IZONA CITIZEN. AM TUCSON, PIMA COUNTY, A. T., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1873. No. 50. Vol. in. IS- PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY. Subsgkiption Rates: One C'jpy, one year, )ne Copy, six mouths Single numbers S5 00 3 00 - 25 Advertising Rates: Twelve lines in tine type, one sq. j One square, twelvd lines, one time . 00 Each subsequent insertion lj Professional cards, per month 6 00 Plain death noiicce, free. Obituary rc Tirks in prose, $3 per square; in poetry, ?2 50 per line. Business advertisements at R c d u c c d Rates. Office south side Court-house Plaza. JOHN WASSON, Proprietor. Authorized Agents fob Tiie Citizen: W. N. Kellcy, newsdealer at Prescott, has The Citizen for sale. L. P- Tisher, 20 and 21 New Merchants' xh:'.tjse, is our authorized Agent in San Francisco. , , .. Schneider, Grierson & Co... .Arizona City E. Irvine & Co Shms. H. A. Bfcelow will receive and receipt for T.ioney for Thk Citizen at rrcscun It. A. WIIiBUR, M. D., - Arizona. Ti cson T.jrn- Oor. Stone and Convent Sts. J. C-HANDY, M. D.. Tlcson, Arizona. Corner of Church and Convent. CCXLES BASH FORD, Attorney at Law, Tucson Arizona. Will practice in all the Courts of the Territory. ltf J. ID. McCAFFRV, Attorney at Law, 1". S. District Attorney for Arizona. Tucson Arizona. Office on Congress street. ltf JL. C. HUGHES, Attorney at Law, ATTOSIfEr-GENEBAI. ARIZONA, TrcsoN Arizona. Office on Congress street. my4tf HOWARD & SONS, & 1L. DENT, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law, Los Angeles - - California, Legalization of Mexican titles especially attended to. Address, Volnky E. Howakd & Sons, Los Ange les, California. Juno 14, ly. CHARLES O. BROWN, Dealer iu Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars, congress hall, Tucson, A. T. HOUSTKEE & LUBBERT, Rkcetving and Forwarding Mer chants, Guaymas, Mexico. OFFER THEIR SERVICES TO THE Merchants of Tucson and to all who uia.v to avail themselves of the short est "and cheapest route for transporting MERCHANDISE from San Francisco to Arizona via Guaymas. Nothing shall be wanting on our part to insure quick dis patch. Note. We are agents lor the CLARK CIGAR, Manufactured in Guaymas and SUPERIOR to all others manufactured on this Coast, ORDERS SOLICITED. Vngusto0-6m. Q. w. Cues ley. J. S. Jones. G. W. CKESLEY and CO. Importers and AVholesalo Dealers 2?ine Wines and Liquors, c un d tj ra k o o bitter. No. 414 Front street, San Francisco, Cal, and 51 Front St., Sacramento. Special attention will be paid to the trade in Arizona. May 24. 6 ID. E. N. Fish. S .Silverrerg. Tucson. San Francisco, Jo3. Collingwood, Florence. E. W FISH and. OO ,. MAIN ST., FLOltENCE. Wholesale and. Retail DEALERS IN GENEEAL MERCHANDISE HAVE constantly on hand a largo and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries Prnricinnc T innnra PifriirS tmd TobaCCO, Hardwareetc, which we will sell at the very lowest prices. "ft e have, also, Hay and Grain, constant v v . hand t n supply the Publ ift -5-tf. IiAW DIVINE AND HUMAN. Contributed. Student. Professor, bear with me awhile. My thoughts a true, lirst cause are iceking, For laws 60 Rood in peace you smile So poor when earth with crime is reeking. Professor. My 6on, I am most proud to guide Tour mind to truth; your very asking An answer to a want so wide, Is proof of Truth, black crime e'er tasking. The law but tries to reach the goal "With human power and human reason, While round us and beyond the whole, Sy parts is wrought the Truth in season. 'Twas many a year aso I lived In Mexico. There reigned but anarchy. Torn from that which they first believed, No Truth had since built up a Monarchy. While tree from evil spirits, they But strive to find their tables daily ; And then at night, to harps, their way Is joyously to dance and gaily. The gambling booth holds fast its sway With these true children of the sun ; Between their games and dances softarray, ,The weak are frequently undone. This loss at first begets despair, Then follows quick the cold resolve To plunder those caught in their lair ; (Their losses with their crimes absolve.) Success may crown their first essays: Then bolder grow they, thus succeeding, Till iron-bound in guilty ways They harden, law, nor truth, nor church then heeding. Well, in this town where then I dwelt, One robbery was followed by another; Then murder came, at midnight dealt, The olden causes, gold and lust its brother. An honest man, to all most fairly known ; His wile, so true and fair and youthful, And 'siainst their well earned honor none Could speak one word and still be truthful. Stark lay these two there once so true and lair, In the pale, cold light of early dawning. His lace to eartn, witu Dioouyraaucuumij Hers, bruised and marred, could give no moaning. A rude, barbaric, thorny stave The two fair citidels had broken ; By murderous blow with none to savo They died, against their Cain no token. But God within his great, true realm, Ordains both antidote and evil : The murderer's hopes of gain o'erwhelm His care and now in gold they revel. For sec, he fills his hands with gold And diamonds, gems there brightly glis tening; He dabbles his feet in blood, grown bold, For none, (forgcttinc God,) are listening. TTk nun's tlm door his hands are red : He steps upon the sill; the tell-tale, gory Imprints there leit irom wnicn is reau The fearlul, ghastly, hellish story. And oil to his harlot he creeps Khi o nimn.r irnnwa nniifrtir. n il 01 resmiir: Blood-stained, scared, into her bed he creeps, The darkness each corner with horror in vesting. And there he is found ; for when the trutl Was known tnrougnoui tnat souiuern vu lncrf. When grey-haired sire and 6talworth youtlj Did learn, not liate nor love, dui pinage, TTnri wnrlrcn the death of true and fair. There rose a sound first faint strength snowing, L.IKC mutieiiugs II u ill tuc a mil, Increasing slowly, siowiy, sureiy growing. And fiercer grew the swelling foice, Ana louaer sun tuu iaiM ciowuuu6, wsti. Ff!nti Btrnntre to each, all hoarse With mystic passion, with ire appalling. Its arms reached out and quickly caught The trembling wretch, with clutch TH tanic. A dark, long mark obscured the night ; The moon lit up a face Satanic. Now, mark my son, this rude, fierce force Which I can see your soul' 6 now fleeing, is father oi all our lawe me auun- Maternal, human judgment being. Until that judgment weak can make Uur human laws just as ineiaws uiuou, The source of all our law will take This power, thus "to set allthingseven. "What a wonderful thing love is to a woman ! How it helps her to Know that, snrnfi one is alwavs fond of her ; that rejoices when she rejoices, ana that sorrows when she errieves ; to be sure that her faults are loved, and that her face is fairer to one, at least, than faces that are far more beautiful that one sroat heart holds her sacred in its innermost recesse3 above all women! She can do anythiug, be anything, suffer any thing, thus upheld.. She grows pret tier nnrlpr t.he sweet influence, brighter. lrinnW nfrnno'er. and life seems but a foretaste of heaven ; and all of her dreams are .golden. FROM TUCSON TO GRANT. Road and RanchMountain and Val leyPueblo vlcjo hat is ana What May be. "Wo have been furnished by Gov. Safford with the following interesting items relative to the eastern part of the Territory through which ho has re cently traveled: From Tucson to Camp Bowio the dis tance is about 110 miles and is one of the best natural roads in the Ter ritory. Twenty-five miles east of Tucson the Cienega Station is reached ; it is owned and kept by James Doug las and good accommodations are given to man and beast. This is one of the best 6tock ranges in Arizona but until recently, on account of the hostility of the Apaches, it was folly to attempt to keep stock near this Station. Two stages were taken in 69 and '70 and all on board were murdered, and several trains havo suffered the same fate while others by hard fighting were saved. A German family, with the exception of a small boy, was murdered near 'hero in 1868. The boy was made a cipiivi! and was subsequently ransomed by Col. Ilgas. In 1870 a soldier placed here as a guard was shot in the door, and sub sequently the Apaches attacked and took the station killing two of the three inmates, Mr. Smith making his escape by stealing away at night Twenty-five miles further on, the San Pedro is reached. The Station is kept by Jacob Schaublin and his ex cellent wife. A bettor station cannot be found in Arizona nor two more worthy persons. If they had been paid according to the risks they have taken and the work they have done they would have been rich long ago ; but they are cheerful and apparently contented and Arizona would be hon ored and benefitted if we had thou sands more of such excellent families Three soldiers are still loft hero as guard. Thirty-five miles further on, Sulphur Springs are reached, where there is a very good station kept by Mr. Eogers. Until recently the Chi rioahua Agency has been at this place, but is now removed to the San Simon sy beyond Bowie. In passing over tho read from the San Pedro to Sulphur Springs almost every foot is marked by some scene of violence. Prom the Dragoon Moun tains Cachise and his men could see, from either way, trains and travelers as thev"anproached the pass. It was at this point that the lamented Col Stone and five others fell victims in 1869. Twenty-five miles from Sul phur Springs Camp Bowie is reached It is located in a pass in the Chirica- hua range of mountains, in a most excellent grazing country, and is con sidered very healthy. Tho post is well built and pleasaptly located. Maior Sumner of the 5th Cavalry is in command and Capt Haskell of tho 23d Infantry is stationed here wit.Vi his Companv. Dr. Pruman has charge of the medical department, but complains that he has but little to do. All these officers have sensibly brought their wives with them and thev all seem contented and happy and make every one feel so who visits them. Prom Camp Bowio the road leads near tho San Simon valley fifty- five miles to Pueblo Viejo. This valley is about 30 miles in width and extends from some distance in Mex ico to the Gila river. It is covered with tho most nutritious grasses and affords most excelent pasturage for stock. Pueblo Viejo is located on the Gila about 35 miles above old Camp Goodwin; it takes its name from the extensive ruins of old Aztec towns and cities that are found here. It was once the centre of a dense population ; trace3 of their irrigating ditches, artificial lake and palatial houses can yet be seen. Less than a year ago a company was tormea in iucson to take water from the Gila to irrigate these lands : last Juno an irrigating ditch was completed so that a few settlers were enabled to pianc crops and the result of their labor has been most encouraging. They have 100 nf lioans and one hundred and fifty acres of corn planted, besides a large variety ot vegetaDies. .ail that they have put into tne ground has done remarkably well. With little or no cultivation the corn stands from 12 to 18 feet high and ono stalk often carries two and three ears. One pumpkin, only partly grown, meas ured live leet in circumierence anu wnnld iwnbablv weierh 100 pounds, and there were many others about as large. If the valley receives acces iImi tn ifs Timmlation. as it is ex pected it will, the company intend to increase the capacity or tne uitcu so that all that may come can have nlontv nf water: and any one who is willing to worn cun seeuiis uu uiicicoi Tw his labor at cost price. There is not yet a woman in the valley and the men there are very aesirous ior families to come and make homes with them and if young ladies ahnnld o.nma also thev need not Inner wait far a husband and an in terest in a farm, should they desire such an investment. 'lhere are two nthpr pmnnanifis takintr out ditches on the river ; one five miles above the present ono aud the other five miles ahnvn nld Camp Goodwin, where Hooker and Hines once had a farm which nroduced corn cnual to the Wabash vallev. In addition to agri cultural advantages of this valley it in n. miwt (vrniulent exazinar section and is considered perfectly healthy. It is expected that in four years more the Texas Kailroad win De compieieu across the continent, and it is quite sure to run down the Gila. Then a , farmer can leave his home and go to Nrw York and back in about a week and to San Prancisco and back in less time. Prnm Pueblo Vieio to old Camp Goodwin the distance is about thirty five miles. The road runs down the vallev of the Gila which is from one to eight miles in width and the most of it is of tho best quality of Agri cultural land. Over a large portion of it mesquite wood grows in abun dance and tho trees are now loaoea with beans. On the right of the road the Gila courses its way, lined on either side with a dense growth of cottonwood, and on the left Graham mountain rises high above the clouds covered with forests of excellent pine. Old Camp Goodwin is now deserted and it would have been far better for the service and for tho reputation of Arizona it it had never oeen locaiea. It is situated three miles from the Gila, surrounded by a swamp tho malaria from which generates fever and the garrison while stationed here was constantly sick, which rendered the soldiors useless and gave Arizona a bad name, when in fact the cause was local and three miles either way from this fever hole the country is as healthy as can be found on the globe. Thanks to Gen. Crook all such un healthy posts have been abandoned and we predict now that tho health of the troops in Arizona will comparo favorably with any Btate or territory in the Union. . From Goodwin to Camp Grant the distance is fifty miles over a rolling country covered with excellent grass and offering superior inducements for stock raising. Grant is beautifully located at tho southern base of Gra ham mountain, overlooking the Sul phur springs valley and Cachise's res ervation to tho south with Graham mountain rising highly above on the north. A more beautiful location can hardly be imagined, while all the material such as wood, timber, water and grass are at band, iherostis in finnimn.nn' nt Maior "Win. H. Brown and is now beintr built under the Superintendence of Mr. B,uck, the post trader. The appropriation so far. fnr Viiiildinc this post has only been 17,500 and the work that ha3 ( and is being oono wnn tms amaa sum is truly remarkable. Cominis carv huildiuers. a larsre cuard house and" the adjutant's office have beem completed. They are granite .and are bum Zd? the StoZ. tSSTSflS mSt of government funds, would have exhausted the appropria tion. The commanding officer's build ing, made oi granite ano oi suin- ciently imposing appearance to be creditable if located on Montgomery- street, is fast approaching completion. Officers' buildings made oi granite are fast going up. The soldiers quar ters are being built of adobes and will bo completed within six weeKS. About this camp there does not seem to be & single idler ; from early morn until dark, officers, soldiers and citizens vie with each other in seeing who can do the most work, and so orderly that one would suppose that the camp was composed of one large harmonious family. Not a sign of dissipation is apparent. Mr. 5uck nas a well se lected stock of goods at the post, which ho sells at reasonable rates. He is a live man and seems to feel more interest in helping to build up a post and in assisting Arizona gener ally, than m accumulating money ior himself. Major Brown was organ izing a scout to go after some strag gling Apaches who have recently been giving some trouble. He has proved himself to be one of General Crook's best aids. He took with him twenty friendly Apaches, headed by Captain Chiquito, Archy Mcintosh, Gen. Crook's old scout, Marehilda, Jose Maria and Antonio; the three latter are Mexicans but were made captives at different times when boys, and hence understand the country, the language and habits of the Apa ches to perfection. The stories of their captivity and life among the Apaches would be interesting, but in this connection there is not room to mention it. Before leaving, Major Brown called his guides together to consult about the plan oi campaign. TTo tnld Cant. Chiouito that he de pended much upon him, that he knew the country and tne iipacnes uiey were going after, and mainly on his skill and management did he depend for success ; that if he, Chiquito, was in New York and they were to go to gether alter bad white men he could undoubtedly guide him so as to find them, for he know the trails and haunts of white men there, but now that he was in his country he de pended upon him for this assistance. Chiquito said that those Indians were a common enemy; that Gen. Crook and Major Brown were the true friends of all good Apaches ; that he should stand by them and do all he could to capture or kill those who would disturb the peace. Ho then said that before he left he had a little domestic matter that he wanted to speak about, which was giving him some concern. Some months agp he had purchased a squaw from a neigh boring band and had paid two cows ior her ; that subsequently the band had demanded an additional consid nrnfinn and he ?ave them some more presents ; but he found finally that he could not satisty tnem ano ne nau re fused to give more. Now that he was going away he feared that they would come and steal her away, and hn. wanted Mai- Brown to see that she was protected and cared for in his ab- sence. yyuicu tuo imijui uiccu rln. Chimiito. nrior to tho purchase of this 6quaw had three besides, and according to Apache custom no wu compelled to cut off the n.ose of one of them for infidelity a fef&onths ago. which is an evidence that a plurality of wives does not always bring con tentment, and also, that the wild un tutored children of the forest have their love troubles as well as the more civilized lords of creation. From Camp Grant to Tucson the distance is 104 miles. The first 40 miles is over a high table -country covered with grass, then by a gradual descent for 20 miles to tho San Pedro. At this point there is quite a farming settlement ; about 800 acres were planted this year; the land is pro ductive and has been cultivated for a number of years past. The Indians have been very severe on this settle ment, having murdered one fourth ot the population there m 1869. But during the past year, with one excep tion they have had no trouble, and the poor farmers wno nave neretoioi o lost everything are now beginning to accumulate, and feel much encour aged with the hope that the darkest Jay has passed. From the San Pedro to xucson me distance ;3 fiftv miie, the first twen- ! ty-five miles over a rolling grassy country to the (Senega, which te. 1 ready been mentioned-