Newspaper Page Text
v. Albert Stein mLD, Tucson, A.T. j,. Zcckcnelorf & Co TUCSON, ARIZONA. WHOLESALE and RETAIL Dealers In General Merchandise Here always on hand and jre continually receiving the largest and most complete assortment -of-DRY GOODS, TASCT GOODS, LADIES osJ GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, DRESS fiOODS, GEXTS, YOUTHS,-and BOYS' CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, GROCERIES, PROHSIONS, LIQUORS, CIGARS and TOBACCOS, HARDWARE, SIZING ani FARMING IMPLEMENTS, And a Thousand and One things too Nu nierousio enumerate. The Citizen. FRIDAY. AUGUST 15, 1879. Pur- We have The Best of Facilities in chasing Goods, Bnylnc our Goods DIRECT from Flrat Hands, and are ahie to OfferTTnsurpassed Inducements We especially lavite the Attention of the "Wholesale Trade To examine oor prices before purchasing elsewhere. Wool and Hides, And ALL PKODUCTS of the country Bought. Highest Price allowed for Gold and Silver Bullion. A' Orders Solicited and Promptly Atten ded to. L.ZECKENDORF A CO. Wm. C Davis, rnSOX. - - - Arizona Manufacturer of and Healer in Every Variety ofj Tinware, Copper and Sheet Ironware. Materials for and sailed Workmen to do all Kinds of Work Apper taining to Quartz Mills and Smelting Furnaces. Will not attempt to break a customer bis flm patronage. on H.S.Fitzgerald & Co. and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Terminus S. P. R. R. and Yuma' - Arizona. nsignmcntsTf Freight So licited. Rcoe H' 8' F CO" T0r" LOCAL MATTERS. From "Wednesday's Daily, Park Hall Rebuilt It Is now time to again compliment Bobs Lievin as ine repairs on toe Park Hall an proach completion. Wo are rather elad the old roof fell In (Just when R did) for now jiucflon can oonstot a nail that Is not exooued mis side orsan Francisco The tin roof has obviated the necessity of the centre posts which really spoiled tho Hall as It was before. The walls have been built up six feet higher giving tho celling a height of twenty-four reet. Just below the celling Is a row of ventilators, ten feet apart and each three feet long by eighteen inches deep, which tocetlier with tho wludows below glvo tho Hall excellent ventilation. Tho celling ! bright sky-blue spangled with sliver stars. At tho lower end of tho hall Mr. Levin has opened a doorway lead Ing Into two rooms which are to be "for the accommodation of gentlemen. The first is a smoking room and the second for re freshments. Tho rooms adjoining on thoi upper end of the hal. are to be arranged for ladles exclusively. This suit consists or four room suitably furnished for the accommodation of children and nurse when ladles tlnd It necessary to bling them. Mr. Levin also has flvo chande liers now on the way from San Franclsoo which cost him S400 there. When the Im provements are all completed, which will be about September 1, wo will have a spa cious and beautiful hall, well adapted to every variety ofentertainments. Supervisors' Proceedings, The Superv.sors mt at 2 p, m., yester day. Full Board present. The bond of Fred. G. Hughes as Public Administrator was approved. uistrici Attorney Jiugn Farley nnd Treasurer R. N. Leatberwood made a set' tlement with the Board on the delinquent tax list for 1S7S. The petition of Castro for a new road souin irom Tucson was laid over for ln- ture consideration. The Board then adjourned to Monday August 18, when they will receive and compare the tax and assessment rolls and deliver the former to the Sheriff for collec tion. Kansas is now represented In town by Hon. W. H. Phillips, Member of Congress from the First District of that Slate, who arrived by stace from Now Mexico last evening. He 1b ouo of tho party that came through with Col. Boyle to Shakspeare, and will spend several days in looking over Arizona Industries and resources. In a brief Interview Mr. Phillips remarked that ho was quite disappointed In the weather. In that he found It co pleasant in midsummer, when it had been spoken of as a burning desert. We believe his Im pressions generally of our people and country will be equally pleasant. Mb. S. M. Lowell Is In town from his ranche on the Sonolta, He was one of the BUfTerei s from the recent raids. Stock taken from him cannot be replaced for SGOO. This is most unfortunate and dis Mr. and Mks. B. M. Jacobs have made olaborato preparations for tho entertain ment of tho many friends thov have In vited to moke merry with them this even ing and an excellent good time may be expected. The Cosmopolitan Hotel Is deservedly gaining a larger patronage, it i Arizona's best hotels, and has a live pro- ",u,ur wuouesires to accommodate every Euest. Dagurrk's train Is expected inmnr from the ond of the railroad, with t; nra shingles nnd 6000 feet of redwood lumber ior a. u, otis & Co. Mr. N. W. Bernard brlnirs tvwvi nr. from Arlvaca and will stop a few days in Many have thought It onlto rm m. lay yet tho thormomoter only reached W "I - p. m. As excellent opportunity is now mrerr to any oue desning to purchase a new sate. See the new ndvcrHsnon. The telegraph line Is now In sDlen.lld condition and at 3 p. m., to-day tho hooks In tho Tucson ofllco were clear. What They Say. The Mesilla News reporter has had a long interview with the Shakspeare miners ami fills over two colums in the last issue of the News with what was told him. We extract the following: ine bhakspeare Gold and Silver Aiming uompauy will go into active operations and after deciding the cheapest and best wav to onemtn with the ore, will in fifty davs have rmliif. nun nuius which win treat lUl) tons of ore per day. Col. JJoyle will be General Alenager and Superintendent, and he lias ap pointed Henry C. Harper 31. E. who is a graduate of Columbia college School of Mines, as Assistant Super intendent; he has had ten years actual experience in mining and in the va rious methods of treating the different ores, also is a civil engineer, and has beeu connected with several railroad companies. There is no doubt, about the reduc tion works being on the ground at the earliest possible date. Three strong companies are now formed and ready for work and two more forming; mak ing five strong companies with good financial backing at the start, and these companies believe in nothing but honest, legitimate mining; and they want none but honest, hard work ing men in their camp and prefer those with families, who expect to re side permanently at the mines and to organize as respectable a community as can be found iu any New England town. Maj. W. J. Mills was next inter viewed and gave the following notes concerning his Company : " The South ern Pacific Mining and Mineral Land Company, is composed of Ex-Gov. Collin, M. Ingersoll, Chas.L. Mitchell, vice-president of the Winchester Arms Company and director and president in several other institutions and com panics, Dr. John J. Crane, R. P. Hart. Prof. Wm. P. Trowbridcc mininir en gineer Columbia college, myself and several others. We own five cood mines at Shak An elegantly carved heavy cosed Elgin Chronometer, the finest watches made, a beautiful present for a lady, worth $150. warrantd for nlghtyears. will bo sold for 370. at Uncle HarrIs,22I Kearny street, be tween Bush and Sutter. Tun Apaches aro loose and tho boys uk arms. Fine double acting Colts ro v.ilvers and Smith A Wesson Russian model pistols at the second hand store on Meyers street. Parties who wish fl rat-class mescal and the best brands of cigars can And them at tho store of D. Velasco.on Mesilla street, above Meyers. Arroi.ijfARE3 Natural Mineral Water Just arrived at John R. Dall A Co.'s whole sale llquerdealers.MesllIastreet, between Main and Meyers street. AkickMusIo Box. orlelnallv cost SS0 playing beautiful airs, price $10, at Uncle narria'.'jai Kearny street, between uusn ana suiter. Layer ralsens, dried grapes, currants Alden sliced apples, pears and dates at Pierce A Wood's, Meyers street. couraglng, and wo trust tho Mexican and American forc.M will unite and external nate these marauding bands. The Road Commissioners had a meet- ng this afternoon. The succes.sful bidder has placed SS.750 gold coin In the Bat k of California In payment for tho road bonds, Fresh California ranch bu'ter, peaches. bartlelt pears, plums, black ham burs rapes and apples received daily at Pierce A Wood's, Meyers street. w e pnoush to-day a very interesting re port of the Harshaw mining property ol Patagonia. It will be read with much in terest. Sheriff SutnnLi. Is ngaln athisdutles and looks refreshed from his trip to Frisco. Parties in town from the vicinity of Dos Cabasas report good progress in that section. The finest brands of Havana cigars and clgarrettcs, chewing and smoking tobacco at the Pioneer News Depot. Jspeare and intend to push work on each mine and obtain patents for them at an early day. Our company arc composed of men of means and who have taken all the stock, and have put up all the money wanted, and it is ex pected to work the mines in an honest, legitimate way and to make them pay regular dividends. We will commence at first with only a 20-stamp mill, which will be here as quick as it can be got on the ground, probably fifty or sixty days. By the earl- part of next year as the railroad will be at or very near our mines we can commence more extcn sive operations. Our company, our mines and our operations are distinct from that for which Col. Boyle is workintr, but the different companies will act together for the peace, protec tion and best interest of the camp. A. A. WIJLT, Tres Alamos, Arizona. Dealer In Ceeral Merchandise. -itfiTea a Directfrom the East, IS large stock of goods now prepared to oner !Ders and Farmers Supplies, Tayl as th. . . . - . j can oe Dougbl In -Tucson . or & Amorv's Livery, Feed From Thursday's Daily. The ball last evening wns in every par ticular satisfactory to all who attended and tho audience was a large and select one. The Park was brilliantly lighted, tho music was good and all who wero not beautiful were at least gay. Our generous oitlzens were most liberal in their dona tions of refreshments of every character. We have beard many express an opinion ery much to the credit of the mauage- ruenU At a meeting of tho Road Commission ers this morning a number of accounts were passed and everything put in con dltlon for effecllvo work as soon as tho bldB for making tho road are opened, which will be on Saturday next, August 25. Mr. Albert Springer arrived yesler- day and has taken his position as book keeper in tho house of Zeckendorf A Staab. He Is an nff.tble gentleman and e understand quite an acquisition in a musical way. We bid him welcome. We protest against the "Pinafore" IJokes perpetrated by our recently re turned Sheriff, ns we have tho preference In that line. The receipts of the ball or tho beneflt of the new hospital last evening Is estim ated at abont $375. The same will be quite an assistance. Cikcdxatixo Library. -Best novels in English and Spanish at J. S. Mansfeld's Pioneor News Depot. Marseilles Bed Spreads and a general assortment of toilet gooda Just arrived, at Lord A Williams-. F. A. Eaull A Co.'s, sldo Meyers street, la the place to buy stationery and latest periodicals. Finest Cognac Brandy at John R. Dall A Co.'. wiiolesalo liquor dealers. Mesilla street, between Main and Meyers streets. American Watches, key and stem- winders, at Eastern prices, at Bergei's Jewelry Storo. Sewing machine attachments, also ma chines repaired at J. M.Berger's, Meyers street. Spectacles and eye-glass at Earll A Co. Sewing machines rented out nt Ber- gcr's, opposite Palaco Hotel. Linen Damask, , and J Napkins, newest patterns, nt Lord A Williams'. The largest stock of toys of every des cription at the Pioneer News Depot. Sampson'; CltrnrNtore, ivholctmle itnd retail. Lowest Prices. Fresh Cigars by express at F. A. Earll a Co.'s, on Meyers stieet. Lord A Williams have Just recelvod an Immense supply of bacon. Tim Hondo! r anil Panel photo graphs arc made nt Uiiehuinii'N. Fine Jewelry nnd fancy goods for sale cheap at Earll A Co.'s, Moyeru street. The best cooks, best meals and best waiters at the Delmonlco Restaurant. Best Brazilian Pebbles, Eye-Glasttes and Spectacles at Berger's Jewelry Store. Illuminated l!nl stem-ivliidor watches ilO, at Iterser's. Illuminated dial watches cheap at D. Velasco. on Mesilla street. First-class Sonora flour at D. Volasco, on Mesilla street. B and arding Stable. Arizona. In OU r overnment Corral. DEALER IN mGS AND MEDLINES, ttreet.Tuwon, Arizona. To-Day's. Among the passimgors on tho coach from Tombstone last evening was Col. Wltherlll on his way back to Arlvaca alter briefly looking over his Tombstone properties. We learn from the Colonel that the Arlvaca mill is now in complete working order nnd will bo started up on Monday next If sufficient ore Is on band. Ore Is now being taken from sev eral mines with the intention of reducing it at the mill and Mr. Wltherlll thinks that the ore supply will soon bo sufficient to keep the mill running nearly all the time. It would be the best thing for the district nnd would do us all good to sec this mill turning out silver bars and we trust we may not have lone to wait for the desired bullion. Mrs. Wltherlll and Dr. Gerould were quite contented with their new homo on the Arlvaca. This morning A. D. Otis A Co., received their first shipment of lumber from the new mills of Morse A Co., In the Chrl- cahua mountains. Another large shlp- tnent is on the road. Oils A Co., will soon have their yard full of seasoned lumber of both Arizona nnd California growth and will fill all orders promptly and with satisfaction. Membefs ot the Athletic Association will pieae remember that this is rractice nlzht acaln. The Begming. A special to the Mesilla JScws dated Shakspeare, August 8, announces the arrival of Col. Boyle and party, and savs : Our place immediately assumed a live, active appearance upon their ar rival. Orders and directions were given at once that shows they mean business. A cavalry company was organized of miners; officers will be elected in a few days and they will soon request commissions Irom the uovernor. They will probably furnish their own arms. They will be for the protection of their own camp and preservation of peace; also subject to the call of the Governor in case ot any siuiacn emer gency. No tramps, dead beats or thieves are wanted in this camp; if thev come they are liable to be escort ed out of the limits, and if they return it will be at the peril of being fruit on a tree or food for worms. Freight via Utah. The Miners Mineral Park corres pondent (in Mohave) sa3s: Our Board of Supervisors arc. con sidering the proposition of building a road "to Stone's Ferry or some other place on the part of the" river, in order to haul freight from the end of the Utah Southern 11. It. I understand that parties have offered to deliver freight here, by that route, at 514 cents per pound from Xew York, whereas we now pay G from San Francisco. The Chiricahua Lumber Mills. Information from Morse & Co's ncw lumbcr mills in the Chiricahua moun tains states that the saws have been runnincr nicely for over two weeks, and a considerable quantity of excel lont lumber has been turned out. Teams have loaded for Tucson, Tomb stnnn. Stilnhur Snrincs, Fort Bowie and Rucker, and other points. This is a cheerful begining of an enterprise that merits success and seems likely to attain it rapidly. T-FfRM An ox from the new Chiri cahua saw-mills states that about 20, 000 feet of lumber is being turned out daily and teams arc awaiting to haul it away as fast as it is cut. The de mand is greater than the present nanacitv of the mill will supply. The shingle machine is expected to be in nnnration next Mondy. We con- c-ratulate Messrs. Morse & Co., on their deserved success. Superintendent Norton, of the K. M. and T. Co.. has recently made a trip oyer the entire line from SanUi Fe to Tucson and ronorts it in excellent condition and giving general satisfac tion. Periodicals at Earll A Co. Cigars and tobacco at Earll A Co. Legal blanks at Earll A Co. New novols at Earll A Co. Stationery at Earll A Co. Items from the Weekly Miner of August 8 : Letter received from W. II. Hardy savs he has been successful in Getting money in New York, far beyond his expectations, and that he intended mining ol a larger scale on ins return, than had been heretofore done in Mo-! have countv. The McCrackin Com pany is making every clfort to resume work soon. The 5-stamp mill at Mineral Park is turning out 1UUU to ?100 per day from the Keystone and Ithica mines. Up to August 4, Mohave county had had but little rain though badly needed. The man who set fire to the Aztlan mill has not been discovered. Business in Prcscott has increased during the last thirty days consider ably, owing probably to the several extensive and important mining enter prises that have beeu inaugurated in this section of late. The rains which have been so co pious in these mountains ior ine past week or two have extended no further south than Bumble Bee Flat, on the Black canvon road. The first Hour ever brought to the Prcscott market from the mill at Yer de, was received here this week, and is pronounced good. The Peck stage on the 7th, brought six bars Black Warrior bullion, .o, 540 b"7; five bars Peck bullion, $7,975 31. Governor Frcemont will in all prob ability be home on the 13th instant. The creeks and gutters in the vicini ty of Prcscott now carry an abundance of water, and placer mining is being carried on vigorously. The daily mail between Prescott and Mohave county arrives and de parts on time. Information is received that Gover nor Fremont has sold in New York city, one half of the Leviathan mine in Weaver District, for five hundred thousand dollars. HENRY HORTON, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer, TUCSON, ARIZONA. TOFFER T" THE TRADE A!FULL AND xompiete stock or LIQUORS AND CIGARS, Comprising Many of the Very Best Brands of Whiskies, Brandies, Rums, Wines, Etc., Etc. AVe keep constantly on hand a Large Line of French and Oalifornia Wines. Also, Rhine TVines. JUST RECEIVED 500 Dozen St. Louis Bottled Beer, and more coming, which we will sell at Bottom Prices. Just Received, 50,000 Cigars OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY, which wo will sell CHEAPER than anybody. ALSO, JUST RECEIVED, a Very Large Lot of LEMON SUGAR, the best In the market, which wo offer at rates that will defy competition. We hnvo come to stay, and wljl sell goods in our line as cheap, if not cheaper, than anybody. Give us a call. r. K. SAFFOR0, JAMES U.TOOLE, JOHN WASSON, CUAS. HUDSON. Pioneer News Depot of Arizona. Established in 1870; By J. S. Mansfeld, Dealer In NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES SCHOOL BOOKS, NOVELS, STATIONERY, YANKEE NOTIONS, &C, &C. Having made arrangements with the best Eastern and California houses, I can now furnish Papers and .Books at the Lowest Figures. Special attention will be given to Subscriptions for Papers and Books. Smokers and Chewers, Should take notice that we keep the Best Brands of ' Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, and everything in the line of Smokers articles. AUSTimpiPSE Montezuma Store. TEAMSTERS, RANCHERS, And TRAVELERS On GILA Y ALLEY STAGE ROAD. Strangers commiT to Tucson should not forscet to visit The Pioneer News Depot Of ARIZONA . At Iaevin?s SAFF0RD, HUDSON & CO., BA3STKERS, TUCSON, : : : ARIZONA. Deposit accounts received in Curroncv or Coin, subject to Check at Bight. Certificates of Deposit Issued, payahle on demand, or at a uxed date, bearing in terest. Exchnnco drawn. In sums to suit, on New York, St- Louis, Chicago and San brauclsco: or transfer of funds made by Telegraph. Deposits made with our Cor respondents will bo credited to parties hero, upon receipt by us of advico of the Mime. will purcnase or mako advances on Gold or Silver Bullion, Territorial and County Bonds and Warrants, approved Commercial Paper, etc. orders or requests by mall, or otherwise, will receive strict attention, nnd by a prompt and faithful execution of our cor respondents' wishes we will aim to merit their esteem and confidence. Correspondents: Anclo Callfornian Bank. San Francisco. J. A W. SMlsman A Co., New York. Central National Bank, Philadelphia. .MaKHacnuseiutriaiionai lianK,lioston. Bank of Commerce, St. Louis. Merchants' Savings, Loan and Trust Co cnicaso. PHIL SKUSSLER, Watchmaker and Jeweller, A flue assortment of Diamonds. Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. A fkw days ago we published an extract from a communication "Beno" sent to the Phenix Herald, in which the people of Prescott were commend ed for their unit and public enter prise. The Arizonan quotes the same paragraph, and adds: Wc feel pleased over these laudatory remarks, which may astonish some Yavapai's, who really feel that a little more harmony and concert of action among Yavapais might be crowded in without much injury to anybody. Also a selected stock of guns. pistols and ammunition. An expert gunsmith has been employed, who will make repairs on all classes of arms. Watches and Clocks Gleaned and Repaired. All "Work Guaranteed to Give En tire Satisfaction. Congress St., opposite Pima County Bank, Tucson' Arizona. Four attention is respectfully invited to our Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE And HAT and GRAIIs At the 31n4ez8!22!si Store, 12 Miles Below Florence, on the Yuma Stage Road. We have all Merchandise and Supplies needed by Ranch ers, Teamsters and the Public generally, of good quality and at Fair Prices. Please Call and Examine Our Stock. The monarch Ancient Pottery Wanted. A FAIR PRICE WILL BE PAID FOR A Xi fo'v perfect and choice specimens of ancient pottery, ana also ior any rare specimens of utensils fon-d In the old ruins of Arizona, by bringing them to Tnis Citizen office, accompanied by a description of the locality, extent and notable features of tho ruins from which the specimens are obtained. tf Notice. mnB UNDERSIGNED HAS COM JL pleted a good and substantial bridge across the San Pedro Rlvr, at San Pedro btatlon.A. T., at hH own expense, and will, therefore, collect toll from those using it until he Is reimbursed. High water hereafter will be no obstruc tion to freight and travel. w-tf WM. OHNESORGEN A Home for Sale. "VNE HUNDRED ANDTEN ACRES OF w land situated about a half mile south from Tucson, adjoining W. J. Osborn's aroperiy. a i;ooi nouse with two room. wen ana oc.tiiuo corral. Will be so d cheap. Apply to Tully, Ocboa A Co., Tuc son. anI2dAwtf Wanted. A : JTJL position as housekeeDer: thoroughly competent to take fhll charge of a large house. Reference given. If desired. Ad dress Mrs. J. Wallers.21 Powell street.San Francisco, Cat. au23w Stray Mule. TnEKE HAS BEEN TAKEN UP BY undersigned, llvlngon the San Pedro, nve mnes ueinw unurieston, one brown mule about twelve years old branded with Lon left side of the neck nnd SSpan- isu oranus on ine leit tnign. Apply to D. T. SMITH. San Pedro Station' RE-OPENED. This old nd well known Station situated at tho San Pedro Crossing, On the direct route from Tucson to the Tombstone, D03 Cabezas and Chiricahua Mining Districts, Has justbren re-opened by the undersign ed, who has put the station In COMPLETE KEPATR. Excellent Meals and Neat Rooms and Beds provided lor the travoler. A STORE, Connected with tho Station will be sup plied with a complete slock of such goods as will be required by Miners. Farmers, and the traveling public generally. The Best Qualities of Hay and Graiu Constantly on nand. WM. OHNESORGEN. Prop. Dairy for Hent. Tucson & Patagonia Express. FIELD & MORGAN, Proprietors. Leave Tucson, Every Tuesday, at 7 a.m. Lcavo Patagonia, Every Friday, at 7 a. m. CARRYING- PASSENGERS EACH WAY FOR SIO. -J7 HEIGHT TAKEN AT 12J CENTS PER X pou rui. i-acKages cuargea ror accord ing to size aud value. The proprietors will not be responsible for the loss of packages or freight unless through tho carelessness of ugents 01 drivers. H.C.WALKER, Tucon Agent. JOHN DAVIrf. Jull-dAw3m Patagonia Agent WITH 160 ACRES OF GOOD LAND Plenty of running water the var arouna; aweuing anu out-nounes in rair condition. Inquire at W. U. Sullivan's corner or stone (avenue and McUormlck sireew Mayisi-dAw For Sale. DIN. FINE DRIVING MULES. TWO O Light Freight Wagone. twelve Slugl Sets Harness complete. enquire at eo. Fields' corral. FIELDS A MORGAN Avoid Leprosy! Patronize White Man's In dustry. Don't Smoke China Cigars. Avoid all California Trash and Danger by Using Home-Made Brands. J. GOLDTREE A BRO.. Cor. Congress and Meyers St., Tucson For Sale! TJTOURTEEN HUNDRED WETHERS, X1 at n very low price. For particulars and terms apply to. WM. OHNESORGEN, JuD-dAwtf San J'edro Station, A.T. Wareroom for Eent. OPPOSITE LORD AND WILLIAMS'. J on Main st. Apply at this office. 123tf Poles. LL SIZES, FOR BUILDING PUR- pose. Apply toTheo. Wellsch. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIERS! its a jo "nR,STOr'SSar- 1 ills. Established 1S?2. Guaranteed , to be au Infallible 1 cure for Scrofula X--- In Its worst forms tt seMed V phills. The American Union Telegraph Company has been temporarily re strained from building its line along the Wabash Railway, through the States of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, by Justice Harlan and Judge Drum mond, the ground being a contract be tween the Railway Companj and the Western Union Company givinsr the latter the exclusive right to maintain telegraph lines along the road of the former. Corious rains arc reported in the Mesilla valle, immensely benefiting the growing crops. ulcers, sy nl rr 11 r t- fiaJiSaSS? econdry and ter tiary; tumors, foul eruptions, old soren, rhMumallsm. and all diseases or sores nrodured by bad blood or humors. Brls lol's Sugar-Conted PIKs rnre all Liver Complaints. Forsalo by all druggists and dealers In medicines. jd-j-osw Kining Work Notice. ryo t. Mccarty and all others X Interested in thoio certain mining claims known ns the Rnsle Blade and Ex press situated In the Tomttstono Mining District, Pima county, Arizona. This Is to notify you that In accordance with provisions of the mining act of May 10. 1872, that In compliance with require meniH of said net, work has been done on said mining claims foroneyear back past, ending July 31, isi'.i, by ine undersigned. Now, therelore. If within ninety days trom the first publication of this notice, yr.u do not cvne forward and pny your proper proportion or ine cost or ine saiu work, the und rslgned will claim forfeit ure of all your rights, title and Interest, In and to every portion or said mining claim. J. W. MURPHY, F. B. KNOX. Tccso. August 8, 1373. 48-v:I3t JEaglc JFIonr Mills. Tucson, Arizona. E. Is". Fish, Proprietor. The Mill Is now In porfoct order. Hew and Imoroved Machinery in every part Second to none for Manufac turing Choice Articles of Flour. I have constantly on hand forsale: Choice Family Flour. Graham Flour. Cracked Wheat, Corn Meal. Shorts and llran. Cracked Corn and Barley for Feed. Etc., Etc.. At new store-room on Main St. WHEAT TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR FLOUR. Liberal Cash Price paid for "Wheat. S. H. Drachman, TUCSON, ARIZONA, Dealer In General Merchandise DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS. NOTIONS, BOOTS ti SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS ,C GAPS, Wines and Hiiqnors, And all kinds of CHEWING TOBACCOS, Candies a Specialty, sud all things reqnlrcd for the Miner and Farmer. Pima County Bank. Pkksidemt P. V. SMITn. Cashier. L. 31. Jacobs Correspondents: SAN FRANCISCO Pacific Bank NEW YORK Ninth National Bank. BALTIMOR Second National Bank. ST LOUIS. Bnnko Commerce. A General Banking Business Transacted. Globe City and Tncsoa Wagon Road Proposals. Officeof Gr.ons City and Tccsox Wagon Road Commissioned. TrcxoN, Angust 8. 1879. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY me. Secretary of the above-named (Commissioners, at my otiice. In the City of Tucson, until Saturday. August '23, at 2 o'ciick p. m., for the construction of u good passable wagon road !rm a point at or near Old Camp Grant to Globe Citv. ! Bidders will Btnte definitely the route ...KImH lhAi.nMinn.aln w.n . . lw ' road and all factx necessary for a full un demanding of their bid. The successful bidder will be required to commence work on the road within fif teen daj-N afler the awarding of the ron trarf and to prosecute the same tocoir pletlnn without unneressnry delay. Payments for construction of work to the .i:c(fshil bidder will he made In Tuc son by W. W. Williams. Treamrer of the Board, ns ftillows: Fitly percent, month ly, as the wrirk pTogresiCN balance on completion of contract. The Board reserves tho right to reject any and all bids oflored. Br order or the Koura ir t orn mission- ep. V, IL.1.1AM J. OWIIUK. auS d&wla Secretary i Pioneer Livery,. Feed and Sale Stables. Lcatherwood's Old Stand. Tucson, - Arizona, GEORGE L. FIELDS Pioprletor. Excellent Hay and Grain Al ways on Hand. Fine Turnouts, single and doable. Sad dle Hows for hire by the day or hour. Attentive and experienced hostlers In at tendance, f&tf FORT GRANT AND CAMP THOMAS MAIL LINE. TROM POINT L1 Fort Grunt Thomas. OF MOUNTAIN. VIA and Satford to Camp Stages will IeaTe Point of Mountain tri weekly, carrj Ing passengers and express connecting with coache-. of tho National Mall and Transportation Company. NORTON A STEWART. JuI2-wtf Proprietors. .3. 1?. COLLINS, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHAN DISE, CAMP THOMAS, A. T. ha now on haud a complete Stock of Goods . such as are required by farmers, miners ami travelers, Forsale nt Lowest Market Price. Branch Business at San Carlo. The many settlers along the Olla abovo and teiow camp m nomas win r theiradvantage to trade with J. U.