Newspaper Page Text
301 CUfirtlStrtl 3o Prtntlico. CL jaxxies M. Barney. Successors the Late Firm ot William B. Hooper & Co., CaDtune6tbe Buslnessin ARIZONA and CALIFORNIA as an n.inTFR AND "TY7 IIOI.BS A LF Jil PORTEU AND VY HOLES ALE MFKCHANT. MERCHANT. gapping ass Commission Merchant, Will Carry a Full prime Stock of -,rKTON3 PROVISIONS, OXS. PROVISIONS. ru ' GROCERIES, GROCF-RIES, ny GOODS, tjrY GOODS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES HARDWARE, HARDWARE, SADDLERY SADDLERY HARDWARE, HARDWARE, MBDLERY, .'.r.n! VRV 5A1"" L . A,, iriWTVR M TltnUI.S URUGS AND MINING MA TERIALS, Selected to Exactly Suit Merchants. Station Keepers. Miners Raucners and Freighters Amz o x a. -3 d. ansxico . Solicits Orders for Goods mi AMtiros Satisfaction. FORWARDS FRKIGH1 aKO MER CHANDI6E . . ,nr Part of the WW Insuring If dirti. Buys or Makes Advances ob all AlUZOXA AXD MEXWAX PJiODUCR The SAI.K of ORES and MINERALS a SPECIALTY. Bavf. and KxehaiuteGold Dust, Gold and Silver BuHtoa.BnttedSUWi Treasury Drafts, Legal Tender, Soldiers' WarranUaud Vouchers and Good Com mercial Hills. Special orders will be attended to by th Ban Francisco Brunch House with prompt ne-sand fidelity. At! orders and commissions should Ix addressed to JAMES M. RAUMvV. S. K. Drachman, TUCSON. ARIZONA.. Ilea lei la General Merchandise BUY GOODS, FAKCT GOOLS, yr:oxs, BOOTS i& SHOKS, CLorim'G, OATS A CAI'S, "Tiiies and Liquors, And nil kinds of CIIEMXG TOBACCOS, Candies a Specially. U all things required for the Miner and Farmer. Tlte Oitizek. SATURDAY. - SEPTEMT LOCAL MATTe1Ts. i Wednesday's Daily. Tun Contention mill passing throuL-li town this mornlne Imd a very cheertn.. feet. Ihickalew and Ochoti'a team with 100.000 pounds forthat mill, consU. me 01 ooners, pans, stnoke-stuck etc The boilers wre tlie largest we hnvo'sen .u iuo erruory. una every piece of inn v.u.K..v Uuu u mosi suostantiui appcm- M. L- Powers, formerly Superintendent or the Sliver King South, arrived from Pinui County by coach to duy. He will remain lu Tueson a day or two. ana ex. poets to visit Tombstone and perhaps other districts. TuEoach to day brought n Mr. J M Burlew, of the Signal Corps, who U'3 to take charge ot the telegraph office at wP cowie. Mr. uuriew ls recetu, from Philadelphia. The ease of the Territory vs. s. W. Car penter was submitted to the Jury yester day Hfiernoou about four o'clock, and In less thRu fltteen mlnuies the Jury return- etl with a verdict not guilty." Mr. Esteven Ochoa has just returned from a trip to Tombstone, Camp Howie and vicinity, and found the sections quiet and progressive. A. A. WILT, Tres Alamos, - Arizona. Iealer in General Merchandise. Thursday's Daily. A Model Reception. He-came home last night about half paid twelve o'clock She had waited patient ly fr him until twelve, but the last bull hour was too much and completely broke her down. ot physically, oh no. not very mncn for she rolled up her sleeves, put her pants In her boots, tied her back ha'.rlu a suitor's knot and " heeled ' her self. She was standing behind the nnr with a dark lantern In one hnnd and a four foot meaquite club In the otner. She Looked a perfect Goddess of Liberty. Her norlh eye flashed the Are of a constella tion, of Jupliers and her cheeks glowed with a deeper hue than two crimson mornings. He opened the door cautious ly, lest he might disturb the sweet s,lum . ben; of his heatt's ld.l. This action way p omptcd by his great consideration for her whom he loved. He entered the hall and Mood wrapt in meditation, still srfp- inx me iinndle ot the bt front door. Tlieseenesutldenly ensured, a bright light burst upon him which he at tlrst mistook ror the rlslns sun of mllleiilmn's we- come day. But the lanteru had scarcely dashed when an aHecilonate caress rrom the mesquite club made him think that sun had set as quicklv as it rose, for he saw only darknets and perhaps a few stars, as his bones rallied upon the dark floor the echos seemed music to hor ears. and she left him uvenired. cxtinsniehrd the dark lantern, leaned the club up in a corner and retired pants, bo If. sailor's Knot and ail. Finally ho revived and wondered where he was and how he got there-first, he thought probably he had met Victorious band of reticgade Apnehes, he next imacined he was Kearnev and hat! attempted to bom Grant lu effigy, he anally concluded he hud been appointed British Minlsterat Cabul.and had belter go r!?ht home, m he ciawied behind the -tove in the kitchen where his centlc spouse found him this morning. She tenderly dres-ed his wounds, bathed hi fuvered brow, and tu-nnthl they will both Ko round to Charlie SchuU's and eel some lee cream and soda wuter which is eerJaln to srve as a bxiiu to their troub led spirits. Ctiy Cetiitcil. The Common Council met lant evening at the office of Recorder Oo borne. Full Board present. On motion it wns cmlered that the no lice of tale of miirotu! bond!; he fur ther extended by the City Treonorer to November 1st, and Unit Tub Citizen be authorized to print Hit y copies of said no- lice for the ute of the Treasurer. Mayor Toole then, in the presence o the Council, proceeded Co d stnty the ex tra copies of city bouds printed but not re quired for issue. On motion it was ordered that City Mar shal Urokaw be appointed a policeman ol the city, to take effect September 25;h. On motion it was ordered that the May. or instruct policemen that they can hold uo other position. Council then adjourned. uu.-. .11. H.niEWAnT. of Camp Grant, returned by coach to-dHy from San Fran cisco, where he ha, been for more than tliree months for his honl h. He Is lok lne and feeling much better. A thaik yesterday brousht In sever:, new wagons-we meun new Bain wiixou. for the Arm of Zeckendorf i Staub, who are the sole agents. Mr. Hi.nson Tuomas relumed las. evening trom thePniaBOniRdlstrlrt where be has some excellent property, his re ports are most encouraging. Tun Pima County Bunk will l e close.! to-morrow (Saturday) on account of Holi day. To-mokuow Is the Day of Atonement." n very ImuortantJewNh Holy day. Hon. G. H. OoitY.of Florence, came up by coach to-da3. GARDEN SEEKS op All Kind3 By the Paptr or Pound. Ar Pierce Wood's, Meyers sTiibet. The Appleton Tracy watches have a splendid repu atlon. I ,ve rur ounce elicit teen carat gold watch of that make which is really worh Sijo, r will sell it f"r f8 1. Uncle Harrlw,22l Kearney street, oetween Bush and Sutter. A W.A1.N link, smooth pattern, verv neat two ouuee gold vest chain, i he prel- esinnu neatest gold chain made, worth S&J, Price, $32, at Uncle Harris', 221 Kear- nj street, between Bush and Suiter. District Court. Wednesday morning, on motion of Ben. Morgan, Jo',u Risque, Esq.. was admitted lo practice on certificate from Supreme Court of New Mexico. Alex. McKey vs. W. C. Ferguson; de murrer overruled. H. Ij. Hart vs. H. D. Williams; Judg ment by deiuult. Decree orde' eil. Territory vs. Carmichuel; charse of ob structing and reMIng an otlicer. On sUitementofthe Dlhtrlct Attorney thnt al legation of Indictment could noi be proved. Court ordered same dismissed John P. Areyvs. W. O. Ferguton; dis missed for want of prosecution. J L. Darru vs Hewitt et al.; motion to tile amendilanswergrant d on condition that plaintiff make a p oper showing o! diligence in obtaining testimony of absent witness Territory vs. James Hays; chnrge or re- al"ting an oiticer. Dofcn-lant arraned. Alex. M- Key vs W.C. Ferguson; action for specific Iierformanre of contract. PlaintllT claims one fourth interest in Helniezelm n mine. Tnis moraiiu; the ease of Tlios. Fnrrih vs. J. P. Arey on demurrer was submitted and taken under advisement. Alex. McKev vs. W. C. Ferguson; trial was resumed and Is now progressing. Thomas F.irrlsh, vs. M. Katz; case set for NovemlierSO. O. W. Street er vs. Cnlabasas Land and Mining Company and Shu Xuvler Mining Company; defendant allowed ten days additional time to answer. Attorneys Haynes and Earil were added to the committee heretofore appointed on revising the rules of the court. J. L. Darrah vs. Hewitt ct a!.; continued for the term. John Forney vs nnwon trial, w The Chlsholm Massacre. The following, from the speecli of Judge Morris in he trial of the Chis holm murderers at DeKalb, Miss., and e action of the jury in the premises are worthy ot note. Judge Morris is recognized as one of the ablest law yers, eloquent debaters and most sue cesslul politicians in the South. The murder of this family will ever stand on record as one of the most diabolical in design and cowardly in execution. His speech commenced:' A Mississippian myself, native here kiiu to the manner born, I repel with all the intensity of my nature the im putation tutu the outrages perpetrated on the.29lh of April were sympathized in by the good aud lawlul "citizens ol Kemper County. He pictured the widow in her weeds, husbandless and childless; the beauty, bravery and devotedness of the grand little irl who thrust her inno cent young life before the shotguns of the iufuriated mob, that he wl.o gave uer ucing migiu remain a few more yetr, among those he loved and pro tected. The cunning of the plot which succeeded in imprisoning Chisholm and his friends in jail upon the Himsy allidavit of a man who lived in an other county; the utter cowardice of the attack upon the iail. and the das tardly subtertuge ol crying tire to get! me uevoieu uuisiioiuis to descend Hie stairs, were dwelt upon with thrilling power. Link by link everything in the chain of the conspiracy of the Gullys was traced out the intimidation of the negro George Folkes, tlte meeting at the grave ol John W. Gall', the night assemblage at the gin house, the sub- lerfuge to arrest Gilmer and shoot him down on the streets of DeKalb, the shutting up of Chisholm in the jail and the final slaughter of their help- icas victims. THE VEnniCT. After a speech of two hours, in con- 1 1. 9 I . . ciusion oi nit awe argument ol the .! - J T 1 m preceiung uny, judge Aiorns con cluded his case. After a retirement of thirty minutes the iurv brousht in a verdict of not iiuiltv. "which was re ceived wttnost demonstration trom Hie audience. Lost Ceititlrate of Deposit No. UT. for $M0, issued bj Safloid. Hudson A Co , pty able loj. It. Adams and J E. Kawlings All persons are hereby cautioned against purehnslusnr negotiating for the snine,:i3 payment thereon has been stopped. AlTOLINAKKS Nnlurnl Mineral Water Just arrived at John It. Dull A Co 'a whole sale Mqu.-rdnnlers, Mesllla street, between Main and Meyers street. To Rent A furnished house, facing oi Court Plaza, consisting of three n on and a kitchen. Apply to S. H. Di.u man's iore. fcCiteCKi prions luken for all the lc:n. log pap-rs and mugaziued at the 1'iouet i News Depot. The larKPit sto k of chalre of nil kinds at Leo Uoldschmidt'd furniture store, at priceB to suit the limes. Just received, at Leo Goldschmldt's furniture More, a large lot of flue rattan easi chairs and rocKers. CiKi nLATiNO Library in English, Span ish aud German at the Pioneer News Ie pot. FtNifeT Coenac Brandy at John R. Dall A Co.V. wholesale liquor dealer. Mesilla street, betweei Main aud Meyers streets. Stka?gkms coming to Tucson should not lorxei to visit the Pioueer Nowu De (Kt. Watches repaired and warranted at fciiussler's, on Church Plaza. Illtiiiiliutteil dlnl Atftn-n iutlcr tntclieH ylu, at nerer'a. All kinds of rifles, pistols and cart. tigciti ut Siiussier's, on Church Piazu. TltE bet bruudbor cigursund tobacco at the Pioneer News LK-pot. Toy.s and faacy guods at the Pioneer News Depot. tire Komlolr mid Panel plioto- Uraplis ore iimdenl IiuuliniiiM. THE lan$et slock of stationery und legal blauUs at the Pioneer News Depot. Fhrence Items. Flokknci, September, 24, 1S79. Editor Citzkn : A few notes from this section miht be ot interest to the readers of Tin Citizen, even though times are a littfe dull. Business is not ou a rush, nor are the streets mwded. but vet we livt. Cm.-..! -co .i ' . l lgold bearing ore in appearance it is M s, 4 "w i,v,i wuu ,m,c di(Hcuit to conceive. Greasv to the occupied our lrwyers tor a day or two J touch, when rubbed it leaves" the lin and brought h some new faces from jgers colored as if with lead, yet spark From Arizona, which is fast taking its place in the foremost ranks of the bullion producing sections of the country, we have lately received a specimen of a mineral, rich in the pre cious metals and almost unique in its character. It is classed by experts as micaceous hematite containing iodar- gynte. We had the curiosity to have the specimen handed to us assayed by Messrs. Fuller & Stillman, and the bead of silver from the ore weighed exactly 0.050 grammes, being equal to 250 ounces of silver per ton of ore. and at $1.10 per ounce, equivalent to fifi.) per ton of 2,000 pounds. Anything more unlike n silver or gold JIO. R- ftsi CQ3 barnett, block &co., and Commission &1 enchants, Maricopa, Maricopa AVells and Gasa Grande. Tiike pleasure la announcing to the ii !v that the have opened ut Marieo i, Maricoi a Wells and Casa Gra ide rises lor the transaction of a geuurul 'i. i wunliiigar.d commission b&slness and ml, .iiv.iys kf)nn Lund a complete as i. Ttiiu ui nf Merchandise, which they wlfl !!" r at the liwest market prices, having sun peil their goods uirect from New Yo.K. Also, will forward all goods consigned ilothem witn me greatest promptness. 1 PrAlvhl W'lll h- cnreftlllv stairrwt n-h.iv. jawaitiiiK shipmeiit and no clittrues miule riTTTriCAV T) rrnf7XTT'"1' 'forhandllns Ihesnmt. Hnqliesis to huve X U vOUj. . 1 M 1 i -N JLV 'gMIs forwanlwl by special teams will bo w invat ubl.v compiled with. They are als prepared lo contract for the deltve.y of all classes of freight to any point in the Territory. Specal at'enllon given to the forward ing of machinery. Blaoksipithing and wheetwrlghtius done to order. HKFER KNCES : Iord & Wlllims, L. Zeckendorf it Co.. Zeckendorf & Stuab. U M. Jacobs i Co., Tncson. J. Gold water & Bro., C- P. nead &. Co.. Present t. (ioldman & Co., s:.L. peralla, Phenfs. J. Collinawood A Co., M. Culishcr, Flor ence Meyersteln & Co., Sun Bernnrdfno. It. Colin. Los Anueles. Meversieln vt Co., Llflngitdne C Co., San Franclseo. 11. K. A b It- Thnrborit Co.. I.. Zeokcn dotf .t Co., 78 Thomas Su, Now York. n&Mark all goods aud address all com muntcMtlons to J5ARNETT, BLOCK & CO. A.r. K. SAFKOKD, JAJtKS U. TOOLE, JOHN WASSON, ciias. uansox. AND ALEXANDRA. m r n! i WHOLESALE j i';iuit JpEALKRS. Mesilla St., bet. Main and jleyers, 'rcON'. SOLE AGKNTs FOR SOUTHERN A It I zona for the Celebrated MILTON J. HARDY'S CUTTER WHISKIES, Manufactured by MILTON J. HARDY A .0 .of Louisville, Ky. E. Martin A Co., San Francisco, Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. Have also on hand a w-!l selected stock of Wines, Liquors and everything apper- Hilling to the Liquor llusineas. Special Terms to Purlieu I'lirchiis I US' oy the Citr-Loud. Appolinaris Water, Seltzer Water, Blue Lick Water, Beihseda Water. Imported and Domettic Cigars. We would rail the attend n of eon no s ! urs to our very select slock of WINLS. ' respondents' wishes we will aim to merit LIQUORS and CIGMtS. the quall!. , 'eir esteem anu connuence. which will equ.I anything bupplled bv Correspondenu: hi .i.c k . .. ,. . ' 1 Anelo Call Torn in n Rank. San Franclseo. nrst-ciass houses In San Frauclscoor East-1 i .. w oi.,mM., .i- r., vw Vnrtr SAFF0RD, HUDSON & CO., TUCaON. : : : ARIZONA. Deposit acewmts received In Currency or (in, subject to Check at sigh. Cerlincaies of Deposit lssuexl. payatMo. on demand, or at a fixed dute, bearing in- lerest. Exchanse drawn. In sums to suit, on New Yoik, St. Iuis, Ciilcago and San Franclseo: or trannfer of funds made hi Telejsraph. Deposits made with our Cor- respontlents will bo credited to rlles nere. upon receipt by us ol advice ot inu same. Will pus-phase or make advances on Gold or Silver Iiulllnr. Territorial and County Bonds -aud Warrants, approved Commercial Paper, etc. Orders ir requests by niall,orotherwso, will receive strict attention, and by u prompt and faithful execution of our uor- the " country.' The United States mint has not yet been establish'il here, but we expect it will be soon ill the same. In the Land Ollice, Register Fauli-' son is quite buy with applications for mining patent, aud notices of Until proof in land daims. ling from the multitude ol minute par ticles of mica which is a component part. Chicago Mining Review. I have rathq a sad note to make vs. Abram Grant; cmko jconccming tht physical condition of ith rv.ii.,wn,s ju.ore: u. mir ( : friend miilf Kohlhever. I fear He Eus ,i received a large gt ck of goods Direct from the East, And is now prepared to offer Miners and Farmers Supplies, cbeap ag they -an be bought In Tucson. " CcrjiaT. CnMiitmtcat Uw Raml Mlnittg Acadetar T CtMtxkal, Otrtauiv. Assay office and Chemical -Laboratory. 13- SALAZAE, 'VaalJlical CbemW. MetKiiurgist and Mining Engln eer. '-"'on. ODDosile I'i4iu I Hall. The si-enes are also lieing painleii V!BrrA 8nd """lyses of every descrip-i Everythlnic will be put. In order for a tlrsl t' J !1ii!'S'pI1 other substances. Mines class performance and our people can ''i ng Titles examinMt n.wl rnn.ui , . - '2i v. , Arzona aid Sonora.i f 'tfence in workint every kind ant entertainment. The Tnc.on and G obe City wagon roao Commissioners met last evening to ap point viewers to examine that portion of the road f om Tucson lo Old Camp Granl recently repaired by Mr. Geo. Cooler. Commissioner Satnaolego and Mr. II. Ott were chosen to make the examination Tbey will start out thw evening r to-morrow. wnnderlmj about the town last evening In search of some cosy nook, we stepped Into Chan. Shulte's new ice cream parlor on Congress street, and were nt once made happy. Mr. Shtiltz has his parlor newly papered, carpeted and drap ed, a leo tastefully decorated with pictures, etc. Ali these were very desirable aud enjoyable of course, but our happiness was not complete until a class ol soda and ctenm followed by lee cream and cakes came to our rescue and tilled nti aching void. We forgot our struacles of the day with pen and paste and half im agined we were with bcnuetiou a voyage to the pole. The fact is.Schurz has i nice place and serves up the best kind of Ice cream, cakes, soda water, etc., etc. The luxuries are not expensive, but highly en oyable. Mm. Pking'.s Opera Troupo is expected lo arrive in Tucson next week. At least the actors will return with the excursion train from San Francisco Tins morning j the carpenter took the measure for u new stage to be constructed in levin's Park ltrown, Thrn- Drls'-oll. D. llur.ham, A. L,, f ow j- hi j Linn. R n. Ftilrl.M nku. .T. F. IVii.IifT i r Territory or Arizona vs. A JJ.-Mftchell; !ha8 aa absess ofUe liver find is very demurrer sii-talned. jseriou.-ly affected i To-tlay he was put Territory of Arizona vs. Wm. H. Young: n a. wsjon fixeii fpeciallv for him, and Indicted for perjury. Arrniened ar.rt id. ad wl for .. ma, llr0iite lo San " not guilty," trial set for Ociobei 1st. !,. . , f .. , John tonni! vs. A. Grmt; eas received ' " for further cnnsldera'lou and stav -r p-n- :in'"11- cnotm me ansess urcaK "cedtire until further order of ciHirt riLeforc !:is arriya!in California, death Judife at chambers. '.will immediate!" ensue. f , in. mijihn11 " i.iito .lricnii, .- p Ileal ion tor divorce, cae onmlnued lor the term, plaintiff Ut psy defendHiit -20 ler mouth lu advnnce alimony until day tr trial. J.S. Wood, Probate Judge, C. A.Shibell SherlO an.i G. A. C'um, Olerk; of the cuirt met at the C.erk's oltiee this morn Ing to draw the names of thirty persons to serve as additional trial Jurors for the present term returnable Thursdav. Octo- Fkom the Herald we learn that Cap tain Bridwell (Beauford) with two companies of Indian scouts Irom Ar izona passed north of Silver City and met Captain Uexers' command -near Ojo Calientc on Thursday last. If Bridwell gets within striking distance of the renegades he will do more ef fective work than Hatch's whole com- mand of " mokes." ern Cities. AuSTiN&DEFnPSEY tainlv in a critica condition. 3rajor J. H. iiout and Mr. M. L. Powers leave hen to-day for Tucson. Indian Inspccbr Hammond has doubtless taken lis final departure. I understand he gots by way of Prescott and the Navajo Agency to Santa Fe. Dr. S. B. Chapirand Judge AValker are out in the Owl Head mountains. ber 2 J. in compliance with at. order S ha0 h eyhavestn,c excellent claims, Issued at ChamlHTS by ( hief Justice i, . , , , . ooui are goou men ami we nope uotn will soon be rich nen. AVhen thev comnenco the new iron On to Tucson. C. F. Lawton, in charge of an engi neering party sent out by the Atchis on, lopeka cz banta re, arrived in sil ver City last Thursday. The party poca to Tucson, and will start from lie IS CCr-l ti,(r to nin a mnr m iiihv 1m a iH. rect line in connection with a party, already started Irom Albuquerque the object being to ascertain whether that route is practicable. Herald, September 20. French. The loilowius were the names drawn: T. Chaltman. J. S. Mansield.C T. Jones, A. G Ryan, L. WofTenden, A. M-ckey.S. H Draehman, P Drachm .n. , brJdge acr0is the Gila I will write U. Lilian, A. uorion, m. ivaiz, . j. larsu. V. A bailie, G. Cooler. J. Goldlree, W. Zecken ion. A UrUjhia, E. B. OifTonl. J. Hancock, I. Goldberg, J. Moore, J. Green, T. Schmidt, E. P. Wood, J. King, II. Hen derson, s. It. Turner, G. II . Doe, J. Spring. A.S. White. Very trul' Santos. Fuom the Presco.t Arizouan of the loth : A gentleman ennnected with the Peck Mining Com jain' told us, to-day, that hoisting works and supplies ar rived at Maricopa few dnys ago, and that mine and mill rc liabie to be ,!:,1",t,ru,lions In assaying, analyses FY n 5c"re8 Kcale f Pr.c -s like Hi """ 'sen 1, ..i.. i. ...... ,. 0,11 k"iJ French spoken. Ger- SAJLOON. 11 AVID ALLENjl'mprletor. ' fltTflcc . lw . nireei. : : Tucson. to the Pioneer News Bepot. 'Ml'uHTED LIQUOR?, WINES, ALE and POUTER. fZ ""ANUS of:C!GARS consiantiyon hand r yaie Uooms, CarTad Reading Rooms attached. Jly doors are never clo.sed.-ffo C'SMOpOUTANllo7ELr ALTAR, SONQRA. "udcr5:guei)1,f0prletorof ,,5 Cok. r,p",in IIoel, desires tooal! theatten- of the traveling public to his Large mmodtous Hotel, where he Is pre sto furnish every accommodation to' ' 'ers st reasonable figures. C in T.M.ZEPEDA. Friday's. Dally. Grand opening of the fall season 1 Ball with lunch, at tevln's new hall on Wednesday, OclolMr 1; 1S70. Admittance S3.G8. Tickets Ipr sale al the Pioneer Nows Depot and J. Goldtreo's Igar S'ore. In vltafious will be considered as tickets, aud must be presented all lie door. TriEKE Is a feel and a look of moisture lu the utmosphero. uud we trust It will notall end In blulf for we do need ruin and need It very badly in every portion 01 the county. The ground-Is dry, thC'roads vary dusty, the fctreams low , and tliercn're wo p.'ay for rain . Major J. H. Stout returned yesterday from Flqreueo and the ,Pinia Agency, where ho iis been to transfer his charge lo the ilcw'Agent, Mr.' "Ludlurn. There eeomstobe nothl'u; of startling Import ance lu that direction. Leatlierwood's Old Stand. Tucsou, - Arizona GEORGE L. FIELDS Piopnetor. Excellent Llay and Gain Al ways on Hand. Fine Turnouts, single and double. Sad dle Horses fr hire by the day or hour. Attentive ami experienced hostlers In at tendance. 52tf A Successful Raid. There has been a crowd of fellows .i..i fnr vri iIuvk mi.! nights started almost any day . . ... . -J Concerntns the 1 iger, the news is too, for the nightime was-the specinl Um h(i ,niH r0I1,inue to p!iy. season chosen by them to make life j A scarcity of water alone prevents hideous. Last night about one o'clock 1 the Bradshaw Basin, the Turkey Creek .1 1. ,...r..i r.Brn,vo in 'aiiti Senator mills from being run. . J ? 6 , m The marriage of one of Arizona s! -...vw..-. .em.rrPtic business men, John it. Dall, Shcppard, Martin. Buttner aud Moore (an,! Jss Frankie Meyers, was sol made a deconf-u prlii them and took iemnized at the Home of the Sisters, by c rt. :.' ti...,. ;th5 Rev. Father Becker, who uer- 0-,", n.v. . ., , .. . 'formed the ceremony after the riles-of were 5iougeu in jmi, ami mis '""'S j,i,c Oatholic Church, at 7:30 o'clock werc arraigned before Justice Ncugass. labt evening. The' giye thtir names as Jose Valen- 1 - cia, Jesus Altamirano. Carmen Valen- Clifton Placer Mines. cia, Ramon Zepeda, Atlelaida Torres, A mining correspondent to the Econ Z. Pachecoand Rc-eftCarlo. A charge Jomist says the placer mines of Clifton, was entered again! tLcm for disturb-1 Arizona," or mors properly the newly t miunwi i.nrs nf discovered gold region in the southern ing the peace at unusual hours of , of ,lcfccoulltVt are provilJg: t0 be the night. Judge cugass imposed a . jm!ncnsiv rjch, showing that be- fino on each one in the sum of S.j.lW. sides lieins the nest agricultuntl and! ,"bT,. Hvurk ! : . . . : . r ,i.,.t :. 1 : - -- Some have paid their fine and the rc-.gzn section ui i..c nuy, n oonnecime witn Vmcn . 1 , , . , ; mineral resources are likelv to prove Midi and Transportation maiurter are su:i in jhii longing iur equR, tQ my oilier 'county in the some wealthy lriend to come lo their 1 Territory. Miners ire tloc'king to the rescue. The respective officers mak- new placers, and twenty-three claims 0". 3STICOLA.S. ONE BIT BAR. G. A. Bmwn's new building, Florence, Ali zona. Choicest Wines and Liquora, Also the BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS. The iKHtest English and Frcneh news lHs"rs ate always on our tables lor thi accommodation ol our patrons. rontezuma Store. TEAMSTERS, RAXCHERS, And TRAVELERS Ou GILA VALLEY STAGE ROAD. Centrul National Bank, Philadelphia. Massachusetts National Bank, Boston. Bank of Commerce, St. Louis. Merchants' Saviugs, Loan and Trust Co., Chicago. TUCSON AND TOMBSTONE STAGE LINE. Fare Reduced to $7. I7OUR- HORSE CONCORD COACH, last time: splendid meals, through by lu.vlichl; lime 1;! hunts, over the Ibesl reads ui Arizona, crossing the San Pedro 1'iver at Ohnesorgen's Brldce. No deten tion on account of blzh water. Lowest I freight rates and careful handling. I Stages leave Tucson Mondays, cdnes- Y- . r. i, tdn.s and Fridays, at 7 a. m. OUT attention IS respectfully Leave Tombslniie Tuesdays. Thursdays arm nHluruavs, ni i a. in. Pioneer Liyery, Feed and Sale Stables. invited to our Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE And HAY aud GRAIN At the 12 Miles Below Florence, on the Yuma Stae;c Road. We have all Merchandise and Supplies needed by Ranch ers, Teamsters and the -l'nblic generally, ol good quality and at Fair Prices. Tucson ofllee, Congress street, opposlto Soirordlljidson A Qo.'s Hank. N. U. Sjciaffittentlou given to EXPRESS AND FAST FREIGHT. Olmesorgen & Walker, Props. seplS-dAwtf 1IU j Li.-. r,lwere reconied in one day. Two men uicse arrest n, w w. c & ff0m wh,ch h their efficiency and promptness. From Florence. Flokbnck, September 26. The ball given by Mr. Shamp at the opening of the Grand Hotel, PicKet i'ost. was a decided success, a large party of Flor enceites participating. Ten thousand dollars in silver bul lion arrived this afternoou from Isa bellaand Milner & Wauon mills, in Globe- This greatly increases the shipment from Globe District. J. H. Hise, of the arm oi inse cz Hill, Globe City, came in to-daj-. Work ou the new rond to Globe City via Silver King, will be com menced Monday. Travel is dJy increasing and the town is fall of stranger. is estimat ed that thev are taking out, at the least calculation", 1000 per week. The Road to dole. Mr.Kelleher, contntcior tq construct the new road from Old Goiiip Grnnt tn Globe City, came in Wednendtir irtbrn. ing and reports he litis surveyed the entire route and is ready for active, operations in the way of construction Please Call and lixainine Our stock. THE WESSON BATH CLOSET. Tlieuiuler signed, agent for the Wasson Patent Bath Closet for Arizona Territory, has placed two of the Closets in Room JVo. 7 Cosmopolitan Hotel, where the public are in vited lo inspect them. For Toilrt Baths will de rmoM point of mountain. chargcd 50 cents each and $1.00 for Hot Salt Bailis. Persons desirous of par- c7basiwj for private use FOBST GRAtW Avoid Leprosy! Patronfze White Man's In dustry. Don't Smoke China Cigars. Avoid all California Trash and Danger by Using Home-Made Brands. J. GOLDTREEA I1RO. THE GREAT BLOOD PUELPIERS! .a I lRISTOI.'SSnr- L sa pari I Mi and t ills Its tu bits lied IS-ri. ti"aranteed to lie an infallible, '1 ,-iir fnr S-rOflltl. '! -- ln 1,s worst tortus, .T3r i . ..... ...... .t.....i aRT ' 'f'J -seated ulcers, sy- ? secondary and tor- itxry; tnmors, ful emptlms. old sores,, and ali diseases or sores pro.Io.Mfd ly bad blood or humors. Rris 'ol's Miear-C-.ated l'll: rare all Iitvor Complaints. For sale byal' drnifglsls and dealers in me.IIci , .'u'it-dAw CE! ICE! ICE! I 1 i P Fort Oram aud iHtoril to Camp Thomas. Stages will teav Point of Mountain trl-J it l he National Company. NORTON A STEWART. 1 ! Proprietor. JulS-wtf 0 NE TON IN STORE FOR SALE RY PAUL JIORUiNM, Room 5, Coemopolitnn Hotel. Hotice. can be supplied at thentjl Proposals for Sale of City Bonds. OrrtcE City Tkkaschrw, Tucson, a.T., September, 1I. SKUlKi) PIU3P0SAUS WILL IJH RE relveil for the purchase of len IlioOsuhd dollars bonds of the City of Tucson, by W. U. WIlllains.Treasurerof the City of I'uo on, up to Satttrtlay. Xovember 1, A. 1). IsTU, al 7 o'clock p. id. Tl l. ads are daled September 1. 1370, iii.l draw ten pr eent. Inlerest per an num, phM aiiuoally ut the office of the I'nv Tmiuiiiiir n Ilie Hrst dav of Hyntem- J ner. t.c-rier w Hh twenty per cent, of the Tl City of Tocn has no Hit.lnndl:ig milK rNDER.I.lNED HAS COM VUlCOf $110 and $7 0 XiX JL ph-tl a g.Hi and suwtaLtlal lr.dg ' (..btalnlnit the nht of way for the s.mth- cr.M.s to Saaii 1'e.lro Klvr, at San xXro. naCOrdm lO stlJiC. era p... itl Rallnuitl Cmiiy throucb SlHtion v. T.. at In- own expose and aOOUf U OH IU i ra Toes,,... All tlw Hill, ihe.eiore, collect toll froru thoe , -i, Hf tT.e eiwrVer ol Tucson In usin it .e i reia.i.Hr.ed. JT Orders to be left at B. M . Rite 8 ; ,B.UiU',7t,, ndo liave bee. eomplletl Hhili water hereaflr 'III be tioobatrnc- .,. , . mi,..,.,,,, lion lo fmiicht travel w-tf WM. IINESORt;EN- A Home for Sale. ONE HUNDRED A N D TEN ACRES Ol land'sttnuled alsiut Itaif mihswulti irom Tucson, adjoin. i g W. J. 0lrnV nil Si nnwlinjinir steel imn-Hur tnnU i properly. A sr'iod hous With two room, e la purchasing sicli. povaer, tools,! Mtl ttVHuna corral, win be sold etc., and will taReout wirn lum an ad ditional force of fifteen men. Mr. Kelleher is an energetic workerynud thinks he will lie able to tako a buggy over the road in almtt six weeks. ""6 , W"-. 6 birllw.H.ri.huu.111 St.f per cent, of price must accompany all 1 iudi. will be eonWeret or enieralat , ,1.,. ki-u.o W.. ,il ,. ,i hor a les soro than nlneiy cents on tile orders; tie balance to be paid on de j .lnr,lBr u OTBM ;,it ,i i- liverv. J. W. WATERS. ep2j-dAwlm It is known that seventeen persons were killed durisc the recent Indian raid near Silver City. cheap. on. Apply to Tutty, Ochoa Co ,Tuc aura uji wi Polos. A T.L SI7JSS. POR IIUILTJINO i. Apply to Thco. Wi ltsch. PUR Wareroora for Eent. - ppvTre initii Arn WILLIAMS' U om Main M. Appty at IHw K3U i . . I idnried Mldti for TM-il RaKVOHd I'jiml- jaiHt directed to W. AV. Williams, City Treasurer, Tucson, A.T." Tliesucceasfnl bidder or bidders will be ! required u deposit the money for r 'eWane of and receipt of the bonda hi I e 'Mnii,rii,iria. Trou.urer in TuCrWMi.or nitv lor and Ut ret-tMiHslblc for the eosl of ! exchange and transportation. I W. V.. WILLIAMS, I Citi Treasurer. Notice. . : BARNKTT A UI.OC1C HEREBY GIVR notice to ihopuWIethot nouo of their ,.inows iwccBMreI sold -wtlhouti hav ing the watn l..n Ictah'-ulder. autj-dAwMtJtm A