Newspaper Page Text
ARIZONA MINER Supplement TELEG11APHIC. Special Dispatches to tho Arizona Miner, By. Western Union and TJ. 8. Military Lines. Foreign and Domestic. San Francisco, January 10. Tho casern telegraph line is down. Tliero wero heavy rains last night all over tho State. At Pleasanton, on tbif AVestern Pacilic railroad, tho storm was particularly so'crc, anil considerable dam igo was done. Goodal), NcUon it Co.'s lino of steamers aro advertised to nail every Tuesday for San Diego and way port. ms Angeles is tryinz in iiitiuiu mum iu run ii i reel 10 11 nmillglOIi. Sacramento, Jan. 1G. In tho .vcmblv to-day a bdl was passed incorporating tliu town of San Iiucna Ventura, ami npprovin certain ordinances of tho preceding board of town trustees. Dowers' concurrent resolution, solicitin congress to make an appropriation to turn tho San Diego river into iu former channel FuUo Hay, whs passed. A Washington telegram of the twelfth stairs mat the billowing di.M.-atcIi was sent to Governor Datls, of Texan, by President Grant : Exkcutivk JIankjon, Jan. 12, 1874. To Governor Davis, Autiii, Texas: Your dispatches and letters reciting the ac tion of tho supreme court of Texas iu declar tug tho State election uncon-titutional. and asking for tho ue ol troojw to prevent nppre uenueo violence, arc receiveti. 1 lie call is not made in' accordance with the Constitu tion of tho United States, and the acts of Congress under it, and cannot, iherefore, bo granted. The act of tho legislature of Texas providing for tho recent electjiiii having re ceived your approval, and both political par ties uaving matio nomination', ami Having conducted the political campaign provisions, would it not be prulent an well as right to yield to tho verdict of tho people as cxprctseu oy iticir ballots I (SignodJ, U.S. tin. int. Sacramento, Jan. 10. The Hoimo to-day appointed Messrs Summers, Freeman, Month, Norton, Goggins and Semper a committee to investigate tho charge of fraud in tieSent- tornd election. San Francisco, .Jn. It It is believed by Rome that Lulu Torrencu did not commit su- inue, out that stic was murdered by a man who was scon talking to her at the lime fie shot was fired. Tho on.dition of her hands and tho course taken by the ball seems to show that sho could not have fired the shot herself. Heavy gala blowing all night; much rain. Umsiuerablo damage fin ujcn dono houses, fences and gardens in tho western part of the city. No damage to Hhipping has been re ported. To-day tho weather is clear and pleasant. A bill passed tho legislature to-dav, incor porating the town of Sin Ducna Ventura. Also, a bill repealing the act authorizing the counties of Del Norte, Mcndooino, Humboldt and Klamath to Usuo bonds in favor of a tile-graph lino through tho-'e counties. Yreka, Cat.. 10. Yistcrday and to day wo tinvo had tho hardest r.ilns of the aenon accompanletl ly heavy gales. Vallejo, Cal., Jan, 10. Tho K nncigo lias been onieredfto sea. Yesterday's Btorm waa tho soserest known for years, dismantling roofs and lining other damage ;. The Richmond is to be an A im ral liig slilp after .Monday next. liit'tirmorr, Oil., Jan.. 1G. A fearful wind storm prcvsilcd lu re yesterday, und wrecked a numlier of buildings, San Diego, Jan. 17, It'tin commenced fall ing at noon yesterday, continued throughout tho day and niclit and Is still (alUui:. I Washington." Jan. 18. The Senate Postal Committee to day heard tho continuation of i no arguments In thomsttcrof the postal tel egraph bill WilliamOrton and 0. U. Hub bard, respectively, mado addresses opposing tho moiiBiire. The Attorn,ey-Gencnd has received a dU luteh from tho. U. S. Miirshul at Austin, Texas, stating tho fact f Governor (Jakes inauguration yesterday, saying that arunl men wero guarding tho Exeentiva otlic.-s, that othuraruicd men were holding posos Mon of tho legislative, bouses, that conflict seemed inevitable, and that it message from Iho Attornny-General might avert trouble. Tho Attorney-General replied that ha could only appeal to tho parties to adjust tho.r dif ficulties If possible; that ho. bad nq power f o interpose force, nor had tho Marshal any duty lo -perform other than to exert his moral In fluence. A dispatch' savs'that Senator Conklimr had Informed the President that If ho will noml- bilt notified the Trust Company to -day that Jackson, ct at.. All cases before tho court uu was prepared 10 lane up tne note given t've been argued and all opinions will bo 111 by the Lake Shore railroad company in Octo- cd on Wednesday next, ber, 1873. Their debts amount to 1,800,000, Judge Porter and John A. Rush left for and were a subject of general remark during Ihurlow Weed publi-hes a letter uryini: the publication or the whole of the rebel pa pets umong which Ouh'mg's litter was round. H thinks tho fuss should have a full Miowing. James Y . freeman, who shot hi mother at Jersey City, claims that the tdiuoting was accidental; but his nistor, who wu-. present. says that ho took deliberate aim at Ins moth-! er as sho turned to leave the room, and that she fell dead on the threshhuld. All public places of amusement have been notilied by the pdiro that, hereafter, only uurvil oncerts will lw allowed upon Sunday night. The order creates considerable Ciin ment ainonir the Germans. Central Pacific tock, since being put on exchange, has run down to"0cents. while be fore being put on tho list it sold, in small lot", at 00 fi-nUi. Austin, Texts, Jan. 1G Thcrw was great excitement this evening over the onot ol the Mayor by Gov D.ivis' colored guard. Hundrod of citizens rallied at the cdl for fissistauvH by the SherifT, who came to the rescue of the Mayor, and for a time trouble s.emt'd imminent, until Gov Davis informed tho herill'that the arrest was a mistake, and had th? .Mayor released. Snb.sequently all troop- on Loth hides wereilisbanded, causing great rejoicing. Madrid, Jan. 1G. The Spanish Govern ment lias thanked Franco lor its conduct in tho c-ise of tho inm-clsd Nuuum-ia, Uavnnn, Jan. !.. Spanih accounts st.itc that Col K-parads, with G5U men, had an t-n gagvineiit wild m party ol Insurgents near Mulnrifo. The li 'lit lasted M-teral bourn. when ("ol Kjmnu.i was compelled to ictreat ociore Miierlor numbers, with a of ton officers .itid llfteett tirivates kilfifl and tour tevu ofllcer.s mid fifty privutej wounded. In s urgent os not known. t'.iimuii, lb. Svn alva 'or and Hon duius h.ivtt cnmoieiicel war. Marshal Goti zjliit, comminiler of Hie buvariun troons. u minuted Honduras gam-uui to surrender, Wliieu wu u Iij.miI, n llglil Iolloivi-J ami the g.irn-on wiis overeiimo. lloulurs trootrs nan scvmi Kiite i. dan aslvailor troop ii.ii forty kdled. -M my wounded on IhiIIi sides. Ilerlin, .Ian. lb. The Jnrth German Ga zed v! to-dav svs that if the twlicy of France bo made uhorviriit to the tcinitoml fins or the I'miiu-1. tliu tH-ii( u ir J-.unine .... 'V" will I'o comprouiiseii. llic.o was an exciting scene in Lnndrage to-dav : Hcrr .Mullimickowodr, an ultra montane, minted a luss.-ige from a recent work ly Gviieial Li Marmora, alleging that lllsnmrck. in I sou (lis-usef the ee-non tu Finnce of n portion of Itlii-niili territory. Hixunrv-k' r.e and proiuuiueed the state ment an audacious f.dsehood. Sieramento. Jan. 17 The Senate to-day ptMted a bill roiiealin the herd taw in ttarhnnt anl hiu Luis UiiSwi counties. ban rrnm-itco. Jan. la, I lie h.usteni tele graph line i slown. Yumn, Jan. 12. Weather cloudy natb him as Ohiof Justice ho will accept. ihcro aro no Indications In ofllcUI circles regarding tho Chief Justiceship. Now York, Jan. 10 Commodore Vaador. tester- lay ; some ruin lut niirlit; raining to-day. loo up river steamer arrived this morninir. etrl. I lie cunnectini! boat for San Francisco is unimu iceil to lease Yuma January SO. runripal merchants Here iulluh an agree ment In to day's S ntini Lthat thev will here after receive and pay out dimes ten per dol- ar, instead ol eight, as lieietoforc. J'Ikuiux, Jan. It. A meeting of urmors was la-lei to-dn- to. cotisiiier tne propriety of stablishing a grange or the Patrons of litis bandry. V. II Gray was appointed chair man and J. i. Aisap secretary. Alter some discussion, it was ivsolv'cd Unit tliu secretary bo instructed - to write to tho properper- sons in California to procure the neceis'ary bapcrt to establish n grange, Tho meeting then adjourned, subject to call of tho score tary. Phoenix, January 19. It has been raining hard all around here fur the last two days. Tho country is overflowed, anil families rrom the ouUld are inoving'into town. Tho head gates of nearly all tho ditches havo wa-died uway, and all houses except Bhingle-roofed ones are uninhabitable. Tho gate at the head of Hellings A Co.'s ditch Is not likely to lost till night, nnd'fears for tho safety oftlfo town aro entertained if this ditch gives uway, Tho telegraph poles at tho crossing of tho river ore expected to go ovory minute. Pliconlx, January 19. Sherifl' Hayes, T. W. Brooks and others have just returned from tho lower part of lo valley, wbero they have bcop working nil morning helping the inundated families to town. They report the whulo country flooded and the river still ris ing. Still raining hard. Tucson. Jan. IV. too uuprcme court lias affirmed the judgment of tho Yavapai district court in tho case of Levi JJashford vs. Jesso meir Homes mi batunlay last. Governor Satlbrd returned on Sunday. He only went to Florence, but expocts soon to take n trip into the eastern and western part of the Territory, The sky is overeat and rain falls moder ately Advices just receiveti fromSonora Kay that but very little rain has fallen there. The latest from the east brings no Indian news, so it is presumed that everything is quiet at San Carlos and the Chiraeahiia. Wickenbunr, Jan. 20. Veather cwol and clear: vsindsfrom tho west, with Hpm nf clearing off. The llass ivatnoa has been run. ning since Sunday morning with about five feet of water in the channel and banks over flowed several hundred vurds on nltlmr iiilo The mail wagon which left hcreSuuday noon for Phtnnix has not been heard front yet. It is thought that it has been detained in the carton, about six miles beluw here. Mr Kvrlng who IcU Plwnix Saturday, for this 4ace, tits not ",ot through yet. llenry Wlckcnburg, the pioneer of this place, says lie has not stun as much rain tlurinz tho pist ten vcars. George Monroe has just come in from the mountains oast of this place and brouzht In some rieh sjHTimcr.s of on, some Iff which. wuen rineited, yielded one dollar to the und fore. A soon as the ktonns and weather wttles he will go out and set up an arrastra near the ledge from which the specimens came and go to work. Dr J. II. Pterson hss been laid up with a slight attack of congestion of the lungs. ltis expected that all the mails will be more or less delayed in coucquencc of the storm. A lrge force of men has been col lected at this jwint ready to start out and make nil the necessary repairs as toon as tho breaks in the road are locates). Limit Fort Wlnpple, Jan. 20. It was storming all otcr 1 lie Territory, ami us far as San Diego, up to 9 o'clock la"t night. To--day the win-s aro down Iwtween Pbomix'and -Maricopa Well, concqucntly no dispatches from farther west. Pbojntx informs mo that Hellings it Co 's ditch has bursted. and that Salt Iliver is running throuL'h It and over flowing the country around Pbccnix. Tho water is within 200 yards of Goldwatcr's slnre. The weather i clear now with indi cations of an abatement of the storm. Wm. ELti8o.v, Operator. Latest Phamix, Jan. 20. The rain ccas- wi at u p. in. yesterday, and to-Uar the weather is fine. Tho head-gate of the Swil ling ditch cave way and sent a stream of wa ter 200 yards wide coursinc down the vallcs. and within JOOyardsof town. It required tho most i.irenuous exertions to prevent tho mill at East I'lmmir from being swept away. The house of the water overseer was washed away, but no lives wero lost. Considerable damage will result to next year's crops, nud a great deal of barley lias been well soaked. Iho river has fallen live lect since tho head- . 'PI... :., ..:n t u nn j j.iji;iiyi:i la dviii llllllftssa- Ido as there is nothing like a boat in tho country. 'Iho town presents a lively appear itncc owing to a number of jeoplc from tho country being here. Tho court house, school House anil tne blacksmith shop ot r . (Jos- grove, having shingled rools, were crowded with lodgers over night. I ho damage to the Swilling ditch will cause an assessment of about S100 cr share for repairs. AYickenburg. January 21. A party of men left hero yesterday to repair tho grades on Antelope Hill, which arc reported to bo in a von- bad condition tho heavy rains having made Urge washes and rolled heavy rocks down on the grade. Iu many places blasting powder will have to bo used to remove the obstructions. Tho mail wagon from California arrived at sixoVlock this morning, anil left on time. It is thought, by taking cut-ofT roads, it will avoid all trouble from small streams, etc., and rencu Prcseott on time. At Agua Calicnte, tho 11 rat home-station this side or ban iscrn&rnlno. tho Whito river wds found to bo so swollen that it was impos sible to cross. Tho mull wagon, offer a de tention ot eighteen hours, was able to cross t. a.ftit.. Dnrl n I.-...I linn. .Imn.t rt 1 1 ... n II c4ii;,j iiii ni.i.vt. iitiu uiuivab VII wiui, bringing a very heavy mail. Just at dusk last night tho body of what is supposed to bo a Mexican woman was luiuled out of tho Hoasuyampa, just below town. Tho body does not show any signs of decomposition, but is no disfigured by dash; ing against rocks and gravel, as to be utterly beyond recognition, It is conjectured that she was curried away by tho stream while attempting to cross it soma distance above hero. However, the body is so disfig ured that It is linDossible to know whethci shb was'murdcrccl and thrown Into tho stream, or drowned accidentally. A Iuquest will ,be nctu lo-uay. Dr J. H. Picrson is still confined to his bed. Tho wcathor Is clear and Tery cold. This morning the mountains toward Free- cott aro capped with snow.