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Frest: VíREWER'S TEAÍ r EVERT? day at , LEVIN'S PARK J3REWERY. CDecember 13, 1873. W. tf. Wanted. BY A MAX, EY PROFESSION A COOK, a situation at a Post, Rancho or Fam ily in the vicinity of Tucson. Would pre- rer situation near una or !Sait river. Inquire of J. Spring, teacher. Tucson, April 18, 1874. 28-4W To the People of Arizona. AT THE REQUEST OP A LARGE number of friends throughout tne Ter ritory, I hereby anioounce to the people of Arizona that I will be an independent People's Candidate for relegate to Con gress, at the ensuiug elecuon. If I am elected I will fairly represent the people and the interests of every section of the Territory. No one can do more; less would be unjust and ungrateful to those whose support I now ask. II. S. STEVENS. Tucson, April 18, 1S74. 2t-tf THE BEST RESTAURANT ' Ever kept in Tucson is oa losilla Street, Between Main and Meyers. A LL KINDS OF EATABLES KEPT ON hand and freshly cooked to ORDER OF GUESTS. Private Dinners, Suppers and Lunches prepared to order and satisfaction guaran teed. CHRISTOPHER GILBERT. Dec. 13, 1S73. 10-tf. Proprietor. WATER DELIVERED. T1H.E PEOPLE OF TUCSON ARE RE- A, minded that MARTIN TOUrJEY Delivers Clear, Fresh Spring Wa ter once or more a day, at a Verj- Moderate Price. He Is aspunctaalas a clock, and delivers I pours to 6uit customers. Call upon him for water and particulars. mrSo-tf McDonald & co.. Forwarding Mercliants, In Fire Proof Building, Cor. K and 6th Streets, San Diego, Cal. -Jl Freights consigned to our care will be forwarded with dispatch. Also agents for Goodall, Nelson & Perkins' Line of Steamships, Running from San Francisco to San Diego and Way Ports. April 18, 1S74. . 2S-tf THE PARK BREWERY, Foot of Pennington Street, Now Opened. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD BEG leave to inform the public that the PARK BREWERY at the place of Levin's iriglnal Pioneer Brewery is now fitted up IMPROVED STYLE, And is prepared fOupply BAR. ROOMS. SUTLERS, FAMILIES, &c with a Superior article of Imager Beer, Ale and Porter. Ateo, will keep at the Brewery aflnoas' aortment of LUNCHES at all hours. Z. LEVIN. tf. October 18, 1873. M. L JACOBS & CO.. Dealers In GENERAL JfERCHANDISE, X OFFER A Well Assorted Stock at lowest Cur rent Bates. Agency for Rerson's Terrenate Flour Hills. BULLION, and EXCHANGE BOÜGUT and SOLD. Q&8H ADVANCED ON CONSIGN MENTS. Tucson, March 8, 1871 mrl5-tf. NEW GOODS. From East and West. H AVTNG JUST RECEIVED A NEW Stock or GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Consisting of C2JOTHING, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, - REST MADE CALIFORNIA BOOTS AND SHOES, THE LATEST STYLE HATS. Also cm hand BEST BRANDS WHIS KEY, BRANDY and WINES: Imported KUMMEL and CURACAO, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, best brands of Import ed and Domestic Cigars, to all of which I most respectfully invite one and all to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods; very polite and ttentive gentlemen to wait on you. Thanking the public 'or past patronage Solicit a continuance of same. 'Store Corner Main and Congress streets. 8. H. DRACHilN. Tbosr November 8, ISiS, ojl: SATURDAY, - . .. May 9, 1874. LOCAL MATTE US. This day grand opening of fashionable Spring goods at Welisch's. W have some interesting statistics from J. S. Vosburg, acting Territorial Auditor, but will hare to leave them till next weeK The Hon. John Smith elsewhere an nounces himself as an independent can didate for the delegateship. nr. smith is prominent merchant or jucuoweii ana an old resident or me Territory. Theo. Wejlisch has received this week a splendid variety of ladies', misses', chil dren's and Infants' fashionable straw hats, Florence lace and Japanese sundowns, embroidered Marseilles noods, satin ana lace caps ana bonnets. The Bali, at the Park Brewery this eve nine promises to be a choice affair. The preparation has been thorough, and noth ing will be lacking. Music, dancing, feast ing and a erana balooa ascension are. on the bill of fare. Go early. Ohnesorgen & Elaxd mean business at San Pedro Station. A station keeper who maintains the right Kind oi hostelrle on the long dry roads of Arizona is a ben efactor to the human race. In addition to other comforts, the above firm have added a fine bar to their station. There has been much trouble among the farmers occupying the lands west of town, on account oi scarcity or water in the river and alleged illegal appropriation of it. The matter was brought before Judge Osborn Wednesday and an amica ble settlement arrived at, to the apparent satisfaction of all parties. Business In Justice Osbom's court has been quite lively the past week. After disposing of a number of criminal cases, there came before the court the civil case of C. H. Lord versas Jacob Youtsey, for claim and delivery of personal property. After argument by counsel, the matter was submitted to the jury who returned a verdict for C. H. Lord. Secretary Bashford received a tele gram this week Informing him of the ar rival at Prescott, from San Diego, of R. II. Burmeister and wife and W. C. Bashford. The former is Gov. Bashford's son-in-law and the latter his son. Thev have taken an interest in the mercantile business of Levi Bashford, and will make Prescott their future residence. At a meeting of the village council, Wednesday evening, the matter of open ing Meyers-st. through the property of F. S. Leon was adjudicated. Judges John Ti tus and L. C. Hughes appeared on behalf of Mr. Leon, and aft er argument and state ment, ana to avoid slow and expensive cil that Mr. Leon be allowed $800 for his property appropriated tor the street, pro- viaea the money is raised by the people interested within the month. We have been presented with a good portrait of Gen. Crock, by D. P. Flanders, photographic artist at Prescott. In a note accompanying the picture, Mr. Flanders says: " I take my departure for Tucson in a few days. On arrival I shall he prepared to execute all the different styles of work known in photography, in the most artis tic manner. I shall also have an exten sive assortment of stereoscopic views tak en by myself in the northern section of Arizona," S. Hughes knows how to make money as well as any other gentleman in town, but then he isn't mean. The public school house faces to the west and during the last and hottest half of the day the sun pours on the walls and collects its rays in the corners and creeps through the crevices and makes things hot generally. That's the way it was, but not as it is. For Sam my has thrown a ramada along the whole extent of the building. It looks cool and pleasant and is a most decided improve ment. We believe the school authorities paid for some of the labor required in put ting it up ana Mr. liughes did the rest, but it is so good an act, and so modest withal, that we will just give the latter the whole creaiu Personal. Thos. Ewlng left for Pres cott last Sunday. , Joseph Colllngwood came In irom Flor ence on xuesaay. Rev. G. A. Reeder left for Yuma by Tues days stage. Mr. Woffenden came In from the Gila on the 6th. C. O. Brown went on a trip to the Oro Bianco mines on Wednesday. Lieut. A. E. Woodson arrived In town from Grant on Thursday. S. B. Wise is In town to-day from San- rora. Gen. J.E. McCaffry and Mal. C. H. Veil arrivea on xnursaay irom .rnenix. Mr. Iaecer left for Yuma on the 2d. hav ing com pietea nis mining patent business as rar as possible ror the present. Lieut. E. W. Ward left on Wednesday and Dr. Newlands on Thursday for Camp Apacne. F. Malsh and C. A. 8hlbell. beef con tractors, came In from Prescott Wednes day- Samuel McClatchy came in this week from the San Pedro, where he has taken up a ranch, and seems to be on the road to prosperity. Lieut. W. F. Rice and wife arrived from Prescott on Thursday and are en route to Camp Apache, which is the Lieutenant's Btatlon. They will leave for Apache to morrow. C. H. Meyers took his departure on the 29th ult. for New York, via San Francisco. rom .New yorK ne win taiie passage for Germany. He is on a visit to his parents and expects to be absent some three months. E. M. Pearce and G. W. Hamor went ont last Wednesday to the copper mines of the former, in Silver Mountain district. Mr. Pearce took with him two practical smelt ers whom he has engaged for the works at dís mines. A. C. Benedict left last week on a trir to the Hot Springs near Rio Mimbres, N. M., wuere ue proposes a sojourn or several weeks. TheRe springs are quite noted for their remedial proDerties In certain com plaints, and wonderful leures are narrated as having been effected by their waters. On last Tuesday evenine- T.ient T. "FT. Pardee and wife were complimented by the garrison of Camp Lowell with a grand ball previous to their departure for Camp Grant, which Is Lieut. Pardee' atation. The entertainment was' given at the com manding Officer's Quarters. A nnmhernf our ciUzens ware preseptr A n i n Vfiap T II r trill 3 ' t ' A Mexican boy made his appearance li. Lowell, last Wednesday, In a dilapidate! ed condition and considerably the worse for wear. His head was partly shaven, he was nearly naked and had been scratched across the breast with a knife. He stated that he belongsd to Roger's lumber camp, that some Apaches had caught him away from camp ana naa lert him in his then sorry condition and let him go. They don't asually do things that way but they have done as unusual things before this Instance. News wes brought to town Thursday evening that the Indians had attacked James Lee's camp, on the other side of the Santa Catarina mountains, had killed one man named Santos and wounded another and taken some stock. Mr. Lee and others started for the camp the same evening and at the present writ ing have not returned. This camp is about twenty miles out, around N. W. point of the Santa Catarina mountains. Mr. Lee returned last evening. There had been no attack on his camp and no stock stolen, but the Indians had been around for several days and one of the employees of the camp venturing a short distance in hunting, was killed by them. The Indians have seemed to take a special liking to the vicinity of Tucson during the past two months, hanging around our outskirts and crossing between the mountains on all sides of town. It would be best for all who go on the roads in this vicinity for some time to come, to look well to themselves. Ladies' and children's dresses cut and made in best style, to order at Welisch's. Mining Prospects. In the way of mining news, we are In formed that Messrs. Iaeger and DeArmitt have applied for a survey of the Fernan det Vein mining claim, with the inten tion of applying for patent thereto. The mines which deputy surveyor DeLong has lately surveyed for Mr. Iaeger are the Pi cacho, the Cokespa and the Cobreza. They e 6itnated about sixty miles nearly due west of Tucson, in the Cababi district. These mines are old acquaintances of residents of Tucson, have been worked more or less for years and are noted for the richness of the ores, containing cop per, silver, lead and gold. Mr. Iaeger, in proceeding to patent, intends to do with these mines, what 6hould and would have been done long ago under more favorable circumstances, properly develop them. lhe Picacho is the oldest, having been worked since. 1861. It is safe to say that more ore has been taken from this mine than from any other silver mine in this Territory. Those who know, state that it has already produced over haif a million in silver. The second mine, the Cokespa, is of more recent date. We believe it was hrst worked in 18(37. The ore is good and al together it is a promising location. The third mine of Mr. Iaeger is the Co breza. We are under the impression that this claim has only been worked tor the past two years; but the developments have been to some purpose and a more determined and systematic course seems to have been pursued, during the time the work has been carried on. There are ex tensive ehaits and a considerable line of works on this claim. It is confidently believed that the Cobreza will prove the best mine or the three. A late letter from Mohave county says : " Our mining interests were never looking 60 well before: not in the "going to strike it when we get below water" kind Of May, but in actual developments made in the last two months. At Stockton the "63" has had six men sinking for two months and all the time in not less than two feet of good shipping ore. Another mine, the "Tigress," has a little more than ten tons on the dump, sacked for shipment, which assays, (samples drawn from each sack and mixed,) over $(500 per ton, and more ore in sight in the mine, than ever before. The Keystone company have had their pumping machinery at work for several weeks, and are sinking with a force of fifteen men, a shaft 5x8 feet, all in ore, and most of it rich enough to ship." Horses and Mules Ranched By A. C. BENEDICT, on 8AIIUAKITO BANC II in SANTA QRUZ y ALLEY, 82.50 per Month for Each Animal. Careful Herders Always with the Stock. This ranch has ample water and the BEST of GRASS in unlimited quantity. When ordered by the owner, stock will be fed grain at an additional price to be agreed upon. Stock for this ranch, left at R. N. Leath erwood's corral in Tucson, with instruc tions as to feed, time, return, etc., will have prompt attention. As the care of stock will be made a spe cialty on this ranch, owners can rely upon theiranimalssenttoit, receiving the best care. January 31, 1874. 17-6m MANXTHLA FAIRBANKS, RAFAELA MÜ3S0K. MUNSON & FAIRBANKS, Pueblo Viejo, ... Arizona, Dealers in GENERAL MEZCZAXDISE, Consisting of DRTi GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, and other goods necessary for the wants of the settlement and traveler, always on hand, which will be sold very reasonable. Our goods are of the best and were bought at low figures; therefore it will pay people to patronize us. . MUNSON & FAIRBANKS, j GIL Elver, April 21, 1874. 80-6m I L0RD & WILLIAMS. RE NOW OPENING AND OFFER ING FOR SALE One of the largest and most complete as sortment of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Ever before brought to the country. To Cash Buyers they Extend the Most Flattering Inducements. Their stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, W00DENWARE, WILLOW-WARE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, DRUGS & MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, SUTLER'S GOODS, And In fact of all that comprises a first uass store, is an tnat can be oa elred to select from by close cash buyers. They Defy Competition and are De termined to give Entire Satisfaction. ' Having full faith In the country, they mean to stay by It until the day of general Jubilee, shall come, when all can rejoice togemer in its peace ana prosperity. Drop In and examine our stock. Exchange sold on all parts of the world. Telegraphic transfers made with any section or the country. A few more of those IDontt mention thcrq" left. ESTEVAX OCOOA, Tucson, Arizona Territory. Sidney e. belong, Apache Pass, A. T. THE OLD AND LONG ESTABLISHED commercial house of TULLY, OCHOA & CO. to Its numerous friends and patrons, onoe more sends greeting and would respect fully announce to all Interested that we are receiving and opening a NEW AND COMPLETE 8TOCK of Goods from the Great Eastern and Western MarkeH Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, QUEENSWAKE, GLASSWARE, WINES AND LIQUORS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c, &e. Also a full stock of BOOTS & SHOES tot all ranks, 6exes and conditions. FOB TRAINS. LEATHER, SADDLES, CHAINS, WHIPS, HARNESS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CARRIAGE AXELS, HUBS, SPOKES and RIMS; MULE and HORSE SHOES and NAILS, Ti 11 Slct everything required for OUT- i? TRAINS. kck has been selected with, gieat me of the firm of most TENSIVE EXPERIENCE n 2 v- i especial reference to the require menta of-THIS MARKET. We are confi dent we meet the necessities of our custo mers at as REASONABLE RATES as any house in the Territory. To examine our stock and PRICE our goods, will be to purchase. TULLY, OCHOA & 00. Trader' 8 Store in APACHE PASS and CAMP BOWIE, Arizona Territory. Supplies kept for travelers going East or West, as well as GOODS for ALL, and at fair rates. TULLY, OCHOA & CO. November 1. 1873. E. N. Frsri, ) Tucson, A. T. S. SlLVEEBEBG , San Francisco. E. N. FISH & CO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL EEAXEBS 15 Q.ENEBAL MERCHANDISE, TUCSON, A. T., V. Are constantly receiving large and com plete assortments of goods,' consisting of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, FANCY GOODS and STATIONERY, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE and CUTLERY, LEATHER, HARNESS, FARMING TOOLS and GRAIN SACKS, And the choicest brands ol WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCOS, AND CIGARS. All of which we offer at unprecedentedly It O W PRICES FOR CASH. Give us a call and be convinced that our goods are of the best quality and as cheap as can be bought of any house in tke Territory. PINE LUMBER and SHINGLES Jorsaíe. BARLEY and CORN, Jn any quantity, at lowest possible ratf?.