Newspaper Page Text
.1 - 4 I 1 I ' ' . I --aw j c ve- fit" i .43 A ! j)L- XIV.-NO. 25. JIIE ARIZONA ailXElt. PUBLISHED EVERY FKIDAY. -W. BEACSH. Editor anil Proprioior. .DkeSrstnnsiber of the Wkkkly MiXKB riii)ldiiD 1-aroh 9. 64. and in this, iu thirtMOth j -r. it oaa. truth, claim to be tho oldest. a beat sowtftaper taUtie Territorr Subscription JvtitOH. Car. One Year S5.00 8.00 1.75 25 ....15,00 i Si Months Tkr.. t.i-th. IiCdhh ally and, one eor -A.ilvrtissiji2 1-vtitos. 1 Oie-.nch ( ISlinesof thi tve). i-colataa. 3.00 far 6r :!.'- ! $1 50 ter ioeh few earn at4tiaa! inertiou. I tl US rl 1 viit from rar.' r 1 11 be wad to ,r- n. io adtetti.e laiyel by tb year, half vaar or jlBProfr. onal and b-,itMFCni iertc4 Bpcraa-VMt'ternis. nfersoa .ending aey tot rabvrrirHioa.advettislac (Jeobwork. "' forward it by mail, or etrws, nl rJr own risV Tcn-ltr .Votes taken at par in ptyntnt Jw siA tltripttci ad.trti'tnffandjobiotrl: lr TKM. In adunct tntirmiy. AGENTS FOR THE Ml.VIiR. AN FKASCISCO ClIAs. W. C8A5K. Aid Moatconierv street. KtW YOK W. II. I'-KBl? 301 North Sid street. Arizona. JaMK AllEiMi A. Fuanw J. II. I'lKKsOX XV. Jl. llAWV .A. K. Havi 00. K UUli: C. 11. YEI! Jos. COLU-VOOt J S. MAMIKJ) EMILKl. PCKKNHt.SC KI!VVlt.Lr MfKCIt-tL l'AKK 1lOLVlX.. BJLST l'llllMX BlDKEN'K CeON . P11ESCOTT POST OFFICE. KUIMVAL AND Dni'AHTl'KE OF C. S. iIAIL5. f Km California, Eastern St. snd SootUs Ariz on a. r.vtmv uniKR iav. ,Ta Califorcia, Tatra State, aad Sdthra Arizona, EVERY OTHtK HAT. 0 0-0 Mokivc County, Mineral I'ark. Cfrbat. aad HarAjrvilk, Ajoavcs wffkTy on Satruday 3 t'.M.aad returns oa Fntlar. 0-0 nom Camp YerJp. L.ttle Colirado n 1 N'ew Mextoo. ilondsy?. T. hursdiys aod batdmiva. ,To Caap Yt-r..e, Little Co'.or'. " - tufsty. trKlay5 and Muda;-, ly-lt To Walnut Grove and UradBaTr, oaee a rreok. OiTlco Hours 7 1 -'2 A. M. to 8 oVloolc P. M. iMoner onlf r office from 9 o'cl-vk A. M. io3 .,'rt V v. m. l)Utntration rloo at J r. M.. Mail days c1n, at 10 A. l. Cr e hours on Snndavs. 9 o'clock to ltti o'eluek a m. Mo tneney orders isnd or paid on Sundays. T. W. OTIS. T. 31. rreseott, April 2nd. 1S77. OFFICIAL DIHLCTOIIV. TERllIIOKIAL OITIl'ERS. Delegate to Congress II tram 5. Steves. GoTtmor A. 1. K. Saff.Tj. Bre:ary J. f. Hort. Auditor A. C. tt-Btict. Treasurer. I. It- f wily. .. ... J'u V'jsig. Supreme Judges, 1st Dist., Cliiuf Jut.o. . . .KrewU. Jd " DeKeit IHjrter. 3il " O. A TtraMl. I Clerk Supreme Court Jiaocli it Atoa. III. 8. District Attorner E. M. ouvr. Halted State Marshal . VT. S -Mlisar. FZeputy Manhal It Dist. Wm.J la. Slteghter V- S. Umd OSice, IVeeU . . . u . X :iy. Collector internal Iterenue. I Uo". Curd in. li;eceiTr l I.. Stile. l'recU Uo. Iuat. YAVAfAI COUNTY Ot FICKHrt. IrrobateJudRe Hur.oy H.CfiHUr. ISher.!; Krt. V. er. il.nVS onenn 4u. I.. Itr-.wn ICounTy Uecorder m. Wilkeron County lreanurer . 1.. J. Loot. litnct AUoniey I'aul W-tet Clerk District Court Win. WilVeraou. t A. S.;l. lauperrliprs OMa IbwAe. C ueo. v . unrns. rnBscoTT rRDCt.vcT. Justices of the Peace: II. II. Carttor. C. T. Cate aad D. Mildbril. Constables J. K. Itumett aad Fraak ilartHV. VILLAGE OK l'XKSCOTT. Jlavcr E. J. Cook. ! Councilman... ( 1 J. Al!r. XV. i W.m.M. O. Alleaaud Dau II j ... , ''srihal Pia k Murray xssor. J. F. Moattor. pfcEsJlOTT LODGE No. 1, K. of P. VrVK a' " wr, Otirlev Mrets. YWUac broUsert. ia S,xumaand ,? . iovitwl , u,,,. C good tandu. c ,.Avr.K r r. til. C.OLUtVATEU, . "' " ' K. of It. ami S. ' m "SB if or FAZTLAN LODGE Ni 177. F. & A. M f ltecolar in Saturday of Ik jST Sojourning rfF to attend. meeting of Ul4s. i-J 1.. mi vnra i . eaeh month. ... S brethrea art SK-K,, -,v ,, A. 5. I1A ' i Wm. JT. KELLT, Secretary. rExain a ,ec Committee T. S. ltcrr, J. I. "OUKXatTW nd T.J. Hitler. 1. 0. 0. F ARIZONA LODGE L - mv, llegnlar MwMict on first and lliir 'vjftjfi&.'tlavf'fearli mm.tii.jit M-i-.- io Hall. 1. 0Kl5S?bersof the O' -er ia f '.l kt.ind-.ntr. are 'nAmX vited to attend K J. COOK, X. G . ; M. T. llCRZOO, Record. uc Secretary. OLDEST AND LARGEST HOUSE IN Southern California. H. NEWMARK Imrorters of and Whoosale Dealers in G110CERIES, PK0YISI0XS, GRAIN, Liquors, Cigars and IRON AND STEEL, AVngon Materittls, MINING AND , AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, J Nos. 11, 13 & 15, Los Auseles St., . t LOS ANGELES, CAL. ORDERS FROM ARIZONA will inscttvi: PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. POINT OF ROCKS LIME KILNS, A. S. Cloiitrh, Proprietor. 11 MI stnpm-i Uiaivl , !. t 'he nut A if, in W .V i:ti & CO., BUSINESS CARDS. JOILY I IOWA HI), Attorney ami Counselor at Law,! Office South Montexnmn S Prescott. 1 S A .HI EL HAMILTON, ATTOENET -A-T 3L.-VW", Minornl Park, Mohavo County. Arizona. HlilCCS (.OODKICII, Attorney anil Counselor at Law, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona. OrFICK Mm.!1U Mr-et. ClG(e W. AtUM. FKVNK M i I Kftt. At IN J UK I Nt.K. ARAM, McCTJSKEH & BRU2JER, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, PuKsOOTT, ARIZONA. OAK'c tiro dHr fuath of Court IIjuw. Will i ntctW la all tie Court PAI L .1. KOIJKUT, (lt t Sa:i Kr9iiMS. ) VRKSCOTT. A. T. North ul of Ooiviirin Sirwt. nnr UranlU, pctiVs 1'rf soh ami Spanish. aiJLt.'. 11. .). WADE, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Ollk'o with Margrave A Morgan, Cortoz itreot. Will icueticd in all CvarU of tUe IVrritorv. mhis-if JJKX.IAMIX 3IOH(IA., ATTOE.NET LAW, ! tOrlice with J. I. I!ar;raf. Enj..) i l'lilM-OIT, YAVAIWI COl'XTY. AUIZONA. J WUI l'ractlco hi all Courts ol the Territory.! Particular attention givon to Mining Law. I HKKKltS Til nox. s. m:YiKxri:Lnr. San Fr.mcispo. " n. F. Mouni.o., .Imliio Uh Pist. Court, Thomas unow.N. Casltior Hank California. THOMAS FITCH, Attorney Sc Counselor at JLuiv. i Prescott, Arizoun. j Will Practice In all Court of the Territory, j OtSce vritU th District Atjwrnry, Oftlce How. ' T..J. DKCJl, .i l' j tli V.o.i..'lUl'ill r. jjcott, Arizona, OFFICE Soifh side of I'laia. Law. i lVLL WISH 12 11. Attorney and Counselor at Law: Prescctt, Arizona. J. 1 IIAUGKAVC, Attorney ami Cotuiselor at Law, Prescott, Aiizona. OFFICE Eat side of the IMarn. 3i uk a r aiArLUsoN. ATTOKISTE'2' X.A.'W OJica Row, Prescott. JO U.N A. KViM. i t I'CI! 4. wi:ll J Prescott. Yavapai Comity, Arizona Will strictlt attend to t,U er7 busiBO, entrustwl l tUens ' in the wtverNi Cwirts of Hoord iu th Twrntof . A IwtracU i n! nun to Miatoir L'titimo aud Kr,,lty aceuratvly prvpurvd. remp attatin iven to colkwtiuas- II. n. ali:xam)i:h, j ATTOR'E A.T XsSW, " iyi, Arizona Tetiitory. ractiee ia all the Courts of the Territory. Will DR. A .1. T!l!HOr:. 31.A.. 3LD. M. ,.. Q ieea l oiverMto. ) Jl. D Trmitv Univer..!' . J M. !:. C. Piiy. and Surjf. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Preaeott. Arirona. Omcc ANN IlLHIICN(.-K Jotf ell Ka.ldtnj, etMt of Aa decs Si Kon c's store. DIL WAItitKX L. DAY. , SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, j 0 Fries Muateauma Street, above (loodwiu, PresooU. I Caabecansulie I at his OiB w iA all hours: dec 'JO. l.iV McCAXDLKSS, East side of Moutezuina St. bet Gurlcy & Willis, 3 doors north of Head & Co. s I)K. O. LLNCOLX. Oflice Xo.'2, Office How, Cortex Street, Prescott. E. TUE1LE. 31. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, PKESCOTT, A. T. Odee and reMdeac on Moutetuata Street, opposite the Mtxcit Oltice. fJPriTate entrnnco to consnliaUon rooms, from the rear. deo'JOtf DENTIST. T. G A II DLiVI 12 It, D. I. S. OiDeo with r- Llneola, Office Itow, Pre.cott. mhSi-t " .1. L. COGSWELL, 3D E3STTIST SV. -J0 Kearov St , SAN KUANCISCO. Preecott. Mar, " 17. wly. MISCELLA-InTEOUS. GEO. 31. WATERS, Miliwiilit and Contractor. PKKSCOTT, A. T. feb5m5 11ENKY H. iVIUKHAY. 1ST O T-A-lSTSr 2?XJS3L,IC- OKKICE East We of the Plaia adjoining C. T. Hay- ' '' Prescott, Aruenu, June . Is. IL ii. cauttei:, Probate J uclge, Justice of the Peace And Conveyancer. County Building. .JAY G. K.KLLEY, ASSAY RK, Prescott, Artaon.T Territory. BLAKE Jc CO., ASSAY"ERS3 01 Dit't. O-ld and S:ler Bullion and Ore of every leeripti welieil ni.d aared. All asay puamnleeii. OKHCK In lu ldiaij f.irniiTlj twcupiwl by A. A J. .M. Express Co.. Preaewtt. E. .1. HE A N ITT, C. 11. . Dcimty lT. S. mineral Mirveyoi County Purveyor f Yavapai County. Prescott Arizonn. All Wads of oItII encineerlnir and surveying promptly j attetaletl to. oaice North of the Cuurt House. m Cor- n stret. LEOX CORDLEH, Cath House, Sliaving- Saloon LADIES' UAIR-DRESSER, Kot We of Plaxa. fel)12 ly T OTTO. Oa door Vnrth of K-!'y A -Stephen .PRESCOTT, ARIZONA, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 8, 1S77. BUSINESS CARDS. W. C. (I All K 1ST, city EznRESsivrisr. Kwidcnce Naxt to Judje Rush's. J. CiOLDWATKK & HKO., WIIOl.K-Al.E DBALKKS, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Elirwsnbarg. Atisoiut Tanitory. i). :ii:M) co.. Lonmxision Stock llrokers, 313 Montgomery St, - - San rrancisco Kair.nent Novmln Itlock. Mvk Sold Huuckt, ami CuriU uu Mntria. tM ""'l"l OO fcH"k. O. K. STAIiLi:, CA.MP UOUS12 AM j''icicx Yvizr, Wt Mr of UrMit Crk . l'K KSCOTT. Rtjtk hvmnkd, twocht or ulJ. IUrly. Cora awl Hay I alnny on band. J. V. CLAY, rrofrimr. , mha: tt Hi KSCOTT. ' Levi Bubford. Koo't. H. Burtanter. VTa. 0. BaAfcrd. BASHFOBD & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In GENERAL t7TnUATVTTMCi JLb vJ i L Vi U L U We lavlte aa Inpvotion of oar CorafuUr SrloCleJ Slock of , Dry Goods, yi r,. Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, 1 Ladies' Underwear, Ladies' Hose, including Balbriggan, English, Striped and Colored. Children's IlOSu, in yn-at vari. y ; Corsets, Corset Trimmings, Collars, CufTs, Ilnchings, EuSingi, Embroidery, Insertions, Laces, Fancy Toilet Articles, Ribbons & Jewelry. GROCERIES I PROVISIONS. Teas, Sugars, Coffees, J Canned Fruits & Vegetables, i Whole and Ground Spices, Alden Dried F.uits, California Dried Pears, Peaches, Apples, Grapes. j Pitied Plums, Currants, j Washing and Toilet Soaps, 1 Canned Honey, strained and in comb, Cand1 s, Crackers. Nats, iu. linsj, Bacon, Lard, Buttor, Cheese, and Ef gs, Potatoes, Corn, Flour, Etc., Etc. ix xs. j 'm ix ;ki:.vt yauiety. For Mechanics, Maists, Mill Men and Attisans, Plows, Plow Steels, Scythes, Rakes, Bellows, Auvtls. Alios, Shovels, H.mima.s. Sledges, Pck-i. Ci:-l3, Fil-!, Saws, Drills, Pianss, Screws, Nails, I CARRiA3E & WAQ0?i MATERIAL. j Spokes. Hubs, FcIKh-s, Uii;h. Axles. Tor.sucs, Njckyoke, Single ,t Doubletrees j Oil Tire Iron aud Steel, All Kinds and sizes, Drill Steel, Toe Steel, Fick Steel, Shoe Steel, Iaml Iron, Ho) Iron, Hub Iron and Nail Rod, Carriage and Tire Holt, Nuts Washers, aud Tacks, Horse Shoes, Mule Shoes, Ox Shoos, Ux Nails, Horse Nails, Giant, IMustutg aud Kifio I'owdcr, Shot, Bullets, Stoves, Tinware, CLOG 33Z S , Lamps aud Chimueys, 'oodenware, and Willow waro Glassware, Crockery, Stone China. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies' and Gents', Misses' and Childrens TouthV and Infants.' All kinds and sizjs, and All prices. O 3L. O T II 1 IV Gr To suit all tastes Cardigan Jacket Over- coats. Gents' Undershirts, aud Drawers of every desctiption. GENTS' FURN.SH.NQ GOODS. ! Collars, Neckties, Cheviot and Fancy Neglicres and Ovorshirts, Ualbriugan Socks, Hritish Hose, Woolen Socks and Stockings, II..inlkrd:icfs, Gloves, Etc. II n. ts a nd Caj) Men, Women and Children's. TOUACCOAM) Clf-ARS, Best Brands Lowest AYEH'S, JAYA'E'S, HIUSTOL'S, ICEX.YKDY'.S A3I II ALL'S FAMILY MEDICINES, And a full assortment of the best Patent rvieclioines Now in Market W.trrmled Freh and Genuine. -p-A-iixrxs, OILS, Pu. t Tarnish, and Brushes, mil PAPER & BORDER. WINDOW SHADES, SadilUry, Pocket & Table Cutlery. Wu have perfected arranpnctip to receive goods i on every steamer, and will thus lie enabled to i rlvc a complete outfit to one ami al' , I We Pny thc Highest Price or nil the I Products of the Country. l'roaoott. January 7 lr-?C YUiMA COUNTY. Otrnr Main t ftrtt SU., VH CtUfrnia Stntt, VUVtA, AUtlO.NA. SAN I'KANCIiCO UAL. HtlSKXtiCKO, AKIiONA. JAMES M. BARNEY, Sue?iur to tks 1mi firm ef 1 ... . , UJ M B . HOOPER & CO Oontiaurt tk Ilualaett la ARIZONA AND CALIFORNIA, j.v -i.v Importer fc "Wholesale HMercli:xnt, S II I X I I iV G A X D i COMMISSION ilLERClLVNT, I Will onrry a full prime itK ot Provisions, (Iroeerie., Dry Goods, t-Iothiiij;, Jioot., Shoes, Hardware, Drills, SADDLERY, & IYIIN.NQ IViATERlALS, Selec'rU to vuictly suit Merchants, Ranchers, Station Keepers, Freighters, and Miners of Arizona and Mexico, Kalleiu orders for poods, and iastiret aatlsfactios ; FOK WAHDS freight and merchalie to any part of the Worfcl, iBurin. if desired ; lluys. or makes advances, on all Arixoaa and Mexican prudure. Tie Sale of Ores and Minerals a Specially. Huys and Krtbanf f GOLD SILVER JIULLIOIV, Gold Dust, Legal Tenders, U-S- Treasury Drails. SOLDIERS' WARRANTS AND VOUCHERS- And Good Commercial Bills SfECtAL OaOEIlS WILL tlC ATTrXDCD HY TUX SAN FRANCISCO BBAKCH HOUSE, With promptitude and fidelity; All Orders aad Commissions should te addressed to JAMES IT. BAKNEY, Yuma, Arixoaa. February I, 1S76. lima jQi-iiir Store. GEORGE MARTIN", Wsolesal and Ketail DRUGrOIST, Main Street, yiinias Arizona. lias In store a full line ot -Dispensing Medicines. PATH XT MEDICIXES, ikugs, pkkfuiehy. palnts. OIIuS, Toilet Soap, Tooth Brushes, And AH Other Articles Dsaally Kept la Drag Stcret t" Prccriptlons put up n ita creat care. Onlers from the country solicited, with the assurance prices. i:o oucd katisfactory UKOUGK MAUTIN. YUMA NEWS DEPOT. STATTOIVERY and BOOKS. CUTLERY, FAXCY GOODS, CIGAES, &c C-A-nSTIDIES, jsto., astc. ictc. JAAIES AHECG, - - Proprietoi. Jtaln Street, Yuma, Arisona. rtpApency for the AltUON'A Ml NEIL SALT ItlVEIi FLOURING MILL, EAST PIIGCNIX, A. T. ,M This nelt known nad joptilar Plourinr Mill will start up and commence grinding wheat from the new crop, making No. I Family Flour, ABOUT .MAY 15TII. And will constantly have on hand the liest homo manu factured brauds in the Territory, in quantities to suit pnrj chasers. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. tip Orders solicited. Cash Prices as Low as the Lowest. C. II. VEIL, Proprietor. Orders may be left wllli C. P. Head t Co.. or G. Cor nell, l'rcoott, and will receive prompt attention. .. ..i, ..... nl' THE PARK BREWERY AND TELEGRAPH SALOON. LEVIN & BRATJN, : PROPRIETORS, MAIN STUEET, TUCSON', ARIZONA. Vine Oermnn Lunch, Ice-ootd Lager, Ilest Liquors and Cigars. Heading Koom attached. JAMES CARROL, Livery Stable and Peed Corral, TUCSON, AUIZONA. The llest of Peed and Accommodations for tho travel ing public. C. LABAREE, ST-A-G-E STATION", Twonty-llvo mllc" front Florence. tarli: ani accommooatiox for traveler. Alao plenty of MAULEY. COU". WA TEU and II AY tuyltf POETE "52". A 51 other'-. Prayer. ltY TIIKOIIOItn TII.TO.V. With anger arinn a inoilmr proband A laughTng mhe against her brciut, Tlion tlumto llwiven site cri(l itt umyon "Now, oven a hin far ia fair, Oh I.oni, l;t'c thou front within An freo from eveiy sjmH of vln." From llwivun tlu U-iI nn ainwer made: "Ilohold, 1 Kinnt as thou hart pray oil." Within tlx door the tlnrkne erojrt, And babo and mother gently lopt. From helfrtot rant; the midnkht bell. Tho lvntohmtinaiiMvorod: "All is woll." Tho nuithorni the cradle's sutle Awoku to tiiulthu bttbo had dtetl. With prief lo set a wommi wiltl She caught nml dumped the marble child Until her hrart agtthibt his own Was broken beaten on a stnn.j. "Ohliod!" slieeriod in herdimHir, "Why hast thou moeketl a mother's nravor V TJion answered lie: "As I Iirvu willed", Thy prayer, oh woman, Ufullilled; If on tho tutrih thy cliitd remain, His soul vhnll RMtlior mattv a stain : At thy lM"het I stretch my hand And take him to tin- hrt'nlv land." The mother htttnl and Imwed her heail And hid her chock aiiainst the dead, Andcriod: "(thtiml ! I tlare not prav, Thou answurest in so ;raugo a way' In shadow of a tajwr's light She moaned through all tho lonnlv night, Hut when tho morninsr brought tho sun She prayed : "Thy will, oh Lord ! bo tiono." Strength for to-day is all that wo need, As there never will bo n to-morrow : For to-morrow will prove but another to-day. With its measure of joy ami of sorrow. Then why foa-cast tho trials of life With such sad and grave torUtenco, Attn which ami wait lor a cmwtl 01 ills That as yot has no existence. l.KTTKK Plum TYSON'S WBI.I.S. Editoii MiNitn: As a roailer of your ad mirable iiows niudiuin, I oftcr for publica tion a few thoughts on the mining stock market of San Fiancisco, to an average un derstanding of which it is all important; fir&t, that we should unearth the causes which led to its descent, and second, how long the?e causes will continue to exist, or if modifies1, under what forms may the mar ket be assailed hereafter with the view singly to prevent a recurrence of such dis aster to so important a factor of this Coast's prosperity. It is obvious to all intelligent thinkers that the whole business of mining, viewed iu comparison with other industrial en terprises is super-speculative. 3Iiuing, pure and simple, is an occupation requiring similar individual training as any other, but in combining milling and smelting, distinct, but correlative adjuncts, with it, we make it a business of more tlinn ordinary com plc.xity.aud requiring superior talent on the part of those officials who direct its opera tions; of the value of its products to our social system, no sane man will question. 3lr. Carlyslc's remarks, as quoted in the sermon of Hcv. T. K.iS'oble, to the contrary, "that we should cultivate our fields instead of our mint's," it being the quintessence of folly to think that gold and silver, if only valued as circulating medium, have not justified the time, labor, and capital used in their ptottuction Iroin their discovery here; sulhce it that the reflected sense and ma terial prosperity of California and its deni zens are not inistakeably ignorant of the value of their mines; but to imprudent and inordinate progress rather than to merce nary cupidity 10 possess money (coneep- lively an idci of success) mavVe attribute among others a rulintr cause for our present distress; but ot oth 'rs, and which brings me ta consider my first rojKhjition, it may be remarked, the frauduh ut intent of the bonanza Kiugs was made manifest upon the declaration of dividends which, meta- p mricnllv. eats tnecaii m i no cows Detlv. Mtiiitnn ,Ydird,vl..n.u1Ir.,r,nui,vftlirmvvl Millhon dollar dn idends drove mnii shrewd licnds irom the stock market, the verv air phoricallv. "eats the cull in thc cow's belly to them being redolent of dMione,tv the moment the? were inaugurated; it also'crys - talized an alreatl v cultivated extravagance : , i.;.. .i:..; ,i, .t, of thn Wnshoe mint's, to an extent that such 111 VlI , ,.,t,l, ,V .,V llUUItlkVllllall, . v.. ...... ... a collossal purpose can lie best appreciated by suggestiug that had the owners of Crown Point, lelcher, Consolidated Yirgiuia, ami California acted with as much conservatism ! Francisco Call of May 20th, the following as a good farmer tloea who preserves a rich j very car.ect view ou the future trade ol Ar farm for his heirs, content with taking one ;,.,- which wa eonv and endorse: crop er year, they would have held the m-nduous rivallinir tlu act of Sampson, who slew mort' nt his death than in his life, would fail of its ban est if anything less than wholesale misery which now pervades the ranks of those who have tilled the vaults of thc schemers with jewels of gold, and jewels of silver; tho sequel to which is, bro ken friendships, ruined families, and mines of suspicious values, the capital of a once happy and progressive people usurped by a few men who have diverted the wealth of hundreds better than themselves to the pro curement of real estate and other solid in vestments; at which point it may be perti nently asked, if tho capital once employed iu mining is withdrawn because bonanza mines are not considered safe investments by tho?c who manipulated them, to whom arc we to look in thc present calamitous state to inaugurate an upward movement in mining stocks ? Or what assurance have the outside stockholders that thc tactics ot thc past will not be again repented upon what mav be thought tort uitous occasion; of course, the lessons of a past are generally freighted with incalculable good, if with in tense disgust to those who have been strip ped in a "light where the victors arc van quished, and the entire m'uing interests ot the Coast paralysed; bulls and bears alike . stand nppaueti in in.' iiwim-i luunuii: uy with them, but it has doubtless left them a chance of repairing, to some extent, the evils brought upon their former patrons by a kind forbearance in settling accounts. That rigid economy consistent with the service ofknown talent should be adhered to. will be conceded by all, when it is to be hoped that really good and valuable mine ral property of the Coast will ultimately bring a restored prosperity. Respectfully, llv. Eudv. Tyson's Wells, A. T., May 2G, 1877. The Volume op Niaoaua. The amount of water passing over the Niagara falls has been estimated at 100,000,000 tons per hour, and its perpendicular descent mav pe taken at loO Tcet. without considering the rapids, which represent a further fail of 150 feet. The force represented by the principal fall alone amounts to 10,800,000 horse power, an amounts which, if it hail to be produced by steam, would nece?tntato the expenditure of not less than 200,000,000 tons of coal per annum, taking thc consumption of coal at four pounds per horse-power per hour. In other words, all the coal raised throughout the world would barely sutlice to produce the amount of power that annually runs to waste at this wonderful fall. l'.?ul iou v u. thinsr else, 1 miirlit mention, or interest to their command, because they would have . g Pnui,.Jsc0 Thc Goiae., citv seciI13 t0 ,i ltn iii,linti t L 11 a,xa --v U ti - a, a n r , esu,ous..t;u Fu..m.yul bo a little apathetic resinlinar her share of would have been of incalculable bencht to lhe Arizona trade, anil If alicw not mindful the entire Coast; but, alas I intent so stu- ;, - Un t... ,i, cr ruw I Lirrrsu rr.oM olohi: citv. Oi.ohk City, Slay 27, 1ST7. Kbitor Minur: -Allow mo through your ftluxble journal, which is tile west reliable of all th Territorial papers, to inform the outside - world what fe being done here in . i, s n .i' 1 ,tM. ute rwin wjhw ot swme nn" " i ages will soon lie over. Through the north but a lew year since the Apache reigned and cast of the country, from the neighbor supreme now can be found the mark of j hood of the Imperial citv, and from -tho eiviliJUstion and the presence of many hardy i J01" of A1!? el,0.V Sea; beyond the line of ..kit. u.sian. -h.. Inw;, , lHnt , the Great A all which shuts off Ch na from, white iwoapecto, Mhwe miioa seems to thc We3tern WjrM tw tcrriMe lie one of great- gootl in tearing from its j ,atjon extends. The surfcrinir, we arc told dormant aphere the metal that makes the ;s bevond description. In addition to tho liearts of all joyous. itlnn the last few j multltudea who have already perished under days experiments ltavc been made with a j it, there is the larger number of those who new furnace, and after a short ran the flux uro jllst uianagins to keep alive, and from gave out, compiling the closing down of whose exausted ranks fresh victims are con the furnace for a short time, but not until a tinually added to the dismal roll. Anything tifactory experiment was arrived at, show- , Jmt win alUy iuuger iit eaKeriVS0Ugi iok $15,000 m bullion. no matter how uniminnff or unfit tube used Jlesere. Kennedy & lleebe have thoir fur-, food. Th m't.n tt.Ws r ,i, , sill 11 I 1 oaee m lull Wast, which has proved a per- feet auccesa. having worked the oro up to 80 jlr. Ivennetiv, a gentleman who commauds plettty of capital, has a copper aud silver turnuce on the road, and has made the ne cessary Arrangements whereby it Mill be im mediately put up and into M-orking con dition, lie is a business man, and anything which he may undertake will be carried out to the letter." ilr. Ferguson has gone to San Francisco after a twenty-stamp mill, and is expected to be lck here with the same in a few weeks. A llve-stnmp mill has been erected at Mc Millen and Harris' camp, which is now turn ing out about $1,100 per tiny, the bullion from which find its way to Florence, where it is exchanged for currency. This city has five stores for supplying the mines, four sa loons, one butcher shop, a barber shop and a dairy. Miis come and go regularly, and everything seems to present a prospect of a Iwiglit future for this place. When once all th machinery that is now ordered shall have arrived and put in ruuning order, it is a dif ficult matter to calculate the amount of bul lion that will be sent forth from this rich district daily. Yours, II. & S. Indian, surrounded. Camp Kownson (Neb.), ilay 2,1. At noon to day the principal warriors at this agency, to the number of COO, were passed iu review by General Crook. Lieutcnat Clark formed the line on a plain cast of the build ings. Crook taking a stand in front of the centre. The Indians were broken into col umns of eighteen platoons, and executed the march past in gootl style. Having been a gaiu wheeled into line' the chiefs rode M'ith in a few paces of General Crook, when they dismouted and shook hands with him. Crazy Horse now saw the General for the first time, knelt on thoground t.s he took his hand, and bis example was follwed by most of the others. Little Uig Man conspicuous from his almost complete nudity. General Crook now led the mm to the agency, the compa nies ia line hreuLmg into columns of fours to the front. An the principal men having assembled iusid the agency stockade, an interval of silence ensued, while the Indians were arranged in the order of prcccdance in speaking, and the council was then opened by Crazy Horse, who is notably a man of few words. Seating himself on the ground in front of the General, he spoke in a low I voice as follows: 1 "You sent tobacco to mv catnn to invite me to come iu. "When the tobneco reached me I started, and kpt on moving until I reached her:', fever since mv arrival mv ! f,,ce,,ms l"""1, tou""rd tl,e f?rt' n,ml j ,u-v ht? ,Irt l1" ,,al'i,i' " coming this way. i picked tint a place wneru l wish to live hereafter, and I mit a stake in the ground to mark the spot. There is plenty of game iu that country. All these relatives of mine that are here approve my choice of place, and I would like them all to go back there . , , " . ' " i ! wh me and stav there together." Crazv i Allowed bv Yonn Man Alfraui, ' ,UIr "-- "V ivui.mi, ! " vl , "awr' ir" , ,' , ot,,V"' slH)k aH'reiltcr Vr ,e? lenSth tV.,,1" ,SRn,l ?" exJrluss,l,r f dfs.,rc .t0 ' bide by thc decision ot thc authorities in I,, - i l,,t' mautr, and to behave themselves in future. Aktzox.v Tk.vdb. We find in the San o..,,; t;.." tfa M,.r ; merchants. The Denver and Colorado Rail road will soon have its trains runniug into the centre of New Mexico, and even to a point not far distant from thc Arizoua line. From thence a road will be made across tho Mogollon Mountains, placing Prescott in direct commnication with St. Louis. East ern prices, and the similarity of currency will be two things in favor of St. Louis. Let Sim Francisco merchants be alive to this fact: that they must otfer special in ducements for the retention of thc trade with our Territory, or else in the course of a couple of years, when commercial relations with Arizona will be worth competing for, they will fmd themselves distanced by thc Missourians. Paul. The Yuma Sentinel wants to sec thc line of the Government Telegraph between Yuma aUij g.m w torn down aml t hotwcm Yuma amt Fort 3i0j:,vc. ylU W(J wouW Hke tQ sec a Une fnjm Ynma CQn necting with Mojave and thence on to Miu cral Park and Prescctt. we would not like to sec thc line from San Diego taken down for the purpose of constructing other lines. It would leave the people of thc Territory ,u tho mcrcv ol- tl) 'hcm to tariff of the A. fe P. line and S'lbicct tho company might see tit to impose aud it is now we have a com peting line that will keep the prices dowu. Appointments. Washington, May 2.I. The Cabinet have decided to appoint Mrs. Thompson, daughter of the lato Rev. Alex. Campbell, Postmistress at Louisville. Siiiims, the fugitive slave who was cap tured by Attorney-General Deveus, when the latter was United States Marshal at Bos ton, during Fillmore's administration, and who under the Fugitive Slave l.nw was turned over to thc authorities at Savannah, Georgia, has leen appointed messenger in General Devon' Department. A telegram d.ited May 27 says: Thc peo ple of Ireland have made up a purse of from $100,000 to 125,000 for the Pope. The far greater part of this came in very small sub scriptions, although one county (Wicklow) farmer is stated to have subscribed $."i.000. Cardinal Cullen took to Rome jJW.OOO, col lected iu tho Dublin diocnso alone. The to tal amouut of English Catholic presentations is 7o,850. ' ' "William Breeiccnridgc, a colored man, thc murderer of William and Emntett Maxwell at Palo Blanco, Colfax county, was hung in Ciuiarrcu on the Sth init. ESTABLISHED 1864 Patnino In China, Foom the London Times of June 1st. Tho famine which our Shaughal corre-. pondent' letter descrites this morning is disaster of woeful magnitude. It extend ovr a very wide regi n of the Empire Itis I tlJ P!tf?? ft0 suul3,antl tlitre is no near hope? that Us rar. 1 - v4 UIU 4n,i dried leuvw tliat serve generally for fuel aru not now riCgiecte.l as nauseous or unsat- The govermeat is making the semblance of an t ilbit to retivc the widespread mis cry; but the means it employs are wholly inadequate. An expression of verbal sym pathy, a grant of money which allows about u farthing a day for the relief of each case of distress, and some well-meant but mis taken edicts, which have had the effect simply of making matters worse than before, are thc measure of assistance which tho Chinese rulers can bestow. The fainino proceeds in spite of them, and matters are rendered worse by the iutensc cold which prevailed at thc date of our corrcapon deut'js letter, and by thc snow, which lay so deep as to prevent the eop!c Irom picking up any of thc wild produce of the soil. As summor advances and as thc M'ceds begin to grow and the trees to be covered with foli age, there may be a change expected for the better. Meanwhile there is no remedy to bo found, except in the readiness of the people to do anything and submit to any thing that will furnish them with the bare means of preserving life, and in the willing but insufficient relu-f fund, which is sub scribed among thc foreigners resident in. China and distributed by the Protestant missionaries in the North." The cause of the famine is the same as that from which Iudia is now suffering. The crops of last summer M ere, m-c are told, almost entirely destroyed by drouth, and the peasantry have now come to an end of their slender reserves of grain and have nothing left on which they can fall back for sup port. China is a country which at thc best of times thc population presses very closely upon thc means of existence. There arc no waste stores anywhere. Everything is al ready turned to account, and when the ne cessity comes there is little room for any further saving or reduction. Land and M'ater arc alike taxed to the uttermost to furnish food and dwelling space for the teeming multitudes which cover them. The Chinese are hard M'orkers, content with slender fare, and able to put up comfortably M'ith a general scale of living which would be sim ply intolerable to Englishmen. These quali ties and habits, which turn to their advan tage abroad when they are brought into competition with other races, are a source of danger to them at home. "West it Paul homos, formerly stock raisers at thc Chimchuchuo Flat, on the Colo rado river, have moved their stock, 1,200 iu number, on to the Santa Maria, about 20 miles below or west of thc settlements iu Thompson Yallcy aud about 50 miles west of Prescott. We are informed by Mr. West that he has found and located a most desi rable stock ran.'h, and is surprised ' at himself to think that he did not move in this matter long since. Mr. "West admits that the Colorado is a ivor countrv for stftoi. r..:. ,, ,j ,h;r,tro, ,,.,f v.h,;''i tock, and thinks Mat lavnpat can I be excelled. With a stirt of over one thou , ., t sand head of cattle and with such a a Mr. West has seeu,td fur himself aud partner, it will not be long before they can com.t their herd, as it rouius back and forth over the grassy hills aud plains, by the thousands. This is another acquisition to our county; one that we should all be glad to see come in. They do not enter the com peting field without means, but ut once bring property, the tax- on which will help defray the expenses of County and Territory. Wah News Tirnouoii Tunnisii Souncns. Constantino; I.-, May 27. The Circassians in trans-Cancdssia have surrendered their arms to the Russians. A telegram from E gjroum, states that a Tttrkisirfortc of 10,000 men from the Van, which had been concentrated at Barquicrer, is advanting towards Rayntid. A dispatch says the Levant Herald has been suppressed for a mouth for disparging the Minister of War. Mukhtar Pasha telegraphs that the Rus sians are making forward movements from various sides. He alo reports several small engagements, especially in the neighborhood of Ears, all resulting favorably for thc Turks, aud he claims that the Russians in taking Artlahan lost 0,000 men. Constantinople, May 28. Mukhtar Pasha reports that an additional force will be re quired to defend the southern roads, as the Russians evidently intend to gain possession of the river Arras or Euphrates. The "Bedouins are becoming troublesome in Palestine, and there is a panic at Jeru salem. Ears is one of the gates between Turkey and Persia, and opens to the invaders a road to thc great route to Teheran on the south cast; toward Erzeronm aad thc Euphrates on the southwest; and, mo3t important of all, to Trcbizonde on the East .which could not be long detended by land, and which, once invested by thc Russians, could render eflectivc assistance to the Czar's Black Sea squadron. Ears is, in fact, the key to Russ ian success in Asiatic Turkey. Its fortifica tions cover an area of ten square miles. The town is on a plain nearly 7,000 feet above the level of the sea, and is surrounded on three sides by rugged hills which form na tural bases for defence. A little stream of the same name flows by on the southeast. The population is about twelve thousand, chiefly Armenians, who make a scanty living out on through trade between the east anil the west. Hon. J. J. Gosper, the newly appointed Secretary, was in Tucson when last heard from, and will undoubtedly start for Pres cott to-morrow, as that is the day selected by Governor Hoyt on which to bid farewell to Tucson friends, fora time, and take up lib residence at the Capital of the Territory. Ex-Governor SatTord is now a private citi zen, and at present, wo believe, in the field with Captain Buford, hunting for 'Indian. ir. is expect ett mat liutortl nml his Indian, scouts aviII soon raturnfrom their fresh fields ailinrds and dlsbtuid amid the jraies of a few who have gobbled up $10,i of the peo ple's money. '1