Newspaper Page Text
r ,r. surrn. Trest, I M. Jacobs, Cash. PIMA COUNTY BANK, titcson, A t. ; CORRESPONDENTS Bank of Commerce. . . .ntinta iwnlvpil mihleet lii P J .1 fclL'ht and kept iu either coin or d-k jtimsltors beloc allowed the '-r r ;.,irrpncv when r lver Is deposited. Siectloiiaot Dmfts, Notes, r'vlUemlR . commercial paver made ll,X0t tho United Suites and crod-lht'-' , nccocnl or rernltt d foronthedny are jecolved. l.,n made upon, or will buy, United - Territorial, fouuty or City fcecuri . prime commercial paper or real eJn"nfer! of funds mnde, cither by r .t .n or mail, nrnl deposits made wit u if ''(urcorrespondents will bs tranc-F-S-li n anv manner desired and amount . , J her"' upon receipt by us of advice c- r5 deposits. c irliintf bought and sold at current jiih drawn in t-nms to gull on p tl cities of tbo United Slates , . .rem1. .t.otM of DcnitNit Issued rmv- . iv currency ou demand, or fcfler . st bearnte Interest. " investment made oil the choicest t-e- iiT P I'l'e who ure unnble touttend - mffif Mr which we will charge a mod-WJ.- .mnnfion' I'oniilsnnifiiM of cold or silver bul , 1 w receive especial attention and , nime will M shipped to the most rell . . -eJuctlon fttwl reflninc works, at tuiy Jesired. also mnke advances f - - jr. J a!Iw the connu'iioro the full a".' ssKinnt realized after deducting ex- rapnerfttinnor this bank belne con fw'j'o'i. strictly lwcltimnte nankins bua- kt pa rims may feel ato-ured that f tv-w I wive liberal and satisfactory Tl-r eat m M transactions. Par' e- at a distance may forward their ..nuli: to tliid halllr hv mull . herw.'e. and rely upon n consclen- 1 crt.faltlifJi exeeuuou u " "" l-u ' soplO-diwtf JOE GOLDTREE, Hcjers and Congress Streets, TUCSOX, ARIZONA. Imported & Domestic Cigars, Tobacco ! Tobacco! Tobacco! Best Brands of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, And a Complete Assort ment of Smokers' Arti cles. Cigars from 5 for 25c to S for $1, according to quality. CJarke&Patton! ilannfacturers and Dealers in H AESESS SADDLES, rXTJO?C A. -jr., Wou:d respectfully call tbe public atten tion to tie fuel tbt tbey are now pre parrd to fi:i all orders promptly. Sails faftion cuarautefd. Our raw material is purchased Torn flrt-t hands and we man u'actureallof ourgoodoat home; hence, wecaatm you a H.-.ndsome Saddle or Set of Harness made t.y hand and by EMd cheap as you can lay C wnyour factory maeblne-mado goods from tne Emt and California. Wo also canuaciure all of our Horse and Mue Collars, acj can supply the trade with a first class K-cV, at reajuRijie rated for cash. Call tee us and we will do you Kood. Clarke &Patton Eagle Moan Mills. Tucson, Arizona. 2. K. Fish, Proprietor. Tie Mill is now in perfect order. ev and Imoroved Machinery -in evury part Second to uouo tor Manufac turing Choice Articles of. iflour. I have constantly on bandfonalo: "ice Family Flour, Graham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Corn Meal, Shorts and Itran. Cracked Corn and Barley for Feed, , fate, At new store-room on Main St. heat takex1nexch.vnge fob Tm flour. oeraI Cash Prico paid for Wheat. A. A. YPXL.T, Tres Alamos, - Arizona. Dealer In General at received a largo stcck.of goods Direct from the East, AndigOOWprepRrctj,oorer aers and Farmers Supplies, A cheap as they can be bought In Tucson. -re aNCISCO Pacific Bank. FA fJii-vr ES Commercial Bank. iARK 5Tn Xonm Bank. The Citizen. SATUliDAY. - XOVHUBER-'ixi LOOAL MATTERS. Friday's DallyJ The Masquerade. Probably tbc most interesting event connected -with the holiday yesterday, to many Citizen readers, was the mas. queradc at Leviu's Hall in the even, ing, which was a complete success. The proportion of people not in cos tume was greater than at the previous ball, but the dresses were more elabor ate and elegant and the actual uum ber of maskers was very nearly as large. San Francisco was drawn up. on heavily for dresses, and the English Opera Company's entire wardrobe was present. Some of the make-ups were exceedingly good and showed the as sistance of the skilled costumer. All of the prominent characters in Pina- fore and some of those in the Rose of Auvergne, the Doctor of Alcautara and Trial by Jury were well support ed. "We are sorry we have not space to particularize, but our reporter was himself one of the merry-makers and did not dare to use his note book for fear of discovery. At the unmasking winch came about ten o'clock, there was a great deal of fun and the even ing, after that was very lively. Not least among the features of the occa sion was a violin solo by Prof. Mendel Meyer, and the refreshments were of unusual excellence. To the " Ladies' Committee," wh ever may constitute that mysterious body, ihe guests or the evening return hearty thanks. Victory!! The first of a series of games at base ball for the " Star Cup " came off yes terday noon on the Military Plaza. and resulted in a victory for the " Cit izen nine. As the score shows, the game was not marked by any brilliant fielding, but what it lacked in this re spect was fully made up by the inter est in the match and excitement of the lastinning. On the part of the "Stars" the playing of Messrs. Renshaw, Gil lette and Pomroy was most noticable, while Messrs. Roche, Requa and Far rell bore off the palm in hatting and fielding for the other side. Below we give the full score : STAIt. o. K. citizkn. o. B, Iteuihnw c 2 4 M i.ully 1 b 5 2 Hallo 8 ..2 5 Karrell a a 0 7 Pomroy p .2 4 Gcoillrlenil 1 r4 3 Gillette 1 b g 3 Hoikln 2 b ....2 5 Burden 2 b 4 3 Hunch p -... 2 Hoy I r 4 3 Cnihelll 3 b .. 2 4 Wood c f 5 1 M Lu ly c f 3 3 Hereford 3 b 3 S Hcnumi 3 3 Geary r f .......2 4 BaUelro r f ..4 2 27 3) 27 31 INNINGS, 1 23456789 Tola. Citizen 9 45444020 31 Star 4 50900129 30 The return game will probably be played Sunday, December 7. The cup is on exhibition at achus slcr'a store, on Church Plaza. Otnt efficient policemen JIarlin and Moore have at last succeeded iu dis covering a Mexican tendajon keeper in "Bauo Libre" hy the name of" Em'tlio Jurado, selling liquor to Papa go Indian?. The dealer and the Indians were locked up, and on their trial be fore Justice .Newgass, Juntdo was found guilty and took his choice be tween $100. fine, or 100 days in jail. The confiscated liquor found in pos session of the Indian was presented in court and from the aroma and taste it is not to be wondered at that the Indians who imbibe from this poisoned fount are set wild and are a general nuis ance. Martin and Moore deserve credit for their vigilance- Thanksgivmg Day. "Wc are not in New England and we shall probably never be just like the people who live there; but we ilke a holiday, and therefore there was no manner of work done in Tucson yes tcrday. The stores were generally closed; the devoutly inclined went to ichurch, and the others to the game of iwlt Tt itucn niiii-t risiv nf fninvmfnt ittu. x " " .j ... j J J and freedom from care, which was well improved. We arc very much obliged to Mr. President Hayes for his.gener ous present of the holiday. Mebsus. Gilbert. Avery and "Watson, of Grand Rapids Michigan, left by to days couch on their return homeward, They did not care to examine anything but their own property, and therefore made no excursions to the out districts Their claims in the Araole Districts will be carefully examined and pros pected, and in the course of no long time, will no doubt be vigorously worked. A new produce and provision busi ncss is opened at .the corner of Con vent anil McComick Strc jj. Mr. Silas Bennett the proprietor, will make the sale of hams, bacon, lard, potatoes, and other supplies pecularly adapted. to our market. Remember the new broom sweeps clean. Strangers coming to Tucson must not fail to visit Pierce & Wood's fruit store where can be found all the fruits of the season. They constantly keep on hand that sweet roll butter, and have just received four tierces of that favorite brand ham, " Magnolian." A party of gentlemen, including Charles Labarec, J. P. Clum and olh ers, went out to the Evergreen District this morning for a two days trip. Tue Chileaus and Peruviana are at it, hammer and tongs, this time on land. H. C. Hookeb, Esq. ia in town from the Blerra Bonita. To-Day's Daily. The Children's Matinee. The biggest house that has yet greeted the Opera Company attended the matinee this afternoon. The Hall was packed and the great maioritv of the spectators were children, who seemed to enjoy Pinafore with as much pleasure as their elders. Tickets to a large number were sold vesterdav and distributed to the school children by the teachers. Remember that to-night comes the last of Pinafore, with the Sixth Cavalry Band, to be preceded by me nrst act of the Doctor of Alcantara. "We note among the arrivals bv to- days's stage Mr. Charles II. Frye, of Salem, Mass., a brother of Miss Maria r rye. Mr. Frye comes to Arizona in part to escape the rigors of the New England winter season, and in part for business purposes. He will assume the duties of teller at the banking house of Safibrd. Hudson & Co. Contrary to the expectations of some parties, Mr. A. G. Hunter has sent back to Messrs. Clark & Patten the money to pay for his bill of harness j tnd saddlery, on account of which the hue and cry was raised against him a few duys ao. Tue Maiaon Doree, on Meyers street, next door to the Palace Hotel, is the place to go for delicacies. The oysters thereareof the most superb quality; but anything you call for is served on short notice, and is equal to the de mands of the most fastidious palate. Travel. From Casa Graude: "W. A Strong, J. E. Carrol, W. B. Carrol, Charles H. Frye, II. N. Morrison, J. W. Whitney, Mrs. Manlove, Mr. Vallett, N. S. But- ler, Ah Gue. To Casa Grande: F. Fuldon, J. Hor- uer, E. H. Wooodbridge. There will be no service at the Methodist Church (court-house) to morrow morning; but at 7:30 in the evening Mr. Mills will preach as usual. There are rumors of an increase in e rates of freights and fares from Los "Angeles to San Francisco. The new school building is advanc ing very rapidly and is almost ready for tbe roof. TERMINUS FREIGHT ARRIVALS. November 27, 1879. Total WlKht. 1710 1065 2a0 0 140 650 i 115 600 P'kgs. , Zeckendorf A Co . 25 . Smith . 19 L. Warren.. ...... 5 D. Ulbson 1 Pierre & Wood 18 C. B. A A. U U 13 Vat I A Harvey 1 I). B. Ra 2 Moon &. Hum ... I 3 Co 2 2 J. h In urn ...... Mx Marti. . Vomb'tonn M- A M. A. M. Hell .". V. II. 8iurm....... J. QuInUn......... S. W. Carpenter . 25 MorpeA Co., Fort Boivlo .. 3 H. MeiiHtfT.. 1 T. Wcllpch I F L. Warn-n - SO 6100 20M Maleli A Drl tcoll, 1 fcttfe Uird Jr WilllHtu!, 1 car lumber From Silver KI115, concentrations.. . 22.SC0 .11,000 330 1S5 4115 50JO 100 570 30G0 2C0 9SU E010 9S0 470 5100 410 lfo COO 10(5 403 7M 1110 1310 616 CS 260 NorEMBtnUS. Mone&Co -.. . 1 4. H. Dill - 3 Griltmon . 35 A. 8., Hort Lowell S3 K. B. Pomroy 1 h.. Orcein A Co . " Lord & William? 31 L. A Abbot I L- Zeckendorf & Co .. 210 ,..rd A WiiiUms 52 Tully, Ocuoa A Co N. Smith . 9 Pierce Wood 01 A. Lovln - 2 O. W'ltteld 1 A . 13. Siiiip.on 12 A. Dnclien.v.............-...-....-. S A. L. Wiirieii .......... L. Meyer A Co 6 O- II. Meyers 14 J. Hoffler. I 23 A. D. Oils 3 Mish ADrlsooll 1 lliaulio Garcia Api-olikares Natural Mineral Wa ter just arrived at John It. Dall& Co's., wholesale liquor dealers, Mesilla struet between Main and Meyers streets. Fixest Cosnae Brandy at John It. Dall & Co's., wholesale liquor dealers, Mesilla street, between Main and Mey ers streets Just received, at Leo Goldschmidt's furniture, a large lot of fine rattan easv chairs and rockers. Circulating Library in English, Spanish and German at the Pioneer jSews Uepot. Subscriptions taken for all thelcad iug papers and magazines at the Pio neer News Depot. The largest stock of chairs of all kinds at Leo GoltUchmidt's lurniture store, at prices to suit the times. The largest stock of stationer' and legal branks at the Pioneer News De pot. Strangers coming to Tucson Should not forget to visit the Pioneer News Depot, Evert one is using that Jar Tea at Warren's, and so are Uieir sisters, ana their cousins and their aunts. Fresh Oysters in the shell at the Oriental restaurant. Fine German ltiuchcs at the Gem by Levin & Goldtree Watches repaired and warranted at Shuisler's, on Church Plaza. Sewing machines for rent at Ber ;er's, opposite Pima County Bank. Tt.t.itminated dial stem winder cratohea $i0 at Berber's. Toys and fancy goods at the Pioneer news uepot. All kinds of rihes, pistols, and car tridges at Shusslcr's, on Church Plasa. The Boudior and Pauel photographs are maue at iiueiinian 3. The best brands of cigars and tobac co at tue rioneer itcws Depot. Watches repaired and warranted at J. 21. Ucrgrer's, on Congress street For fine navana cigars go to F. A. Earll & Co. Stationery of all kinds t Erll & Company's. Nohe Prts. On Wednesday aittrnoon at three o'clock, by consent, the cue of the Territory vs. White (one of the Pujblo Vicjo proprietors) was heard in the Dis trict Court on motion of the District At torney, to dismiss. This is one of .he several parties indicted by the lsst Grand Jury for resisting an officer, as sault with intent to murder and vari- ous other offenses, allol -which grew out of the attempt to arrest Mr. Col lins for the murder of Haines. Hereford and Zabrhskee were cm ployed to defend these parties and at th-- last term two of them were dis- jdiarged, it appearing to th'j mind of ,lie District Attorney and court, upon a presentation of the facta that there was no case against them. White was sick at the time and was not arrested. He was recently adriaed by his at torneys to come in and surrender him self, bringing his witnesses, so that the matter could be investigated by the District Attorney, which was done. The District Attorney after a full examination of the case became satis fied that no conviction could be had, and by consent the mo'ion was made for a " nolle prosequi " at the afternoon session on Wednesday. The court af ter hearing the statement or Mr. Forbes for the Territory, and Colonel Zabris kee for the defense, granted ihe order and the case was dismissed. The Grand Jury displayed great zeal in these cases, but as the testimony was very conflicting, and somewhat limited, it was thought belter to indict the whole crowd and that the guilty would thus be found. That Revolution. The Chronicle of the 25th says: The steamer Newbern, which arrived yesterday Irotn -Mexican ports, brings news ol a revolution inaugurated by Gen. Manuel Marques, near La Paz. Lower California, against the Diaz Government. Gen. Marques, with a body of loO men, occupied the town ol 1 1111 in to, and met witli suca sym- lSalpnthv from the inhabitants as to deter- so, mine him to take possession of La Paz. 310 Tlte news of Marques' advance caused 023 the ollicials and merchants of that 75 town to lly precipilately, and there is 135 ! no doubt thttt everything would have lft.0 1 fallen into the hands of the reyoiu 5i5jtionists had it not been for tbe timely liojarrival of Gen. Carbo in Ihe gunboat ico Dcmocrata. with 100 Federal soldiers. iThis temporarily stopped the progress of Marques. At the date of the sailing o! tlic Acwfoern irotn uuaymas it was reported that there had been heavy fighting bciween the different parties, and that the revolutionary party was daily increasing in strength. About ihe same time Col. Ramirez pro. nounced against the Government in Jlazatlan, but before he could make . 1 - 1 any Headway ue was capiureu ami lodged in jail. The Consulate at San Francisco had the same information. TUCSON AUD TOiBSTO DAILY STAGE Fare Reduced to $5. FOUR-nOIUSB CONCORD COACH tufl time; splendid menli-, through li MvllL-lii! time 13 liiinru. over the bi'M mud In Arizona, -r.MHliix the San Pedro Kiver at Ohnt-KorKen'f Undue. delen linn on Koi-ount of hUh water. Lowet freiKbt rates and careful handling. Singes leave Tacaon and Tombstone dally nt" a. m. Ti,rin fiiilre. Congress street, opposite Salford, Hudson A Co.'h Bank. Jf. IS. Special ttuenumi given 10 KXPKESS ANI FAST KK15IGHT. Ohnesorgen & Walker, Props. A. B. LEAC1I. Agent, Tucson. aeplS-d&wlf TUCSON AND TOMBSTONE STAGE LIKE, r EAVINO TUCSON EVERY DAY AT XJ n. m. Leaving Tombstone every day at 7 a. m Fast Time! All pcnwi will pleiishpnd thblrorder hw nn.iai nunt 10 their reiHc!ive mer- .iintf, that their orders may he filled, uirtrke.1, weluhMl ! leit in tbe Iiiom.i. Tomi-l"iie Express Otlice.ul ANells, fnrao A Oi.'h otnre. l'.isem;ors will regis cr and pay their fare al the otllce ...,. , . J. D. KINNKAR. Proprietor. CLAUDE ANDEI.HON, Otllce Agent. nOAD STATION RECEIPTS RE A D LVpiinted aad for sle cheap atTHKOrr Iki office. AflNING DEEDS FOR SALE AT THEj iX Ormci otXJcM THE ORIENTAL RESTAURANT& SALOON, CORKEK Or Congress and Meyers Sis., Tucson. Restaurant Open Day and Might. DISHES TO ORDER. OYSTERS IN 2VEP.T STYL3. THE BAR CONTAINS THIS Choicest Brands of Wines, Liquors AND UIQAR3. Pioneer News Depot of Arlaonn. Established iu 1870, By J. S. Mansfeld, Dealer In jCTrspapers, Magazines, Yan kee Notious, School .Books, Stationery, tc, fcc Having made arrangements with the best Lns tern and California houses, I can now furnish Papers and Books at the Lowest Figures. Speoial uttenzloc will ba glvanto Subscriptions for Papers and Uooka. Smokers and Chevers, Should take notice that we keep the Best Brands ot Cigars, I obaccos, Pipes, and everything in the line of Smokers articles. Strangers coram T to Tucson should not forget to visit Tha Pisneer Mews Depot ij,M. Jacobs & Co Now Ofier to the Trade, the Largest and Most Complete Stock Gen'l fOSercliancl.ise Ever offered in Southern Arizona, and at Prices Lower than Ever. We Call the Attention of Miners and Prospectors particularly to our Large and varied stock of MINING TOOLS, Whicn we offer at Bed Eock Prices. We respectfully solicit buyers to ex amine our Stock and Price before Buying elsewhere they cer tainly will find it to their advantage to do so. L.3I. JACOBS & CO. Wktchumner aud Jeweler, Opposite Pima County au1c. Dealer In "Watches, Jewolry, Clocks, Sewing Machine Attachments, NEEDLES and OIL, Agent for the New American Serrlnc Machine. All kind of- Machines Kepaired. Bteucll C'atllnir. Sewing LUMBER! LUMBER! H T onSE&tJO't fropriotors JXJL Chiricahu Lumber and Shingle Mills. All bin' f Lumber, Including Matched Floor)S ad Rustic, constantly i.n hand tat fusonable rate. Location of mill uer While fc Bro'a Rauche, twenty-two ptfes south 01 ton uowie. 'A. TJ. OTIS & Cor, Agents, Tucson. GREAT REDUCTION AT TUTS White House, flEW GOOBSI NEW GOOBS! Arriving Daily by Mail & Express mm rush IN THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Just Received ! An Elegant Assortment, con sisting in part of RIBBONS of the Latest Designs in Silk, Satin and Gro3grain. SASH RIBBONS in Endles3 Variety. BLOfJD LACE, Silk Fringe, All Colors, Latest Styles, Tasteful Designs. SATINS. All Colors. LADIES' CUFFS AND COLLARS, all Styles in Linen and SPECIAL fNDUCEMENT I3ST DEESS GOODS ! tIRESS GOODS from 10c to 50c per yard ; regular price from 20c to $1. DE BEICE, 4fi-inch wide, $1 per yard; regular price, $1.50. 23-inch wide, 50c per yard ; regular price, 75c per yard. Also a Largo Line of PARISIAN NOVELTIES! CONSISTIKQ OP JEYELRY of All Kinds, the Finest Stock Ever Brought to this mar ket, auch as Bracelets, Xecklacea, Earrings, Etc- SILK MITTS, All Colors, only $t; price, 31.50. KID GLOVES, All Sizes and Colors, only $1 ; price, $2. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, All Colors, from 25 cents up. This stock has been selected by Mr. Wclisch personally and especially for this trade. AN ELABORATE VARIETY OF Fashionable Ladies5 Hats JUST RECEIVED BY MAIL! THE FIEST 0? THE SEASON, and the Best Selected Stock E-or Urouijht to this market, Lower than ever before offered. The reason these Great Reductions In prices are made 1m to enable us to make room for oar New, Elegant and Large Stock of Staple and Fancy Goods which we ure NOW RECEIVING. To secure the benefit of theso Great ilarcalns come at once. BRANCH DEPARTMENT. The Branch Store of the White House Is hltunted on Main street, oppodto Lord A WIlllHins', where Is kept constantly on hand a COMPLETE STOCK of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Country Merohanta and Mlnrs will tlud it to their advantuge to call before puronnHlng elsewhere, as everrtblnu In their line U kept and will bo sold at as lonlshlnsly low prices. THEODORE WELISCH. Taylor & Amory's Livery, Feed and Boarding Stable. Tacson. Arizona.! InfOld Government Corral. Good Tarno'nlB. Terms Beasousblp. Lord & Williams, Congress and Mam Sta., Tucaoa Established in 1867. "WHOLESALE and RETAIL dealers no General Merchandise. Cash advances made on Wool, Sides and Country Produce of all kinds "We keep constantly on hand a Pull Stock of all kinds of Merchandise. Particular atten tion is called to our stock of Hardware, ordered direct from manufactur e r e r s, which includes cv- IAEDWaEE ervthinir needed by Miners and Mill Men. Hills k Miners. Our stock of tools for all trades is the most complete and carefully assoited ever before offered in this marKet, comprising Picks, Shovels, Axes and Ilandles, Crow, bars, Wneelbar rows, Tamping Bars, Pans; Pow der, Giant and Vulcan; Dyna mite Caps, Bel lows, Anvils and Vices, together with every tool needed by carpen TOOLS FOE ALL TRADES ters, mill.vrigbts and blacksmiths. Agricultural Implements of all kinds. Iron and Nails of all sizes direct from. the foundry. Country Merchants and Mining Companies Will And it much to their interest to purchase of us. "7e offer tho BEST STOCK of GEOCERIES, Staple and Fancy, in Arizona. Also, a Full Stock of LIQUORS, CIGARS and TOBACCO. Our Stock of Dry Goods, ClotJiing, Blanlcets, Boots and Shoes is of the Best, both in quantity and quality. Arrangements have been made by which we receive a NEW STOCK EVERY WEEK. We also have oa hand and make to order Mattrassea and Cots of all sizes. Orders from abroad promptly and carefully rilled. All goods guaranteed to be as repre sented. p. F. NILSON. run.. snussLEB. SHUSSLER & NILSON, Watchmakers and Jewelers rjiiucsoN, EAL- ers In RIZONA WATCHES AND JEWELRY. VTORTH JN aim QUTJRCH pLAZA. X ASSORTMENT OT DIAM0MDS, WA TCHES CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. Also a selected stock of Guns, Pistols. and Ammunition. An expert Guns mith has been employed, who will make repairs on all classes of arms. Watches and CIocks Cleaned and Re paired. All Work Warranted to Give En tire Satisfaction. T UOMAS PRICE'S ASSAY OFFICE. CHEMICAL LABORATORY And MIXING OFFICE, 621 Sacramento Street, BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Assays and Analyses of Ores. Sampler and Purchaser of nil kinds of ores. BULLION MELTED, ANALYZEDAND REFINED And Returns made In Coin, Curronoy, Cortlfied Checks or Certificates of Deposit tony part of the country. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO BASE BULLION. 40-ly Bain Wagons!! The Best in the Market. Made Expressly for this Climate. PEICES GREATLY EEDUCED. Zeckendorf & Staab SOLE AGENTS FOR ARIZONA. NOT 7ATI. to send for our NEW PRICK LIST. More complete than ever. Contains descriptions of etery thin required for ue with over l tOO Illustrations. Send nlns cent7or IL .Staroi s vrid de. We , s.II all good. at wholesale prices in quantities tosultthepnr chaser. The only Institution la America wtx make this their upoclil buslneis. Address. S27 & 230 Wabtuh A e., d'eajo. Ill