Newspaper Page Text
i niL rrii mipn II h rroraSalntaya Dally. . ' . .,v Cant Jas Burns, with Lieut 1 1 BUI1IU I' " . - to fort Whipple last night, after uav- l llnnlliftt inillBtl lli'nll I B rn. .1. . irrr caruini ana laoonnun exam- . .,ft!n. n il wiiams mountain ana . i . . . . . . . nrxr ItnttlQSIiaKO UAI10I1. TI1IIV btent J" u ay i ot irurmcu weiwccu I I'll mill tl 1IUB11 IHUIKI! BIKIlll discovered. 1 Ho cotnnianu atiuercu se- . ln,n cold, me wcauicr ocme very in- .. riniI1' BllUtVllllZ wuuuuLut-nsi' ' . . ' .-.!.... .!.! ... in nne mace, an auvanco coum only oe by brewing through snow girth deep t4 M- . . .ill -virv rArrii tnr .Nan . ih . mnrninir. . . . t i-l. .....I Unavifraflnti" ! railiA. fllfTl.ltr ntiw, in Arizona, owing to uarlc nlgliu roudtly roads. The llurdyvllio buck- ciw. o . : - - i wit, jcsieruay evening, in rain ami jtiurcnciraoic uarKness. mat. tor I I I a ...I u lutiiit. .In...,.! morning, with Uie driver and a very mH. mij trnvnl In i.nnv.v. In sucu wcauicr, aim nooouy oiamcs 'for stayinjc where they are. They . " i . i i i J go in any kind of covered wagons. - ill.... ......II 1. - J - .1 . i .... - i.i-i. i :. ..... ... ... .i.ii.l. . . . ..)... .1.1 rtiutpitlnni Id lhi mn.rtn i ia anlri "government" t in debt. Itut, gen- I 1 . .1... . i. r... ....i. is. i.t.. .1... .:n il ai i.ii l m 1 1 u i r . i j a ii l.ii ii 1 1 . i . .11 nniiii. . -i....i t tr i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111. u . in 111 l .1 1 ...i i- 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 t-....i- 1. .1 . . .. ..... r.. i.i:r... meet auu cscur. .urs uon 10 nnrJun. i la our otlice, yesterday, he stated that lite rata iilnycd havoc with the nest home which Mr I. It. Krannen is V IV CIUVL 1UI KUIUIIIIllVlll. 11 t . II . 1.1 . i i t, by that excellent lady. Mr D. 0. P. IT 11(1 SULCI! IDIL DITKILIIH II A VI TILT .Mir money iroin tier liusbtnd. ihotnn as, a W-iR vii mi l v vm in i m 1 1 ft. miii jr-a i n. iiiiiii i ... . a .u orw af. r Tuornc, wliicu warrant Mr 1. bad pur Stephen. Could mcauneu go any farther 1 tumic not. ohc Hain Thank Qod for the latest rain which commenced about 8 o'clock last ini. and now. at this writinc. 2 n. ni.. is .ii i.. .. ni.:.. .. a il f T m . . . irom fciirenuerg, ioeo principally witn iiiimvm 'i.ui-a uiu' tit. nuiwiti vi am u iv iru uiiuitwjiR. ci;., iut vue cj.ici.iiuu ui u a Miner cotniKMitor i now at work on the ia tjpe. r , t . i ? i it . . i IFiom KoiiV Daily. IV111 I 11.1 h11 IT taifTll III IUI . t il.. ...?. . . . I . . 1 I 1 .11.. . tr xu ..l r T . nv ami (7 1 1 .i . l 1 1 i v . iiiaiiili: i.i ctl' v . of I'rencott, baa swelled and swelled . r . . . ii great, iiiiiu iuu. niiu ucicnvu iiiaut itw attempting to cros It, ait rule tn ii get t horses. It wivd, we Ixdiove, higher any wuite person nau ever beloro Ken January of anv vear. AM other creeks is viiTiniiv in? in inn naiTi.iniiiinn' xiin . . . . " 1 - - i i iiiiuu ui ... . ii ml iiiiiuwnuini'ju, 111 : uuiu raiuer uife in nco. .iur aaieiv. lu mountains of Ileptidam, or any other : j . . rr- oyr. borne an enviable reputation, ana iooxeu upon, by all o Ulcers wuo knew m m VJkSl lrti-u.a 1..H .Saux..! I aa u 1 UUUUI. I.t4l. UCU -l lfUaV- UM vn il nlln fan n lot. mni aiaaM ami aat linn stolen some property and deserted, the I irrinn . nii.i It I in .. n III. In n Wn I PI I'MI. " fTI... . L - n 1 l. - .... n ... Ii 1. 1 1 I.. I I. - I.) 'ftllU UVVV 1UU. 1UU UIMCl.l U f BUI' It ill his lip-art tn linllpvn thut nni nf liU compatriots had robbed tho Government Lieut Weitintr, and deserted. It is. bo now know that Anderson, wbo bad uu in inn an 11 rm h nn m-t-i b.i iii in wiisv buaxou iniu commiiung crimes inai ran KI IUIlir III. BlUUIII III VIIU ..111, .IV4 cinn tiiiiin ni aiiamn rn in. rnwKi aitr has been entrusted with large sums of n tfil. .111111m.ll.iH I I. n-.ll t n MmTml thl zens of wlckenburg, who arrested those 1 mat uen Urook it excccdinelv tuanklui their acu, and hopea that other citizen I follow their Example, whenever thoy may .0 wwaion lor so uoing, it ueing mo inier & aiJ good citizens to assist tlje otticern nave (riven tint Torrilnrv niuv. in keen. the General's small forco whore that force do the mnf vul. NAvr luriiri. rn knowledge, havo aoldiera been better tarl II,... .1. 1... 1 ' I. his officers, ao thnthoncof themcan havo shadow of a pretext; for deserting. GW Couktt OrricKRS. Etc. Tbo Board unervlsora (now in snnainni. barn annoint. Under Sheriff II. M. Herbert to bo Sheriff x oftc(o tar collector1 during Thomas' xpirfid term, and Mr Herbert baa filed bis a a Sheriff, with 0, P. Head, (Jeorgo V. n, v. A. Luke, Li A. Stevens and u. I . r. as suretios. Also, bond as collector H-taxea. with K. J. Pnok. W. S. Head W. Z. Wil.on. n mirft. In, which bonds I lpoint. aa Undar Sheriff. Wia. Wilker- P. Potter bavtnir fallvf to nualifv as a eryior. T. S. ItiifT bas been aDoointed (f i T"ir sr a yioui gentlemen tried for the aberiffaitr, l&Ur nfl iVin AM.-.l f..aii:M tisi rrivon Mr Herbert, a man wbo will Dot toU o PHfls. a yet, no malrfrbm QMlfOroi WEEKLY and portions of Arizona south and west from i-rescou. rosttnastor Allen la informed, by telegraph, that the mail wagon left Wicken burg on tlmo. Heavy roads and liieh water In tuo stream are, undoubtedly, the causes of Its detention. Tel td dny, in consequence of which we have but a meagre batch or news from California, the all from other points in our own Territory. Messra 0 Oonre lianirbntt. Miss Jrnnif IUnghart, Mrs C. Hall, C. T. Hogcrs, Win. W aito and others, from Chlno valluv. camo up in the storm, and suffered considerably. Bevcrnl robust men. iunt arrived fmm Knu- Mexico, with cattle, are now in Frescott. I'liey encountered snow in the mountains tint of Verde, but camo through with very little uiiiicuiiy. uno oi tbo gentlemen reorts suv eral largo bands of horses and cattle on the Ltttlo Colorado river, nbogt 00 miles cait of I'rescott. Taxpayer and others will be interested In the county treasurer's report for the flucal year ending January 5, 1874, which appears elsewhere. A Goon Claim. A uentleman named Moore lias a placer claim on Lvnx creek hlch has been paying: him at the rate of an ounce or gold a day. This with a rocker. (rfwaTaWiDillr ) Rain and lUixrALi.. It ceased rsinincr. at Prcscott. between 2 and 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, after which time, several showers or sleet and snow descended. During the evening, the star shone out, yet water kept coining down. On awaking this morning, tno weather was quito cool, owing to the light frost: the htcu muuntatu Doints south of town appeared covered with snow, and most people believed the storm at an end. but, at this writing, 2 o'clock p. in., wind and sky appear to lo mustering their forces lor anoiner pelting o! snow or rain. The following, for which we are Indebted to the hospital steward at Fort Whipple, gives facts and figures of gcnenil Interest : "Ilalnfall, last storm, 3.53 inches. The rainfall seemed irrestcr than it actual! v was. owing, probably, to the force of tha wind, wutcb, at Intervals, increased to from 40 to 50 miles." Judgo Flcury and a few other centltincn succeeded, this forenoon, in throwioR n teui- porary bridge across Granite creek, und peo ple aro now crossing from Iwth sides of the "hostile" stream. The Judgo felt happy upon reaching I'rcscott again, after his long stay of four nights and three days on the "other shore, during which time he sighed tor a bridge upon which to cross over, since wading or were out of the quet tion, so far as he was concerned, and since, Irom witnessing tbe passage ot men and ani mals over the turbulent stream, he was a lit tle afraid to try either of these modes, for, had he not witnessed the performance of an ffriehted horse, which, by buckimr. etc.. tried bis very best to free birmelf from his rider, who came very near going head fore most into his grave. Now, the Judge and several other citizens wbo live on both sides of Granite, are earn estly discussing tbe bridge question, which discussion will, we hope, be kept up until a plan for bridging the stream shall be agreed upon and carried out- They hare spoken to members of the vil lage council, wbo informed, them of their willingness to assist in th matter. A Goon "Paosrccr." Our useful and en ergetic fellow-citizen, 8. C. Rogers, took some lironectlnc tools up u ran I U creek, yes- BVI1IU l i' ,-i.iub WVIB Ul U1NUIW VI I- V , j cir- tcrday, delved in some gulches around Judge 11 rook's place, washed several pans of gravel, each of which yielded over a cent of gold. Coming into the ollice, he showed us about two cents' worth ot gold, tbe product or a shovel-full of gravel, and remarked that our recent article on the golden wealth of Pres cott gravel was under the mark. Well, so it was, for with such propecta aa Mr. Rogers got, we could, by washing the gravel in sluice boxes, make decent dally wages; and by hy draulic washing, the same gravel would yield about an ounce of gold dust for every day's work of one man. All of which tempts us to call, strongly, for good Calirornia, Colora do and other miners to come hero and go to digging for gold. Persons wishing to go Katt, sbonld read the advertisement of the stage line to Santa Fc. Mr Harlow brought in seven passengers on bis first trip from Santa Fe, and will be ready to start back with ample accomoda tions for passengers in two or three weeks. This route ii the nearest, quickest, and cheap est, for travellers from Northern Arizona to any point fast, and we hope that Mr II, will have business enough to enable bim to run stages till be got a mail contract. Military. Col Coppingcr, 23d Infantry, arrived at Headquarters, from Camp Verde, last night. Lieut Eaton, 5th Cavalry, left for the Verde this morning. Capt Jamea Rums, 5th Cavalry, has !cen suffering from a very severe cold, contracted from exposure during bis recent trip. He is now recovering. We understand, a general court-martial is to assemble at Fort Whipple some time this week. The piece of road between Prcscott, Mili tary Headquarters and Fort Whipple is awful muddy, and. of course, hard to 44 navigate." In dry weather it can't be beat, and a little graveling and ditching would make it equally good in tbo wettest time. The best thing government can do with Howard, Colycr, Wilkinson and other public cribbager is to send them out here to make good roads for our good Christian people. The artist now in Prcscott Messrs Flan ders & Penelon are masters of every branch of their business. They will shortly visit tbo Verde. Wickenbcrsr aud other impottant point In tbo Territory, so that the people of thhf section wlio bavo not yet -Dcen wnen- shnujd go .at once and submit. The mall wazon arrived a little before dark, rcatcrday afternoon. The driver ro norU ateful muddy roads and very high strums. Ho had creat difficulty In crossinc Kirkland and other swollen creeks, but brought the mail throutrb In very cood con dition, for, having done which be is a regular brick. Mr, A. 0. Noyes is talking, quite seriously, of starting up the old Chase mill, on tbe Ilassavamna. We bone be will do ho, and win that success which ho merits. He ex nccti to crush rock from tho Davis and other 1 m sr ..f good mines. Mr. ueorge iiogie, n goou mm er and amalgamator, Will aid Mr. Noycs. frto WtdaasdAr's Dally.) Village Xri'xiit. Wo havo good reasons for believing that bur recently eloctcd village council will .do it best to accomplish somo I t- 11 !. !... gUifll nil& lIUUi 1USJ UBIO UUb llfctivit, Miy tnonoy, with which to commence work, but there are many lots' to ho 'soldthe proceeds j-of which, It fa thought, will complete tbo ARIZONA MINER: PRlisC01T;JANUARYfHn874; work already becun and. inavbo. b rid in' Granite creek. The report of last year'fl financial affaire will appear in next Wr.cxi.v M in tn, and will, wo think, show that tlm nld council, although a little inert, was not very wastelul of money. Prescott and Arizona have lost another eood citizen by the death of Aaron Wertheimcr, a man who was widely known, loved and re spected by alt who knew him. A native of liaden, Germany, he came to tho United States while iiilite younir. He was one of the first settlers of Martinez, California, which place be left for Arizona some time in I0O.1, since which time hu has resided at La Paz, Weaver, Walker, Plncnix and Prcscott, following his business of trader, and novcr making an enemy. Four or five mouths sgo, he commenced complaining of the non-action of bis digestive urgans, and soon after, took a trip to southern Arizona, which trip was made against tho advice of Dr. McCandless, his medical adviser, who, with Dr. Mngrudcr, medical director of this military department, have recently dono everything possible for htm, but all to no purpose. And, so Aaron Wcrthelnior, tbe good citizen, the kind, true and benevolent Mason and Odd Fellow is no moro among Earth's living. His spirit has flown upwards, leaving his body to tho care of brothers and friends who arc, even now, preparing to deposit it in its lost resting place, in tho Masonic Cemetery. Mr Rhodes, jeweler of this place, hit an Iramcnso ledge of rock assaying well in gold and silver on Willow creek, a few miles from Prcscott, whieh be talks of working by furnace and nrnutra. Mr I). P. Foster Informs us that the powder bouse of Mr I ltaliforcl, witb about two tons of powder, several cases of oil, etc., were al most destroyed by tho recent storm. The house was very strong, yet the heavy pres. snre of water, soft dirt, etc., was too much for it. It stood lnck of Gray Sc. Co.'s old store. The los Is considerable. MoRt GolUj Mr Fred Hitdcrbreunt, of upper Azua rt valley, dropped in tut. morning to pay a year's subscription, and tn form us that M r Willard Rice, who came up with liim, brought to town in gold dust, which be bad just taken from the bottom of his arrostra. Ililderbreunt also stated that the valley was recently under water. Crevk very high ; ground too wet to plow. Ail good news. Now, "boys,M for a prosperous raining sea sdn, with arrastras, sluices, rockers, etc, etc Pitch in and make a stake for tbe summer. Col Rigelow ha sent back good news from Lynx creek. Lots of gold in his claims, some already in his purse, and abundance of water with which to wash out more. Good. That lucky prospector, George Monroe, lias again atruck a rtcb ledee, and will arras tra. His lqdgc is east of Wickenburg, and is spoken of in our telegraphic dispatches. Mr. Levi Rashford bat gone East, to ace Mr. I). wbo, at latest date, was quite un well. Mr. C. It. Foster, U. S. Deputy mineral surveyor, will soon r.tart work In Mohava county. Snow, Between two and three Inches of snow feU here last night, and a much greater quantity in tbe mountains around town. At mosphere, this morning, quite chilly. Dud. Moreland and "Sandy" Hammond arrived in town Irom Dradthaw about noon to-day, and state that tbey were driven in by Indians. Mr. Wm. Head Is up be re from tbe Verde, but will shortly return. He was in our office this morning and stated that tbe Verde river was very high, at the time of tbe latest de parture. Il was running all over tbe low valleys. 31 r. Peter Arnold lost a wagon in flood. Colonel II. A. Bicelow, Alex Harris and others started for Lvnx crvekearlr this morn ing, with a wagon load of mining tools, pro visions, etc. Tncy will work tbe placer claims of tbe Dash ford Mining Company, which will certainly pay well Messrs. Geo. W. Bowers and H. H. Cart- ter, Jr., dittrict attorney, bavo recently ar rived from the Verde. Tbey bad a very wet time of it. They report tho river and creeks yery high. Col. Nelson paid tbo troops at Whlpplo yesterday, and some of them have already parted Willi weir casn. Ix)veiov & Co. and Smith k Co. are pipine down auriferous gravel on lower Lynx Crock. The Prcscott string-band operated at tbe Montezuma saloon, last night. Music was, of course, good. M. Gold water has a card In to-day's Minex, the tenor of which Is low rates of contracts, upon which subject we, ourself, will soon say something. Our recently appointed sheriff, H. M. Her bert, and district-attorney Cartur, "took horse" and started fo Wickenburg this fore noon. Several persons prospecting just abovo town yesterday, got goou prospects near Judgo Ilrooka' place, and are preparing to sluice. Kellv it Stcnhens. news dealers, north lido of tbe plazs, bavejuat received a lot of elegant chromos. Call and see them. (from Taaraday's Dally.) Frok thi: Rrspbiiaw Rcoio.v. Messrs D. C. Moreland and Georgo A. Hammond ar rived hero yesterday, from Dradshaw. On learning that they had been driven in by In dians, wo hunted up Mr Jlpreland, who In formed u that tho report to that effect was almost true. They had been absent from the Tiger village, bunting and prospecting, for about seventeen dyi and, on returning, saw, to their aorrovr, that about twenty Indians bad visited the villago during their absence, broken Into tbe houses, cut and scattered tbu contents of n great many roattrasses; carried off clothing oP all kinds, some 300 table knives, several small filcf, all of the provis ions, save bacon, which they cut up and scat tered all over the cabin floors. Nothing es caped their mischievous bands. In thin di lemma, the men bad to come tb town for more clothin!?. nrnvlkions. ClC. "Dud" thinks be can lend a party of troops to the render . r. of the red thieves, ana cx tweta Gon Cnv'c to nd out a party. He Is or opinion lUS?. r- savages hi ijuwu ii been, are yet, living In tho rough section of country between Ccstlo and Humbug creeks, and have never yet been on any reservation, aavo on a visit. Tho raining new brought by the party Is good. Tbreo arrastras are running on good god rok, on Humbug creek, and George Monroe' and other were -preparing to aUrt another. . L , . Dud says that It rained hard for 56 hours, at Charley Taylor's place. Night before last, between eight and twelve inches of .snow fell In the mountains at the bead of the Hawajamp. Mr lfcrlow, who recently arrived hero from Santa Fe, New Mexico, with several coaches and wagons, thinks or employing several of bis men and teams in farming on the Verde. His coach will start back for Santa Fe just as soon as a sufficient number of passenger are ready to go. He will carry and board pas sengers, from Prcscott to Santa Fe, for about 70 each, and psswgo enn bo secured to Kan sas City, Missouri, for $170. The escort which came with his train will travel in com pany with the passenger conch as far as Fort Wingnte. 111. il . f. t.a . . . . . . nne convening wuu nun tbo otber day, ho Informed us that the railroad was within 180 miles of Santa Fe, and that freight could be brought hero frum the terminus, for 7 cents per pound, currency. Weather, last niht and this morning was decidedly cool and disagreeable. The ground froze harder then a negro's head. Grant', mail bitcktmard arrived at about 20 minutes to 10 this morning. The driver appeared to lo in want of a "atilfborn" as he drove his four horse team past our otlice. The telegraph office at Fort Whipple is doing a first rate business. Tbe operator, Mr Win. EllUon, Is a king stuong his fellows and a favorite with all who know htm. Our uusiness men arc patronizing me line in a yery liberal manner. Very many citizens of Prescott are impress ed with the belief that the raln-gusge at Fort Whipple Hospital is fur from bcine a correct instrument. They think so from bar ing, on various occasions, watched and meas ured the fall of rain, in buckets and other vessels, which they placed away from eaves, trees, etc., in places where not a droit of wa ter besides those which descended from Hea ven, could enter any of said vchscI. Rut, to the point; ono citizen measured, after last fall of rain, something in the neighborhood of six Inches of'water, while the Hospital re port placed tbe rainfall at 2,53 inches. How is It, Mr HospitsH I. 0. O. F.The following officers of Ari zona Lodge No. 1, were installed last night: L. R. Jewell. N. O.; J. E. G. Mitchell. V.G V. A. Luke, secretary ; 1 . i. lluir, Ireasurer, II. Head, W., and J. Uoldsteio, U. U. The funeral of Aaron Wertheimer took place at 1 o'clock to-day, under th aus pices of tbo Masonic fraternity. The funeral woa a large one. .Most oi tue main roads or tbe county arc in a terrible condition, an J 'here are tax-pay era who think that tbe county ought to as sit in repairing them. What say our board of supervisors 1 MlLfTAar. Lieutenant Manning, 23d In fantry, has been transferred by tbe War De partment, from Company I, to Company A. Lieutenant Dodge going from Company A to uorapany 1. Dr. Tonner, Special Indian Agent, returned i rum iy a in ii erae issi nignr. Cspt, Burns' health continues to improve. Bonnsr. I frMoitt, Jaaaar Jl, 1171, to U. wlf. U E4. W. Wttli, a oa. At tUl.i'f Raach, Van eoaaijr. A. T Jaanarj fitb, ItTS, Jiptt, dung kwr uf Jom aa4Tbn6n Afalo, af4 I jftn I math. aa4 tf daft. Ia rmcott, Jaatury, 'JO, 1171, f currr f tVa atsaura, AkO WtKTHKINtX. a aatW. at B4a. Oitww;, afnl atwat 1 fn. mV ADVEKTISEJIENTS. Village Finances. f. Ur .. Mtyor 4 ril . ikt riXlagt tj i rcttvw i 1 kit. U hoaor la ubmlt Hi ttUovlaf ttJa.t at u uui w o Tiiuc. rv IM 'JWk day ut Murjr, 1T3, U.iUUW layanwIatnMat. to JaaavrU. IK4. w Uadac Ui r.l t 11 VllUf. TrMOr (ur tha aunt Una i AtWr Iba Orcaalulkw of ka CoomU, Ho. II. 07 W. Ilaury, lTabmU JnJf. ot tb coaaly, tanml orn to tka riUa( aalburtUM. all ppr aad BMMy parulataf to lb. Iowa ail, ad 1m41 to tbom all wmU, ald fcr. aad .acoai tow m ua ininu. Tb. aawaal of food raid late tb VUlar Trwat- By &cbi TrrutoM 10X0 uryoyjiM(. ruvt, h... ti.wiiii ii;iui Aaalnat Ibti aawoat warraatt Vara ba drava' try tbo Vouatti aad paM oy ut 1 rvaMir.rt For rarattora RJS l-gUUhl.f aad IMaUait iitM " SCO ' ltrato OSkca... 10VUJ Marabal. aa 81ml aad Tin Cmnalnloaf r . . . DOM - fiUttoa.ry, 1S.23 l'ay of KMWS.T 1 1 8X0 " OltcWnt aadBiUffiDj 00 trU VTO.00 1.479.13 larUr I Traory a Balaac of 33 22 1.513 Tkrfe li aa outataaiUaf lad.Uodaiaa anouaUca' to aa IMIowt: , rot par -t ManbaL at 0i ft, noatb fillM ' ItMord.r 17.40 ' lUat firma (ktoUr 1. 1873. tojaa.13. 1874... 70.00 niaUaawry IXUS " Drawloj M laoo " I'rioU.r 300 " OU Cao aad OIL f OaV. ao , I " Onmlna of Tiaaaurrr iXX Tb aoatU of Iba 1t!a eoultt of a Urr aantior of Iowa rn, wales tb. Couacil mora to aril at auction fr Urn to lim. to ral. food to aul all l(ablin aad con. rl.l tb Inptureniaau boarua. Noe. of tba Lot luroad of rr to lb Vlllaro aataorllU by th lruhat Judgo, bat kn diMwdof, trrt twrlr., which, oa rotltina of tb Soboal Traitm, w.ra Ml arort fur lb ua of th. lmorU 8baul DUtrict. Tko lunbrt of tmra nuda by Ua VUlaf Matabal dorta- bl trrm of oArw, waa twty-(ix, and all raara hvbn trld he tot 00. of tb Jtutlo of Ui. I'oac for tb t'raeiact of IVroeotu A tb VUUfo baa bad no aocnr pUr of d.Uetloa for prlaaorn. all prlaooar baro boaa jaMd ia tb Cooaty Jail, aad all Baa oollootad wbleh wrro liapaaod air stTraCM oomnlitad aralaal prerialua of Ux T.rritorlal Uw. Kara boaa raid fata tb Coaaty Troaaarar. Tb ltwdr hu f.-w la hi hf4 of tar onltoctad. Iw.bIt-bIo. dollar wbwa baro not ba paid erar. Viry rrtpotlfully, Your Ob'l Rwt'I, JA8,fJ.sJTl?". Rowdor. FH0T0Q1AFHIG 0TICE. I), not for .t that FLAXDKIU9 A J'KKKJN, Artbta, raraain la rrraootl only aanng lb proa at moath. Aad U pablia ar particularly rqut4 to rait aad iamlB apeclman uf work MADa IX PkCSCOTT, wbi batb.r tby dlr work or Dot, aa It always a pleaaara to r. cit TMiior 't uvir LIFE SIZE PORTRAITS CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Pirtaras Ukra la ekmdy waathar, gnarantcnl njual to any iain on to urif aioai aay. aiuu Istl3rUOTIOIV O I 0 0 TOLLS AND FERRIAGE. THE PKEHCOTT AND MOHAVE TOLL ROAD Ro. hT. ruloomd Ua rat, of toll to tb uual raiHoa all itock drlraa lo Artxoaa orr tba PrtMotl aad Mobare Toll Road, fasctpi oa stock lattodad fur flauabtari) Tba raUt of fcrrlaet at tba Ifardrrlll ritrry will ba, oattock oattlr, t.o oral pr beo4 oa sbaap, gotuor kntf.. ano oaot nr baad Tbu. rta of farrlaa-a will ramafa oolr tin til May. or ubUI iba t.lgb. water of tb Colorado risar. tba IwrUlf as par ooairaot. Si chars fur farryU work stotk m roal frctq Call- forol to rroMott ware run ton u raut. . VRt-aRrtTT 11 MOHAVE TOLL HOAD CO. Par WM. II. HARDY. HarJyvlU, Jaauary I, l7, Jaal6tt PRESCOTT. C3 BEAD JAIL BTAUQ. e. i head & co., PBESCOTT, ARIZONA. K.ictfii1)7 aaauunea to IL j L of N'orUara Artioaa, that tli. Lara low on lit.l THE &ARQBST and BEST STOCK .or. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Ever Offered in this Market, i.COJIUTHO Of,. LADIES' FUKMSIIIA'G GOODS, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Military Furnhhlnjf Goetix, drv goods, anocmam, rito visions. mLouit. Dried and Canned XYuits and Boota arid 8hocf), CUTLERY, HARDWARE, CROCKERTWARE, OLASSWARE, WOODEHWARH TOBACCOS AND CIGAI18, WINES, JJIQTTOIsVS, FAKCY GOOD, OILS AKD PAIBT8, Guns, I?iHtolN, RIFLE AVD BLA8TIHQ POWDIE, 8HOT, LEAD, FUSK AND CART HID GEH. Iron and Htel, Mining k Farming Implement, ETC, KTO, ETC, WHICH WX WILL RCLtvl-OB CASH OSLY..AT the sxAixcrr TOntmvr. MAitaix'AtoVs COST AND CAKRIAOE. LIBERAL PRICES Paid in Merchandise or Currency GOLD X3XJS T, GOLD AND SILVER BULLION, ....AXD tue..,. Merchantable Products or the couirntT OlOnOtALLT. llartcf earofnTly atadlad tao cbanator of gout do- irahUlorlU awbrt.aad aarlacoa baad ao laqr ao varied aa aaoottawat, MloHod whb tb (roaloat H ara, w. are ooaSdrat tbot far Ua mala ywar will b brtur raabtod to aaUtfy Um nareaatit waata of UU ootaasaUty tbaa tct rtS. ar.BEAottoo. rtoMott, ArUoaa. Jaaaaty 3, IfTt. CLOSING OUT SALE. BaBBBX FIFTY TfHSUBAW B4LLAstS Worth of Oooda TO BE SOLD .X COST. CAMPBELL 4 IVFFUM BEIKO UESIUOL'K OT CLOAINO UP THEIR Boalaaaa, a lbtt Una of eo-rrtarbtp aiptrr Jaaaary lt, 1874, offrr tbatr aUr (tock tt GENERAL MERCHANDISE AT COST,' Cur Stock CoasteU of Ccsiplsts Aurrrt- mtmtof GrROCEBIES, KRY Q4fl: VL0THIHU, Wines and Liquors. IlnrclAvnre, Tinware, Farming and Mining Toole, BOOTS and SHOES, DRUGS, MEmCINES. ; Oiffni'M and Tobacco, Stationery, rjt?., $c. All parties bating tUlau aaltiUtii sIIJ ftfaast.tbvm far narmaat. " ' .... 1 . 1 . All pattlss ladBla4 lo u will plaoto Mtua witaoot . rtavratt. petobsM7, ibtj. jwaia UnrHtllWW Waa cfv V DNI WEED REMEDY OB OSEQOH BHIJ, ui.uc IT, B.rpuii urvg rwra. MARICOPA COUNTY. W.B.BSLLMOS, S9'D.BZWUXasv, ALT RIVE11 FLOU11ING MILL, Salt River Valley, Arizona. Our 11111 sow Mac la full orU.n, m prrjTaJ W raraUh Iba nukil with quality ot Flour, vblea fnaiaala far airtur to any mumiactarwl la fWTtrrl Wcy, sad fuUy U1 tolka Try boil ImnurUd froaa Call. furala. W. vlU knp ewtUitly ia hao4 at U VIII, U at our MT.raJ t(iuli THREE QUALITIES OF FLOUR, In 25, 50, and 100-Pound Saokf GRAHAM FLOUR. 8EMITELLA, CORN-MEAL, CRACXED WHEAT AKD BHAK. A tlUral dlaanrat will ba rood oa rrfnUr raUs to nmtfcaaU aad othrts poreliulag lai uMtltU. AflEXTflt OtBtoX Co ax i u. J. II. I1tox RaaKrrT Block Mooax A'CAaa.'.., R. H. PWCo... Tfkiaatir'. PaoMlz. ....atarUotWalk. rtptmi. !.W.rraiCo. ..Tm. Et Pbtmli, Ariwioa. . jPHCEIVIX HOTEL, Phoenix. M Arizona. Tk. amtcal aatikr cd tail IlataL iawvrat Ua )MiatkatsiaaluorrrpM UlaiarN' Mfetkilt Tna ltul U tb Tarrllary. .. Xltf U fvoaM fcr la maaactloa with ft Hotal. A (awl StaliU ld raad kri .tUdil tu Um i.ialaaa. Caoa , eom all " Aa4 fif at. caJL MTlIf J. J. 0 ARDISER, rroprWor. mo win t cohon's two. Corner Waahlngtoa ood Moataawsut Btav. PHtXMX, ARIZONA', THE VEWY" BEHT OT Wines, Liquors and Cigars, W ALWAYS OS II AKD. fw Two Uliard Tablas la tbe TtMriWlnhinrmt aorlaU noaoui. p. wrrxrrcB. II. MORGAN Sc CO., FMCgWlX. 8ALT RXVsW TAXXET, AM MOItO AS FERltYi ON THE GILA, Maricopa County, Arlso&a, Mauaa GKNERAL MERCHAICDISE. Our Mvtlo: l(ick Bata and 8aU jnU: l. CoMvator & Qrd., v Bsest aa. baa i C.yr Ctytavt Et-ti tt GEITKRA M I. RCIIA??X8Et aad wkleb ty srf - iHtt fvrt. Hthm aria yaM far Oraia. bltf CAPITAXj house, IPlxcnnix, Arizona, JOHN GEORGE, Proprietor. Tao oartaf dopavtnawt wtU bo eoadaetad e. tb rf taaraatatyW. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. THE SALOON Dfartmrat. by flEOROE WALTERS, wtt b aop pUad wttb U boat of Liqaora, A, rooaaix, Karloopa eooaty, A. Aofoat SI, 1872. aaffSl LitruL J. a. a. nvuav E. rRVIIS'E fc CO, tAt tha Xsrwa Depot, PIIENIX.. ARIZONA, OfrrforHala u aaaortataat of Srt claaa FAMILY GROCERIES, Stationery, Books NEWBPAPXlta AKD FEXaOaTAWUlXsV AT LOW PRICES. " Jtrioor Co, ArUaoa, Dioaavbaa Ssti.irn HARNETT 9c BLOCK, .... DEALERS IM .... Groctria, Pntltions, Catkin jteyGtcxh Phiexix, MASicora Cocktt, Aaiie.fA. ajaaaaaasaa MST Ml ebeapr thasr a&y QJ&H fMbrekuU 1st central Artxona, siov30'67. !!gawajaaawawawwpwawwaaHpBwa PRESCOTT. ORIENTAL lestiiruit, Bakery aai SaltK Kest door to tat Mumt OSes. FBKSH BREAD, FIEfl, CAKBS, GOOD BOARD, ratraiUatwi fajr tat Waak, Bajr, r Moms, tst tb SolUwlaig wrtcc. 1 Pr Weak Taa dotUra, earry, RIa(U Moala eMits. Oood Lrr, Raot Wlaaa, Uqiwrl and Ctfan, ktpt eon aiaauyoa uaaa, lor ia. xwmub of euatoavira. JOHN 8TEMMER, rrorriator. Iaarott. April 18, 1873. MONTEZUMA BAB & BILLUBD SALOON, MONTEZUMA 8THEKT, t'RESCOTT. w.Ium Manllr rtaovatcd aad itad aw our hI.m la So ityta, aad hava u. bat tb OBoloaat WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGAKS, iOU OUR PATROisS ASO TWO PUBLIC,. BxXLIARDS- Wbav two of J.HtrabU it Co', aai Tblr. wilb IHlaaay PaUat wira eothnl. whloh ar t ,urror to, aay oibm saw- la ut. BUlUdtyt wlU plrat rail Mii tot IbamsalT,. " W Uva C3nb Raom, fer Kttyia, 'jfauhbk'- lkV Bat Room. . 1