Faota About Arizona. , , The Territory f Arrwna was 'Organized Ttbtmry '24, 1F08. ' ' - " ' ' J t conuin nlwnt 70,000,000 acrws. ' Jt is what tay bo termed ft mountainous region, although tliero arc immense valley on many titrwuus ; also between its bills and mountain. IV principal rsjirc of tnountiin arc the J?an!KratK iro, 1MI Villinm, Monlltm, Sier ra. HUtira, SMttra I'rifta, I'liial, Ache, Cor dillera iUj iila, Natwnw, Cnlricahtta, Dra (imii, Sinta Hita, Graham, Aztec, Wallapai, Aiitelujx!, Cerbut and liacqoehilla. Thi- jinneipal peaks nrv, the Sun Krancico, About 4.0A fuel above the lorel of the sea. ; Sierra ItUncn, about 12.0U0; Hill William, about ll.iw, and Mount Union, about 10,000 The htlittt mountains art in zona. The mountain ranges and are covered with pine, osk, their foot-hills radar, jumper. poplar and other timber; and He. leel pate in asH-rting that one-third of the Territory in timber kind, An most ot this timber is lnrge and of fair quality, it will, in time, prove a vat source of wealth. The principal rivers are, the Colorado, which is navigable for hundreds of mile ; the (Ilia, Sail, Verde, Honita. Prieta, San Pedro, Heaver, Santa I'ruz, White, Sipicue, Hill Williams, nd Little Colorado. Creeks and springs are numerous, and water is found ev erywhere by digging. The pnncijal towns afr Yuma, Ebrcnhcrg, and Hardjville, on the Colorado ; Wicken burp, on Hassavampa creek Prescott, on Granite creek ; Phoenix, on Salt river: Flor ence, I'ims. Villages, Maricopa Wells, and Adamsvillc, on the Gila; Tucson, on the Santa Cruz; Cerbat, Mineral Park and Chlo ride, In aliapai mining district. The Military posts arc, Whipple, near Pres cott ; Verde, on I pper Verde Hirer, Mc Dowell, near junction of Verde with Salt t short distance above Pbccnix j Camp ) e, on Whi;e river, in White mountains ; , (Apache Pass) in Chiricahua rauce; 1 I, near Tucson ; Grant, on San Carlos; v ve, on the Colorado ; lies I e springs, in '. tallapal country, lnese poets receive i ies from Yuma Depot. ' uiUiti Yavapai, which has a greater i, ber of white inhaldtants, a larger area, ie mountain ranees, fitreams. timber and u oral deposits thin any other county In the . ritory. , . .'ima which has the largest town in the Territory Tucson and the largest ponula tion, two-thirds of whom are Mexicans and Bcmt civilized Indians. Maricopa county lies between Pima and Yavapai, andisiintcd for its agricultural pro ductions, which far exceed those of any other county in tne territory , Yuma county contains much choice farm ing and grazing lands, tier chier towns Yuma and Ehrenberg have extensive trade with the people of the interior. , Mohave county is now gaining rapfdly on ber sisters, in wealth and population. She his mines, grazing and fanning lands that an; amonz tne beat on tne continent. The territory formerly known as Pab-Ute county, lias been banded over to the State of riuvada. As a correct census oi "whites" and Indi aai has never been taken, we will take the responsibility bf placing tho number of whites at about 10,000, and the number of Indians it about 50,000, which civen the Territory population of about 30,000. This estimate includes Mexicans and Lame Indians. Tue'principa! lines of travel are from East to West, near the thirty-tilth and thirty bfo'n.rsrallels nf latitude, and it is con 11 i.:ntirf expected that a railroad will soon be built on each of these routes. The Territory Is well provided with cl raiie or ramcr; eumaies anu an persons i n suit themselves in this matter, for while (cere are portions of Arizona hotter than the hinges of a smelting furnace in full blast, 'here -arc. other; places as' cold as New X.ngland. Then, there Is a medium between these two extremes, and. this medium ls'to -e found in jilaces in eyery county of the Territory. It has been demonstrated that most of the agricultural land of the Territory in capable I producing two crops a year, and every md of crop! 'Grass grows everywhere, save upon a few deserta, and no better country for raising Btock is known to the writer. But the crowning glory of Arizona lies in tier mines of gold, silver, copper, salt and cm, which crop out all over her surface, and juiej us to feel'thaV'wc may, bojhappj yet,' awl rich, too." " The Territory: is bounded on the north by Utah, and on the cast by New -Mexico, on the 'south by tho 3Iexfean fitate 'of Vmoriij and on the west by California and Nevada. The settled 'portion, of Arlzonajs riot very nesr any place; in fact, to get here from any u itside point, long stretches of uninhabited .ountry have to be' paMC-3 over. From San-Bernardino, California, to Prea tt, is 421 miles by the stage road. A mail 2on runs each way twice a week. From Pioche, Nevada, to Prescott, is 40j miles; no public conveyance. v, , . From Albuij'uerrjne,' New'Mcxlcbto Pres- ott, is 400 miles; no public conveyance; no mail. From Salt Lake City to Prescott, is 500 nades ; mail once a week ; no public convey ance. From San Diego, California, to Yuma, is IhQ miles; from Yuma to Tucson, 300 miles; kttges carrying mail, three time a'weck. From Mesillif'New Mexico, "to Tucsonn atout 300 railea ; mail wagon twice a week. From Altar; Now Mexico, to Tucson, is about 150 milea; mail onco a week; no public conveyance. Trarel toandifro.on all the routes mention ed is constantly increasing. Many are com isg, into Arizona Hp make their homes here, and since the subjugation of the Apaches by General Crook men who left here in years pM, arc returning to Arizona as to the homo f their adoption. Export of-'Precioub Meta lb. The state ment of tho general auperintendant of Wells, Fargo & Co., furnished to tho Alta, shows that the production of precious metals west of the Missouri waa larger in 1873 than any prerlous year, and 10,000,000 larger than in 1872, and states tho total product at 72,250, C93. The report says the figures do not fur nish a correct basis for estimating the pro : iluct pf Aritona, as ty. F. & Co, have no olflco in the Territory and no mean of arriving at facts in the case; but the report uives tho production of the Territory at S 47,778. Ev idently only a small portion of the gold and iHver exported from Arizona passed through W. F. fc Co.'s hands, as the rvport of the as. aessor of SJoharo county shows that cnunjy alone bent out 60,600, mostly silver ore. ond the yield of Vuvanat count v. in cold ami sil ver, i estimated at not le than S123.000. The yield or California f.vta tip 518,025,700, h,..l il,.i ,.rv I. imifm ia ' ' ' I.MU y. ,icitu. QllJ,li t,44VA, iii. . Feed is becoming excellent and nbuudant ffcrrwhre m southern Califbraiv . WEEKLY Railroads, Tlie San Diego World,; refcring resumption of work on tho west cud to tho of the Texas Pacific railroad, My there is no doubt that the first section of ten wllw will be fully completed within the time required by law. The World very pertinently suggests that the Southern Utah rontl, now being built, chouM nut atop at Callville, it propo-d 1171111111?, but should be continued on to the NtLilk-s, the propued erasing of the Atlantic & l'acille railroad. ' V ' Wo believe tliat the t'tah southern will reach the boundaries of Arizona sooner than any other railroad, nndalo believe that when it reaches the Colorado at Callnlle, unk-s tirior (0 that time the obstructions in the Northern Ari- j river below Callville are removed by cutifjre 1 sional aid, the necessities nf the case will cause construction down the river us far as Hardyville, thirty-live miles above the Need les, to which point steamer ascend the river at all seasons of the year. hue ww agree with the W orld that aan Diego is the port which should, and will ventuallv, control the trade of Arizona, it ecms now that the Southern Pacific i. likely to reach our borders and divert most of our trade to San Francisco and keep it there for iome(ycarS' before ,aiiy road from aan JJiego willconnect Arizona with thai port. Twr.i.VE Thousand Words is Twenty- two and AiiiLr Minutes. P. M. jGcn- Cres- well having been taken to task for the Com plimentary expression in his report concerning the automatic telegraph, last evening resolved to make rood all he had said, arranged with the comiwny for the transmission of the Pres ident's message Iroin n asumgtqn to tun city. Accordlnclr. accompanied by Messrs Rams- dell and Garfield, he took station at the com pany's office at Voshinj;ton, while Postraas- ter Jamea represented bun at tow terminus. Some preliminary messages of greeting and arrtnuemcnts were firt nent, then at precise ly U:o6 o clock the I're&ident s message was announced to be cominjr, and a very loud wbiz filled one ofllce as a wheel began to re volve, turning "take" after "Uke" or the doc ument. The whiz continued, broken only bv short intermissions to supply new type, until IS minutes and 30 wponus beyond tho hour, when it stopped as suddenlv as it began, and the i'retident's mwsago ot wards was in the office in the form of 23 bundles of nar row paper hung on as many hooks. The time occupied in transmi'ion was 22j minute, and this on a single wire. The number ol words sent a minute was 500. The message was then transmitted to Washington inabout the same time it had taken to come, and then Postmaster James bade "good night" to the Postmaster Genera), and Puck's promise to girdle the earth in 40 minntes was put to shame fN. Y. World, Dec. 15. i . i - - f Othkr "Fbiendly Digs." The following is from the San Diego World: We have Ivlos before n the seventh number of tbe Dally Arizona ltl.Mii. We have refrained from noticing thU Journal uptll tOjdaj on. account of a pre of matter. It Is 'ari''excoetllnely neat sbcei iypoi;rapblcally, is a credit to tbe Territory, and a brave enterprUe that should succeed. Its publisher bavn Infused new blood into their pa Ir, an4 It Is blgblr interesting WHb lu chronicle of tbe events of ibe day in Arizona, and lu erUp, lersq paragraph..- Tbe Arizonios should be prund of their yonnjjdallj' and support It liberally. And this from the. Mcssilla. (New Mexico) News : Tbe Dally Arizona Mrxen, John II. Marlon, Edtor, two copies of wblcbiwcre K-ectr'ed yester day we are clad to welcome, and hereby extend our sincere wishes to tbe Miner for success and prttpcrity la publishing a daily. Jt Is neatly and charily printed, edited with ability, and tbowa so much enerfryand western grit, that it Is deserving of a generous patronage, and we trust never to tear tbat It It Mnbappy." L. J3. JEWELLi, Watchmaker, Jeweler, ....AND.... ASSAY ER, On the Sonth. Side.df the Plata,. Prescott. DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. i Jewelry of All Kinds Made to Order. Repairing Done Carefully and Promptly. Cold and Silver Bullion Refined. Bought, and Sold. Cy Al kind of ore pronrUy aad projurly auayrd.. decSODdw PIMA COUNTY. I)tlr to inform rh tmbtle tbronrb tba milium nf tbe ,aioicc, biaj UKtrxrtaiTa nany at a trvoafi, Tucson and Florence, la lima county, Ariioaa. are alwart fillrd with full lln't of ucb foxl at art nmded la tbt '4 irfltory, and tbat tbtlr aaipla factnUrt Ut irthjjr ao4 ieciuf ifcdi, rsablt tbem to tll Ltir artlcltt, or I.u Snooty tbo any otber Brta la nouweaiteni Aruona.. . , In addition lo rtf ular itort artlelta, Uity atcp on band PINK LUMBER AND NH1NOI.KH, ALSO- MAIIIjTEY and COll-V. Mr. ritb. al Tut too. aad Mr. Cotllarvcod. at Flortarw will iln'pltfttt.1 to rMrira'callt froia MKb ltUnt of Northern Arizona, Nttr Mrzlco and California, ai nay Tltit, or put thtie flat.. mavt-TJ LORD & WILLIAMS. FoatofSce Block, cor. Congreaa & Mala Sta TTJCS03ST, ARIZONA, Hat oanafasUy on baud a Full Assortment ,of Merchandise Adapted to tba wanti ot Arlionam. Tlicy alto art prt rru to innun , i rEXIQHT, GRAIN, AND ALL KINDS Or PRODUCE, , UO AOKNERAI. nilOKlUtAGK JIIIblNtH.I, Make Collections and Sell Exchange on any fartnf tht nuild. I'artltt from Northrm Aritona, vltlrtBg1 Tocton, wilt a! wyt Juki aur "utcii unng out.' r- a. TL'LLY. E. OCHOA. a. R. I)E LOM1. TULLY, OCHOA, & CO., TUCSON, ARIZONA. W wouM ttty rprtullv rail lb Altet)tVa of lie AlA, KINDS OF 3IKItC!f ANDISK, If'AfrA ve ull at tht Lovai Cah Pritu. W lovlt all to txaulo oar itoek before amilng Ibtb riuebavt diwlirc. .. ia3t TCI.I,V, 0C1I0A, K .CD ARIZONA MINER: MBW Jjmi&Jk&k LEGAL Sheriff's Sale. nvvnm'Kor as v-xKCtrriox ifsn:ioi!T It jil. ii.ii !.,. .,( Third Jitdlritl Distrtet, lor Vatnpel ivuety, ngaintl the gw'lt and tbatttU. U4 ( atxt tenement, ol Henry i. i leury, T , rlgfl and title which the U I leery W. leury had .n the tea day til January A. D. Icll, ol, 1". naj w "", tolluwiligdrterlbrdpreUiiM't tuWItl ..,.., it. fi and e ia nun "ni, la i. a. .1. 4. i. e, 7. e. and 10 In Hlck 1'," At. Ib iiiJItM1 try half (II of H Uto In Illoekt "A," H," ' C," and "!.' shall eipute for tale, at 111 law directs, t " Court ho lu tho towu or I'rrtcvtt, Anion Tertitor.v, nu nuDAV, thi; cm iiav r ii;imtutv, a. t. Jell. at 111 o'clock m. Alt th l.niii't t rvlrtv U lttl lo tU Ujn o! I'fiKwtl, Yatipul Cuuoir, Ariun Tf rritorr JA8. 8. THOMAS, BlK-nl. Ily H. M. IlKUUKltT Lndtt hw A. T.. Juoa- lMU, 1S?I. nlMl ISUMMONS. TKIHtlTfiKV or AUIZONA. COUSTV 01' YAV pU und Ttrritory f Annua. r Vo of lAj Urrxtorf of Aritwx U Jat. S ( Thomai, gmtingi V.. ... Ul.. ..,..J 1. I.K.n. in. Ml mv oSIc 10 l'lttcutt la Mid Uuuntrof ymtMi, uo Uit IWa ' day of March, A. U. leTI, at 10 o'clock A. U., to.lii.il I u CAoi-uiBt of . Aiuer ec k . ruiotint, fcria .urn , nf on buadr4 and IwfUe dolln and fifty c nit tut (UiiAO) jru.l. fiM and dllfTd. Wbto Judfiotot .ill ' brtaa-a aiot jruu luf tbt mh! aiouuat, Uxtnf wita oottt. aiul lUniurr. If vixl Ull tu aiiar nod autwtr. men uodtr iuv um tut iiui amy ui jtauarj, a. i. 1874. J.C.OTIS. . J16tl Jtt.tice of lb I'mc Id and fur tald County Bjinquent taxes, Yavavai County, Arizona. Notice b bnby ciTn tkat lb l)llpqutt I.Ut fur tb ytAi A. I). 173, bat Lb pUcvd la Ibt buodt of Uit Dii nW Attorney Illuunt Ttpjrt are brtby MtiSrd tbat If tbt Uitt la Mid Dtlinoutat I.Ut tiwcltcd arc out iid to tbt Di.trivt AUornty wilblo twmty dart fruto tbt dVttr hrrvwf. nova iu u nnmnrnroa oy sata uutrtct Atturary for tbt collection of toeb Uxrt aod oottt. JOHN II. MAHION, Trraturer Yaawl Cvoaty. By K. . IT.NWrii. rruiy. lrroutt, A.T., Jaauafy l'Ah, 1OT4. JttlSiJDdw GRAIN. HAY and WOOD, ItnADQl' ARTE115 DEPT 01 ARIZONA, Ulnar aji- KTEtuiA5Tr.it timer. 1'KtscorT, A. Jaauary I, 1871. rValed prortal in triplicate, wltb a toyj vf tbU adrrt' tltrutnt attachrd to wt, will tnirtcclTnl at tbUoffic un til noon, WEDNESDAY, MAKC11 4. IV74, l which Urn. and plaeotbty will bcvvnnl In rrrMnc. of biddtrt for uppiyinc ail or rtawaabl. proportion of tba Ilarlcr, Corn, Hay aad Wood, wblch may bt reqalml darinf tbt Itcalytar, ciimronclDj July 1, 1871. at ntcboi tbt dt pvu rod .MU In tbt Itorartiwnt ol Arliona. Lender Ocn tnd Ordtrt St. S7, War Dtpartmtot. A. O. O., 1871. tluillar prvjmtalt will alw b recti t d until tba boor aad dat abnT. tntntlontd, by tht tju.rtcnna.trr al tach of tb depot, and twtta in tbt Dcpanoitnt fur tht k'otvgw and Fuel rccjuirtd tb. Tbe ribt It rnrTTti! by tbt I'nlttd Rtab to partbatt, daring tb jrcnr, nicb qaaatltir of f orajr kinl VimI, at may t oScrva or, aad aooepUt! Xrum Indiut at Campt A rack. Grant, Mojart and Ytrdt ; and al tht Ran CarL .ad Colorado tndlaa llcrTatlont r awardt of ountractt will b raad. tut tbt rtoainlar qaantltitt rtqaird. All tapplitt furaUlird nttl b. of (ooil rotrcbanuble qoV.itjr ; to b dtliTtrrd at tucb timet aad la tucb i)iun tltlet aa may bw drtlnattd by proper aathorlty. Grain W 4 la Mmr, aacka. which art V) bntein tht property ot tht United Stat, and Hay In ttacki, eitbtr baled or Cora to bt of Ibt kind known at American teed corn. Tb quantitiet tie loir itated art approximate and art tubjett to inereat or dlmlnuatloa durinj( tbt fjcU year, WiurrLS Dcivt A.to Fort Wntrrix: iurlty, 500 ooo lb. Cora.-oiO.ouu int. Hay.' I;S00.OOO IU. Hard Wood, SCO corda. Soft Wood, IUO0 corda. Yt'MA DirOT-Barlty. 231,000 lu. IUy, lOi.000 1U. eon wool, Vfj eoraa. CAXr ArACnCs Uarlty, 300.000 1U. Com. 809.000 IU. Hay, I 5. 1U. Hard Woud. SUO ourdt. boA Wood, 70U cordt. CAJir UOwiii Birley. 222.M0. Cora, 2i,ZCU Iba. Hay G96.0CO1U. HanlWuud, asOeoetfa. CAMf QlUXTt llMUy, l.CWO.OOO lot. Cora, 607.000 IU. nay, xjluiawu iim. nam Wood, Ml oorda. Sort Wood. W0 ourdi. Si Ca itlos Ilarley, 200,000 lb. Corn, 171,1)00 Ibe, CAKr LOWELL. Barley, 600,000 IU. Ctn, 500,001 Ibt. nay, i, .uu.imj jot. ron n out, i,ju cord. Cjtiir MCDOWKLL Ilarley,' XXXUX) Crn, 190,000 ina. nay, .co.iaju id, norvwou; twj cortu. CAMr MOJAVC Uarlty, 23,000 IU. Hay. 155,(100 IU. boa wooa, euu conu. CAar Vcaue. IUrley, 5S?.000 IU. Ccrn SOO.fjiM lbs. nay, , iw,wu lot. non r ooo, t.juj carat. FocTYLUA, CaU: 5oflWKd. IQOcorda. Each rropotal tarttt b. aaoomranUd be a vnaeantM. l! jned by two retuotlblt penoot, wbutt rnpootiMllty mutt be, certified br u afficer of tht U. a.dtll or mllltarr ter rice, that In cat. tit bid it accepted, tht bidder will at one eircuU a contract with a aatUfactory bmd la one luunn to. atnoqni of the contract. To. rirbt to relect any or all bid. It rtwrred by tb. United Ht.-i!n. Itidt mad. oy a ana itiouui tw ti(na By utb meaUr tbenof. Bbvnk form of nrorcaal and further Information n tm buiord frota tbU ofJlce, and from tht Depot and I'oat Eafelopet of prorotal. Intended lor thli oSc to be en. dor ted "rropoaalt for I'trag. and Fntl," or for tithcrof them, and addreated to tb. uaderr l(rn.d. Ixical tirvtal. under General Ordtrt No. 57. t. be ad drewed to tbe Quartermuttar of tbe Dent or l'ott for wnica ui. ma u mienuea ana endortea at a do Ye. Ily order of the Department Commander r CHAKLKM BIRD, AuUtaat Dv( QuartMraatier, Flnt LUuL aad Adjutant, V3d Id tan try, janStl In ebarf. of office. PROPOSALS LAND TRMSP0RTATI0N. HEADQUAHTEIW DEFT OF AKIZONA, ) C'Mir.KQl.UTKhUailTIUOKFKT., l'uucorr, A. T, January lit, 1S71. J Sealed rr.aotalt in triplicate, with a copy of thlt adrer tlaement attached to each, Trill be receired at thlt oSc. nntll Boot, Wednesday, March 4th, 1074; At which Um. and place they will bei oned in pretence of biibler.. for thM traatnortatlon br land of Military tun. pile, la Uj. Dtparttueot U Arlxuoa, for the htcal year comrrjeneinf juiy j.i. ism. Pre poult trill be raad: lor Iloutet ai follow, ; XS.oute IVo. 1. ComiirUInc tb. Iutta now txUtlnir or wbkb mar be e. Ublltbtd In Ibe Department, d.rior the Ctoal year. Eatt of tht Colorado rirer aad South of the S4lh l'arallel of North latitudt, which ar. bow tupplled, or which it laay bertafttr tie decided to tupply from Yuma Depot dirtct. Tba ttt now ettablitbed on this roate are Compi ajacnt, awwi., untui, iiwtii ana .Ticuoweii. Ittouto No. J2. CoenTritini Ibe I'ottt now ezlttlaa-. or which mar be rt tabluhed u thlt Department during the flacal year. North f the ailh l'arallel of Norlll .latitude Bod Eut of tht Col orado rirer, which are note tupplieil, or which It may uereaner oe ueciaeu ui tuppiy ria K.arenn.rg1. Tb. I'oiU now ulablUhed o tb. rout. sr. Camp cme, limit airpit ana u'im xpih. , Iroiioaal will alto v rtcltvtd foraapplyfacCarap Me IrOMtu tu inn route. Xtoutus IVo. 3. From Camp Mrrjare to Fort Whipple and Whipple Depot, saijj .era. .nil njiK..i ltd Irarel to be not lett tknn ten (10 mile, per day. Ulddert will ttate tht rale la tl. 8. littfal Tender note, iirimaid. twrone iinndrvd d(O) Mil.c. at which ther will trauijrt tbe e.pplU. Tbey will a;ie their name, la full, their retldeoca and I'oat OtBce addreu; bid. mad by it Brtu tbould m aibta by ouch meiaber thereof. Contractor) may lie rwiulred b tmorport luppllei la and from Jntt, a rvoaouablt dittanot, uit .toecilinie lio mllet, outtlde lb. Itiulti oi tbe revalar raute. and biddtrt ar. requetted to tje-cify In thtlr proitaalt, tbe ram al wbica tuta truutpormuoa, .tnouia it uo rtiivirtKi, win be (wrronueii, vi M tute.1 teparattiy jrom ratet for tertr lc. wnmn regular iimne of rxxue. Each profiaat mutt bt aecomlttcleil by a guarante. tignect uy iwii retpuuuoie perKjiia, wuoto rettiontltiiuty rniufl-ce rtlfled bfitn ftfflcer of the V. 8. Ctrl! or Mllitarr aef lce. that tu rate the bid It ftnreptod, Id. bidder will at onneeioeuu a conira.1, with a tall. taclt rr bond In one fourth of iu a mount tir lit faithful eaecuitm, and tie la reaainett ror tvrric. my ic init. Tbe rlht t rWct Ay or nit bids la re.mtd by tbe i.. i , . I I.' . , - . e Envelope! eho-ald be rndoried " rropaauli (o, tarnd I rnruonaiion. una auart.teci to tnit now, rrbert blauk Jurist or jirotl aaa lurtber luroiouituu) may bo ob btiaeu. ... ,4 . By w4e ef tbe Deportment Commander. . , . -. , ..4r: , CHAUXE9 IlIHI), 1 it Lieut and Adjutant iailotinlry, i ; Mt't Dil'ot Jiaxeripnettr,Jn charts e Qfflee. LEGAL. rx tiik niSTtttCT coritr op the nkcond J 4wla U!ilrt. lrt lb Cwr oi Mohavw. Terrllury i.f Arivuk v Wui. (.'' aoJ c- VMt- nTi utiJff Ibc Arm nawr oi t.vl ui Oory uwl '" r"ld'w I ' fijMlfUl Tl CH t Tiger Wlf .Mmiiitf Cimny. tlfolftl. Art'ko liAHiKtil Im IbH iJnukt Court eflb cibI in ir, Di.uui In tA in lh txiiajr tt Nukw, lo lh 'Ifrritury i't ArlMm. Tti Ittrilurj Aritmtn trnh grHttnj f Tb VHI ii4 1 if fUt'j4ii)io UMiipnoy I Yi nr bi-iftr iumiu.ir.1 uuaI iiairl ti M"4f In I b'Uoii Immglil int )uliylb- klir m'l 'liiitlff I In Hit Uinnrt O-titl U fwvuiid JihIWUI Ul.irtft, la'anj firt Ui iiMiljr l H'Juit. lo lb" 'UtrtUity ut Arlj U'tiA ai.'l KBiwrr lb rouUitl blnl Kith lhe('lrk 1b( t varlut Ctt,li) f ld rajsty. "'l'V '! wbidi si. t bill Hniftii, tbU mmnwul, UhIi twnljf 4) 1 ,11111. In f ut Uibr rl rrlc; mSltt lb UpvU I joi ui till lutnnut), if iflifl In I bit wunly i bullf I irnl mil i.f Ihc roimlr unl wllblo lbl Ol.incl, tbfu i nithm Ibftlj- d)t lo all Mhf f fifly And wu ar beiby uUHl thl II uu Uil l fCr I and auiwri tbc f imillnl at at trqulfil. Ib fUlotilT I .. ill . I . I.. . . .Ik.. . ...l .. tli .iltiiill Mil. llMlllli ,cf, ul,ia rl,,rM4 o-itrct r Ibe ivytsrni of nmoty ,,r .lnc ilu.- nft -lllfmol l areounCt, aoi coU til illilnu-rortil. la tbi b-balt idnl. 111.. 11 UDiltf lllV LImI Aad th Mull WmI Dutrkl Court l CrJbl. tbit llih day iT Jnoa-t't A I) 171. UinlUUI CAl.PWr.Mj WltlllllT lr. MsvSj-tn 4-n fvnrl If nrc lUIIV,c W wiv.S4it.vtwt Estato of A. IiANDSBBHO, Doceaaed. Notitt It hrrby rl. by tbe Kiwrubir of tbt Kttat of A Uiud.birrif. dtcrattd. to iIhi crtllt't f and all r. ' mntbavmc lUim. tifulnit, the told lewd. U ttbibit j Ih.ni. with tbt arcMkiry TiiuclMrt, vktbi Ut mouth. J alter tbt fublicttion uf tbu iUtr. Ui Ibt kiM rxtcaUir, at Ctrbul, Jluhart County Ariiuoa. I I.Ot'lMO MAN.SON, r.ttritVT. I)at4, Ctxlist, January 13, ltf7l. SUMMONS. In tbt Dttlrlet Court. Third Judlrial Dl.trlet. la th County of Mricvi, Terntory uf Ariiona John Smith. I'lalatifl, I ainit Daniel Carraa, Delrndant. I Sumuiunt: Arlion broobt In tht Dutrict Court of the Third JuJI rial KUtrirt In and fur tbe county of Maricopa la the Terri tvrytif Arliona: Tbe Territory ef ArUvaa tendt (reeticg to Daniel Cur ro You are hereby tammoned and required to atpear In an action brought tit.lln.t you by tbe above-tamed plalntlfiln tbe Di.trict Court of tbe Third Jmlletal Dutrict In and for tbe cuunlf of tarictpa. In tbe Territory of Ariuna, and ai.mer tbe cnmillnt bled with the Ulerk of thlt Court, at 1'b.enU In Mid county ( a ropy of which complaint ae oomrunlet thli tummiiat.) wltblu twenty dayt (tiflu.lie of Ut day ofterfieej after lha tereice upon you uf thlt turamon. II ned In tbit county, but if red out of tbe county and witlila thi. dUtrict, then within thirty dayt; In all other catet forty dayt. Ard you are hereby ootilled tliat if you fall tu appear and antwer the complaint a. abore required, the plalwtiff will apply to the court for tbe relief demanded therein, bndeueU and di.bunmenU In tbit behalf expended. (luen q oiler my hand and tbe el af tbe aaU DU Uict Court, at I'burnlt thb) lVth day ut December, A. D. Ir73. decMUO C. F. CaTC Clerk. Sheriff's Sale. TN TIIK DISTUICT COCKT OF TIIK THIKD JV L dicial DUtrict of tbt Territory of Arliona, in aad for Yarattl county. JltiJIUII SfLUVaN, riaittlj. rt. CtmisC. Bias and Uar M. BtAJl, bit wife, De fendant.. In tiunaanee nf a decree of foreelotore In thlt raute dated iMh day Not ember, A. D. 173, I thall eipuee for tale at tbe taw directt, at tht Court-boute In tbe v.wn iif Vrr-UMAi Yarapa rouatr, Ariaota Terri toey, no Monday the 2d day of February, A. D, le.l U 13 o'clock M., the premltet Hetrribeil In uld decree a, fullow t Tbt frac tional tooth half li of the touth-we.1 quarter (l) uf tec tlo eighteen (If) and the fracUoaal nth half (0 cf the anrthwett q.nrter ll ut tection nineteen (1'). In tuwnibip auitbef teitoteen ( 11) north vf ranr. number three f3) wettoftbe (iilaarel .Salt rirer ban and meridian, cw tatolng oat hundred and titty and 11(10 arret of land JAMKS fl. THOMAS, Sheriff. TlyH, M. UEWUKItT I-ndcr-Sh-rlfl1, Jang Executor's Notice. Estate ol PHlTalP AUSTIN, DeceaaeA Ntttlr. la kerebv riren to the reettoea of and alt nr. tot. hatlpf vtalin. iucl the eeUtte of I'btliii Aottln. de etated. to pnwent tb. tam. Vo toe uaderttfoeil hvecutor, a. itakert raoen. ilonaie ijounty, A. 1 ., witnla tea month, from date of thi. notice, or Ibe Mime will be for tar barreJj tod all permnt Indebted to taid er'alt are hereby reaetted to make immediate parmeaL nt..-ii;i LiAMiitittr, r.xecntor. Baker' t lUnca. Jlobave County. A. HepUmber 6th, IfcTJ. Br2VTa3 1VOT1CE. KXOW AM. 51 EN I1V THESE FREHEXTS. That I, the aadenlrned. claim d bar. thlt day located aad taken potteaiMio of, for agrieultural and fraliuf parjnaet' a tract nf land deteribM at follo-wt t Comracadojr at thlt Itakt. wbltb It la tbe northeast corner of the clslui.aud runnina' anuth out mil. to a .take: thence wrtt one-fourth mil. to a ttake ; theuc. north one mile lira atakei theace east to place of betrinninr. la eluding what U kmwa at Malpalt filTicr., alwot forty eiebt oille. northeatt from Camp Aiacht. la Yarati counte. Aniooa. ana on toe rva itaftia.' rrota tahi camp Apache to New Mekleo. MKlQl'IADKS LISA. juiyigta, ic.i notTce. KNOW AM. HES HT THESE I'ltEMEST".. That I, the uoder.iirned. culm and hare tbit day rotated and taken r.tet.iou of. for arricultural and jrraziur purputet. a tract of la.nl detcrlbed at folio wi: Cnmmenclni at thlt ttake. which It tb. northeatt corner of the claim, and tunning tooth two mllet; thence wrtt one-ebrntb mill; thence north two mllet I tbeace etui to plac of beginning", including what It known af Concho Hpriagt. a tb. head of Concho Creek, a tributary of the iiliut uoioraoo nrer, aan tiiuateu to loe weal ol me nrw road leading from Camp Apache to tbe Little Col oradorirtr, la Vaeapal couatr, Arinma. AIAU1A J.U.VA, Jaly Utb. 1873. ivotTce. KNOW ALL MEN' IIV THESE I'llESENTS. That I. the nadenlgned, claim, and bare tbit tar lorated'hnd taken potanlon of, fur agricultural and grazing purpotet, a iruci us usou, tiiiu es n. wiiiuwt i Commencing at tbit ttake, which It the northeatt comer ot the claim, and running toutb two mllet to a ttake ; thence wett One-eighth mile to a stake ; theuc north two mllet lo a rtakt t thence eat to plara of beginning. In cluding what U known ai the Lake r?irlDpii tltuattd about oo. mile toutbeatt of Concbo Spring., and on Ibe wett tme or loe. wagon rumi gutog trout Camp Apecbe to me utile voioraoo rirer, m i arapai county .arliona. ANTONIO JOSE LUNA. JnlySS. 1873. NOTICE. KNOW AU. MEN BV THESE FHESENTS, That I. tbe undenlrnecL claim and bar. thlt dar 1nci!e-l unit Ulsea potteiti.n of a truct of html for aricullura! and grating purfntet. tuxnbeil aa tUlowar Commeuoing at thlt ttake, which it tbetoutheait corner of tbe claim, aad running wett one-oiurter mile lo ttake j thence north oce and ooc-lnlf mllet to is ttuke; tbeore esut untdourth tnlle to a .lake; thenc toulb toflareiof beKinnlog, including tebal It known tu Mittral Kprlngi, tituatrd about forty-two mllet nortbeajt of Camp Apache, Varapal county, AtUamf Terriinry. , , . TUAnqUIMNO Lt'NA. July gj. IB73. arjrS-iyl Executor's Notice. Eiuu of JOHN HENRY L00I8 W0ETMAS, Deftaasd. Ncrfc U hereby glren bt the creditor! of and all per ami. barlnr elalmt airalnit the e.tat. or Jnhn ltM,. Ijiiii Wortmaa, dcceaawl. Mprctmt tht tame lo the un. dert'gned Exeoubir. at l'retooit, Yarapal County, A, T., wltbln tn mentlit from tbe date of thlt notice, or trie rame will b. furtrer barrwlt aad all pertunt indebted to uld ettaW are bttrrby roquet ted tu make ImitnllaU payment. juiin tiAiiiLifi, liseeu'iir, rretoott, JannaryS. 1F71. Ianl0m3 PRESCOTT BOIKT & mm FACTORY, West Side of the Flaxa. ' Custom Work Made to Order. ' nEPAtniNO NEATItY DONE, ' l'reccb KTtwcd and nailed booli made la order, at re tuf.d jriott. w. H, "WILLlBOlUrT, Proprister. , IWott Aritaa. Jan. at, 1873. JeCAf PLAZA FEED AND SALE STAILE, Goodwin hJww Opposite Street, jnQ&Zp Plaza. " l'UE8COTT,j,UtZ0NA. . '' ' . r DROOKE & LINN. Fitit,0eiobr31, lit. ARIZONA STAGE JJM. AND" SAN DIEGO U. S. TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. CmcJict arrlT at Tnftoii ey MOSDAT, WEDSESDAT k 8AT0BDAY MOBlfWaS. Dttart nt i V. V.ott Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. t'Dtil fWtl'l DOtltt. Time to Sau Dlrso, Five. Days, 7ilt nlll rnabU Ibt Trattlltir J'uWic W ftel SAN rrtANCISCO IN EIGHT DAYS. I'r to Yutca Tart tu San 11ro, (jTuld coin nr lu tijolfaltnt. i'AW ..'JVM A Htae. carrylnr V R. Mill, will leaee Maricopa Wells, for Phoenix, r.trry Monday Mc.mlnz. rtetiirnln neil day. tVntieel. ipg at Marleij Well, with tbt Yuou and Tucton ta.l line. Tbi. I. tlie Cil'ICIvHST AXI) SAKKST Uonte from NurtlieJi Arliona I Tucon and ronnecrle? al Yum with J. IS. rn,ut m. of lUyet for ran l)tgo. Califiirtit, p77i JA8. A HOOIIE, FroprteUir. ARIZONA STAGE LINE I'.egular ii wetasy U pt, by ttaet, with mAll, will be made between Prescott, Arizona, ..ami.. San Bernardino, California. Twiehorte waroet. ounrlnf the t' S, Mall and paa trnrera. tear. lrcarvt! and Han llernardlao every WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY M0BKIH08, Making the trip tntlidayt; p"tn tn Ttutt, nnltl.N IIUIKJ, WlCKKNlll IUl and CAM!' DATE CIIKKK Fartle. wt.hlnr tran.trtatlon to Ariiona ria thlt route. ran tw fdrnl.lied the taioe In FOUR OK SIX HORSE STAGES, On rrirate rontraet.br Klrlnffoot week't notice in ad Tate to A rent ot Aniona niae une at nan isercaruino. Tbe ratet lor lint will lit la proportion to tbt acootaavt datloa rcjulreU. Ilestilnr Hates of Fare. Orrrnr 531) Frrmi Pretrott to Pan Bernardino From I 'retool! to Wickebur ... SOW) From lretcitt to Lbrenberir ...irw From 9an Bernardino to Ehrenberjr. . . From Saa Bernardino to Wlckeaburr. . . . . .35.CW ...WOO Local Agents: I. II. LVT , Raa Bemardlrm. W. II- CounilllA.i ..Ehreabers K. O. Oa.iNT 1'rearv.t. HaSk HboN Oeneral A reel. JAMES (1HANT, FMorainua. J. II. I'IF.ltSON. 8urKlSTVM)LS7. tfUm PRESCOTT II H. DYV ILLE 3Xa.il - T-tiiic. After tbit date paasengert will be carried oier tbe road at tbe following rate., currency! From I'retcott to Camp Ilualp.1 (10.00 " " " heal. Hpnngt ........... 2X1)0 " " CetUt !&iO " " " Mineral I'ark 57.10 Harder!)!. 25.00 Eiprrt. matter will b. carefully forwarded al reatoe. kle rate. Etrry pm.lbl. acrammodatioa will b. oI.red to pat tengere. Tbtttagt wlllttare Pretcott Friday etenlngt, aad at lltrdyrllle will eonnect with tbe mall to Ebrenberg and rit. (Iiorge. All crders le.l wilb S. C. Rogera. FretcotL or Cory A I'tittt Ctlbat, will be pruuptly attended to. J-ll.- I r.K willTK. Frttcott, May 10. 1P73. malCtf Prescott & Santa Fe Stai;c Line. The tubtcriber will. If tullicirnt patronage It riien LItn. hrrratter ma a line of Magtt frost FrttMitt, Aritoha. to riaata Fe, New ileilou conneciing at Snnla Fe wltb ttaget running to the end. ol the Atlantic 4 l'acilla Kartat icino, anu ueneer a; mo tiranne raiimatt. Ut-ral laducementt gtrea hi through nttenttn to tht pnntipm tsiirra ciiit-a. Unam rurniaheti u naata re. Tbe tlrst oatrrraar. will tear. I'retcott about Febroarr lat. r or runner itrticuiart ewimrt at tne MistMunee, lanlCt3 P. I. HEItUIW lrso ifri. The Weekly "Arizona Miner," (Now tn the KSerentb Vtrsr of Its existence,) Is llic Oldest, I.tnotST and Handsovkat News pajicr itrlntt-u and nntiilshed in the Territory oiArlzon, And nothing tbat Itt prot-TiiHort tan do la the tray vf ad ding to Itt utetulnew, at ILe Organ of the White People of Arizooa, And the expuoieat of Truth, Juttlr. and Sound Mtrollly, win lie ten unaon.. Kelrlig tolely, nra tbe patronage of the boactt, ta! working and thlnkinr people of the Territory, for a ma llauanc. of thai tupport whloh, la Ibe past, hai eaabltd ut tapublith a iTntluble, fro. and lefteieIot Journal, not tnsmmtlled be thli or thai tolirlra tcbetner. dSre. seeker, or office. Uoliler. wo tbjtll lalmr. faitlifully, to keep in. aiirn in tit oia pince, t in. netut or lie cofJieirjpara' ne Although the paper la mniiderably Increased In tire. tae tuotcripiinn rai.t r.iaaia aa oeiore, taat it: One Year, $7 00, Currency. Six Months 4 00, Tureo Months 2 SO ' AUKA'TS FPU TUB MllVIalU Han Vamcfam U V. Either. Rbnmi SO it 51 Mr enant t I'.ieMnge, Uuiirorula ttieet. Thot. lloyr, Na 3U, (tecu'4 flcfir), Jlnxkaal's B .W' . T.. ...... v. . leasoa, hu.ic iwajer, Monrwttry Street, i. AKIZOrtA. . Arliona i.'ily Hchleler, flreirton Oo, f.'rratrry Hoor, Wn, II. it Co and A. Freak, H'scntVkr(s-Ai II. Fteplfa. . ; i fjnyrlllr Jat. P. HulL WMaMt MMr.g IHtlrtctCctS irotls, CerbaU fkunl r.. Irvine ti (Jo. . t - Xarf 'SaafawW Il.ll.lllngi A: Co., .. nrrract -jut. uiiungwoit. yWr.-J.rj. Mawfreld. ' . f JJOOK AND .lOIl PIUNTI1VG or Evfeu.' - i , Dim la Oood Htyl. Orders ta-IIcltcit, ' DWCWFTIOir,. At lb WlVTIIOUce, Jrbje4 raatewsUe, GUNS AND PISTOLS iiTtvPAiitinr xiY .I. F. lUIODK, ut la. Jl. JEWELL'S . Preajott, Atixona. . . MtjfiZ iVLIl'OliKlA. ...V YJBAST. JPOlVTir UKUlVAJLKi,,"! &Kh Tin OrJofwirn; SIX OUllrrH dir. Stprrm U nt o AU; I a MWitNg light, Sweet aud Nutritior. amaia.. JUtlnilrii ' "".t txc,. Quaranteed to Give Entire Satiftwl jsk roujt a hoc t:n ronti TAKE InTO OTxi Geod tot Frts Fscipblet to CHURCH & CLARK SOU! AGIlXTij, M 407 rnoNT ST.. SAW r3iyt 1 t xx jl: 13 , U0alUt5. fcr.r.nl TemDle & Workman WIl,l J Xl JiSfca. JtHfl j Templo Block. Los AngeW Keceire He1t. ana Ittue tbtlr CtrUHcate k UailtlaiCAlj HATfK.lriO BUS; Draw on the LONDON AND SAN PKANCLSCQBisI f Limited), at Han Fratchco. 1 SicikaiM (or Salt sat New Yoik, laoudoa, Paris, Hamburg, Iieilln ad 7 Leeal Teadert. Il'lllioe. Oold lluil m.A r. rji.ie, VOUBiy IN v-ny iKnu. DOUf bt tad hi taluabiet for taft kecpitr , O. w. CIIMLZT. It, C. W. CHESLEY&CO. i mo a i tan xso wuoLUAUi bkauus FINE WINES and LIQUOi rout rnurutrorta or Cundurango Bitters, 411 frviif St., San 'rsj f rtmf if. Sacramento. 5 pedal attention will be paid to Ik. trad, if j mat E. A. FARGO & CO., SOLE AGEm FOll LLOYD'S WHIR itrcmzss ass Jouasas or HHAMUES, WIVES & LIQlfl 31G rront Street Cor. Commeiclai j SAN FUA.XCISCO, CALIFORA1 Offer .pedal laducementa to the Ariuaa Trait. 1 octrj Music anil Musical Inslrui Arltmaat la need of Muscat mentt, Mbeel kluaLo. ett- wi9 ft their Interest to Mod cmltra InCIIit . EATON, 1M Mootgwnery ScrelJ raneiKv. California, who keev. lac lartrtltMS tan-ty oa the list Coast. ff.l CLARENDON HO' MAIN STREET, IrOS ANOCLE& This Pine and Oomodious Hcli FOUMEULY KNOWN AS THE 'BELLA UhJ hat beta enlarged, refitted, ptatej, and refarnltlrttl RICHEST STYLE TllROCCfle ITS ELEflANT St' ITS OF TtOOMS aad ! romnoderbwi offer special adraatagtt ta social at 1 lo r.aiiera ritltort. The Table is not to be Sarpauri Ont of Kan Francitoo. and it evmttaatlr .otl-lied tj choicest dellraCe. Nothing will tw left andt der the hmiM fepltt. wllb all tbe lamriet, co.tr and appliance, ol A FIRST-CLASS IIOTEl Tb. Wetttrn Fnlna Telegraph- OSret aith tht readitg nwta. The Hotel CarrUfrt art rnaetoatlr ai Ibt d'J ror.lt. J. ax. KTAI'LEn I W. u. 1,'triCI. alanageT. tnai To the UnfortunftM i NEW REMEDIES! NEW KRMEMSfM DR. GIBBON'S DI8PEN8AB VO, CSJ KEATINT STREET. Is Commercial, ftaa Francitr. IM'satj trance on Commercial rjtrect. Ettabl 16M. for Ibe treatment of Ueina! and I OiseW.. tucb at Ootumbea. Oleet, Hypbilii la all tu fmit, rVmtsal Weakaeu. Imp Ic, etc. Mia dlaeaet of yeart tbbdiar, aad t J Lcirv ete.. tucceaaiullr treaterL DIL fllDIIO.V Ut tbe pleuture nt aonoutcltf tl hat returned from tultlng the prioelpal UctpHt) Ltrrvpr, aud ha returned practice. The Doctor bat tmred iseliber time aor meaty It Irrgrjut nw remeclle. aad liat rernraed wIlhlnornM ollitiet fur tba alleriolUui of bnrrMfi anSerl'. Seminal Wcskaesi. Seminal e ml at! on it th con sect oenc of aelfaboaa ' miliary rice, or aeprared teium maaigrnre, it r-" y tn. youtb ol out a aeietinaa uunet nnujn. timdoeinv with uneectn rftalntv fi Cillnitltg I ryrnpUiiiit, tiniest earn but ted by citntiac niedicalS are. tu t naiiuw cduttenanc, pjut tpota nsuri i pain tn th. brad, ringlet la Ibe eara, aolte ltkt tVtr f Iratrs tv raliliug ut charrlttt, aaejatnru tbt lotut. welkntaa of ILn tialia. eoafrtad rllloll. klW tellhct. kit. n! eonSdene dlffiileB.. lo anriroachUg gens, a dltllk to loon I.ew ar qtuJnuacrt, a tTttppaiH than xielety, lr.t f.taeaory. pltaplri and tartrate mint aijowitun jm.?, hectic, rtninrt. nrrru pi"'i VrfVM K miiihL, MiA,iimiiltnii fclvht .Ve.lt DlOtl" aad freeiueai ltnaaltr. If relief b aot d4lrd 1 thnutd armlf liansekllatetiF. tlhel lis twraOBaft anil tMftv. a en. Becla.1 or lilt near tutu ancouiw treating tbU disease, bkh a.rrl rVD of KTcrtica t aao radical cure. Cnred at Hone. ii....... .i;...n.... i tiirnrfi AT llOUf-' tvldrrttlng a letter to Dr. fllbboa, uailng raajrj'J svngiu t i ijirc in. m.eoMi ssa rvtiweeii , - l riae liromptly forwardwl, frte Iimhi damage and 'Zm lo any purimujar pun or tne noantry, a "i ; ttlrtciion few nt. , Vrfwica i flung lo flie lloctof wilt jlat slat, ttf." irihrTriiiriyieetvitjsaveniteioeotii i, . I, . . .. i i t , .1 1 k.jb a. Ma4.tetea throngh tba Pottoffit. r Uirwugh Wetls. Fargo iJ pafk.geof aiedicieawliib furwJiJ w y fjeiao. Al! cwritoualcatloM trlly criafldeatlal. " ' Aiblrest, : JIW.J. " i'-k! . WATER RATES t' At McMxUmy Station, SitaaUd 48 Mllu Eit froa ETirenbMg, a tt Wj , SLtA to PLetttx. Wltienbwjf sua rrswH For realrrirg each horse or ! to ''sj aaltaabi awl upwards, ii cent., jurrty. Ft "V? I cuttle, uai mbi m jrgil o-iieti JlylSlf ' ED. QILBEBTs FrTt,r r ma Copy. .....; :