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Dissolution of Copartnership. THE COPATNEKSHIP HERETOFORE existing between Charles Etchells and John W. aweeny, aoing Dusine! in iuo- son, A. T.f Avae aissoivcu Dy .muiuui con hpiii, nn Kentember 0. Charles Etchells will continue the business. All accounts of the late firm will be collected by Mi chael McKenny. ETCHELLS & SWEENY. Tucson, A. T., Sept. 27, 1873. 4, Administrator's TJbtice. 7VJ0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY JS the underfeurned Administrator of the estate of Rafael Ron, deceased, to the creditors of and ill persons having claims against gam deceased, to cviiioit the same with the necessary vouchers within four months from the first publica tion of this notice to thc undersigned at Tucson, County of Pima. FRANCISCO S. LEON. Administrator, Tucson, A. T., Sept. 22, 1S73. 4t. Aviso de Administrador. EL QUE SUSCRIBE, ADM1NISTRA dor dc los hienes del flnado Rnfael Ron, suplica a los acredoret de dicho hna dopresenten sus reclamos dentro del ter miuo de cuatro nieses desde la fecha dc oete primer aviso en su casaen el Tucson, Condado de rima. FRANCISCO S. LEON, Administrador. Tuceon. A. T.. Setiembre 20, l&TJ. 4t Prooate Notice- T) ROB ATE COURT, COUNTY OF PIMA, JL Territory oi Arizona. In the matter of the estate of Mark Aid rich, deceased. The Territory of Arizona sends trreetlnsr. In pursuance ol an order of this Court. duly made and entered on the 25th day of September, 1873, notice is hereby given that Saturday the 2oth day of October, A. D. 1873, at 10 o'clock A. M. of fiaid day, at the court-room ol the I'robatc court, in the town of Tucson, in said County of Pi ma, has been appointed for hearing the application of Hiram S. Stevens, one of the executors praying that a document now on lile in this Court purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Mark Aid rich, deceased, be admitted to Probate, and that letters testamentary be issued thereon to Hiram S. Stevens, who is named therein as one of the executors, at which time and place all persons interested may appear and contest the same. Dated at Tucson, September 25, 1873. Attest : WILLIAM J. OSBORN, Probate Judge and cx-oflicio Clerk Probate Court. September 27. 5t. G. W. Cheslky. I J. S. Jones. G. W. CHESLEY and CO. Importers aiid Wholesale Dealers jjINEWlNES AND LlQUORS. Sole Proprietors of CUNDU RA NGO BITTERS, No. 414 Front street, San Francisco, Cal. and 51 Front St., Sacramento. Special attention will be paid to tho trado in Arizona. May 24. 6m. FERL. BERTHOLD, Tres Alamos, Arizona, Dealer in QE1SER4L JfERCEANDISE, Havo constantly on hand a well seleotod stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, X.1Q.UORS, TOBACCO, and CIGARS, Etc., Etc.. WIIICH I offer for sale at lowest possible prices. I have also HAY and GRAIN on hand to supply the traveling public. Also a most excellent well of water to accom modate the public. p5-6m J. BENUETT & CO. Southern Overland Mail and Ex. Co ARE NOW RUNNING A RLst two-horse vehicle threeiLssSM times a week, from Tucson to the Rio Mimbres where they connect with coaches For All Parts of New Mexico, Texas. Chihuahua and Eastern States. 5FParticulnr Attention paid to carry in Express Matter, and comfort of Pass engcrs. Office at S. II. Drachmau's store Tucson. (nolStfj TUCSON TO PRESCOTT SAN BERNARDINO, CAL. THE BUCKBOARD OF r-isp the undersigned, cnrry--SrS ing the United States Mails, leave Tucson every Mopday for CAMP GRANT, FLORENCE, PHENIX, and WICKENBERG Connecting with the Stages of the Califor nia Semi-weekly Line from that place to Prescott and Ehrehbcrg and San Bernar dino, California. Travelers over this route can visit the Vulture and Bradshaw mines; also, all that rich mineral section in the vicinity of Pres cott and "VViekenberg, and will find good accommodations at the stations, and much the most pleasant route to travel over to Ban Bernardino and Los Angeles, Califor nia. JAMES GRANT, Proprietor. Tucson, September 1, 1871. se9-tf THE CITIZEN. TUCSON, PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA. .Saturday, - Oct. 4,, 1H73, LETTER FROM VIENNA. Something About the City Its Great ness The World's Fail An Im mense Concern Every Country Comparatively Full Except Ours The Beer Garden Business Beats the World. Vienna, August 23. I got here one week ago to-day, and have been making the most of the situation. In some respects the situation is making most of me. .But on the whole, I have no great fault to find in short, am very clad 1 came. The city itself is well worth seeing for the money. The letter writers so far as I recollect, did not impress mt with the idea that Vienna was one of the largest and finest cities in the world, and 1 could not imagine that I was in the city of school jreosrrauhy memory. London did not come up to expectations, be cause I had the place somehow fixed up in my mind. I had not got half way from the depot to the hotel, be fore I discovered that 1 was m a new world here altogether from what 1 expected. Vienna has a population of about 1,000,000, and is evidently one or the most nourishing cities m Europe, and such a palatial concern throughout! Stewart's celebrated New York establishment would be but one in a thousand here as to size and cost. And then Vienna is so ar ranged as to show off these structures to the best advantage, without be coming monotonous. The old center of the city is palatial and massive in appearance, while the new additions are splendidly grand ; and on all tho surface cheerfulness prevails. Evi dently the atmosphere has something to do with preserving the original whiteness of the exterior. To give you a little idea of the lay of the land here, Vienna was once a strongly walled town on the south side of the Danube. During the present admin istration the reign of Emperor Josef those old walls were torn out, ex cept some of the principal gates left as mementoes or the past. This demo lition afforded space to create a gret circular street called "Koenig strasse " which envelops the old city with a grand park, rather, wherein there are lines of trees, broad side walks, carriage ways, &c. A still greater King street is in course of construction on tho site of the outer circle of fortifications at least a mile bevond. There is what is called the Donau (Danube) canal running: through the city, and slicing off a portion of the interior King street for some distance, but in a way to add special interest to the drive. The waters of the canal glide through more like a swift river, and at inter vals there are special parks of trees along street and stream; and at I night, under full head of gas, the scene surpasses anything in the city line I have ever met with. I am told by even sticklers for Vienna, that it is nothing to what I will see at Pari, &c. I am unable to realize yet what Paris is, according to that. There are so many of these wonderful build ings that I can never get done look ing at them and wandering through them. They are constructed on a dif ferent plan from anything I have seen in the United States. The en tranco is by way of a tunnel, so to speak, to a court in the center, from wnencp tne stairs wma up as in a monument. When you go to a hotel, the carriage drives right in out of sight of the street, which seems a strange relief from being landed like a box or trunk on the sidewalk of our American t establishments. So with these dry goods and banking estab lishments there may be booths and drinking saloons in front, but the main business is all got at from tho rear, as it were. I got here a week afro to-day noon, and first thins: climbed the steeple of St. Stephens' church, from which in a clear day (and unlike London, they have plenty of nice weather here, I infer) one can get as nice a view as from any place in the world, almost of the kind. I thought it good to be here, and then proceeded to dive through these great houses and look at the displays of jewelry, &c. forgetting all about tho great exhibition. The Grand Opera House here is next to the Imperial, Palace in cost and appearance. On Tuesday I went out to Schonbrunn the great suburb palace and grounds of the Imperial family. 1 got a good look at His Majesty, who seemed to be a very plain sort of creature in hu man shape, and driving a plainer team, in comparison to the array of horse flesh apd carriages I afterwards saw in the piain stable in the city, Americans talk about Grant and his half-dozen plugs, as indicative of ex travagance and pending ruin to the Kepublic. I wish every American could see this horse stable in question. The gold and precious stones used in finishing off one or two of these wheel ed concerns would alone build the Treasury at "Washington ; in fact, the great Capitol itself. I swear I be lieve I have already seen more pre cious metal, stones, ivory, &c, so far on my tour, stacked away to moulder in these old churches, palaces and horse stables, than a ten-wheeled lo comotive could haul down hill. At present, the number of horses in the imperial, stable is only about four hundred, eating oats at over one dol lar per bushel. They have sold off a hundred or so lately. The saddles and saddle-cloths, the ornamented huntinsr weauons oh. Lord, don't ask me to mention any part of it m detail. I have to pass tho stable every day onca or twice from where I stop, and it looks bigger all the time bigger than the great Exhibition building. I do not think I have seen Or shall see anything on the trip to impress me more than the contents and arrangement of their horse and carriasre concern. And it is but one of the kind in monarchial Europe Let those who prate about American extravagance and display, muster up courage and coin enough to cross the Atlantic just once and use their eyes to ordinary advantage. Austria is a rather rotten state however, find no wonder. But there must be a wonderful resource here somewhere aud somehow to build such a city and keep up such vast human machinery soldiery and what not. Jbverybodv, exceut the lowest servants, aud market people, seem to go better dressed than Americans and look as healthy as anywhere ; though, as th Shah told them, hehind all this prettv palace work there is much that smells bad. In fact, Vienna has as many different stenches as Cologne, and I do not wonder that the Persian despot turned up his nose at most everything in Germany. It is a cu rious life, this. In many respects I like it hugely ; and then about the time I think 1 am going to spell Jo seph with an f, I meet with some fea ture that makes me hop round and damn everybody forever allowing me to come here. Just before commenc ing to write this, 1 had one of these spells while trying to run a restaur ant and get a little dutch something or other to eat. It is the little troub les and wants anyhow that make life. have threatened you with a letter about door-latches, tooth-picks &c. If I escape the cholera 1 will write two letters and print them myself, if no other way. About the "World's Exhibition, I know too much already to say any thing;. That is the trouble about the whole trip I take notes of all I think worthy, aud find so much on hand that I have no time (only when tired out) to boil it down. I have tried to "go through" it as thor oughly as J. Knew now laning it oy sections and by wholesale ; and re peating and comparing ; for it is cer tainly worthy of well-doing now that. I am hero, and it is a great study, too, on general principles. I had no idea would be one-iourth so much inter ested in it before coming here, and that interest increases if anything every day. Shall give it a week or so more at least. It is only once in a life time, and I may stay a month. Most of the Americans leavo it about the third day, and don't know any thing about it for certain. Tho Eng lish are generally less contented still. If I could only talk Dutch, I could live as cheaply and well as a reason able mortal shouid ask. That is the real truth about the Vienna thieves. They do not go at you witli a ohot gun, as in America, but all hands clown to the dog, nip your pocket a little, and it foots up nicely on their side. If ever I get back to tho Em peror Grant's potato-patch, and can catch a raw Dutchman out alone, I will just tie him up to a cold rock and eat his liver out by inches, as did that chap on Mount Caucasus in the fable, and no other vulture shall have a mouthful. If the average Dutch man's liver is scented according to his breath, I would have a hell of a time, too ; but I would worry it down somehow you bet. I am practicing now on their sausage and cheese, how ever, washed down with beer, and I feel encouraged to get even. I see I am not going to tell you anything about the great show in this letter. It is just as well. It is not good for a person as far out west as Arizona to acquire information too fast. I will add, however, tha America I mean the United State, for Brazil has a fuller account here than we have is not supremely happy on the dis play at Vienna ; ind if Europe don't turn out any bet ter in proportion in '76, at Philadelphia, the Centennial will certainly be a one-sided if not one- as horse affair! think now if the Pres ident had only known it in time, he would have let Gen. Van Buren go ahead. Vau evidently telt ashamed to snread out the yeast powders and axle grease, and so kept holding back to see if something wouldn't come at last suitable to the occasion. I do not know what could have got into the usually enterprising Americana. It seems like a case of what was ev erybody's was nobody's business Congress should have spent tin money for the com mission in boxim up a few leading features of Ameri can invention, production, art, Szc, and shipped them. The only thing characteristic of them here, is th school-house, and it is quite an at traction indeed. The Portuguese strangely enough is the only nation represented here in that way, and they have a very fair sample of the modern style of educational contriv ance. I wish- you could have seen the beer-garden display last night on the grounds of tho Weltausstellun That's what they call it. I can never forget it, now that I can spell and pronounce it, and live. Be sure you print it Weltausstellung ail right, tor 1 have had pains aiid expense enough with that one word already Executor's Kotice. TkTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY P( the undersigned exe utrix of the cs tute of Bemabe K obits, deceased, to th e creditors of, and nil persons having claims n tra it) st said estate, to exhibit the same with the necessary vouchers, wi hin five months from tho date hereof, to the under signed or at Tully, Ochoa & Co.'s, in Tuc son, A i norm, J0SEFA R0M0 DE R0BI.ES, Executrix. Tucson, A. T., Sept., 8, 1873. 4t. Pine lumber! nnnE santa rita saw - mill co JL are now prepared to furnish all kinds ol Iii m"l)ei' and tesliinles at the Lowest Prices and of the VervBest Quality evet olfered in this market. Parties wanting any kind of lumber will please leave their orders at the store ol Messrs. E. N. Fish& Co., and they will be promptly hlled. ti S. W. CRAIGUE, WHOLESALE DEALEIt IN G1INE WINES, ! LIQUORS, and CIGARS. BRICK BTTIIilDnsrGr, COKNEK OF 4TII AND K STS., SAN D'TGO. RE3TAUHAUT AST) BAKERY, ON MESILLA STREET, BETWEEN Main and Meyers. THIS popular place has been greatly en larged and improved, and completely ren ovated recently. Meals at all hours, day and night. A FIRST CI-ASS BAKERY Is connected with this house, where, at all times, Bread, Cakes, Pies, etc. can be had, Particular attention will be given to suppers for parties. Give us n trial. MAEIIOLZ & GILBERT, Proprietors. June 2S. M, I. JACOBS & CO., Dealers in GENERAL JtfEROUAKDlSE, OFFElt A Well Assorted Stock at lowest Cur rent Rates. Agency for Pierson's Terrenate Flour Mills. COIN, BUXXION, and 12XCHANGE BOUGHT and SOILD. CASH ADVANCED ON CONSIGN MENTS. Tucson, March 8, 1S7.3. mrlo-tf. DAVIS & KELSON, Congress Street, Tucson, jypl. JV UFA U T UR ER S A NB DEALERS IN Tin, Brass and Sheet-iron Ware; Also Stoves of the best patterns. TEvex'-y description OF.... Tin, Sheet-iron -ware and Stoves is sold on terms to suit the times. (ggpOrders solicited and promptly filled. CONNECTED WIT'H THE ABOVE establishment, is a special depart ment for the Repair and Cleaning OP.... WATCHES, CLOCKS ETC., ETC. SgpStcncil -work solicited and executed to 6uit customers. All work warranted a? represented, 5&tf FLOUR! FLOUR!! HAVING PUT IN FINE RUNNING order the EAGLE STEAM FLOURING MILL. In Tucson, I am prepared to fill orders for CHOICE FIOUK AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Patronage Solicited. Please call at the Mill and Examine my muke of Flour and Prices. JAMES LEE. Juiy 19, tf. Administrator's ITotice. J0TICE IS HER KB Y GIVEN BY M the undersigned adtuini? trator of the estate ol Newton . Flournoy, deceased, to the creditor. of, and nil persons having ehiiras against said deceased, to exhibit the s.iuie. with the nccess.ry vouchers within ten months from the first publica tion of this notice, to the undersigned at Tucson, fated at Tin-son, A T., Septem ber 8, 1873. SOLOMON WARN I-It, 4t. Administrator. Application ior Patent. U. S.' LAND OFFICE, 1 Florence, A. T , August 1, 1873. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Montezuma Mining Company whose postoflice address i Tues-.n, Pima county, Arizona Territory, has made appli cation for a psitcut for two thousand (2000) linear feet of the Montezuma Mine or lode bearing copper and silver quartz; with surface ground four hundred (400) feet in width ; situated in the Pansico Mininrr District, Pima county, Arizona Territory ; md (lesi.-ribLU in tne plat unu field notes on file in this office as follows, viz: Begin ning at a post at the NW comer set in a monument of stones tind marked No. 1 (fr.-m which San I'omiugo Peak bears N (l25x W J-7.23 chains distant; andBear Mountain bears N 2S454, E 57.G7 chains distant: ) thence S 3230x E two thousand (2000) feet to a post set in mound ol" stone and iLarked No o for faW corner of claim ; thence N 5730' E four hundred (400) feet to a post in mound of stone marked No 4 ; thence N3230MV two thousand (2000) feet, to a pi st in a mmnd of .-tone, marked Nob; henec t 5i u tSO' four hundred (400) feet, to place of beginning, cuntain- 18 3(5 100 seres. And notice is hercbv given that the Mon- tezunu Mining Company has made appli cation for a patent for a mill site in con nection with the above namel Montezuma Mine. The said Mill ?-ite is siu.ate t in the Pnpago Mining Bistiict. Pima county, Arizona Territory and in a Northwesterly direction and adjoining the Margarita Mine Mill Sito in the Papago Mining Dis trict, and in a Northeasterly direction from, the Montezuma Mine; and is described in the field notes and plat in this office as fol- ows, viz : Beginning at the NW corner of the Mill S'ite of the Margarita Mine lo cated in I'npago Mining District, Pima county, Arizona Territory: thence North 1?. 15 two hundreil (200; feet to a post set in mound of stones marked NEC. No. thence N 77 1 W, seven hundred and twenty-tix (720) feet to a post set in mound of stones, marked NW 0. No 2; thence S13W three hundred (300) feet to post et in mound ot stones marked bW C. No 3; thence S 77 E seven hundred and twenty-six (726) feet to a post set m Mound of stones, marked SE C No 4; thenej N 13 E one hundred (100) feet to place of beginning containing five acres. Aug 9. LEVI RUGGLES, Register. Application for Patent. U. S. LAND OFFICE, ) Florence, A. T., Aug. 1, 1873. J 'OT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT II. S. Stevens, Samuel Hughes, A. Lazard, Tully, Ochoa & Co., Jose Fcrntez. and Miguel Alvorez, whoso postoQicc ad dress is Tucson, Arizo a Territory, havo made application for a patent for one Ihou- and live hundred (loUO) linear leet ot tho Margarita" Mine or lode of copper and ilvcr bearing quartz with surface ground four hundred (400) feet in width, situated the Panago Mining District, Pima county, Arizona Territory, and described n tho plat and held notes now on file la this oflico as follows, viz: Bcginninc at a stake at the Northwest corner marked NV in mound of stones; (from which San Domingo Peak bears N 56 Y, 116.0a chains distant; tho centre post on tho SK boundary of the Montezuma Mine, Papago Mining District, fima county, Arizona Territory, bears N 77 V twenty-two and half (22) feet distant; tho W C. of the Marjrarita Mine Mill Site bears N 37 34 E, 15.42 chains distant;) thence S 13c XV fifteen hundred (1500) feet tostakc: set in mound of stones markod SW corner ttenccS77E four hundred (400) feet to take marked SL. C. in mound of stones; thence N 13 E fifteen hundred (1500) feet to a stake set in mound of stono marked NE C; thence N 77 W four hundred (400) feet to place of beginning, containing thirteen and 77-100 acres. And notice is hereby given that the above named persons claiming the Marga rita Mino have made application for a pat ent for a Mill Sito in connection with tho above named Margarita Mine; tho said Mill Site is situated in a Northeasterly di rection from the said Margarita Mine, and is described in tho plats and field notes on filo in this offico as follows, viz: Begin ning at tho NW corner of said Margarita Mine; thencp N 37 34' E 15.42 chains to SW corner of tho Margarita Mino Mill Site ; thence N 81 E three hundred and sixty-three (303) feet to a post marked SE C. No 4; thonco N 9 W six hundred (600) feet to a post marked NE C. Nol; thonce South tl XV three hundred and sixty-three (363) feet to a pnst marked N W C. No 2; thence South 9 E si hundred (600) feet to place of beginning, containing five acres. Aug 9. LEVI RUGGLES, Register.