Newspaper Page Text
... - Jtliiicir Ve Ue ARIZONA MINER. ... n P l, ... AT ... Yavapai County, Arizona, .... nr.... N 11.. ALiUtlUil CVJ. IIEXJ. II. WKAVKlt. -" ; . I.. ..A... k ...,(. .latll.n of 1hi.'i It... 1 imlHUlieil on we nriiiDsi m jiommy. . 1 l- H'l .I-.. I U.t....t... ... "l. il kIwkv Dintnln HIK I.ATKHT. HRST and .1... 1 , .. ............ I 'T T ... . I. and ll I other lair menne. pry Satunluy). rtx fT-STs A wkek. Ily tote;, HVE DetXAK fur Three Mouth. il.. U'r.EKI.r MI.1V.K. cuntalnlnir talerranhtn IUI "t KUIUK " J line of tula type), in column, $3 00 fur first ilbcount from stare mlc will be made to per ly ndirerlUe largely by th. year, half year or and builueu rani luicrtnl upon reaaona. . mriwwpri it dt man. or Mnnwut'ir number of th WEKKIT MlNSlt u limed on IW!I, ami, now, In thli. Ill eleTenth year, It troth, e laltn tu be tb, large! anil Imi In IL Territory. Subscription Rates: An Year .. 7 (Y ' Si I Month,., 4,00 Tlifee Mouth 2.50 . nr . . ... i t r . ...i. iwvt oe laKrn a jnir in jm jiiicni y vr uv tdrcrthitig and jib tccrk. Mint all order and lettvr to JOHN II. MAIllO.N A: UU., Iroott, Arliona. I From Tuexlay't Dally. ails ana fostmaators. inkr somo time ago stated that no the Arizona Sentinel bad reached . . ii i r . . i . . ill . -a . ni wm iruc. iommtiiiuriF unon it. I. . I I r in in mtb Bnrnn na ni r ri in r 11 nniir itmaster or iwstmasters ; which say- 1 1 . . . . t 1. U UlUUUb UUh VUU I a HA IUI HUIRU and strict attention to business we, umireus ot amors, atana ready to The gentleman U Mr Oco. Tyng, poitmnster at fchrenberg, on the uol- vcr, wuo ay, in a uouj 10 us, mai 01 iue eouor 01 me ocniuiei in o- im or any other postmaster on the lucse arc not bin exact wordft. but . . 1 i. . i ... wo will explain: Tho mail from Ireouently to remain one week at r . i . . .itt . account lor tue delay ot tnc two 1. fl.-V (TI ....I !.. . burg, arts thu only two way otHcca on to, and, with Tyng kt EbrcnbcrR. and ul ieai:iiuur( in cuargo in 9, no Urine autlionty could arguu tlie into the belief that either poatmajiter knowingly do, or cruiit to be done, behind Dim in tuo catunatiou ot all )r him. the strictures of the Sentinel upon nAaf mtjrtt in iri.nornl it 14 nnr illitv . .1. .i, ,.' an nr riiAm navn iiiTTiriit nnn rintr 1. 1. -i;.? 1 f -.t. 1 ui us, uu uiuicai uiiu oiuer ijue- or in any way intcrlere with our ; nor have we ever lost any of tho ot dolUra sent us by mail, all of we take it, is cooil proof that there thieving, malicious scoundrels" in tbo of tbo poitolUco department here, ousU no secret postal aent "sbad- em tfia var ronnrl. Hentinef ,1ors, however, speak sense llrilltr ni I'natfil Aivntir 1 1 ,f I n t npiin - 1 o t . isit tuu rcrritory more rrcquently ; uch to spy around post offices, as to rciwrt tho wants of people In tho wav 1 1 1 I a M 1 f 1 i-V r trr Ami m n a.ibcm aAntnll inz unnecessary ones, and nnnlvinir 1 v irii Tkoriniii m i in t aiv nnr rt ti'ibir thing that relates to tho probable of a second trans-continental rail- ijuug JUUiAUIU tllttb iUUJ 111 ll'l . : . . o o . 1 .0 I. . ii 1,1111 iiv nnimiti irnn rniviip 01 n slip to air their views of every new motion. tho Minku is overly anxious to learn cormorant, nnorr. una Mr!iiri'n fvirr- f t... Li ' 1 rt c 10 mvti uim. in orucr to cei nu 01 t. in all carnrwtness and alncoritv. wc .. - r II . .1 A ir . .1. -uiii.ui;wn ui isiiiuuu iiowa av m non anil Oil this coast, that the thing is iuht hit i n 11 r, nn 1 iriini innnninnnm t . . V I iil ill nil HTnnnafi rcmarK nnml nnt he irtfrmrrfrrl In point against us, nor to adorn n tale are nor mvsi rn rhn uniirnnii itinr Scott is styled. No, indeed. We vs v aw citnu w dm 1 ( 11 wms irOltl ttninit hAiAil e ilttnt it tttlli tMill- '"a, wv VH v L.O 14 fM I III! igo, and for fear that they might very Y that Mr Scott's eternal askinc for " .a-wv-a wajkua a....... and wo want railroad news, but not I.I 11 I InuA an...... Delegate io jOongrcss has shown that Lr a ni ..iir. 1 t 1 a x it 1 saying something in favor of giving 1 1: IT. ririna fin ,i a m r hinli n t wi &v niv uiiiii Vi v 1 1 1 vs j j mv uiiu wuwais wuu rv ijuch n iiia a a.i 1 1 a iinnrv I .i. . ".!. ii I I .r.L. "rinf fll W 30th, inforrai us that Gcldwator'a m loading witU tucrchancHso for 0. a & Uo., Preacutt, anil that ifi conac of tho heavy. niu ftVoyp HlP f Ivor 'na rapidly, PIIESCOTT, A1UZ0NA, riMDAY EVENING, FEBltUAKY 87 Krom Jtomtny'i Dally.) Salt Rivor Valley. ICORUKSf ONIIKNUB OP THE AUIZONA MINEIl. I'lKKNix, Maricoja Uounly, A. T., ) January 'M, 187-1. $ The ditches aro all dry. The Swilling Ir rigating (JanijI is tho most iniortant one in tho Valley, wmi which it is estimated there is ns much grain as on all the others. At n meeting of tho stockholders of that ditch, on Tuesday, a part of the members thought it imjiossible to clean out in time to get water to oavo the grain, and abandoned all their right therein. Tho others will begin clean ing out on Monday. Those who becuded pro jxmc taking out u now ditch. The coat f re pairing tho dam and ditch of the Swilling company has been variously estimated at from Sa5,(X) to iJ-'W.OOO. Tho planting ol grain has ceased, and iome say that tho grain already in will be ruined, while others con tend that nut more than one half will be lost. At present, it is impossible for any person to ajmroxiinatu the damage, as it depends prin cipally on the ditches being repaired in good time. Tho TeniHi ditch is said not to liuvo been injured very seriously. Mr Van Orman, from over the river, tells me that tho I'res cott and Maddux ditches are improved and tho Enterprise ditch entirely ruiued by the flood. Tho Little Giant, (alio known as the Collins ditch), is said to have been washed out wider and deeper by tho water. Tbo Griflln ditch was badly damaged. The peo ple living on Salt Kiver and Monterey ditches 6ay that they are not injured nearly as much as was expected. Work will commence ou all the ditches on Monday or Tuesday next. Since thu last storm the weather has been warm and pleasant, with slight indications of rain. The preaching at the Capital House, on Sunday, was well attcuded. On Sunday night last, in the dance home, Georgo Gardner was set upon by a party of men, knocked down, stabbed and robbed of a pistol, watch and $5. lie is expected to recover. On Saturday last, T. W. ISrooks, at the risk of his own life, crossed tho river and found the break in the telegraph wire just on the other side. On Sunday, he rafted some poles over, with wire and implements with which to repair the same, but a party from the Gila got there juU ahead of him. On Saturday, Geo McKiniey, after waiting several days at llayden's Ferry, had to go up and cross tho river at Whitlow's. On Sunday, some Mexicans, while crossing i the river with some stock at Whitlow's place, by carelessness, drowned a very line lioreo ' bclongtug to Hooker. Mr Ilyron, who was in town during thei week, with I)r Jones1 train, paid out some very tine gold bullion which came from hill Smith's mill, near Wickcnburg. Tho writer hereof received from C. II. Gray a bar of the same worth $221. Win Itowc, from Maryville, was in town with some very rich specimens from his new mines. J. D, Monihon and Capt Hancock were de tained at Maricopa Wells ono week by tho high water. They were unablo to cross the Gila until .Mr Jas A. Moore built a boat and ferried them over. Dob. Established 1804. Mineral Pa hi, Mohave county, is ono of the mining camps of this Territory, whoso pcoplo expect speedy and profitable working of a rich mine, which in this instance is the Keystone, out of which, a few months ago, workmen were driven by water. This water is there yet, but, an tho company have re ceived a pump and hoisting works, all the way from San Francisco, they and all tho peoplo of the Park, whose faith in the rich ness and permanency of tho Keystone has al ways been strong, feel that the good time for them has already come. We have taken a good look at the mine in question, and shall be disappointed if it does not come up to tho most sanguino expecta tions of the many people who believe it to bo a good and true vein of rock, carrying sufficient silver and gold to rehnburto all now, or who may hereafter be, connected with it. Mr A. II. Peoples, of Wickcnburg, under date of January 30, lends us the following concerning his recent visit to tho newly dis covered hot springs : I havo just returned from a trip with Geo Monroe and party to the hot springs, lately discovered by them, and a visit to Iko IJrad shaw's silver mine. The spring is situated on Castle creek, about six miles from Hum bug creek, where Monroe and several other parties have rich gold mines, and ton miles from Uradihaw's famous silver lode. This spring flows 40 or 50 inches of clear, crystal water, and no very warm that it is uncomfort able to bathe in, at the head of thu snriusr. I know not what mineral properties this water contains, nut uavo sent a small bottle to Cal ifornia to have it analyzed. This spring U in a beautiful place, surrounded with flno sce nery, and if tho water prove possessed of uicuiL-iiiai properties u win certainly lie a place of resort in a few years. Gkn Hookkk vs. Gkn HowAkd. 'Fight ing Joe," was recently interviewed by a re porter of the New York Sun, concerning F. J'a opinion of Gen Howard, which, 1m bo brief, is, that, in tho army, Howard was a mischief maker, canting hyiwcrito and very poor soldier. He used to bother Hooker with untruthful talcs about Gen Slocum and other corps commanders, and was particular to keep religious mottoes plastered all over his (Howard's) tent. Tho Gen said ho had al ways looked upon Howard as a bad man, hut never thought him tho thief he has proved to be, -) That famous exterminator of bad Indians, Lieutenant Ilicc, 23d, Infantry, recently struck Del-Ghe's band, in tho Pirial moun tains, killing vlercn of them. If exposure to the elements, strategy and bravery bo wor thy of reward in our military service, Kico hau certainly a largo claim against govern ment. . ') The Mtxen would thank tho editors of the Los Angeles' Daily Henild to ccaso stealing matter from its columns, a theft tho Herald has frequently been guilty of, and one which no decent editor would think of committing. 4 -a. I, . , i i Tl(a last "happening-)," orpventt of J873, rifo priutcd to-day. Mr In- (Prom Turtdny Dally ) Evont3 of tho Year 1873. August Continued. 2W. On the 27th, at Phoenix, son of J 1 horn is llarnum, aged 3 y eats. Sho-Shet and Tillv-Chillv. tWIl (if tlin T dians engaged in thu murder of Lieut Almy, at the San Carlos reserve June 27, came to grief. Tho first was killed bv another Indian anu tnc latter captured by Maj. llrown's command and sent to Fort Alcatraz. Aug. 22, thu Governor arrived 'at Tucson from a trip to 1'rescott, Wallapai minos,Khr unberg utid Yuma. August 27, tho annual feast of St Augus tine commenced at Tucson, to continue ten days. On tho 18th, Edward Lumlcy was murder ed at Kcnyon Station, on tho Oils, by two Mexicans. Tho deed was jiorotrateU while Lumlcy was asleep; ho being stabbed in 11 places. Tho murderers, for a time, cscajed. August 20, Wauba Yuma, chief t)f the Apache Yuma, was made a good Indian through tho fatal effects of a kick from a horse. On the 27th, A. W. Callcn and thirty.four others arrived, with fifteen wagons, from Junction City, Kansas. On the 17th, in the evening, the residents of Yuma were surprised by the apjearance of a large meteor. August 31, O. E. Price (pack-mastcrj and his party were attacked by u baud of Tonto Apaches, 25 miles cast of Cami Hcno. Hub ert Coyle, a discharged soldier, received a wound from tho eflecu of which ho died. September. On the 2d, the erection, at Fort Whipple, of the first telegraph polo in Arizona. The ground was brokeu by Mrs Gen Crook, and Mrs Gen Dins, nt the samo time, breaking the christening bottle. Capt Nickerson, Ad jutant General of the Department, and John 11. Marion, editor of tho Mincii, delivered appropriate addresses, and the proceedings closed with national airs from tho 23d U. S. Infantry band. Lieut Trout, with company H, 23d Infantry, commenced constructing the line immediately after the initiatory ceremo nies. Sept. 0, Poland and Ed Powers attacked by Indians near Jme Pine on Ilig Hug creek, while on a prospect. Poland's borne was killed. News wai received of tho capture, on the California aide of tho river, of tho Lumley i murderers. They resisted arrest, and one of I them was killed and the other wounded, cap tured and lodged in tho Yum jail. lhrn and Died On the oveuiuirof 11th. at Prescott, to the wife of John 0. Potts, a son, who died tho following morning. Dud. At Lamp McDowell, ou tho iltli. Kobe r l Coyle, from effects ot a shot wound by Apaches. At Camp McDowell, Sept. 8th, Thomas McGinnie. Married. Sept. ICth, John II. Marion to Flora E. Hangbart. Elliot Uro. established the first match fac tory in the Territory, at Prescott. Del-Che. TontO chief, lea the Verde reser vation with 18 bucks and 24 squaws, about tlic20tb. On tho lGtb inst., John B. Townsend was killed, by Apaches, near Dripping Springs. He was the bravest and most dauntless white man that ever trod the soil of Arizona, and had sent 3d Apaches to tho happy hunting ground e'er ho met his fate. med. sept, o, at rort luma, 1st Lieut Lafayette Hammond. On tho Utb, at Tucson, David Morgan, of consumption. On the 12th, at Prescott, J. II. L. Wor't. mann, of consumption. On the 12th, at Tucson, Raphael. Hon. On tho 10th, nt Tucson. Wra C. Hmwn. a son of Mr and Mrs C. 6. Ilrnvn .!. 14 months and 20 days. Mantel Sept, 14, in Tucson, Ambrose G. Scott to Guadalupe Baldenegros. Born. Sept. 1, in Yuma, to tho wife of Dr Goodwin, a son. Sept. 7, in Tucson, to tho wife of Chas II. ileyera, daughter. Messrs White, Scott Je Johnson discovered the Vesuvius mine, in Walnut Grove dis trict, during thU month. Manuel Subiate, the survivor of the Lum ley murderers, whilo en refute to the county 6cat of Maricopa county, was takon from the sheriff and lynched, at Kenyon station on the Gila, the scene of his crime. A boy, named Wm LoILoy, was killed at Yuma on tho 14th, by a heavy box falling on htm. 7orn. At Camp Lowell, near Tucson, on tho 30th, to the wife of C. D. Rivers, a sun. Manitd. In Tucson, Sept. 21, J. S. Mans fcld to Sra Jesus Bojorques. Dan Curran skedaddled with about S5.0O0 of money belonging to his partner, John Smith, of Camp McDowell. October. October C, public school oponed at Pres cott. with Miss Kolly as teacher. Married. t Miller Valloy, near Prescott, October 2, Mr T. D.Sanders to Miss Cynthia Miller. About October 2, Lieut Schuyler and com mand mado 14 good Indians near the east fork of tho Verde. Horn. In Ccrbat, Mohave county, Oct. 5, to the wife of Wm. Mayes, a daughter. Richard Cellers was killed by tho occi dental discharge of his own gun, on tho 10th inst., near Burnt ranch. Georgo Thrasher and Andrew Steinbrook were killed, each at the other's hands, on the 10th. An old feud existed between tho par ties. Geo. Lount was awarded contract for new county building on the 11th. October 20, troops under command of Ma jor Brown killed 21 and captured K Indians, in Tonto Basin. Married. In Prescott, October 16, Edward G. Peck to Miss Sarena Ellen Alexander. torn. In Tucson, October C, to the wife of Win. F. Scott, u daughter. Died. In Prescott, October 20, William Crawford. Horn. In Tucson, October 24, to the wifa of I. Goldberg, a daughter. Married In Prescott, October 29, Wash ington French to Miss Bsrscna Rogers. In Tucson, October 28, Dr H. A. Wilbur to Miss Hafaela Sahizar. November. On the Cth, news reached hero of the pro motion of Lieut Col Georgo Crook to tbo rank of Brigadior-Gcncral. Died. In Prescott, November 4, A. C, Williamson, of tumor in tho breast. Ihm. In Prescott, November 2, to tho wife of J. J. Buckmau, a sou. . In Prescott, November 7, to the wife of ... ... ii uuvur, ii run. On November 11 tho military tcloirrnnh I....l . . .S. 1 nu nra wiujwwu iiumeeii liunaanii rres cott, and congratulatory dispatches flashed over the line. l)itd.n Tucson, November 3, Oscar Hut- ion, oi lypuoid lever. Ihm In Prescott, Nov. 10, to the wife of I. . bimmons, a son. Married. In PliM'uix, November 11, Thus. untTes w .hiss isaociia jj. urown. November 18, telegraph completed between Prescott and Sun Dieuo. Ihm. In Prescott, November 28, to tho wife of 0. B. Genung, a daughter. On the 15th, Juines McDertnott commit ted suicide at Gila City, with a revolver. Married. In Washington, I). C, Novem ber 25, Richard C. McCormick, of Arizona, to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Allen G. ihiirman, of Ohio. Died At Ccrbat, November 20, A. Lands berg. December. On the 4th, Gen Crook took tho oath re quired upon accepting tho position of Briga dier uenerai. On the 1st, the Daily Arizona Mikkk mado Its first appearance, beintr the first daily patier attempted in this Territory. li'irn in 1'rescott, Uec. 1, to tbo wife of U. U, .lewcil, a daughter. In Prescott, Dec. 4, to the wife of John W. Davis, a daughter. Manied. hi Tucson, Dec. 4. Win. J. Os- born to Miss Anna Johnson. Dtel At Fort Yuma. Dec. 2. tho" infant son of Rebecca S. and Capt 0. Whcaton. 23d mianiry. Ou Dec. 1st, a younc Indian was murdered and the body frightfully mutilated, at Fort luma. Died. At Fort Whipple, Dec. 17. Hospital Steward Benton. Manied. In Yuma, Dec. 14, T. J. Bid well to Miss Frances V. Bishop. In Prescott, Dec. 17, John C. Leonard to Miss Grachius Buscus. Dud. In San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 21, Herbert Bowers, suttlcr at Fort Whipple. He was well-known and highly respected throughout the Territory. Married. In Prescott, Dec. 24, Samuel Dennis to Miss Benin Romaro, In Prescott. Dec. 21, Chas. L. Rail to Miss Mclvina Waterman. About Dec. 20tb, Lieut W. F. Rice's com mand attacked two email ranchcrias in the foot-hills of the MatUal mountains, near cast fork of tho Verde rivr, dispatching 21 bucks and capturing 2 women and 10 children. Married. In lucson, Dec. 14, Thomas Hughes to Senorita Donetila Santoyo. At Whipple Heights, Dec 27, Lieut Fred erick L. Dodge, 23d Infantry, to Miss Laura, daughter of the late Major F. ClemenU W On Willow Creek, Dec 2C, to the wife of C. L. Ferguson, a daughter. About the 2Gth, Lieut. Schuyler's scout killed 27 Indians in Tonto Basin. MOHAVE COUNTY. A. a. tlATU. ALIllR kASIIAU, DON'T READ THIS, Unless you wan't to find out that you can Buy Goods at Roduced Rate, of DAVIS & RANDALL, -A. I? HVEI3STEHA.Ij PARK, DL'ALKRS IN Groceries and Provisions. CLOTHING AND HARDWARE, TOKACX'O AND CI CM KM, 33ru ixncl lIocLiciiioHj, Who ar. al.o rre:rl to 8III1' OUEfJ AND UUI.LIOM, avu huk. nuvrai kVlT.BC. oo u. Muj.. UvY4 Wm. Coax. jous C. Potts. Cory Sc I?ott, SELL CIIJEVJP for CASH, EVEBY THING NEEDED BY EVERYBODY at Tur.m hToni: is ckubat. wallapai district, moiiavj; cousty, ahizoxa Ti:miToitv. We keep on hand, a large Aaaortment of DRUGS AM) MEDICINES. Cill nml TJ. aofl7T2 Wallapai Assay Office. Cerbat, Mohave County, Arizona, I W to Inform th.mtnrn and polillo la (rami that 1 hare ur-ratd an Away 0c at Ortwt. Wallaal DUIrtrt, wbcr I am rrrrti to do aay work la Um 11b. tf my botluvM. I bar. Eda'wd Prices to Belt tin That, r'j i Slur!. A.uja for Ld, Oold and SUrrr JM S'.nnlr Autri tir Cujrr 3,00 Slnirl. A.i.ji fur Cojr. Oold aad flllrrr TJM Sllrrr Dalllua Bieltnl and Aiuj-fd at 2 pr oa-st, ut ala. rerwM wndlar or. will oUrr. th. followlair ralat rnW.riM Ui ore. and mil tboruiffbly . mi about two none, of ntl ituapW , If I baa on. aaoipl., mark the aaisf In plain figure. KnalU fires br rerun tnaU. C PLUTZ, Aui) ir, Strango meeting that in New York. Im menso mass meetings of destitute working men, with much violent talk froa trie lead ers and communistic cheers, groans anj ntMe4 from the listeners, while, as ir l0 jTC n ular European aspect, to tDC affair, we are told that police till ,0 can-t reJ, ba,r themselves trying v, jp the ppii from committing sor.(0 CXCVM Verily, the carry trigs on say ir 0f .J,trong governments,' and should ,Cftrn our people of the inequality ex lsUr,g between tho rich and the ioor in the ''(jreat metropolis of the u Laud of the Free ' f I T ! .1 9y a, , aim idc nurac oi xne iiraTe. n may oe that some European demagogues and agita tors are taking active parts in this Parisian business, yet, it is not at all unlikely that there is great suffering and sympathy for tho Commune among our poor countrymen and women, who are neglected by the capitalists and immigration .agent. The lesson of all this is is that the East is overcrowded, and such being the case, tho Federal and State Governments ought to encourage the extra poor to come west, where thoy can, by labor, earn an honest living. A referenco to yesterday's dispatches in the Miner will satisfy everybody that, in Congressman Nesmith of Oregon, white peo ple afllicted by Indians have a true friend. able and fearless defender. Nesmith knows Indians about as well as any living mao, and his testimony concerning their scalp taking ways, although in conflict with such canting slick-doodles as O. O. Howard, is as gold to chaff. "Regimental Fun." This is the name of a small, but interesting weekly paper, of a military caste, published at Santa Fc, New Mexico, from which we learn that Capt Ho hart, who formerly served at Fort Whipple, has recently transferred to the 3d Infautry with Capt Morris, who takes Capt Hobart's place in tho oili Uavaln. The same paper states that the Band (mounted) plays at Santa Fo every Saturday afternoon. PAUL BR EON, Camp Mohave, Arizona. DEALK IS Groceries, Provisions, Liipnri.. Terr''ttr! '1, .1,. a SO GENERAL dIERCIIADLSE. Casp itokat., Arlniaa. January 7, 1873. Ja)fe Business & Professional Cards. COLES BASHFORD, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Tarnon, Arltana, Will practice hit prufeulon la all tli Court! of lb. Territory Jf.ll.CAIITTrrt. II. NCARTTKa, JR. H. H. CAETTEE & SON, Attorney mid Counselor nt Law. PrcacMtt, Vavaaal Cnantv, Arlaona. Will attend to tmtla-M la all tin evuru of tb Tertiiitfy J. I. IIARGRAVE, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Montezuma street, 1'rescott, Arizona. JOHN HOWARD, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Prescott, Arizona. JOII1V A. RUSH, Attorney at Law, Phcenlx, Arizona, Will itrictlj- attend to all ImaineM entnntd to Mm, Id tb. eTrrai wouru ot uecora in tb Territory. Prompt attention ghea to Collect! ctJ. J. E. McCAFFRY, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Main Street. Taie.on, A, T. J. N. HtcCANDLESS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, timre, .ortli Ktde, of Plain, Pre.eott. HENEY W. FLEUEY, PROBATE tfTTlDGt-E, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. WM. A. HANCOCK, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Blank Declaratory- luumtau, Ad Lrl Blanki ot all klnda. Bills collect mapUr ITxmli, Hartropa Co. Ariaooa, Jan. 6th. 1872. E. IRVI1YE, Attorney at Xj a " . Phoenix, Marioopa County, A. T. Ottw, ia tb. Newt Perot, on tfe Waat iM. f tb. ITaxa. A. E. DAVIS, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Xltcrsl Park, Kcaars Gouty, Arfsesa, Win sltewl So Wal tmrintat 1 all tk. mrt U tba aahetf Fhom A, W. Callk.v. Thisgcntleman has written us tho following note, dated Junc tion City, Kansas, January lSth: Your favor of the 5tu came duly lo hand. I was glad lo hear from you, and thai Arlroua aaa ftt- iing agooa well in jr. i eousraiuwie you ou tue appearance of the Daii.v Mineu. Financial iiro.tratlon now binds mod of our active business mcu from thu Atlantic to thu caitern base of the Hocky Mountains. Ilut, I am in hopes to reach l'nwcoti ai;aln nuxt tall, with sntilclent force nn J machinery to pronuwiy work the mines. A. W. Callcn, REDUCTION TOLLS AND FERRIAGE. THE 1'RESCOTT AND MOHAVE TOLL HOAD Co, bar. reduced the rate, of toll to one-ivarth the uiaal rat o all rtotk drirea to Ariaoaa orer tb Pneoott and ifo&ST. Tell Karnd, (excel M LictaM f-r laitktr.) The rate of ferriage at th. IlardytUle Terry will U, on mk eatU., lea iiti jr tieadj ca aheap, foataor snf. oae cent per bend ratae of ferrlua will remala oolr uaUl Mar, or a.lH tbe htfh water vt to. Cvrm'ir rfree, tirv. IWrwa;. a. per contract. No cbarje tor ferrylof work aturk ea mil from Call fornla to lTTtx when full toll 1. raild. I'HKSCOTT k. MOUAVK TOLL ROAD CO. Per WM. II, IIAHIir. riardyrllle, January 1. 1874. janlSM J. O0LOWATEB k BS0., Wholes a lk Deal ens, Fonraxding and Commission Merchants, KhrcntMrgt rilESCOTT. ORIENTAL Restaurant, Bakery and Saloon Next door to the Miner Office. FRKNII BREAD, PIE, CAICEN, goodIjoard, Faralahod hy the Week, Day, or Meal, at the fallawtng prlrea i rr WVl Ten dollar, rsmaey, ISlcule MeaU S.ieoly St. ceata. Good Larer. Ileer Wlnea, Liquor and CI cart, kept oon lauUyoo hand, for the acooranivdatlon uf cuitinuer. JOHN KTCMMElt, Ir.prietor. Ireeitt, April 12, 1(173. PACIFIC BREWERY. MONTEZUMA STREET, Next door lo thu .Miner Office, rrescott. GOOD LAGER REER, Liqwr tid Cigar i, Always on hand and for sale. JOHN ItAIBLB, Proprietor. rreott. January 13. 1672. Tho nomination, hy the President, of Geo Tyng, as U. S. Marsha) of Arizona, gives en tire Fatisfactimi to tbo peopte of this section of tho Territory, who know Mr. T. to ho a good, honest man. .. . . I. Major E. W. Crittenden, 5th cavalry, has been granted loavo of absence for fifteen days. ThoNegrophohists huvo struck a rich thing in tho porion of congressman Elliot, of South Carolina, who has siwken a piece, written, no doubt, by Senator Sumner, or some other whilo "master" of language, grace ami elo quence According to those follows, Elliot knocked the pins from under Aleck. Stevens and other ablo white men. The legislatures of Colorado, Now Mexico and Montana aro in session. Ours will not meet until November next. MONTEZUMA BAR & BILLIARD saloon, MONTEZUMA STREET, l'KESCOTT. We hare rwently rvnorated and filed up our aaloon in fine ') l", ana have nova oui iue cnom.i WINES, LIQUORS, nnd CIGARS, rou oun jWtroxs and the ruiiLtc. BILLIARDS. W haee two of J. Htrah!. t Co't ftneit Taulra. with Delaney'a I'ateot wire cublnn, whleh are far tuperlor to any olher now in um. nilllardltta will plea, mil and lade, for tuemeelTC We hnv. a Club lUnim, fur ceDllemr a, attarhed to tUa ,lar,Uwra CA.LUKKtcO. rrrmutt. A-ut 3, 1873. J. L. FISHER, Auctioneer and (amission MERCHANT. Salesroom, North Side of Plaza. , Arltona. Fred. Williams Haa oa kaod, at hU sew Saloon, oa Berth aide cf Plata riXELYFIiAVORE LIQUORS, of all klnda, Ujrether with a Utgt stock ol CAHKTUXiIiY SELECTED CIOAR& PRINTED BLANKS ....roR.... Location of Mining Claims FOR SAI.E AT THE MINER OFFICE. No Prwreetor or Mlaer tbnaM ro Into ta wrnatn ) out a 'apply of thee, eery kandy and eorrect MrtaJy-iuad. nourea. wm. x. mur, v. a. trrantENs. Kelly & Stephens, NEWS AGENTS ASH PEALCBS 1.1 BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONARY, NUTS, Tobacco and Cigars, Fancy Goods, Yankee Notions, Fresh Fruit Garden Seed, Jko. rreeeott, Jaanary 18, ieTS jalS-T3tf. rttAXic itbcixu. Trioriiiixa Lohiixox. Pu reel la & Loisillon, Hate now on hand, at their PKICK HtORK, (Rartsna'a old atand), Goodwin Street, all kind of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CLOTHING. UOOXS As SHOES, MXNXNO TOOLS, LIQUOItS, &&, Which they offer ftraata cheap. f.b8lf CHARMINt DALE STAYfON, Four Miles East of Caaap II Halpai. Nerer falllnc WATKH, Id abuodanc. HAY and QUAIN" alwart ready lor teamitere. H. C. KOOERS. Mte T. 11. CAimn AXl) I.AIir. fioperlntendenti. Janlyl Tilton's Steam Washer, woman'Tfriehd, Jl-pr.i: II. IWOOKR, of rreacott, has tb right to man. ufactura and tell tbww tnachloee, and he will Im pleaied to (rive further InformaUon conre rnlny them. Tli. prW of a maclilne here irill a4 fall far eliort of t'A 'l'lite, owIdc to tiw fact that tha tnttonunf Hum sour mudo are of ooppvr. Oae of Ihtao watlteri can be eea nt th itnm of K. C. Itojen, SouUi ilooteaama Htreet, DUX WEED REMEDY 0E 0REQ0K RHED. uwua ir. Keuiaii a urui( rsimo. AL.I. VJslSe ttud ffoauiu, at Dili I'llE l'ATKN'l' iIL.f.H, FltKyil KKNALi;a tloueer AR AND IILLIARD SALOON, Montexuma Street, Corner Qurley. LARGEST AND BEST SALOON JAr NORTHERN ARIZONA. deeldwtf A. U MOKLLCR, I-rtfrletor, NIFTY SALOON, AT THE "HirTT," 0 MONTEBDMA BT THE TIIIRSTV CAN CET GOOD WHISKEY, RUM, OIN, BRANDY, KTJMMETj, SAVICIC'l OR SOUK WINUIB, And Tolerabla Water. Drop la. a.Biac.soLiA watiui, r-umiiiA eCSTVaU-r and the bett Wrl((ht'a Colopne, I'retb MAHNOLIA. andOtnuIue at I) II. KUMAl.L fKmeerUruff IrtOTa