IZONA CITIZEN. Vol. in. TUCSON, PIMA COUNTY, A. T., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1873. PTo. 51. AR TIXJ3 ARIZONA CITI2523IS" is- PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. Subscription Ratbs: One Copy, oae year, One Copy, six months Single numbers Advertising Rates: ?5 00 3 00 - 25 Twelve lines in tins type, one sq.j One square, twelve lines, one time . .S3 00 Each subsequent insertion 150 Professional cards, per month 3 00 Plain death notices, free. Obituary re marks in prose, So per square ; in poetry, $2 nf' per line. Business advertisements at Reduced Rates. Oflicw south side Court-house Plaza. SOIIN WASSON, Proprietor. Authorized Agents for The Citizen: W. N. Kelley, newsdealer at Prcscott, has Ike Citizen for sale. L. P. Fisher, 20 and 21 New Merchants' Exchange, is our authorized Agent in San Fraruiseo. Schneider, Gricrson & Co Arizona City E. Irvine & Co Phenix H. A. Bigclow will receive and receipt for money for inn uitizex nt rrescou. Tucson Arizona. jrriCE: Cok. Stone and Convent Sts. J. C. HANDY, M. I)., Tf'CSOX, ARIZONA. Corner of Church and Convent. COI-ES BASHFORD, Attornet at Law, Ii cson Arizona. Will practice in all the Courts of the Territory. ltf J. E. McCAFFRY, Attorney at Law, U. S. District Attorney for Arizona. Tl ( PON - - Armona. Office on Congress street. ltf I.. C. HUGHES, Attorney at Law, Attcrnet-Generai. Arizona, TrcsoN Arizona. Office on Congress street. my4tf HOWARD & SONS, & DENT, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Ln Angeles - - California, Legalization of Mexican titles especially attended to. Address, Voi.sbt E. Howard & Sons, Los Ange es, California. Juno 14, ly. CIIARX.ES o. brown, Dealer in Imported "Wines, Liquors and Cigars, congress hall, Tucson, A. r. M. I JACOBS & CO., Dealers in QEXEKAL jERGHAKDISE, OFFER A Y ell Assorted Stock at Lowest Cur rent Rates. Agncy for Pierson's Terrenate Hour Mills. roiif, BUXI.TON, and EXCHANGE BOUGHT and SOL.D. v. 5 H ADVANCED ON CONSIGN MENTS. Tucson, March 8, 1878. mrlo-tf. DAVIS & KELSON, Conoeess Street, Tucson, -AXUFAVTURERS AND DEALERS IN' Tin, Brass mud. Sheet-iron Ware; Also Stoves of the best pattern . T3vexy Description or.... Iiti, Sheet-iron ware and Stoves is sold on terms to smi tne times. vfOrdcrs solicited and promptly fille ' .XNSCTED WITH THE ABOV -'iiblishineut, is a special depar t .ur the Repair aaicl Oleanlngr OF 'WATCHES, OX-OCZECfe ETC., ETC. r-?f"3tencil,work solicited and executed T e suit customers. aU work warranted as represented. 2 f SMOKING SONG. We don't smoke, but somewhere in the deserted halls ol our memory we have found the louowing beautiful lines. The name of the author is unknown to us, but we would not reeommeud any one to claim them without good erounds or he : ma' be treated as was one such clamaint ! m these columns not " long ago." In the thoughtful gloom of his darkened room Sits the child of song and story, And his heart is light for his pipe beams oright And his dreams are all of glory. Chorus. Then smoke away 'till a golden ray Lijrhts up the dawn of the morrow, For a cheerful cigar like a shield will bar, The blows of care and sorrow. It warms the soul like the blushing bowl With its rose red burden streaming, Ana drowns it in bliss like the first warm kiss From the lips with rose buds teeming, Chorus. Then smoke away 'till a golden ray Lights up the dawn of the morrow, For a cheerful cigar like a shield will bar The blows of care and sorrow. In the forests grand of our native land When the savage conllict ended, The pipe of peace brought a sweet release Jbrom toil and terror blendeu. Chorus. Then smoke away till a golden ray Lights up the dawn of the morrow, For a cheerful cigar like a shield will bar The blows of care and sorrow. The dark eyed train of the maids of Spain 'Neath their arbor shades trip lightly, While a gleaming cigar like a new born star In the clasp of their lips burns brightly. Chorus. Then smoke away 'till a golden ray Lights up the dawn of the morrow, For a cheerful cigar like a shield will bar The blows of care and sorrow. Kixdness will conquer and over come all prejudices. This perhaps has never been better illustrated than by the occupation of French territory by German troops. The war was on- gendered and brought en mainly through hatred and jealousy. The Germans were victorious and have until recently held possession of French territory by armed legions to insure the payment of a large war indemnity. That having been paid, the troops left for home, but their kindness to their conquered foe had been so marked that they did not leave a hated enemy but rather as friends who had not understood each other, but who by contact had proved to each ether whether living on one side or the other of tho Ehine, hu manity is about tho same. So it would be everywhere if we under stood each other. Our hates are mostly imaginary and misunderstandings and quarrels could generally be avoid ed if we would go frankly to each other and ask and give explanations. But it is too often the case, that a slight grievance is magnified and mischief makers are listened to until a breach between those who should be friends becomes irreconcilable. Let the example the honest Germans have given to the conquered 1 rench be practiced more in our daily inter course with our fellow-men, and the heart-burnings and difficulties will be materially lessened. Pbivate advices from the com mand of Major W. H. Brown inform us that he was in the mountains eager for the contest, and that it was his intention to divide his command into small parties and thoroughly scour the country always keeping his men within supporting distance. If it is a human possibility to get those murderers out of the mountains, Maj. Brown will do it. Oapt. Hancock informs us that the good people of Phenix are erect ing a substantial and convenient school-house at that place. This is the second school house built in that county and splrs v.-oli for che in telligence and enterprise of the people. The citizens on the Sau Pedro in this county have enough subscribed to build a school-house und intend soon to erect it. FROM I.ONDON TO VIENNA. A Glance at Belgium, Prussia, Ba varia and AustriaThe Rhine and Danube Scenery --Brussells, Co logne, Frankfort, and Nuremberg. Vienna, Sunday, August 17. I left London on Friday evening week, came across by a one-horse steamer sleeping in the rigging like an Amer ican rooster should, I suppose touch' ing a corner of Holland by daylight, and reaching Antwerp (in Belgium) too late for tho train. Did that old commercial would-be rival of Loudon, for a couple hours. It has a cele brated Cathedral for tourists to gawk about in for a few minutes, and a population who recklessly revel in the French language, to our annoy ance and injury. Had they talked pure ir arisian as l am used, to should have enjoyed Brussells, .the capital of the little kingdom, Owinjr to the uncultivated style of their Franch, I had to stay over night at that place. Brussells is said to be a miniature Paris, but it seemed a very dull Saturday night. There are more bearded females in Belgium than would stock all the side-shows extant. Architecturally, Brussells is attract ive in spots, nothing altogether to go mad over. 1 suppose they make gocd lace there, just as Belfast makes lin en, and lots ot it From Brussells, the next point of leading: interest, is Cologne. But the country between, as riding through it, pleased me more than the towns. Be tween Liege and Verviers, m Bel gium, there is some delightful scen ery, ana everytuing in tne landscape way possessed the French finishing touches. No fences at all, except those along the track, and a majority of the cottages were curious speci mens of rustic vorlr. Men and wo men all look like a hard-worked, il literate set devoted to the one pre vailing feature of life in the old world, that is, fight it out on the line of their fathers before. The train time gave us two hours at Cologne, and a carriage ride through its many narrow and strong- smelling streets, was perhaps well enough. Here is a still more cele brated Cathedral an immense affair truly ; but I am just getting a little fatigued with looking at Christ cru cified in so many miserable ways. I am beginning to tnmk Le lias been the worst murdered man ever heard of in any country. The Virgiu Mary has had to suffer likewise. But enough of this at present. Cologne is noted for its variety of smells. I satished atter counting some twenty or thirty in so short time. The old walls of the town are still formidable ruins. I have forgotten to state that the most striking shift in the scene so far, was that back at a little station, west of Aix la Chapelle, where the German element of this country of speckled languages and money, took possession of our train, and went through our carpet-bags for stray cigars, to find other perfumery. I had not prepared for this imagi nary boundary thinking the Ehine was what separated the two neoples. But now I am used to it all. Well, I found the delightful rest ing spot A was anxious tor at .Lon don. It was at Godesberg, above Co logne about twenty-four miles, and just where the Rhine becomes poeti cal, historical, ccc. Here are the Seven (Dragon) Hills, with a rocky height tipped with a more rocky ruin of a castle and overlooking one of the finest pictures of valley, river and hills ; of peaceful villages wrapped vines and studded with flowers. The prettiest I have ever seen. To get this view, you cross the river to the west side, at tho village ot ls.ee nigswinter ; then up the mountain just back of my hotel at Godesberg is an old tower of a castle, built on a little mountain that stands out by itself. From the window it don't look big- er than a coffee-pot, but I found on climbing up there, it was over one hundred feet high. These castle ruins are very deceptive that way. Godesberg is a gem of a place quite a resort : mineral springs, eve But tho lager beer and wine drank there j the Sunday night I arrived, was the " lion " of the town. Some sort of a feast (or " fest ") was what ailed tho j people of that place as well as the old city ot Bonn three miles away also gathered there. Music and dancing also assisted in making this Sunday evening rather enjoyable to a stranger. I recruited up a day or so and then came up the Ehine and up the Main to Frankfort resting over so as to reach early that quaintest old town in all Germany ifurem berg. But the river Ehine is all its enthusiastic friends have painted it, in my opinion. The castles are sum cient m number and variety: the river and hill-sides are large and rug ged enough and cultivated to match, and the legends of its by-gone days come in good play for reading. You may ask what a cultivated river is like ? Well, it is not like the muddv, crumbling shores of American streams in general and particular, but a nav igable river walled in all the way, and every way improved and put upon its good behavior. And its steepest mountain sides are also wall ed to the very summits with terraces trained with grape vines, until they look at a little distance like the sides of a great scaly fish. Not a shovel ful of soil is allowed to escape into the river. But 1 can t do justice to anything along this best of routes from London to Vienna in this little letter. Only if I Avere a Dutchman, I would fight for tho Ehine only as a thorough Dutchman could : if I were a Frenchman, I would want a slice of it on the same terms, if no other way and if I were both, I would fight with mysell about it. The case would be like trying to have the prettiest and lovhest ot women all to oneself, without being as jealous as the devil all the time. Nuremberg is in Bavaria, but like Frankfort, &c. after Bismark & Co. cleaned out Austria a few years ago in two rounas tnis old town must bow to Prussian rule, though her soldiery still wear their old uniform a black squirrel's tail crawling up over the back ot the head. Nuren- berg is a doubly walled and castellated city of ninety thousand, and as old and odd as history and Dutch archi tecture. I never could get done look ing at it and wandering about m it ; but had to give it up after two days and one night. It has a museum of antiquities equal to any, and several old churches full of interesting things, not to mention Virgin Mary & Co. In short, after passing tho tunnel on tho dividing ridge between the waters of the Ehine and Danube the mur dering of Christ continued with more than arithmetical progression. Ho is made use of as a scare-crow all through the vineyards and other ag ricultural scenery. I never knew what a success He was at frightening birds out of a potato-patch before. But enough of this at present. And now a word about tho rural population en route. If tho French were a rusty featured set, the Danu bers of Dutchland at least, must be seen to be appreciated. In fact, I have seen them, and still can't do it. lam as rough a specimen of the hea then as there is now at large in any country, and I cannot rise to the beauty of seeing a woman swinging the oldest style of scythe like a swarthy son of a Hoosier, or a pick on a rail road like a hair-toothed Irishman from tho bogs. Tho German women of the farming class carry baskets on their backs as large as a hay-cock, and they are altogether the veriest Papago squaws of Europe only to be equalled perhaps by the women of Switzerland, where I have yet to go ; so that neither the best of republics or monarchies of Europe have anything to brag of on the score of elevating the lower orders. Tho squaws of Germany do not, as do those of Arizo na, carry their babies on their hips, so far as I have seen. But I have been on the other hand astonished at the number of good looking women, girls, &c. on this last route ever since I left Belgium. "We don't see many ladies in America of German extraction, to go crazy over. All along this line, however, iu the towns, they are as numerous as in New York, in proportion. It is tho rule of the "tourist" to take steamer at Passau, and come down the Danube to Vienna. And it is even moro interesting at least grander than the Ehine. Who did all this mighty work of agricultural and navigation masonry ? But nei- ther in Belgium nor thus far in the German speaking lands, are there any stone fences as in the British king dom, and one may rightly infer that the French and Dutch are natural communists. They till the soil side by side, and make mother earth look like a great quilt wheat, onions, oats and potatoes of neighbors blend ing together more peacefully than the people seem to, to "a lcoker-on in Vi enna." The farm-houses of Dutch land are villages of red, tile-covered bee-hives, and the workers go out miles around every day to make and gather tho honey or hard-bread of life. I have found less trouble in talk ing Dutch so far in Germany, than English in Ireland ; and a hotel bill is much easier gotten over. I had a skirmish yesterday afternoon, howev er, worth recording, in the way of sweet German accent ; and the hotel account forthcoming, I never expect to live to tell you of. You see I am in Vienna now, and it is Exhibition year. And trom a glimpse last eve ning, the show is entirely too big for the patronage. ' ' Hence "these tears." W. The Krom Concentrator. "We have received from Frank Moy- er, agent for the Krom Dry Ore Con centrator, a description of the ma chine and also the results of working ores by this process. It is seldom that we pay any atten tion to the thousands of new inven-' tions for working ores, a large ma jority of which are of no value, but having a personal acquaintance with the agent and a personal knowledge of tho ores upon which this machine is now operating with the most satis factory results, we are inclined to be lieve that the machine can be made of good service to Arizona, in fact that it is just what is needed, to at once place low-grade base ore mines on a paying foundation. Without going into the particulars of the op eration of the machine, it is said that it can concentrate ores at a cost of 5 per ton ; twenty-five to thirty tons of ore are concentrated into one ton of pure metal, and by practical tests it has been lound that only about 3 50 is lost or left in the tailings. This is" done with air and no water is required, except suihcient to run the machinery. It requires but one-horse power to run eight of the concentrators, and each concentrator is said to be capa ble of concentrating half a ton pet hour. The machine measures five feet in length, two feet in width, three feet ten inches in length and weighs 1100 pounds. The following remarkable results were obtained in working the ores of the De Soto Mine in Nevada. The assay value of the ore was 54 56. Thirty tons were concentrated into one ton, which was found to be worth $1,662, and the tailings were found to contain 3 53. We were once interested in this mino and are familiar with the ore it contains, about five per cent, of base metal, principally antimony, zinc and lead, carrying 54 56 in silver, in the form of black sulphuret. Such a combination rendered the ore practi cally worthless to tho owners, from the fact that it was too lean in metals to smelt and too base to amalgamate, and the low grade of the ore would not pay to ship or bear the expense of water concentration. By this process the net profit on this ore now being worked, is found to be 37 per ton, including the expense of concentra tion and shipment, and excluding the cost of mining. Mr. Dyer, of the Indian Peaces Commis sion, who is hero, says in tho recent war with tho Modocs our soldiors only killed four Modocs, whilo tho Modocs killed two soldiers to each Modoo engaged m tno war. We clip the above from The Alta and it proves what we have before said that if Gen. Crook had made so bungling a job in conquering the Apaches they would have annihilated tho whole army of the United States. We learn that Lieutenant Eckerson, whom Major Brown promptly sent after the Indians that stole stock at Pueblo Viejo, followed them to their camp on the Apacho reserve. He showed a good deal of energy iii his pursuit of them.