Newspaper Page Text
Sup mimt VOL XXI. TRESCOTT, ARIZONA. FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 14, 1885 NO. 21 C. W. BEACH, Editor and Proprietor. bitera Star Golden Kale Chap ter, So. 1. m tw aaUnof tw Ort oattsant ?r7Z rarllia. eack aunt. AU mtmUn c 12TLA3 LOlfUX Be.. 1, F. A ur nia ef tau La a tha laet A SBirJT '- morUi, at 7: JO o'clock F. M jf a.iii.ialaa' tx attorn frtimuj tnrltt m T5Sl w. O: OUVW. Vf. M. Moaats aenwvsa. aeratta. !mai-Moia OOU)W4T, a. w a. NCMOM. J. J. HAWKINS, iTobaia Jadfa. Hewn & Hawkins, Attrcr CHHM-lors at Law, MKIOOTT. AalZOXl. UK. P. K. AUbftWOKlll. rHYSWIAX SUKGEOJf Oetagenal Building Garley Stree nsMorr. aaiaowa. ATTORSTAT X.A.W, i Paxscorr, Arizona. Gob Web Hall, MONTEZUMA STREET, Thd'OUItst and Finest Wines and Liquors, ....aB4ta bast. XUPORT.P OXOkA RS P. M. jFISHER, Proprietor. JIOB2RT CONN ELI WtekMk ui BstsU Desist U Wines and Liquors ! AND CIGAKM. Iin OOSSTASTLT OH HAND KVBET ASTl A fts a Mm, tnclsdijc tha anoloaat braada o VAiakiM, Wins, Bay Run and Brandies. Bones & Spencer, DEALERS IS Groceries Ar.d Provisions A full line of Tobaccos, Cigars. Pipes, Etc. Canned Fruits of all Description Always on Hand. KUTS AND FRESH IEUIT CLARK & ADAH SAW KILL AND YARD PHESCOTT, HIZON Wa aa ptevfi to an pp.? any assomcir tfca ei quality of ClUinOOM!'38.CLat RUSTIC u4 y Almrnilona of mrrcbantabla. Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Door Sash,4c. at Bedrock Prices 7. If. MURPHY & CO, m mm tm Uanrr. g rcht L Tltta Atmawctotf . Wmln j 9ttatxe t'urr.lsiext. Accounts ktopt and Adjust a. (MMtnl Attention 'iMt to Minimi lnt4rMt nml Int.-i:ienoax Bsn ERcaa : UeT. F. A. TarriK, Bxsa or Asizona. L Bignroitn & Co., Hlakk & Co., BankT K. W. WeliaSL H. Shkkma. MILES & HASKEU CAlFENTlttS k BUILDEEa Sash. Doors. Blinds. AND MOUUOIRO rearataten a Alao (oralaa Plana end Sheificatiorr tot aU atata of m eo application. Making and Repairing of Fat niture a Specialty. READY PAY STORE ! NEW GOODS! -AND- New Prices. esr-Th. nn 1 erat irwl tia hoW forth at hie cW atan a j 1 li;i aU tin U in: the txt aaaortiDRil oi General Merchandise TJ BE TOCND IN rUESCOTT. 9Times Hsv9 Chanred, And so Have my Prices. Li ve and Let Live I U'tha motto, ao4 If Ton don't htMtre it call on B. H. WEAVES. THF EXCHANGE SM.0CN WEST PRESCOTT, Mm a larga atoak ef WinM Liquors and Sag. ;t and a New Bagatelle Ttih! kai been added to other attractions 3rl-T3 VLS A Call M. MAER, Cor. Granite and Gorley strett WEST PRESCOTT. RYALL&SON Montezuma Street, Artistic Painters PAPER HANbERS, DECORATORS, " firft-Cliss Workmen in EYery Branch of the Business. Kelly Stephen's Row, PRESCOTT, A. T $g:ve us a call, -aji IF YOU WOULD ENJOY Creature Comforti Visit the halls of "The Montezuma," Weat Side of Plaza, Adjoining Well Fargo and Co., The finest brands of aegars and the choicest Winea and Liquors. Lodging rooms clean and care fully cared for overhead. G. T. SHAW. v A. G.RANDAL UNDERTAKER. I bivaniwa aaw rrarac, which alH ba fataiaiirdoc AprU' alios' CASKETS and COFFINS la large aaaortaect Etnbeum'ny Done in A Latest Style the Art. SOUTH SIDE PLAZA. M FOR SALE. II Valuable puopebti the .. HEART OF THE CITY. $S?The undersigned desires to dispose of his fine TWO Story Dwelling House, one of the most desirable properties in the city. For full particulars inquire on the premises, where price and all information will be given. JAMES MILKS. FRISCO LINE ST. RAILWAY, NO CHAHCE OF CARS .BETWEEN San Francisco, Cala., and St Louis, Missouri. Threes roDni'a F!re 81irnt Cara vr now aa U)4l.Wntl,I0,OWIM wuinnu r..u r.-C. rl . T V . .-A ttanta Fe to Ha!td t.totna. TbtoUpoUTer tne uy hoe there tt oalr od eluntte of ef lete n the fra- Ofic kod AtlanUcioMia, maim - .... hnvthrirtlrt. VIA 1U1TF.P. Kni8. and th. a L0C3 SAS rUrCCCS F.-Hk. im -wrBii j-r;.t., i,wih omh ear o-i for ST. fBlt C. W. SOQEES. D- WEHAKT. V-P. sni Qes. Maaagvr, usa. rz.gaj, B'-Lorls Xo. 8t.LoBisJU. J. F. MEADOIt, Aqknt, OflBc At First National Bank, Pres- cott. Arizona. SNYDER & McCARROtf, ninrniaimiii PRESCOTT, ARIZONA. nr'Ul'a'nof Cirpcate- Job viotx execuwa ' " RiAoONA3LE TERMS- Shop oa Cort and wril!l S'neta. PATRONAGE SOLICITED, rreacoit. So!j SI. 1SSS. A PRESENT! Onr m&m t r IS epnta In roret'pa to lT tor niilHajf an I wmrrtoC aid nnie of o bo-k amenta wtU rwhe FREE a at el Flnith Tarlor Eugrav n of U rnr I'rmtdenta, Incladln ;lrTataod, alia 23 la h, wjrth ,u AMWi. 10 (L DTTTI nUOvf :vIMDUUiL I ELDER PUBLISHING CO. Chicago, 111. FUNERAL OBSEQUIES Lut Saturday, the day set apart Sot tlic final tribute to the memory of General Gnat, ni feelingly and patriotictlly ol- aerved by evry class of our popclti"ii. The erly dswn of light cams creephu uver the eastern horizon, and with it the re bounding echoes of artillery announced the final ending ou earth of one whom wo Sieve honored from the time of bis first march on Paducah to toe Let victorious retreat from pBotooiax . Basinets in every branch was suspended and all, irrespective of an- feel ing that bad arisen "Ter their rights in the past, willingly fell into line and made the occaaioa a aolean and impressive oni. Iu bo place in our Territory we doubt err a mnny mingled .together aa no thia last scene of respect M the dead. Every hill and dell had it representat-Vd and when the hour of assembly came all eagerly hurried to the odes: but not elaborate drapings thut en circled the northern portion of the Cuit Iioaee. The hour arriving, the stately body proceeded to mora alow; under the guidaao of Grand Marshal Kendall and hfs aid, Jacob Henkle. The Tenth U. S. Cav alry Band, Preaeott Gray and R fls, Capt Valentine, commander and Frank Sloatlor, adjutant. Barrett Post, (. A. R. of ons hun dred members, the Hook and Ladder Co. with their truck tastefully draped, the Tough Rose Co. with their carrug-j pro fusely laden with appropriare emblems in black. President of the Day, F. A. Tritle Col. Zabriakie, orator, in carriages, imme diately followed by Chief Justice Howaid, Secretary Van Arman, lion. T. J. fiut'er. and scores of others in carriages, on horse back and foot composed tie line that noved slowly to the solemn strains of a dead si arch in Baal, accompanied by the rauMrtanesjof the Court House beU and the gloomy echoes of guns in the vicinity fired at interval! of a minute. A catalafque waa erected in front ot the Court House, over which after the march wts concluded, tbe Grand Army proceeded with the service of the da 1 o their order, and upon its conclusion each deposited upon the catalafque a small ;reen twig commemorative of the esteem he was held in. The rest of the progironie was occupied in euleg'stie remarks of the dead hero, President Iritlo tuuehingly and eloquently referring to the past, and after concluding introduced the bri'liant and re fined orttor, Col. J. A. Zibriakie, who iu. pressively dwelt for an hour on General Grant both as a statesman and a soldier. Judge. French's rem irks were likewise well timed and made it interesting to his hearers by the pleasing way in which he traced the career of the hero from the humblest to the highest position in the gift of the people. Chief Justice Howard in his clear amiriug ing voice held his listeners as noiseless as tbe rippling waters of a placid stream at the brilliant orator dwelt on the past of the chieftain. J. C. Herudon, Eq , in an earnest and appropriate manner paid a glowing tribute to the dead General and sat down amid the applause of all. lion. T. J . Butler cltarly and distinctly read the President's and Governor's proclamations, and upon being called for declined on ac count of the late hour. .Excellent music and aDDroDriato selections were Riven, the f7 4 a participants being Miss Mnore, Sirs. Blake, Mrs. Martin, Messrs. J. Dauphin and tiarry Carpenter, G. Arthur Allen presiding at the organ. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A rtKSTBCCTXVE tTOBM, Charleston, A. T.. August 7. A terrible wind and rain storm, which passed over thu plsce last nighr, ctused much damage. The eighty-foot smokestack at the amelter waa blown down aad the engiue-rooins flooded with water. The flume to the mu was damaged, and the tunnel and puiap shaft caved in The quartz mill, smelter shut down, and will not be able to start up agin for ten dayo. The Mill Corapu y estimate the amount of d image to their property at 20,000. SEW VETCn. Jew York, Aug. 5. TheTimea says the Mormon policy of colonization is now to be exhibited in Alabama One agent of the church proposes to settle 3,000 fresh Euro pean converts upon land in Jackson nnd Delaware counties. Be has gone back to Alabami with the purchase money in his pocket. This is the first sttempt, so far as we anow to plant polygamy iu iuc oouih- ern states. TO BE PISABMtb. San Francisco, Aug. 5. The master In chancery reported to Judge "Lawyer, of ".he United fttates circuit court, the fact that Miss Sarah Althea Hill drew a revolver fnm her satchel while the examination of witnesses in the case ot Sharon vs. Hill, was beinj proceeded with. Justice FieU, n-im vm nreaent. made an order that the marshal of the court take measures to dis arm Miss Hill and keep her disarmed while she is in attendance at court. 1!BW MEXICO'S KEW SFCRET1RT. Washington, D. C, August 7. Pr?s ident Cleveland mide somrt very lroportnnt appointments this afternoon, among tlnm the secretaryship of the territory I new Mi-xice, George W. Lane, of Buffalo, New York, being the lucky man. TELEGBira MARKET. Kansss City. A"nut 6 The Live St -ck Tn.liitor renorta: Cnttlo Receipts, 1,973 head: shipnienU,l,G71 head. Market wtak. il"w and a shade lower; rXportera, 85 15 5.35, good to choice fhipuinjf. $4.90a5.10; common to medium, 4-40 14 85; stoclers and feeders, $3.304 30; cinuiinn, 5 50 a3.30; grass Texs steers, $2.80j3 30. BASE BALL. Boston St. Louis 4, Boston 3. CincinnatiCincinnati 3, Pittabure 2; 14 innings. New Yotk-Chicage 8, New York 3. AN INTERESTING LAW POINT. An interesting question of law is in- volTed in tbe " ot Bryn Donnel,r against E lward T. Donnelly pending be- forejudge Sullivan ia Department 2 of the Suporior Court of San Francisco. Andrew J. Donnelley and Edwaad T., tha dpfnnda.nL were bra therm and Dart Tiers in tha ranch and cattle bttsinees. nnnrin., fhn S.n Phil.H. and San ti,,. 4 .t i t ,, mncura. vs o,cu.ocr t00u, Anarew oeing ui ana m aaucipaugD oi his death, and desiring to avoi4 the ex- psnse of administering his estate in the 1 probata court, executed five de d, by which he conveyed to Lii brother, (Ewd. T., the defendant) all his real estate in 1 the counties of San Francisco, Sacra- m-nto. Monterav. Saa Bonito and Frezuo. it fl.. m. I,. ..M-nU to Mm ao . i I assignment of all h personal property. S-mie years before tnathe made a will jy wuicb,- it held good, all his proper- ty would tiare gone to Edward in auy event, lie probably anticipated, a corr- al i i i) r.n 1 bran uu ua ri w uu unikun imjwi, .w pUintifT, with whom he had not been on good terms for many years. Three days after executing the deeds he died. Bryan then petitioned for letters of administra tion, but was met by the filing of the will, which was adraittel to probate, and El wart T. D jnnelly qualified as execo-1 - ... . I tnr. Th timi for contatinir th will has! however not exuired. m brought suit against I T., to set aside the ' a Meanwhile Bryan his brother, Edward aeeas ana assignment oi person.! prop- .i erty. The case was argued before J udge bullivan on demurrer to the complaint tute a cause of action. The point con- I tended tor by the plaiutirt is that the deeds must, being made in anticipation I of death, be construed as an attempt to J makeateatiiuentary disposition of the property, and that they should hare been axecnted with all the formalities required in the case of wills, ar.d that failing' that they are void. At tne roeeHBK oi me cuy council i . i i , i m 1 1 A a. I Friday eveniog the resignation of Mayor Goldwater was accepted. Whatever may have led Mr. Goldwater to take such a step wehavenoideaof. and only express the sentiment of all citizens in that it is to be , , .. . , i regretted that .y ,11 feeltng ahould corne oevwen ououuiucu uu .u.: -w. ute mm to take tne coursj ne u.a. u ir retiring Mayor nas tne commence ana gooa will of all for the able and impartial manner in wnica ine ouMneaa uunngniaaumiuisirii- tton was discharged and the g .aiieao pnnc;- pie that moved him to wuie the many .... . public improvements now to be seen all over our city. In every matter that came up oeiore me .ouc.o. . uuC. ..u.r, If f1..l.l..i. -1 aa.w1 aa n aaml van i r n : .. e. :i i .. ... I J- - -r fully oppos d the uselew expenditure of money for a private or public sclierae, and earacauy auwcaieu iuc auiu,.uu .u it i ...j : little enterprises that the city was monthly unler, until the present depleted treasury c mid be strengthened sufficiently to admit of the work being resumed. The people hate lost in Mr. Goldwater a true guardian of their righta and one who was beyond the reich'of any click or clan. Mor-or is brins shinned to Colorado , , ,r i. . . xr- sme ters from Mohave county at King- . , .. . . . than any other locality m Arizona, and as a result sh is attracting many capitaluls who wish to make invest- uienta. Prescott, surrounded as she is by a rich mineral country, ou-ht to be able to abare likewise proserity, but it neems not. UUtsiae Ol one or two paruea, no oie is shipped, and the owners of mn" who have rock that will yield a fair profit after reduction and freight ex- penses are paid, seem to rely more on the "holdinc down" principle than of going to work and realizing some benefit i(UIU HID tUltlttl sis vwi'ia wa . . . . . i Many of our richest mines are owned by men of little or no experience in min - ing, who came here at an eariy date and have secured many of the rich proper- ties, as opportunities offered, either! through the recklessnesof the former . . . mi. i t proprietors who were willing to part with their finds for a nominal sum to meet present wants or for dissipation Thee iiartiea, though not practical min ers and consequently incapacitated to judiciously and profitably work their mines, are shrewd nnd far-seeing business min. who know th value of what they porses", and hold on to their properties until such time as the outgrowth and development of the country will warrant them in parting with the same. When the time comes that it is to the advan- tage of capital to seek investment in our rich niin-8 there will be uo tardi- ne.s in it making its appearance, and thoe almost forgotten projerties which i.:..lnm.n..r., rr. will h res- I'.nvc leasts tiui.iiM. - - .,1 ...,i- i urrvcted, and me ieiuoi ouiuon iroiu . .... i . ,.... avapi will oe second to no oiainci ou the Pacific coast. That time will be co- pv1 with the advent of a railway into our mining center, and not before. It is rrported-that the Indians drove iff 28 head of mules from Jimmy Carrs ranch Jin the Huachucas yeiterday. Tombstone, 1st inst. THE PBUBN1X HOLDUP. This ranmimf at mtvint ninn uVlnrlr aa tl m Lf wllJch Wt Maricopa fur Phoinix it 7:30 neered the point ..f mountains about Wven mih s this Mile of Maricopa it was stppt 1 by two men with shutguns, ar.d Wells Fargo A C..' b.t demanded, the pawengers stood up iu a row snl made to PQn81s- Tkere mtT lhr pas5t.grs on lioard one of which Was Mr. B. Hey wan, another Mr Stern, abrother of Dr. Stern. . f . d fc , .rf wM r. Brown, a drunjmer t,m Franciacn t)n tu, demand being made for the bo Mr. Heymaa who was on the outside seat with the driver dropped it down 4'q iick" Se says; the passengers were then ordered down and mnde tu hold up the:r hand Mr. Hymnn asked "Haw much money d you ft llcws wan r Oh give us a lit 1 reply. -Here ia 93 SO. but among it is a dollar I have car id for . j q . n Heyman. "Kaep thai ," aaid the sp.jkes- aaat ud jfr. Heymaa got off by taming Liver f2 60, though he had a para ia hie pocket with considerable money bi- it,, aad a nne iroia watcn ana cnain wiw his " - In all tha t bber a 4 hot about ftl fn.wi tbe passengers, though one of tbem had upw ird of $200 about him . After getting the rnney fMm the pas sengers the robbers turned their attrntioo to Wells, Farg& Cu'a box which they malo a paaserigt r break opn, and thn proceeded to tumble the contents into a bag . an that the mseenrors do not Know wnstl they found in it They then appropriated tney iouua in it. xaev men appi"jjnwu the'leaders of the stage team and told the dri'f 'nd f-y I?, ?!; was left, and so they did without further mnnv Thm ,,nDe ww w.tched. howe. ,v monnted the stage horses, bjIe M& itmck oat in an easterly direction. if there bad been a cool fighting xnsu among the paasergers Sir. Ueyinan rays it would hare been no j b at all to have got the drop on both and taken them in, but as Happened, noboay seomsa io io.i like fighting. Herald. RAILROAD SITUATION. As stated in this paper heretofore, on ac count of a misunderstanding about the rate f fre:ht. over the A. T. & S. r., our -.jjd builders had concluded to stop ex- Dcnieg whcra but little eood cMild be ac- complished until satisfactory terms bo I..,,, -a Throunh some tUa .,., I oau oii;uiaitu vinj ........... l telgriiphed, c,n3e U(!tltj due-bils were given for the balance. To day M KtUy rcceived instructions from To)Iimy Bullock to pay all demwds, d fa nUema ia ready to Jiouor all i . . TJ. -,,, from Mr namjltont aikin) for the profile of th'J line L.tneTed ,nd entered j the office i the " U, Department. Sir. .T. E. Anderson pp leIr.nnl tom Mr. Bullock tell- mM pcmnenlly employed. I Tkin eTerthinff in connection, we con- . BUIthiPl,. ,n,l only hope , , Bunocv Hamillou. Wilson and all . - , t d wiJj hurry up the iron aod go to work. THAT PIC-NIC. Several of aur lcst citizens, among whom we learn were M. T. Herzog and family, M sa Rourke, J. S. Fifield, Bliss Julia Tim Samuel Ilil', Miss Lizzie Ccnlon, 8. A. L"tpin. Miss Nina Randall and an ex county , ' . . ... m . official, on Sunday last visited the ranch of Winsx sat the Point of Rocks, where a iiTely picnic waa indulged in and highly en- joyed. There is nothing unususl or strange I about au ordinary picnic, but this being of that class where many ct the participants were of an exceedingly bashtui t.;adrncy it caused embarrasment for a while which waa only broken by one of the older ones, . . command anJ ordered a charjre 0n an imaginary band of old Big Rump's Indiana who in days of yore held perfect awry in the rock bods north of our city where the picrickers baited for dy of genuine pleasure. We have from gd authority that the fair ones s . - . g t, m rl. .ne ueauiiiui khivcs, i4m.hmi.iiik J w- n ient 0j.ltaciethey were scaled just, the aa rffflrJ ordinarily skip over barriers of apparent hazardous undertaking. Some of the young beaux were apprehensive of accident, but nothing cime or autne ga.a Dcrformanc.-s a grand glorious time, Pc"ul" lonz to be remembered by the participants, who sampled the luxurious baskets of re freshments provided for tbe occasion. A GROWL. As usual, disappointment, no matter un der what circumstsnces. creat s more ot less advene criticism, and such was the case during our al sence iu the couutry, wlurvin certain ex-railr.ud cinl iyea sent a card to the Miner, detailing aggravated troubles ou tha branc'i road The gentle men sent their complaint ra her far when tnry coUpled the nino of Mr. Murphy with the matter, as he has acted in good f.iith all the way through, and has worked hard fr the enterprise at a detriment to his own P rsond welfare. Cool, unpnjudiced I . . . si t li criticism is .ilwavi the bast, anl more Iiko y ; , to hit the null on the head. A balloon railroad is to be contracted in the Australian Tyrol. The balloon will have grooved wheels on its car, and these will ran on nearly perpendicular rails, the ita movidimr the lifting power. G asita- a ... . a i st tion m be utuizea ou aowa tnps. z uia cr Ncwsssd B-nncr. BORN UNDER PECULIAR CIRCUMSTANDE. Oti Tuesday last a circumstance occurred which ushsred in'o the world a bright ltttlo girl baby under peculiar surrounding. Sirs. John Hise,.f Green Valley, Tnto Bui", who waa about to be contin d, start ed from her home to Flagstaff with her husband' pack train Alien they arrived at what is known aa the Folate ranch, ab.ut one day's ride from Flags'aff, she e implained of feeling unwell, (but ennclu dad to continue on her journey, and wh-n about five miles this aiHe of thu ; pinch was c lupclted to stop, ller hna bm l was not with her, but a mm in his employ, wfto had charge of the train, was her only companion. She alighted from her horse, a blanket was spread for her in the shad, when she gave birth to her chil-L This c-urrcd iu the m iruing, and all that day and night she remained on the ground tith her child, her only attention being the man mention!, Who never left her side, f oaring thtt the beasts of the plains, caurht injure the sa tthar or tMehila. The fallowing morning a man cameal mg the road, and tbe two arranged a lucer, apon which they carried their precious burden hack to the putatoe ranch, where she re ceived the care and attention of 'those of her own sex. The mother and child are doing well. Chs m pion. The Now Oilcans Exposition was badly managed throughout, hence it is no sur prise to learn that no fanda were set aside to pay for the gold aad silver tsedala aaarded to efthihitors. Tha fortunate competitors la this State will bare to Send oa Bsosey to gnt tbo as-dak which they secure, the cot in the ease of gold medals being fdO Of course the winners in most cscs will prefer to tnnke the outlay rather than loe the medals which they have earn d with so ranch trouble and ex pens'-, but the incident furnishes the cltni.-.x ot deplorable mismanigetaeut of a great enter' Dtise. which ouaht to have been a financial suec'si. S. F. Chronicle. KILLED BY INDIAK3. Nnarly all of our citiuni were acquaint ed with Frank Feldman who has been in tbe wood business in this city for the past fouryra, Withal a very genial and pl.-aaent man. Some aix weeks ag he Waa told of some rich placer miues iu Donors, and as the wood business was full, it being sum mer, he eqnipped hitnaelf with another man whose name we failed to learn, started for Sonora, where he was kille I together with his companio'i br the Indiana about ten daya ago a short distinct below Provideir- eia. He was one of the volunteers who went out with Mayor Thomas on his first trip to DragiHins. He had considerable wood on hand inthej)ragins which Wa think the public adminutratof had better take charge of before it is all hauled away.' The Tomb' stone. The cash boin of the lanu are teeming with inactive fund. Nsver bf ire in the historv of the c luntrv. was there- so much mosey lying idie and paying no interest The holders of this are gatting hungry fr some return upon it. Upon the minds of a few is beginning to dawn the fact that in the chc.p lan is, the f "rests. the quarries and ran, of the Smth and "Wet, are to be found the best, the safest, nd the mott Day'ng investment that can be made. Already capital is seeking these, and as money, like shecp always goes with a rush, enormous rises in the value oi sucn properties imy be expected, as they come more into demand, anl as their reil rich ness becomes kniwn. ICow is tbe time to secure a homo or to invest. CURE FOR BLACKLEG. A California stockman states that he has tried the following reme ly and knows to be a sure cure for blackle. Others that have tried it corroborate his ex perience. It is as follows: "Equal parts of sulphur, saltjtetre, garlic, asafcrtida and lard, beaten vp together and made into balls about tbe i:e of a large buck shot, one introduced into the side of the mck of each animal, by making a srnal opening in the hide and loosening it down ward from tho incision thus forming small pocket in which the ball of paste is thrust" We know nothing of the remedy our selves, but as it ia given as a s ure cure it is worth a trial. KILLED BY APACHES. A Nocales telegram of tne itb inst says : John Desmarque, a well-known miner and f- raier resident of Tombstone, was killed by Arhef on Wednesday, near the Providenm mine, in tbe Can anves monntains. it3 bolv was com letely riddled with bullets TAX LEVY FOIt 1385. The B rd ef Supervisors met to-day and fixed the rate of taxation for the current year as follows: Territorial Taxes $ .53 School " 50 County Goueral 1 50 County R.iad 10 IXuuty Buubs 46 Total .3.20 There are many fortunes yet to he made by niiuing iu Arizona. Ouly few oi the rich ore deposits bare ss yet been discovered, and many of those have not vet ten their most nrcductiv peiijd-3. CBILD It Is rutsorcd that a fight has ialrsm sjlaaa between the Russians aad Afgaaaw wm Jlarachak. Iowas new prohibitory law baa li rd the numer of saloeal ia that from 770 to Bid; The WaJlapai Tribune is as af ti prettest papers m Anaaai smh west filled With live local news. New Vork is about to follow ciaco'a example add aboliak horse put on cable cars instead A eotnpant has bean erfaataee) ia Befit to work the beds of copper or the penansula of Bja Calif The fall Mall CJaaettp: publishing articles rwi saorality of thd titled Eft-GoVernor J It. -Ciakaai, wi imtidjimg iivta th sAwss f stroke of paralysis reeeived a aWrt tissal ago. fiir t - i the Ariaona Copper Coaspaa a4 Csif toa produced, with three farnsssa, dariag the Bjoeth of Jane, 7M.I87 fMshtf coppeTi ttt The teport of the iavsstigatissal-a fraadsia New Mexire aasvsaaai lina w rascality that sImsjM fsssiw -aatflaaJ therowf tteatawfc freaideat Katt, af tka Atlas- - ciSr, raaeM tax eitjys ear oceompMied by ex-GesMcal D. KBobiaaosi.eC ike Ms Alhaqurbue Joanral. Tbe Territorial tax county this year is 03 casta flM, and as the gross levy is tltfMitO, tkc Territorr will gobble $33,200 rfWd Mah Last year tbe proportion vaa fO asssta am the $100. and tbe increase k awisw tc 'l acts of tbe notorious Thirletth." Wonder if the Territorial Faif . tion will do any better for tbe liva-stacM men this year than it did a year afss Sitter medals aftd diplcrmaf aiay da far tbreahing-machinea and wind-Mfiilla, b men who spend fifty to twobandretl dollars to exhibit their live-stock, taiit 4fford that kind of taffy. ALlfH IK A NUTSHELl. The following is a list of tha priacipa! events-in Grant's career, phased ia cbrasv illogical order: Bora at Point Pleasant, Ohio, April 2?, 1822. Entered West Point Military Assm2 cmy 1839. Graduated and entered the army If 43. Commissioned fall Liew tenant, Sept SO, 1845, Promoted to first Lieateasttt, fept. , 1847. Married to Miss Julia T, Dmt, 1841 Promoted to Captain Augast 9, IBM. Resigned July 31, 1854. Reported for daty to Gov. Tales April 19, 1861. Made Colonel 21st. Regt. 111. Volaa- teera, June 17, 1861. Comminioned Brigadier Gtaeral al Volunteers, August 23, 1861. Battle of Belmont, Xovassbar T, 1861. . Captured Fort Henry, Febraary 5, 1862. "r Captured Fort Donelsor, Febriary Iff 1862. Battle of Sbilob,Apnl 6-7, 186J. Vicksbarg eaptnred July 4, 163. Promoted to Maj-Gan. ragalar aray. Jaly, 1863. Battle of Chattaneoga, Nevaaber 21- 25, 1863. Battle of the Wildernasa, Marck i 1 7 1864. Made Lieutenant General, Marck ft 1864 Moved on Richmond, May 3, 1864: Battle of Spottsylvania Court Hoasa, May 9-12, 1864. Cold Harbor, June I, 1865. Petersburg first attack Juae IT, 1864. Petersburg second attack Jaly 30, 1864. Hatcher's Run, Marck 29, 1865. Five Forks, April 1, 1865." Petersbarg captured, April 2, 183. Richmond captured, April 3, 1865. Lee surrendered. April 9, 1865. Commissioned Genera, July 25, 1868. Made Secretary of War, Aagast 12. Nominated for President at Ckicaga May 22, 1863. Renominated at PLila&elpbia, Jase 5, 1872. Retired from Presidential office, Marck 5, 1877. Began his foreign tour, Mar 17.-1877. Returned uia Son Francisco, Sept. 20, 1879. Reeeiued in ladvillei July . 23, 1880. Made tour in Mexico, 1880. Secoadtour in Mexico, 1680. Located' in New York, le'82. Placed on the retired Iiat, March 3. IS85. . . Died, July 23, 1685. . ""51 Issvcert. Stared St.