Newspaper Page Text
TITLE TOJttlNERAL LANDS. ImUuotlona to Deputy Surveyor" of MIn oral Land Within tbo BinveyuigDlnUict ot Ailion.i. Dcj'AUTMrNT or Tiir. Interior, ) Gknckal Land Office, S WMhmgton, J), a, N'ov. 'JO, 1S73. ) Sia: Information lu reached turn ollico thnt deputit!, in surveying ruining clatma, aro in the Imbit of following thu direction of tho parties in interest instead of riilhorlng to thu linos established in the original locations of such claim, niul t litis in ell'ect making a jiriTato intu!id of au official surrey. 2. Under all law and regulations, whether local or general, the lucatioiu of a claim in such manner as to give notice to all t ho world of the nature and extent of the tame is not only indispensable, 'ml in most canes mining claims are initiated thereby, and all subse quent proceeding are based upon and must conform to such location. II. A failure to make and record the location in accordance with tho law and refutations in force at the date of tho location will defeat the claim, and if it is not made with such dellnitcneM m to operate as notico to all per sons stoking to acquire rights to mining lauds it will be void for uncertainty. 4. It follows, therefore, that in making surroys of minlugclaims it becomes essentially ncceaoary to ascertain the boundaries thereof aa established by the original location, for the rights of the claimant arc limited and defined by such boundaries. 5. To make a -surrey in accordance with other lines or boundam ia tantamount to making a new location of tho claim, and the right ot adjoining locators who have com plied with the requirements of tho law may be intorferod with and defeated thereby. 6. The practise of making surveys according to uxa nictation ol parties in interest, instead of in accordance with the original location, naa aireaoy causoti great confusion anu been producuvo or groat injury to bona fide claim ant. 7. Yon will therefore require the applicant for a surrey to furnish a copy of tho original record of location, properly certified to by tho recoruer naring cnargo ot too records ol mi ning locations In the district where the claim is situate, and cause all oillcial surreys of mining claims to do made in strict conformity to tho lines established by tho original loca tion. as recorded; and if the record of locations made prior to the passago of the mining act of May 10, 1872, ii not sufficiently detinito and certain to enable the deputy to make a correct surrey therefrom, ho should, after reasonable notice in writing, to be sorTed personally or through tho United States mail on tho applicant for survoy and adjoining claimants whoso residence or post-office ad dress he may know or can ascertain by the exorcise of rcasonablo diligence, taking the testimony ot neighboring claimants and Other person who are familiar with tho boundaries' thereof aa onmnallv located and asserted bv the locators of the claim, and after having as certained by such testimony tbo boundaries as originally established ho should make a surrey In accordance therewith, aud transmit full and correct returns of survey, accompan ied by tho copy of the record of locations, the testimony, and a copy of the notico eerred on lqc claimant and adjoining proprietors, certi fying thereon when, in what manner and on whom, service was made. 8."Theactof Conirresa of Mat 10. 1872. or- pressly provides that "the location must be distinctly marked on tho ground, so that its boundaries can be readily traced," and " that all records of mining claims hereafter made snail contain tne name or names of tho locators tho date of tho location, and such a descrip tion of the claim or claims, located by refer ence to soma natural object or permanent monument as will identify the claim. 9. The provisions cf the law must be strict ly complied with in each case to entitle tho claimant to Ssnrrey and patent, and therefore should a claimant under a location made sub sequent to the passago of tho mining act of Mar 10, 1872, who has not complied with said requirements in regard to making the lo cation, upon the ground and recording the same, apply for a survey, you will declino to make it. 1 10. The, only relief for a party under auch circumstances will bo to make a new location in conformity to law and regulations, as no caso will bo approved and patented by tho of fice ualofsihe eand'alloiher provisions oflaw aro substantially complied with. 11. If tho law haa been complied with in the matter of marking tho location on the ground and recording tho same, and any quoation arises In the execution of tho surrey as to the identity of monuments, marks, or boundaries which cannot be determined by a roforerorjee to the record, tho deputy should take testimony in the matter neroinbefore prescribed for aurreya of claims located prior to May. 10, 1872, and harinc thus ascertained the true and correct boundaries originally es tablished, marked, and recorded, make the survey accordingly. 12 You will at once issue instructions to your deputies, requiring them to abandon the practice of surveying raining claims under the directions of parties in interest, and to con form to tho rules as bereinbeforo prescribed. 13. From an examination of tbo returns of surveys of mining claims I am satisfied that in many instances the deputy surveyors cer tify to tho Taluo of improvements without ascertaining whether such improvements are made by the claimant or his grantors or not. 14. No improvements should bo included in tbo uatimote' unless tboy bare been made by applicant for survey or by those from whom no derives title. 15. The value of Improvements made upon other locations, or by other claimants, should not be taken into consideration, but excluded by deputies in their catiinato of improvements upon tht claim. 16. You will SO instruct your deputies, and hereafter requfro them to certify in each in stance that the improvements and expenditures-considered by them in their estimate, and which thoy mtut describe in their report, were mado by tho applicant or by the poraon from whom he derives title. 17. Yon will acknowledge tho receipt here of, and issue the noce&sary instructions to your deputies to secure a strict compliance with the foregoing instructions, Very respectfully, Willis DnuiiMo.vD, Commissioner. To John TVaabon, U. S. Surveyor-General, Tucson, Arizona. Tbo Commi'stoncr'a instructions are ao plain and positive that it is not deemed ne cessary for this office to add much by way of explanation or direction for their application. To secure uniformity of execution in the premises, tho following will bo observed: 1. In surveys for patent, you will bo par ticular to mako the lines correspond exactly with those of the original location. Where tho monuments as originally tatablished are insufficient for prmanancy, now and substan tial ones will bo planted orbullt inaccordanco with existing instructions, taking caro to mako the locations of tho now on tho aito of the old ours. 1. Regarding testimony tequircd to ettab- lish boundaries toclnims located prior to May 10, 1872, you will proceed as follows in case wherein there aro adjoining claims: If tho applicant or applicants for survey for patent unit adjoining claimant orclalmauU can agree upon the boundary between tho claims, it will bo sufficient (or them to enter into a concise but complote agreement setting forth tho true boundary, nnd nigu said agreement with their own hands or by authorized agotiU or attorneys; mid in cases of disagreement, after duo notico to them and receipt of state ments in respono thereto, you decline to make a survey until alter you report ull the facts of the caso as presented to you, to this office, and you receive further instructions. In cases wherein there is no adjoining claim, and the boundaries as originally marked aro not discernible und cannot bo un mistakably ascertained by reference to the record of location, you will not make the survey. Iu such cases, the claimant can moro readily, cheaply nnd surely secure all his rights by a relocation as jiermitted by para graph ten of the Commissioner's instructions, than by any other admirable proceeding. :t. In cases arising under paragraph eleven of the Commissioner's instructions, you will bo governed, in taking testimony, as follows: If tho claim of applicant for patent adjoin another claim or claims, and all the parties interested will agree in writing, as directed in the foregoing paragraph (2), "to the iden tity of monuments, marks or boundaries," !ll V . t. . . ' you win accept sucti written agreement as sufficient testimony and execute the surver: and in cases of disagreement, or whero no claim adjoins the ono for which survey and patent are sought, you will bo governed as directed in paragraph two hereof. 4. Regarding paragraphs thirteen to six teen inclusivo of tho Commissioner's instruc tions, you are directed to atrictly observe them, it tho claimant can supply you with the sworn testimony of two disinterested witnesses in regard to tho vatue of the im provements and oy whom made, von will re quire it and also tho oath of one or more of tho claimants ; the oath or oaths to be taken before any officer qualified to administer oaths. If, as is sometimes tho case, none but mo applicants tor patent can mako oath to tbo valuo of the imiirovemcnts and br whom made, you will accept as sufficient bis or rnciroatns; and, in any case, tho affidavits of three such poraons will be accepted as suf ficient. Among tho papers required of you in making returns of surveys to this office, is your own certificate as commanded by para graph sixteen of the Commissioner's instruc tions. You should make this certificate complete and yet bo concise, and wholly freo oi amoignity. In cases wherein testimony is required in pursuance of notice to any persons, you will oe reasonably wen assured that your notice or notices roached tho nroner txtrtv or par ties, before proceeding to take testimony, or execute tho survey, or report to this office. Tho United States will not bo responsible for payment ot your services in this respect, and therefore you must arrange with applicants as VOU do for work nf thn cnrv.iv lianli 6. All papers, letters or documents of anv kind connected with survey, must bo of smiaoie paper anu prepared ana returned to this office in proper shape for filing. 7. This office will extend to deputies and claimants advice and assistance, when souirht upon any point properly connected there with, but will not countenance anv omission or evasion of tho requirements of the law or regulations. 8. You will pleas promptly acknowledge urn receipt ncreoi. JOHN Wasaox, Surveyor-General. YUMA COUNTY. BEST AND CHEAPEST Freight and Passenger Route. FROM San Francisco, Cal.y TO -ST-CrivE-r, ARIZONA, VIA OTJATMAa LA PAZ, MAZATLAN, And Other Mexican Ports. THE COLORADO STEAM NAVIOA. UonCominj'i excellent Steamship NEWBEUN and MONTANA leave San PranctKO every twenty dsn lor Mexican porta and mouth of Colorado river, connecting with rlrer boat. Freight landed at Yuma in twelve (10) day from 6an Fraooi.pi. Ageaele of the Company at 610 Front Street. Ban Franc Uce, California, Yuma aad Ehrenberg. Arixona. I. rOLIIAMUS, JK,, nugStC Oeneral Superintendent. Passage at Reduced Rates. Yuma to San Francisco. Per C. S. N. Co's Steamers : Cabin., a. OColn 25 " ptr Accommodations First Class. I. POMIAMUS, Ja., navStf Geaeral Superintendent Yuma Xnig- Store. GEORGE MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail DReUG-GIST. Main Street, Yuma, Arizona, II ai In .tore a full Hoe of Dispensing Medicines, patent Medicines urojrs, rcriuraery, faints, utis, Toilet Soaps, Toothbrushes, And aU other artlelce- ntually kept In Drug Stern tyrrecrlpnoai put up with great care. Order from the country tollcited. with tbe aunranea that price, Vc., will be found xatlifuctory. ll.Ullllii .MA1IT1.V, Yuma, Arlaooa. ,. deeZHltf L. J3. .TEWELL, Watchmaker, Jeweler, ..AND . A S 8 A Y E R , On the South Side of the Flaza, Prescott. DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Jowolry of All Kinds Made to Order. nopairiiifr Dono Carefully and Promptly. Cold and Silver Bullion Itcfincd, Boitglib, and Sold, rSAU kind of ore p-rompjly and properly attayrd. YVSELiriE PERUVIAN BARK, -WrTlI PRO r" u.ii1 U Iron,, at Ketulkll' ilinijf rnore. PKIiSCOTT. P10XEKU IHtlU STOKE. Prescott, Arizona. On hand and for Sale: AVER'S, .lAYMl'S, IIUISTOL'S, 1IUI.IN A.l HAMAS 1? a, m i 1 ;y iModii'ines, And a full niiwrtin'nt of tho nrtt I'ntmt Mrillclnce now In the market warranted free), and tenuis. Fancy Todtt Articles, S-xtps anil lrfumery, And a full t upply of DlblT-NslM) MKMC1M-. I'hjraletaua Prescription, enrf fully ami accur ately Compounded. Oi:0. U. KC.N'DAM.. C5UK. KENDALL' Offlre In rearuf Dm Store. JunW Ti "TnTE LOP fi E iT AUR 1 N YT Quiloy Btioet, North SIdo of tho Plaaa, V itEMCOTT, A It I ZONA. The l'roptieUir of thl Heilanrant rui-ct- nilly announce, mat ne will .(Are no in catorinK to the tatte. of ki patron.. Meal, will LefiirnUhtd at all hour, of the day, and the table tupplled with frame, and tbe cboicr.1 detlraelee that can bo procured. Krerythlng clean nnd tried np In the be.t .trie. T. WHITEHEAD, Proprl.tor. I'reMott. November 23, lff72. nurSS) The Post Trader's Store, ....AT.... Fort Whipple, Arizona, Keep for Sale, Groceries, Provision, Can Fruits, Clothing 1 Boots, Shots, Stationery, Fancy Qoo4s, Tobacco, Cigars, tc. Prices, Roaaounble. ....roK.... GRAIN. HAY and WOOD, HEADQUARTERS DEIT OF AIHZONA,) Chief Qi'AKTr.RXATEK'a Orncc, S PftcrcOTT, A. T., January 1, 1S7I. ) Mealed propoul. In triplicate, with a cony of tbli adrer Wwrnent attached to eanh. will t received at tbl eOce no til noon, WEDNESDAY, MAKC1I 1, Wt, at which time and place they will b opened ia pretence of bidder, for npplyln all or a reasonable proportion of the IWley, Cora, Hay and Wood, which may be required during the fical year, oommenefD? July I, 1!74, at each oi the de pot and pott In the Depart nent ol Arbooa. Under Gen eral Order No. 57, War department, A. O, O., 1871, Imllar propoaal wilt alo bi received uaUl the hour and date above mentioned, by tbe QuartermaJter at each of tbe depot and poet In the Department lt the forage and Fuel required there. The right I. reserved by the United n.ate to purcha, Uurlnc the fleal year, uch qnanUtlr of forage and Fuel, a may b-i offered by, and accepted from Indian at Camp Apache, Grant, Mojave anj Verde and at the Han Carlm and Cetorado Indian Reservation t award of contract will he made for the remaining; quaatitie required. All upplle furntihed mmt be of good merchantable quality i to be delivered at uch time aad la urh qun titie a mar be detlgnated by proper authority. Grain to be delivered in tronff, aeoure tack, which are to become the property of tbe United Bute, and Hay la ttacki, either baled or louee. Cora to be of the kind known at American eeed corn. The qnantltiea below itated are approximate aad are rabject to lacraa or dlmlaualloa daring the Steal year. WllIrTLS DtroT jLtD Fort Whhtus : Ilarley, SOOijno :ou KAm. It. Hay, 1, 300.000 lba. Hard Wood, 2J oord. Soft Wood, 1000 aordl. YCHA DKPOT Barley, iai.OOO lb. Hay, 408,000 1U. Soft Wood, 300 cord. Camp Aracne:Uarley, 300,000 lb. Corn, 850,000 lb. nay, J.!M3,000 IU. Hard Wood, SOU cord, ftoit noon, .uuoora. Camp nowiBi-Iiarlrr, 892 500. Cora, SiiSOO lb, liar 603.000 lba. Hard Wood, 350 oord. CAMP GRANT : Hariey, 1,000,000 lb. Corn. 007.000 lb. Hay. -JAJOyQ 1U. Hard Wood, 300 oord. Soft Wood, b50 curd. Sa.V OAKUM t ilarley, 200,000 lb. Corn, 171,000 lb. CAMr LOWELL: Uarley, 600,000 lb. Corn, 500.000 lb. Hay, 1,700.000 lba. Soft Wood. 1,200 cord. CAMP MCDOWELL: Uarley. 300,000 lb. Corn, 190.000 lb. Hay, 763,000 lb. Soft Wood, 600 cord.. CAMP JtOJAVE: Uarley, 223,000 lba. Hay. S5.0O0 lb. Soft Wood, 600 cord. Camp VEnlr.:-UarIy. 559,000 lbs. Cera, 500,0001b. Hay. 1,700,000 lb. Holt Wood. 1,300 cord. TOUT YLTti". CxX: Hoft Wood. 400 oord. Each propoaal mutt be accorapoald by a guarantee, ilgned by two retponalbl pron, wheae re.ponihility mntt becertiSed by aa oOer of the U.S.oivil or military lenrice, that in caae the bid It accepted, the bidder will at ouoe execute a contract with a aatl.Caetory bond lo one fourth tho amount of the contract. The rigkt la relect any or all Wd I reaerved by the United Rtatra. Bid made by a firm taould be Igned by each member thereof. Illank form of pmpneal and further lnforuiaiiou may be obtained from thl office, asd from tke Depot aad I'ot Qoarurmaiter. envelope of proposal. Intended lor tblt office U be en. darted " l'rupotalt for Forage and Fuel," or for lthr of them, and addreeeed to tbe iindenlgned. Iocal propo.aU, under Oeneral Order No. 57. Is be ad. dreated to the Quartarmaa'er of the Depot or l'oat for which the bid it loteaded and endorted a above. By order of the Department Commander i CHAHLK8 BIRD, Auiitant Dt Quartermaeier, Flnt IJtut. and Adjaunt, iod Infantry, Ja2 la charge of oflUe. PROPOSALS tor LAND TRANSPORTATION. IIEADQUARTEH3 DEFT OF A1UXONA.) CUIXP Qt-'AKTEaUASTEB' OiflCE, 1HESCOTT, A, T., January lit. 1874.) Sealed propoal In triplleate. with a copy of thl. adver Ujemect attached to each, will be received at thlt office until noon, Wednesday, March 4th, 1074; At which time aad place they will beopoaed la pretence of bidder, fir the trantporbttlon by land cf Military up pliea In the Department of Aritona, far the flacal year commencing July lit, 1874. Propoaal will be reads tor Iterate a follow ; XtoY&te IV o. 1. Compriflng the IV tt naw exlttlng or which may be ee tablltbed In thu Department, darlnf the (iC-J year, Eatt of the Colorado river aad South of tbe 3th larallel of Sorth Utitodtt, which are now supplied, or wblob It may hereafter be decided to 'apply from Yuma Depot din ot. The pott now eUbltbed on tht. route are Camp Apache, Bowie, Grant, Iwell and McDowell. Route No. S. ComprUIag the Pot now sxUtlng, or which may be -tabluhed In thl Department during the tcl year, North ef the 311b. l'arallel of North latitude and Eatt of the Col orado river, wbleh are now lupplied, or which It may hereafter be decided to aupply vU Ehrenberg, The I'ottt now ettablitbrd on the route are Caup Verde, Fort Whipple and Wolpple Dcpet. I'rOfOaaU will ulto be re!evetl for tupplylag Camp Mo. Dow ell via thl route. H-onte No. 3. From Camp Mojave to Fart Whipple and Whipple Depot, Camp Verde and Apache. Itoud travel to be not leti than ten (10) mlltt per day. Bidder will date tbe rate In V S, Ixgal Tender note, pnr pound, r on hundred (100) Mile, at whlob they will trantport Uietuppliet. They will give their naraea ia full, their re.ldcnce and I'ott (jfllce addret , bidt made by a firm thould be tlgned by each member thereof, CoutrootoTt may le required to trantport aupplie t ud from polott, n rcatonabta dittauce, not exceeding 150 mile, (mt.lde the limit of the reirular route, and hid!r ure rcquettcd to ipeelfy la their propoaal, thn rate at waicu iucn irautponauoa, tnuuiu ft do require!, will be performed, to b utei teparalely from rate for tr vice, wrthin regular limit of route. Ilaoh rronoaal mutt lo accomnanled br a nunni.! Igned by tao rrtpcntlble nenont. whole reionlbilliv mutt be certified by aa Otncer of tbe U. 8. Clvtl or Military tcrrkt, that in cxae the bid It accepted, the bidder will at moo execnie a ronvari. witn a tatuiacury bond la on, fourth of Ita amount for It faithful cietutluu. acd t. in reodlnrat for trrvlce July 1, JS7I. The right In rrcct aay or all hida U merred by tbe InlttdiNtatot. ' limtlopft thouM be tadfirvid " l'rnnnaala tr I i.j Traniportatlon,'' ami ajdrruedto IhW 0ce( where blauk formt of prop-wal and farther lofjra.tlo may be ob tained. l)y order of tbo Department Cnmmunilrr. CHAUI.KS HUH), ht IJcut. and Aljutant iOl Intiotry, AML Depot Qnartemarter, in charge oi Ofiet. LEGAL STJMIVIOIVS. In the Pittrif I Court, Third Judicial Dltlrict, in th Couuty of Mirkopa, inntoryi.f Arlron. ' John .Smith. Plaintiff, aifnlntt Danlvt Uiirrau, Defentlint. I .Sitnini.n.! Action brnuchl iu the Dlttricl Court of Inn Thirl Jn!i clal Dintlit In and for the i-otinty of Maricopa tu the Terri torvnf Arlronai , The Territory of Arltona wadi grr ttlnf to Daulel tur- run t You are hereby tunitnoned end required t nrp"'"' "n actiou Utxight agitlmt you by tbe alxive-lmnieil plelotltllii the DUtrltt Court nf the 1 bird Ju-ttoUl Dltlrict In and f-r the county of Maricot' In (lie Territory of Arltona, and un.wrr tbe complaint ftled with tbe Clerk of thlt Court, ut l'h.enit, In tald county, fn copy of which complaint o oompanlft tblt nuiinioM.) within twenty day (exclule of the day ofiMl.v,) afler tlio trlce upon you of thlt lUtnmout, U ncrtiil in thlt rountyj but If tetved out of the county und Kllblu tbltilittrict, then within thirty dayi; lu all other uiuet forty day. And you uro hereby nutlfietl thai If yoUMlltoapear and nntaer tbe complaint at nbuve reqiilrrd, tbe plalntin' will aptly to the court forth relief demanded therein, and Outu and dllburiment In tblt behalf ein.-ndnl. (liven under my band and tbe trul nf tbe tald Dit trfct Cwurt, at l'hienlx. thit llltli day nf December. A. D. 1873. decBOtlO C. F. UaTE. Clerk. Sheriff's Sale. TS THE DIST1UCT COl'HT OF THE TIIIHD IV 1 dlcial Dittrict uf tb Territory of Arliona, In and for Yat .l county. JKUKMIAII SL'LUVAX, rialntin. v.. CCItTIs 0. 1IEAX and MaiiT M. DEAN, hi wife, De fendant, la punmanre of a decree of forrclntnre In thl caw, dated Itfth dar Novemb-r. A. D. 1K3J. I (ball eipoa for tale a the law direct., at the Cotirt-bonte In the town of Preeoutt Yfttaiul ruuutr. Aritona Territorv. on Monday the 2.1 day of February, A. D. 1?7, at IS o'clock M.. the preultrt described lu tald decrre at follow. The frac tional touth half (i) uf the Kiuth-wr.t quarter ti) of tec tib eighteen Of) and the fractional north half (I) of the northwMl quarter (i) ot x-ction nineteen (19), la towntblp number terentren C17J, north of ruogc number three (3), wratoftbo Gila and Salt river bote aad meridian, con. Ulnlng one hundred and ilxty und 1100 acre of Und JAMES S. THOMAS, Sheriff. My H. M. HEHnEItT.l nJer-Sh.rlff. Jaa2 Notice to Creditors. Estate of JOHN FRENCH, Deceased. Notice It hereby given, by the nidertlgned, AdmlnU trator cf ihe Eute of John French, deceated, to the creditor, of, and all peraoot having claim agalntt, tbe tale deceated. to exhibit tbem, with the neoeetary vouch rr. within ten won tht after tbe tint publication of thl autlre, to the tald administrator, at Camp Beal flpriagi, Mohave county, Arixoua. I1ENJ. II. SPCAU. Admialttntorcf the Etiateof John French, deo'd. Dated, Cerbat, December 10, 1673. dr. lilt Executor's Notice. Eatnto of PHaXTP AUSTHi, Deceaaod. Netlc e It hereby given to the creditor of and all per ton i having claim agalntt tb elate of IT.illp Auttln, de ceated, to prefect the tame to the nndertlgned Execntor, at Haker'i ranob, Mohave Coanty. A. T., within tea month, (rum dato of tbi notice, or the earn will be for evr barred ; and all pertont Indebtoi to tald ettate are hereby requetted to make immediate puvment. HENKY I.AMIil'.ItT, Executor. nater. itancn, .ionave iouniy. A. i ., r September 6th, ItiTJ. i novStm3 NOTICE. KNOW ALL MEN lY THESE PHE8F.NT8, That I, the nndenlgned. claim and have thl day located and taken powewon of, for agrirultuml and grating purpotea' a tract uf bind detcribed a. iollowt : Commencing at thlt .take, which I In the aortheatt coreer of the claim, and running touili one mile to a ttake; thence wett one-fourth to a ttakej thonce north one mile to a .take t thence eatt to place of beginning. In eluding what It known at Malpalt Spring, about forty eight mile, northeott from Camp Apache, la Yavaal count v, Arixona. and on the roa4 leading from tald Camp Apacb to New Mxloo. MELQUIADES LUNA. July 2Jth, 1873. NOTICE. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That 1, the undertlgned. claim and have thlt day located and laiva wMHwn oi. ror agricultural ana graxing purpoeei. a tract of land detcribed at follow : Cemmenclna- at tbl (lake, whieh I the north.att oorn.r of the claim, aad running tooth two mile; tkenc wett one-eighth mile; thence north two mile; thence eatt to place of beginning, including what It kaown at Concho tpringt. on Urn head of Coucho Creek, a tributary of the Little Colorado rlrer, aad tltuated to tbe wett of tbe wacon road leading from Camp Aiaeb i tbe Little Col orado river, in Yavapai counlr. Arixuna. JESUS MARIA LUNA. Jnly 25th, 1673. NOTICE. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, tb undertlgned. claim, and have thlt day located and taken pottetaioo of, for agricultural and graxing rurtote. a tract of Und. tltuattd a follow. : Commencing at thl tak. which it the northeul corner of the claim, and running touth two mile to a .take ; tbenco wett one-eighth mil to a ttaks ; thenre north two milet to a (take ; thence eatt to place ef beginning, in cluding what I known a tbe Lake Spring ; lituated about oe mile tuuth.ut cf Concho Spring, and oa tbe wett tide of the wagon nad going from Catnp Apache to the Itttla Colorado river, lo Yavapai county. Arixona. . , o. astonio Joar. luna. July 25, 1873. N O tTc E . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, the undesigned, claim aad have, thl day located and Ukta potteuloo of a tract of land for agricultural and grating purpoee. described aa follow Commenang at thl ttake, which it thn tout heat t comer of the ehum. aud running wettonMuarter mile to a itake: thence north one and one-half mile to a take, tbace eatt -fourth mile toaitake; tbmce iwulh torbw-eof beglnalng. Including what it known a Mineral Hprina July,,, ,873. TltXQMirofcOKA. Executor's Notice. EiUto of JOHN HENEY L00I8 WOETMAK, Deceased. NoOce U hereby given loth creditor of awl all per jon having claim agalntt the ettate of John Henry LtmU Wortman, deceated, to pretent the tame to tbe un. dertlgned Executor, at Pretcou, Yavapai County. A. T. w thin ten roontb. from the date of thl j notice, or the tame will be forever barred i and all perwo. Indebted to .aid ettaU are hereby requtd to make Immediate raraent. .. r ,D,.J0,,N 'tAIBLE, E.Vutor Preecott. January 5, 1 871. ji,, I0m3 DELINQUENT TAXES, Yavapai County, Arizona. Notice U herebr given that the Delinquent Lilt for "tho trtrt Mt?n ' a ia ,U ad of Delinquent Taxpayer are hereby notified that If ih. W.iW1 &Sl"3r W"hl" '"" d4P 'rom the dale action will bo wmmjnced by ,f l)ltlicl Attorney for the collection of mch taxe nnd cotU. 7 JOHN n. MARION. By B. fl. WvlU I,eprrr rretcott, A. T., January 12th, 1871. janl2t20dw The Bathing, Hair-Cnttine and SHAVING SALOON or JOHN w. r5A.-Vls (Formerly Otto''.) On door north of C!. P. Head A Co. llrlck ttore. It now elegntly and comfortably fated up, for the accommodV MYTOnIS ,w,,,c"u"y MM t0 C B BOOT & SHOE FACTORY, Weat Bide of tho Plaza. Custom Work Made io Order. RET AIRING NEATLT DONE, French tcjewed and nailed btott mUn .. ... duced price. W. H. WILUBOBAFT. lreoott Arltona. June 28, 1873, jeCBtf V tJ K K COU I.IVEH OIL At Dr. Kasdair I iMMr Drug SUr" .AK1Z0NA STAGE LINKS. rJ0 CJCSOIV, YUMA A N D SAN DIEGO U. S. TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. Ciincbet arrlte at Turton evety MOKDAY, WEDNESDAY 4 8ATURDAY M0ENIHQ8. Depurt at 1 1'. tl. on Tuesdays. Thursday and Saturdays Until further notice. Time to Sun Dieso, Five Diiys, Thlt will enable tbe Traveling publlo to reach SAN rRANCISCO IN EIGHT DAYS. FaretoYuma M,00 Fare to ."ian Diego, (gold ooln or It equivalent; 90.00 A Stge, carrying the U. S. Mall, win leave Maricopa Wolls, for Phconix, Every Monday Morning, Ilaturnlng next day. Connect Ing at Maricopa Wellt with tb Ynma and Tuceon mall line. Thlt Ii tbe QUICKEST AND SAFEST Uoute from Northern Arltvna t Tuceon and connecting ut Yum with J. O. Caprou line ot ue lor oaa inrgo, epTTJ JAS. A SUUHC, tTOpnetor. ARIZONA STAGE LINE JUgnlar Mini-weekly trip, by Uire. with mall, wUl b made between Brescott, Arizona, ..anil,. Sun Bernardino, Ciilifornia. Two-horte wagoni, carrjdtg the U. H. Mailt and pa eenger. leave Pircott and San Bernardino every WED1TE8DAY AND 8ATDEDAY K0BK1BQ8, Making the trip In tlx dayti patting tn route, EflBEN. BEHO, WICKENI1UUO and CAMP DATE CHEEK. Partiet wtthlng tranrprtatloo to Ariiona eta thl rout. can m lurai.nrti am Main ia rOUR OR SIX HORSE STAGES, On private contract, by giving one week' notitc In ad' vanre to Agent ol Arixona Stag Un. at Han Bernardino. Tb rate fur tnme will be la proportion to Ike aceomtac- aauea required. Itcgtilnr Kates of Fare. Cu rrmcy. .75.OT Frrim Pretontt to San Bernardino From Preecott fc Wlckenburg From Preacott to Chrrnberr . From Han Bernardino to Ebr.nherg From Han Bernardino to Wlckenburg Local Agents: .. 2000 ...3 00 ...31 DO ...60.00 I. II. LKVT. fian Bernardino. W. II. CoumtlU Ehrenberg r.. u. iiut.-vr rreevott, Ham llRQtrx General Ageat. jAm.a iniATiT, t-soraiiTou. J. II. PIERSON, Surr.wsTMnrjfT. par73 PRESCOTT AND IIARDYVILLE, Mnil - JLiine. After thl date. awengen will be carried over the road at tke following rate, currency i From Protcott to Camp llualpat (10.00 ' " Bele fifringi 23.00 ' Cerbnt . 53.00 " " " Mineral Park 270 ' " Hardyvllle 33.UO Expret matter will ba carefully forwarded at reatoua- k1e rati-. Every poetible aocommodatlea will be efTered to pa-nger- The tUge will leave Pretfyjtt Friday evening, aad at Hardyvllle will connect with the mail to Ehrenberg and St. flkorg. All order left with B. Uftbyen, Freaeott, or Cory &. Pott, Cerbat, will be promptly attended to. WEBSTER. 4; WHITE. PreMtt, May 10, 1673. rnalOtf PIMA COUNTY. E.N.FISIZ& Co. Desire to Inform the publlo tbroagh the medium of the MLtEIt, that their exteailv ttore and warehonie, at Tucson and Floronco, la Pima county, Arixona. are alway filled with fall line cf inch grwdtu are needed In the Territory, and that their arap.j faqllitle for porchaaiag and receiving gixl, enabl thm to t- better artlele, tot 1cm money than any other inn In Rouiieattern Arixona. In addition to regular ttore artlolta, they keep oa band 11 NE JLimUER AX1 MII.GLEt, -AUO- UAJITjEY itntl CORN, Mr. Fith, at Turon, and Sir. Oolllngweod. at Florence, wUl b pleated to receive call from tuch eltiien si Northern Arixona, New Mexiou and California, a Bay vlilt, or pas theto plaoc. mb22-73 LORD & WILLIAMS. Postofflce Block, cor. Cougross & Main St TXJCSOjNT, ari z o ktv, Have oouitantly on baud a Full Assortraont of Morohandiao Adapted to tbe want of Arizona!. They alto are ore. pared to furnish r FREIGHT, 0EAIH, AND ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE, DO A QENKHAIj BROKEKAOB BimiNE88, Make Colieotlona nd Sell Exchange on any part nf tbe world. Partle from Northern Arixona. vltltinr Tnotoa. will at. way find aur "latch ttrlng out' nK6 ap)2S P. K. TUI.LT. r. ochoa. ;. TULLY, OCHOA, & CO., TUCSON, AHIZOiVA. We trfvinle f T.l4 I"r reipectfullr call the altention of the le of the Territory to our largo and eomplet, meat of AlaL KINDS OF flJEUUIIAlVDISE, Which ue sell at tht Lotttst Cash Prices. W Invite) all to examine our it-Vi M. tnaklng their purobate eUewhere. " ,uelr TUU.V. OCHOA, & CO, GUNS AND PISTOLS J. F. 1UIODE, nt L. U. JEWELL'S. Prcacott, Ai-iiono. , CAUFOKNIA v-re w mm v is it 1 VALLd "An Okeavtit Yeait n.j. - - ;i , m i nim firrt.. , . . uiullTn, " uii u trnf jr. juauj Licht. Swaot anrl o.. . v m m a ram PASTRY, c. Guarantoed to OiveEnHra. inn monnv umi v. . ask i oun nnnnvb TAKE 3?ro e-N Send for Fro PampUet to f Illllff'II t. n. . ..i.i SOLE AO EST! 07 FRONT ST.. SAM nj31yt Vf 54, tTOKKMAN. tl TemDleAWnrt. m - w m Toraplo Blook. Los neceive uepotiu ana tan their C.ri' Draw m l nvnnv 1 vn o.vt .... . (x,imiioj, 11 Htarrikia, Elfilnre tar .t. i ltew York, London, Pails, Ham bait atytl ti. tae.1 Telblae. TtnttlAn fl-l J a . T -; , , wv,w UU1. Ua o. w. ciiuLcr. www m eejeaBaeaa I n H Ml ma II, 1111 ...II. .11 aou rkorucTou or VHiiuuiaiicu ui I.IK . n. in a im ot. 01 tront it. Sacramento. a n .1.. iti . 1, .... . . u r t. A. FARGO & (SOLK AGESTS FOR LL0XD ixromu amd Jotmtjo 316 Front Street, Cor. uuii m t Treajeaa iiuuDeiininia aaa aom a 0C113 Music And Musical Arlxoeau la n4 tf meat. Hbeet Mux. ra. minni in trrn i 8. BATON, 1M M 1'rantiJoo, iuornla, who ap ta variety 00 the PaciS CoatL CLARENDON MAIN STREET. LOS lUlUIF.Hlil -4 A M T11K H (111 OH I' VIII.' TIIK ITS r.t,EOANT SUITS OF BOOJtl eommodatioe r-ffer ipeetal advantages It ya i.aiera vutiora. yui 01 ran t raoruoo. ana 1 eoniaw- ehnlee.t ellfnla. Vnfhtnv will ta ki and appliance of r m w a am .m a rm i wiio ue reaaiog room. W . It. Urnct, Manager. T1T7 iTTTl TI fiH' Q TITHP irn m xtpaiutt HTRIT. 11 Commercial. 6aa rraacut . ra 1 ntaJ WW for tb treatment of si uitrattt. iMb a tioaorxni. Syt hUit in ail Ita forma, fitmleal Wtalir etc, rvc. tjklnditeaaeaof year itanuiii. i-'Kt, eic anoceMlully ireatea. Iiu rititfitkj .u. M i ha returned from vUitlng h prttoT x.urpe, and ha reenmed practice. Tb. IWwt., V. o . . ... A aymUVmr llfflt dt Ing out dew reinediee, aad ba rtard v cllltici for the alleviation of bunan tnStre Seminal WeafcifM- arn oi era u iw 1. ih aaiiimusc. v. w Miliary vice, or aenraveii aeinai ioa'i vr uiv youin 01 00 in eaaee 10 aa producing with unerring certainty tymricm. cotnbnlted by urra v x 1 rallnw eoustenance. aart 't-. nvr eoustenanc. oar iw. pain la thn head, tin of leave or ratuioj a I I I- .V.. ..n mmUt A. flUKIHK 1U WW wmara eilllDtr oi cuarri''.. tor tne Umbe, ooiue iciiti, loeaoi eoonatnceaituarrvvia ji' - J I 1 1 1 . . ...l.,,.H thun viclety, tot of rnemory, pimple J tion. atmut iVm tmfm hi.ili rlnihe. furre. breuth, rough, cooumptlon, night i13, and frenuaat liu.t,ll te relief b ' tbould apply immediately, ltbr la ffM and have a cure effected by hi nwaD.?M treating thl diteate, which never fail n ana raaicai core. tinrrri ftt Home. Pvnon at n dlttanna eaav ba GUREn '-!! ddretting a iettr to Dr. dibboa, t",'l length of time tbe dlieat ha contlnaea. cine promptly forwarded, free from u-,j kj any rticniar part of the eospuy, - direction, frir n.a Vawmnm mamitta. I. Ik. Tammtm mill ftle " nf Ilia. -,,. tK. .mm. 11. 1. 1 .rlllmrtt It- By encloting Ten Dollar ooln In "fl theiMlfftl I Ii- lVw.lf.fflA. am th.MWm V Ut, 11 ptckage of rnedlclne wl All oommunleation ttriellf tWl',,iol Addr..., OR.J.rom roneyi Mat l,!7, Baa n-j WATER RATES At M.'Mu.Inn'H 8tt BitaaU4 49 UUu Hut rota Eortsl SoM Id PtojrJt, WickuiiiW Toe watering each borta or rani I ' m uiwaia anit upwarut, IO oenw ii'- 1..11I. nil ...i in 1 1 i..i.,i J Ca arm. vvmam IU , iw VI a . m llyllhf UD, OIXBEb'i iammiySremmm tmZmmmmiam ' imtl'm