Newspaper Page Text
ei. r. cooijESfiEi: *v c o. WHOLESALE & RETAIL Commission <$• Forwarding Merchants. JTBr^ 11E subscribers having received tlieir ’ JL SPRING 4- SUMMER stock, are now prepared to supply their customers with goods at very moderate prices. They will endeavor at all times to keep on hand a complete stock of consisting in part of the following: Brown sheetings and shirtings, bleached do.; heavy Lowells, eottonade, blue drillings, brown and bleached do.; bed tickings; linen drillings; mus quito nettings; fancy dress goods, alpacas, mus lin de laines, nuts, de svviss;, cotton yarns, carpet warp, batting, carpeting; spool cotton, gloves, hosiery, etc. Also, Groceries.—Coffee, tea, molasses, refin ed crushed and brown sugars, allspice, pepper, nutmegs, cloves, indigo, madder, ginger, tea, vinegar, candles, starch, powder, shot, lead, etc. Hardware.—Table and pocket cutlery, grain and brier scythes; trace, log, ox, and fifth chains; hoes, shovels and spades, steel corn mills; mill, cross cut and hand-saws; files, tea kettles, enamelled kettles, castings and hollow ware, butts and screws, tap-hinges; chopping, broad, and hand axes, trowels, rat traps, curry combs, steel and iron squares; bench, moulding, match and brace planes. Hitts.—Fine Beaver, Mole-skin, Panama, Leghorn, and palm-leaf hats; also, Caps. Ready-made Clothing.—l ine dress cloth and drad d’ete Coats, casimere Pants, ant a full assortment of spring and summer Cloth ing. Jfiedicincs.—Sulphate Quinine, Calo mel, Blue Mass, Epsom Salts, etc. Also— Paints and Oils. Furniture.—They will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Furniture, consist ing of Bed-steads, Bureaus, Ward-robes, Chairs, Sofas, Matrasses, work-stands, wash-stands, Cribs, etc. Also, window Sash, of all sizes, window blinds, doors, etc. Cooking Stoves—Of which we have an ex cellent variety. Iron—bar, slab, and rod iron; hoop do.; cast-steel, wrought and cut Nails, horse-shoe do.; finishing nails, etc. Stationery.—School gpoks, blank Books memorandas; cap and letter Paper; black ant blue Inks, Inkstands, quills, slates, steel pens pencils, etc. Saddlery.—Ladies’ and mens’ Saddles; bri dies, halters, martingales, surcingles and girths horse collars; extra bridle reins and rings, etc All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. H. P. COOL1DGE & Co. Helena, May 24, ’51. • .1 V, M f.£C *»• 9JO. BEG leave to inform their friends am customers, and the public generally, tha they are now in receipt of a new and extensivt variety of goods, adapted to the FALL AN’ WINTER TRADE. The prices of goods generally, aie lower than last season; particu larly Domestic Cotton Fabrics, Those wish ing to purchase at Wholesale or Retail, maj rely on finding every article in our stock at tin very lowest price. Among our stock may b< found the following, viz: KERSEYS & LLYSEYS. An unusually large stock of Negro Kersey; and Linseys. comprising all the best styles ant qualities. BLANKETS. Red Blankets of various qualities; Cradieam Crib Blankets; Negro Blankets; all sizes am weights; White, Colored and Gray Mixed. OSNABURGS Of the best Southern makes. FLA N N E L S Of all colors and qualities—Canton Flannel bleached and brown. Bleached and Brown Drillings, Apron Checks Cotton Diaper, Ticks, Bl’k and Col'd Cambrics Paper Catpbrics, Brown and Bleached Shirt mgs. _ Printed marinocs, small figured, bright cC! ors, suitable for children. Tweeds and eassj meres for boys. LADY’S DRESS GOODS. A general assortment, such as Imported am American Mouselain D’Laine; Solid, col’d am Printed French and English Marinoes, Sill Warp Alpaccas, mohair Lustre, Bl’k and Fane* Alpaccas, and other New Styles of Silk am Worsted Dress Goods. Choice Stvles o French, English and Scotch Ginghams. P R I N T S . French, English and American Prints; al Styles, from the lowest to the richest printed. Shawls of various styles. Curtain Materials Turkey Red, Twilled and Plain. Cotton Dam asks; Crimson, Blue and BufF. White and col ored Emb. Drapery muslins Sic. OVER-COATING. Super Saxony Blankets, various colors ant: mixtures. Blue Blanket Over-coating. Ken tucky Jeans and Tweeds, all colors and qual ities. Hosiery of every description; Cotton Wool, Worsted &c. Childrens Plaid Worsted 11 USC. Shirts and Drawers, a large assortment. Jaconets, Cambrics <fce. Laces of all kinds. Plain and Fig’d Bobbinets. Cape and cap Stuff. Jaconet and Swiss Edgings and Insert digs. Needle Worked Muslin and Lace capr Collars and Under-sleaves. Irish Linnen ol all kinds. Pattern Thread, Sattin Finished do. Spool cotton. Turkey Red Yarn. Marsailes Quilts. 'Fable Diaper <fcc. <fce. > Umbrellas and Parasols. Carpeting, Hearth J\u(»s and Matting. Embossed cloth 'Fable Covers, Oiled Baizes &c. HATS & CAPS. Fine Beaver and Moleskin Hats, of the latest ‘tV-}1T7,Cl0t ’’ 1 US1’ Glazed and Seal caps, Wool Hats <fcc. 1 HARDWARE—Of this we have a ccneral assortment. Saddles, Bridles, Riding Whips, Saddle 1>1(TC Halters, Martingales &c. BOOTS & SHOES. A heavy stock of Negro Boots and Shoes 0 the very best quality. Gentlemen’s and Ladies Fine Philadelphia made Shoes and Boots. GROCERIES. In our Grocery Department may be fount almost everything in that line. Also, Bagging and Rope, Manilla Rope, together with leading articles in the Drug line. We have had a New Cotton Shed built in the lower part of Town, opposite tho present Stearr Boat Landing, for the purpose of Storing an\ Cotton sent to us either for Shipment to New Orleans, or for sale in this market. NORTON, FACKLER «fc CO. Helena'Oct. 3d, 1851. (treat Bargains for Planters. R E AL E S T A T E F O II S AL E . rW^IIE following list of fine cotton lands are B for sale by W. H. RINGO, Agent—and any information wanting in regard to terms can be obtained by calling on the agent in per son, or by letter, (post paid) directed to Helena, Arkansas. re 55 aq re PHILLIPS 14 1 n n e i 1 COUNTY IS 3e n wj s e 4 i n s e i 18 28 31 5 5 In In In 2n 2n 4e 2e 3f. 6e 6e 320 160 80 160 320 80 W i A W 5 of ( s e i 4 2n 6e 400 S W i S i n e i n i s fr h w s e fr A s w fr \ 32 3 10 20 33 18 29 32 In 1n lN lN In 2n 2n 2n 2e 3e 3e 3e 3e 5e 5 E 5e 160 320 160 320 320 137 61 35 32 405 93 MONROE COUNTY, fractional sect. 18 2n Ie 568 97 ST. FRANCIS COUNTY. n n c 4 A n e of n w | 8 3 28 18 ON 4n 3e 4e 320 200 n e 4 29 26 On 2n 3e 4e 320 160 C RITT E N D E N C O U N T Y. nel&ejscl W 5 w 5 of n e I wr 3 ofs e 1 n w 4 e 1 of w j w 3 of e n e s w 4 s e s w e k 3n 3n 3n 3n 3n 3n 3n On On On On On W 3 19 20 IS 28 27 22 22 22 20 26 29 30 31 32 13 14 24 18 28 28 DESIIA COUNTY, w fr | 2 10s lw of s e 4 3 10s lw ARKANSAS COUNTY e 5 of n e I n w s e fr pt s e fr 4 s w fr 4 e pt of n e fr 4 w fr i s w A n e 4 s e On 4n 4n 4n 3n 3n 3n Oe 5e Oe Oe Oe Oe Oe 4e 4e 4e Oe 5k 5e Oe 4e 4e 4e Oe Oe Oe 240 380 36 160 80 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 320 80 160 7 24 92 106 13 280 36 320 80 7 18 143 80 SO s e 14 4 of n el s w 1 s w A A n d e 3 ofs w 4 w of s s e 10 12 1 1 OS OS OS OS OS OS OS 2vv 2w 2w :w !«’ 2w 2w 160 320 80 160 480 80 80 December 23, 1848. lntiMrnns Marble Manufactory. J. S3 * Si ITS-], Importer and Dealer in Foreign and American Marble, Adams street, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. EGS leave to inform the citizens of Hele na and vicinity, that lie is always prepar ed to furnish any kind of work in his line, viz: Head &, Foot Stones, Box Tombs, Monuments, Mantles, &c., &c., on reasonable terms, and in ,^f u.nplmnnoliin not surDassedbv anv establishment in this country. OTA11 work sent from his establishment will go well hoxed, and warranted to be delivered safely. Maj. Jksse A. Jackson, at the store of Hicks & Bumpass, in Helena, will attend to all orders for any thing in my line. J- WHITE, March G, 1852. PAGE’S p o 1? rv a i? r T? CIRCULAR SAW MILL. A N 1) Horse Power! MANUFACTURED BY C L A R K , R E N F R E W tfc CO., Engine and Boiler Builders, SI. .71o. THUS is the most USEFUL and NECESSARY 1 MACHINE IN USE—is simple in construction, and easily kept in order, and can he moved in a wap on as readily as a Threshing Machine, and put in op eration with little trouble and expense. It will saw front 1000 to 2000 feet of Lumber per day. With a team of 6 Horses, ns an average business, and in better style than any other Mill in use. CLARK, RENFREW &, Co., also Manu facture CHILD’S Double Circular Saw Mill, which works TWO SAWS, anti will cut the largest sized Logs with ease. Either of these Mills; by their portability are admira bly adapted for Rail and Plank Roads, us well as Farm and neighborhood purposes; and having been Ion" tes ted, are known to do well in all cases, if properly man aged. Both Mills are equally well adapted to Steam, Water, and Horse Power, And are manufactured in the best manner for either and sent with instructions for setting up and running them, to any point, to order, and all information in rt> gard to the Mills promptly given by addressing the Manufacturers at Saint Louis, Mo., or H. P. COOLIDGE & Co., Agents for llie Manufacturers. Or R. F. ADAIR, who has one of the Mil’s in operation near J. M. Smizer’s plantation, on the Little Rock road, 7 miles from Helena. Helena, March 0, 1852. 1'GAR, brown, lonf and crushed; Rio Coffee, a fine article; Green Tea, No. 1 Mackerel, halt barrels Cranberries; Salt, |coarse and fine; Powder and Shot, Lead jand Caps, anti everything usually kept in his line, and offered at Wholesale or Retail as cheap as can be bad at any house in Helena, by F. F. HOWERTON. December 6, 1851. J. BURROWS’ Patent Plantation Corn Mill, THIS Mill differs from all others in the constructior of the Upper or Runner Stone, which is composed of French Burr Blocks, enclosed in a Cast Iren Case that forms the hack and hoop of the Stone, with a Cast Iron Eve, or Bosh, that is of greater external diametei at the bottom than at the top; this is secured to the back by four bolts, so that every block is in the form of dove tail. This gives greater strength to a Stone than any other method which is required in small mills, where the Stone is run with great speed, and becomes danger ous if not strongly made. It also gives any weight tr a Stone of small diameter that is required, without hav ing it thick or high, which makes it top-heavy. This mill is a square frame made of wood or cast iron, in the form of a busk, with Bridge tree, Spindle Balance, Rine, Driver, and Regulating Screw, and grinds upon the same principle as a large mill, differing only in the Runner-Stone; this being of great weight enables it to grind, more of grain with less power than any other mill; is portable and may be attached to Steam Water, Horse or Hand power. Jos. H. Burrows, of Cincinnati, is the inventor, fot which he obtuined Letters Patent ip 1812. For n'l in fringements, the purchaser will be held responsible fot the right of using. These Mills do not require a mill-wright to set them up; and all that is necessary to put them in operation is to attach a band to the pulley on the Spindle, with a drum sufficiently large to run the'Jlinch Mill 2-10 re volutions per minute, attached to Gin, Water. or Steam Power. By the steady application or two-horse pow er, the Mill will grind six or eight bushels per hour, ol good meal: and will grind Wheat its well as Corn.— The ?0 inch mill, if put to its fullest speed, will grind from 10 to 15 bushels per hour. These mills are warranted to be in every respect ns represented. flaving been appointed sole agents for the sale of the above Mills, in this section of country, wc will keer constantly on hand the different sizes, and will furnisi planters upon as reasonable terms as can be had in Cin cinnati or New Orleans. May 24, 1851.] II. P.COOLIDGE & CO. ALSO—Constantly on hand, W. STEWART’S newly improved Corn and Cob Crusher, known by tic name of Ohio and Kentucky Stock Mill, which wii break and grind from 15 to 110 bushels per hour. 1UUI/S SAl’S AI>AIULLA. TT IS PUT UP IN FULL QUART BOTTLES _L and contains the strength of SIX TIMES as muc! pure Honduras Sarsaparilla as any similar preparatioi in America. Price one dollar per bottle or six bottle for five dollars. It has been a well established fart for years past tha Sarsaparilla, when pure and properly prepared, was th only true panacea for all diseases originating from at impure state ol the blood, the use of mercury, intoxiea ting drinks, evil habits in youth, barrenness, &c. W boldly assert JOHN BULL’S FLUID EXTRA Cl OF SARSAPARILLA is the only preparation befor the public that is prepared on strictly scientific princi pies and of uniform strength. The Sarsaparilla is pur chased without regard to price,‘and every pound, befor being used, is subject to the strictest chemical tests, am its genuineness ascertained before being used! Bull’s Sarsaparilla also contains the virtues of seve ral other valuable medical roots, together forming th best compound, and producing the greatest curativ agent in the known woRt.Dl This medicine, whe used according to directions, WILL CURE WITHOUT FAIL! Scrofula or King's Evil, Cancers, Tumors Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ringworm or Tetter, Scald Head, Rheumatism, Pains in the Bones or Joints, old Sores and Ulcers, Sircli ing of the (Hands, Syphilis, Dyspep sia, Salt Rheum, Diseases of the Kidneys, Loss of Appetite, Dis eases arising from the use of Mercury, Pain in the Side and Shoulders, Genered Debility, Dropsy, Lumbago, Jaundice, Costiveness, Sore Throat Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Weakness of the Chest Pulmonary Affections, and all other diseases tending u produce CONST M PTtON, Liver Complaint, Female Irregularities and Com plaints, Sick and Nervous Headache, Low Spirits Night Sweats, Exposure or Imprudence in Life Chronic. Constitutional Diseases, and is a spring ant summer drink and general tonic for the system anil . gentle and pleasant purgative, far superior to Bin Lick or Congress water, Salts, or Seidlitz powders! lit. I >r i r,R j 'STIMONV Thun was ever offered in favor of any Medi cine—Head the testimony of Dr. Moore. Mr. John Bull: I have no hesitation in saying that believe your Sarsaparilla to be the best article ever man ufactured for the cure of Scrofula, Syphilis, and man) Other Cutaneous or Sianu.ur A?rClim,s- hav‘“S uscd 1 with entire success in numbers of the above cases, Louisville, Dec. 20,1847. JAS. M. MOOltE. More Testimony from Dr. Moore. Mr. John Bull: 1 am using your Sarsaparilla in sev era! new cases of Scrofula, and with happy effect, am now confident it is one of the most efficacious inedi cities that can be made lor that disease. Yours, JAS. M. MOORE. Winchester. Ky., February 1, 1848. From Dr. L. P. Vandal/, Professor of Chem istry in the Louisville Medical College. \ have looked over the list of ingredients composing JOHN BULL’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, and have no hesitation in saying that they form a safe compound, and one that promise; well in chronic diseases, to which it is applicable. L. P. Y AND ALL, M. D. Louisville, June G, 1848. From Dr. Pyles, Physician by appointment k the. Louisville Murine Hospital. Louisville, March 20, 1849. 1 have examined the preparation of the prescription o JOHN BULL’S SARSAPARILLA, and believe tin combination to be an excellent one, and well calculatec to produce an alterative impression on the system. I have used it both in public and private practice, ant think it the best article of Sarsaparilla in use. M. PYLES, M. D., Resident Physician, Marine Hospital. Principal Depot, Hi Fourth Street, Louisville, Ivy. and for sale by DEPUTY & COMFORT, Agents a HELENA._ June 14, 1851. Farm for Sale. - TIIE subscriber wishes to sell a Farm, oi tract of land, containing 300 acres, ten of which is well cleared, anti from 25 to 3C deadened, and woultl do to be cleared up for a crop in the spring. There is a small log cabin and stable on the premises. Said land is situ ate in Phillips county, about 30 miles west ol Helena, on Big Creek, and one mile from Dor riss’s Landing; to which point small steamboats may come, when Big Creek shall have been cleaned out; and at which point there will per haps be a village in a few years. Said land is fertile upland, all of which may be cultivated with but little ditching, and some of it is slightly rolling. The neighborhood in the vicinity is sufficiently populous to afford scholars for a good school during the year. 1 will sell 50 or 100 acres, or the whole tract, to suit purchaser An indisputable title will be given. For fu ther particulars, examine the premises and et quire of the subscriber, living on Beaver Ba\ oil 9 miles S. W. of Helena, or of the editor ol this paper, in Helena. AUGUSTUS AYRES. November 15, 1851. Fresh Drugs & Medicines DEPUTY & COMFORT, Ohio Street, HELENA, AREAS SAS, SWAVE on hand a large and well selectei gj supply of fresh and genuine Drugs, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass Ware Surgical Instruments, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery Stationery, etc., which they are offering to sel on lower terms than they were ever offered ii this market. Their stock is large and the plan ters and Physicians may rest assurred that the] will get fresh and genuine medicines. Plan ters, Physicians, and others are requested t< call and examine before purchasing. They an selling on usual terms to punctual customers and all orders from the country will secun prompt attention. Their store is at the si^n o the Mortar and Pestle, on Ohio street, opposit the Court-house. Below they mention a lev leading articles: Quinine, Morphine, Camphor, Calomel, Rhubarb, Aloes, Cal Magnesia, Castor Oil, Laudanum, Parngorie, Iodide Potass, Cayenne Pepper, Opium, I Blistering Ointment, Mercurial Ointment, Cream of Tartar, BiCarb Soda, iTartnric Acid, Oil black Pepper, I Window glass of al sizes, Pearl Starch, Lamp Oil, [White Lead, (Turpentine, | Alcohol, Red Lead, Litharge, I Indigo, j Prussian Blue, Iodine, No. G, Sugar of Lead. Dr. Biling's Astringent Syrup. Patent Medicines of all descriptions, Helena, March 29, 1851. I <w OZ Sulphate Quinine, Farr’s Man ufactory, just rec’d., by DEPUTY & COMFORT. BBLS. Winter-strained Lard Oil. just rcc‘< by DEPUTY & COMFORT. UBS. Blue Mass, English, just rec’d by DEPUTY k COMFORT. »> BBLS. Train Oil, just ree’d. by DEPUTY k COMFORT. OZ. Sulphate Morphine, ree’d. by DEPUTY COMFORT. CASK No. 1 article of Madeira Mine, jus just rcc’d. by DEPUTY k COMFORT. GROSS Castor Oil Cpsules—a nea and tasteless mode of administerin. Castor Oil—just rec’d. bv Sept. 20.] DEPUTY k COMFORT ‘I Helena Male Institute, FSMIE Winter Session of this Institution wil • i commence Wednesday, January 7, 1852 i! under the care of Prof. Abner Morrill, A. B. Prof. Morrill is a graduate of Bowdoi: College, Me., and is highly recommended as I very successful Teacher. It is his intention t( j establish a permanent School in this place; am the patronage of the friends of learning, win are desirous of having their children thoroughly educated, is most respectfully solicited. TERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS: Reading and Spelling, - - 812,0i Reading, Spelling, Primary Arithmetic and Geography, - 11.Oi 1 Higher English branches, - - 16,0t , I Latin or Greek, - 20,Ol French or German, extra, - - 10,0t No one is received for less time than half •| Session, and no deduction will be made for ab ' j sence or withdrawal, exceptin case ofprotractei [ j sickness. Tuition payable during the first half of th session. Helena, January 1, 1852. WILLIAM F. MOORE, Chairman of the Board Trustees. TIIOS. It. IIANI.V, JOHN II. HICKS, S. O. TARPLEY, T. S. N. KING, WM. E. BARNETT, Trustees. CLINTON FEMALE SEMINARY. THE subscriber lias recently given up hi: Male school, and opened a Female schoo in Clinton. He is resolved to make it such ai the public wants demand. A general course o instruction can be given in all the branches taught in any institution in the United States. lie has the largest and finest set of Globes 01 the continent, and the use of a Chemical am Philosophical Apparatus; and so soon as tin number of pupils requires, he will have Hev Tuos. Ford, and other competent assistants with him. These advantages, and an experi ence of nearly half a century as a teacher, h< hopes will enable him to give satisfaction to al who may favor him with their patronage. Tin Music Department is at present under the can of Miss James, (late of Sharon, Miss.) Terms of Tuition $4 00 per month for al the English branches, except higher Mathemat ics, which, with the Classics and Modern guages, will be $5 00 per month, (with : liberal discount in cases that require it,) am Music, with use of Instrument, $5 00 per month DANIEL COMFORT. Clinton, December 6, 1851. LIVE AND LET LIVE! New Fail k Winter Goods AT REDUCED PRICES, At the Sign of the Big : § ; w°uld say to our old friends and tin W public generally, that our stock of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES is now complete,—fresh from New York am Philadelphia; and we are determined to offe better bargains than have ever been offered it this market. Our thanks are always extended to ou fiiends for the liberal patronage heretofore ex tended to us, and we are determimyl to stick t( our low prices and motto of ‘Live and let Live, River 1 raders and Country Merchants, wil find it to their interest to give us a call befon purchasng elsewhere. E. W. NEVILL <fc SON. ‘ Helena, Sept. 13, 1851. fjSl 'list € O* n S Esti e* V * • i Jaundice, Dispepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a Disor dered Stomach, such asConsli ! pation, inward Piles* Fullness, or blood » to the Head, Acididity of the • Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust foi I Food, Fullness, or Weight in the Stomach, Sour I Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Fit the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Hurried and difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Chok ' ing or Suffocating Sensa > tions when in a Lying , Posture, Dimness, of the Vision, » Dots, or Webs f before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Herd, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin^tml Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c.. Sud den flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant imaginings of Evil, arid yr<- • Depression of Spirits.—can be effectually Cured by DOCTOR HOOFLAND’S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120, Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, if equalled, by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures’attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids.— Possessing great virtues in the rectification or diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and affections ot the di gestive organs, they are, withal, safe, certain and pleas ant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. [From the “Boston Bee.”] Trie editor said, De\ 22d— “Dr. Iloofland’s Celebrated German Bit ters for the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Chronic or N'erviou'. Debility, is deservedly one of the most popular medicines of the day. These Bitters ‘ have been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has himself received an effectual and permanent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of this remedy. We arc convinced that, in the use nfthese Bitters, the ] patient constantly gains strength and vigor—a fact worthy of great consideration. They are pleasant in taste and smell, and can be used by persons with the most delicate stomachs with safety, under any circum stances. We are speaking from experience, and to the afflicted we advise their use.” “Scott’s \V eekly,” one of the best Literary papers published, said. Aug. 25— “DIt. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS, manufactured by Dr. Jachson, are now recommended by some of the most prominent members of the facul ty as an article of much efficacy in cases of female j weakness. As such is the case, we would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle, and thus save themselves much sickness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantageous to their health, as we know from experience the salutary effect they have I upon weak systems.” r Judge M. M. Noah, a gentleman with great scientif ic and literary attainments, said in his "New Yoke Weekly Messenger” January 6, 1s50. “Drt. Homeland's German Bitters.—Here is a pre paration which the leading presses in the Union appear lo be unanimous in recommending, and the reason is obvious. It is made after a prescription furnished by 1 one of the most cel. brt. ed physicians of modern linn s the late Dr. Christopher Wilhelm Hoofland, Professor * to the University of Jena. Private Physician to the King of Prussia, and one of the greatest medical writers Germany lias ever produced. He was emphatically the enemy of humbug, and therefore a midicine of which 1 lie was the inventor and endorser maybe confidently 1 relied on. He specially commended it in Liver Com plaint, Dyspepsia, D bility, Vertigo, Acidity of the * Stomach,Cotistipn! m, and all complaints arising from I a disordered condition of the stomach, the Liver and , the intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its effects from theirown individual exper ience. Fnder these circumstances, we feel warranted, not only in calling thr attention of our readers to the present proprietor s (Dr. C.,M. Jackson’s) preparation, but in recommending the article to all afflicted.” ) MURE EVIDENCE. The Pit ill a Delphi a Saturday Gazette,” the best family newspaper puulised in the Unit#! States, the cd * itor says of ) DR. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS. ) “It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Patent Medicines to the confidence and patronage of our readers; and tlier fore, when we rcc* mmend Dr. l Hoofland’s German Bitters, we wish it to be distinctly . understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums oj | the day, that are noised about for a brief period and then forgotten after they have run their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicine lo'ng established, universal ? y prized and which has met the hearty approval of the Facuity itself.” Evidence upon evidence lias been received (like the foregoing) from all sections of the Union, the last three years, and the strongest testimony in its favor, is, that there is more of it used in the practice of the regular Physicians of Philadelphia than all other nostrumscom bined, a fact that can easily be established, and fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet with their quiet approval when presented even in this form. That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt, after using it as directed, It acts specifically upon the stomach and liver—it is pre - • ■ > "i :. _u j;__ .i «• * teraoie to caioniei in a.i ^n,.vv.o uio^uscs—ute eneci is immediate. They can be administered to female or infant with safety and reliable benefit, at any time. ; BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. 1 This medicine lias attained that high charactei ; which is necessary for all medicines to attain to induce p counterfeiters to put forth a spurious article at the risk of the lives ofthose who are innocently deceived. 1 LOOK WELL TO THE MARKS OF THE GENUINE. They have the wrtten signature of C. M. JACKSON I upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, without which they are spurious. ' For sale, wholesale and retail, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. . No. 120 ARCH Street, one door below sixth, [late of 278 Race street,] Philadelphia, and by respectable dealers generally throughout the country. Prices Reduced. i To enable all classes of Invalids to enjoy the advan • tage of their great restorative powers. SINGLE BOTTLE 75 CENTS. Also, for sale by Messrs. NASH & CLAIBORNE, , Helena, Arkansas. Jan’y. 10, 1852. Wholesale Agents for Mississippi, Louisiana and ■ Arkansas, J. WRIGHT & Co., New Orleans, La. AD311NISTRATOR’S NOTICE. TOTOTICE is hereby given to all person -L* having claims against the Estate c Alexander JVI. Blount, deceased, that th undersigned has taken out Letters of Ac ministration upon the same, bearing dat February 7th, 1S5*2. Therefore, all pei sons having claims against said Estate an hereby notified to present them to the ur dersigned, properly and legally authentic? ted, within one year from the date of sai Letters, or they may be precluded froi any benefit in said Estate;—and if sue claims are not presented within two veai from the date of said Letters, they will b forever barred and precluded from an benefit whatever in said Estate. R. A. BLOUNT, As Administrator of the Estate of Alexander IVI. Blount, dec’d. May 15.—Gw. MAP OF ARKANSAS, ANOTHER'S new Sectional Map of Ar kansas for sale at the publisher’s prices, (my 1) HICKS & BUM PASS. IRISH POTATOES. A fine lot, in store and for sale by F. F. HOWERTON For the Ruinal i-c }t ran at.'it Cure cr :| iJBByOUS DISEASES, Alii Of tho** < ■ •„ » i'-b are bv nn hr, . , „ ’ t t. . '■**'. by <•.. r. . J - ..'Xl xxf tlip «S K It V O I H *V«TE .’’I. x; it ■ • ■ • ■ BOSS :■■■■■ ■_■■■ ' the mvO.: , um*t» of GALVAN!'- >■ *-*i ' 'bN'.l >1. has been . nonxa ed b\ divUngui* :,ed j>hj tjciaxis. . to xri Europe ai.J th* (rated hu’tei, to he the mvit »'ditinal discmriy ,J ‘ Dr. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC EEL? end 31 a a v i: t i c F L u 11), is used with the most perfect an‘3 certain success in ilj case* of GKHERAL DEBIUTV, Streneinening the weakened body, giving tone b. the rnnmt, organs an.1 invigorating the entire system Also in nrs ( KAMP PARALY SIS and PALSY . D\ SPr.I \ or INDl GESTION, RHEUMATISM, ACI TK. and < HJUiNlx . HOLT, ETILKPsV LUMBAGO, DEAFNESS N ►.RV»)t S Hit Y'ORS, PALPITATION OK THE HEART APOPLEXY, \ 1 1'R AI OI \ PAINS in the SIDE and < Ilf ' I' LIVER COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, and I UUVATl’Rfc of the SPINE. HIP COMPLAINT, D'SEA-KS of p « KID. NEA'S DEFICIENCY OK NERVOUS and I HISS ALEV F.RGV'. end all NK.RVOt SaMISE ASE5, which complaints arise from one simple cause—namely, A Derangement of the Nervous System. fin- In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS Drugs and Ye ,nr;, I lie .Usenet. for they weaken the vita! energy of the already prostrated svstem; while tinder t):e strengthening, life-giving, vitalizing' influence of Galvanism as applied by thi, beautiful and wonderful discovery, the exhausted patient and weakened sufterer is restored to former health, strength, elasticitv and vigor. The g'reat peculiarity and excellence of Dr. Christie’s Galvanic Curatives, consists, in the fact that they arrest and cure di="a>e by nut u-errf avn: cation, in place of the usual mo le of drugging and physicking the patient, till exhausted Nature sinks hopelessly under the infliction . 7Vim shenzlUen the whole system. equalize the ctreulafion of the blood, promote the secretion*. and nerer do ’he slit '<tes tunny nndei any circumstances. Since their jn*roductioQ in tho United State*, only three yoars Pince more than 6 0,000 Persons including all ages classes and conditions, among which wets e iarge,nnrnl er of ladies, w ho are peculiarly su! ret to Nerv ous i omf.1 »ints, have been ENTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CURED, when all hope of relief had been given up. and every thing else been trie! in vain ! CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Of tlxe most Undoubted Character. From all pa-t* of the Country could be given, sufficient to 611 every column in this paper ! AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE, which conclusively proves that “ Trutb is stranger than Fiction.” CURE OF RHEUMATISM, BRONCHITIS AND DYSPEPSIA. Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman of New Jersey, of distinguished attainments and exalted reputation :— Sidnft, New Jersey. .July 12, 1919. T>n. A. I! CHnisTt*:— Dear Sir: You wish to know nf nc what has been the result in mv on n oa«e. of the application of TH K < i VLYAM C BLLT A NO N KU K I. A Hr.. S. > r pi) ~ ai follow s : For about twenty yea's I had been suffering from Dy=?ep. sia. Kvery year the symptoms became wore, nor could I obtain permanent rebel from any course of medical tre.itrmut whatever. About fourteen years since, jn consequence of frequent exposure to the weather, in th* discharge of my pas toral duties. I became subject to a severe Chronic Rheum* tism. which for year aftor year, c >u«e.l me i:v;e«cri' ,Mo anguish Farther : in the winter of *4* and ’4f. in consequence of preaching a great deal in my own and vari: u.< nth<*r churches in this region, I was attacked by the bronchitis, wlrch soon became so severe as to require an immediate sus* periM-n * f my pastoral Jabois. My nervous system wag thnronsidy prostrated, and as my Bronchitis became worse, so ai=oihd rn") Dyspepsia and Rheumatic affection—thus evincing that ♦h-ese disorder? were connected with each other through »ne medium of the Nervous System. In the v. h !e pharniaco pn»ia there see me 1 to be no remedial sgeat which ccd? reach and recuperate my Nervous System ; e\erv thing that 1 had tried for tl i« purpose had completely f iled. At l ot I was l^d by my liier-U to exert me your inventions, and (though with no very sanguine hope* of tlieir efficiency.) I deterr : :ed t«> trv the effect of the apj lication of the GALYANK' BKLT AN S) NT.CKLA< . with the MAUNKTIC FLUID. This was in June. 1946. To w c.kfat astowishmfwt, tv two pays mv Dvspfpma hap r.o\s ; r* fight days I v'as fvabi fd to Ml PA«TOfM1 l AFCRfi; SO| HATE I 3IVCE OMITTFI) A >'! n if. M'RYI F. ov Arc'OW T OF THF BRONCHITIS. A'P Ml Rhf- mail AKM. Has KSTIKr.I.Y CFA.Min TO T1UV Hi «■ ME. Such is the u oideil'nl c. 5 h r py result* of the experiment. I have recommended the BKLT P.nd Y i t iL» to many who have been likewise suffering fiom Neuralgic affections They have tiled them, with happy rkpclts, 1, iv fvkrt I am leer sir, very respectfullv vonrs. ROBKRT W. LANDIS. DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC NECKLACE b tisod for all complaints afl'erting tin’ Throat or Head, such 65 Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Throat. Nervous axil 'irk Headache, Dizziness ol the Head, Neuralgia in the lace, Buzzing or Roaring in the Kars, Deafness, -which is generally Nervous, and that distressed complaint,called Tic Doloreux Palsy and Paralysis. All physicians nrknnwlclge that those ternMe Hlscas.j r* hn.'bs ny \/'J'clrnc.y "j Knngy ,n tJjo afreets ilallDS. llti, L itRlM It 1 t mlvHtllf 1 ,, , will supply th!« ami a compete and entire cure is thus effected 1000 Cases of Palsy and Faralysb ' h »v#> been reported to Dr. Christie and his Agent* \> itbin thf last two years, which have been entirely restored. (-j~ ( 'r m re w J K. Tomes of Brooklyn. N. Y., had not neon a! lc* to walk a step lor near four y ears, and was so help »e«>; that ho had to be fed. The most celebrated physicians ga\ e him up In live days after he commenced wearing the liAl.YANIC 1> Kl.T, NfCKI ACR, A N l» B R ACT. l.K.T«. he walked across toe room, and in three weeks he had perfectly lecovered his health. ( a plain Tonies is seventy years o f ago. Severe Deafness Cured, T ho following is an extract from a letter lately received from n distinguishes! physician in the State of Virginia : ‘‘A H. ( ifnistik, M. 1).— Dear Sir: One of mv patient*, unknown to me. obtained your Galvanic JitJt and Xecklace, with the Magnetic t'lutd, for a serious affection of Deafness. 1 l.e rase was that ol a lady whose Nervous system was much disordered, mid her general health poor. Much was done previously to the application of the Belt, but with very little success, and 1 leel it only right to tell von. that since she com menced wearing the Belt arid using the Fluid, but afew week! Bg\ she has FNTIKFLY It: (PVKRED 1‘K.K H FARING, and her general health is better than for several years.** Kvery caseol Deafness, if it be Nervous, as ft generally «», van lio cured l»y this wonderful remedy. DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BRACELETS Aie fiitiixl of rmt service in oases of Convulsions or Fits. Sp-ornii'ilic 1 omplnints. and gci.etai Nervous AS'ectim:* of tb» Head and npj er extremities Also in Falsy ami Taralysis, and nil diseases caused by n deficiency of power or Nervous Knergy in the limlis or other organs of the body. Tic Doloreux and Neuralgia. These dreadful and agonizing complaints are immediately relieved bv the application of the (»ai.van:c Belt. Nklklack am* I'inm. The Belt diffuses the I lectricity through the system; the Necklace has a local effect, and the Fluid act* directly upon the affected nrtves. In these disticssing afflictions the application NKVKIt FAILS FITS AND CONVULSIONS. rhese alarming and terrible complaints aie always caused by a derangement of the Xerves The Ih iT. Bn Art* LETS a™ "ill cure nearly every case, no matter how younger old the ]»;<tient, or how confirmed the com pirn’*t. Numerou* and astonishing proofs aic in possession of the proprietor. 0(7“ Many hundred Certificates from all parts of the country of the most extraordinary character can be given, if required* 0t7“ No trouble or inconvenience attends the use of Pff* Cl MUST IE'S a.n.r.tXIC .tarJC1.ES, and raiiy bo worn by the most feeble and delicate with perfect »•'** anJ safety. In many caeca the sensation attending their use 1* highly pleasant and e^retable. T hey can be sent to any Par* ol the country. Prices The Galvanic Belt, The Galvanic Necklace, The Galvanic Bracelets, The Magnetic Fluid, Three Dollars, Two Dollars, One Dollar Each. One Dollar. 0C'- The mtirles me aeeompnnie.l bv full and xleix .lirec tions lumphlets with full paiticulara may be na*I of the authorized Agent PARTICULAR CAUTION. 0Cr* Hewarg nj Counter f et ts and Ji’orthL s* Imi/altorU For sale by DEPUTY ly COMFOllT, at the sign of the Mortar, Helena, Hrk., May 15, 185 J. JOB PRINTING ofevery description n executed at the office of this paper.