Newspaper Page Text
. . X1"X, '- , I'ltKSCOTT.AirizbNA, HUB BVo7UABftCl j&pUgMwf H',mL'lv Allvnilll AfllWtt lITtm Monday. nll.l I j 1 t .. ' .. . "T J ' ' I lilll.l m. m mmm r m m w a a a y a i - I II w ay I fetlSHED EVERT FBIDAY EVEHIHO, ' ' ....AT.... ott, Yavapai County, A. T., .... 11 r .... II- MAUIOX Ac Co. KIO. I I unvrn. I f iMbliilieri and rroprte tun r S.t,..rm.t, (.r. MtrciiKLL, fe-IN ADVANCE INVARIABLY. .$700 . 400 . 250 29 HUlWOniFWON It, One Vear,,.... SIT .MonuiT Three Month' topics,,.. ADVlllKTIStNG: kuirc. one tlino, (3.00; each additional LV). Kacli additional square. Dame rate. tit dlteount wHl be nude to nursea Coo- It he time advertisement for three, tlx, or lontha. -lonil nd business crd inserted upon ilc term. mitst Aitertlerants will not b rastrtoj In tttll after tier shall hare ba paid for. in nctidliiK u money Tor subscription, offor Job work, may rorward'lt by mull, ie, at their own risk. gal Tender Aolei taken at par in payment iwtwn.aicertUlng and job work. 1 ill orders and letters to JOBS R, VA1IW.& 00.. Pretcott. Arisosa, Krom ftaiurdey's Dally.) , - t . .... - - . 1 1 ... )i . t.1 r.u,v Minkr. published crery Friday - i. .... -1 r . . a . n. .:oi juaa.o ira jsw DViu a avsi aniirvi lit t I i . " i , .. .1 i r Aiviiri .i u va i ta r nil nrnnp i niiinrin !.... ! I. .....t ... circulation, all Amtinan frill He il f hi fhf nifttfr mntninnd fliMi-niii . a Tiiirt vsi i ii 1 1 1 1 r-si ivfififi Tunru i n irnn work up tliu resources or a Ierrito onlv needs Dconle. to mftko dt the e suosenw on nnce is scarce v anv- to u, ercrjr new subscriber tia tint tr fTiYiiv r a tkti i of tho question, but, bet to publish a better paper, and, to a iwwr pre, woicn H ercaiiy situation, our regard. oAlut Tmi- 1L1 people, are itiit Iters winch eo to f ir Am nnt linu in roittitl' lilmntf lilln-i-irnnil flit I ;i . 1 ..... H,B ... . .1 . l iiriinr anil fmrtir i uii-tnnar. nil give present. .... i ,. . i rff - exico, did not Mini tne contrncl to bun two yean ago for carrying over the Albunuerque route. It lit. ITfitnn Pariflr! Tlailritni! PnmnAnv the contractor was paid nut to Jo tins jcar the demand Tor pMen- litely bidding for tho mail contract. tuat sotno tblrty or more bids have w inir niiira n niiinrtnp nivn rkJMttv contract in awarded, truvemtutnt more ubicribcr and, wo wi hl SlPrimnrtfA I T 1 1 r r u-a ! n 4h f i I. f - - vviuiiiuii IUI iUitlUliUkjWUtO m ov umiriniiri t(w(i ami ntWor ir . i it an iiir m in- ii iniira r ri n ini v nn ifnp j w.a x -kuasa M,t ukti vvs k'ci on wun me vnaKcr agenu tne j iui auwia r u v 11. Haruv. u. few Htating tbat the petitions for mall mm niKcrHiicm to Hartfyville hat! Utf lfne from tbelr "roain.ilb. ... 1 u U,IIV 1 U kUMIrUUI uiirltr!nv ; nnl.n ...t.f. o... ...... Will bv ablu to sccuru the dcin-ri - i w n irv Willi UT VUU a f r -ar.' Fl tftf xrtaiiau rt4 I In MiMMnr T lnii puunsned in the Atlantic Monthly utatlon of Darwin's interestini; the- mv uit uiliu n has reduced the price of that paper, who pay in advance, to, four dollars uioae who piy when they get ready c to stand the old lirice. tlvo dollurn. rrlivn t... ...til -m i ouiidiujv nu vuiiin. mil rMumililK anil will toe organ of any ptrtr; jljquo or Wonir. Small parties of Crook's '"til IIUI IIP, I.IUUIVIIIIU IVI.' and nabcock. have, in tho nast two put an end to over lUO lawless il I ri (t m V .m . l.l I. j ; ouj, iiihi. iruuii una lkans Pjcayunk. ThU ancient wvm i'Miuuttj;u: oj ine ueraiu , i win continuo it under tho lo It it. r a ... --. llluu, uepu. tvennaii.Kavc UCCess attend tho old l!nmn utrrnf. From llunday. Dally.l Howard and His Troaty with Caohiso. 0(i, ttio foollidiness, not to say criminality, of.sendjng such a cowardly, cloven-footed persoii as General Howard to deal with such devilish Indians ns wo have in this Territory, Who, like hi predecessor. Colyar, sought and rewarded tho worst Indiana in the country, and gavo tho cold shoulder to all tho good ones. Hnvini arrived In "New Mexico. Howard made arrangements with Jcilcrds, a white man, so far as the color of his skin goes, but an Indian at heart, to guide him to CachUe's camp. Soon amovecs wcro raised on every prominent mountain, and this Indian telegraph carried the news to Cacbise, who prepared fur the long promised visit of friends. Howard went, in company with JcfTerds and a few Indians, passing on the way, saver al bands of Indian, Who greeted him a u fricud. since they understood that he was on Iiis way to treat with Cachfse, in Cacliise's own way. His journey through southeastern Arizona was ,a sort of honorary proccasion, since Indians catne from every liill and Vale and chceted him ou his way, yet, in letters to Washington ; In hW atldressvs to youn njen's christian .associations, und other, ."pious" "vjuit", uo HiuiimuTcrieu upon ma inp to Anachcland. without harm or accident, aa something wonderful, rivalling, almost, thai' oi mioses out oi tue wilderness flow, we wish it to bo understood that Apaches have never been known to act so foolish! v as to hurt such .friends as Upward and JeOurd the first of whom was about to give them free the public expense, and unlim ited, license to murder and rob civilized people in Sonora and Chihuahua; tho last named, an old, tried friend, who paternally calls the Indians "bis people," who, according to bis own assertions, bas traded and raldod with them for a number of years past, when their hands were against every white man save one Mr JclTerils. And. then, that fa. mods, or, rather, Infamous, treaty was made, a treaty under which .Cacbise lias acted the part or dictator, Acknowledging the right of no power oh earth to count or supervise his warriors, as warriors on other reservations have been counted and supervised; carrying out his alleged right to raid upon Mexico; telling General Crook that his treaty with General Howard was explicit as to the sta tioning of troops on his immense reservation, where, according to Howard, none were to bo stationed. All this, while Cachise was (loirrg his very beat to keep other bauds of tup Apacno, nation at war with Americans: ill' thW, while red robbers and murderers froin tho Tulcrofca reservation, in New Mcjtlco, wero harbored on Uachlse's reservation, and feasted upon government food by Cacbise and his hireling white lieutenant, tho notorious Cant Jeffords. Little wonder is it that tho Mexi can government and people feel vicious to wards our government, lor under the license granted by Howard's treaty with. Cacbise, two of their frontier states have been har assed by the worst tribe of Indians on the continent, who have murdered and plundered by wholesale, until tho bonier counties of those states are almost devoid or people and property. And this is the treaty which Howard says he or no other white man could have made save by "Divine help," which, he claims, t sisted him in constructing iu If this Is not blaspiiemy,. we don't know wtiat H. llu treaty is like his books, mixed; badly mixed, and needing investigation. It is. if anything, a worse treaty than tbat made by him at Cam p Grant, with Eskiminzin, a wily old Indian who has ever since been trying his beat to make the Indians forget that they ever made a treaty with Americans, whom he wishes them to murder and rob, in tho old way. He it ii of whom Howard said, "I would trust him with my life." He it is who recently rebelled, on the San Carlos reserva tion, and endeavored to Inaugurate a general war. He is the samo Indian who, while treating with Howard, picked up a stone and asserted that Jio intended to keep the treaty as long as that oi' any other Jtone should exist. Hut, he bas gone back on all his fair prom ises, and Cachise can no longer say to him, as he sajd to .some othcrjndians bad treated, "Now, i hat you have yielded like dogs, I have 'no place to go to, and cannot make open "war upon the Americans; but, I can and will "war upon the Mexicans." Del-Che, too, one of Howard's pets, is like Howard, a little irregular in his accounts, and. a culprit, charccd at the bar of American justice, 'with wrong doing. That both worthies may soon be punished for their crimes is the sincere wish or tueIiS'CR.' Tho4Loa Angeles (Cal) Star, and. Owyhee r r ' !.i i. .... r . i ... (luauo; Avaiancne, nave lavorcu us wiwi their Almanacs. Tho river boat to connect with the Colo rado Steam Navigation? Company's .- ocean steainshfp'fs'annbunc'cdHo leave Turns on the 2Gth. A good' chanco for a cheap, easy and interesting trip tp San Francisco. Tho Messrs Carr John and Larkin are after mail enntracts In this Territory. LiTtifr GaANOtn ErruaioN.-Tuo daddy of the following harrowing reverie, should be sought out and made secretary to some high and mighty Granger: I dream ot a great republic, . a Whose people shall all ga West, 8ow plaint aud ripe tomatoes Iu the laud tbry love the 11 ; Where jobs ol nil dimensions . , Shall blobm on every hill, ' 1 ' And chickens low In the barn-yard, Aud gootcbcrrlc toll at the mill. Oh 1 fiweel n ors the vanished horses, When I waudcred along the glen And wreathed ray brow with tomatoes ' And plucked the ripened hen; When tha donkey climbed on a trellts. And the cucpoibcr chirped la tue grass, And the Sweet potato Vhlstlod To lUjmate In tho mountain pats. ist r t... i, , . y i,(jhko .s (jo. a creditors columns Of thn Nn Vnrtf ltor. . i u sums yange, from one cent to " .1111 ulLni IB RimiUtKI 1 1. .1 fl.RI 'lev 1" nF vr. ...... m' . ; jiikui uiiucu runueaia r... 'io passes U. over. Tor not havlm? had lllfl inin A - l vyi 7 Muni, t lunii wvuu iiMuneu "CHona, qut ia .ationil,b.lWiB4" Tho Mining and Scientific Press of San Francisco, now inIta 2th Volume, !s the best paper for tho miner, tho prospector and the machinist, pf which wo have any knowledge. Four dollars (gold) sent to Dewoy & Co. will fetch it or one year. Messrs Coatcs & Co., American bankers, London, England, have favored us with files of' the, Standard! Hour and other bug London dailies, of peoeruber 12. Thanks. ANNUAL REPORT OF COUNTY TREASURER. To tho Hon. Board of Supervisor, of Yavapai County, A. T.; t,,u nmre71ULtJnder T0U m A,U,Ual R9port beinB full exhibit of the tranaactlon. of thk Offloe for tho year ending January 3th. 1874, mid .howlng tho balanoe romaiiilnEla tho vnrioua TerritorM and Comity Funds it Uiat dato. 5 Dr. TBRRITORTAT. rawKtrm a t " J-- JUivxiU .it l IN J. I.-r inr ljuarttr, Jan. io .tprit 7. lo tHta Xrum lurincr Treu tTT2.tS . . . 'k n74.77 ' l)rlln,Uot Tmo. 1(27 1-rrur tfclrd iiwrl CT2 oia nrrvwi yuarur, .ifirti 7 lo July C, itrx JD. C. Apltl7. JulyO. Ott. C. To ca.h (rom Delln.iurnl 'tutet. l.kem,. I.ilal. or Dea'd m rnt.. i'i.VJ Third Quart' r, July Bio Oct. 7. To cih from Tir $ 5 ' ' '. '. '. 'V,1T"- '-WWII I.i'cnir 447 U Xvrtk Qvarttr, (kt, e to Jan. S, lf74. Tucoik frin LloenMi 331JM ! '. I" nlt Tf Ui ' HSMTT I'uii lain... i lkn. Jho.G. t'lrit Quarter, Jan. C to April 7. Iy ld Terrltwll Tfr S April".- SteonJ Quatt'r, JprillttJuly C. Uy ntll Trrriioral Trruurfr MU.St July . !H7., Third Ouarfrr, July 0 to Oft. t. Uy fkJdT.nUutUlTr.Mutrr... .i.i,.. fl02.SU By tol.oei,...'.'..'..'t. . 1173. J.e. Afrll 7. July t. Oct. C. 1873. Jan. 6. JoljC OcUC. im. April ' July C. Oct. 6. M.54 5M8.S7 TERRITORIAL SCHOOL T,XJKTX. .trxr.i MOHAVE COUNTY. f'irtt Quarter. Janj t io UnrllT. To tth from Siracr Trw. 233 33 '. l?.VfrlrT,i " iw DllnquotTin , MM Second Quarter, April! it July t. To Mh from Dollnqntal TtH J.....S 0.P5 TKM Quarter, July 6 to Oft. S. To rath from D.llMantTaiM...... I Fourth Quarter, Oct. 6 U Jan. 5. IS7I. Tocothfiuui DUnijaut Toln, J.1 ' ' Ti 11M.S0 14C4 I! 1C3. J. C. Aplrll7. 74. t'lrit ffuarttr, Jan. to Aprm, Uy U Territorial Tmm.. ........ Sfl.33 Stttnd Quarter, Aprilft to July a lly jia T.iritorW Ti.. f Uy BUbc lll2. 1S7X Jo. 6. Jul; & OttO. JYrit Quarter, Jan. C t Afrit Vy!d WarrsaU. ' OOTJKTX-Z- SCHOOL r XT 1ST 3D. i in! Quarter, Jan. 0 to April 7. To cut from forafrTn. ,.t 933 OS ' ' T .pprupfUUoo, .,.,. ivO30j ' Tw. ., 8,13 Tf. Tr.ll imw ' Ulloqunt Tuxrt . , S43i Third Quarter, July I to Oct. C To cub from Uollaqnfst TatM .S C3 ruri Quarter, Oct. 0 to Jan. 3, 1874. TuouhfruraDtllqnatTat... ...... IA ' 1 T.xt. U90.77 msli: .1 aoo.oo 1874. Third Quarter, July C to Oct 6. "y U Warrant... I12CH.P7 OommlMtoai 9J1 Pturtk. Quarter, 0O.6U Jan. j, 14 )ty (wM WonuU..., ,,...4 HI. 04 By 1(563.73 yfu. coar. jouk C. rorra. Cory Ac 3?ott, SELL CHEAP for CASH, EVERY THING NEEDED BY EVERYBODY IN' .VHIZOMJV. AT THEirt STOUE lit CERDAT, WALfJlPAI MINI.NO DISTRICT, MOIIAVH COUJtTY, ARIZONA TEltRJTOKV. We keep on hand, a large Assortment of DRUGS AND 3IEDICINE8. CU and frn XJm. Mfl7 "75 3CH.75I aoTjrjsrx'r general rxrisrx). Vrit Quarter, Jan. 6 to April 7. To cih from krmtt Tru. 1 2235.41 Taim. M.e ' ' Uli.)BriitTaxM...... SCT f i ' ' 14V.M ' Uertwi '.oai.7 ' lUfaododtiyTttrurtarohuno IS4.M Steemd Quarter, April 7 to July 6. To th livm llui. . 112.M D.lI.qM.t Tun 107.16 ' ' Utnm .t. ....... rsU7t Third Quarter, July 6 to (t.C To cuh frun DllMUBt Tarn. I 18-31 n ..v IK17S ' lAoru.M lOlitl ' ' 1-ollT.l.l ... !ffi?,M nurth Quarter. Oct to Jan.. Wi. To cmIi from flo. . ..... IMS 1 ' K.UU. of Uoc'd potwa. SU0 ' Llornte. WO SO T.. 7301 M ' IMIoou.olTiiir........ &.Vt lUIT.Ir. tin 173. Atn7. July. OotC. Juui. Writ Quarter, Jan. G to April 7. By fold Worroat. .6(31117 Wallapai Assay Office. Cerbat, Mohave County, Arizona. WoTUlitl Dklllrl. W do u; work im U Uu C sty ie,S71.C7 Second Quarter, lAprilT ttJuty 6. Uy jia Warriu ,.ltritl7 . '4., . . Third Quarter July C to Ot 6. , Byfold)VorrwU....,.j ,.. 7J2J6 i. I 3 I' A f Fourth Quarter, . to Jan, j4. 'JyraU Wormau,... ' ISJOtiSJ I W lo laftra til tnlnm mod rmbtli" lo mmt t.l hTo oooeod ao Avar OBeo at Cortat. WoJUiwI Dbtrici oner I u crtnwod luilatu. I bato Aaci Trie to Bidtthe TUsas. vji Sltl. Amji tue Odd aod 8Ur ,.. -,...,92 S3 Kugr Auoyt forCorprr , ..5.CiJ v,?". . yrr-. row od wirr. aim Hlltrr UoUi-ia. iult4 al AMarod ot 3 lt ctrt. of tiIh. fonuu ModUr or wlU otjomo th. CJ1.,I m ml. . Pulrrrlr Vu ut. asd Mix themuMri .t.n i. oao of oath oarapl. If ur tha oo nkfi, rarti ato ia fXola tfn. Bcoult firo br rrtum mU. By loMoo QvU DuMji...., 14 By IWlaoco.. ...i.s 570iJ 'ICSTLCT ie7x3r,J .ririi Quarter, Jan.Cte Aprill,. ,, rfo7T, "rvca li (Ww Ttiuunr .. ... .. C 0 1ST TI 1ST O-EISTT FUND. rifo. mi -y v . a r; J. 6, K r:r,t pmarh-,.j0n. t ,.4jw J 7 nj-jMua arrsu..i. ............ rilM April 7. JulyC. Ott. 6. Taao...... M ' iluma , 13.SS ' ' D.liottucnt Ttin C3jr UrM-t UI.C4 ' Hno.lJ fur cw f Imooo. . &13 Strom! Quarter, April 7 to July 6. To cub fiMo, lAeoutet ..( Wi Ih-lloqutet Tatr. 19 41 H 1S.4S Third Quarter. July A to Oct C To ca.b from nllDut Taitt I 1.92 Ho. 31.32 r.UTilM.., 599 Uo 112.M fourth Quarter, Oct 6 to Jan i lr?74. To cb tram 11. . . 1 IZS3 Ueoooe W.31 ' IlUiUet Tim 1J01 ' lUUIt.of IWd f"".l. 9 0S ' ' Tair. , 83X32 rollTaxtt. 9M April 7. July 6. OctC 1874. Jaa. 3. Smni Quarter. April 7 to July C Dypoid Vnau... 8 : IIXC3 Third Quarter, July C to Oct C By fold Wwraou , S) 270W rourtk Quarter, Oct C to Jo. 3,1(74. Ur rId Warraau $ 303.70 By Ilolwto .-. I 7I7.T PRESCOTT ROAD S317J3 FTJND. 1K3. J. C To cub from former Trar, I lo74. 76.00 j Jm.S. By lUlaot. RECAPITULATION. Ceuh on band Juunr fi. 1673.. .....w..t S.77I.H Uocelpu Tnunni't rommUJoo o tZL3i.W...,.i 1 DUbunmtnt. lS.lC&7i. . 30,413 1 I fT ' i ' 76.M l9J3a7t lUlanr oo basd JasoaryS, 1871 S11.0oTyu OfBoo of the County Treasurer, Preaoott, A. T, January 6..A. D. 187.4. , JOHN H. MARION, Treasurer of Yavapai County. By XI S. PENWBLL, Deputy, PIONEER DKVG STORE. Prescott, Arizona. On hand and for Sale: AVER'S, J A VIVE'S, I1KISTOIS, RULIN AND IIAI.I.'M Family IVfieclicino h , And a fall auortntrat of tb toil I'atrnt Mritlrln. now la tb Morxm vtrraatod fro.h and aolar. Fancy Totitt Artiela, Soapt and Ptrfumery, Aod a full .upplyof Tlitrexnixa Mstnctxu. Phy.lclana' Prr.rrlptlan. earafnlly and aecur. mflj Coaipouadol. OtO. D, KU.NOALU CJT Da. KesuaLL's omo In rm of Droj Sim,. ANTELOPE RESTAURANT, Gurley Stroet, North Bide of tho Plaxa, PKGNCOTT, AIIIKO.VA. Tb rroprlotor o? tbla ntanrBt rf P fully aooouacet tbat bo will .par P'" In eatorl to lh Uate. of kt palr-wu. Mral. 1.111 l furnllbtd ot ill hour, of tb day, and tb tab) mrrilwl orllb ftmo. d the chotcnt dfllMrlr. tbat can l proourl. UrrrytblBa; rlan and wrrtd on Iu lbs be.t style. T. WHITEHEAD, rrnprlrtor, Prtaeott. Kovemofrg, 1872. no PACIFIC BREWERY. MONTEZUMA STREET, Next door to tho Minkii Offlce, rrcott. GOOD IMAGER JIEER, fLiywrt and Oigart, Always on hand and for sate. JOHN KAIU'.E, Proprlttor, rrronott, January 13; lls72. LUMBEItjJLUMlJEH. ATX KINDS Ol' BHICDINO 'iAJMBim KEI-T eonMaatly oo band al tsa Quarts Mooatala BawMlll, St all. outb pf l'teotl. All orders sn tbroojfh (b pnrt offlco will bo promptly atuadtd lo. Toms eaab oo delivery at tb mill. OBO.'rV. CUKTIS. Vrticoti, A. T., BepBiber , 187?. irTtf BUY YOUR FRESH MEAT ANO yE6ETAM.ES ... arms.... PIONEER MEAT IvfARKET, GRANITE HTREET," l'HESCOTT, Kat plenty of notb, ond yi Ul Mm ooa. .trnj at u ot. iu i mm vuiuir, aa a. .cool, orutiaa iu wmtt, a a lTt drntUI 0,ukr, t-reonott. Atuput It, 1871. ARIZONA IREWERY, North Side of the I'lazn, Prescott. ll.rltf purchaord and refitied tb .bor old aaj xnowa ium, an now rewly to roraUb II poblio witb lUxoellent -Hinder 13er, WIIOLtSALK OR HETA1U W lu al. a pew flock of Imported Wines, Liquors, and Clears, And respectfully solicit your patrooair. ItODCNBUnO It CO. rrrmtt, Arlwna. January 13, 1873. LAHC.E, NEW, COMPLETE WAQON AND ILACKSMITH SHOPS, Ourley Street, Fronting oa Oraaite. All kind, of Illackimltblnjr, 'Waxoo-Biaklns; and re l-alrint dnn foJ f ly by eoiau i ur.ii. ii. urtr.un I . I Tilton's Steam, Wastior, . pj WOMAN'S FRIEND. Jenoa II. IinOOKH. of IreMott. bu tb riabt to man utwtor and Mil tbM macblhef,and b will b tilewrd tielrafuflUer inforinatioq enarornlns then. -Tb prir J nUii. in ui r.n r.. .1..., .f et -i v.i. plDclothfft that til bottuauofthoso now tmao mra ofoopprr. On of tb wuTir ran Mwrn attbe itoroorH, C. iu(r, nouin xooietuma Biret. iywtr I1' '! "' I' 100 SOLDTER8--S200. far oxlra ravl 'pay of Oalltarnla and NraiU Vo'lon . .11 1 .A . .k Ik. L..JJ U u f bom' applytn TV. II. AIKEN, 'Attorney at Law. .anil comtnatwier ot too urana Army, v. woeijomrry niovs fiao rraacUea. aa9dwln A. R. IIAVtS. AU'tH aAXIMLL. DON'T READ THIS, TJnleaa you wan't to find out that you can Buy Oooda at Reduced Rates, of DAVIS & RANDALL, AT MINERAL PARK, DEALERS IN Groceries and Provisions. CLOTHING AND HARDWARE, TOUACCO AND CIGARss, DrufjH nnd lMcdicine, j LIGiXJORS, i Wbs ara alao rrrird to 6IIIP OIIES AND BIJI.I.IOV and ak liberal ad r" ,! oo tbe ai. uiU PAUL BR EON, Camp MoIihvc, Arizona. UEALCS IN Groceries, Provisions. Liquori, GENKRAl MERCIIADISE., Camp MbaT, Artua. Jaaoarr 7. 1873. Jol iHsiness & Professioisl Cards.- COLES BASHFORD, ATTOKNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW-, Tsttaon,- ArlaoMM, Will praetlc bl. pnfrtii In all th CouHS of tb Terrlli' J n.ii.caKTTrB. n. UCiRTTKa, . H. H. CARTTER & SON, Attorneys si ad Counselors at Iavr. Prescott, Vatvapal County, Artaona. . Will attoad to tnutn. In aU tb court of tb Torrttory. ; J. P. H AUG RAVE, ' A ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, 1 Montexama strett, Vreacott, Arizona' JOHN HOWARD, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Frescott, ArUona. nut t JOHN A. RUSH, . " Attorney at Law;'1' Fbcenlx, Arixona, , Will stiktly attend to J1 bmlae. atraated to Um,' la too WJ , ..feral Court, ol Reeord la 1L Territory. . , . ( ProajaattaatiaaglTtatoCaliactioas. y.'t J. E. IvfcCAFFRY'. ; ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. 1 Main Btreet, Taeaaat, A, T. J. K. McOANDLESS, ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,- Ofllrc, North Side of Plata, Pre at et. " I HENRY W. FLETJRY. ' T RROB ATE JTJDGE, Jmtice oftheTeace and ITotarTTablie., .in-- i, ... n in,..,,.. lf wi. a. hancock, Notary Public and Convey&neer- Blaasx Bealaratory sjtafSBcatV ,,'ri"' And tfml BUaks of all kinds. 'Bt!U eottectod prwaplly ' wi, Mancopa vo. Anxona, jaa. Kb, WTi. E. IRVINE, Attorney at Law, Phcsnix, JCaricopa County, A.T.igSjiBt4 OS, la lb New. Dpot, oa tt Wast aite tiasS . ,i--isw-sKR' -t YUMA COUNTV. J.L. FISHER, Auctioneer ami CfHMissMi 4jtJ! Salesroom, North Side of PUxm BEST AND CHEAPEST freight and Passenger Route. PROM , .San Francisco, Cal. J. GOLDWATER k 30: tTmlnif. nrlVrna " . ...I Forwarding and Commission IfcrcMita,. KkrrBSMrg, Arllsa, y ,Vv.jU -STTJC A, TO ARIZONA. VIA OUAYMAB. LA PAZ, MAZATLAN, Aad Other K.aSeaa'rott. THX COLORADO STEAK Jf AYIQA- tir Ouatieay. rilet VtrMklp KEWBER5 aM KOKTAKA 1 S ynisoienj eterr twtoty del l toe Mnkaa rorti and nwtfa ct CoUirado rtTr, eoontinic wua nrer brau. 'relrbt leaded at Yeoia la twelT QZ) days frvm haa i raeuoi Aceaoie f raacuo. aut;38 i of IbalCompaay at CIO Frnat Stnwt. rtaa , California, Yuma aad Kbre.Ur. ArUoaa. I, 1-OLHAMUB, Jau, Oeaerml Superintendent. Passage at Reduced Rates. Yuma to San Francisco, Per C. S. N. Co's Steamers : ..,.$ Oait - 23 " CaUa 8UerS 7-Acoommodatloca First Claaa-tV . XrOLIIAMUS, Js noTflf Qerml Hupeitntondeol. Yuiiia. Irtig- Store. GEORGE MARTIN, Wbotesale and Retail DRUGGIST. Malm Street, YuUsa, Arixvaa, Ha In rtor a full line or ' Dispensing Medicines, Patent Medicine Drugs, rerfumery, I'aints. uusf iouei Soat, Toothbrushes, , And all otkr artkl. usually keft ia Dref SUitm fuf trrriptlon. pot up with great ear. Order, from tb itrr nolWledi wllb tb a.uraiM tbat txloea, -C, will Ix fouad uaxiacury OtpiUJE MARTIN, Vam., Arlsona. d3T71lt PRESCOTT, COMPLETE ASSORTMENT o r Groceries. Provisions, MINERS', FABMERS AKH Epicureans; htokeh. No. 18 ijoitiJi fyorit(&ftruC St., (0TuH Dsn Itati' Rr.UiinuL) ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR - hitLfR lOsarsl luk. Xokata Coaaty, l&Htl&W Win attend U lernl baaliwas n al! tLe' enarn-of senuoryi make euoeettuaa, ate. 4WJM r Fred. Williams Has on aaod, at bit aw JUlooa, oa aortk U of. .WjjlS) FI5ELY-FLATKED LI(CMl U all klada, to,rtaer wltb a larg k t CAREFUZiLT SKTJECTED CIGr AJKaV fm : r.e.i PRINTED BLANKS , .yona Location of Mining Claims", rOR SALE AT THE MUTER OITICSi. . V r,mnftar or lilner abeold n Into tb oosstrr wltar . . out a mpaiy U tteo rery baody and tarroct ready-mod ouueea. ( . WJC a. SUIT, V. A, HTir.W.1 -1 till NEWS AG-ENTfk' Kelly J. Stephens, AMD IIKSICBST f ,Sl,! ifttS nnnra AT A Tl O IVRII V.: COrfTBCTIONARz, NUT8, , , Tobsicco and CigarflL f Fancy Goods, Yankee Xstioai, , rreab rniit, Oarden eaav o.p . , l rwoaott. Jaauary lg, 1ST3 Wg-TM. '.-r. WORMSER k WaTMOMHU, WWeule ad Eetall la. la41 Orcrls, PrawlstaaS, CkaMalas. sMsMstat Shew, Llqaors, Croekry, Marslwmra, ' ' 'i ; U4'ia Varsnlas; aad 7f IbIbs Aan.filaamasUa, n Rlcetora. Southeast Comer of Plau, Pr eacott. I .1 mu si , iWtV t ruass ruaciiXA. Tntormux LosMUoa. Purcella & Loisillon, . Have bow on band, at talr Rates: Bros. (Ravtaat aldu-ft stand), Goodwia Stroet, all kind of w ROCERIES, PROVISIONS, T CEOTHTNGr. 3300T Sc SHOKS, MUTINO TOOLS, IJQUORS, Ac, Wbkhtb.y offer fur sal cheap. f.itt i i - 1 At CMARMMt IM.E STATU, Foar Miles East of Camp IIitalpai.aK K.Tr ramns WATER, la abonJaarw. HAY aad OR AIM always ready for Uamtten. .BM. ' S. 0. ROOKRS. Iroprttir. V" (" T. R. OASrrca AXD LatiV, SuMrlsUadont. ., ; j.ntyl n.lsf oon.taatly lareo1r4 of fib arrlraU, ao stale fot-ii are e baud. - - farmers' produce and, jaarkttlag wasted iq Sehaa( for good.. CdU.sdcetbarjt'.si, (rfthtrfef zebwaga, preen brki or rold du.t. at R. Meaoham's old stand, wktrs you will And tb 'aodertlrned ortUauliUoU ready" to uftoofamo 4UatallUiues. ... fi,i5iH0QKWi. I'rotr, Jun7;l73. i .,.. 1 , i; r v Ti Yii , '-it - ALL, TUB PAT KMT riLLS, VMaCSIl and'reDoJne. at lilt. KKKUALL'S IHoowr ll. L, -1 . tjfcosEtmR pesdViah wk, wrra pro a toxld of Iron, at Keadall s Vtvf htor. IAR AND BILLIARI SALOON, 'Jlfonteruma Street, Corner Ourley. ,, LARGEST AND BEST SALOON d4wtf A. U MQV.U.ER. Proprietor. OKI vteebb: matio HAQNOL.1A VATKK, FI.OIIIUA atr and iu bett Wrtgbfa Col aad O.nula at IL tCtlNVAWft Vo Colora, ner Dru rietb rug HUto. 1