Newspaper Page Text
The Citizen. SATURDAY, - - DECEMBER 13. 1879. For latest telcgrams,correspondence, etc., see supplement. Senator Jones, of Nevada, puts everythinc together, and says tbat Grant will certainly be the man for '80. TriE Slohavc term of the District Court commenced Monday morning, December 1st. and ended the next "Wednesday. Miles, the carpenter who shot Shan, non, the cook, at Tip Top on the 7th surrendered himself to the authorities at Prescott. It is reported to the Herald tbat the Central Arizona 3Iining Company will arrange for getting water to the Vulture mine, and will erect a hundred stamp mill there. Prescott is wrestling with the ex citement of a municipal election can vass. But the candidates,the Arizonan says, are slow about " settln' 'em up " for the boys. Dennis Kearney is going East again. Somebody, he says, loaned him $400 to go on, on the faith that the show would pay, and he would get his money back from the Yankees. "We are informed on good authority that the monthly pay roll in Oro Blan co District aggregates $7,000. There is a class of indifferent men in the district who find it difficult to secure employment, but good miners are in demand. At the request of the City Trustees Col. Scott agrees to return to San Di ego one half of the land years ago granted to the Texas Pacific Company, as soon as any other company shall have finished 100 miles of railroad eastward from that city. There will probably be extensive litigation over the matter, as the San Diegans want all the lands. A correspondent from Globe City complains of the Isabella mill man agement In the first place he thinks $45 per ton much too high for work ing ores, and cites theMcCrackin man agement, where the cost of hauling ore 12 miles and milling the same was only $7.50 per ton. He thinks ?30 should be the outside fijrure. He also complains that the employes of the mill are mostly paid in orders on the stores, so that while the mill is ship- ping silver out of the country, they put very little money in active circulation If such is the case it is a system that is sure to give rise to a great deal of dissatisfaction. The Alaska. The Alaska mine, in Oro Blanco dis trict is one of the Orion Company'i mines and is developing in the most encouraging manner. The main shaft is now down 175 feet in a vein of rich, black metal, in a formation which in dicates a true fissure vein. The Orion Company is a wealthy Philadelphia corporation, operating on private cap ital for legitimate results, and it is with pleasure that we note their en couraging prospects. A Correction. "We had occasion a few days since to quote some very queer remarks con cerning some Arizona mining proper ties, made in the Engineer and Mining Journal, and it seems the same sot t of thing is to be kept up. But here is an item from the last issue which we feel like correcting. The Journal says: The Esperanza, an Arizona mine, which, we understand is being offered in the East, was recently purchased by a Mr. James and others for $2000 on a bond. Our correspondent adds, "The parties who sold the property arc good judges of a mine." The Esperanza transaction Is so well-known here that the item quoted will only be laughed at. "Wc correct as follows: The Esperanza is not being offered in the East, further than that the hold ers of the bond are arranging for the money to take up the bond if they conclude to purchase the mine. ! As to the price to be paid for the mine, the bond is on record in the Re corder's office and the price there named is $30,000. The sum of $2000 was paid as a bo nus for a working bond. The bond was made on the 20th day of August, for ninety days, and imme diately thereafter Col. James went to work to prospect the property. The principal shaft is down 115 feet, and in all over 300 feet of work has been ijonc at a cost of between $0000 and $7000. The bond is not yet run out nor is the work completed; and it is understood between the parties that lime will be given, if needed, for the completion of nearly as much work, with, of course, the expenditure of nearly us much more money. The evident intention of the item is to give the impression that the Esper anza was purchased for $2000, and that; the parties who sold the mtne, being good judges, sold it for a price which would not pay for a prospect two days old. We arc asserting noth ing as to the value of the property; it may be good or not One thing is cer tain, however, we know of no property here, on which more time and money has been spent to determine whether it is valuable And while men are, as we believe, in good faith, trying to settle that question, and are spending their own money therefor, we say to the Engineer and Mining journal, its correspondent and all other meddlers, "Hands off!" "When the property is "offered in the East" on its merits,then have your say; but, until is mere impertinence in you to speak. Plainly, it is none ot your business. Sales ol silver of the German gov ernment are to be resumed. It is ex pected that they will lower the price of the metal. Mr. James R. Randall, the author of the southern war song, "My Mary land," is clerk ol the Senate Investi gating Committee now in New Or leans; the stenographer of the Commit tee, the Times of that city adds, is Mr. Small, of the Atlanta Constitution, the writer of the "Old Si " papers. Senator Hill, of Colorado, has in troduced a bill to appropriate $50,000 out of the national treasury for the purpose of sinking five artesian wells, two in Colorado and three others in the States or Territories west of the Rocky Mountains, wherever the SecreJ tary of the Interior may designate. In view of what chemical science has effected, in the invention of cheap processes of perfect artificial refriger ation by means of which not only ice is manufactured upon the largest scale but large chambers are maintained at a temperature suitable lor the preser vation of meats and fruits tor an in definite period, we cannot doubt that scientiuc means will yet be reached for cooling the deepest mines of the (Jomstock lode. Mining Recorp. And after that some other fellow will come along with a little invention by which thin skinned mankind will be able to subdue the unpleasantly heated atmosphere of a certain other warm locality. Mack Morris is in St. Louis, his old home, with his $100,000, and thus en lightened a " Republican " reporter, on the subject of shipping ore to San Francisco from Globe District: " "What did it cost to ship it?" "About $150 per ton. Then it cost $300 to $500 for bavins: it worked, al though I, myself, have paid $1100. The average.pnce however, is $000. " What is an average yield per ton for good ore?" " i irst class ore will yield an avcrapre of to the ton. " What would be the profit on a ton of that sort of ore." A.bout $1000. The last ton of ore removed from my mine yielded $7S00. As may be supposed the general tendency of Mack's interview was to "boom" the mining business. From Arivaca. "We were shown on Thursday some very handsome specimens of ore from the Longarend and SilvenQucen mines situated in the Arivaca Dtstrict. The specimens were brought up by Mr. J. W. Kennedy, foreman of the Longar ena, who arrived in town by coach last evening. The shaft on the Lon garena is down 100 feet, and one on the Silver Queen is down 18 feet, with 18 inches of very high grade ore showing native silver, silver glance and chlor ides. Both Arivaca and Oro Blanco Districts are developing nicely, and now is the time to secure titles for mining speculations as the " boom " will drift in that direction before long. Capital Dots. A friend writing from "Washington says there is an apparantly proper wish for the establishment, in connection with some one of the Departments, of a mining or mineral bureau. The call comes now from the older states in which gold and other mines exist, but the greater order aud stability which would everywhere be introduced will commend the scheme to miners every where. Great interest is felt by all in the experimental lighting of portions of the Canitol by electricity. The hall of the House will not, at present, be supplied with the light, as the inventor s not wholly satisfied with his work But it is believed that, not much time will elapse before the whole vast build ing will have its only light from elec tricity. TOMBSTONE NOTES. From The Nuuget, December 11. Mayor Harwood's message to the new council is an excellent piece ot good sense. A man named Frank J. Pick, afllict- ed with "tremens," shot himself at Charleston on the 5th instant. The Nugget says the Hartford Dis trict is not organized. It is a mistake. The Citizen published the organiza tion some time since. More rich ore has been found in the Silver Cloud region, and as the coun try has been tramped over a great deal before, some wonder is expressed at the oversight. Arrangements arc about completed for the starting of a stage line between this place and Patagonia, an enterprise that will meet with liberal pntrouage. Stock is already or hand here for the line, and will commence running in a few days. The extension of the Globe and Tres Alamos mail route will be made to Ohnesorgcn's station on the San Pedro and there connect with the new Tomb stone and Tucson stage line. Buck boards will be placed upon the route at once and perhaps are running at the present time. Attractions in the Tough Nut mine have been increasing within the past tew days. Ore of the very richest kind has been aain found, which as says up into the thousands. As they open up, no matter whether in cuts or shafts, the richness of the mine in creases. Without doubt the mine is turning out far beyond the expecta tions of its owners. It is the richest mine yet developed in this District. The crying need of San Francisco to day is a stock boom for the holidays. TT 11 ........ J ... J nun are wen imcutionca, out impecu nious citizens going to provide their ...:.i. "i. ji . j . itc9 uu uiuuu iiueucu uiamonas; spriDg of joybut it takes a boom in I stnoks to buv them. Unless the mar- fcpt rallies, diamonds as well as vari ous other necessaries of life will be missed in many a happy household in Ran Francisco dunnir the festive non dav season now EO close at hand. Stock Report. CORN. At PtrketPost. Final County, November 12, to the wire or wm. a. uenson, a sou DIED. Mrs. Ahhle A. French, wife of Chief Jns h rfled nt a Quarter mist two o'clock this morning, at Troy, New York. nnrlntr her brief residence In Tucson Mrs. French endeared herself greatly to laree circle of our best people, and becain known as a lady of Ibe most sterllngquai ltles. It was, tbereioie, wim proiounaj" that the news was received some month since that she had been permanently re lieved from themalndy which hBd nttacR ed her cancer. But the hopes of friends were vatn, and It is now only some two months since It was announced thul th disease had returned In a probably hope less lorm. Since that time she has stead Hy declined. This community, recognizing the fact thul a good woman, wife and mother, has gone, will extend 1U utmost sympathy to ! those whoso tlesof relationship wilt make them feel the loss most keenly. NEW AD VEIt T1SEHENTS. Fulton IRON WORKS, Hinckley, Spiers & Hayes. (ESTABLISHED IN 1855) WORKS FREMONT AND H0WAROSTS. OFFICE NO. 213 FREMONT STREET. San Franchc$, Ilolatluc WorkH. whims for pros liecilntf small mlnps: Portable Hoist lng Engines and Boilers, with Keels suitable for wire or hemp rope, of now uc-MiMis. embodying all the latest iin provlmenls. .Mining Machinery. Hoisting Cages with wifely attachments. Safety Hooks Ore Curs. Om ISuckels. Water Buckets, Car Wheels and Axles. Ore Gates, with racks and pinions for ore bins. Pump- Tlna .Machinery. Air compressors, Air or Water Pipe, Recelvors, etc Miwlilmry. Gold Mills, with Dans or concentrators as required, bll ver Mills, eltherfor dry or wt crushing Willi roiistlnganil drying inrniices. runs Keillors. etc.. ill- n-oulrcd. Smelting Fur naces for either Lead, Copner, Silver or Gold, Wlllards Roasting Furnaces, es- neclully adapted for Rold ores. Retorts IJulllon Molds. Ore Feeders, Rock BieHkers, etc. JIIsceIlnn-oiiM .llnrhlnnry. Saw Mills, Flour M1IN, Oil Well Machtn ery, Water Wheels and Cnsllugs. Knifings iiikJ Boiler tor nny and all purposes, adapted to the economical ute of fuel. 1'RICES 3IOIr.KATE. Among others, tho following have been I'.uilt l us: rombntone Mill, for the Toughnut mine. Corbin " Lucky Cuss. Western M.Co's. " Contention. McM lllnn " " Stonewall Jackson P. V. Saimi, Prest. L- M. Jacobs, Cash. PIMA COUNTY BANK, TUCSON, A, T. CORRESPONDENTS : SAN FRANCISCO -Pacific Bank. LOS ANGELES, Farmv AiMerchn'ts H'k NEW YOltlv ....i-llItU National U'lllK CHICAGO First National Hnnk. BALTIMORE Second National Bank ST. LOUIS Hank of Commerce Deposit accounts received subject to check ut sight and kept In either coin or currency, depositors being allowed the use of currency when g.lver Is deposited. collection nt l'rans. Notes, i vldenus and other commercial paper made throughout tho United States aud cred lied to account or remltt d foron the day advice are leoulved. Loniin made upon, or will buy. United -tales. Territorial, county or City securl ties, prime commercial paper or real estate. Transfer of funds made, either by leiegrnpn or mun.anu deposits mauewun any or ourcorrespondenu will be trans ferreit In nny manner desired andnmnunt credited here upon receipt by us of advice or sucn deposits. Lxelmiie bought and sold nt current rates. Drulls drawn In sums to sutton the principal cities of the United States and Kurn do. Certificate of Deposit Issued nay able In any currency on demand, or after uxed dates bearing Interest. In vestujentM made ou the choicest se curity for parties who are unable toattend to same, for which we will charge a mod crate commission. CoiiNlKiinientH of gold or sliver bul lion will recelvo especial attention and the same will be shipped to the most rell able reduction and refining works, at any point desired. We also innke advances (hereon and allow the consignors the full net amount realized after deducting ex penses. Tie operations of this bunk being con fined to a strictly legitimate banking bus iness its pnlrons may feel assured that they will receive liberal aud satisfactory ireuimeui in an irunsacnous. Parties nt a distance may forward their orders and requests to thl bunk by mail or otherwi'e, and rely upon a consclen- tiou&rauiirul execution of their wishes- seplO-d&wtf L.M. Jacobs & Co Now Oftcr to tho Trade, tho Largest and Most Complete Stock Gen'l Merchandise Ever offered in Southern Arizona, and at Prices Lower than Ever. We Call the Attention of Miners and Prospectors particularly to our Large and varied stock of MIKING TOOLS, Whicn we otter at Bed Bock Prices. Ave respectfully solicit buyers to ex- amine our Stock and Prices before Buying elsewhere they cer tainly will find it to their advantage to do so. L.M. JACOBS & CO. NOTICE. County Tkeasukeu's Offick, riMA Co., Akizoa, December 1,1879. A L-t. WARRANTS OK THE YEAR jt- It77 are now duo und payable at this office, and lulereal on the same ceases trout this date. K. LEATHERWOOD, County Treasurer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sherman, Hyde & Co., SAX FKANCISCO, CAI Th Lamest Music House in 7 America. ONE MILLION DOLLARS CAPITAL Wn nnlv keen First Class Pianos and Organs, sell on easy Installments to re sponsible parties. Wo are Paciflc Coast Agents for The Celebrated Weber Piano, Haines Bros. Pianos, German Upright Pianos, And the "World Renowned Esty Organs !! FOR Brass Bnstrumensts, Sheet Music, And Everything in the Music Line, Address i t SHERMAN, HYDE & CO., San Francisco, Cal. PALACE HOTEL, MEYERS STREET, TUCSON, Maisii & Dkiscoll, Proprietors. AMPLE ACCOMMODATION FOR ONE hundred guest. Thesimclnus dlnlnc hall Is under the supervision of an accomplished Stewart, tne cuisine unexcelled, ana tne waiters attentive and polite. ZECKEXDOBr k STi.AB, W. B. SCOTT, Tueion, Ariion. Cbirlutoa, Ariieaa. W. B. SCOTT&CU, CHARLESTON, ARIZONA, Wholesale & Retail Dealers IN GENERAL MERCI-I'jSTDISE. WE BEG TO UALL'THE ATTENTION of all Buyers and Consumers to the fact of our having established a HOUSE at CHARLESTON We keep constantly on band a Com plete Assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goodi, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Crockery and Glassware, Tobacco and Cigars, Wines and Liquors, And, In Fact, Every Article Required by Either the Mining or Agricultural Trade. We have Experienced Buyers In the East, and will always be pre pared to offur such Inducements to Large Buyers aa Cannot be Sur passed by any other house In Ari zona. Mill and Mining Supplies A SPECIALTY. W.B.SCOTT&Co GREAT REDUCTION AT TBTE White House, iVEW GOODS! NEW GOOIS Arming Daily by Mail & Express GRAND RUSH IN&THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Just Received! An Elegant Assortment, con sisting in part of RIBBONS of the Latest Designs in Silk- Satin and Grosjjraiu. SASH RIBBONS in Endless Variety. BLOND LACE, Silk Fringe, All Colors, Latest Styles, Tasteful Designs SATINS, All Colors. LADIES' CUFFS AND COLLARS, all Styles in Linen and Lace. SPECIAL INDUCEMENT DEESS GOODS! untax uuuua trom iuc to ouc per yard; regular price from 20c to ?1 DE BEICE, 4Cinch wide, $1 per yard; regular price, $1.50. 23-inch wide, 50c per yard ; regular price, 75c per yard. Also a Large Line of PARISIAN NOVELTIES! COXSIST1JTG OF JEWELRY of All Kinds, the Finest Stock Ever Brought to this mar. ket, such as Bracelets, Necklaces, Earrings, Etc. SILK MITTS, All Colors, only $1; price, $1.50. KID CLOVES, All Sizes aud Colors, only 1; price, $2. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. All Colors, from 25 cents up. This stock has been selected by Mr. Welisch personally and especially for this trade. AN ELABORATE VARIETY OF Fashionable Ladies' Hats JUST RECEIVED BY MAIL! THE IIRST OF THE SEASON, and the Best Selected Stock Evor Brought to this market, Lower than ever before OiTered. The reason these Great Reductions In prices aro made Is to enable us to make room for our Kew, Elegant and Large Slock of Staple aud Fancy Goods which we are NOW UECEI VlJJG. To secure the bun ell t of these Great Bargains come at once. BRANCH DEPARTMENT. Tho Branch Store of the While House Is situated on Main street, opposite Lord A. Williams', where Is kept constantly on hand uCOMPLhTB STOCK or STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Country Merchants and Miners will And It to their advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere, as everything in their line Is kept and will bo sold at as tonishingly low prices. THEODORE WELISCH. rpiIOMAS PKICE'S ASSAY OFFICE, CHEMICAL- LiAHUKATUKX And MINING OFFICE, 521 Sacramento Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Assays and Analyses of Ores. Sampler and Purchaser of nil kinds of ores. BULLION MELTED, ANALYZED AND REFINED And Returns made In Coin. Currency, Certified Checks or Certificates of Deposit to any part ot the country. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO PASK BULLION. 40-ly pertonal or famitv tne. with over 1000 Illnstratlmis. Send nine cents ror It. (Sumps will do. i We sell all goods at wholesale prices lu quantities to suit tho pur chaser. Tbe only institution In America trhn Siske thlt their special business. Address, UAT(iOHKKy WAltD it CO, 7 & 833 Waoaau Ave., UWcajo, III 110 Lord & Williams, Congress and Main Sts., Tucson Established in 18C7. "WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALKBS HUNT General Merchandise. Cash advances mad eon Miners and Prospectors Wool, Hides and Country Produce of all hinds. "We keep constantly on hand a Full Stock of all kinds of Merchandise. Particular atten tion is called to our stock of Hardware, ordered direct from manufactur c r e r s, which includes ev erything needed by Miners and 31 ill Men. Our stock of tools for all trades is the most complete and carefully assorted HARDWARE FOK Mills Se Miners. ever before offered in tins market. . . ..... rnm nriQ? n cr "Piotc Shovels, Axes and tianuies, crow bars, Wneelbar - m f TOOLS FOR rows, i ii in p i n Bars, pans; Pew. ALL TRADES uer, uiam anu Vulcan; Dyna mite Laps, liel- lows, Anvils and Vices, together with every too needed by carpen- ters, mill ATishts and blacksmiths. Agricultural Implements of all kinds. Iron and Nails of all sizes direct from the foundry. Country Merchants and Mining Companies ill find it much to their interest to purchase of us. "Wc offer tho BEST STOCK of GEOOERIES, Staple and Funcy, in Arizona. Also, a Full Stock of LIQUORS, "CIGARS and TUIiAUCJO. Our Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Blankets, Boots and Shoes IS oi uie xesi, uoiu in quantity anuicash. qualitv. Arrangements 'av been made by which we receive a NEW STOCK bMiKi WJvth.. We also have on hand and make to order Mnttrasses and Cots of all sizes. Orders from abroad promptly aud carefully filled. All goous guaranteeu to be as repre sented. NEW STAGE LINE! BET WEE INT Tucson and Altar, SonoraArlzona Visws' pcture Framss' Hours and Cays of Departure. EAVES TUCSON EVERY SUNDAY hi 9 a. m. ami arrives at Altar tho uect day at the same hour. Leaves Altar every Wednesday at 4 a. in. aud arrives here on Thursday at S a. m. KATE8. From Tucson to Altar, and vice versa.SS.00 Express matter and all kinds of freleht Win be cnatved In proportion to the I weight and bulk, 33 percent.cheaperthan by any other line ou snld route. In order to give the public euttro satls-l mcuon tins line has the following facili ties: The Most ELEGANT AND COMMODIOUS CONCOIID COACHES, Follows the Most Direct and Best Route in every respect, Every Accommodation 1 on the road, Good Meals, etc. The very best or teams are distributed over the line at Bhort distances apart. Thefce facilities) ft.iVt1 "n.d affbrU DTTRAZ0 & VALDEZ, Proprietors. M. VASQUEZ, Agent, Tucson. R. DURAZO, Agent, Altar. 1'. V. NILSOX. I'lHI.. SMUSSLEK. SHUSSLER & NILS0N, Watchmakers and Jewelers rjmcsoN, EAL- era In RIZONA "VTORTH IN SIDE QHURCH. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. JpLAZA. A FINE ASSORTMENT Or DIAM0MDS, WA TCHES CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. Also a selected stock of Guns, Pistols, and Ammunition. An expert Guns mith has heen employed, -who -will make repairs on all classes of arms. "Watches and ClocKs Cleaned and Re paired. All Work Warranted to Give En tire Satisfaction. PnPP ftlPTTOALLwbo NOT FAIL tn send' f" K P t" H I" I suiTer with Rhen for our NEW PRICE) II 1- U I I 1 matlsm, Paraly- jjiax. aiore complete sis, Neuralgia, .Nervous and Sexual Debll yiHtTfJ;.0?11""15 "'? General 111 Health, Wasting, Decay, thnKPS?ldeTf Urkary Diseases. Spinal Diseases, Dys i pepsm.eic, etc., to wnom win oe sent my kon Medical Electilclty and Electro Galvanic Belts, vorld renowned for their success In saving many valuable lives, by curing all Chronic Diseases. Bend Symp tom and Stamp for Diagnosis to Dr. O. W. Forbes, 74 W. Fourth street. Cincin nati, O; iS-eovrly HERMAN WELISCH CHARLESTON, ARIZONA, Dealer in General Merchandise, Cash. NobaddehutK2A?ICrLY customers. nmarfl. ua UD nn THE DOLLAR OP THE ONE GOES AS FAR AS THAT OF THE OTHER WILL FCfD IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO IXSPECT MY WELL ASSORTED STOCk OF EVERYTHING Before Pnrchoslng Elsewhere. OTtp SALES, SMALL PROFIT An vn BLOWING. au5-w-d.o-sl NORTON & STEWART. , mm m ."V, ' ' m M viwaui. Are Opening a Large Stock 1 or I tr I jri mr .. vreuri lTAercnaiimse, Just received from New York Consisting of Dry Goods, Boots andSho niflfhlnif L'n n rt i II... Notions, Imported Wines, Aleis&j' Liquors. Imported Cigars, Mowen ltakes, Corn-Hhellers, Wagoy and Harness. Hardware, Glass and Queenaware, Willow Baskets and STATIONERY. Suitable for the Army, Ranch men, Farmers and Miners. We keep only lha best Qualities cr woods, una at as lour a price a raa be found in tne Territory. NORTON & STEWART, Fort Grant, A. T. branch: stoke at Camp John A. Rucker, Whi River Uanon, Where a rood assortment of a,V k'ndt - sutlers'. Miners' ana ramicr' Tiuil, rr j-an hA nnil n r nwntiL nrvi - 13. BucilIES5S, r n O T O G R A P II E u JInlden Lauc find ConscreKiStre'ts, Tncon, Arizona. With new aud enlarged faciii'i" Prepared to do all Kinds of Wcri. In his line In the highest tvIooi the r.rl. Keeps also on nanu A Complete Assortment ot Moulding, Chromos, &c. Bnsle JFioiir mills. Tucson, Arizopa. E. 2T. Fish7Proprietor. The Mill 1 now in perfect orrfsr, New and Imoroved Machiner; in every part gecond to nQn0 ior ManufaC- turing Choice Articles of Flour. I have constantly on handorialo. : Choice Family Flour, Graham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Corn Mel Short and Bru. . . M.ri.v for Feet Cracked Cora and Bariej iorx fctc, i.ic At new store-room on Mains- WHEAT TAKEN IN EXCHANGE F-5 FLOUR. Liberal Cash Price paid nr Wheat. C. II. MEJrJEH. DEALER IN DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Congress Street,Tucon, Anion COLLINS, and travelers. For sale at I"1 Prices. Branch Business aio-- -., The many settlers alon? ' an d below Camp inom ., rn n 3irad vantage to trade wlthJ;!.. he Revocation of Power of Attorstf TO WHOMSOEVER IT Xc cern: Notice U hereby V,'H hereby revoke and annul the VrL'rp torney mat uocior Jir"M,"',nn may have or hold in bis kn m l mitlintltlnJ him. lego, to negotiate a sale of w tyi Chihuahua, Republic of -""".Vi from and after this dale all 1 vested In or granted to "Jn U UidUltlUUlliilUk - . - f the Z a namanieo oy. unucj ',. aC i power oi attorney shall lutely cease. HENR ,herl.'" Silver City. N. M Doceiutjer, w 9 Notice. A LL PERSONS ARE HE f BJV A Honed against neBotlsti , t M. Johnstone for the Pfb,aI: whole or any part of the "'n jer the "Total Wreck." .Ji t n and owners have not aulhorir , , tf any one else lo yl BvB- them W. L. V All, J.T.DILLO. J. B DEALER IN GENERAL MERrH DI3E.CAMP THOMAS, A. T now on baud a complete Swc m .t3 fltiri n o ntnti rod nv luriu K