provtMl of «ign ri deslg , 1st, to stmleiitk, wlm other o pursue Ho ir studk-H this lln»- « who propos«- 1«» HchiM»l;2d, rho have not bad ' sielv; un«l 3d, t«» practltione i J "' advantage «»r «vstematic Instruction, circular apply < I». »5. MINOR, i*r<»f. I . I nlvcrslty of Va. ) to JOHN *K AWAItK COI.LEGK ! -■n» WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEK 5ÏII, 1883. will commenct Three courues of »tudv : ». < lassical, sriKA riFir A\ KaL and AG KUHJLTl' IT6 HAKi . Hull» •xesar* admilu-d to flu « ln«, ■ i*I olh r iiiforiiiuliou 1 . For •l»iy l'REHT. W. H. PURNELL, I.LD., Hilft ^ewar«. Delaware, I ÜL i K 1V ERVI E W ACAD EM Y, DELAWARE CITY, DEL. , A liour'llng and dav m-Ii«»«) Gp« liHtin MONDAY, r*KI*T. 17. Issif. Nothing furnished •i for both sexes. I'rlee fo D*"*' aiiinun. No extras, pupils. Mend for circular G. ALEXANDER A CO., Delaware L'ity, Del. d tn iti In ■ JT-1- miAllJtM,* A *AO#'A DR. CL ARK JOHNSON'S, IncLia>n I31oocl S yrup! Curt s all discasrsof the Stomach', Liver, Bowels Kidneys, 'kin and Blood MILLION^ testify to its efficacy in he ling the above-named diseases, ulu i pronounce it to be the BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN Guaranteed to cure DYSPEPSIA AGENTS WANTED. 1 .ahratory, 77 W. Bd St. New York City. Druggists ^11 n ' The < Vlebratwl Continental Brewing Co.'s Ale, Porter, Brown Stout and Lager Beei also JOHN F. BETZ & SON'S CELEBRATED BOHEMIAN AND LAGER BEER, F.'U SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY JNO. MULROONEY, Fifth and Tatnall »Streets, Wilmington, Del., BOLE AGENT FOR DELAWARE. N. 11.- > II order» pfmuptl« «''ei led to. Li •r, either In keg« for Ale, Porter Drittle« p 1 lair1 .1 I . will b| niM4-ima JAS.F.WOOD&CO., TIN AND SHEET IRON ROOFING, Meial Work and Jobbing ol Every Description. of m. st. Stoves, Healers, Ranges and the "Favorite Ileatei J AMES E. WOOD & CO.. FRONT AND ORANGE SIS. WJ I jMINCt P( )N, DEL. fphftO 4 1 » DEAFNESS AND NOISES IN THE HEAD ! Ex it one Interview with I)r. Hartley docs not accomplish morn for your Head and Throat than tl the iidvortised nostrums unej fora lifetime, you pay nothing for It Hundred« of perconi the sk ill and success of Dr. Hartley, but pro their tut me« and ailments paraded In h public newspaper. THE SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT OF CATARRH testify lu this elty a.e pleased fur not to A. (via Passages from the Lifo of the Most Eminent Specialist tn that Line. Dr.Hartley, of Philadelphia, Is probably the highest living authority upon Uatarrbal dlsonfer ao«l Its concoinltaois, and It 1« proper to inak* wni« reference to the cause« which bare led ti his winning «<• great a reputation. Dr. Hartley lir*>t came before the public a a practltloMrli ls4M In New York. In Ibfio he settled In riilladelphla. where ne ha« ever «luce remained. Darin« the wbde uf hl« lengthy earner he haft m de a Hpcoial study of Uatarrh and throat apd ear «flee tions, and some of the must remarkable cures o - record ar- credited to him. In 1>M lie cur«4 President Fillmore of a «over« Catarrhal affection, and the easo oooasloned much favorablecom •nt In the newspapers of the day. He also tr« n teil sueeessfully the Rev. I)r. Iftjuier "I wa« ttigtnn, lb v I)r. Fay. also of Washington, ex-Attorney General \\ dliams, ami many other din tluguii-hed in- i. Among those fie hus «uocess illy treated in Philadelphia and vicinity »reMr . 14"7 tUiesi nul street: Gen. Oharles 1^. Loiper, Frankford; Joseph Schofield, ralli of Schuylkill and many ot'ierr. Dr. Hartley is a nuiu uf sr*l* noe and great original taleat,ana thuds of trentm*-nt have a )»hl'osoplilcat and phy«ioloalc;i|ly sound basis. Unlikeother arVltloner« ne us» .- only gold and silver instrun'eots, which render the transmission of disea« .<• patient to anofi er an impossibility. Ills remedies aresimple, sale aud whollj psiniea und tutver fall to give relief, and in the vast majority of eases a permanent curt*. He exiwU no exorhita .t foes in advance and always treats his patients as a thorough physician,«« a gentleiuwi au«l a man of honor. Hence it Is that ho is so highly esteemed hero auu all through the country. Ills practice 1- ng ago reached itnim-nso proportions: for one patient cured always Bona* uiaxy more to hiui for treatment. His office at 243South K'ghtli street Is the rendervou? of suneren from all parts of the country, and none ever go there without afterward» blessing the irnpi*'s« or cause which led them «o to do. Dr. Hartley in indeed oue of the benefactor« of theuge. a..u ni» name will iong be field in grateful remembrance by those whom ho has buueflUed. Hag via Cliv IK FX P» tiis EX and fori. Amoiur tlic li«t of ohrouie diHeaacn which uffe- t the human frame, Catarrh i? the moittyrev lout, most ofleuftive, m«»«t productive of dlucomfot t, aud uioBt liable to a variety ot daugervUM distressing complication«. riiouftamlH uro auuually hastening to a premature grave from It« pernicious eflectfi. no doubt thoiDHud* at till« moment slowly porlfthlug under it« fatal Influence, ignorawiii til«; cause of their «leclluing health, lt whs, In fact, the destructive influonceof this ft|i«i it.- alarming prevalence tiuit first uttra«*t«Ml the writer's nttentiou, and it i« with para' « pride that ho refer« to the fact ©t having been (he first ph>«iciun who made this disease *■k study and originated asistem vf treataiontcalculste«! tocfiect a radical and permanent eu». and i OFFENSIVE DISCHARÜ ER FROM THE HEAD t'atarrh manifest« Itself by a discharge from the head van Ing It« nature lu different - and even in tlieftiime individual at dllicrcut Umts, lt îliay he a thin, colorless.a<*rid " Ul y, «tareh-llkc substance: generally, however, it Is a thick, purulent or maco-uuruleni a cither a greuuish yello or of deep green tiut. o.îoa.shmaily streaked ur decked w»in tuoou. copious and offensive i« the discharge tn many ca us that the patient feel* a« iliougu tu« " head was iu a .-Late of corruption. Kl. IH ÉX '■ HAWKING. Much of the discharge passes back witrd into the threat, or collect« as a tough. v . ! ' c '1},.!^, nui aud above tho «oft pitlulu. iu the passage between the threat and tiie head, nui i constant and almost IrreiisUblo desire to obtuUi '«dn f by "Hawking." a practice cnaractcnn nrib, and as ctnbarraftRing t«» tho onu .iflcctcd hs it I« disagreeable to those « rouua. the • lili-gm is so tenaoioua that the must persistent and exhaustive efiorts Ian to uisiou* until some food or stimulant is swallowed. . _i ( . ri i !l t* Again the ollensive matter deposit« it «elf in ihn nasal cavities In the shape of ary .nani . which. In «ouïe eases, accumulates tosuch a extent a« to form a regular plug.obstructing lav and producing serious discomfort. This condition is indicative of ulcenitlou, whicn, m may destroy the bony slrucluio ol tho no«e and pioduc it« subsequent flattening. OFFENSIVE BREA TH. The breath 1 b always tainted, and aometimes Is so revoitlngly offensive a« to render thend forer au object of disgust to himself as well as other», and cases are ocoosionally " 0 i » v.'hieh the stench is really overpowering, and sufficiently fetid to poison the atmosp««» . whole room Thus a person affected with Uatnrrh liv« s continually iu an impure uiui j of hi« own surroundiug, aud iniiales a poisonous effluvia with every breath. tl. m 1 * dally I o2 .«: OTHER DISCOMFORTS. other, a» 1 • bi In mnny eases tlic nose Is stopped up, sometimes on one Side, «omet lines ""«„a h V ooc* often on both, giving rise to a disagreeable •'stufly'' sensation In tho head, accouipanieu j of sioiial violent und prolonged paroxysms of snee lug. Agu'n, a distressing feeling oj 1 " , orft nresslun 1« experienced above or between the eyes, or pain manifests itself in it If I or temples, or on the top or back ol the head, sometimes of ft«» Bevor« a cüa f~g?L ujaV be taken lor neuruiglH. 1'hu sense of smell is gcuorally blunted or entirely lost amiitx* , . 0 j 8¥ coine imilurly n fleeted. The voice is husky or of a nasal character, while oftçutimv Jn ctinll.m il hoarseneoft uccopipanie«l l»y more »»r less cough, excessive debility and emiu p',eei* dood. in some Instances, the loss of flesh Is so considerable and progressive us t° notlco t)» T « istwnce o' tubercular «liseuse, aud not a few esses of Uatnrrh that have come u uner my been regarded as Uonsumpti«»u and so treated i»y unwary or inexperienced pracuuou DEAFNESS AND NOISES IN THE HEAD, ol the most frequent cv.uscb of deafness. Scarcely auy one afflicted «liseuse for any length oftimo retains a normal acuteness of the hearing power. w j*|, 0 ut the hearing suffers ut first only bv «pells, while In others the hearing grows bearing appeurunce ot premonitory symptoms, the denfu. ss inciensing grailually until tn® " tHu exi«H D * i-- »out. Noises iu the head of every conceivable description often add materially i distress. . ekly), wlm other bad I JOHN Catarrh ! 1883. DEVELOPMENT OF CONSUMPTION. As the disease fastens itself upon its victim, one after another of tho vital P® w ®? v *g|c|| udo T he patient loses flesh and strength; he Is languid, unable to perform mental or 1 •> m 0 mury with the e-uni hiclllty; i«d pressed In spirits and inciiiieil to urowslB'F«and Bleep, i-vs -Hkcncd. and its permauent linpalrim-nt s. iou y threatened. f , rc beenmo« The mucous tucmiiruiie bucomoft morbidly sensitive, and iu spite of the utinwsi • 0 j(be affected from Die slightest cuitseft, so timi at la«t even a breath of wiml upon t*« »he refpiH throat becomes productive of cold, and gives rise t«> a ftorlou» disturbance o . g yja s'tory orgons. The patient is subject to truque d and repeated cold , each oue agg J e( j el . c n*oi. disease by giving It a new impulse, and nttneking a larger extent of surface tnvn ju -1 aD<1 l i this manner the Uatarrh sp eads from organ to organ until it finally reaencs ' , | eHro and produces < Consumption. It would indeed be a blessing to humanity if every one w«m» tr1U t reinenilmr tiie ieftson that experience teaches us daily ; That to nkolbot thk ri MKNT or (v'ATAKRH IH TU DIB WITH CONRUMITION. For Y, DR HARTLEY'S sexes. fo }\ Office and Residence, 243 South Eighth »Street, Phila.t Office Hours—Fr. ID a. to 5 p. l., and 6 to 8 |>. m.