Newspaper Page Text
21 itlmer Vol. XI. No. 3. PliESCOTT, AJIIZONA, HtlDAY EVENING, JANUARY 10, 1874. The Weekly Arizona minor. PUBLISHED EVERY FETDAY EVENINO, A T Proscott, Yavapai County, A. T,t JOHN" II. MA.IIION" Ac Co. 7ERMS-IN ADVANCE INVARIABLY. " HTJnsanii?rio?r: J Copy, One Year. $7 00 Sir Months 4 00 i Thrco Months 3 SO Single Copies 25 A.D V JO ll'Vl a I NO: One square, one time, 13,00; cacti addition time, $1.50. Each additional squire, same rate. A liber! ultcount wHI be made to persons con- tloolni; the ssrno advertisement for three, six, or twrlrn nionms. Professional sad bnitness cards inserted upon rraaoiialilo terms. rVTraatlent Aduriia-statt will sot b Intert. la till pir until sff r that shall havs ba paid for. I'mons sendliiK us mousy for subscription, 4fijrtlluiorJob work, may forward It by mall, or otlierwlee, at their own risk. j2T Ltfol Ttndtr Xoltt tain at par in paymtnt fur lubicrtption, aJttrtiting and job teork. Addrca all orders and letters to -THE MINER." Proscott, Arizona. Established 1864. (From Saturday' Ilelly. The San Bernardino A reus bcean it second year January 1st, anil, lu reviewing thrust jtai, oayB inav die town uas improved con siderablynew buildings have golio Up, men of means liavo cotnointo the totvn and valley, and tho Arptis hai becupatronizod beyond its expectations in subscriptions and adver tisements. All this speaks well for tlio town; any inUdlij-ent community will and should support good local paper liko the Argus and Quardinn, and thu success and prosperity' of a town or county depends greatly on its newspapers, which arc the natural exponents and rollectora of public sentiment and the pioneers and promoters of progressive civiliza tion. ;' - Trm ftaturday's D.lljr.) A telegram ycsivrday announced that Lut. troll, of California, bad introduced a bill in ConKreiw.gruuting a pension to the- widows vf the Peace Commissioners who were killed by the Modocs. We hopa this bill will not Sol that w am devoid of sympathy . . . . . . i .. , M i. .. ii ... : l ...... . . . : . . . . witn tne surviving relative cm uwniwvc iumui inuuuu pruisuus io expose victim, but because w Her sucu tn aci wiu corrupt aim mutinous pruccuuuiKc oi me would be unjust toward others. Why .hould otllciaht of that city. It claim that ollicial to too relatives of lb. ac maiw and records Lave been destroyed, school Moiuvr. County. Our Cerbat corrctpon deiit sends the following, under dato of Jan uary tho 7th : -- "Several parties have armed from San Francisco and Los Angolcfof late, and are do ing some figuring here. Will probably know more about thein iu a few days. Professor White, mineralogist of thu state of Nevada, ib auioug tho rest." . . Tho following list of Territorial official ha been nominated and confirmed by the Governor and Council of New Mexico: Attorney-Geueral, Col Wirt. Broedcn- At toruoy 2d District, Benjamin Stevens; Attor ney 3d District, John D. Hailj Adjutaut-Guii- erai, iuotuab. lueker; treasurer. Antonio Ortiz Salazari Auditor. Trinidad Alandt Li brarian, darned C. McKeuzie; Quartermaster- uuueral, iu. .Miller. rent ions bo Riven. who, for a few weeks, placed, themselves with in reach of the murderous savage, by the or dera of tho government, when no pruvwiou ias ever teeri made, or erea Lin led at, jor giving aid or relief to tho widows anu orpuaiis of the thousands of bravo men who hav bt-vn killed iu Arizona and lwhcru in the wtt ero Suum and Territories, alter yean of dar ing and lighting to bcure a borne in tbecuun try opened to them tor tettleiucnt by the government? W ere t lie victim of tho mis taken "peace policy" pursued in tho Modoc atfair any mora worthy than those who bnve been killed at the mine, or the plow, while rvursuim the peaceful emrtlovmenta of Amer- .rl . : i . , . ... - k. . . i i t it.!.i..ifi I icau ciiizns, bdu uevcioping luc resource 01 1 uui uuuiiug lur uiiu, auu luunu uis uati uuryiu our country I If too widow of (Jen Canby, I remaini, with all tnu ovjdenco ot tue manner or of any other onlMt kilkl by the ModuCi, ol au Uvatti. is entitled to a pensioQ under military usages. I Urol excitement exists among tiie old customs or law, let it bo paid, but wo oppose I settlers near tlio remsrvation, who declare that tbti precedent ol granting pensions to Uiein I it govcrnuiuut uooa uut puntsn ttio mutatis because they are the widow of reaco Com-1 lor tUe muruer, tbey will do it themselves mlsuoocrs. Governor Campbell of Wyoming, in his Ilcllinn k Co. have a tint? of men at work 1 racwago to tho Lecitlature. Utet that the rcuairioi: the new road from IMiojnir to Camn Union I'toUc ilallroad Co. navn tu that Tur rttory sven artesun svviif. sarying in untun frwni JlHi to 1,145 teet, supplying from SOU to I'M) gallons par hour 01 uru water. ; be cost of the Kf lla averaged $9.G7 per foot. funds stolen, and robberies of every deacrip' tioii pcrpetrateu on thu public. Too Kiowa Indian Krocrvalion, near Fort Dodge, eoutain about two thousand JnUians who uavu rrceully beon very troublesome outtiidc of their limita, and tiiy Atchison Cnatupion, ot Dec Jul), gives a detailed ac count ol the capture, near Camp Supply, by them, of a boy seventeen ycr old, Hho was driving ix wagou. The wagon had been bro ken auu pi Leu up, the boy tied to the pile, scalped, aud burned alivu uud the horw ta ken away. hen the boy tvaa missed a party went Venle, which was badly washed in places by thu latt) rains. Mcwr IJ. vtOo. built the road, which is a public convenience, and they can get no assistance from other par ties in repairing it, tby will probably apply tu the Supervinora of 5jaricopa and Yavaiiai counties for permission to incorporate it as a I till road. We understand that Gen Crook contem plates a further shortening of the military road to Carap Verde, by building a new niece t road I rum .Arm t rin vallev riv .Ma pie Shades, And tbrough Copper Canon to the ViirdtJ valley. Should the clcneral carry out the plan, tho distauce to PbBiiix from Prcscott by that route, and Helling & Co,'a roau, woum no only about ninsty miles. (from Monday'. Dtlly.J It is claimed that tho Atlsntic .t Pnptflr. Ilallroad Company have forfeited their claim to 5,000,000 ucres of land granted by Congress In the state of California, and Mr Oulton, of California, has introduced a resolution in the Senate requesting the Secretary of the Into rior to reopen to preemption and purchase, said lands. The contest over tho confirmation of Attor ney (Ion Williams, as U. & Chief Justice, has uuen eimeu oy nis own action in withdrawing. Ho will retain his present position. The protests of the Now York bur and of other associations of prominent jurists, against his appointment, on tho ground of inexperience, etc., has been ett'ectife. It is very encouraeinc to nolo that tlm nld focy monopoly administration ot the Pacific Mail .Co. has given Way to a more liberal policy, and that' the company's steamers are to run tor tba accommodation of tho nub ic wore than heretofore. An opposition line is now running from Sn Francisco to wav porta in Southern California. " ! , .1,1 . Ffutn Tonda'a Dally ' - . VtJMA COUNTY. Tho Arizona Sentinel of Deci 27 and Jan. 3, came by yesterday morniuc's mail, and furnish these items; Thcro i a probability that the citizens of Yuma will get a patent tor their town-site covering all the ground they ak for. 'ibo Jtolldara in Vuma were consumod with little drunkenness or disorder. The editor of the Sentinel does not believe the ''dirty bean" story published in the Los Angeles Mirror and credited to the telegraph man, Haines. The New Year's ball in Yuma was attended by inanj otllceti from Fort Yuma. A mag nificent supper ws furnished and the Sentinel editor partook of the same with a grateful heart and appreciative stomach. The two line Mallions brought In by II. C. Hooker cost $1,000, coin, each, and ar praised as the uohlcst Mieclmerw of horse tlesh ever imported into. Arizona. Tho delinquent tax list in Yuma connty for lbtJ, only amounted to &.wa, out of the to PROPOSALS. Abstrnot of Dida Opened by General Small, Chlt-f Commissary, 10th January, 1074, for Supplying Subsistence Storoa in tho De partment of Arizona. Camp Apncho. Charles Lcsinsky. flour. 0.93 cts nor lb. A. Seligman, beans, G.79 cts per lb. Wm. Zee etnion, neans, IB cts per lb, Hour, e.iA cts per S. L. Hubbell, Hour, cts per lb j curii-meal, 6.90 cts per lb. Tully, ticnoa & bo., Dacon, dU cts per lb, Louis Huning, bacon, 22 cts per lb ; flour, 7.95 cU Icr lb ; beans, 8 cts per lb. Camp Bowie. I). A. Ileunott, flour, 0.47 cts per lb ; corn moat, 7.47 cts per lb. Chaa. Lesinsky, flour, 5.95 cts per lb. Louis Rosenbaum, (lour, 0.09 eta per lb; beans, 7 i cts per lb. 8. ILDrach- tizod Clear bacon sidec. 23 cts ncr lb. Wm. 11. Hotlines: Pork cured and packed in territory ; 10 barrels at Camn McDowell. at 20 cts per lb; 10 barrels at Camp Vcrdo,at w cis per 10 ; iu barrels at t on Whipple, at 28 cU per lb. Camp Apache Charles Lcsinskv. flour. 0.05 cts Der lb: S. Seligman, beans, 0.79 cts per lb; L. S, Business & Professional Cards. ts per lb. Z. Stabb & Co., uubbefi, corn meal', 5.09 cts per lb. lb ; beans, 7K cts per lb CampBovrie. r, 0.99 cts per lb; beans, 8 ot.b. "William Boouctt Nicholas Diehard, flour 0.24 cts Zfckcndorf, beans 4.9 ct, D. A, corn meal 5.78 cts. Camp Grant. Nicholas Bicbard. flour. 0.21 cts nerlbt Wm. Zeckendorf, beans 7 cts per Jb; D. A. uennett, corn meal, 7.0 cts per lb. Camp Lowell D. A. Bonnetl. flour. 4.R.1 ota man, beans, 9.48 cts per lb, "Wm. Zeckcn- Zeckendorf, beans, 4.9 cU per lb; D. A. Uen- dorl. tcan,, 7 eta per lb. h. N. ih, bacon, nett, corn meal 6,73 eta per lb. 34.98 cts per lb ; flour, 7.49 cts per lb; beans. c MoDoweii Michael Goldwater. flour. 8 85 eta nor lb' v m. .ecKonuon, beans, H cts per lb; U. T, Haydcn, corn meal, 4.7-10 cU per lb. Camp Mojave. Michael Goldwater, flour, 7.121 cU per lb. Camp Verde. 0. T. Hay den, flour, 6.7-10 cts per lb; O. P. 7 per lb; C. T. Hayden, cts per lb; C, 0 cts per lb. Tully, Ochoa & Co., bacon, M cts per IU. Camp Grant I). A. Uennett, flour, 0.03 cts ; corn-meal, 7.C0 cts per lb. Charles lcsinsky, flour, G.45 cts per lb. Nicholas Hichard, flour, G.24 cts per lb. S. H. Drachman, beans, 10.83 cts per lb Wm. Zuckenborf, beans 7 cts per lb. Louis Ilosenbaum, flour, 7.48 ; beans 8 cts per I Head fc Co., beans, 7 lb. K. N- Fish, bacon, 34.98: flour, 7.49; corn meal, 5.1510 cts per lb: C, P. Head & beans, 9 cts cr lb. Barron M. Jacobs, Co., hominy, 0 cts per lb. Hour,; beans, y y ct per lb. lully, rortWbippla wenoa ce vo nacon, j cts per in, c T Havdcn) our( fi 7.1(J per ,b . . . Gilson, 5,000 lbs bans, 7 cts per lb; C. P. u. a. uennett, uour, ; corn-meal, a.j Hcj & Co., S.OOOibs beans, 7 cu per IbtO. T. cts per lb. Nicholas Bichanl, flour. 6.21 cts Hayden ,coru meal, 5.7-10 cts per lb; CP. v - I "'"v""'"u' u i liean co., iiotniny, O cU per lb. iu. ? iu .vi;buiiuui4, vcaiis, ' vif tier iu. 1 V ...!. I .. "in, a t. in. i c, i. 4. inn, uawiiu, gw;, , uuui, u.'tu, uoailB, 7 cts per lb. ' Barron M. Jacobs, flour, 4.98; beans UAi cts per lb. nm. li, Jlcllings, tiour, 0.48 cts per lb, lully, Ochoa i Co. bacon, 30 cts per lb. Camp McDowell Michael Gold water, flour, 3.85 cts per lb Morris Goldwater, beans, 1220 cts per lb. S. H. Drachmak, beans, 10.97 cts per lb. Wm, j Zeckendorf, beans, 8 J cts per lb. E. N. Fish, MOHAVE COUNTY. A. UAVU. auita aaxDALL. Our czehaDgcs, Jrom all parts of tho United State, srrco that it is & di.i'raco to our trov crumeut that Cachiae's tribo buve been allow ed, for so long a time, to raid upon the Mex icans in the adjoining States ot sonora anu Chihuahua, while the tribo Is harbored and fed upon a U. 8, reservation. Gon W. W. Belknap, Secretary of Var, was married Dec. 10, to Mrs Atnanda Bower, at Harrodsbttrg, Ky. The wedding was itrictly private, only a few relatives of the parties being present., A prize Dirco for Land Ornce Ilunciv. W. N. Kelly, Register of the Land Ollicc a: Prcacott, has civen us a ataUmcnt of tho busuiets dcac in his otllco dunng the y vr lrj73, whicli bow 1 vanUos of that town. tbat the number of declaratory statement. llled was furty-etght, Covenni i.loo acri-j. Cash entne, etghtfen, covering 2,753,41 acres. Homrstcad entries, four, covering 640 acres. " Mineral lands sold, seven claims, viz.: five on tho Tiger lode, one on the Eclipse and iienton lodes. Applications for patents to mineral claims uiei, tntrteen. Anverso claims nleil, two. 21. L. Stiles, Register of the Land otilco at t lurencc, sends us a similar statement, Rhow of fifty dollars is otTered in San tho best essay on thu varied ad- When Congress first as&emblod, tho tele graph informed Us that the promotion of Gen Crook was confirmed at once. The news was not confirmed, and in commenting on the cis-e, tho Sacramento Union remarks: dome time airo It was announced tnatGefieral Crook, now on doty Id Arizona as Brevet Major. General, bat wlioie actual rank In the army Is that of Llcutcuant.ColoneJ, bad been promoted to be Hrhradler-Uen'Ml. ne vouy. deceaed. 11 appears from recent dlsustches tbat sluco bit Dame was sarublited to the Senate for confirma tion tlio Judtre Advocate-General has given an tal of $12,044.75 on the tax roll. Cant Wakeman, a shin matter on the racillc coast, is taking Colorado river for his health. MrG, W. Nash, -whom Precott people will remember, is tesching. vchool in Yuma, and has just been joined by hi wife, from Indiana. ' The Albuquerque Review mentions the r rivalthere, Dec 23,of Dr George M. Willing, aupeniitencent ol tho wiumg aiming it Ex ploring Uompsny, on his way to Arizona to look nfter the mining property of tlio com pany. Many of our readers will remember Dr wilting' cxpsdrfioa hero iri 1865, and his explorations in tho country around Dlack Canon, southeast of the Bradshaw mountains. Wo believe the company owns half a denren good mineral veins there, and are glad to know that ttiert- Is a pro'rxft tbat work is to b done on them. Dr Willing thinks that General Crook has pacified the Apscbe so that operations can be safely resumed, and he is right- Tlio vicinity of Black Canon used to be a favorite botno of the sneaking Apache- umas, but tney are miguty scarce thcro now. One of the proprietors of the Review has been on a viit to southwestern Npw Mexico, and was verv favorably impressed with tho activity in mininir operations at Silver City, and Los Cmccj, much of which be attribuu-s to the vigorous prosecution of work on tho Clifton copper mine, iun over tho line in Arizona, which bid fair to become notable throughout the country. : The shipment of pig copper, and copper ore from tho minrs, gives employment to large trains. Mr Hom- mcl thinks Miter utty one or the liveliest towns lu New Mexico. iug that siuco that oUk was opened in July, opinion that there Is uo vacancy to bo tilled, for 1873, forty-three pre-emption claims have Si!0,, ,ht ""l" 12 mi,of Soni-i ?ira5!l.if!r been nsJd L, r.r , nir rtnm rr . ,nA -370, the nnrubcr of BrlKadler-Oencral. cannot ... , , ' o V. . ' . I exteed sit, ana were are airrany mat many in Bvaiv-uiuuLB uicu, vui ui uiu iifnc-B. Uen urooK. onrinir nis lonir anu emcieni nine declaratory i,W acres lour mineral dtimrhavo been sold, and soven applications for patent to mineral claims illod. ofMce. Oen Crook, durini servico on this coaat, bas made many warm trtends, to whom it will be a great disappoint ment if It should be found thai there is no law to authorize the nromotlou he so much deserves. If be cannot be promoted now, It would bo but fn .llAur thu nnmlnaftnn In Miami, ka in Since iho comnlctlon of the nlanoriirinatodlancak. until a vacancv does occur: for there Is by Ueoeral Crook of building a military tele- probably not a better olllcer In tha army. graph in Arizona, the superintendent of mili tary posts in New Mexico, urges government w cxiena me telegraph troni bantu r o to all ue posts in new .Mexico, (From Jtonday'a D<j-.) Many newspapers in small townscast of the Rocky Mountains havo half of their paper Tho extension should lm ninrip. and our linn printed in Su Louis or Chicago, whero one continued on from Camn Verde to Banta Fe. publishing oflico prints tho inside of dozens of It is already evident tbat the Arizona lino country papers, all alike, and at a small cost, will practicallr nav for itstdf in . nlmrt timn I Perhaps the reading matter thus printed to in the. (treat euvintr itciTucts In tl i order may bo well selected, but it is not of military operations, dispensing with Ex- likely to bo interesting or useful to tho people Hi-sous, suit reuueine cenerai and Incidental 1 01 unu iucauir inoro uau nuuiuer, jiii cx- expensos, and It is believed that the citizen change referring to a papor got up in that ousiness over tho Hue will keen it inrenair if Rtyle, sa-s ; " When a paper cannot bo print it i - n. i . ! ..i .u-... i :. I. i. i.i itjLlocs not give a profit besides. In CalTornia the brigand Vasquez and his band liavo inaugurated a reign of terror that bids fair to equal tbo performances of tho utneu Joaquin. Largo rewards ate oflercd for his capture, and a bill has been intm. duccd in tho Logislaturo to reimburso Sheriff cd where it is published, it is not needed, and ought to do suppressed." Three furnaces for smeltinr base metal ores are now in operation in Inyo, California, and are turning out bullion rapidly Mr Win. E. Smith, agent of the Associated .Adams of Santa Clara, for funds oxnended in Press at San "Diego, who compiles tho tele attempting to capturo the outlaw. graphio dispatches for the Miner, is entitled to credit for tho good judgment ha cxer- Tho Star and Express of Los Angeles, Cal., cL,e ia selecting telegrams for Arizona. nublislioil Wnll irritton ()hrifmn tirlr. I 1 and Motor Truman, of the Star, sent out I,! I "Whllo San Diegana aro talking of natural addition, a vory protty Christmas chant, in -"-vantages, harbor, climato, oto,, it seems ruyuie. that they overlook ono of the main points. 11 ' Why don't they go in for tho establishment iuo mamieuanco 01 largoicguiaiivo bodies 01 a u. o. Navy Yard there, or get up a join stock association and build a dry dock, and make San Diego a repair station. Perhaps it is too eoon, but our view from this port loads us to bclievo that such an establishment at C3m IV 1 J I c , . 1 .. l ... . t. . parturofmm thnMnwn nf Hfr-t. II.Slr.npl.nn "a" lncu m,u"? ?' great u van igu w uiu who is comlnr, to thla .ilon mVnr,a(r in' S,"- nd c tizon narine service, bo. n.,.in.. 0 0 s,ucs ueing protltabio to the city. s advocated in tho old states, its tho surest , . .... ' eueguara against bribery and corruption. The San Diego World chronicles tbo do-1 i ne county treasurer of Leavenworth. Kan4nhrtamB. nir.i.r . r ci... .n,i ms, is a defaulter to the amount of 867,000. his description of it shows that he certainly --.. vuumgr ymuaiuizesii,oui worvn. appreciates good music. Our Territorial dispatches in tho Daily, Saturday, show what an old rascal and mischief-maker tho San Carlos Indiau chief, Es kiroinzn, is. Ho should, when arrewted, littvn boon securely kept and rent to Alcatraz or clsa'.rhere, out of harm's way. It is sin gular how after they are arrested and impris oned, so many of these redskins escape. MM ' Everybody who knows the celebrated clown and circus manager, Dan Rice, will bo sorry to learn tbat on account ot bad invest ments he has lost all his property, S20,000, and is poor again. A Iibw Weekly. No. 1 of Volume 1 of tho Weekly San Francisco Chronicle, is found on our table to-day. Chas. Do Young Co, aro young men, ac tive, enterprising and energetic, ihcir sue- cess in bringing ine uauy nuronicie to tno front rank among San Francisco papers has boen wonderful and they promise what thoy seem ablo to perform to make the Weekly the star newspaper ol taiiiornis. Terms of subscription S4 00 fcoln nor an num, and thoy givo to every subscriber a sulendid roan of the United States. - . !.! rt . 1 .t . if tne smc oi ine iirsi numucr oi me Weekly Chronido is kept up none of its pat rous w in regru. ouusv.iuing. Messrs Curtis, Collingwood and Bennott, who camo here to attend tho opening of bids for contracts, at Fort Whipple, leave for their homes, in the southern country, by buek- board to-morrow morning. I 4 Wo have given our readers a number of items from our contemporaries showing how our dally is received abroad. This "little dab" takes a larger scope than moat of thohi and comnlimcnta all l'rescott: Prescott. Arizona. I maklni; rapid strides for ward. IU clllztms are a wideawake and energetic people, rrc.cott nas nao a live weekly newspa nor lu tho MlNKK. At tbo beirlnulni: of the nres cat msntb, the Mineu commeucud Itsuinx a imall dally edition. It il an attractive lUtlo sheet and replete with information relative to Arizona mat tors. Santa Cruz Bcntlocl. i bacon. 321: flour. 5.49 cu ner lb. Win. 11. rwi.ll Wnntrn Hellings, iork, 2d; bacon, 28; lsrd, 30; flour, a' trip up the 4,S cU Ir ,b- C T- "Jd". "". t-15-16 " ' cU; beans 9.7-lflcts; corn-meal, 4.7-15 cts per lb. Camp Mojavo. Michael Goldwater, flour, 7.124 cts per lb Wm. B. Hellinpt, Hour, 8.10 cts per lb. Paul Ilreon, bacon, .22 cts per lb; flour, 9J cts per lb; beans J1J cts per lb. Camp Verde J. H. Lee, corn-meal, 7,76 cts per lb. Mi chael Goldwater, flour, 6.45 cU ter lb. Mor ris Goldwater, beans, 13 cu per lb. S. Bel- izman. beans, 8.49 eta per lb. Louii Huning, bacon, 24 cts per lb ; flour, 9.45 cU per lb ; beans, 9 cts per lb. S. L. Hubbell, flour, 7.99 cts ; beans 9 cts ; corn-meal 6.99 cts per lb. Wm. li. Helling, bacon, 2U cU; lard, 30 cu ; flour, 7.24 els per lb. C, T, Hayden, flour, 0.7 -IC; beam-, 10.15-16; corn-meal, 5.15-16 cts per lb. C. P. Head & Co., beans, cts ; corn-meal, o cts ; hominy, 0 cts per lb. Tort Whipple. J. II. Lcc, corn meal, 0 cU per lb. Michael Goldwater, flour, 0.45 eta per lb. Morris Goldwater, beans, 10.85 cts per lb. Win. Gilson, beans, 7 cts per lb. Louis Huning, bacon, 24: flour, 9.45; beans, 9 cts per lb. S. L. Hubbell, tiour, 8 ; beans, 9$; corn-meal, i cts per lb. Wm. li. Hellings, pork, '-to; ba con, 28: lard, 30; flour, 7.24 cu per lb. C. T. Hayden, flour, 0.7-10 cU; beans, 10.15-10 cts; coro-raoal, 5.7-10 cts per lb. C. P. Head A Co., beans, 7 cte; corn-meal, 6 cU; hominy, 0 eta per lb. C. P. Head & Co, bid 23 cts per lb for b con for alt tho posls. wm. .eckendorf bid 0.1-0 cts per lb for beans for all the posts. Wm. B. Hcllfngs bid 29 cts per lb for pork at erde. PROPOSALS. Abstract of bids oponed by General M. P. Small, C. S., on 10th January, 1874,-for sup plying fresh beef and mutton in the Depart ment of Arizona, CIbjis 1 beef and mutton on the block. For all tho posts D- A. Bennett & Co; for Isiuo to troops, beef, 12.87 cts per lb; mutton, 14.92 cts per lb; for sales to otllcers, beef, ri 87 cts per lb; mutton, 14.92 eta per lb; F. .Marsh & Co., lor issue to troops, Ucet, IZ.VJ cts per lb; mutton, 14.89 cts per lb; for sales to othcers, beet, liiii cUJper lb ; mutton, lb DONT READ THIS, TJnleau you wan't to And out that you can Buy Goods at Reduced Rates, of DAVIS & RANDALL, DEALERS 1H Groceries and Provisions. CLOTIIKVO -1'D HARDWARE. TOU.1CCO AND CIGAKV, Drugs mid 3L.IQ.TTOR.S, Who an alw wtci. in SHIP ORES AND DDLLIOX. I Ud raaai uum aaraM oa uw iuh. nrx Wu.Ccar. Jorur C Ma Cory Sc 3Pott, SELL CIIJEuVJ? for CASH. EVEKY TKCHSTO- 1VEEDED BY EVERYBODY IN" AltlZOS-A. AT THEfR STORE CERBAT. TTALLAPAI StrKINO DIRTWOT, MOHAVE COOKTT. ARIZONA TERRITORY, COLES BA8HF0RD, ATTORNEY and COUN'BELOR-AT-LATV, Turann, Arlaonn, Will rraeUes h! profnaloa Id all tha Cosrt of Uts Tarrlttry n.u. u. u CAjrrria. H. H. CARTTEE & SON, Attorneys nnd CouBsclor at Law. Pratcott, Yawapiil Count)', Arliuna, Wit atuod le bulaaaa la all Ura court tl tha Tatrttocy J. P. HARGRAVE, ATTORNEY and OOUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Monteseroa street, I'reseott, Arlyon- JOHN HOWARp, ATTORNEY and COUNBELOR-AT-LAW, Prescott, Arizona. JOHN A. RUSH, Attorney txt X-iaw, Phoanix, Arizona, Vrm ttriotly tiini to an bfMUww ntnAti to airs, la U atTtnu uuru or naeoro n u l amnji Proapt atttatlea given to Oollsetkss. J. E. McCAFFRY, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Maalta 8trtt, Tucaou, A, T. J. N. McCANDLESS, PHYSICIAN AND SOROEON, Uffiet, Worth Side ot flx, Prctt. HENRY W. FLETJJtY, PBOBATB TTJr3-33, Justice of the Peace and VoUryTolilie. WM. A. HAWC0CI, Notary Public and Conveyanctr. Blank Hcelarmtorjr afaatsanenta. Aad hopX BUcU of all klada, BlUi aollwtod fafSty IDcmIi, Mark Co. Arlxosa, Jas. $ta, lBvS. E. IRVINE, Attorney t I-is"W", Phceaix, Maricopa Coaaty, A T. OSta, ia U Nawa Vryol, a ttia Waal alia of aaa lias. A. E. DAVIS, Mo die in o, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR- AT -LAW, Mharal Put, Ustevt Coaasy, Will atms to Uca! boaMas l iS fta I Tarrltoryi BMta eouoetioa, te. fffto The Pennsvlvania State Fishery Oommis sioncrs aro stocking tbo rivers of that stato with young California salmon. Tho spawn is carefully sent from California to iiloomsbure;, New Jersoy, and there hatched under the caro of a stato agent. Tho young fish are transported in largo cans by railroad to tb points where they aro placed in tho streams, Last month 10,000 young salmon wero turned Iooso in the Susquehanna rirer near Harris bur?, FenrjsyJvanJs. Wo keep on hand, a DRUGS AND Call ami ! U. large Assortment of MEDICINES. 17TS J.L. FISHER, Auctioneer and CtmiMtB MERCHANT. Salesroom. North Side of Plata. J. GOLDWATER 110., Wholesale Dkales, Forwarding and Commiaurioa MareJtwrU, KhreBferrt, Arizona. Fred. Williams Uai oa land, at kU saw GaSooa. oa BMta sis of.Flsaa) FI!VEX.YFLATORED KITOM of an livla, toc.lkar will a Urj. uatk oi CARETTJLIjT oblected cigars Wallapal Anay Office, large, new, complete O0rbat,MohaveCounty, Arizona. WAW Aj0 lucnumi Miff, Garley Street, Froitim? OraaiUi. tbc la lofunn Ui. olo.ri aad tmblUla ccatral tbat 1 fcav or4 aa Atiar OSea at Cnbat, Wallanal OLitrl.t. wacra i aa prtpana vt malatai, I Bar. do aaj work ia tb. Ita. at ay cts per lb; Lwinc & Curtlss, for issuo to troops, beef, 13 eta per lb; mutton, 15 cts per lb; beef and muttoif, 13,65 cts per lb. At Camp Grant, Thomas J. Bidwell, for iasus to troops, beef, 111; cts per lb; mutton, lit cts per lb. At Camn Verde. Campbell & Baker, for issue to troops, 12 cts ier lb. At Fort Whipple, Campbell &. Jiaker, for Issue to troop, beef 10 cts per lb ; mutton, It! cts pcr-lb; J. 11. Leo, tor issuo to troops. beef, 11.85 cts per lb; mutton, 11.85 cts per lb j for sales to officers, beef, 11, eta per lb; mutton, 11 cts per lb. Class 2. Iieef cattlo and mutton sheep, on the hoof. Fr all tho posts, C. P. Head & Co., beef cattlo 5.95 cts per lb, net; mutton sheep, 0 cts per lb, net: r. t. rosier, tor entire tern ton', to bo delivered in one delivery, at Fort w hippie, beei cattle, 7 cts perio, net l mutton sheep, 12cUporlb, net; to bo delivered at each post at ono delivery, beef rattio, 8 cts Eadncod Prion ta SnittJba Tins, viti 8is(la Auajt lor Lad, Odd aad SUTtr tltO Slcgl. Aikji ibr Copper .... ,5.00 aiac'a Amaj for Coppar, Of.ri aad Sllr.r. 7J Silt r BolUua taalted and AtMjrad at 9 pr oast of Tils. fmo.1 Mediae or. will ctwri tha follow lir ral. i 1-DlT.nM lb on, aad nit UwrouUv: and aboatttra oaseM of aach aanpla ; If ntnra Uua oa aaapla, taark u. hd. is piwn Bg-aru. iuiaiia rirca or rtrora taau. u ara, AaMyar. PAUL BREON, Camp Mohnvc, Arizona. DEALER IX Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, GENERAL MERCIIADISE. Camp Mohara, Ariioaa. Jaaaarr V, 1873. JslS All klsda of BlatkaraKfctas;, Wagoa-aaaUag aad ra driac doa la rood (tjrla by fM5f rsco.0, aaxcRX. PACIFIC BREWERY. MONTEZUMA STREET, Nest door to the Minsk Office, Prescott. GOOD LAGER BEER, Liquort and Cigan, Always on hand and for aale. JOHN RAfBLC, rropriatcr. Pmentt, January 13, 1PT2, Tilton's Steam Wnshc? OR WOMAN'S FRIEND JUDOS II. BROOKS, of Prtsoott, aai tit rl'bt to taaa per lb. net: mutton sheen. 13 cts per lb. net: D. A. Bontiett & Co., beef Cattle, U.87 CtS per ufactur and' iU tUas 'inacbla.f, aod na wlllb plaaaad lh not- F Mainh &. Co beef cattle 6 42 eta 1 10 further iafonoatioa erwfrtda(r thetn. Tkarsica ID, noi, l. aiavan yo., oeei cailie,0.4i CtS f maohla. k.r. will nol fall far abort of t2S. ThU. per lb, net ; mutton sheop, 5yJ each ; 1 bomas owinr u. fact tbat tb. bottoma of tbo h nad. ara .1 liichvpll hrf i-nttln tI rtB rur lh? Kirini of eoprr. X- rrtU. KrMilfl ifl').i.'r,..ll. rJ.DJOn.irflhtMwaheri an baaeau attha rtoraof 8.a "i "'!"' ; t'-' '"I b'"'0!, Kotera, HooUj Mootfiuina BlTtet. PySSIf mutton sheep, C.25 cts per lb, gross; beef nrn FEED AND SALE STAILE. r. . . ,,-.rr, ,- bell it Baker, beef cattle, 5 eta por lb, net; George W. Bowers, beef cattle, 5.85 cts per lb, not. CONTRACT AWARDS List of awards made on proposals for sup plyinc'fresh beef and mutton and subsUtenco supplies in Department of Arizona, opened January 10th, 1874, by General M. P. Small, C. S. Fresh beef and mutton on the block: F. Marsh and Lionel 31. Jacobs. For, issue to troops: Fresh boef 12-89 cts per lb; mutton, 14.80 cts per lb ; forsalo to ofneersj fresh beef, 13.24 cts per lb ; mutton, 10 cts per lb. Subsistence Supplies. 0, P. Head fc Co., fcr all the posts adver-i Goodwin 8treot, Opposite Plata, pnESCOTT, ARIZONA. BROOKE & LINN. Pmooti, October SI, 1JG8. BUY YOUR FRESH MEAT AND VEQETAILES . AT TUE .... PIONEER MEAT MARKET, GRANITE BTREET, PRE8COTT, Eat plenty of both, aod yen will toos b as itros j- u sa oz, hsih ouu.f, aaa u anas aroasa u wawi, as a rTHl caauai yoaxer J-rwsott, Aafoit 13, 18TJ, WM. X.KCU.V, v.a. Kelly Sb Stephens, NEWS AGENTS BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONTECTIOWART, KuTR, Tobacco andCigam, Fancy Goods, Yankee Kotiont, rrcsb rrait, Oardexi Seeds, o, Fraaoott, Jaaaarr IB, 1673 jolS-TJW. WORMSJ.WEiTIIEiM0l, VTboleaala aadHeUU taltra Is. Groctries, Provtaloav, Clotbltafi Bta 4k 8toa, Xalqaors, Crockery, llardyart Vjixsulng aud attalag IaFleatttt, Ktcctcra. Southeast Com or of Vlxta. PtMcott, Jk, V Ttjxx ruaaxtA. THtorciuj; Lojuii-o, Purcella & Lolflllon, H&va now oa band, at UitAr Buck SToac; Saraaaa'a A& atend), OoodwU Straat, alt ktsda of GROCERIES, PROVISION , CLOTHING, BOOTS Ac 8KOX8, MINING TOOLS, LZQUOtB, 4&, Whkb tbay offar Us aala eaaap. S,VStf CHARMIIM DALE STATtttf, Four Miles East of CampHttytyai. KaTsr falllas; WATER, la abaadaaea. JJAY sad ORAIK always taady tar taatastafs. .saW T. B. Cartir aT Ladt, SvyaiteteTMtsaU. ' Jao4yl BAR AND BILLIARD SALOON.. Montezuma Street, Corntr (Jar ley." LARGEST AND BEST SALOON. IN NORTUERX ARIZOMjL dtaldwtf A. L. UOVUIbZpitj. MAGNOLIA Water and tba baat W aad Oaaalsa at DS. CEHOALL' watkeJ tax: VStVEZJ) tXYXDl OS OUSOsT cnioCur.n XefcUU'sfruiSi