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For the Campaign Republic. A WHIG CAMPAIGN SONG. Aik—Frank Candy-date, my covey ; Or “7, Should Like (u Marry.” Frank Candy-date my covey, When Locos first, for true, Began to make their choice, Frank, They had no though ol you, And though they’ve brought you out, Frank, The people all should know You must have been their last resort, Frank Candy-date my Co’. Chorus—Oh, then beware young Candy ! Oh, then beware, oh, do ! Our Scott's a “fussing” dandy, And we’re his “feathered” crew. Frank Candy-date my covey, The Locos ne’er did boast Of you, till here of late, Frank, . They’re hound to make their most They say you’re rising fast, Frauk, And should they not say so? Since now you are their nominee, Frank Candy-date my Co’. Oli, do your best young Candy. Oh, do your best, oh, do ! Our Scow’s no “fainting” dandy, And we’re a fighting crew. Frank Candy-date my covey. Improvements sure don’t suit you, sir. And looking o’er your votes, too, Frank, We find them with the few, sir. Now we arc making railroads, Frank, A thing we need you, know, And want no vetoing President, Frank Candy-date my Co’. Oh, clear the track, young Candy, Oh, clear the track, oh, do ! For Scott’s a railroad dandy, And we’re a "harbor”-mg crew. Frank Candy-date my covey, Arou are so very kind, We’ll let you stay at home, Frank, To show your generous mind— t Where you can “spludge” around, Frank, And take a cent or so; And treat the little crying boys, Frank Candy-date my Co’. Oh, save your cents, young Candy, Oh, save your sense, oh, do ! Our Scott’s a kind old dandy, And we’re a generous crew. Frank Candy-date my covey, They say it was in Washington You made your biggest speech, Frank, ’Gainst Mrs. Harrison ! But should you leave a widow, Frank, We really do think so— We’d raise at least, a round red cent, Frank Candy-date my Co’. Just see the widows, Candy, Just see them now. oh, do ! They’re smiling at our dandy; And at our handsome erew. rrank uanayaale my covey, Van Buren shakes your paw, Ami you have said yourself, Frank, You “loathe the Fugitive Law.” The Freesoil clan support you, Frank, ’’i’is no great wonder sure, Since you have so long among them been, Frank Candy date my covey, Then get their votes, young Candy, You’d better do it sure ! For the good all like our dandy, Who leads an honest crew. Frank Candy-date my covey. We think you’ve grow quite dingy, In shaking hands with such men, Frank, And well we know you're stingy, Besides with hope and reason, Frank. These men support you so, I’o make you their ou-n President, Frank Candy-date my Co’, Then get their votes, young Candy, You’d better do it, sure ! For the good all like the dandy Who leads an honest crew. Frank Candy-date my covey, V ou lately wrote a letter— A .Matty Van evasion, Frank, That suits our cause the better; 1 or when you will not tell us, Frank, V> hat you did say you know— M e’re hound to fear ’twas something had, Frank Candy-date my Co’. Just shun that speech, young Candy, Evade its truth, oh, do ! And the good will join our dandy, And side with his honest crew. frank Candy-date my covey, ^ Buren is your scout, And we can’t like such men, Frank, As Matty leads about, So we will take our own Scott, Frank, We’ll vote for him 'tis sure, And we’ll elect him President, Frank Candy-date my Co’. Then run your best, young Candy, \ ou’il better do it sure ! Our Scott’s a long-legged dandy, And we’re a racing crew. 7, ;a young whig. 'Houma, Purish of Terrebonne, La. Piety.—The “Brittannia” an English newspaper, alluding to the church "pew question declares that if pews were abolish ed, and the beggar allowed to sit or kneel ncai the solicitor’s wife no respectable per s°n would ever go to church. What a de lightful proof of piety! The Contrast. General Scott. •Sir, I atn dead for the Constiution— dead for the Union—dead for the CJomnro mise—and dead against any man who is opposed to them or either of them !’—Speech of Gen. Scott before the Mississippi Dele gation. General Pierce. • 1 have been asked if I liked this fugitive slave law. I answered no, 1 loathed it. j have a most revolting the giving up of a slave; the law is opposed to human ity. It is opposed to moral right.’—Speed of Gen. Pierce at New Boston (N. II.) or the 2d Januaryr, 1852. Society, like shaded silk, must be vievvec in all situations, or its colors will decern us. ENLARGED!—IMPROVED!! A N I) n F. H. CLARK & CO'S. E M P O RI U M O P Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Guns, Pistols, Lamps, & ^ Mi ^ 1? # €> m M a & <3i fDfAVING enlarged our Store, arul madi larger additions to our stock, we offer ti our friends and the public even a larger assort ment than on former seasons. We open the F"all trade with a stock of in Watches, worth from S5 to $250, to whirl is odded $18,000 in GUNS, priced from $4 to 8200, assorted t< suit all tastes, and suiiable for all kinds of game. Our other branches are equally full and com plete, and we confidently assert that in quantity quality and style, our assortment is not equalei in the United Statos—thus giving to those who deal in Memphis, a home market and a home guarantee for Goods in our line. We have also adopted the cash system, which enables us to sell at the lowest rates. All kinds of work done in the best mannet and with dispatch. Our motto is—“try us.” F. If. CLARK, A. C. WIIRZBACK, J. S. WILKINS. Memphis, Tenn.,Oct. 1, 1851. N. B.—The trade supplied on liberal terms and all orders from the country will receive our special attention. J. BURROWS’ Patent Plantation Corn Mill, rpiUS Mill differs from all others in the construction X of the Upper or Runner Stone, which is composed of French Burr Blocks, enclosed in a Cast Iren Case, that forms the hack and hoop of the Stone, with a Cas! Iron Eve, or Bush, that is of greater external diameter at the bottom than at the top; this is secured to the back by four bolts, so that every block is in the form of dove tail. This gives greater strength to a Stone than any other method which is required in small mills, where the Stone is run with great speed, and becomes danger ous if not strongly made. It also gives any weight to a Stone of small diameter that is required, without hav ing it thick or high, which makes it top-heavy. This mill is a square frame made of wood or cast lion, in the form of a busk, with Bridge tree, Spindle. Balance, Rine, Driver, and Regulating Screw, and grinds upon the same principle as a large mill, differing 1 only in the Runner-Stone; this being of great weight enables it to grind, more of grain with less power that any other mill; is portable and may be attached to Steam Wider, Horse or Hand power. Jos. II. Burrows, oi Cincinnati, is the inventor, for which he obtained Letters Patent in 1842. For a'l in fringements, the purchaser will be held responsible fui the right of using. These Mills do not require a mill-wright to set there up; and all that is necessary to put them in operation is to attach a band to the pulley on the Spindle, with a drum sufficiently large to run the21 inch Mill 240re volutions ptr minute, attached to Gin, Water, or Steam Power. By the steady application or two-horse pow er, the Mill will grind six or eight bushels per hour, o good mea'; and will grind Wheat as well as Corn. The 30 inch mill, if put to its fullest speed, will grinc from 10 to 15 bushels per hour. These mills are warranted to be in every respect as represented. Having been appointed sole agents for the sale of tin above Mills, in this section of country, wc will keep constantly on hand the different sizes, and will furnisi planters upon as reasonable terms as can be had in Cin cinnati or New Orleans. May 24, 1851.J II. P. COOL1DGE & CO. ALSO—Constantly on hand, W. STEWART ’£ newly improved Corn and Cob Crusher, known by tin name of Ohio and Kentucky Stock Mill, which wi! break and grind from 15 to 30 bushels'per hour. NASH&CLEBOURKE, W H O L E S A L E & R E T A I L DRUGGISTS, RIGHT OR STREET, HE L ENA, NEAR THE STEAMBOAT LANDING. ASII & CLEBOURNE have now on hant and will keep constantly, a large and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Paints, Oils & Dyestuffs, A lew of which they enumerate below: C II E M I'CALS: DRUGS & MEDICINES: PAINTS, OILS, &e. SPICES, DYE-WOODS, SPIRITS— LIQUORS & WINES, (Purely Medical.)—GLASS-WARE, BRUSHES, PERFUMERIES & FANCW articles. Corks, Barks, Roots, Extracts and Syrups. ESSENTIAL OILS. SfraH.ef . ’SLAST' El «» TOT 65x3 a®. 'Vm SURG1C A L INSTRUM ENTS, APOTHECARY fy SHOP FURNITURE PATENT MEDICINES. In fact, we keep constantly on hand a) most everything in our line, which we ar determined to sell at extremely low price for cash. We invite the public generally; and phy sicians in particular, to cali and examin our stock. Wc are confident ofgiving gen t eral satisfaction to purchasers both in th quality and price of our Medicines. Ca and see us; our store has been newly fitter • up, and new fixtures added. Every efFoi i will be made to give full satisfaction as t price, quality, and prompt attention to ship ment of goods. NASH & CLEBOURNE. Helena, January 1. IS52. LBS. Blue Mass, English, just rcc’< by COMFORT & KING; Notice to the Pahlic, SN consequence of the disastrous fire on the morning, of the 10 111st., I have moved into the house on Front street, formally occupied by S. II. Rice & Co., as a Produce and Grocery House. Where my Friends and the Public will find me holding forth as usual, with afresh supply of Produce direct from St. Louis, per steamer Sultana. F. F. HOWERTON. New St, Louis Flour. "3" & C. WALSH three star bbls and e sacks with a large lot of country brands of the best quality. F. F. HOWERTON. HJ&ACON, clear and ribb sides two casks *-®hams, superior article, and opened low for cash, and nothing else. F. F, HOWERTON. Helena, August 14, 1852. Notice to Debtors. Those indebted to the old firm of Deputy & Comfort will find their accounts in the hands of .Moore & Sutton, who alone are au thorized to settle the same. DEPUTY & COMFORT. Helena, August 1 4, 1852. MONEY FOUND M SjlOUND on the morning of the 7th inst., about half a mile this side of Grand Prairie, a POCKET BOOK, containing a small sum of money; which the owner can obtain bv proving property. Enquire at this office. CCf3 Memphis Christian Advocate copy one time. Helena, July 1 i. JAS. NORTON. JNO. T. FACKLER. IV. F. MOORE. Norton, Facklsr & Co Wholesale and Detail Dealers in Foreign & Domestic * T.l B> E E and & A. ® « HELENA, ARKANSAS. Store.—The same occupied by Martin &■ Norton, Main street, opposite the Court-house F- F. HOWERTON, General Dealer, PRODUCE & GROCERIES, ^fOULl) say lo his numerous citstomers * ® that he is daily receiving fresh supplies of Produce <5* Groceries, which he is determined to sell very cheap for cash. His motto is, a “quick penny is better than a slow shilling.” fall and examine quality and prices. January 25, 1851. It. I*. COOI.IDGE. JOHN FEARING. H. P. Coolidge & Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign ami Domestic DRY GOODS, Diagonal Street, HELENA, ARK’S. JOHN WILLIAMS^ COMMISSION MERCHANT. b? Gravier Street, New Orleans. Improved Cotton Gin. CARVER’S PATENTS, 1S33 and IS 11. Made by K. Carver & Co., East Bridgewater, Mass. TIIE above Gins, which are considered the best now in use, are for sale by JL P. COOLIDGE <C Co., At $4 per saw. [May 24. Badgers Patent C0 RN MILL. A N Agency for the sale of these superior .MILLS, Single and double gear, by MYRTLE <fc FRASER. lhlcna, Sept. 13, 1851. MEMPHIS Marble Manufactory. ,F. IvfilTE, Importer and Dealer in Foreign and American Marble. Adams street, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. B©EGS leave to inform the citizens of llele na and vicinity, that he is always prepar ed to furnish any kind of work in his line, viz: Head & Foot Stones, Box Tombs, Monuments Mantles, &c., <fce., on reasonable terms, and in a style of workmanship not surpassed by any establishment in this country. I 1TA11 work sent from his establishment will go well boxed, and warranted to be delivered safely. Maj. Jesse A. Jackson, at the store of Hicks & Bumpass, in Helena, will attend to all orders for any thing in my line. J. WHITE. March 6, 1852. £^jUGAR, brown, loaf and crushed; Rio O Coffee, a fine article; Green Tea, No. L Mackerel, half barrels Cranberries; Salt, coarse and fine; Powder and Shot, Lead and Caps, and everything usually kept in his line, and offered at Wholesale or Retail as cheap as can be bad at any house in Del a, by F. F. HOWERTON. December 6, 1851. Notice to all Whom it May Concern, ?HE undersigned, as Administrator oi the Estate oi David Boyd, dec’d,, will 3 at the next term of the Probate Court oi Phillips county, in the State of Arkansas, * to be begun and held on the first Tuesday 3 after the third Monday in October next " (1S52,) make application for an order au 3 thorizing the sale of the following described 1 Town Lots, situated in the Town of Ster ^ ling, Phillips county, Arkansas, numbered 1 per plat and descriptive list of said Town 3 as3S, 229, and two-thirds of 151, for the • purpose of paying the liabilities of said Es Administrator of the Estate of Davia tate. ALFRED T. EWART, I. Boyd, dec’d. August 7, 1852. i goods at Greatly Reduced Prices [?(•)£& f$n] IE undersigned hereby return thei JL grateful thanks for past liberal pat ronage, and now offer to this discriminating and generous public, a NEW COMPLETE STOCK OF (•foods, Wares and Merchandize consisting, in part, ot Staple and Fancy Dress Goods, of every variety, to furnish completel; both gentlemen and ladies’ wardrobe, wit New Styles, and latest Fashions. And we hereby stand pledged to sho\ you an agreeable surprise at the magic pow er Ready Cash will have in reducing th price of every article the planter may C necessity purchase, as well as ail things tha gratify and please the fancy. Try us with the Cash. Respeotfuilv, MYRTLE & FRASER. Front Row, Helena, Arks May 1, 1S52. N. B. Truth is omnipotent, necessity’: demands are unyielding; hence those wh< are indebted to us, must come and settle ir the right way without delay, otherwisi we have our recourse;—a word to the wisi is sufficient. _MYRTLE & FRASER. HICKS & BUMPASS, WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALERS In French, British, India, and American Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, Hats, Caps, Roots, Shoes, &c. A RE now opening one of the best selectei stocks of Goods ever offered in the South consisting in part of line dress Goods lor th Ladies; Fancy Silks, Berages, Silk Tissues French Lawns—a great variety; Linen Lus ires, French Ginghams, Chintz, Embroiderei Tarltons, Lace Capes, French worked Capes Collars, <fcc. Also, a splendid stock of Gentlemen’s Sum mi'.r Goods; Fine Clothes, Cassiineres, am Vestings; Irish Linens, bleached Domestics Shirtings; and everything usually kept in a dn goods store; which they are selling- low for cast or to punctual dealers on the usual time. Thei invite the people of Phillips and the adjoininj counties to give them a call and examine thei Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere Helena, June 15. 1850. GREAT HJUtGAlJYS GUNS. WATCHES, Jewelry, Silverware, be, WE commerce the New Year with alargi ” ® and choice stock, which we will sell a greatly reduced prices for the balance of thii season. Our object is to reduce as much as possibh our present stock previous to the receipt of ou new Goods for the next season, large order for which are already out. F. II. CLARK & CO. Memphis, January I, 1852. NEW Wholesale and Retail PRODUCE it GROCERY rZ3» 7 OOMOB. :aIS * OX M AIN, AT THE CORNER OF RIGHTOR STR’T. HELENA, AltKA NS AS. THE subscriber has just opened a Produc< and Grocery establishment in Helena, anti wil at all times keep on hand a general assortmen of everything in his line, whiclt will he sold at : small advance on cost. Call in, and sec tin most select stock of Groceries, and finest lot o Wines and Liquors ever brought to this mar ket. W. A. BALL. November 15, 1851. 7 Vi TT TT a. JLi £1 V I HJ1AKES pleasure in announcing- to lii: friends and old customers, and the publh in general, that he has just received a nev stock of *V n'F.VTlMS moons consisting of all sorts of Ready mail Clothing Dry. Goods, Woolen Goods, liosiery; Mat: and Caps in great variety; his Hoots and Shoe are a complete assortment. He has also received a fresh supply of GROCERIES, All of which he will sell at a very small ad vance above cost for cash—but cash only. Helena, Nov. 1. 1851. JGJRGIsE GB*V A'TVIJVDtf, MAUFACTURED BY HATES, HYDE & Co., BRIDGEWATER, MASS. ■'K/ST'E will receive orders for the abov ™ * Stands to be manufactured with all tli late improvements, and delivered in time for th next cotton crop. Their superiority to all others is fully e: tablished. BAILEYS &, HORNER. Agent, REGULAR MEMPHIS AND N. ORLEAN PACKET, BULLETIN no, 2, C. B. CHURCH, Master. The Bulletin No. 2, will leave Memphis o the first of October, and will run between th: city and New Orleans during the season, lea> ing New Orleans and Memphis every othe Wednesday. This boat will attend punctually to all plai tation business, from the bends, and all othe points between the above ports, and respcctfull solicit the same. H. P. COOLIDGE & CO. August 7, 1852. Agents, Helena. MAP OF ARKANSAS, ANGTllEE’S new Sectional Map of A kansas for sale at the publisher’s price by (my 1) HICKS & BUMPASS. ACON HAMS—Sugar cured and plai hams in store and for sale by April 24. F. F. HOWERTON. t IjM i S’jst W* v jt. Jaundice, Dispepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a Disor dered Stomach, such as Consti pation, inward Piles4 Fullness, or blood to the Head, Acididity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust loi Food, Fullness, or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or 1' luttering at the 1 it the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Hurried and difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Chok ing or Suffocating Sensa tions when in a Lying Posture, Dimness, of the Vision, Dots, or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head,Deficiency of Perspiratioi, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chen, Limbs, &e., Sud den flashes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh. Constant imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of SpiritS.-«an he effectually Cured by DOCTOR HOOFLAJTD’S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, rnEPtiKD by DR. C. M. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120, Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power overthc above diseases is not excelled, if equalled, by any other preparation in the United Stales, as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids.— Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and affections ot tiie di gestive organs, they are. withal, safe, certain and pleas ant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. [From the “Boston Bee.”] The editor said, De-. -2d— “Dr. Hoofh.nd’s Celebrated German Bit ters for the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, 1 )yspnp sia, Chronic or Nervious Debility, is deservedly one of the most popular medicines of the day. 1 hese loti rs have been used by t holts' ads, and a friend at our elbow says he has himself received an effectual and permanent cure of L iver Complaint from the use of this remedy. We arc convinced that, in the of these Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor a fact worthy of great consideration. 'l hey are pleasant in taste and smell, nnd cat lie used by pci most delicate stomachs with satety, under any circum stances. We tire speaking from experience, and to the afflicted we advise their use.” ‘Scott’s Weekly,” one of the best Literary papers published, said. Aug. 25— _ “DR. HOOFLaND’S GERMAN BITTERb, manufactured by Dr. Jachson, arc now recommended by some of the most prominent members ot the facul ty ns an article of much efficacy in cases of female weakness. As such is tiie case, we would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle, and thus save themselves much sickness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these Biuers advantageous to their ht nltu, as we know from experience the salutary effect they haw upon weak systems ” ... Judge M. M. Noah, a gentleman with great scienti: ic and literary attainments, said in his “New York Weekly Messknoeu” January •’», 1850. “Dn. Hoofland’s German Bitters.—Here is a pre paration which tie- leading presses in the l uion appear to be unanimous in recommending, end the re: son is obvious. It is made after a | .rsenption furnished by one of the most celebrated physicians ot modern times the late Dr. Christopher Wilhelm Iioofland, Prou or to the University of Jena. Private Physic.mi to the King of Prussia, and one of the greatest medical writers Germany has overproduced. He was emphatically' the enemy ofhumbug, and therefore a midieme oi w.ii- ii lie was the inventor and endorser maybe confidently relied on. Tie sneehil.y commended it ni Liver Loni p'aint, Dyspepsia, Deuiiity, Vertigo, Aciuity oi mt So much, Constipation, and : ‘.I complaints arising from a disordered cor'd.lion of the stomach, the Liver and the intestines S iadelphia papers express their tv.i Vienna of itself, cis from their own individual exper ience. Under these eir. uni stances, we feel warraiv-d, riot only in calling the attention ot our readers to the present proprietor’s (Dr. CM. Jackson s) preparation, but ill recommend me the article to all afflicted.” MORE EVIDENCE. The Phit.ladei.phia Saturday Gazette, the best family newspaper puulised in the United States, the ed itor says of DR. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS. “it is seldom that we recommend what are termed Patent Medicines to the confidence and patronage ot our readers; and therefore, when we rec lnmend Dr. Ilooflaiid’s German Bitters, v.\ wish it to be distinctly understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums oj the day, that are noised about for a brief period raid then forgotten after they have run their guilty, race oi mischief, but of a medicine long established, universal y prized and which has in. t the hearty approval of the Faculty itself.” Evidence upon evidence has been received (like tne foregoing) from all sections of the Un on, the last three years, and the strongest testimony in its favor, is, R at , # u Physicians of Philadelphia than all other nostrums com bined, a fact that can easily be establish. d, and iuliv proving that a scientific preparation will meet with then quiet approval when presented even in this form. That this medicine will cine-Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt, after using it as directid, It acts specifically upon the stomach and liver—it is pre ferable to calomel in all Dili Lous diseases—the effect is immediate. I’hey can be administered to female or infant with safety and reliable benefit, at any time. BFWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. > This medicine has attained that high charactei I which is necessary for nil medicines to attain to induce 3 counterfeiters to put forth a spurious article at the risk ot the lives of those who arc innocently deceived. LOOK. WELL TO THE MARKS OF THj GENUINE. They' have the wrtten signature of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the name blown in-the bottle, - without which tli :y are spurious. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. No. 120 ARCH Street, one door below sixth, [late of 278 Race street,] Philadelphia, and by respectable dealers generally throughout the. country. Prices ££< <Pm*cd. To enable nil classes of Invalids to enjoy the advan tage of their great restorative powers. SINGLE BOTTLE 75 CENTS. 0 i Also, for sale by Messrs. NASH & CLAIBORNE, e! Helena, Arkansas. Jan’y. 10, 1852. e( Wholesale Agents for Mississippi, Louisiana, and I Arkansas, ,T. WRIGHT & C- , New Orleans, La. iiaministraiQrs notice, ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION upon the Estate of Reuben King, deceased, bear ing date the 8th day of May, A. D. 1852, hav ing been granted to the undersigned by the Pro bate Court of Phillips oounty, Arkansas— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, To all per sons having claims against said Estate, to pre sent them, properly and legally authenticated, within one year from the date of said Letters, or they be precluded from any benefit in said Estate;—and if such claims arc not presented within two years they will be forever barred and precluded lrom any benefit whatever in said Estate. ABRAHAM KING, Administrator of the Estate of Reuben King, dee’d. August 21, 1852. OZ. Sulphate Morphine, rec’d. by COMFORT & KING. OZ Sulphate Quinine, Farr’s Man ufactory, just rec’d., by COMFORT & KING. oiviJFF. 20 dozen Garret & Bonner’s Scotch Snuff, just received at the big May 22d. v V - • • V ' l-*- ■..*,.> -:- ^ -"v- ' * For the Removal ami Permanent Cure of all NERVOUS DISEASES, And of those Complaints which are earned by an impair weakened or unhealthy condition of’tlie 1 " NERVOUS S V STF.JI, This beautiful and convenient application of the mvsterin,. powers of GALVANISM and MAGNETISM, has been pi nonneed by distinguished physicians, both in Europe and ti 1 United States, to be the most valuable medicinal dlscmen„i the Jlge. 1 Dr. CHRISTIE’S GALVANIC BELT and M A G N JE T I C FLUID, is used with the most perfect and certain success io cases of OENSIIAL. DEillhlTV, fitrengtnening the weakened body, giving tone to the rarjom organs, and invigorating tho enti.o system Also u. mi CltAMP PARALVSiS and PALSY, DVSTKPMA or lNDl‘ GESTION, IlHEU.M VTISM, ACUTE and CHRONIC.yotT EPILEPSV, LUMBAGO, DEAFNESS, NERVOUS TRL IIIORS, PALPITATION OF THE HEART, AI'OPLI.XV NEURALGIA, PAINS in the SIDE and CHEST, LIVER COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, and CUR VAT I'HE of the SPINE, HIP COMPLAINT, DISEASES of the KID. NFVS DEFICIENCY OF NERVOUS and PHYSICAL EN. ERGY, and all NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaintsati<« from one simple canse—namely, A Derangement of the Nervous System. ftn- In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drugs and Medicin»i increase the disease, for they weaken the vital energies of the already prostrated system ; while under the strength.--.,.^ life-giving, vitalizing influence of Galvanism, as on-iic-i this beautiful and wonderful discovery, the exhausted p and weakened sufferer is restoied to former health, strength elasticity and vigor The great peculiarity and excellence of Dr. Christie’s Galvanic Curatives, consists, in the fact that they arrest end cure disease by out mai d application, in place of the usual mode of drugging and physicking the patient, till exhausted Nature sinks i.opehuly under the infliction. They strengthen the whole system, equalize the circulation 1 the blond, pro mol e the secret itm s, and never do the slic'd' it r under any circumstances. Since their introduction in the United States, only three years since, more than 6 0,000 Persons including all ages, classes and conditions, among which w.— a large number of ladies, who are peculiarly subject to New ous Complaints, have been ENTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CURED, when ell hope of relief had been given up, and ever) thing else been tried in vain ! CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Of tile most Undoubted diameter. From all paits of the Country could be gi.en, sufficient tn: •very column in this paper I AM EXTRAORDINARY CASE, which conclusively proves that “ Truth is stranger than Fiction.” CURE OP RHEUMATISM, BRONCHITIS AND DYSPEPSm Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman uf New Jersey, of distinguished attainments and exalted reputation :— Sidney, New Jersey, July 12, 194$ Dr. A H Fhristie—Dear Sir: You wish to know of no what has been the result in mv own case, of the application of TliK <>ALYAN'K’ BLLT AND NECKLACE. .V \ re;Iv Lta follows : For about twenty years I had been suffering from Dyspep. sia. Kverv year the symptoms became worse, nor could I obtain permanent relief from any course of medical treatment whatever. About J nr! eei* years since, m consequence of frequent exposure t > the weather, in the discharge of my p-*.:• toral duties, f became . uh ect to a severe Chronic !';.<* t. ti.MTi, >• inch . ■ *»r, caused me iode^cribablo angui i. Farther: in the win?\ r of ’45 and ’4b, in conse-pip” (ling a g- at deal in n-y own and various other ri this region,* I attacked by the Bronchitis, i: became so severe as to require an imijip L sus* my pastoral labors. My nervous sysfrrr was note t*d, and a* my Bionchitis became v. .-rso. so • .a and hh^UTM nc junction* - thus evrneii.g .n were connected with each othci t i 1 Nervous Fy*te?ii. In the whole pLarmaco* vl to be no remedial agent which conM •i*e rr.y Nervous System : every thing that I of pret church* which ; pension t! . j ;uost.ctea, ana a- my jjioncnitis necamc v .-rse. sc | also did iT;} Dt spe that these disordc: ine medium of the povia there seemc reach ar.J rec-uner had tried tor this purpose had completely failed. At last I was led by my friend s to examine your in . entions, and vthough with no very sanguine hopes of their eiliciencv,) I determine 1 , to tvv the ciiect of the application of the UALVANIC BELT ! AND NF CLA E, with the MAGNETIC FLUID. This was in June, 1845. To my great astonishment, in two days >»y Dyspepsia had gone; in eight days 1 was enabled ti UESr.MK MY PASTORAL I.ASOR8 | NOR HA V K I SINCE OMITTED A 81NG I. K SERVICE ON ACCOUNT OF THE BRONCHITIS; AND MT UPK* VATIC AFFECTION HAS K NT IB ELY « EASED TO TROUBLE ME Such i' the wonderful a:»I happy results of the experiment. ! have recommended the BELT and FLUID to many whe have been likewise suffering from Neuralgic affections They have tried them, with happy results, 1 believe, in evert CASE. I am, dear sir, very respectfully yours, ROBERT W. LANDIS DR. CHRISTIE’S GALVANIC NECKLACE Is used for all tints a fleeting the Throat or Head, sue hot bronchitis, luliammatii n of the Throat. Nervous and Sick Headache, Di/./.insss oi the Head, Neuralgia in the Pace, buzzing or Roaring in the tiara, H^iness, which is> generally Nervous, ami ti nt di*tre:-s?il complaint, oalieh Tic Doioreux Palsy and Paralysis. .All physicians acknowledge that these terrible diseasesw* caused 1 >v a deficiency of Xerrous Energy in the affected limbs. I)h. Chujstif’s Ualvanic Articles will supply this deficient power, mid a complete and entire cure is thus effected. 1000 Cases of Palsy and Paralysis have been reported to I)h. Christie and his Agents within the last two years, which have been entirely restored. (fcj?** < vp. J. K. Tomes of Brooklyn, N. V., had not been able to walk a step foi near four years, and was so help less that he had to be fed. The most celebrated physicians gave him up. In five days after he commenced wearing the Galvanic Belt, Necklace, am» Bracelets, he walked Bcross the room, and in three weeks he had perfectly recovered i his health. Captain Tomes is seventy years of age. Severe Deafness Cured. Tlie following is an extract fiom a letter lately received from a distinguished physician in the State of Virginia : "A. H. Chbistie, M. D.—Dear Sir: One of my patient!, unknown to me, obtained your Galvanic Dell and Necklace, j,£ with the Magnetic I'htid, for a serious affection of Deafness The case was that ot a lady whose Nerious system was niucb disordeieJ. and her general health poor. Much was done previously to the application of the Belt, blit with very little success, and 1 feel it only light to tell you, that since she com. ’ meuced wearing the Belt and using the Fluid, but a few \v ceki ego. she has ENTIRELY RECOVERED HER HEARING and her general health is better than for several years ((Of* Every case of Deafness, it it he Nervous, as it getersllj is, can he cured by this wonderful remedy. DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BRACELETS Are found of vast service in cases of Convulsion? pi FA Spasmodic <'omplaints, and general Nervous Affections w tW Head and upper extremities Also in Talsy and Paralyse. f*0* all diseases caused by a deficiency of power or Nif'OU* Cuergy in the limbs or other organs of the body. Tic Doloreux and Neuralgia. These dreadful and agonizing complaints are immeiiatdf relieved by the application of the Oai vine Bklt, Nkcsi.a^. *m> Kluip. The Belt diffuses the Electricity through to* system ; the Necklace has a local effect, and the Fluid »cJ directly upon the affected nerves. In these distresses afflictions the application NEVER FAII.8 FITS AND CONVULSIONS. These alarming and terrible complaints nre always caused hy a diKan^ement of the Nerves The Bi.i.t, Bkacklets Fluid will cure nearly every case, no matter how young old the patient, or how confirmed the complaint. Numeren and astonishing proofs are in possession of the proprietor Ofj- Many hundred Certificates from all parts of the eounhj of the most'extraordinary character can be given, if requite. No trouble or inconvenience attends the use ol Du m- no JURIST e worn by me must ieeuie aim ueuctne wnu pc*^ afety. In many cases the sensation attending their ,ss , ighly pleasant and agreeable. They can be sent to an) l The articles are accompanied by full and plain ons. Pamphlets with full particulars may be had o tinns Pamphlets authorized Agent. PARTICULAR CAUTION. (PJ- heware oj Counterfeits and Worthless Imitatieai JOB PRINTING of every discretion i*3 pKpfi’.tPt! it the other of thh paper CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC ARTICLES, and they »» be worn by the most feeble and delicate with perfect ease Salop ’ ---- ,1SC highl of the country. Prices • The Galvanic Belt, Three Dollars, The Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollars, The Galvanic Bracelets, One Dollar Eac The Magnetic Fluid, One Dollar. For sale by DEPUTY <$* COHORT, !kv eiia Ark. May 15, 1842. _ ■atlt