Newspaper Page Text
rrom f atuntny'" IM"-. . Tim titfippr fliltlf ,-a nrn (in. k; ire- V ' 7" ... kiL'ettoWOrK. KJiigwi wu tuur in ut tlintp ,llil. .... !i will be at work hi tlio old Spun- .;. will be at work in tlio old bniui .,... I ...1 ...! I .t u-ceK aim uwivr iiiiuvrs will rk slorc tlicm on the creek. tchwek ami lAiniijr, accompanied uy ,t,r,nd Wm. (Savin, have gonuover II,, Hug qtiiriz nun 10 iii.iku meir ill wc uupo oon iu near ui mo siari-ii JHenkic, Mellon, Shclton nnd others, F.vnx creek early In tlio week Ljcrable gold, and report water stif- kr sluicing wiin, aim goou prospects Litlnusnce. present 'arm wcathor continues, bo Miowon the mountains will melt, thes viinjpeCo.and tlio Iiytlrauitc claims I L' . . . I. I M. ....... Ill I... i)V sim aiiiim, ' "i.iii-iivi, niu uu umtllOllce wur in iu" uitro. DutT it Jones, from the IiaMayam- in town this morning with four Inch they had taken out with a They commence sluicing next ii snow enough in tlio Sierra l'rictas leep water running for several weeks, wouiu noi come amiss. ckiiio Accident occurred this morn- Quartz Mountain saw-mill, six ... ii- nl t. it bm rrcscou. mt vuai. cour, i trark at tho edirer. cot his ncht but in tho saw, which cut otr parts I I .1 . I 1 tn l . I linger auu uiu cuuru luutnu. i uu lie man wits brought to town, whero McCanJIess ureMCU tlic mangled linn li directed to the new advertise Lhy, A nlco light team is for sale, ! puotograpner nas n now notice to PC 111 From MuoiUjr'i Iully partifi resident in tho Vcrdo val era, military, oil) curs and men it employe at Gamp Vcrdo and on n reservation, we hear continual j auoui tne mans, or, ramcr, the Thero are Mntimied at Camp ur companies of U. 5. troops and nty citizmw at tlio post in the cm- uovcrument, tlio contractors and r, at tho settlement, six miles be- t, and above tiie post, on Hearer :bo ltecrvation, soino forty more, total of over 400 men who have no romuiiication with tho world out- e valley. :ntcr, Geo. IIiiucc, was nppointod out no mail service was ever put itte. Formerly a military express imp Verde to Fort Whipple, and carry tho citizen mail, hut lately tijeen regular, and tuo tratisporta 11 matter is frequently left to tho nro travellers. abhshment of null service on tho i Albuquerque to Prescott would important demand at tha Verde. ibhc hjpo that our Delegate, It. C. k, will do his best to havo the con- hose bid for carrying mails over e is accepted, thti time fultill his (mlr weather whhh has been thrcat- , for five Or six days past, resulted am vcnterilnv. which commenceu wt Id a. m. and continued almost till into the night. Our winter generally preceded aud accompanied south winds, but tots one came rtns morning was warm and cloudy Ifbich is seldom seen here, i-nvelop- iu.itains and lulls around Prescott. A. Keedcr has been successful in inds (or fixing up the church in ad has been working at it during Oilmorc preached in tho court- lerday. lohnson, who was accidentally shot I at the, crdc soinotime Muctx, ar- jwn last week. Hu is rccoverinir tlfects of the wound as rapidly as rpected. .Miller and Geo. Hruker, from tho Ftlement, were in town Saturday, rt that tho ground th -c is in good plowing. ckboard from Ehrcnberg, with a got in this monitnz about tureu iving been belated by tho muddy loore, just up from Kirkland Valloy, uiu tHturiu-. company iiru nun It very rich ore. Fanners in tho re commenced plowing. four arratras at Weaver aro run i rock. The Marcus Company aro rork. Ml for twentv-four hours endine -day, at Fort Whipple, waa 28-100 It is raining hard again as we go WEEKLY ARIZONA MINER: PRESCOTT. .TAyTTTAK.Y C, 187. (From Tutttlay t DvIlj-. p. ltrannen has purclrased the trad- n tlio erue reservation, and will Ian honest way. it nuito Iioccy and threatenlnc rain. :ck is running sufllcient water to iost any mouulnlii in this vicinity. soldiers and ex-soldlcrs havo been laway with bacon from thr tott commissary. 0. gwearincen, an industrious, sober s working lor tuo appointinent or rhicb appointment no is not likely i, from what wo know, under-sheriff Herbert stands tuo best show ot it. in which case Swcarinecn will lone In being disappointed. large lynx came to grief, several to, m t'li I no valloy. flir Jianguart'a s him a fair start for tho happy land lorn. Ii. Mocller has about completed nn- houso in East. Prescott, nnd talks building several houses on G rani to K for private residences, aro in do- i t'rescott. W on't tomo jwrson or build a "lot of them 7" f rastra of Klllott Uros. is now Idle, ivcry soon lw running on oro from (K uiu district. Quartermaster Rockwell is paying ty just as fast as it is placed to his Contractor and others nver that ho tut man in the rieht place a man w favor sways and no fear can awe." Mf, ro pleased to bo nblo to hear py to his t;ool standing as a man and Iml would be pleased to havo him ro- rrmancntly. at bis present post. i. w ' "... id gubernatorial mansion is looking b. since Us owner. Judeo Floury. iv vo a now rooi. Wc suegest to irr G. W. Curtis, of tho Quartz Mountain saw-mil! that It might pay him to run ono or moro arra3tras at or near his mill, which Is aurrounded by small but ricli lodes of gold and silver bearing quartz. Try It, llrothcr Uoorgo. . Vrom WwlnJ-'! UsIly.J ' '!.N.0W' ,,y St ,,aul 1,1(5 work K0CB 'fnvcly on." ljvcjoy & Co. Marled work in their hy draulio claims on Lynx creek, yesterday, nnd aro now securing a rich crop of glittering gold. Tho company had about 300 inches of water to commence washing with. Smith it Marcutt, just above them, have also commenced washing. The Itnh ford mining company aro prepar ing to work their gulch claims, higher up, on same creek, so that when all get fairly started, wc may look for a gain In gold of about S2 0 per day, over and abovo what sumo forty other minors above nnd below them on tho creek, will take out. Wo hear, also, that tho company which owns the old Mexican gulch, in llig Hug dis trict, are sluicing away. Let all who are Idle and in need of cash, strike out for tho placer diggings of Lynx, llig Hug, Hasiayompii and other sections, and take advantage of tho abundant supply of water to bo had at these places and elso whore In the county. Mr Win. II. Hardy arrived In town, yester day, from Mohavo county, and reports tho roads aud country wetter than he hits seen them In several ycars. a largo stream of water was running through Williamson val ley. Messrs McKjnncy and Hockman are driving 1,S00 head 0r g)lt0p towards Ash creek, in this county jfessrs Wicks and others arc en route wjtJ, moro gbcep. Tho petition for mail gervico was sent to U. S. Scoator Sargean1! December 23d. Col. II. A. Higclow started for Lynx creek this morning, to inaugurate work In tho min ing claims of the Hasbford company, of which ho is ono of tho proprietors. Tho Colonel has, for some timo past, kindly assis ted us in writing up tho Mis-cn, thus giving tw a chance to assist in the composing room, whero work has been preying; but, as min ing is more profitable, he will, in all probabil ity, stick to it as long a3 water lasts, and so, wo will have to work the harder in order to dlspensu with his ablo pen, to which wo aro indebted for what little recreation wo have had in several years past. May ho take out " big money." Fort Wiurri.i:. The following ofllcers ar rived at headquarters last evening, Jan. 13: Major A. W. Kruns, lrom a tour of inspection to Camps Ucalo Springs and Mohave j Major J. II. Nelson, psymastcr, from a tour of pay ment of troops at Camps liealo Springs and Mohavo. I)r J. A. Tinner, special Indian agent, also arrived last evemug. Commissary Sergeant John Anderson and private Lynch, who deserted from Fort Whipple lan week, wcro arrested near Wick enburg this morning. Lieut K. 1). Thomas, 5th cavalry, left this morning for the pursoso of bringing them back. Wo have, until the present, forgotten to statu .that tho bondsmen of ox-cheritT and tax-collector J. S. Thomss havo voluntarily paid every known cent "cabbaged" by Thom as, so that the county is not out a cent, so far as is known. And, somo of said bonds men borrowed the money to pay their share of the defalcation. Mr. G. V. Bowers and District Attorney Cartler left for Kio Verde this morning. Mr. It. took mail mittcr for both citizoni and soldiers. District Attorney Carttcr is a first rate "hand" to collect laxa. The delinquent roll has been in his possession but a few days, yet he has already paid Into the Treasury a respectable sum of money. Wc very much regret to havo to stato that Mr Aaron Werthelmcr, an old and esteemed citizen of this place, is quite sick. It Is stated that Anderson and Lynch, two humbrtt accused of stealing bacon from tho commissary at Fort Whipple, havo been ar rested at or near n ickcnburg. Indians are loose again, and roaming in tho country west of J'rescott. Kcttcr go back to crUe, ll tbey no not court ucath at tne hands of General Crook's men. Thomas. We hear that this ex-officer was, at lastest dates, "gadding'' in Los Angeles. Guess he wishes to return. Tho weather Is still damp, but tho clouds are disbanding, and wo may soon havo it nice and dry. Our Board of Supervisors will meet Satur day next, when tho appointment of a sheriff will bo in order. Tho flume which supplies tho quartz mill of P. W. Smith with wtcr,ii"l miles in length, and is laid in the bed of the Ilast&yampa. Why not.liavo gas works in Prescott, and dUpcnko with the use of coal oil, candles, etc. Here is a chance for tho Investment of capital. 1 1' torn TburUy' Utllj.) Fort WmrPLC Tho new cngino house is almost complete; plpo all laid and water workB will aoon bo in full play. Carpenters are putting roof on tho building which is to bo church, school-house and reading-room, which building is a very large one. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Notice-to Creditors. Estate of A. LANDSBEIIO, Deceased. Notice It Lrrahv tfUn ! tl.a t.. ..r n.. of A l.aiilitcrir, ilwrunl, to the crejlturi of o.l ull r oinlilnif cliilDiiajfaiiul. tha all ilfaa, lu eilillilt lhm, kIUi th wunury vuuctmt, within ttn tnouthi ?. I,ul'llctl0" t notlco, to tlio Hid executor, at CrrUt, Alukiro 0uny, ArUona. t . . ., . I.UUIHU. JIASBON, i:Miitof. Vtn, CftbM, Jnuiirjr la, 1874. J.nIC S1JMMON8. TUtlUTOIlY Ol' AHIZONA, COUNTY OK VAV 1 aKil .s. In Jlittlc Ourt of 'rruntt 1 'mrtnrt llnnnlv ..f Vi ... pal and Territory nf Arliona. Tht Vtojtlt the Urrilorn of Arhona to Jat. .1 Thumat, grtttingt Youareheitbv taminoneil to tnirai Indri mi n m.. offlce In PrrKutt In ald County of Ynrafal. on tk lCih day of Marcti, A. . Ie74, at 10 o'clock A. il., Uantwr tbe couiDlalnt of II. Ather A. tin.. IMnlmllTi f... il. ..., of one iiutjdred nnd twrlre dullart and fifty rent fur llll!2Vn u.M .l.l..u.l iui.. i..a1 . in , . .i.i . ciu, I.IKU JUIJHICU. Will be taken afralnit ton for thetild nmi.iiit, Wirettier w itb cotit, and ilainap-t, If you ull to a4ar and antwer. (Ilvt n under my hand Uie Htli day of January, A. I). ' J.C. OTlrt, Jullitl JuiUce of tbe Peace In and for aald County. TOLLS ANDFERRIAGE. THK 1'ItKSCOTT ANII JIOIIAVK TOLL IIOAD Co. bare redueit the ratet of toll to one fuurtli Inn utual ratct oa all itock drlttn to Alizuna orer tbe l'rewuitand Mobare Toll iload, (ttvA ua ttock loteuded fur laughter.) Tlie ratet of ferriage at tbe ItardrTllle Ferrr "111 be. on ttock cattle, ten eentt ir bel j on ibee)., (uatt ur hoet, ono cent per bead. I iitw rutet of ferrbue will remain only until May, or until tbe high water Of the Ooloiado rivar, tbtaterruge at er contract. No charge for ferrying work tbicV tnroult from Cali fornia to l'rctcott ul.m lull toll U paid. 1'ltKKCOTT ic MOHAVK TOLL KOAt) CO. Ter Wit. II. llAltly. Hardyrille, January 1, 17I. JaalMt Sheriff's Sale. AK kxkcctiox iksi;ei out DUtrtct I)Y VIIITCK OF D f the UUtrk-t Court of tb. Tblrd JodieUI lur Yatapal county, aialntt the rtmtdt and cbatteW. Uoda and tesciiwntt of Hear' W. I'leury. 1 late mu-l all tbe tifhl and tlUe which lb tald lleary W. fleury badoo tbe 10m day ol January A- D. 11571, of. In, aud to the lollomug dctcrlbrd prriultea. to wit . I.t b and h in IIUnJ. "31,' Lute 1, 2. 3, 4, S.-C, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Id IllKk ' f." Mm. the endlvUed uae-half (1) of all iMtt In llljrkt "A," ' II," -C," and "i),' which I tbikll eipoM fur tale, ut Oi law dlrK-u, at tbe Cuart hoate lu the town of 1'fMXXt, Arliona Territory, un 'ltll)A V, HIK bTII DAY Of l UHUUAUy. A. U. 1874, at 13 o'clock m. Ail the bcT nn.ed prvrty It t'.laaled la the town U IrctvoU, Vmiai County, ArUuu Terriury. JAS. 8. THOMAS, SUtriB. Ill- IlKItltKUT. UaJerHberiff. IVttvtt, A. T., Jiuary lblb, 1U74. alCtt r'j SUMMONS. THK DI8THICT COfllT Of TUB SECO.VO JudkcUl Ulttrict, la the. Cauaty of Muhare, Territory of Artaona. Wm. Cory and John C. PotU. ;4Utner ander the fins aame aad ttyle of Cory and PotU, plain UJTj t affair The Cnpel and Tlirrr fSllnr Mlnlef Company, dtftodaata. Action brouebt la the Dittrlct Court of the KeouiS Jt dicial lllttnct la and t-t the county f Uohare, la the Temk,rr cf A rltonA. Tht IrrriViry of Urttma itndi grxtting U The Capet and Tier bllvcr illnlu Cumpatiy . You are hereby tumund aad rilrrd to epprar la an action trourht afalait loubrtbe aboee-Baued plalnUfl Ini tbe Uittrict Court vf tbi Kecmd JmUclal Ulttrict, la aad fur the exuatr of Mahaee. la 0 Territory uf Ari lona and aatwer tbe minplalnt SIM with the Clerk cf thle Court at Cerhat la Mtdrouatr. (aeupr of whlohroei- plalat a.'cuoiptnle thl tuiamuojl. withia twenty dart eieliuKe ol Ik otr ut trrwtri anf lb wmce niwa toa or IbU eoaimoni. treeree.1 la inu eoaaty i tx ll eerenl oot of the roualy aad withia thlt dliUKt, Ua lUsln thirty dayt . In all other t forty dirt. And rou tut hrrebr boUSel that If row. fall to arpeer ad aataet tb complaint at abor raired, tk plalatiff win tal judgment afaintt yoa (or ut tun or oo moat and tnre hundred an. I arfehtrUrht f lOO dollar with la. torrtt, D aa eiprett contract lor the payment of nwoey lur balance due upua tttlnnnl ot aocodnu, al tout aad dltbunmseDta la thle brhall eipeodeil. tllren under mr band aod tL mi m aaia uwrrtet Court at Cerhat, thlt 15f h day of January, A. II. 1ST. JaaltillU UAUin nuu t Klilll r viera. Qcorgo AV. Barnard, ex-jiostinaster of thia town, who was robbed by a deputy, and who lt unablo to make good tho loss to govern ment, is worried to think that said govern ment, which failed to provido him with any safe place in which to keep funds, or to recom pense him for hie time and labor, will hound nnd torment his sureties, ami has written to Delegate JlcCormlck to seo what can bo dono in his case. From our inmost soul do wo be lie ro Barnard to bo an honest man, and inno cent of nil crime in this or any other matter, in which case government can well afford to forgive and forgot this potty matter. A telegram to tho Mixer this morning an nounces tho appointment of ueo. W. liowcrs as post-trailer at tort w nipple. John A. Bingham is confirmed as Minister to Japan. Ho has "panned out" well. MARRIED. ' In Tneeon, January 3, 1R74, by Gov A. X. fiafford, William Morgan and tialonla Velattue- In Tucaon, January 5, H7I, by View Joutenceau, Nel ton Van A 111 tuo and Theodora camacbo. BORN. In I'reteotl, January 13, 1874, to the wife 1 I)r- 8. A, fifMltti it tlauirhter. In Pruoott, January 14, lathe wife of I. Craps, a daugnier. FOR SALE CHEAP. If applied for Immediately, A llaht. carered HPRIKO AMIIUI'A.MJK, ana pair oi uiitju nuitoi-o, uiuu.., halUn and fee4 beyra, monkey wrench, and oil caa, all In Ont cl.ti order. Arr'y uuu onlc' JaulOtS I'rcscott & Santa Fc Stage Line The inbvrilwr wllL If tuSdent itronare la rlreo hint. lieretJter run a line of SUcet from rreeoutt, Arixooa, to Kaata re. New Mexico ouooectint at hacU l'o wllb tag r rinnlof to tbe endt ol tbe Atlantic li l'aotne. kimu i-artno. and iHtrtr . ho uranae raiiroaat. Uberat ioduoemeau rtien to tbroufh fatenceri to the filstlpal Kattrra ctuet. ikum rornitned to aaia I e, Tbe Bret conreranoe will leare IWoott about rebruary lit. r orrartber trucuiare enquire auue hih JinlCt3 V- t. HKIUAIW. I'HOTOIiUArillC NOTICE. li. not ferret that PLANDKIW & PEKF.IOS. ArUtla, MM,ln Im IVMTiti oele daring tbe preteat tuuntb. And the pubUoare ponleularly reqntte.1 to call awl tainliMiepeolmenecif work MADKIS I'kemCOTT, wheUjer Hey detlre work or not, at It it alwayt a plcature to re cU vltllort Their LIFE SIZE IPOIt'rit.A.ITS CANNOT DB EXCELLED. rkturet taki-n in cloudy weather, coaranteed eual to any Uken on tho brtybUat day. aniuu CLOSING OUT SALE. FIFTY TIIOi;SAXI Worth of Goods TO BE SOLD -cTk-'-L' t;tJfc-L. CAMPBELL & BUFFUM niMvn Ill'SIItnilfi OF CLOSI.NQ ur llotlneee, a their term f co-portnerthlp eiplree January lit, 1374, offer their enUre ttock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Our Stock Conalats of a Complete Assort meat of CrROCERIES, DRY COOnS, CItOTIII.NC Wines and Liquors, Tfnmhvavo, OTinware, Farming and Mining Tools, BOOTS unci SHOES, DRUGS, MEDICINES, nivtixvH unci Tobacco Stationery, c, All rotU arlnj claim, ajralnrt ua will preen lb"1 for pajrnieat. All partlea Indebted lo ot wilt pleoao ettl without delay, and ae eo$ta. rreicott, October It, WX fctie C. HEAD & GO'S COLUMN. 0. P. liCAD JAKE HARKfi. a i in: ad & co., PHESCOTT, ARIZONA. lletpeetfully announce to the people of Northern Arliona, that they hare bow on band THE LARGEST nnd BEST STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE Evor Offered in this Market, . . . .coMiixnso or.... j A DIES' FURNISHING GOODS, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Military Furnishing' (mm!s, DHY GOODS, OROCERIES. J I'ltOVISIONS. JTJOUIt. Dried aud Canned IVuita and MoAta, Boots nnd SIiogh, CUTLERY, HAJlDWAKJi CRO CKERYW ARE, GLASSWARE, WOODENWAJU; TOHACCOS AND CIGAHS, WINES, LICiUORS, JASCY GOODS, OILS AND PAINTS, EIFLE AND BLASTING POWDER, SHOT, LEAD, FUSE AND CARTRIDGES, Iron unci Steel., Mining & Farming Implements, ETC KTC, ETC, WHICH AVE 1V1M. KELIa, I'OR CASH OKLY, AT THE SMALLEST rOSSIBLE MAItOIS ABOVE COST AND CAURIAOU. EI HERA E PRICES Paid in Merchandise or, Currency ....I'OR.... GOT-. 13 DUST, GOItD AND SILVER BULLION, .... Ahl 1 HE . . Merchantable Products Or THE COUNTRY GENERALLY. Harlng erfally ttmlieil tbe character td &xdt if tirable fur tblt uarkel, and haeief oo ha4 eM targe a!il to rarle4 an aaeortment, telected with the rreatett poetl Ue care, we are mnfrlenl that for the estalnf year we will be Utter enabled to tatiify the raercantlle wanttU thlt mmmonity than ever heretofore. 0. P. HEAD k CO. Iretm, Arltnna, Jannary 3, 1P7. HOOPER & CO.'S COLUMN. Fm. B. D00 yipm Ban I'unclico, Otllfonil. JAB. It, BAHKEP Elreabtrg aad 7na. A.T WM. B. HOOPER & CO. WICKENBUIia. WICKENIUR8 HOME STATION Merchuuts, Forwarders, COMMISSION AGENTS AJI By Every Steamer, Assuring Fall and CFrcsh their Varied, Select, aad HEAVY STOCK from European, Eastern, and San Francisco Markets. ar obb:r.s To Merchant, fitore and Station Keeptre, illten. Uqaor Uealere, lUttcherot anil Traatporten at rate, which irearaale tttltfectlnn. COMMISSIONERS Thrwijrh Cormpondeett la tbe CHIEr CITIES OT THE WORLD. ORDERS ARE TILLED TO TnE LETTER. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT or Groceries, Provisions, IvIIlSrEIlS' PABMERS AXO K1ICUKEA.N NTOKEM. No. 18 South Montezuma, St., (Oppuelte Pan Halt'. Kettaorast.) Helnr ontUnltr la reeii4 nf freth arrlralt, so ttale piMjd. i4r An hand. fanners' produce an4 marketing wanted la exchang for irooja. Call and (el bargain., eiuenor eicnance, (rreniekcte nr cold iliut, at It. Meanbam old .land, where yoa will fliul the underlined or hit aatlitanti ready to aoonmmo date at all time.. H. O. HOUUK. lretootl, Jane 7 1873. NIFTY SALOON. AT THE "HIFTT," OH MOKTEZUKA. 81 TIIE TIIIRSTV CAN GET GOOD WHISKEY, RUM, GIN, BRANDY, KUMMEL, SAVTCICT OR SOUR WINKS, And Tolerable Water. Drop In. Thne. Farrall it nrerare.1 lo farnl.h HOT OH COLD LUNCItl'.H, at the Nifty Haloon, at all boora of tbe day ARIZONA STAGE LINES, junction nr Tifn TUCSON AND WICKENIIURG AND , PRESCOTT, 8AN BERNARDINO AND STAttE LINES, ONE Ht'KDKKD MILKS Eatt of Ehrenber and tha Colorado Hirer, Ninety tnllet aouth of 1'reaeoU and Threw llondred mile. Eatt r,f fi.n lteroardlno j BUty wile. Wett of iTuenli and One Hundred aad Tweaty tolle. of t'lorenoe, and One Hundred and Eighty inllea Welt ol Tneeon, offer. , Good Accommodation! to Travelers, VI , Hoard and Lodret. a One Corml. Barley and WUat. Hay for Stork, a Dlar.Umltb aad Wat "a 8 bop for repair nf wagoni bud thoelng ilonea. A leu contlaotlr on hand, Bne PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, All at reaeonabte pricM, and erery utaatloa frleea to tha travellnx pablle to mat a their toloorn a pleaaant one. JAMKfl OltAKT, I'roprletor. ' J. II. I'lERAON, RoperialeodenU jeHTIyl M. L. PERALTA, Wlckcaburg, Arizen Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CLOTHING, PROVISIONS; HARDWARE, Mining aud Agricultural Implements, POWDER,. FUSE, ETC. SALOON" AIllZONA. .is MAGNOLIA i ty tr i? 1 1 r IT 1UA.EI11JIUUUI Thl i irrH-knova axd popular plat of retort bat again,' throe h expiratloa of leaee, faltea Into the hand, of IU mrner, A. II I'eeptea, under irhoe dlraeilcn It vXH eon'-, hone to be ma for flie aoonucodaton of -the public, ' THK RAIL, (which ll altetxled to by Ton riocroiiy,) will, at all tl, be fennd well pplld with n ' THK BEIT BUA50S OF J Wines, Liquors, aud Clgnrs. THE DILLLAJID ROOI coxrrAXstfs two Ko.i tables; Ad)oUln( the Saloon, aad btk(a( to Ut. feefa, la A CORRAL, TThere .lock wttl be fed aad othepriee AtUaded taf aa3 U. i'KETLES, 'lYofejetoV t, KM : -id i)a vow pt ku rroM at Wickcnlmrg, ArlMB A fall sad vo8tttt JMDrti.t t EVERY CLASS OP GOODS OVt'TflVM 'm'o' ii a i u ji. n a a o Of P.txIixw. Merrhandlte or Machinery for Sbmce, Kale or traatmlattont are attended to STU1CTLV IK AC- COUnASCK WlTIl IXSTItUCTIOSS, aad to the beet Interett of the owner. XOIiAOVTMII G . mi: Morr pAompt dispatch and oahe- I'L'L DELIVERY AKSUUED. The ronnectlua. aad arTanfraenU am perfect to eTtry puiat In the Territory. GOLD DUST, GOLD ASD SILVER BULLION, 17. S. Donda, Treaeary DrafU, LcfU Tenden, Sold Ian" Warraata, !Uaken' Draft, aed fod Commercial Taper, Grata, Hide., Wool aad ALL TERRITORIAL AND MEXICAN PRODUCTS Unyrht at aloe TOtt CA8lli or adeaaoe. made a. may be dettred. Our Stock is Complete. OUK CONNECTIONS THE BE8T. And . c?et U tbe people uf Ariiooa, Booora aad New Mexico Induce ment, not obtainable at aay other fcotue oa the Ftite t iMrtltf WM. W. liOOPEK Av (a UnaUykaf4iaContry Sloeee, aad fimim hi&aelf deal Jottlr. yea, liberally, with all pereooa who. may par.' chaee of Mot. Ne see la aaoiiaff reirtala article., when w ataak tomi prlae. rftrj axtkle that U. or may be ai o led, by head, of femtlle, hotel aad boariltf -houe heepen, mlsera, fanaera. atoek-ralacTa. etc. Com la tha morvloft com l the Teaiari com M J ilWt W W. .1 li.U Wl UT )ii)wn to foralth whatever yoa may dealra. H. MANS ABE. r : PRESCOTT. TO THE PUBLIC. New Store- New Goods. THE BEST y EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. R-ETAKE THIS METHOn OP RESPECTFULLY ajaoueciur v Ue pablle that era hare )n1 reeeired. ar raa(vd, aad are bow eellinf aad vf erisf lor tale, la cur NEW Ainj COMMODIOI7S BTOIUO, South SIda of PUxa, rrescctt, JLriaora, C0e deer Eatt of Wormarr U Werthelmer't) ,, ' AN IMMENSE STOGK.i toxmmxa, a pat, op Foreign and Doseftic Dry OooU, . Clothing:, Boots, Shoe, Oaltert; ,Of all kind, aad alse, for Udle. gntleawa aad boy. OUR 8TOCK. IIAVISG BEES SELECTED WTTH rreat ara ty one oi im crm, f wno wm remain in naax Praaeiatn tor tha' ncmcae oi bsriaa- tnore essda.' .mall adtaaae oo euat), aad Kith .peola) referaaro lo tU raaraet, va are cooaaeni uiat wa caa aeu oor foooa CHEAPER Thaa aay other llooee la the Tmltoty. W. at thr fore rertala that aa to quality and adaptability U tha, want, of tb. comKoalty oar Mock It uatarf ud. ' ' Tor three reaaeu reepectally k4W a ahar ot tie. pob'.lo patroaatpi, feellsf aerared that oar fwxi Bad' price, eaaaot fall to firt entire aa rtttetton- i tlT Otmsacy Kiekaa i'jc OeU IrwH.U ' U. A8RBR Jc CO. . J rreeoott, NoT.Mber 29, 1e73. triW WHAT LIVE MEN CA.iv l0. Peace With thel Apaches AMI) TELEGRAPH LINES "ITtE S XJL. T A. Tf X !T' ORIENTAL Weir" 4 MM lestaurant, Bakery and Sal$dii, A DAILY PAPER! Kext door to Uio 5lu-r Oiu0.' FRESH BREAD. PIES, CAKES. , AN.- or DtkL aeitiOtf. MO.NTMIJM UAR & UIIiLIARI) SALOON, MONTEZUMA 8TKEET, l'UE8U0TT. We bar. recently renorated and fixed ap our aalooa la flqe ttyle, ana bare noue nut tuo cnoitett WINES, LIQUORS, nnd CIGARS, KOn OUU rATROX8 AND THK rUIlLIC. BILLIARDS We hare lira of J. fitrahl li Co', flne.t Tablet, with Dplaoej't Patent wire cuthlona, which aro far tuperlor to any other, noir lo ute. BHUardltU will pleat call and toil kb fur tbeniHlre. We bar a Club Iloom, for gentlemen, attached to tha liar Iloom. a A, LUKE ti CO, rreecctt, A(iut 3. 1675. CHEAP GOODS IN PRESCOTT. GOOD BOARD, Kurnl.hed hjr tlio Week, Part erMtal, 0 the rallolc prlrra I f Per Week . Tea dallara, earreatj,,, Single Meal. SerenlT-nre centt. . Qa-tl Icer, liter Wlnee, Ltqnort aad Clsmn, kept eon taatiyoo tuna, ror u aooseuaouauoD of omtoirer.. HAILI10,U)S COMING, TOO. BASHFORD'S STORE ATrcKAJDY HEBE. 17011, Bot, PorcheM i Cheer for tin Qrud Knock Down la Prittf. neotoowii Preacott, Apr(l 1! JOHN BTEMMEP., rropri.tor. 1873. $1 00 SOLDIERS $200. r. .it trarel iv of California and NeTaila Volun. trert. .dltcharced faore than three hundred rollr. from home, aptly to W.H.AIKEN. Attorney at Law. and Cornntiaouer el n urana araj, h tohi '"""-"i Han PrancUoo. JanMwltn . . . . . . .. wm et V (B B7 AI.UTIW rATi.n i i-uuoj w Awam and ffunl&a. at DB. KENDALL'S FimtMt LUMBER, LUMBER. a a a t ALL KIKDS OP BUILDINtt LTJM-ER KEPT ro-ittantly oa band at tha Quart Mount-In Baw-Mlll,- tro raiut numoi neeooti. a , All order, tent through tbe poet office w(ll e . prcrapOy attended to. Tenn.catboad.llTrrratU.BsIlI. '' UhU.i, (JUKI 1J). I Prtioott, A. T.i geptemb.r. 1672. , M7tf The Post Trader's Stors .... AT.... ''" fort Wliipplo, Arizo9at Keep. f Bale, Groctrfn, ProvUlorui, Can FntUt, Gothw SttoUxShottt Stathntry, Fancy Qooibf'l t Tobacco, Clgari, ict . fc ', JrJoei, ReAionablev ."i r- i